Mr. Oster's product will be familiar. Summary of the lesson on literary reading "G. Oster Let's get acquainted"

Hello dear child! A children's writer is writing to you. This writer is me. My name is Grigory Oster. What's your name, I don't know, but I can guess. And I also guess that you want to hear some fairy tale. If I guess correctly, then listen. And if I guess wrong and you don't want to hear the story, then don't listen. The fairy tale is not going anywhere, it will wait for you. Come whenever you want, and you will hear it all from beginning to end.
But you, dear Child, still don’t linger too much, otherwise you will become an adult and it will no longer be so interesting for you to listen to a fairy tale about a baby elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot.
These baby elephant, parrot, boa constrictor and monkey lived in Africa. Every day they got together and came up with something interesting. Or just talking. Or a monkey sang funny songs, and a boa constrictor, a baby elephant and a parrot listened and laughed. Or a baby elephant asked smart questions, and a monkey, a parrot and a boa constrictor answered. Or a baby elephant and a monkey took a boa constrictor and twisted it like a skipping rope, and a parrot jumped over it. And everyone had fun, especially the boa constrictor. The baby elephant, the parrot, the boa constrictor and the monkey were always glad that they knew each other and played together. Therefore, everyone was surprised when the monkey once said:
- Oh, what a pity that we know each other!
- Aren't you interested in joining us? - the parrot was offended.
- No, you did not understand me! - the monkey waved her hands. - That's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to say: what a pity that we already know each other. It would be interesting for all of us to get to know each other again. I would love to meet you, baby elephant, you are so polite, with you, parrot, you are so smart, with you, boa constrictor, you are so long.
- And I, - said the boa constrictor, - would be happy to meet you, monkey, with you, baby elephant, and with you parrot.
- And I, - said the baby elephant. - With pleasure.
But we already know each other! The parrot shrugged.
“That’s what I’m saying,” the monkey sighed. - What a pity!
- Friends! - suddenly said the boa constrictor and waved his tail. Why don't we get to know each other again?
You can't meet twice in a row! - said the parrot. - If you know someone, then this is forever. There's nothing to be done here
- And we, - offered the baby elephant, - let's take it and get to know each other first!
- Right! - said the boa constrictor. - Let's break up, and then meet by chance and get to know each other.
- Oh! - the elephant got excited. "What if we don't meet by chance?"
- Well, it's just not a problem! - said the parrot. - If we do not meet by chance, we will meet later on purpose.
The monkey covered her eyes with her hands and screamed:
One two three four five!
I'm starting to not know you!
Run away, run away
To meet again!
When the monkey opened its eyes, no one was there. Then an elephant came out from behind a tree. A boa constrictor crawled out of the grass. And a parrot crawled out from under the bush. Everyone looked at each other kindly and began to get to know each other.
The monkey shook the parrot's wing. The parrot shook the baby elephant's trunk. The baby elephant shook the boa constrictor's tail. And they all said to each other: "Let's get to know each other!" And then they said: “It was very nice to meet you!”
And it really was so nice that since then they met twice every day. In the morning when they met, and in the evening at parting, before going to bed.

