What is the path of becoming frost in the novel rout. II

Methodical methods: lecture with elements of conversation, control of students' knowledge - test.

During the classes.

I. Teacher's lecture

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev went from a novice writer, whose first novel was highly appreciated by Soviet critics, to the post of chairman of the Writers' Union of the USSR, and this path ended tragically.

1. A story about the life, work and death of A. A. Fadeev.

2. A brief review of the literary situation at the time of the creation of the novel "The Rout" by Fadeev.

"Blood" and "morality", "violence" and "morality", "goal" and "means" - these are the fundamental questions of life and revolution that have occupied the great minds of all times, painfully solved by the classics of world and Russian literature, and especially painfully by Dostoevsky and Tolstoy , in the first years after the October Revolution acquired unprecedented severity.

The revolution and civil war, which split society and the country in two, forced everyone to make a tough choice, inevitably raising questions: with whom am I? who am I for? These questions arose especially acutely and uncompromisingly before the representatives of the intelligentsia, who, on the one hand, sympathized with the people, the ideas of the revolution, and, on the other hand, defended the values ​​of culture from destruction, defended the principles of humanism and morality as the highest criteria of human existence. During these years, V. Ivanov, K. Fedin, M. Sholokhov, B. Lavrenev, K. Trenev, L. Seifullina.

The civil war, which shook a huge country, was perceived in literature in different ways: both as a tragedy of the people, entailing irreversible consequences, and as a romantically colored great event that cemented the victory of the Bolsheviks in the revolution. Under the conditions of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" the point of view that justified any means in the way of revolutionary gains, of course, dominated and won. The new “morality” was clearly expressed, for example, by L. Seifullina, who, of all human emotions, preferred “class hatred”: “Compassion and love can be deceived; hatred is a sacred, fighting feeling in a person’s struggle with evil, allows a person to see this evil in all its blackness through all sorts of embellishments.

Characteristic not only for those, but for many subsequent years, was romanticization of the civil war . The terrible tragedy, which had irreversible consequences for the country, was shrouded in a kind of heroic and romantic halo in the works of art of the Soviet years. Let's read at least M. Svetlov's poem "Grenada", let's remember a series of films about "elusive avengers". Revolutionary romance is characterized by extraordinary circumstances, the "elevation" of heroes, the author's obvious predilection for his heroes, the glorification of "us" and the belittling of "strangers", the mythologization of reality.

The author of Rout, which appeared as a separate edition in 1927, was a young writer who knew firsthand about the events of the civil war. He was its direct participant, an eyewitness. The book was immediately highly acclaimed. It was called "a work of great ideological and artistic scale", they said that its hero is "an era and struggle", M. Gorky attributed it to the number of books that give "a broad, truthful and talented picture of the civil war." Fadeev was recognized worthy successor of Tolstoy's epic tradition : a clear similarity of intonations, methods of revealing characters, close attention to detail, psychology . The novel is distinguished by a romantic worldview, the lyrical voice of the author, who clearly defined his place in the revolution.

Myself Fadeev saw the idea of ​​his novel in the alteration of "human material" during the revolution under the leadership of the communist organizer“In a civil war, a selection of human material takes place, everything hostile is swept away by the revolution, everything incapable of a real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is eliminated, and everything that has risen from the true roots of the revolution, from the millions of people, is tempered, grows, develops in this struggle.

There is a huge transformation of people. This transformation of people is taking place because the revolution is led by the foremost representatives of the working class, the communists, who clearly see the goal of the movement and who lead the more backward and help them to re-educate. That way I can determine the theme of the novel” (1932).

However, the real work went beyond this schematic framework.

A novel about the formation of a personality in the struggle for a revolution in a partisan detachment in the Far East It's called "Destruction".

II. Preliminary conversation on the novel
- Why is the work with the large-scale title "The Rout" limited to the history of one unit ?

It was important for Fadeev to show not so much the breadth and scope of the revolution as its depth - influence on a person , it was important to investigate the changes that took place with an individual under the influence of great historical events . With the whole tone of the narration, the author emphasizes the significance and tragedy of the events described, while highlighting the idea of ​​the victory of "revolutionary humanism".

What are features of the composition of the novel ?

Roman contains seventeen chapters . In the first nine, an outline of the characters and the situation is given. In essence, this is the exposition of the novel. In X-XIII chapters, the inner world of the heroes is revealed, in XIV-XVII - a test of the characters "in action".

The plot composition is the defeat of the detachment, the evidence of this defeat is approaching with each chapter. The path to destruction - This is an external storyline. But at the same time, this is a gradual penetration into the inner world and the complicated relations of the characters. The three parts of the novel, which we have arbitrarily identified, are three stages on the way to the defeat of the detachment. But at the same time this gradual penetration into the inner world and the complicated relationship of the characters .

A detailed exposition introduces the state of affairs in the detachment, the situation around the detachment, gives the first characteristics of the heroes, their relationships and conflicts. The fighting is not shown. fifth week the team is on vacation . Levinson, the commander of the detachment, receives instructions from the city "save unit" , even if small, but strong, disciplined. This plot of the novel .

The second part describes the endless transitions and the fight with the enemy in order to "save the combat unit", the detachment. There are no battle scenes, the author's attention stops at the scenes of respite, overnight stays, rest. It is in these scenes that key episodes in the problems of the novel : Frolov's death, the case of killing a fish, the confiscation of a pig from a Korean, Levinson's conversation with Mechik. These scenes are full of drama and dynamics no less than battle scenes, and for the main task - the preservation of the detachment - they are of decisive importance.

IN the last part has both a climax and a denouement . Fadeev draws a detachment in battle. Here the defeat of the detachment is depicted, all conflicts are resolved. Most importantly, it is shown what each hero is capable of at a decisive moment, how his essence is manifested .

III. Test on the work of A. M. Gorky, A. A. Blok, V. V. Mayakovsky(cm. )

Compare the images of Frost and the Sword: pick up episodes that characterize the characters.

For Fadeev, as a proletarian writer and active figure in the RAPP, it is very important opposition of heroes in class, socio-political terms . The opposition is always straightforward and unambiguous.

What feature of this opposition. ?

Antithesis - the main device of the novel . Contradiction occurs at different levels: external (“red” and “white”) and internal (instinct - consciousness, good - evil, love - hate, anarchy - discipline, etc.). The system of images also has an obvious antithesis. This is first of all opposition of two heroes - Sword and Frost . Frost is a worker, Sword is an intellectual. With this opposition, Fadeev decides in his own way the most important question: what are the ways of the people in the revolution . Let us recall how Bunin, Gorky, and Blok raised and resolved this question. Let's see how the author of "The Rout" answers this question.

II. Comparative analysis of the images of Frost and Sword

What Frost's way of becoming ?

Morozka is dedicated first chapter novel. The theme of Morozka's image is difficult, through ups and downs, the path of personality development .
Awareness of oneself as a person probably begins from the moment when a person begins to ask questions:
what is the meaning of my existence? Why was I born? What is the essence of life?
Morozka never asked himself such questions before joining the detachment. He was a "second generation miner". He was born "in a dark barracks, near mine number 2, when a hoarse whistle called the morning shift to work." The description of this joyful event - the birth of a person - is described in a harsh, business-like manner with dark colors. Frost appeared on the whistle, and his further life seemed programmed: “At the age of twelve, Morozka learned to get up on the whistle, roll trolleys, speak unnecessary, more obscene words and drink vodka.” The writer emphasizes typicality, ordinariness of a hero's life : "In this life, Morozka did not look for new roads, but walked along old, already verified paths." Several episodes even begin the same way: “When the time has come...” There were no hints of revolutionary spirit. Only the fact that Morozka did not betray the instigators of the strike to the police attracts attention. But in general, “he did everything thoughtlessly: life seemed to him simple, unwise, like a round Murom cucumber ...”

Which the event made Morozka look at life differently ?

The first milestone of self-awareness was for the hero his trial (chapter V) .
Frost at first did not understand that he was being judged: just think, he stole a melon; in the village "miners" often stole watermelons, cucumbers - it was in the order of things. But when he felt “hundreds of curious eyes” on him, when he stumbled upon the stern faces of his comrades, when he heard Dubov’s heavy words that he “dishonored the coal tribe”, Frost trembled, became “pale as a sheet”, “his heart fell in him, as if padded." The threat of expulsion from the detachment turned out to be unexpected and terrible for him. : “Yes, would I ... do such a thing ... Yes, I will give blood for each vein, and not that it’s a shame or what! ..” Having given the “miner’s” word, Frost kept it to the end.

What do we learn about Frost's life aspirations ?

Frost knows exactly why he is in the detachment. He your own in the revolutionary stream , because, despite all his antics and spontaneous breakdowns, he always reached out to the best, to the “right” people: “He tried with all his might to get on that, which seemed to him straight, clear and correct, the road along which people like Levinson, Baklanov, Dubov walked”(Chapter XII). Frost's "evil" thoughts that someone stubbornly prevents him from entering this "correct road" did not lead him to the conclusion that "this enemy is in himself, it was especially pleasant and bitter for him to think that he suffers because of the meanness of people - such as Mechik, in the first place.

How the image of the Sword develops in a novel?

Fadeev from the very beginning opposes brawler, drunkard and foul-mouthed Morozka clean, handsome Sword .
The sword is first shown with panicked people : "in a short city jacket, clumsily dragging a rifle, a lean boy ran, limping." Also, the Sword will rush about when, having betrayed his comrades, he will be saved from the chase (isn't his name also from these throwings?). "The guy's face was pale, beardless, clean, although smeared with blood." Note that this blood is random, as if the hero was not wounded, but only stained his "clean" face. Fadeev describes Mechik in such a way that it immediately becomes clear both his pitiful appearance and the author's attitude towards him . Frost saves him, risking his own life. In the last chapter, Frost saves the entire squad, betrayed by Mechik, at the cost of his life.

Mechik is dedicated second chapter novel, thus in the first two chapters, the main antithesis is determined, a conflict is outlined : "To tell the truth, Frost did not like the rescued at first sight" - Frost here shows a "class", intuitive flair. “Frost did not like clean people. In his life practice, these were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted. Frost's first impression is fully justified at the end of the novel. So the author immediately evaluates Mechik through Morozka , emphasizing it with various derogatory names : "bore", "yellow-mouthed", "snotty".

When describing the Mechik, Fadeev often uses words with diminutive suffixes that give the image contemptuous tone : “in a short city jacket”, “cheerfully whistled a cheerful city motive” - the “urban” origin of the hero is constantly emphasized. The sword blushes every now and then, sighs, speaks uncertainly, “closes his eyes in horror.”

What caused Mechik's internal conflict ?

