Methodology bujor biography. Bujor Methodie Nikolaevich

To many lovers of both opera and variety music, it would be interesting to learn about the biography and family of the singer Metodi Bujor, who impresses with his talent and vocal abilities.

The future talented singer was born in 1974 in Chisinau. His family was large, in addition to Metodiye, his parents had three more sons. The boy had a tendency to sing from the very beginning. early age. He liked to arrange performances in front of his loved ones, because he had a lively and restless character. However, relatives did not appreciate his attempts, and believed that he sings extremely badly.

The fact that the relatives could not recognize the talent of their son largely determined his future career. life path, which was formed as follows.

  • Admission to an agricultural university. After graduating from school, the choice for further education fell on the agricultural academy. In this university, the young man successfully completed his fourth year, and during this period an event happened in his life that became truly fateful.
  • Musical education. On the occasion of a friend's birthday, Methodie and his brother decided to prepare a musical greeting and sing a song. By a happy coincidence, the friend turned out to be a student at the conservatory, and he appreciated Metodie's vocal abilities. He urged the young man to move in that direction. Bujor listened to the opinion of a friend and entered the Academy of Music with his brother, who also had a good voice.

It should be said that the preparation for admission was very difficult for Methodius. This was due to the fact that he had nothing to do with music, so he had to learn notes from scratch. However, his efforts gave the proper result, thanks to which the guy successfully passed the entrance exams.

The unexpected decision of the sons was a real blow to the mother. She for a long time could not accept the fact that they had decided to leave the agricultural specialty, in which she had high hopes. The father, too, at first did not accept this choice, but after that he supported his sons, since he was also endowed with wonderful vocal abilities.


The career of the singer Metodi Bujor developed really rapidly from the very beginning. After graduating from high school, he gets a job in the theater " New Opera". But real recognition comes to him after he took part in the E. Obraztsova competition. After that, Methods becomes incredibly popular, not only in Russia, but also in Europe. He moves to Germany and works for about three years at the Leipzig Opera.

After returning to Russia, he gets a job at the Mikhailovsky Opera and Ballet Theater in St. Petersburg. However, the man does not see the full development of his abilities here.

Another turning point in his fate occurs after meeting Muslim Magomayev, who invited Bujor to perform on the stage.

Since then, Methodie has regularly taken part in international competitions, where he has won numerous victories. So, he distinguished himself by participating in Barcelona, ​​Romania, Italy.

In Russia, Bujor took part in various shows. So, in 2012, he distinguished himself in the Voice project, where he impressed the judges with his amazing voice. The man dropped out of the program due to an absurd lot, which was not decided in his favor.

In addition, Methodie was remembered for his participation in the show "Two Stars", where Anastasia Volochkova became his partner. Unfortunately, she did not reach the voice of her partner by a small fraction, which is why he had to leave participation in the project.

Bujor took an active part in tours throughout Russia. Many attribute to him that he deliberately copies the style of Muslim Magomayev in his speeches. However, the methodology is a comparison)