Tail Charge - Chapter II

Once a parrot walked around Africa and looked around. And he understood everything. Whatever he looks at, everything is immediately clear to him. For example, a parrot will look at a cactus and think: “Aha! This cactus is busy with a very important thing - it grows by itself and grows its thorns. Or a parrot looks at a coconut tree, sees coconuts there, and thinks, “These coconuts are ripening. Soon they will ripen and fall. Someone's head."
The parrot went out into the clearing and saw a monkey. The monkey was climbing a tall date palm. She climbed to the middle of the trunk and very quickly moved down.
"What is the monkey doing? - the parrot asked himself and immediately answered himself: - The monkey rides.
- Are you skating? - the parrot asked the monkey.
- Lezu! - said the monkey and again climbed onto the palm tree. She again reached the middle of the trunk and again very quickly moved down from there. And climbed the palm tree again.
The parrot stood below and waited until the monkey came to him again. Then he asked:
- If you are climbing, why are you skating?
- I don't understand! - the monkey was surprised. - I want dates, and I climb up. And it turns out - vzhzhzhzhzhik - down!
- So-so ... - thought the parrot. - Come on, show your muscles!
The monkey bent her thin arms and showed her puny muscles to the parrot.
- All clear! - said the parrot. - Muscles are useless!
- Why are they no good? - the monkey was offended.
- Weak! - explained the parrot. “Here,” the parrot pointed to a tall palm tree, “strong muscles are needed!”
- And I have ... - the monkey was frightened, - there are no others. Only these.
- Other people's muscles will not help you! - said the parrot. We need to strengthen ours. We need exercise! Charger!
- Charger? - the monkey was surprised.
- Get straight! - said the parrot. The monkey stood up straight. The parrot commanded:
The exercise has begun!
Legs together! Hands apart!
One two three four!
Legs up! Hands wider!
The parrot commanded, and the monkey spread her arms to the sides and lowered them down, raised them up and squatted, jumped up and clapped her hands above her head and behind her back, ran on her toes and walked on her heels and did many other things.
- And soon they will be strengthened, muscles? the monkey finally asked, standing on one leg and waving its arms.
- Soon! - promised the parrot. - You will do exercises every morning and ...
- Everyone?! - stretched the disappointed monkey.
- Every morning! - confirmed the parrot. - You will do exercises every morning. And from this charge you will be charging all the time, charging ... And then - bang! - and become strong.
- And you can not immediately - bang? - asked the monkey.
- It is forbidden!
- And I will do exercises every morning alone? I'll get bored! - the monkey was indignant.
- Well, you can do exercises with someone together, - the parrot allowed. - You let's work out here, - he said, - and then I'll come and see how you're doing.
And the parrot is gone. The monkey jumped a little alone, and then noticed that an elephant calf emerging from the thickets was looking at her with surprise.
- Ahhh ... Elephant! - the monkey was delighted. - Would you like to do something with me?
- I want, - said the baby elephant, a little embarrassed.
- Wonderful! Now we are together ... we will do ... exercises! .. So! Get straight!
- Charging? - the elephant sighed and backed away. But it was too late, the monkey caught him by the trunk. The elephant had to stand straight.
- The exercise has begun! - commanded the monkey. - Feet together...
And then the elephant fell. He even rolled onto his back.
- What are you? - the monkey was surprised. - Well, come on first!
- The exercise has begun! Feet together ... - Again commanded the monkey. But as soon as she reached the "legs together", the baby elephant fell again. And rolled onto his back again.
The monkey looked at the baby elephant with suspicion.
- Why are you falling all the time? she asked. - How long has it been with you?
- Recently! - honestly admitted the baby elephant, lying on his back. - First you say: "The exercise has begun!" - and I'm still not falling. And then you say: "Feet together!" - and I put my feet together. And this is where I fall. Every time.
- Strange! - the monkey thought.
- Monkey, - suggested the baby elephant, rising to his feet, - come on, I better not do this exercise. And then I fall from this charge all the time.
- Nonsense! - said the monkey. - From charging do not fall. Stand again. The exercise has begun! Feet together ... - the monkey fell silent and waited for the baby elephant to fall or not.
“Probably, I will fall again,” thought the baby elephant. And I immediately realized that I was not mistaken. He realized this already lying on his back.
- What are you doing? - suddenly there was a voice of a boa constrictor, which at that very moment began to crawl out into the clearing. What are you doing? - asked the boa constrictor, having finished crawling out.
- We're falling! - said the baby elephant, swaying on his back and dangling his legs in the air.
- So how is it? - asked the boa constrictor. - Like?
- Not really, - said the baby elephant.
- This is not very good for you, - the boa constrictor specified, - but for the monkey?
“But I don’t fall,” said the monkey. - This baby elephant is falling.
- Yeah! - understood the boa constrictor. - And you, monkey, so you like how he falls?
“It’s not that she really likes it,” the baby elephant said thoughtfully, lying on his back and looking at the sky, “but she doesn’t seem to mind ... for me to fall.”
- Nothing like this! - shouted the monkey. - I'm very against it. For you to fall.

Strange! - the boa constrictor was surprised. - If the baby elephant does not really like to fall, and the monkey is completely opposed to him falling, then why does he fall? Come on, tell me everything from the beginning! - And the boa constrictor settled comfortably, anticipating a long and entertaining story.
“First I put my feet together,” said the baby elephant. - And then I fall. Even though I don't want to.
- Do you put them all together? - asked the boa constrictor, who still did not understand anything, but already began to suspect something. - Do you put all four legs together?
“Yes,” said the elephant. - All.
- You can't put all four legs together! - exclaimed the boa constrictor. - They always fall down. It is such a law of nature.
- What law? - asked the monkey.
“To be honest,” the boa constrictor was embarrassed, “I don’t remember this law very well, but I remember very well that this law always makes people fall. As soon as they put all four legs together, they immediately fall down. So you can't put all your legs together.
- How much can you? - asked the monkey.
- Only some! - willingly explained the boa constrictor, who in the depths of his soul considered himself a great specialist in the legs. - For example, only the rear. Or just the front.
- And then they don't fall? - asked the baby elephant.
- Then stand! - confirmed the boa constrictor. - Why do you need it? Why are you putting them together, your legs?
- For charging! - said the monkey. - We're exercising.
The boa subsided immediately. He respectfully looked at the monkey and the baby elephant.
- Charging! .. - the boa constrictor sighed dreamily. "You're fine," he said sadly. - You can exercise.
- And you? - politely asked the baby elephant, lying upside down.
“I can’t,” the boa constrictor said with restrained sadness.
- Well, this is nonsense! - the monkey was delighted. - Now I'll teach you.
“Nothing will come of it,” the boa constrictor shook his head.
- Come out, come out! - the monkey promised. - Come on! Lie straight! And she commanded:
The exercise has begun!
Legs together! Hands apart!..

