The image of Sharikov and the phenomenon of Sharikovism in M.A. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog. "Heart of a Dog" characterization of heroes Street life of a dog

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov is the main negative character of the story "Heart of a Dog", the man into whom the dog Sharik turned after the operation of Professor Preobrazhensky. At the beginning of the story, it was a kind and harmless dog, who was picked up by the professor. After an experimental operation to implant human organs, he gradually assumed a human form and acted like a person, albeit immoral. His moral qualities left much to be desired, since the transplanted organs belonged to the deceased recidivist thief Klim Chugunkin. Soon, the newly converted dog was given the name Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov and presented with a passport.

Sharikov became a real problem for the professor. He was rowdy, pestered neighbors, molested servants, used foul language, got into fights, stole and drank heavily. As a result, it became clear that he inherited all these habits from the former owner of the transplanted pituitary gland. Immediately after receiving a passport, he got a job as the head of the subdepartment for cleaning Moscow from stray animals. Sharikov's cynicism and heartlessness forced the professor to perform another operation to turn him back into a dog. Fortunately, Sharik's pituitary gland was preserved in him, so at the end of the story Sharikov again became a kind and affectionate dog, without boorish habits.

In the course of studying the work of Mikhail Bulgakov, schoolchildren go through the story "Heart of a Dog". One of the key characters in this work is Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. All the ideological and plot content of the story is concentrated on this image. So, we have a characteristic of Sharikov. "Dog's heart". Essay by a 9th grade student.

Mikhail Bulgakov wrote his story "Heart of a Dog" in 1925. But readers were able to get to know her only after more than 60 years - in 1987. And this is not surprising - after all, in this work the author ridicules the Soviet reality, which he, like many representatives of the intelligentsia of that time, was very unhappy with.

The main characters of the story are Professor Preobrazhensky and Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov. The first image causes sympathy and respect. Preobrazhensky is a very smart, educated, educated and decent person. But the characterization of Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog" is extremely negative.

Polygraph Poligrafovich was born as a result of an experiment by a professor who conducted experiments in the field of rejuvenation of the human body. Preobrazhensky performed a unique operation, transplanting the brain of a dead man to the yard dog Sharik. As a result, the dog turns into a human. He was named Polygraph Poligrafovich.

From his "donors" Sharikov took the worst. From a mongrel - the property of snapping, rushing after cats, catching fleas, etc. From a convicted thief, a bully and an alcoholic - the corresponding features: laziness, arrogance, stupidity, cruelty. The result was an explosive mixture that horrified Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Bormental. They were shocked and upset by their offspring. And no matter how much they tried to instill in him the features of a normal person, they did not succeed.

But the society accepted Sharikov quite calmly. He even received a responsible position and enjoyed authority in his circle. This made Polygraph Poligrafovich more and more arrogant and cruel. Seeing that his behavior did not cause the condemnation of society, but on the contrary, Sharikov became an even greater moral monster than he was originally.

As a result, Preobrazhensky could not stand it and returned the unbelted monster into the body of a dog. But what did Bulgakov want to say to all these readers? In my opinion, the image of Sharikov in the work symbolizes all those who came to power through the revolution. Uneducated, narrow-minded, lazy and arrogant people imagined themselves to be the masters of life, and turned a normal country into a ruin. In a fantastic story, the professor managed to "put the genie back into the bottle."

But in real life, alas, this is impossible. Therefore, each person should think over his actions very well. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Measure seven times, cut once.” Otherwise, such monsters as Sharikov may appear in the world. And it's really scary!

Ball- the main character of the fantastic story "Heart of a Dog" by M. A. Bulgakov, a homeless dog who was picked up and sheltered by Professor Preobrazhensky. This is an eternally hungry, frozen, homeless dog that wanders in doorways in search of food. At the beginning of the story, we learn that a cruel cook scalded his side, and now he is afraid to ask someone for food, lies against a cold wall and waits for the end. But suddenly the smell of sausage comes from somewhere and he, unable to stand it, follows her. A mysterious gentleman walked along the sidewalk, who not only treated him to sausage, but also invited him to his house. Since then, Sharik began a completely different life.