Drawn into the meat grinder of civil war, The sword was horrified by the dirt, violence, the discrepancy between the two worlds - internal and external. At first, he "had a very vague idea of ​​what awaited him." Once in the detachment, he saw that “the surrounding people did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, liceier, tougher and more direct. External “cleanliness” and “dirt” will be opposed to internal ones, they will only change places .
In reality, Mechik dreams of "peace, sleep, silence". He reaches out to the kind, caring Varya, and immediately betrays his former love - “a girl in blond curls”: when Varya accidentally stepped on the photo with her foot, “The swordsman was ashamed even to ask for the card to be raised”, and then he tears the portrait of the girl himself in shreds. However, Sword's love for Vara is not real. He feels “almost filial gratitude” for her, dreams of “pink-quiet clouds”, of braids, “golden as noon”, of “good words”. Here the author directly says that “everything that Mechik thought about was not real, but the way he would like to see everything” .

Collisions with reality bring Mechik more and more disappointments in his romantic ideas about life. For example, in Chapter IX (episode with a horse) "boyishly proud hopes" collapse hero. Instead of a good horse, he was ordered to look after "a tearful mournful mare, dirty white, with a sagging back and a chaff belly." He felt humiliated and decided that he would not take care of the mare - "let him die." So the author reveals the failure of Mechik , explains the dislike for him in the detachment - everyone considered him a quitter and an asshole. If Morozka is drawn to the “right people”, then Mechik got along with Pika, Chizh, and learned the worst from them.

How the composition of the novel shows the author's attitude to Mechik ?

Fadeev constructs the novel in such a way that provides the Mechic with a range of options to merge with the squad to understand the inner essence of what is happening. But Mechik never saw "the main springs of the detachment mechanism and did not feel the need for everything that was being done." The sword loves, first of all, himself, pities himself, justifies himself.

Which episode reveals the true essence of Frost and Sword ?

The most cruel test of a man - choice between life and death Yu. IN last chapter Fadeev puts the heroes in such a situation, and the same for both. The choice of a person depends on what he lived before, what his moral core is .
Morozka's death , his feat showed that he is a true comrade, that he that new man who the revolution should give birth to and nurture. Without thinking about himself, Morozka gives his life for the life of his comrades: “He so clearly felt them in himself, these tired, unsuspecting people who trusted him, that the thought of any other possibility for himself, except for the possibility warn them of the danger."

The sword, sent on patrol, "slid off the saddle." This is predetermined by the author: Mechik "poorly understood why he was sent ahead, but obeyed"; he even dozed off in the saddle and "there was neither end nor beginning to that sleepy, dull, unconnected with the outside world state in which he himself was." Sword's betrayal emphasized by his "humiliating gestures"; he "flounders on all fours", "makes incredible jumps", saved his life. And he is tormented not so much because dozens of people who trusted him died because of him, but because "the indelibly dirty, disgusting stain of this act contradicted all that good and pure that he found in himself."

How through the images of Frost and Mechik, the author solves the problem of the intelligentsia and the revolution ?

Morozke a sober, real attitude to reality, a growing awareness of what is happening, understanding the meaning and purpose of the struggle . sword- crowded not with life-real, but with book knowledge, a person who did not have a clear, clear vision of events and not yet aware of his place in life , and most importantly - not burdened with political and moral principles. Comparison of Frost and Sword demonstrates according to Fadeev, the superiority of one and the inferiority of the other .

III. Final word of the teacher

The main reason for both irresponsibility, and cowardice, and weakness of the "educated", "clean", "urban" Mechika Fadeev considers him overdeveloped sense of personality . Betrayal, according to Fadeev, is the natural end to which comes (and cannot but come!) an intellectual who is not connected by deep roots with the people, with the masses, with the proletariat and its party. However, Fadeev shows that even among the intelligentsia there are people devoted to the cause of the revolution. These are people of a “special breed”.

Pick up episodes that characterize the image of Levinson.

Lesson 3

Methodical methods: analytical conversation.

During the classes

I. Teacher's word

In Levinson, Fadeev embodied the image of a person who “always goes at the head”, harmoniously combining instinct, will and reason. This is a "special person". In the composition of the novel, he is also dedicated to a separate chapter (VI) . Levinson opens and closes the novel: he speaks in the first and last paragraphs of the novel.

The most important thing in the general movement of action is the fate of the entire collective, of the entire partisan detachment. Levinson is the bearer of a common, unifying, unifying and organizing principle.

It was very important for Fadeev to artistically reproduce in "Rout" a special type of relationship between the communist leader and the partisans : “In my experience of partisan struggle, I saw that with large elements of spontaneity in the partisan movement, the Bolshevik workers played a decisive, organizing role in it,” he said. - This thought... I wanted to emphasize in the novel "The Rout". Fadeev shows how the fundamental, class interests of people sometimes run counter to their private, temporary interests, desires and ideas. In the eyes of Fadeev Levinson is the center of precisely these main, fundamental interests of the people.

II. Conversation

How Fadeev draws image of Levinson ?

Levinson introduces himself unquestioned authority, a man of unbending will, self-confident, born to lead . Fadeev draws the image of Levinson through the attitude of other characters towards him : “no one in the detachment knew that Levinson could hesitate at all: he did not share his thoughts and feelings with anyone, he presented ready-made “yes” or “no”. Therefore, he seemed to everyone ... a man of a special, correct breed. Each partisan thought that Levinson "understands everything, does everything as it should... Therefore, one cannot but trust and obey such a right person..." The author emphasizes Levinson's natural, intuitive sense of truth, the ability to navigate the situation: "a special scent. .. sixth sense, like a bat”; “He was extremely patient and persistent, like an old taiga wolf, which, perhaps, already lacks teeth, but which imperiously leads packs with the invincible wisdom of many generations” (Chapter III).

What is the significance of Levinson's memories of childhood ?

Memories of Levinson's Childhood , his appearance are in contradiction with his image of a "special breed" . “As a child, he helped his father sell used furniture, and his father wanted to get rich all his life, but he was afraid of mice and played the violin badly” - Levinson did not tell anyone such things. Levinson recalls "an old family photograph, where a frail Jewish boy - in a black jacket, with large naive eyes - looked with amazing, unchildish persistence at the place where, as he was told then, the bird should fly out."

Over time, Levinson became disillusioned with “the false fables about beautiful birds” and came to “the simplest and most difficult wisdom: “Seeing everything as it is is in order to change what is, to bring closer what is born and should be".

What is the role of portraiture?

Appearance Levinson completely not heroic : "He was so small, unsightly in appearance - he all consisted of a hat, a red beard and ichigov above the knees." Mechiku Levinson resembles a "dwarf from a fairy tale." Fadeev emphasizes the hero's physical weakness, outward unsightliness, highlighting, however, his "foreign eyes", deep as lakes . This portrait detail speaks of the originality and significance of the individual.

What are Levinson's main character traits ?

In the scene of the trial of Frost, Levinson is shown as tough, subjugating people: “Morozka hesitated. Levinson leaned forward and, immediately seizing him, as if with pincers, with an unblinking glance, pulled him out of the crowd like a nail. Frost "was sure that the commander" sees everything through "and it is almost impossible to deceive him." Levinson can speak "surprisingly quietly", but everyone hears him, hangs on his every word. His words are convincing, although he may hesitate internally, have no plan of action, feel confused. However, he does not let anyone into his inner world.

Closure, restraint, will, composure, responsibility, purposefulness, perseverance, knowledge of people's psychology are its main features.

What gives Levinson such confidence and power over people? How does he understand his responsibility to them? ?

Levinson deeply believed that people are driven not only by a sense of self-preservation, but also by another, “no less important instinct, not even realized by most of them, according to which everything that they have to endure, even death, is justified by its ultimate goal.” This instinct, Levinson believes, "lives in people under a bushel of infinitely small, everyday, urgent needs and worries about their own - just as small, but alive - personality, because every person wants to eat and sleep, because every person is weak." People entrust "their most important concern" to people like Levinso n.

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The main problems of the novel:
The problem of re-education of a person during the civil war. The problem of the intelligentsia and the revolution. The problem of humanism.
Frost image. Sword image. Levinson image.

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The task set by Fadeev - not so much to tell about the revolution, but to show the processes that took place in the mind of a person under the influence of the revolution - determined the ideological and figurative concept, features of the plot and composition of the novel. The history of a small partisan detachment served only as a real plot basis for studying the experiences and actions of the heroes. Events in the novel are kept to a minimum. Battle scenes are few and far between. The author seems to be most interested in episodes of a clearly “secondary” nature (the theft by the orderly of Frosty melons on peasant melons, Mechik’s feelings in connection with the clumsy filly issued to him, Frost’s jealousy for Mechik, discord between Morozka and Varya, everyday scenes from the life of partisans, etc.). P.). Meanwhile, it is these episodes that implicitly and consistently develop the main idea of ​​the work: how the revolution takes place in the minds and hearts of people, determining their behavior. The last episodes of the novel, connected with the defeat of the detachment, are designed to play the role of a test, a test of human qualities. Sword's betrayal and Frost's heroic death are the logical conclusion of their characters.

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Having chosen the path of depicting reality, close to that followed by his favorite writers L. Tolstoy and M. Gorky, Fadeev solved the problem in his own way. In "Rout" there was an original principle of revealing the problem of the birth of a new person. Fadeev deliberately chooses a small spatial and temporal plot. At the same time, unlike Gorky, Furmanov, Serafimovich, he focuses not so much on the very process of the formation of new qualities, but on its origins and results. It is no coincidence that instead of the term "reworking of human material" Fadeev uses another term - "selection".
"Destruction". Artist P. P. Sokolov-Skalya. 1932.

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For Fadeev, as a proletarian writer and an active figure in the RAPP, it is very important to oppose heroes in class, socio-political terms. The opposition is always straightforward and unambiguous. Antithesis is the main device of the novel. The opposition occurs at different levels: External (“red” and “white”). Internal (instinct - consciousness, good - evil, love - hate).

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Image of Frost
Meanwhile, the novel is a work of exceptional harmony and completeness. The artistic idea is realized with amazing completeness, although the author does not seem to use the “key” psychological episodes of even one of the central characters, Frost (a quarrel and reconciliation with his wife, jealousy for Mechik, etc.) to analyze his evolution. The fact is that Fadeev is primarily interested in its prerequisites, possibilities and causes. The behavior of miner Morozka is not the result of a three-month stay in the detachment, but a consequence of his whole life, a natural result of his participation in the revolution of 1917.

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Chapter 01 Frost saves the wounded Sword. Artists V. and Yu. Rostovtsev

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Chapter 02 Frost in the partisan infirmary. Artist D. Dubinsky
The system of images also has an obvious antithesis. This is the opposition of two heroes - Sword and Frost. Frost is a worker, Mechik is an intellectual. With this opposition, Fadeev decides the question: what are the paths of the people and the intelligentsia in the revolution. To answer this question, it is necessary to compare the images of the Sword and Frost in the novel "The Rout".