Lesson topic: G. Oster "Let's get acquainted"

Lesson objectives:


    Introduce students to the work of G. Oster "Let's get acquainted";

    Improve the ability to anticipate the content of the text by title, the ability to answer questions about the content of the text, the ability to independently raise questions;


    To develop the ability to emotionally respond to a work of art, the ability to express independent judgments about what is read;


    Cultivate tolerance, a sense of friendship, good manners.

During the classes

    Organizing time

Hello guys. My name is Victoria Vladimirovna. Today I will teach you a literary reading lesson. Now I invite you to repeat after me.

Let's say hello with our hands!

Let's say hello with our eyes!

Let's say "hello" with our mouth -

It will become a joyful circle.

Today at the lesson for the correct answers I will distribute cards. At the end of the lesson, we will check who has collected more cards, that one will have a higher score.

Stages of working with text:

First stage. Before reading.

Guys, today we will get acquainted with the work of Grigory Oster. He now lives in Moscow. He is 69 years old. He has a big family. He wrote all his books for his children and published those that were of interest to them.

Look at the slide. Do you know these characters?

Read what work we will get acquainted with today in the lesson.

Do you know the characters in this work?

Name who you see. (elephant, monkey, boa constrictor, parrot)

Now I suggest you watch a fragment of the cartoon without sound, and your task is to think about what these characters are talking about.

Fragment view.

Guess what they are talking about?

And now, let's see with sound.

Fragment view.

Guys, what are they doing?

What genre do you think this piece belongs to? (On the screen: a riddle, a story, a poem,fairy tale )

Why? Prove that this is a fairy tale, not a story.

Where does the action take place? (on screen: Africa, Jungle, Northern Polis, Mountains, Desert)

Second phase. Reading the work by the teacher, children listen

G. Oster


Hello dear child!

A children's writer is writing to you. That writer is me. My name is Grigory Oster. What's your name, I don't know, but I can guess.

And I also guess that you want to hear some fairy tale. If I guess correctly, then listen. And if I guess wrong and you don't want to hear the story, then don't listen. The fairy tale is not going anywhere, it will wait for you.

- And how can the work wait for us?

Come whenever you want, and you will hear it all from beginning to end.

But you, dear Child, still don’t linger too much, otherwise you will become an adult and it will no longer be so interesting for you to listen to a fairy tale about a baby elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot.

"Why aren't we interested in listening to him already?" (children's guesses)

These baby elephant, parrot, boa constrictor and monkey lived in Africa.

Every day they got together and came up with something interesting.

What could they be thinking? (children's guesses)

Or just talking. Or a monkey sang funny songs, and a boa constrictor, a baby elephant and a parrot listened and laughed. Or a baby elephant asked smart questions, and a monkey, a parrot and a boa constrictor answered. Or a baby elephant and a monkey took a boa constrictor and twisted it like a skipping rope, and a parrot jumped over it.

And everyone had fun, especially the boa constrictor. The baby elephant, the parrot, the boa constrictor and the monkey were always glad that they knew each other and played together. Therefore, everyone was surprised when the monkey once said:

    Oh, what a pity that we know each other!

    Aren't you interested with us? - the parrot was offended.

    No, you didn't understand me! the monkey waved her hands.

- And how did the monkey wave its arms? Show

I didn't mean to say that at all. I wanted to say: what a pity that we already know each other.

- Why is the monkey sorry that they already know each other? (children's guesses)

It would be interesting for all of us to get to know each other again. I would love to meet you, baby elephant, you are so polite, with you, parrot, you are so smart, with you, boa constrictor, you are so long.

    And I, - said the boa constrictor, - would be happy to meet you, monkey, with you, baby elephant, and with you, parrot.

    And I, said the baby elephant. - With pleasure.

    But we already know each other! The parrot shrugged.

How did the parrot shrug? Show

    That's what I'm saying, - the monkey sighed. - What a pity!

- How did the monkey sigh? Show (use of live picture)

    Friends! - suddenly said the boa constrictor and waved his tail. Why don't we get to know each other again!

I suggest you take a break from the text and carefully observe what is happening on the screen. Take a look at each new element.

Visual physical minute

    You can't meet twice in a row! - said the parrot.

- Why can't you meet twice in a row? (children's guesses)

If you know someone, then this is forever. There's nothing you can do about it.

    And we, - suggested the baby elephant, - let's take it and get to know each other first!

    Right! - said the boa constrictor. - Let's break up, and then meet by chance and get to know each other.

    Oh! - the elephant was excited.

- Why is the baby elephant excited? (children's guesses)

What if we don't meet by chance?

    Well, that's just not a problem! - said the parrot. If we don't meet by chance, we'll meet later on purpose.