The professor took good care of him, cured his sore side, brought him into proper shape and fed him several times a day. Soon Sharik began to turn away even from roast beef. The rest of the inhabitants of the professor's large apartment also treated Sharik well. In response, he was ready to faithfully serve his master and savior. Sharik himself was a smart dog. He knew how to distinguish letters on street signs, he knew exactly where the Glavryba store in Moscow was, where the meat counters were. Soon something strange happened to him. Professor Preobrazhensky decided to conduct an amazing experiment on transplanting human organs on it.

The experiment was a success, but after that Sharik began to gradually take on a human form and behave like the former owner of the transplanted organs - the thief and recidivist Klim Grigoryevich Chugunkin who died in a fight. So Sharik turned from a kind and smart dog into an ill-mannered boor, an alcoholic and a brawler named Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov.

"Heart of a Dog" characteristic of Preobrazhensky

Preobrazhensky Philip Philipovich- the central character of the fantastic story "Heart of a Dog" by M. A. Bulgakov, the luminary of medicine of world importance, an experimental surgeon who has achieved remarkable results in the field of rejuvenation. The professor lives and works in Moscow on Prechistenka. He has a seven-room apartment, where he conducts his experiments. Housekeepers Zina, Daria Petrovna and temporarily his assistant Bormental live with him. It was Philip Philipovich who decided to conduct a unique experiment on a stray dog ​​to transplant the human pituitary gland and testicles.

As a test subject, he used a stray dog ​​Sharik. The results of his experiment exceeded expectations, as Sharik began to take on a human form. However, as a result of this physical and psychological humanization, Sharik turned into a terrible rude, drunkard and violator of law and order. The professor connected this with the fact that he transplanted the organs of Klim Chugunkin, a brawler, a recidivist thief, an alcoholic and a bully, to the dog. Over time, rumors about a dog that turned into a man leaked out and the creation of Preobrazhensky was issued an official document in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. Moreover, the chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, forced Philip Fillipovich to register Sharikov in the apartment as a full-fledged inhabitant.

Sharikov is the complete antipode of the professor, which leads to an insoluble conflict. When Preobrazhensky asked him to leave the apartment, the matter ended with threats with a revolver. Without a moment's hesitation, the professor decided to correct his mistake and, having put Sharikov to sleep, performed a second operation, which returned the dog's good heart and former appearance.

"Dog's heart" characteristic of Sharikov

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov- the main negative character of the story "Heart of a Dog", the man into whom the dog Sharik turned after the operation of Professor Preobrazhensky. At the beginning of the story, it was a kind and harmless dog, who was picked up by the professor. After an experimental operation to implant human organs, he gradually assumed a human form and acted like a person, albeit immoral. His moral qualities left much to be desired, since the transplanted organs belonged to the deceased recidivist thief Klim Chugunkin. Soon, the newly converted dog was given the name Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov and presented with a passport.

Sharikov became a real problem for the professor. He was rowdy, pestered neighbors, molested servants, used foul language, got into fights, stole and drank heavily. As a result, it became clear that he inherited all these habits from the former owner of the transplanted pituitary gland. Immediately after receiving a passport, he got a job as the head of the subdepartment for cleaning Moscow from stray animals. Sharikov's cynicism and heartlessness forced the professor to perform another operation to turn him back into a dog. Fortunately, Sharik's pituitary gland was preserved in him, so at the end of the story Sharikov again became a kind and affectionate dog, without boorish habits.

"Dog's heart" characteristic of Bormental

Bormental Ivan Arnoldovich- one of the main characters of the story "Heart of a Dog" by M. A. Bulgakov, assistant and assistant to Professor Preobrazhensky. This young doctor is fundamentally honest and noble by nature. He is completely devoted to his teacher and is always ready to help. He cannot be called weak-willed, because at the right time he knows how to show firmness of character. Preobrazhensky accepted Bormental as an assistant when he was still a student at the department. Immediately after graduation, a capable student became an assistant professor.