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Ch.1, 5, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17 Frost's elemental nature. - Ability for a heroic deed in an extreme situation (saving Sword) Lack of elementary discipline in everyday life (a conversation with Levinson) Portrait detail ("naughty curls") The background of the hero (e.g. explaining his psychology, underdevelopment of consciousness) The nature of the relationship with Varya Enmity between Frost and Mechik Theft of melons and the episode of the trial (the influence of the collective's opinion on Frost) The scene of drinking (the embodiment of the complexity of becoming a person)

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What is the path of becoming Frost? (1 chapter)
Difficult, through ups and downs, the path of becoming a person. Awareness of oneself as a person begins when a person begins to ask questions: what is the meaning of my existence? Frost, until the moment he got into the detachment, did not ask himself such questions.
What event made Morozka look at life differently?
The first milestone of self-awareness was the trial of him (Chapter 5). Frost at first did not understand why he was being tried. But when he felt hundreds of curious eyes on him, he heard Dubov's words that he "dishonored the coal tribe." Frost trembled, became pale, like a canvas, “his heart fell in him, as if lined.” The threat of expulsion from the detachment turned out to be unexpected and terrible for him: “Yes, if only I ... did this. Yes, I’ll give blood by the vein for everyone, and not that it’s a shame or what!

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What do we learn about Morozka's life aspirations?
Frost knows exactly why he is in the detachment. He is at home in the revolutionary stream, because, despite his antics and spontaneous breakdowns, he was drawn to the “right” people: “He tried with all his might to get on the road that seemed to him straight, clear and correct, along which such people as Levinson, Baklanov, Dubov. (chapter 12). Frost's thoughts that someone stubbornly prevents him from entering this road did not lead him to the conclusion that this enemy is in himself, it is especially pleasant for him to think that he suffers because of the meanness of people like Mechik .

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Fadeev from the very beginning contrasts Frost with a clean, handsome Sword. The sword is shown for the first time together with people rushing about in panic: “in a short-haired city jacket, clumsily dragging a rifle, a lean boy was running, limping.” Also, the Sword will rush about when, having betrayed his comrades, he will be saved from the chase. "The guy's face was pale, beardless, clean, although smeared with blood." Fadeev describes Mechik in such a way that both his pitiful appearance and the author's attitude towards him immediately become clear. Frost saves him, risking his own life. In the last chapter, Frost saves the entire squad, betrayed by Mechik, at the cost of his life.

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How is the author's attitude towards Mechik manifested?
Chapter 2 of the novel is dedicated to Mechik, thus in the first two chapters the main antithesis is determined, a conflict is outlined: “To tell the truth, Frost did not like the rescued at first sight.”. So the author immediately evaluates Mechik through Frost, emphasizing it with various words: “bore”, “yellow-mouthed”, “snotty”.
Chapter 09 Artist O. Vereisky

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Image of the Sword
Mechik's character and the author's attitude to the hero: Ch 2, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17 Mechik's background, romantic ideals Portrait of Mechik in the Shaldyba partisan detachment (humiliated, offended, "he was sorry for the good, naive, but sincere feeling with which he went to the detachment". Sword in Levinson's partisan detachment (arranged a check, gave the "offensive" horse Zyuchikh, humiliated - "a quitter and a pushover) Sword in the hospital. The seriously wounded Mechik decides before returning to the detachment (and after talking with Varya): "What should I lose heart, really?.." Chapter 7. And there was another thought: to leave the detachment. Chapter 4. "...felt like a real partisan, even turned up his sleeves, a new life, which he began after a memorable conversation with his sister.” Conclusion: not so much to be, but to seem like a fighter.

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Chapter 06. Levinson. Blizzard at the council of the partisan detachment. Artist O. Vereisky
When describing the Sword, Fadeev often uses words with diminutive suffixes that give the image a contemptuous tone: “in a city jacket”, a cheerful city motive whistled cheerfully” - the “urban” origin is constantly emphasized. The sword blushes every now and then, speaks uncertainly, "squints his eyes in horror."

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Chapter 14 Blizzard in reconnaissance. Artist I. Godin

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Chapter 14 Snowstorm and shepherd. Artist D. Dubinsky

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What caused the internal conflict of the Sword?
Drawn into the meat grinder of the civil war, Mechik was horrified by the dirt, violence, the discrepancy between the two worlds - internal and external. At first, he had a vague idea of ​​what awaited him. Once in the detachment, he saw that the people around him did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, liceier, tougher and more direct. External cleanliness and dirt will be opposed to internal, only they will change places. In fact, the Mechik dreams of peace, sleep, silence. He reaches out to the kind, caring Varya, and immediately betrays his former love. However, he also feels "almost filial gratitude" to Varya. Collisions with reality bring more and more disappointments to Mechik in his romantic ideas about life (episode with a horse in chapter 9).

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Recall the episodes “Partisans take away a pig from a Korean”. Chapter 11 "The murder of the wounded Frolov." Ch. 11. “Shooting a man in a vest.” Chapter 15. "Breaking through the quagmire". Chapter 16.

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“..but he ate the pig along with everyone, because he was hungry.”
“The swordsman saw all this ... “Is it really impossible to do without it ... before him floated ... the faces of the peasants, from whom the last was taken away.” Not inactive, trying to stop the doctor. “... a poor man in a vest” (shot without trial) Mechik shared all the trials with the partisans

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Frolov learns about the decision to kill him... "...how unhappy I am."
The partisans are “pressed down, wet, angry”. The fighters hurriedly leave, sentries run, "partisans ... rushed to run." The sword is frightened, but, like everyone else, breaks through, along with everyone else, saves the horse, unties the knot with his teeth ...

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Fadeev builds the novel in such a way that Mechik provides a number of opportunities to merge with the detachment, to understand the inner essence of what is happening, but Mechik never saw the main springs of the detachment mechanism and did not feel the need for everything that was being done.

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Which episode reveals the true essence of Frost and Sword?
The toughest test of a person is the situation of choice between life and death. In the last chapter, Fadeev puts the heroes in such a situation, and the same for both. The choice of a person depends on what he lived before, what his moral core is. The death of Morozka, his feat showed that he is the same new person that the revolution should educate. Without thinking about himself, Morozka gives his life for the sake of his comrades: “He felt them so vividly in himself. These tired, unsuspecting people who trusted him, that thoughts arose in him of some other possibility for himself, besides the possibility of warning them of danger.

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The sword, sent on patrol, "slid off the saddle." This is predetermined by the author: Mechik poorly understood why he was sent ahead, but obeyed. Sword's betrayal is highlighted by his humiliating body movements; he flounders on all fours, makes incredible jumps, saving his life. And he suffers not so much because people died because of him, but because “the indelibly dirty stain of this act contradicted the good and pure that he found in himself”

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How does the author solve the problem of the intelligentsia and the revolution through the images of Morozka and Sword?
Frost is characterized by a sober, real attitude to reality, a growing awareness of what is happening, an understanding of the meaning and purpose of the struggle. Mechik is a romantic, full of not life-real, but bookish knowledge, a person who did not have a clear, clear vision of events and did not yet realize his place in life, and most importantly, was not burdened with political and moral principles.

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Chapter 15 Blizzard before the fight with the White Guard officer. Artist I. Godin

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Sword image. “…a selfish individualist” or a “young romantic” who has lost his ideals?
In criticism of the time of the appearance of the novel, the conversation about this hero was closely connected with the theme of the image of the intelligentsia. The sword bears almost all the signs of the outgoing culture with the appearance of life and mutual contacts of people. It can be assumed that the author failed to solve the problem of a worthy and convincing place of the intelligentsia in the events of the revolution. The writer filled the image of each hero with a deep philosophical meaning. Mechik's fate was a response to those who saw violence in the collective; the answer to the question why the Mechik was rejected by the revolution as an unnecessary element. Mechik treats the squad as a hostile society, feeling like a renegade, a "hero" misunderstood by the crowd, which he despises, defending his individuality. Each act of Levinson and other partisans was perceived by him as violence against a person (the death of Frolov, the execution of a peasant in a vest, the episode with the killing of a pig, etc.). The sword throws off its outer shell and becomes a traitor at the decisive moment.

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Chapter 15 Artist O. Vereisky

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Chapter 15 Levinson leads the detachment on the attack. Artist D. Dubinsky

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The main reason for both irresponsibility, and cowardice, and weakness of the Mechik, Fadeev considers his egoism, individualism, and an overdeveloped sense of personality. Betrayal, according to Fadeev, is the natural ending to which the intellectual comes, not connected by deep roots with the people, the masses, with the proletariat and its party. However, Fadeev shows that even among the intelligentsia there are people devoted to the cause of the revolution. These are people of a “special breed”.

slide 32

Detachment commander Levinson - the hero of the novel
He is distinguished by revolutionary consciousness, the ability to organize the masses and lead them. Outwardly, Levinson is unremarkable: small, unsightly in appearance, in his face only eyes were attractive, blue, deep, like lakes. However, the partisans see him as a man of the "right breed".

Slide 33

The image of Levinson and the problem of humanism.
How does Fadeev draw the image of Levinson? The main features of Levinson: - isolation - restraint - will - composure - responsibility - purposefulness - perseverance - knowledge of people's psychology.

slide 34

What gives Levinson such confidence and power over people? Can it be argued that Levinson is a supporter of the idea: "the end justifies the means"? Episode "Stunning the Fish" (ch.11) Episode "Confiscation of the Pig from the Korean" (ch.11)

Slide 35

The commander knew how to do everything: to develop a plan for saving the detachment, and to talk with people about economic issues, and to play towns, and to give orders in time, and, most importantly, to convince people. Levinson is characterized by political insight. Realizing that the strength of the partisans is in the support of the people, he strictly ensures that the partisans do not lower themselves in the eyes of the population. For educational purposes, he arranges a demonstrative condemnation of Morozka's misdeeds, proposes to make a decision obliging the partisans to help the population in their free time.

slide 36

In Levinson's difficult moments of hesitation, no one noticed the confusion in his soul, he did not share his feelings with anyone, he himself tried to find the right solution; in relations with people was always firm. As a squad leader, Levinson wielded tremendous power of persuasion. But there were times when there was a need for coercion. So, when food was needed, he was forced to give the order to steal cows from the peasants. He did this in the power of revolutionary humanism in order to save the detachment. Revolutionary humanism also determined Levinson's behavior towards the sick Frolov. The partisan was hopelessly ill. The detachment could not take him with them, there was no hospital nearby. The commander did not want to leave his comrade. Considering that death would save Frolov from torment, Levinson accelerated it, seeing in this a manifestation of humanity.