How is that "on purpose"? (children's guesses)

The monkey covered her eyes with her hands and screamed:

One two three four five!

I'm starting to not know you!

Run away, run away

To meet again!

Now read this rhyme all together.

When the monkey opened its eyes, no one was there. Then an elephant came out from behind a tree. A boa constrictor crawled out of the grass. And a parrot crawled out from under the bush. Everyone looked at each other kindly and began to get to know each other.

What does it mean to "look kindly"? Like this? (children's guesses)

The monkey shook the parrot's wing.

- Shake each other's "wing" (use of live pictures, children shake hands)

The parrot shook the baby elephant's trunk. The baby elephant shook the boa constrictor's tail. And they all said to each other: "Let's get to know each other!" And then they said: “It was very nice to meet you!”

And it really was so nice that since then they got to know each other twice a day.

In the morning when they met, and in the evening at parting before going to bed.

(From the book "Charging for the tail")

Now show me how many cards you have. Show them to your teacher and she will grade you.

Third stage. Work with the text after reading.

Why do we need this story?(children's guesses)

And what can we extract from it?(children's guesses)

How did the characters treat each other?

What did they do when they got together?

Why were they once surprised by the words of the Monkey? What did she suggest?

Why did the animals repeat the game several times?

Fourth stage. Reflection. Lesson results.

Today we got acquainted with only one story printed in the book "38 Parrots". There is another interesting story in this book called "Hi". Let's see a snippet from this story.

Watching a cartoon

I suggest you say hello to Monkey. Your palm is on the desk. Color it in the appropriate colors. If you liked the lesson and everything was clear - in green. Those who experienced difficulties - yellow. And who was not interested in the lesson - red.

(palm analysis)

Now put your hands in my basket and I will definitely convey your greetings to the Monkey.


And at home, I suggest you draw your book cover.

What should be on the cover of a book? (author, title of the tale, illustration)

Goals: to introduce students to the work of G. Oster; develop the creative abilities of children using role-playing; improve expressive reading skills; develop logical thinking, independent work skills; learn to choose words from the text to support their thoughts.

Planned results: students should be able to read a work aloud with a gradual increase in the pace of reading and the transition to reading to themselves; understand the features of a humorous work; analyze the title of the work; compare the heroes of the work; characterize their actions using antonyms; restore the sequence of events by questions; choose words from the text to support your thoughts.

Equipment: portrait of G. Oster, exhibition of his books; cartoon based on the book "Exercising for the tail"; task cards.

Lesson 1

I. Organizational moment

Reading a poem by heart.

III. Speech warm-up

- Think of a continuation of the poem: One, two, three, four, five!

IV. Setting lesson goals

Decipher what is written here.

1. 6,1; 2,3; 3,2; 6,1; 2,1; 2,3; 3,2; 6,3.

2. 2,1; 2,4; 5,3; 6,4; 2,3.

We got: "Grigory Oster."

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

Teacher's story about G. Oster

- At the mention of this name, people immediately begin to smile, because - pleasant memories of what they read and saw. Do you know who it is? (Children's answers.)

Yes, this is the writer who came up with the wonderful Bad Advice. And also stories about the monkey and her friends.

Teacher material

Grigory Bentsionovich Oster was born in 1947 in Odessa, in the family of a port mechanic. He spent his childhood in Yalta. He himself told a funny story about himself: “When I was two or three years old, such a story happened to me. Parents were at work, grandmother went to the neighbors. I woke up, got out of bed and, as I was barefoot and in a shirt, went to the porch. Snow fell that day in Yalta, which was very rare there. I realized that it was bad to walk barefoot in the snow, returned, put on my grandfather's shoes and went down the street. Grandma returned, found that there was no one in the apartment, and was horrified to see on the porch large footprints of a huge peasant who allegedly kidnapped me. With screams and a crowd of neighbors, she rushed out into the street and ran after the footprints in the snow. Around the corner, everyone saw me walking into the distance.

After graduating from high school in 1966, G. Oster served in the Northern Fleet, then returned to Odessa, but soon left for Moscow and entered the M. Gorky Literary Institute in the drama department. During the years of study, he wrote several plays for puppet theaters.

The first book, How Good to Give Gifts, brought fame to the author. Four of her characters - a monkey, an elephant calf, a parrot and a boa - fell in love with adults in a series of cartoons. Not very long ago, books of a new series by G. Oster appeared: “The Problem Book. A Beloved Aid in Mathematics”, “Physics. Invisible aid. Taskmaster" and others.

VI. Physical education minute

Morning - from exercise

The sun looked into the bed -

One two three four five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider.

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four,

And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

Excerpt from G. Oster's book

(The text "Let's get to know each other" on pp. 153-158 is read by the teacher and students.)

What do you think we read: a fairy tale, a story or a poem? Justify your opinion.

- Name the characters in the story.

Read passages about how the characters communicated with each other, what they did when they got together.