In a conflict situation that arose between Sharikov and Preobrazhensky, he takes the side of the professor and tries his best to protect him and other characters. Sharikov was once just a stray dog ​​that was picked up and adopted by a professor. For the purposes of the experiment, the human pituitary gland and testicles were transplanted to him. Over time, the dog not only became human, but also began to behave like a person, like the previous owner of the transplanted organs - thief and recidivist Klim Chugunkin. When the rumor about the new resident reached the house committee, Sharik was given documents in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov and was registered in the professor's apartment.

Bormental carefully monitored the behavior of this impudent and ill-mannered creature, not shunning even physical violence. He had to move in with the professor for a while to help deal with Sharikov, whom he almost strangled in a rage. Then the professor had to perform a second operation to turn Sharikov back into a dog.

"Dog heart" characteristic Shvonder

Shvonder- a minor character in the story "Heart of a Dog", a proletarian, the new head of the house committee. He played an important role in introducing Sharikov into society. Despite this, the author does not give him a detailed description. This is not a person, but a public person, a generalized image of the proletariat. All that is known about his appearance is that a thick mop of curly hair towered on his head. He does not like class enemies, to which he refers Professor Prebrazhensky and demonstrates this in every possible way.

For Schwonder, the most important thing in the world is a "document", that is, a piece of paper. Having learned that an unregistered person lives in Philip Philipovich's apartment, he immediately obliges him to register him and issue a passport in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. He does not care where this man came from and the fact that Sharikov is just a dog transformed as a result of the experiment. Shvonder bows before the authorities, believes in the power of laws, regulations and documents. He does not even care that the professor has made a real revolution in science and medicine. For him, Sharikov is just another unit of society, a tenant of an apartment who needs to be registered.

One of the significant works in the work of M. Bulgakov is the story "Heart of a Dog". It was completed in 1925, but became available to the reader only in 1987.
The plot is based on the semi-fantastic story of the transformation of a dog into a man. An eminent scientist, a world-famous luminary, Professor Preobrazhensky has been dealing with the problems of body rejuvenation all his life. The final result of the experiment was to be the creation of a new, perfect man. Together with Dr. Bormental, Philip Philipovich performs a unique operation - he replaces the brain of a dog with the cerebral pituitary gland of a deceased man.
The forever hungry, homeless dog Sharik, after the operation, takes on a human form and becomes Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov. But this experiment cannot be called successful. Not at all the result the professor wanted to see.
And here the social and moral problems of the story come to the fore. Revolutionary reality destroys the "human", the humane in man. From the dog, Sharikov inherited all the worst qualities: he snaps, catches fleas, bites, runs after cats. From the person the same inclinations remained.
What kind of person was this? “Klim Grigoryevich Chugunkin, 25 years old, single. Non-partisan, sympathetic... Sued three times and acquitted... Theft. Profession playing the balalaika in taverns ... ". That is, Sharikov was given the genes of a brawler, a criminal and a drunkard.
This is just one side of the problem. The second, more serious, is the environment in which Sharikov was formed, the revolutionary reality of those years. Preobrazhensky tried to educate the "new man" in the spirit of the intelligentsia, to instill in him his way of life. But more participation in the "formation" of Sharikov's personality belongs to the chairman of the house committee, Shvonder. Preobrazhensky only thought of suggesting to his ward to read Robinson Crusoe, as he was already ahead of the “red agitator”, who suggested “this ... Like her ... correspondence of Engels with this ... like him - the devil - with Kautsky."
According to these words of Sharikov, one can already judge his narrow-minded mind. The response was extraordinary: “Bormenthal stopped a fork with a piece of white meat halfway, and Philipp Philippovich spilled the wine. Sharikov at that time contrived and swallowed vodka. The astonishment of the heroes is understandable: the underdeveloped man speaks of such a serious political document as "The Correspondence between Engels and Kautsky." What Preobrazhensky cannot achieve as an educator, Shvonder, who occupies the same level with Sharikov, could easily do. Therefore, the “newborn” is more familiar with short command slogans and quotations from Engels.
Sharikov is a narrow-minded, rude, selfish creature. It is disgusting for normal people, not only externally, but also internally. Instead of gratitude to his “parent”, he claims to have a living space, rudely insults and informs the relevant authorities.
Sharikov cannot be called completely stupid and narrow-minded. He perfectly feels the benefits of living at Preobrazhensky, since here you can “eat” for free. And when they tried to kick Sharikov out of the apartment, he showed “three papers”: green, yellow and white, issued by the housing association, confirming the right to live in apartment number five. It turns out that Sharikov arranged everything in advance, which speaks of his grasp of life.
Polygraph Polygraphovich is not as simple as it might seem at first. He never misses his advantage. Sharikov got a job not as a simple worker, but as the head of a subdepartment for cleansing the city from stray cats. His opinion about military service is interesting: “I won’t go anywhere to fight! .. I’ll take it on record, but to fight is a mess with butter.” It is surprising how quickly he found the reason for refusing to serve in the army: “I was seriously wounded during the operation,” Sharikov whined gloomily, “you see, how they beat me,” and he pointed to his head. A very fresh surgical scar stretched across his forehead. In another place, the hero explains the reason for the appearance of the scar in a different way, as a wound received during the years of the civil war on the “Kolchak fronts”.
Every day the subject becomes more and more arrogant. Scientists have no choice but to return it to its former appearance.
The story "Heart of a Dog" is tragicomic. Fantasy, reality and satire intertwined in it. The appearance of Sharikov reflects the shortcomings of the new social system, which M. Bulgakov did not accept.