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Chapter 16 Artist O. Vereisky
The role of Levinson as the leader of the detachment, his authority, his will are shown with extraordinary artistic persuasiveness by Fadeev in the scene when the commander authoritatively orders to clear the swamp, which blocked the detachment's only possible path. He appears with a torch among desperate people, reminiscent of Danko from the Gorky legend. The people obeyed his will and crossed the quagmire. Based on the vast experience of the revolutionary struggle, Levinson defines the tasks of a communist: "To see everything as it is, in order to change what is, to bring closer what is being born and should be."

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Chapter 17 "So they left the forest - all nineteen." Artist D. Dubinsky

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So, in the fates of the characters in the novel, the writer’s ideological plan was revealed - to show how the revolution took place “reworking of human material”, everything alien to revolutionary ideals was eliminated, the characters of the future builders of socialism were formed and tempered in battles.

Sections: Literature


  1. The proposed material should give the most complete and comprehensive coverage of the literary process of the 1920s; to show the living literary process, to outline the problems that stand in the literature of this period, the problems that will be discussed further when studying the monographic topics of the course.
  2. Discussing specific plots, fates, ideas, lead the modern student to consider the deepest philosophical problems associated with choosing a life position: man and time, personality and state, art and power, free will and state necessity.
  3. To educate the development of a free, responsible person who is aware of himself and his surroundings.

Equipment: computer, reproductions of various artists about the revolution, portraits of writers who participated in the literary process of the 20s.


The literary process the literary life of a certain country and era, including the evolution of genres, themes, and the preservation and various uses of the classical heritage, the rethinking of eternal themes, the emergence or extinction of certain communities, systems, and interconnections of literatures. The main concepts that characterize the literary process are artistic systems, literary movements, trends, creative methods.


1. Poetry of the 20s.

2. Literary groups of the 20s.

  • Proletkult and "Forge";
  • LEF;
  • Pass;
  • RAPP.

3. Prose of the 20s

  • official literature; informal literature;
  • Comparative characteristics of the characters in A. Fadeev's novel "The Rout".
  • The development of the dystopian genre;
  • Humorous prose of the 20s.

4. Journalism of the 20s.

  • M. Gorky "Untimely Thoughts";
  • I. Bunin "Cursed Days";
  • Korolenko's letters.

During the classes

Org. moment.

Teacher. For many years, the image of October 1917, which determined the nature of the coverage of the literary process in the 1920s, was very one-dimensional, simplified. It was monumentally heroic, one-sidedly politicized. Now readers know that in addition to the "revolution - the holiday of the working people and the oppressed" there was another image: "cursed days", "deaf years", "fatal burden".

The well-known literary critic E. Knipovich recalled: “When I am asked now how I can briefly define the feeling of that time, I answer: “Cold, wet feet and delight.” Feet wet from leaky soles, delight at the fact that for the first time in my life it became visible around the entire width of the world. But this enthusiasm was not universal. Nor should one think that those who were essentially part of the ongoing reality and believed each other did not argue among themselves. Their dispute is a sign of the times, it is a sign of creative possibilities, of those forces raised by the revolution that wanted to realize themselves, to affirm their views. His understanding of the Soviet culture under construction.

These memories are the key to understanding the literary situation of the 1920s. And the writers themselves, who lived and worked at that difficult time, will become reliable assistants and guides for you.

The agonizing question: "To accept or not to accept the revolution?" - stood for many people of that time. Everyone answered it in their own way. But the pain for the fate of Russia is heard in the works of many authors.

Cry, fire element,
In pillars of thunderous fire!
Russia, Russia, Russia -
Go crazy burning me!

In your fatal partings,
In your deaf depths -
Winged spirits flow
Your lucid dreams.

Don't cry: bend your knees
There, in the hurricanes of fire,
In the thunder of seraphic chants,
Into the streams of cosmic days!

Dry deserts of shame
Seas of inexhaustible tears -
Beam of a wordless gaze
The descended Christ will warm.

Let in the sky - and the rings of Saturn,
And milky ways silver, -
Boil phosphorically violently
Earth's fire core!

And you, fire element,
Go crazy burning me
Russia, Russia, Russia -
Messiah of the coming day.

This poem by Andrei Bely was written in 1917. It perfectly characterizes the situation that prevailed in the country, in creativity. How did the poets of the beginning of the 20th century react, behind whom the “silver age” of Russian poetry had already marched, to the October Revolution that had taken place in the country?

Video film.

Work of the 1st group of students.Poetry of the 20s.

I. Poetry consultant of the 1920s.

A modern look at the poetry of the 1920s about October, at the figures of poets who saw the 20th century in a completely different way than before the revolution, suggests a new approach to understanding many works. The forces of attraction to the revolution and at the same time shocked by its severity, the depth of pain for a person and at the same time admiration for everyone who remained a person in the revolution, faith in Russia and fears for her path created a striking composition of colors, techniques at all levels of many works. New problems forced to update the poetics. After analyzing the poems of the 20s of the twentieth century, we came to conclusions.

Poems for analysis.

proletarian poetry.

Expressive reading of the poem.

We are innumerable. formidable legions
We have conquered the expanse of the seas,
oceans and land
By the light of artificial suns we
set fire to the cities
Ours are burning with the fire of revolts
proud souls.
We are at the mercy of the rebellious, passionate
Let them shout to us: “You are executioners
In the name of our Tomorrow - we will burn
Destroy the museums, trample the arts
V. Kirillov "We".

These lines are characteristic of proletarian poetry. The cultural heritage of the past was decisively discarded, the bourgeois "I" was replaced by the proletarian "we". The author sincerely tried to poeticize political speech - the language of newspapers and posters.

1. O. Mandelstam "The Twilight of Freedom"

Individual task (analysis of the poem) textbook V. Chalmaev, S. Zinin Grade 11 p.296.

2. N. Tikhonov

He revived the ballad genre.

“I threw my youth into the Iron Age,” said Nikolai Tikhonov (1896-1979) about himself. At the age of eighteen, he ended up in the trenches of the First World War. After demobilization, he went to the front again - already in the ranks of the Red Army. “Defended Petrograd from Yudenich. I spent a hundred hours on duty without a shift, fell down at the hundred and fourth ... I sat in the Cheka and cursed with different commissars and will continue to curse. But I know one thing: that Russia, the only one that exists, is here.” Tikhonov brought fame to poetry. Compiled his first two books - "Horde" (1921) and "Braga" (1922). It is these early poems - clear, chased, dynamic. Echoes of biblical legends were heard in them. Book images and folk songs; but the main thing was the experience of a man whose youth was "On the roads under the stars"

Life taught with an oar and a rifle,
Strong wind. On my shoulders
Knotty whipped with a rope,
To become calm and dexterous.
Like iron nails, simple.
"Look at the unnecessary boards ..." 1917-1920

Everyday details in Tikhonov's poetry were intertwined with symbolism:

We have forgotten how to give to the poor,
Breathe over the salty sea,
Meet the dawn and buy in the shops
For copper garbage - gold of lemons.
“We have forgotten how to give to the poor…” 1921.

M. Gorky spoke about Tikhonov's talent: “He is fascinated by strong people, heroism. Activity is just everything that is absolutely necessary for Russia and that the old literature did not educate in the Russian people. Courage, will, fidelity to duty - the main theme of Tikhonov's soldier's ballads, swift in rhythm, which resembles the faltering breathing of a running man.

Elbows cut the wind, beyond the field - a log,
The man ran. Blackened, lay down.
"The Ballad of the Blue Package", 1922

Genuine flashes of inspiration over time, Tikhonov became less and less. The sincerity of the early poems was replaced by artificial pathos. At the end of his life, in the poem "Our century will pass ..." (1969), Tikhonov wrote about the highest justice - the futility of trying to hide the "secret twists" of history and fate.

The faces of other gods will then fade,
And every trouble will be exposed,
But what was truly great
It will remain great forever.

3. Khlebnikov and the revolution.

Khlebnikov, like many poets of that time, believed that the revolution had a universal and even universal meaning. After February 1917, he wrote the "Appeal of the Presidents of the Globe", which denied the borders that separate nations and states, and proclaimed a single future for all mankind.

But "zemsharost" did not save from pain for a hungry, blood-drenched homeland. Poems about Russia during the famine that takes millions of lives are terrible. The poet does not describe, but, as it were, bestows sight - the reader observes terrible pictures.

Volga! Volga!
Are you corpse eyes
Are you turning on me?

Did you raise dead squirrels
Samoyed villages, doomed to sleep,
In the eyelashes of blizzards, Dead eyesores of their cities,
Lost in the snow?
Do you clang
Boarded up villages?
Volga! Volga!”, 1921

Khlebnikov declares a fight against the triumphant satiety of speculators profiting from the plight of the country:

Not then high
We have the will of truth
In sable trotters
To ride mocking.
Not then at the enemy
Blood flowed cheaply
To carry pearls
The hands of every merchant.
"Don't be naughty!" 1922

During the Civil War, Khlebnikov's best poem Ladomir (1920), dedicated to the revolution, was written. Revolution is not only, and perhaps last but not least, a social phenomenon. For Khlebnikov, this is a philosophical phenomenon. The revolution returns man to the original nature.

The poem contains pictures of that terrible era that are striking in their power of artistic expressiveness and symbolism:

Like a bloody row of owls,
The high palaces are on fire.

It's at the death of the cliffs
Surf of humanity...

But the title of the poem is optimistic. The revolution must set the world in a new "way".

Khlebnikov believes in the possibility of a scientific reorganization of the world. To the omnipotence of the human mind, which the revolution has liberated.

4. A. Akhmatova “I am not with those who left the earth ...”

(Determine the theme and idea of ​​the poem) Independent work.

II.Literary groups of the 20s

(presentation of works made on a computer) List the names of literary groups.


In the first months after October 1917, literary life was concentrated in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, which were closed every now and then. The spirit of the programs of those years was extremely despotic. In the chronicle for 1918 we read: “The Constituent Assembly of the All-Russian Union of Proletarian Writers: “The Union of Writers must be a perfect machine for the production of uncomplicated ideas of the revolutionary proletariat.”

Gradually, literary groups and associations began to emerge and be established.

  • Proletcult and "Forge" - Appendix 1;
  • LEF - Annex 2;
  • Pass - Appendix 3;
  • RAPP - Annex 4 .

These are the few bands that existed in the 1920s. There were also the LCC (literary center of the constructivists), the Serapion Brothers, which included V.A. Kaverin, M. Zoshchenko, Vsevolod Ivanov, N. Tikhonov, the theorist of this group was Lev Lunts, OBERIU ) - in poetry they cultivated poems from words and stanza-cubes with candle sound repetitions, folding lines from the same words. These abstruse poetic constructions came in handy for creating books for children:

I thought for a long time where the tiger came from on the street:
And at this time the wind blew,
And I forgot what I was thinking.
I still don't know where the tiger came from on the street.
D. Harms.