Why were they once surprised by the monkey's words? What did she suggest?

- Tell us how the characters acted out the acquaintance scene.

- Act out this scene with your friends.

(Children are divided into groups and prepare a dramatization.)

Why did the characters repeat the game several times?

Remember how you met your friends. Tell us about it.

(You can watch a fragment of a cartoon about friends.)

VIII. Reflection

- What did you learn in the lesson?

What would you commend yourself for?

- What did you do especially well?

IX. Summing up the lesson

What story did you learn in class?

- Compare the verses compiled at the beginning of the lesson with the rhyme from the work of G. Oster. Is there something similar?


1. Prepare an expressive reading of a fairy tale.

2. Find G. Oster's book "Bad Advice", prepare an expressive reading of one of them.

Course of lesson number 2

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

Reading "Bad Advice" by G. Oster.

III. Speech warm-up

- Imagine Mikhail Yasnov's poem as a "buzzing" reading.

We and the birds

We pass the birds

Everything as it is -

structure, plumage,

And what, and how much they can eat,

Fly them and the guy.

We pass the birds.

They fly over us

Looking at the school lights

And they don't know about us.

They live among the thick branches,

Bring out their chicks

While schoolchildren about them

Doodles are brought out.

Now, if it were the other way around -

We flew free

Then they would be all year round

We were passed at school:

What are we talking about, what are we cramming,

What did you eat during the break?

Who did you fight...

And we would

- Read it out loud.

IV. Setting lesson goals

Today we will continue to work on an excerpt from the book "Exercising for the Tail" by the writer Grigory Bentsionovich Oster. We will also continue to learn how to divide the text into parts, draw up a plan and talk about it.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

(Students read the text "Let's get to know each other" in parts and make a plan.)

Sample Plan

1. Appeal to the child.

2. Games and entertainment every day.

3. What a pity that we already know each other ...

4. Let's get acquainted!

5. Game of acquaintance.

VI. Physical education minute

The mice got up in a round dance.

The cat hit the drum.

The mice began to dance

Distribute candy to everyone.

(They dance.)

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la!

The whole earth shook.


VII. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Retelling the text according to the plan

(Students retell the text "Let's get acquainted" according to the plan.)

2. Crossword by text

2. He is so polite. (Baby elephant.)

3. He is so smart. (Parrot.)

4. What they shook him when they met. (Wing.)

5. What our heroes received from acquaintance. (Pleasure.)

6. She sang funny songs. (Monkey.)

7. The parrot crawled out from under him. (Bush.)

8. What they shook him when they met. (Tail.)

9. The one who was twisted like a skipping rope. (Boa.)

10. What they shook him when they met. (Trunk.)

(Keyword: acquaintance.)

VIII. Reflection

- Choose and continue any sentence.

In today's lesson, I learned...

In this lesson, I would commend myself for...

After class I wanted...

Today I managed...

IX. Summing up the lesson

— What works by G. Oster have we started reading?

What did you find particularly interesting?


1. Prepare a short retelling of the tale.


Let's Get Acquainted - a story by Grigory Oster

A funny story about how a monkey invited his friends to get to know each other again!

These baby elephant, parrot, boa constrictor and monkey lived in Africa. Every day they got together and came up with something interesting. Or just talking. Or a monkey sang funny songs, and a boa constrictor, a baby elephant and a parrot listened and laughed. Or a baby elephant asked smart questions, and a monkey, a parrot and a boa constrictor answered. Or a baby elephant and a monkey took a boa constrictor and twisted it like a skipping rope, and a parrot jumped over it. And everyone had fun, especially the boa constrictor. The baby elephant, the parrot, the boa constrictor and the monkey were always glad that they knew each other and played together. Therefore, everyone was surprised when the monkey once said:
- Oh, what a pity that we know each other!

Aren't you interested with us? - the parrot was offended.
- No, you did not understand me! - the monkey waved her hands. - That's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to say: what a pity that we already know each other. It would be interesting for all of us to get to know each other again. I would love to meet you, baby elephant, you are so polite, with you, parrot, you are so smart, with you, boa constrictor, you are so long.
- And I, - said the boa constrictor, - would be happy to meet you, monkey, with you, baby elephant, and with you parrot.
- And I, - said the baby elephant. - With pleasure.
But we already know each other! The parrot shrugged.
“That’s what I’m saying,” the monkey sighed. - What a pity!
- Friends! - suddenly said the boa constrictor and waved his tail. Why don't we get to know each other again?
You can't meet twice in a row! - said the parrot. - If you know someone, then this is forever. There's nothing you can do about it.
- And we, - offered the baby elephant, - let's take it and get to know each other first!
- Right! - said the boa constrictor. - Let's break up, and then meet by chance and get to know each other.
- Oh! - the elephant got excited. "What if we don't meet by chance?"
- Well, it's just not a problem! - said the parrot. - If we do not meet by chance, we will meet later on purpose.
The monkey covered her eyes with her hands and screamed:
One two three four five!
I'm starting to not know you!
Run away, run away
To meet again!
When the monkey opened its eyes, no one was there. Then an elephant came out from behind a tree. A boa constrictor crawled out of the grass. And a parrot crawled out from under the bush. Everyone looked at each other kindly and began to get to know each other.