From an ordinary mongrel dog, an ignorant and dangerous boor Sharikov is formed, inheriting from Klim Chugunkin (donor) not only the pituitary gland, but also an unsympathetic appearance, bad habits and a tendency to alcoholism. The author shows how gradually, "processed" by the chairman of the house committee Shvonder, Polygraph Poligrafovich (he chose such a name for himself), makes more and more demands on Professor Preobrazhevsky, becomes a threat to the whole house.

The first words that the man-dog utters are vulgar swearing and the lexicon of the tavern. Having become a man, he follows the habits and tastes of the three-time convicted frequenter of beer houses Klim Chugunkin plays the balalaika, dresses with blatant bad taste (“poisonous sky-colored” tie, patent leather boots with white leggings). Perhaps Sharikov would have remained within the framework of bad habits, not representing any particular danger, if not for Shvonder. Supported by the chairman of the house committee, Polygraph Poligrafevich begins to make exorbitant demands. To fair remarks, he snaps: “Something you are hurting me, daddy.” Sharikov considers himself a labor element. Theater for him is "one counter-revolution". The escalation of the outrages perpetrated by Sharikov is growing. He already demands to be called by name and patronymic, brings papers from the housing association to a living space of sixteen arshins, to this living space He brings suspicious personalities who turned out to be thieves, and then the bride. The patience of Preobrazhensky and Bormental runs out, but as soon as Sharikov feels threatened, he becomes dangerous. After disappearing for a few days, he appears in a new form. "He wore a leather jacket from someone else's shoulder", On paper; which Sharikov presented to the professor, it appeared that he "is the head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.) in the department of the IAC." Putting on a leather jacket, Sharikov finds himself "in his specialty", he felt the power and rudely uses it. Inspired by Schwonder, he composes a denunciation of the professor and his assistant, acquires a revolver and ultimately points it at Bormenthal, signing his own death warrant. Having undergone a reverse operation, the dog, of course, does not remember anything and is quite satisfied with his fate.

The experiment failed, the professor himself understands that he has gone too far in his scientific search. Scientific interest does not justify the monstrous results obtained in the competition with the Creator. The scene of the operation itself attracts attention: Bulgakov enhances the naturalism and physiology of the description, causing a feeling of disgust for what is happening. In excitement and excitement, the "creators" of the new human unit themselves lose their human qualities.

It is understandable why Bulgakov was then worried about the problem of such scientific creations: before his eyes, a social experiment more monstrous in its scale and results, conceived and carried out by political adventurers - a revolution and its consequences, was being carried out. A new type of person was being created - homo sovieticus, in whom the satirist saw first of all Sharikov.