III . Prose of the 20s. Work of 2 groups.

Teacher: The beginning of the 1920s in literature was marked by increased attention to prose. She enjoyed an advantage on the pages of the first Soviet magazine Krasnaya Nov, published since the summer of 1921. The historical events that took place around affected everyone and everyone and required not only the expression of emotions, but also their comprehension. Soviet prose of the 1920s was not homogeneous either at the time of its appearance, or later, in the process of reader's perception.

Prose Consultant: Working with a table

1. Work with A. Fadeev's novel "Defeat".

For Fadeev, as a proletarian writer and an active figure in the RAPP, it is very important to oppose heroes in class, socio-political terms. The opposition is always straightforward and unambiguous. Antithesis is the main theme of the novel. Contradiction occurs at different levels:

  1. External ("red" and "white").
  2. Internal (instinct - consciousness, good - evil, love - hate).

The system of images also has an obvious antithesis. This is the opposition of two heroes - Sword and Frost. Frost is a worker, Mechik is an intellectual. With this opposition, Fadeev decides the question: what are the paths of the people and the intelligentsia in the revolution. To answer this question, it is necessary to compare the images of the Sword and Frost in the novel "The Rout".

Comparative analysis of images.

Frost sword
What is the path of becoming Frost? (1 chapter)

Difficult, through ups and downs, the path of becoming a person. Awareness of oneself as a person begins when a person begins to ask questions: what is the meaning of my existence? Frost, until the moment he got into the detachment, did not ask himself such questions.

What event made Morozka look at life differently?

The first milestone of self-awareness was the trial of him (Chapter 5). Frost at first did not understand why he was being tried. But when he felt hundreds of curious eyes on him, he heard Dubov's words that he "dishonored the coal tribe." Frost trembled, became pale, like a canvas, “his heart fell in him, as if lined.” The threat of expulsion from the detachment turned out to be unexpected and terrible for him: “Yes, if only I ... did this. Yes, I’ll give blood by the vein for everyone, and not that it’s a shame or what!

What do we learn about Morozka's life aspirations?

Frost knows exactly why he is in the detachment. He is at home in the revolutionary stream, because, despite his antics and spontaneous breakdowns, he was drawn to the “right” people: “He tried with all his might to get on the road that seemed to him straight, clear and correct, along which such people as Levinson, Baklanov, Dubov. (chapter 12).

Frost's thoughts that someone stubbornly prevents him from entering this road did not lead him to the conclusion that this enemy is in himself, it is especially pleasant for him to think that he suffers because of the meanness of people like Mechik .

How does the image of the Sword develop in the novel?

Fadeev from the very beginning contrasts Frost with a clean, handsome Sword. The sword is shown for the first time together with people rushing about in panic: “in a short-haired city jacket, clumsily dragging a rifle, a lean boy was running, limping.” Also, the Sword will rush about when, having betrayed his comrades, he will be saved from the chase. "The guy's face was pale, beardless, clean, although smeared with blood." Fadeev describes Mechik in such a way that both his pitiful appearance and the author's attitude towards him immediately become clear. Frost saves him, risking his own life. In the last chapter, Frost saves the entire squad, betrayed by Mechik, at the cost of his life.

Chapter 2 of the novel is dedicated to Mechik, thus in the first two chapters the main antithesis is determined, a conflict is outlined: “To tell the truth, Frost did not like the rescued at first sight.”. So the author immediately evaluates Mechik through Frost, emphasizing it with various words: “bore”, “yellow-mouthed”, “snotty”.

When describing the Sword, Fadeev often uses words with diminutive suffixes that give the image a contemptuous tone: “in a city jacket”, a cheerful city motive whistled cheerfully” - the “urban” origin is constantly emphasized. The sword blushes every now and then, speaks uncertainly, "squints his eyes in horror."

What caused the internal conflict of the Sword?

Drawn into the meat grinder of the civil war, the Mechik was horrified by the dirt, violence Yu, mismatch of two worlds - internal and external. At first, he had a vague idea of ​​what awaited him. Once in the detachment, he saw that the people around him did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, liceier, tougher and more direct. External cleanliness and dirt will be opposed to internal, only they will change places. In fact, the Mechik dreams of peace, sleep, silence. He reaches out to the kind, caring Varya, and immediately betrays his former love. However, he also feels "almost filial gratitude" to Varya. Collisions with reality bring more and more disappointments to Mechik in his romantic ideas about life (episode with a horse in chapter 9).

Fadeev builds the novel in such a way that Mechik provides a number of opportunities to merge with the detachment, to understand the inner essence of what is happening, but Mechik never saw the main springs of the detachment mechanism and did not feel the need for everything that was being done.

Which episode reveals the true essence of Frost and Sword?

The toughest test of a person is the situation of choice between life and death. In the last chapter, Fadeev puts the heroes in such a situation, and the same for both. The choice of a person depends on what he lived before, what his moral core is. The death of Morozka, his feat showed that he is the same new person that the revolution should educate. Without thinking about himself, Morozka gives his life for the sake of his comrades: “He felt them so vividly in himself. These tired, unsuspecting people who trusted him, that thoughts arose in him of some other possibility for himself, besides the possibility of warning them of danger.

The sword, sent on patrol, "slid off the saddle." This is predetermined by the author: Mechik poorly understood why he was sent ahead, but obeyed. Sword's betrayal is highlighted by his humiliating body movements; he flounders on all fours, makes incredible jumps, saving his life. And he suffers not so much because people died because of him, but because “the indelibly dirty stain of this act contradicted the good and pure that he found in himself”

How does the author solve the problem of the intelligentsia and the revolution through the images of Morozka and Sword?

Frost is characterized by a sober, real attitude to reality, a growing awareness of what is happening, an understanding of the meaning and purpose of the struggle. Mechik is a romantic, full of not life-real, but bookish knowledge, a person who did not have a clear, clear vision of events and did not yet realize his place in life, and most importantly, was not burdened with political and moral principles.

Teacher: The main reason for both irresponsibility, and cowardice, and weakness of the Mechik, Fadeev considers his egoism, individualism, and an overdeveloped sense of personality. Betrayal, according to Fadeev, is the natural ending to which the intellectual comes, not connected by deep roots with the people, the masses, with the proletariat and its party. However, Fadeev shows that even among the intelligentsia there are people devoted to the cause of the revolution. These are people of a “special breed”.

2. Individual report on the topic "Development of the dystopian genre";

3. An individual report on the topic "Humorous prose of the 20s."

III. Publicism. Work of the 3rd group.

Publicity Consultant:(Working with a presentation – Annex 5 made on a computer)

Today, when there is a decisive revision of many conflicts in the history of our country, we must carefully look at the perception and assessment of the events of 1917 by major figures in literature and art of the pre-October period. These people, who were to a large extent the human, civil and artistic conscience of their time, foresaw and foresaw the dangers and tragedies that could result from the violent breaking of all the traditional foundations of life.

Writer's journalism is an integral part of literature.

This is a genre of literary works, standing at the junction of fiction and scientific (socio-political) prose. The main purpose of journalism- to raise socially significant and topical problems of modern life, she adopts an oratorical word, her style is characterized by increased and open emotionality.

In the course of our study, similarities and differences in the views of writers were revealed and their civic position was determined. All writers are united by the common theme of understanding the revolution, which is in contact with the problem of the intelligentsia, the people and culture. All writers are looking for the origins of the catastrophe of 1917, the barbaric attitude to cultural heritage, they talk about the fault of the intelligentsia who forgot to remind the people that they also have duties, they have responsibility for their country. Both V. Korolenko, and I. Bunin, and M. Gorky sarcastically assess the imposition of a new system, the facts of violence, the ban on original thought. They urge to take care of the cultural heritage of the country and people.

  1. For Gorky revolution- "convulsions", which should be followed by a slow movement towards the goal, set by the act of revolution. I. Bunin and V. Korolenko consider the revolution a crime against the people, a cruel experiment that cannot bring spiritual rebirth.
  2. People. M. Gorky considered in him a wild, unprepared mass, which cannot be trusted with power. For Bunin, the people were divided into those who are called "Nikami Robbery", and those who carry centuries-old Russian traditions. V.Korolenko claims that the people are an organism without a backbone, soft-bodied and unstable, obviously delusional and allowing themselves to be led along the path of lies and dishonor.

The historical events that followed October 1917 forced many writers to change their views: M. Gorky was forced to adapt to the Bolshevik ideology. I. Bunin and V. Korolenko became even more firmly established in their convictions and did not recognize Soviet Russia until the end of their days.

The teacher draws conclusions from the lesson.

Today in the lesson we tried to comprehensively cover the literary process of the 20s, outlined the problems that stood in the literature of this period.

Discussing specific plots, fates, ideas, we considered philosophical problems related to the choice of life position: man and time, personality and state, art and power, free will and state necessity.

Our lesson has come to an end, but I want you to remember that many of the issues that concern us today are echoes of that time. The change of the political regime in the 90s of the twentieth century led to the fact that, as in that distant seventeenth year, instability again reigns in society. There is no confidence in the future, the spiritual heritage of the ancestors is forgotten.

Turning to the history of our country, we will be able to comprehend, reevaluate, draw conclusions and avoid similar mistakes that lead the country into deadlocks, the way out of which is painful for the whole people.

Homework: make a test on the topic "The October Revolution and the literary process of the 20s."

March 19, 2015

"The defeat" of Fadeev, the analysis of which we will analyze in this article, was written in 1927. Alexander Alexandrovich for the first time in Russian literature focused on depicting the inner world of the participants in the civil war and revolution - fictional characters, ordinary heroes. In the novel, everything is subordinated to the solution of this problem - from the features of the composition, the choice of the situation to the methods of psychological analysis used in the text. Such is the peculiarity of the work "The Defeat" by Fadeev. We bring to your attention an analysis of it, as well as a summary of this novel.

The author's choice of time and place of action

Fadeev, talking about the partisan movement that unfolded in the Far East during the civil war, chooses for his story a tragic situation, which is indicated in the title: we are talking about the defeat of one detachment of partisans. The characters of various heroes are most clearly revealed in these tests, as our analysis shows. "Defeat" (Fadeev) is a work in which the idea of ​​personality transformation plays a big role. According to the author himself, there is a "remaking of people."

Depicting the psychology of heroes

A detailed introduction is made up of the first 8 chapters of Fadeev's work "The Defeat". Analyzing them, one can notice that a number of them are named after the main characters of the novel: Levinson, Sword, Frost. It can also be noted that the author deliberately slows down the pace of development of the action in order to present the readers with the stories of the main characters, describe their relationships, and prepare them to understand their behavior during battles.