The monkey shook the parrot's wing. The parrot shook the baby elephant's trunk. The baby elephant shook the boa constrictor's tail. And they all said to each other: "Let's get to know each other!" And then they said: “It was very nice to meet you!”
And it really was so nice that since then they met twice every day. In the morning when they met, and in the evening at parting, before going to bed.

(Ill. E. Zapesochnaya)

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  • How the gosling got lost - a story by Grigory Oster

    An interesting story about a hare who helped a duckling find its home. Where they just have not been: in a hole, in a nest, in a kennel. And the house turned out to be the shell from which the duckling hatched! Like a gosling got lost read This is me ...

    • The conversation of trees - Prishvin M.M.

      A story about the fact that each tree has resin with a special aroma. You rub a drop of resin with your hands, you smell it and you immediately remember stories from childhood, how you climbed trees. The conversation of trees to read Buds open, chocolate, with green tails, ...

    • Tsaplya - Charushin E.I.

      The author and his son Nikita drew birds at the zoo. When you draw, you see much more, because animals stop noticing a motionless person and go about their business. They watched the swan, pheasant, partridge. Then he saw a sparrow...

    • The conversation of birds and animals - Prishvin M.M.

      A story about how animals and birds transmit information to each other. Seasoned wolves bypass the traps and teach the young. Swamp bunting with its chirping warns the inhabitants of the swamp about an uninvited guest. The conversation of birds and animals read Amusing hunting ...

    Fairy tale

    Dickens C.

    A fairy tale about Princess Alyssia, who had eighteen younger brothers and sisters. Her parents: the king and queen were very poor and worked hard. One day, the good fairy gave Alyssia a magic bone that could grant one wish. …

    Bottle mail for dad

    Schirneck H.

    A fairy tale about a girl Hanna whose father is an explorer of the seas and oceans. Hannah writes letters to her father in which she talks about her life. Hanna's family is unusual: both her father's profession and her mother's work - she is a doctor for ...

    Adventures of Cipollino

    Rodari D.

    A fairy tale about a smart boy from a large family of poor onions. One day, his father accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon, who was passing by their house. For this, his father was thrown into prison, and Cipollino decided to rescue his father. Title: ...

    What do crafts smell like?

    Rodari D.

    Poems about the smells of every profession: the bakery smells of bread, the carpentry shop smells of fresh boards, the fisherman smells of the sea and fish, the painter smells of paints. What do crafts smell like? read Every business has a special smell: The bakery smells ...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends to earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. IN …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable for children aged 5,6,7. Poems about…

    Winter has come, and with it fluffy snow, blizzards, patterns on the windows, frosty air. The guys rejoice at the white flakes of snow, get skates and sleds from the far corners. Work is in full swing in the yard: they are building a snow fortress, an ice hill, sculpting ...

    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and the New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, a Christmas tree for the younger group of kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's holidays. Here …

    1 - About the little bus that was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how a mother-bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark ... About a little bus who was afraid of the dark to read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his mom and dad in a garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A small fairy tale for the little ones about three restless kittens and their funny adventures. Small children love short stories with pictures, that's why Suteev's fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about the Hedgehog, how he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play ...

    4 - About the little mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A small story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language ... To read about a mouse from a little book ...

G. B. Oster "Let's get acquainted" (grade 2)

Lesson objectives: to acquaint students with the work of G.B. Oster; to develop the creative abilities of children using reading by roles, to improve the skills of expressive reading; develop logical thinking, independent work skills; learn to choose words to support your thoughts.

During the classes.

    Organizing time

    Checking homework

    Setting the goal of the lesson

1. Red-legged,

With a long neck.

Heel pinching -

Run without looking back.

(Children guess the riddle, the teacher writes a riddle on the board in large, block letters, under each letter of the word there are numbers.)

2. Sleeps in winter

In summer, the hives stir.


    From ... ... ... hooves dust flies across the field.

    Can be sewn on

Can be torn off

Can be found

You can lose.


    Round, but not a bow,

Yellow, but not oil,

Sweet, not sugar

With a tail, but not a mouse.

The book "Thirty-eight parrots" was written by Grigory Oster, a well-known writer to all of you.

    Learning new material.

    Reading technique.

Read without errors!

hello hello

respected - respect


Hold on - hold on

Talked - talked

Get to know - let's get to know

With pleasure - with a boa constrictor

Learn by heart:

One two three four five!

I'm starting to not know you!

Disperse, run away.

To meet again.

2. Reading the passage by the teacher.

Hello dear child! A children's writer is writing to you. This writer is me. My name is Grigory Oster. What's your name, I don't know, but I can guess. And I also guess that you want to hear some fairy tale. If I guess correctly, then listen. And if I guess wrong and you don't want to hear the story, then don't listen. The fairy tale is not going anywhere, it will wait for you. Come whenever you want, and you will hear it all from beginning to end.

But you, dear Child, still don’t linger too much, otherwise you will become an adult and it will no longer be so interesting for you to listen to a fairy tale about a baby elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot.

These baby elephant, parrot, boa constrictor and monkey lived in Africa. Every day they got together and came up with something interesting. Or just talking. Or a monkey sang funny songs, and a boa constrictor, a baby elephant and a parrot listened and laughed. Or a baby elephant asked smart questions, and a monkey, a parrot and a boa constrictor answered. Or a baby elephant and a monkey took a boa constrictor and twisted it like a skipping rope, and a parrot jumped over it. And everyone had fun, especially the boa constrictor. The baby elephant, the parrot, the boa constrictor and the monkey were always glad that they knew each other and played together. Therefore, everyone was surprised when the monkey once said:

Oh, what a pity that we know each other!

Aren't you interested with us? - the parrot was offended.

No, you didn't understand me! - the monkey waved her hands. - That's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to say: what a pity that we already know each other. It would be interesting for all of us to get to know each other again. I would love to meet you, baby elephant, you are so polite, with you, parrot, you are so smart, with you, boa constrictor, you are so long.

And I, - said the boa constrictor, - would be happy to meet you, monkey, with you, baby elephant, and with you a parrot.

And I, - said the baby elephant. - With pleasure.

But we already know each other! The parrot shrugged.

So I say, - the monkey sighed. - What a pity!

Friends! - suddenly said the boa constrictor and waved his tail. Why don't we get to know each other again?

You can't meet twice in a row! - said the parrot. - If you know someone, then this is forever. There's nothing you can do about it.

And we, - suggested the baby elephant, - let's take it and get to know each other first!

Right! - said the boa constrictor. - Let's break up, and then meet by chance and get to know each other.

Oh! - the elephant got excited. "What if we don't meet by chance?"

Well, that's just not a problem! - said the parrot. - If we do not meet by chance, we will meet later on purpose.

The monkey covered her eyes with her hands and screamed:

One two three four five!
I'm starting to not know you!
Run away, run away
To meet again!

When the monkey opened its eyes, no one was there. Then an elephant came out from behind a tree. A boa constrictor crawled out of the grass. And a parrot crawled out from under the bush. Everyone looked at each other kindly and began to get to know each other.

The monkey shook the parrot's wing. The parrot shook the baby elephant's trunk. The baby elephant shook the boa constrictor's tail. And they all said to each other: "Let's get to know each other!" And then they said: “It was very nice to meet you!”

And it really was so nice that since then they met twice every day. In the morning when they met, and in the evening at parting, before going to bed.

3. Initial check of understanding.

- Who is this tale about?

- Where did the characters in the story live?

- What did they usually do?

- Why did they decide to "Disperse and scatter"?

- What are the best qualities that the monkey noticed in his friends? Read.

- Prove with the text that it was nice to get to know each other again.

5. Consolidation and generalization of the material.

What other books by Grigory Oster do you know?

"Bad Advice"

Bad advice for naughty children (obedient children are forbidden to read)

If a friend's birthday

invited you to my place,

You leave a gift at home -

Useful for yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake.

Don't get into conversations.

you while talking

Eat half as much sweets.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Don't grab the salad with your hands

You can scoop up more with a spoon.

If they suddenly give nuts,

Rash them carefully in your pocket,

But do not hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take out.

If to dad or mom

An adult aunt came

And leads some important

And a serious conversation

Necessary behind unnoticed

sneak up on her and then

Shout loudly in your ear:

Stop! Give up! Hands up!

And when from the chair aunt

Falls down with a fright

And spill it on your dress

Tea, compote or jelly,

It must be very loud

Mom will laugh

And being proud of your child,

Dad will shake your hand.

Papa will take you by the shoulder

And lead somewhere.

It's probably there for a very long time.

Dad will praise you.

If you are not firmly

Chose a path in life

And you don't know why

Start your labor path

Beat the light bulbs in the porches -

People will tell you, "Thank you."

you help the people

Save electricity.

If you are invited to dinner

Proudly hide under the sofa

And lie there quietly

Not to be found right away.

And when from under the sofa

They will drag by the legs,

Break out and bite

Don't give up without a fight.

If they do get you

And they will put you at the table,

Drop the cup

Pour the soup on the floor.

Cover your mouth with your hands

Fall down from the chair.

And throw the cutlets up,

Let them stick to the ceiling.

In a month people will say

Yours sincerely:

In appearance he is thin and frail,

But the character is strong.

To kick out of the apartment

Various flies and mosquitoes

Gotta pull down the curtain

And spin over your head.

Pictures will fly from the walls,

Flowers from the window sill.