Depicting the psychology of the characters, the writer uses the tradition of classical Russian literature. Analyzing the novel "The Defeat" by Fadeev, it should be noted that most of all Alexander Alexandrovich relies on the work of L. N. Tolstoy. The author follows his principles, despite the fact that the time in which the work was created was marked by a violent denial of the past, including the literary one, and attention to the analysis of the inner world was considered "psychology". In the tradition of Tolstoy, the text uses methods of psychological analysis: landscape and portrait details, as well as internal monologues that reveal the secret reasons for the actions of the characters, their feelings and thoughts (chapters "Nineteen", "Cargo", "Levinson").

Using the reception of antithesis, its analysis

"Defeat" (Fadeev A. A.) is a work that uses the technique of antithesis, which reveals the tension of psychological, moral, historical conflicts. In contrasting Morozka and Levinson, as well as the latter and Mechik, the significance of consciousness, conviction in the development of the human personality is shown.

So, in the work, Sword and Frost collide. Analysis of the novel "The Rout" by Fadeev reveals what their confrontation is. From the very beginning, this reveals the superiority of the "class instinct" inherent in the proletarians over the doubts of this "pure" intellectual, who is interested not in the revolution as such, but in himself in it. After reading the work, we can be convinced that the class principle clearly dominates in the novel when a person is evaluated. This is primarily due to the historical limitations inherent in the views of the author.

Image of the inner development of a person

In the novel "The Rout" Fadeev (an analysis of the work proves this) focuses on such a moment as the formation of the personality of a person fighting for a new life, his moral and psychological formation. The process of his maturation is most fully revealed on the example of Ivan Morozov, a miner nicknamed Morozka. 12 chapters out of 17 are connected with him in one way or another. The work depicts successively changes in the thoughts and feelings of this person. Levinson, the detachment commander, plays a special role in this process. The feat was the result of the short life of Ivan Morozov. He saved his comrades at the cost of his own life.

The Hero Who Failed

As we have already noted, Fadeev builds his novel "The Defeat" on the antithesis. An analysis of the work shows that the antipode of Ivan Morozov is Pavel Mechik, who could not stand the test of harsh reality. The author interprets each of his actions as an expression of selfishness, weakness, lack of a moral core. All these traits eventually push Swordsman to betrayal. In debunking this hero, the author is consistent. This person for him is initially cowardly, petty, and his sufferings are insignificant, superficial. In the description of this intellectual, we do not find the desire to depict a contradictory, complex personality, characteristic of the author's contemporaries.

We have identified only the main points that are present in the work "The Defeat" by Fadeev. Our analysis can be supplemented. After all, each of us understands literature in our own way. Try to find some other features of the novel "The Rout" (Fadeev) on your own. Analysis by chapters will help you better understand the work, identify interesting patterns.

The work tells that Levinson, the commander of a partisan detachment, orders Morozka, his orderly, to take a package to another detachment. Tom does not want to go, so he suggests sending someone else. The commander, having heard about this, orders his orderly to calmly hand over his weapons, and then go wherever he pleases. Having thought better of it, Frost decides to take the letter and goes with the task, noting that he cannot "leave the detachment" in any way. It is no coincidence that Fadeev ("Rout") notes this. The analysis of Morozko, the main character of the novel, reveals his complex character and inner struggle. How it will end, you will find out by reading the summary of the work to the end.

Frost's background, the hero picks up the Sword

Let's describe the next events. Then follows the backstory of Ivan Morozov. He worked as a miner, already in the second generation. Frost did everything thoughtlessly in his life, including marrying Varya, a walking hauler, and then also left to defend the Soviets in the eighteenth year.

On the way to the detachment under the command of Shaldyba, where the orderly is carrying a package, he notices a battle between the partisans and the Japanese. Russian soldiers flee, leaving behind a wounded boy dressed in a city jacket. Frost picks him up and returns to his commander Levinson. Analyzing the story "The Defeat" by Fadeev, we have already mentioned Pavel Mechik. Below we will introduce you to this hero in more detail.

Mechikov in the infirmary

Pavel Mechik, who was picked up by Ivan, woke up only in the forest infirmary, noticed the nurse Varya (who is Morozka's wife) and Dr. Stashinsky. The wounded is bandaged. It is reported in the background of this character that when he was still living in the city, he wanted to be a hero, so he decided to go to the partisans. However, he was disappointed when he got to the Reds. He is trying to talk to Dr. Stashinsky in the infirmary. But he, having learned that this man was friends mainly with the maximalist-Socialist-Revolutionaries, is reluctant to talk with Mechik.

Frost's transgression

Frost immediately disliked the wounded hero. His opinion of him was strengthened when Frost visited his wife in the infirmary. After that, he tried to steal melons from Ryabets, the village chairman. However, he was forced to retreat, caught by the owner. The chairman complains to Levinson, and he gives the order to take the weapon from Frost. A village meeting was scheduled for the evening in order to discuss the inappropriate behavior of this orderly. After pushing among the peasants, Levinson finally understands that the detachment needs to retreat, since the Japanese are already very close. The guerrillas gather at the appointed hour, and the commander explains what the matter is, suggesting that everyone decide what to do with Frost.

Frost makes a promise, guesses about the relationship between his wife and Mechikov

Dubov, a partisan, a former miner, says that it is necessary to expel the orderly from the detachment. This affects the guilty hero so strongly that he promises never to disgrace the title of a former miner and partisan in any way. Frost, on one of his trips to the infirmary, realizes that Mechik and his wife have a special relationship. Having never been jealous of his wife before, this time he feels anger both towards his wife and this "mother's son" (the definition that he awards Frost the Sword).

The sword gets the horse

Everyone in the detachment thinks that Levinson is a man of the "correct", "special" breed. The partisans believe that the commander understands and knows everything, although he sometimes experienced hesitation and doubts. Levinson, having collected information from all sides, orders his detachment to retreat. The sword, already recovered, returns to the squad. The commander orders to provide him with a horse. So Mechik gets a "mournful tearful" mare named Zyuchikha. The offended partisan does not know how to deal with her. Unable to get close to other members of the detachment, he is unable to see the "mainsprings" of his mechanism.

Mechikov and Baklanov go on reconnaissance

Mechikov, together with Baklanov, decide to send him to reconnaissance. They stumble upon a Japanese patrol in the village and kill three in a shootout. Having discovered the main forces of the Japanese, two partisans return to their detachment.

History with Frolov

It is necessary to retreat, it is required to evacuate the hospital, but the mortally wounded Frolov cannot be taken with him. Stashinsky and Levinson therefore decide to give him poison. Their conversation is overheard by Sword. He tries to stop the doctor. He screams at him. Frolov understands what is happening and agrees to drink the poison.

Events in the village

The detachment retreats, Levinson goes to check the guards during the night, starts a conversation with Mechik, who is on guard duty. He tries to explain to the commander that he feels bad in the detachment, but after this conversation, Levinson gets the impression that this partisan is "an impenetrable confusion." The commander sends Metelitsa to reconnaissance. He sneaks into the village where the Cossacks are at that time, climbs over the fence of the house in which the head of the squadron temporarily lives. The Cossacks discover him, lock him in a barn, and interrogate him the next morning, after which they take him to the square. Here a man in a vest comes forward, leading a frightened shepherd boy by the hand. Metelitsa left the horse to this boy the day before, having met him in the forest. The head of the Cossacks wants to interrogate the child "in his own way", but Metelitsa, trying to strangle him, rushes at him. The chief shoots - and Metelitsa dies.

Battle with the Cossacks

Continues his work Fadeev Alexander ("Rout"). Analyzing the further content, the following key points can be distinguished. The Cossack squadron leaves along the road. At this time, partisans discover him, who set up an ambush, putting the Cossacks to flight. Frost's horse is killed during the battle. The partisans, having taken the saddle, by order of the commander, shoot the aforementioned man in the vest. The enemy cavalry arrives in the village at dawn. Levinson's detachment, significantly thinned, retreats into the forest, to the swamps, but gets stuck there, because there is a quagmire ahead. Then Levinson decides to muddy the swamp. Having done this, the detachment makes its way to the bridge, where the Cossacks ambushed. Mechik goes on patrol, but runs away, discovered by the Cossacks, afraid to warn Levinson's detachment. Frost, who was following him, fires three times, as agreed, and dies. Levinson's detachment rushes to the attack, only 19 people remain alive.

So, we examined the work that Fadeev created ("Defeat"). Summary, analysis of it were presented to you. We hope you found this article helpful.

Development of a lesson on the topic:

Literary process of the 20s. Literary groups and magazines. A.A. Fadeev. The novel "Destruction".

Lesson type: introduction to new material

Class type: learning new material


educational: Pthe proposed material should give the most complete and comprehensive coverage of the literary process of the 1920s; show a living literary process, outline the problems that stand in the literature of this period, problems that will be discussed further when studying the monographic topics of the course; give an idea of ​​the personality of the writer, give a brief overview of the literary situation of the 1920s-1930s;

developing: develop creative abilities and skills, comparing, drawing conclusions, generalizing;

educational: Vto nurture the development of a free, responsible person who is aware of himself and his surroundings.

move lesson

1. Organizational moment (Recording the topic of the lesson in the journal. Preparing the workplace. Creating problem situations.) (1-5 min)

2. Checking the knowledge of students. Summing up the results of the check. ( 10 min)

Home check external task

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson, setting the goal and objectives of the lesson (5 min)

4. Presentation of new material, applied methodology (60 min)

1. Lecture of the teacher.

The literary process the literary life of a certain country and era, including the evolution of genres, themes, and the preservation and various uses of the classical heritage, the rethinking of eternal themes, the emergence or extinction of certain communities, systems, and interconnections of literatures. The main concepts that characterize the literary process are artistic systems, literary movements, trends, creative methods.

1. Features of the literature of the 20s.

In the field of literature, the split in society, which ended in revolution and civil war, was expressed in the fact that after 1917 the literary process developed according tothree opposite and often almost non-overlapping directions.

Emigrant literature

In the early 1920s, Russia experienced the emigration of millions of Russian people who did not want to submit to the Bolshevik dictatorship.

I. Bunin, A. Kuprin, V. Nabokov, I. Shmelev, M. Tsvetaeva.

Once in a foreign land, they not only did not succumb to assimilation, did not forget their language and culture, but created - in exile, in a foreign linguistic and cultural environment - the literature of the diaspora, the Russian diaspora.

Soviet literature:

It was created in our country, published and found its way to the reader.

This branch of Russian literature experienced the most powerful pressure from the political press.

Literary directions:


    Realism tried to adapt to the attitude of a person of the 20th century, to new philosophical, aesthetic realities.Updated realism.

    socialist realism , a new aesthetic based on the assertion of normative characters in normative circumstances.

2. Prose of the 20s.

The beginning of the 1920s in literature was marked by increased attention to prose. She enjoyed an advantage on the pages of the first Soviet magazine Krasnaya Nov, published since the summer of 1921. The historical events that took place around affected everyone and everyone and required not only the expression of emotions, but also their comprehension. Soviet prose of the 1920s was not homogeneous either at the time of its appearance, or later, in the process of reader's perception.

3. Literary groupings.







    "Serapion Brothers"


RAPP - Russian Association of Proletarian Writers:


    The printed organ is the magazine "On the post", "On the literary post".

    Representatives - Dm. Furmanov, Al. Fadeev.

Ideas: support for proletarian literary organizations, learn from the classics, develop communist criticism, denial of romanticism, fight against new-bourgeois influence in literature, Akhmatova, Khodasevich, Tsvetaeva, Bunin - “class enemies”, Mayakovsky, Prishvin, K. Fedin - “fellow travelers”, theory of the living person.

LEF - left front of the arts:


    The printed organ is the magazine "LEF", "New LEF".

    Representatives - Mayakovsky V., B. Pasternak, O. Brik.

    Ideas: the creation of an effective revolutionary art, criticism of passive "everyday-reflecting psychologism", the theory of "literary fact", which denies fiction, requiring art to highlight the facts of a new reality.


    literary movement


    The printed organ is "Soviet Country".

    Representatives - S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev, V. Shershenevich.

    Ideas: "eating the image of meaning", which was expressed in the violation of grammatical forms that determine the meaning.


    literary association

    End 1923-beginning 1924 - 1932

    The printed organ is the magazine Krasnaya Nov.

    Representatives - V. Kataev, E. Bagritsky, M. Prishvin, M. Svetlov.

    Ideas: opposed "wingless everyday life", stood up for the preservation of a continuity with the artistic mastery of Russian and world classical literature, put forward the principle of sincerity, intuitionism, humanism.

OBERIU - an association of real art:

    literary and theatrical group.


    Representatives - D. Kharms, N. Zabolotsky, A. Vvedensky.

    Ideas: at the heart of creativity is “the method of a concrete materialistic sensation of a thing and a phenomenon”, they developed certain aspects of futurism, turned to the traditions of Russian satirists of the late 19th-early. 20th century


    literary movement


    Representatives - I. Selvinsky, V. Ibner, V. Lugovskoy.

    Ideas: expediency, rationality, cost-effectiveness of creativity; the slogan: “Briefly, concisely, in small things - a lot, in a point - everything!”, the desire to bring creativity closer to production (constructivism is closely connected with the growth of industrialization), they rejected unmotivated decorativeness, the language of art was reduced to schematism.

"Serapion brothers":

    literary group.


    representatives - K. Fedin, V. Kaverin, M. Slonimsky.

    Ideas: “search for methods of mastering new material” (war, revolution), search for a new art form, the goal is to master the techniques of writing

OPOYAZ - society for the study of poetic language

    Russian literary school.


    Representatives - Y. Tynyanov, V. Shklovsky.

The heyday of Russian dramaturgy:

    M. Bulgakov "Days of the Turbins", "Zoyka's apartment";

    N. Erdman - "Mandate", "Suicide";

    E. Zamyatin - "Flea";

    V. Mayakovsky - "Bug".

Search and experiment time in the literature:

The main theme in literature was the depiction of revolution and civil war:

    M. Bulgakov "The White Guard"

    Furmanov "Chapaev"

    B. Pilnyak "The Naked Year"

    A. Serafimovich "Iron Stream"

    M. Sholokhov "Don stories"

    A. Malyshkin "Dair's Fall"

    I. Babel "Cavalry"

    A. Vesely "Russia, washed with blood."

Artists made extensive use of the grotesque, fantasy, irony and satire:

    M. Zoshchenko Stories

    A. Platonov "City of Gradov"

    M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

    E. Zamyatin "We"

    I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs", "The Golden Calf"

    A. Green "Scarlet Sails" and "Running on the Waves"

1929: Everything has changed.

This year marked the beginning of the persecution of M. Bulgakov, A. Platonov, B. Pilnyak.

Since that year, the relative balance of power has been sharply disturbed.

The methods of merciless political struggle were transferred to literature.

A new time was coming with new heroes and a new understanding of things in the works.

It was the general drama of the Russian intelligentsia, experienced by it at the turn of the 20s and 30s.

4. Publicism.

Writer's journalism is an integral part of literature.

This is a genre of literary works, standing at the junction of fiction and scientific (socio-political) prose.The main purpose of journalism - to raise socially significant and topical problems of modern life, she adopts an oratorical word, her style is characterized by increased and open emotionality.

All writers are united by the common theme of understanding the revolution, which is in contact with the problem of the intelligentsia, the people and culture. All writers are looking for the origins of the catastrophe of 1917, the barbaric attitude to cultural heritage, they talk aboutthe fault of the intelligentsia who forgot to remind the people that they also have duties, they have responsibility for their country. Both V. Korolenko, and I. Bunin, and M. Gorky sarcastically assess the imposition of a new system, the facts of violence, the ban on original thought. They urge to take care of the cultural heritage of the country and people.

For Gorkyrevolution - "convulsions", which should be followed by a slow movement towards the goal, set by the act of revolution. I. Bunin and V. Korolenko consider the revolution a crime against the people, a cruel experiment that cannot bring spiritual rebirth.

People . M. Gorky considered in him a wild, unprepared mass, which cannot be trusted with power. For Bunin, the people were divided into those who are called "Nikami Robbery", and those who carry centuries-old Russian traditions. V.Korolenko claims that the people are an organism without a backbone, soft-bodied and unstable, obviously delusional and allowing themselves to be led along the path of lies and dishonor.

The historical events that followed October 1917 forced many writers to change their views: M. Gorky was forced to adapt to the Bolshevik ideology. I. Bunin and V. Korolenko became even more firmly established in their convictions and did not recognize Soviet Russia until the end of their days.

5. Poetry of the 20s.

A modern look at the poetry of the 1920s about October, at the figures of poets who saw the 20th century in a completely different way than before the revolution, suggests a new approach to understanding many works. The forces of attraction to the revolution and at the same time shocked by its severity, the depth of pain for a person and at the same time admiration for everyone who remained a person in the revolution, faith in Russia and fears for her path created a striking composition of colors, techniques at all levels of many works. New problems forced to update the poetics. After analyzing the poems of the 20s of the twentieth century, we came to conclusions.

2. Acquaintance with the biography of A. Fadeev.

3. Work with A. Fadeev's novel "Defeat".

For Fadeev, as a proletarian writer and an active figure in the RAPP, it is very important to oppose heroes in class, socio-political terms. The opposition is always straightforward and unambiguous.Antithesis is the main theme of the novel. Contradiction occurs at different levels:

    External ("red" and "white").

    Internal (instinct - consciousness, good - evil, love - hate).

The system of images also has an obvious antithesis. This is the opposition of two heroes - Sword and Frost. Frost is a worker, Mechik is an intellectual. With this opposition, Fadeev decides the question:what are the paths of the people and the intelligentsia in the revolution. To answer this question, it is necessary to compare the images of the Sword and Frost in the novel "The Rout".

Comparative analysis of images.

What is the path of becoming Frost? (1 chapter)

Difficult, through ups and downs, the path of becoming a person. Awareness of oneself as a person begins when a person begins to ask questions: what is the meaning of my existence? Frost, until the moment he got into the detachment, did not ask himself such questions.

What event made Morozka look at life differently?

The first milestone of self-awareness was the trial of him (Chapter 5). Frost at first did not understand why he was being tried. But when he felt hundreds of curious eyes on him, he heard Dubov's words that he "dishonored the coal tribe." Frost trembled, became pale, like a canvas, “his heart fell in him, as if lined.” The threat of expulsion from the detachment turned out to be unexpected and terrible for him: “Yes, if only I ... did this. Yes, I’ll give blood by the vein for everyone, and not that it’s a shame or what!

What do we learn about Morozka's life aspirations?

Frost knows exactly why he is in the detachment. He is at home in the revolutionary stream, because, despite his antics and spontaneous breakdowns, he was drawn to the “right” people: “He tried with all his might to get on the road that seemed to him straight, clear and correct, along which such people as Levinson, Baklanov, Dubov. (chapter 12).

Frost's thoughts that someone stubbornly prevents him from entering this road did not lead him to the conclusion that this enemy is in himself, it is especially pleasant for him to think that he suffers because of the meanness of people like Mechik .

How does the image of the Sword develop in the novel?

Fadeev from the very beginning contrasts Frost with a clean, handsome Sword. The sword is shown for the first time together with people rushing about in panic: “in a short-haired city jacket, clumsily dragging a rifle, a lean boy was running, limping.” Also, the Sword will rush about when, having betrayed his comrades, he will be saved from the chase. "The guy's face was pale, beardless, clean, although smeared with blood." Fadeev describes Mechik in such a way that both his pitiful appearance and the author's attitude towards him immediately become clear. Frost saves him, risking his own life. In the last chapter, Frost saves the entire squad, betrayed by Mechik, at the cost of his life.

Chapter 2 of the novel is dedicated to Mechik, thus in the first two chapters the main antithesis is determined, a conflict is outlined: “To tell the truth, Frost did not like the rescued at first sight.”. So the author immediately evaluates Mechik through Frost, emphasizing it with various words: “bore”, “yellow-mouthed”, “snotty”.

When describing the Sword, Fadeev often uses words with diminutive suffixes that give the image a contemptuous tone: “in a city jacket”, a cheerful city motive whistled cheerfully” - the “urban” origin is constantly emphasized. The sword blushes every now and then, speaks uncertainly, "squints his eyes in horror."

What caused the internal conflict of the Sword?

Drawn into the meat grinder of the civil war, the Mechik was horrified by the dirt, violenceYu, mismatch of two worlds - internal and external. At first, he had a vague idea of ​​what awaited him. Once in the detachment, he saw that the people around him did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, liceier, tougher and more direct. External cleanliness and dirt will be opposed to internal, only they will change places. In fact, the Mechik dreams of peace, sleep, silence. He reaches out to the kind, caring Varya, and immediately betrays his former love. However, he also feels "almost filial gratitude" to Varya. Collisions with reality bring more and more disappointments to Mechik in his romantic ideas about life (episode with a horse in chapter 9).

Fadeev builds the novel in such a way that Mechik provides a number of opportunities to merge with the detachment, to understand the inner essence of what is happening, but Mechik never saw the main springs of the detachment mechanism and did not feel the need for everything that was being done.

Which episode reveals the true essence of Frost and Sword?

The toughest test of a person is the situation of choice between life and death. In the last chapter, Fadeev puts the heroes in such a situation, and the same for both. The choice of a person depends on what he lived before, what his moral core is. The death of Morozka, his feat showed that he is the same new person that the revolution should educate. Without thinking about himself, Morozka gives his life for the sake of his comrades: “He felt them so vividly in himself. These tired, unsuspecting people who trusted him, that thoughts arose in him of some other possibility for himself, besides the possibility of warning them of danger.