Tumbling TV

The chandelier will crash into the parquet.

And escaping from the roar.

mosquitoes will scatter

And frightened flies

A flock will rush to the south.

Never allow

Put yourself a thermometer

And don't swallow pills

And don't eat powders.

Let the stomach and teeth hurt

Throat, ears, head,

Don't take medicine anyway

And don't listen to the doctor.

The heart will stop beating

But for sure

They won't stick a mustard plaster on you

And they won't inject.

If you stayed at home

Alone without parents

I can offer you

An interesting game.

Called "Courageous Chef"

Or "brave chef".

The essence of the game in preparation

All kinds of delicious food.

I suggest to start

Here is such a simple recipe:

Need in daddy's shoes

Pour out mother's perfume

And then these shoes

Apply shaving cream

And pour them with fish oil

With black ink in half,

Throw in the soup that mama

Prepared in the morning.

And cook with the lid closed

Roughly seventy minutes.

What will you find out

When the adults arrive.

If your friend is the best

Slipped and fell

Point your finger at a friend

And grab your stomach...

Let him see, lying in a puddle, -

You are not upset at all.

A true friend does not love

Grieve your friends.

There is no more pleasant occupation

What to pick in the nose.

Everyone is terribly interested

What is hidden inside.

Who hates to look

Let him not look.

We do not climb into his nose,

Let him not come.

Beat friends without respite

Every day for half an hour

And your muscles

Becomes stronger than a brick.

And with mighty hands

You, when the enemies come

You can in difficult times

Protect your friends.

Never wash your hands

Neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid business

Doesn't lead to anything.

Hands dirty again

Neck, ears and face.

So why waste energy

Time to waste.

Shaving is also useless

There is no point.

To old age by itself

Bald head.

If you're down the hall

Ride your bike

And to meet you from the bathroom

Dad went out for a walk

Don't turn into the kitchen

There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen.

Brake better in dad.

Dad is soft. He will forgive.

If your mother bought you

There is only a ball in the store

And doesn't want the rest

All that he sees, buy,

Stand up straight, heels together

Spread your arms to the sides

Open your mouth wide

And shout the letter: - A!

And when, dropping bags,

With a cry: - Citizens! Anxiety!

Buyers will rush

With a saleswoman at the head,

The store manager is here

Come and tell mom:

Take everything for free

Let him not scream!

If the whole family swim

You went to the river

Don't interfere with mom and dad

Sunbathing on the beach.

Don't make a cry

Let adults rest.

Not touching anyone

Try to drown.

What other books do you know? Now I will introduce you to the "Problem in Mathematics"


Tell you a sadistic anecdote? A children's writer comes to the readers and says: "And I wrote a new book for you - a problem book in mathematics." This is probably the same as putting a plate of porridge instead of a cake on a birthday. But to be honest, the book opened before you is not quite a problem book.

For adults

No, no, the tasks here are real. For second, third and fourth grades. All of them have a solution and help to consolidate the material covered in the corresponding class. However, the main task of the "task book" is not to consolidate the material, and these tasks have nothing to do with what is called entertaining mathematics. I think that these problems will not cause any professional interest among the winners of mathematical Olympiads. These tasks are just for those who do not like mathematics, who habitually consider the solution of problems to be dreary and tedious work. Let them doubt!

For children

Dear children, this book is called "Problem Book" on purpose, so that it can be read at a math lesson and not hidden under a desk. And if the teachers start to resent, say: "We don't know anything, the Ministry of Education has allowed it."

Firefighters are taught to put on their pants in three seconds. How many pants can a well-trained firefighter put on in five minutes?

If you quietly sneak up on grandfather and dad from behind and suddenly shout: “Hurrah!”, dad will jump 18 cm. Grandfather, who survived in difficult years and not like that, will jump only 5 cm. How many centimeters taller than grandfather will dad jump when he heard a sudden " Hooray!"?

Two numbers 5 and 3 once came to a place where many different differences were lying around, and began to look for their own. Find the difference between these numbers.

Tolya argued with Kolya that he would eat 5 cans of shoe polish, but ate only 3. How many cans of shoe polish Tolya could not master?

Raising his son a loser, dad wears out 2 trouser belts a year. How many belts did dad wear out during all eleven years of study, if it is known that in the fifth grade his son stayed twice in the second year?

In the elevator, the first floor button is located at a height of 1m 20 cm from the floor. The button of each next floor is 10 cm higher than the previous one. To what floor can a little boy, whose height is 90 cm, reach in an elevator if, by jumping, he can reach a height that is 45 cm higher than his height?

If you put Dasha, who weighs 45 kg, and Natasha, who weighs 8 kg less, on one side of the scale, and put 89 kg of different sweets on the other, then how many kg of sweets will the unfortunate girls have to eat to balance the scales?

    Lesson summary

Why are Grigory Oster's books our favorites?

Should I follow bad advice?