The sword, sent on patrol, "slid off the saddle." This is predetermined by the author: Mechik poorly understood why he was sent ahead, but obeyed. Sword's betrayal is highlighted by his humiliating body movements; he flounders on all fours, makes incredible jumps, saving his life. And he suffers not so much because people died because of him, but because “the indelibly dirty stain of this act contradicted the good and pure that he found in himself”

How does the author solve the problem of the intelligentsia and the revolution through the images of Morozka and Sword?

Frost is characterized by a sober, real attitude to reality, a growing awareness of what is happening, an understanding of the meaning and purpose of the struggle. Mechik is a romantic, full of not life-real, but bookish knowledge, a person who did not have a clear, clear vision of events and did not yet realize his place in life, and most importantly, was not burdened with political and moral principles.

Teacher: The main reason for both irresponsibility, and cowardice, and weakness of the Mechik, Fadeev considers his egoism, individualism, and an overdeveloped sense of personality. Betrayal, according to Fadeev, is the natural ending to which the intellectual comes, not connected by deep roots with the people, the masses, with the proletariat and its party. However, Fadeev shows that even among the intelligentsia there are people devoted to the cause of the revolution. These are people of a “special breed”.

5. Consolidation of the studied material, the applied technique (5 min.).


What historical event is covered in the novel? (Civil War)

Where do events take place? (In the Far East)

Who is the main character of the novel? (Levinson, Frost, Mechik)

Why is the work with the large-scale title "The Rout" limited to the history of one detachment?

6. Summing up (3 min)

7 . Literature necessary to prepare for the lesson.

1. Zinin S.A., Sakharov V.I.Russian literatureh. 1.2 10 cells - M .: " Russian word", 20 14 .

8. Homework assignments for students (2 min.)

Textbook: p. 310-362;

The novel “The Rout” by A. Fadeev

main idea A. Fadeev defined the novel “Defeat” as follows:“In a civil war, the selection of human material takes place ... Everything that is unable to fight is eliminated ... People are being remade.”No matter how controversial the assessment of the events of the civil war from today's positions, Fadeev's undoubted merit is that he showed the civil war from the inside. The author highlights not military actions, but a person.
It is no coincidence that Fadeev chooses to describe in the novel the time when the detachment was already defeated. He wants to show not only the successes of the Red Army, but also its failures. In the dramatic events of this time, the characters of people are deeply revealed.

The central place in the novel is occupied by the images of the detachment commander Levinson, Frost and Mechik. All of them are connected by the same conditions of life, and this helps the reader to judge the characters of these heroes.
Ivan Morozov , or Frost , as it is called, did not look for new roads in life. This is a natural in his actions, a talkative and broken guy of twenty-seven years, a miner in the second generation. Through life, he walked the old, long-established paths. The rescue of the Mechik became, as it were, the impetus for the remaking of Frost. We see that the hero feels compassion for Mechik, he shows courage, but there is also contempt for this person, whom he considers “clean”.
Frost is greatly offended that Varya falls in love with Mechik. “In entogo, mother’s, or what?” - he asks her and contemptuously calls Mechik "yellow-mouthed". It contains pain and anger. And now he steals melons. And he is very afraid that he will be expelled from the army for this offense. It is impossible for him, he has already got used to these people. And he has nowhere to go. At the “court” he sincerely says: “Would I... have done such a thing... if I had thought... but would I, brothers! Yes, I’ll give blood by the vein for everyone, and not that it would be a shame or something!”

Frost failed in personal relationships. After all, he has no one closer to Varya, and he has to cope with personal problems on his own. He is alone and seeks salvation in the detachment. He is truly devoted to his teammates. Frost respects Levinson, Baklanov, Dubov, even tries to imitate them. They saw in Frost not only a good fighter, but also a sympathetic person, they always supported him. Frost can be trusted - after all, it is he who is sent on the last reconnaissance. And this hero, at the cost of his life, warns people of danger. Even in the last moments of his life, he thinks not of himself, but of others. For devotion to work and courage, for kindness - after all, Morozka did not take revenge on Mechik for his lost wife - the author loves his hero and conveys this love to the reader.

Like Frost, the commander of the detachment
Levinson Fadeev shows a living person with his inherent fluctuations, feelings. The author does not idealize this hero. Outwardly, he is inconspicuous, similar to a gnome with his small stature and red beard. He was always on the alert: he was afraid that his detachment would be taken by surprise, and began to prepare for resistance, but in such a way that no one knew about it. He is alert and insightful. All partisans considered him "correct".
But Levinson himself saw his own weaknesses, as well as the weaknesses of other people. When the squad gets into a difficult situation, Levinson tries to be an example for the rest. When this does not work, he begins to use the force of power, coercion (remember how he drives a fighter into the river at gunpoint). Being sometimes cruel makes him a sense of duty, which for Levinson is above all. He gathers all his strength in himself, and the detachment under his leadership breaks forward ... But after the breakthrough, Levinson no longer has the strength. When physical fatigue almost wins, Baklanov comes to his aid. This young naive "boy" was able to lead the detachment forward. Levinson is weak, but this suggests that it is not the commander that comes to the fore in his behavior, but the person. Fadeev sees the shortcomings of his hero and believes that he lacks vitality, courage, and will. In Levinson, we are attracted by the fact that all his thoughts and actions express the interests of the detachment, people. His personal experiences fade into the background.

The images of Frost, Metelitsa and other members of the detachment are opposed to the image
Sword. This is a nineteen-year-old young man who voluntarily came to the detachment to amuse his pride and vanity. Therefore, he rushes to the hottest place in order to prove himself as quickly as possible. This person fails to get close to the rest of the squad, because most of all he loves himself. He always thought only of himself, so he was an outsider in the detachment. Mechik has the idea of ​​desertion, although he himself came to the detachment. This is exactly what speaks of the true intentions of the Sword. He did not serve the cause, but simply wanted to show off his prowess.
Therefore, we can say that the detachment is a single entity, and the Sword stands apart from the rest. And when he finally deserts, the reader is not surprised. And what does Mechik think about when he deserts? “... How could I do this - I, so good and honest and who did not wish harm to anyone ...” And after all, it was the Sword that caused Frost's death. It seems to me that this hero of the work is best characterized by the words of Levinson, who called Mechik a “worthless empty flower”, weak, lazy and weak-willed. And although the collective hero of A. Fadeev's novel "Rout" is a military detachment operating in the Far East, he does not appear to us as something unified. Too different people enter it. Each person is a person who has his own social roots, dreams and moods. This is confirmed by the images of Frost, Levinson and Mechik, which are so different from each other.

The novel by Alexander Fadeev was written at the beginning of the 20th century, at that time there were two views: the Social Democrats and the Socialist-Revolutionary Maximalists. There are two heroes in the novel, Frost and Sword, who have these beliefs. To better understand these directions, we will compare the heroes. The author prompts us to compare them, showing how they behave in different situations in relation to each other and to their comrades.

How is Frost shown in the novel?

(work with text) students read out the episodes that characterize Frost.

How is the Sword depicted? (working with the text and filling out the table) students read out the episodes that characterize Mechik.

Frost And sword

social background

Frost is a miner in the second generation. From the age of twelve he worked in a mine, "did not look for new ways, but followed the old, already verified paths."

Mechik, on the contrary, was born in an intelligent family, in the city, he received ideas about the world from books in which everything was fine. In general, when he grew up and entered into life, it turned out that he was not at all ready for it.


Frost was not educated, did not see a beautiful life, but learned to make his way in harsh reality, earning his living by rolling heavy trolleys with ore

Mechik graduated from high school and lived without worries on the money of his parents


Frost's appearance is described by his resemblance to a horse: "the same clear, green-brown eyes, just as squat and bow-legged, just as simple-cunning and lascivious",

The sword was "clean", blond, with curly hair.


From an early age, Morozka learned to drink vodka, swear, lead a walking lifestyle. Bala has one more bad trait - he did not recognize any authorities, but there is also a bright spot - he never betrayed his comrades, for which everyone respected him and considered him his man.

Mechik was a "mama's boy", for him the best activity was reading books.

Life experience

Before joining Levinson's detachment, Morozka went to the front, where he received many wounds, was shell-shocked twice, after which he quit his job and joined the partisans

Mechik, having joined the Maximalist Socialist-Revolutionary Party, received a referral to Shalbybin's partisan detachment, and, longing for "bookish" exploits, he joined the detachment, but his dreams quickly dissipate at the first meeting with the partisans - he is beaten without understanding who he is. When the Japanese attacked Shaldyba's detachment, Mechik was wounded and rescued by Frost, who was sent to take a package to their detachment. So Mechik ended up in Levinson's detachment.

The attitude of others towards the characters

The surrounding people treated Morozka differently, he was respected for the fact that he always looked after his horse, kept his weapons clean and never betrayed his comrades, this was the main thing for the partisan, and he was considered his own. But there was also a negative side, he was arrogant and did not obey anyone, they wanted to find justice for him and waited for the moment. Such a moment has come. Once he could not resist and stole melons from someone else's garden, he was convicted, but pardoned, taking from him the word of honor of the miner and partisan that he would improve.

Almost no one recognized the sword for the fact that, firstly, he was a maximalist Social Revolutionary, secondly, he could not, or rather did not want to follow the weapon and the horse, and thirdly, having made friends with Chizh, who taught him to shirk work, did not comply with the requirements of the commander of the detachment. There was an opinion in the detachment that he was "an impenetrable confusion", "lazy and weak-willed", "a worthless empty flower".

Service attitude

The sword dozed off in the saddle and almost fell into the hands of the Cossacks, after which he took to flight. Because of this, Frost was killed, but he still managed to shoot three times into the air to warn his

The sword at this time fled, saving his life. Realizing his guilt, he decided to shoot himself, but, realizing that this was beyond his power, he returned to the city, not thinking about what kind of power there.


People like Morozka can be remade, because he is loyal to his people, and if he gave his word of honor that he would improve, then he would fulfill his promise, even if it cost him his life

The sword, as he was "clean", will remain so, having betrayed his comrades, he is an egoist, "because more than anything in the world he still loved himself."

The life positions of the heroes are not important here, and most importantly their humanity. I am very upset by the actions of the Sword, because he betrayed his savior, abandoned him, but had to stay and die with him, or maybe they would have survived if the Sword had not fallen asleep in the saddle. Yes, it's absurd, go to reconnaissance and fall asleep! This is complete irresponsibility! And most importantly, he was left to live with it without much remorse. Here Frost is a hero. Knowing that he would die now, he fulfilled his duty, and died like a real hero.
