Project protection scenario. Development for Science Day Main project idea

Svetlana Vozilova

Target: the relationship between the idea of ​​goodness and concrete deeds.


Learn to find ways to do good deeds;

Develop skills in analyzing and drawing up an action plan;

To promote the development of the best personality traits of students through the creation of an appropriate emotional atmosphere at the event.


1. Projector

2. Tables by number of groups

3. Chairs according to the number of people.

4. Whatman A 1 – 3 pcs.

5. Felt pens – 3 sets.

6. Magnetic board and magnets.

Progress of the event:

Video “What is kindness?”

Each of us has a little sun inside us. This sun is kindness.

A kind person loves nature and protects it.

A kind person is one who loves people and helps them.

The kindness of the weak makes the strong, the strong generous, and the whole world cleaner and brighter.

Kindness, first of all, should live in your hearts.

Good hearts are gardens.

Kind words are roots.

Good thoughts are flowers.

Good deeds are fruits.

So take care of your garden, don’t let it become overgrown with weeds.

Today we met here to think and come up with good deeds that you can do for our Center, for your group.

Now each group will brainstorm and develop their own mini-project. When working on your projects, please do not forget that in June we are celebrating the anniversary of the orphanage. Therefore, your good deed may be connected precisely with this.

To make your work easier, use the following algorithm (it is on the screen):

What are you planning to do

Why will you do this (goal and objectives)

How will you do it

What do you need for this

How long will it take you to do this?

You are given 15 minutes to think about and record your project. In 15 minutes, a representative from your group will defend your project.

The projects will be assessed by a competent jury. It included:

I think that you will show your creativity, your imagination and offer us your interesting ideas that we can bring to life.

A calm melody sounds in the background, children in groups put forward and discuss their ideas, and draw up an action plan.


Please tell me, did the task given to you cause you any difficulty?

….(if the children answer what caused it, discuss together how to overcome such difficulties)

Conclusion: good deeds require effort, diligence, desire.

What is the most important thing in a person?

What is deep beauty?

The main, wise, subtle, glorious -

This is undoubtedly always kindness!

This is a balm for the human soul.

This is the road that leads to happiness

Remember that from the very first century

Good fortune loves and awaits.

If anger suddenly rises in your throat,

Try to do something good for someone,

Bile will give way to relief,

Light will pour silver into the soul!

Life is, of course, easier for those who are kind,

Don't keep a stone in your bosom,

Just goodness is a stronger stone

Pebbles of evil, deceit and lies!

A word from our jury.

Awards according to nominations.

Thank you all very much for your responsible and creative approach. Goodbye.

Now we are waiting for the implementation of your mini-projects.

Publications on the topic:

Construction is one of the most favorite activities of children; these are the first steps of children towards creativity. Games with a constructor are a whole world of ideas.

In our Kushchevsky district there is a campaign “Take a useful selfie - give children “Happiness”!” It was necessary for the sake of saving seriously ill children.

Many years ago, people began to record events that happened in one area or another, with one person or another. This is how chronicles arose. Together.

Summary of the presentation of the “Little Secrets of Nature” projects with parents and children 5–6 years old Goal: to create conditions for the manifestation of creativity and initiative of children 5-6 years old and their parents, as well as the establishment of partnerships.

Lesson summary for children with moderate mental retardation “Sound [B] and letter B, v. Writing the letter "v" Purpose: To introduce students to the new letter -B-. Objectives: Educational: to form a clear image of the letter –B- in the children’s memory; teach correct spelling.

Summary of a writing lesson in the 1st grade of a correctional school of type 8 “Composing words with studied syllables and writing words” Internal writing lesson on the topic: “Composing words with studied syllables and writing words” in the 1st grade of a special (correctional) school.


Winnie the Pooh: I do not want anything!

I'm tired of all this!

I don’t want something tastier!

I want healthy food

Then I'll be more fun!!!

(fruit dance)



Lots of joy for people

After all the work.

We are welcoming autumn

A rich harvest.


Our harvest is good

Born densely:

Blue eggplants

Red tomato

They're planning a long one

And a serious dispute.


Which one of us is from vegetables

Both tastier and more useful?

Who with all the diseases

Will it be better for everyone?


The peas popped out -

What a braggart!

Polka dots.

I'm so pretty.

Little green boy.

If only I want

I'll treat everyone to peas!


Blushing with insult,

Beetroot grumbled:


Let me say a word.

Listen first.

Beetroot can be used for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat and treat yourself

There is no better beetroot!


Shut up, you beetroot!

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Trickster bunnies

They love stalks.

I'll treat the kids

Sweet stalk.

Cucumber :

You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.


I am a ruddy radish.

I bow to you low, low.

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone!


The story about me is not long:

Who doesn't love vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrot

Will you, my friend,

Tough, strong, dexterous.


There's a tomato pouting here

And he said sternly...


Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,

Shut up a little.

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice

There are a lot of vitamins in it

We happily drink it!


Ya potato, so modest

Didn't say a word...

But potatoes are so necessary

Both big and small!


Eggplant caviar

So tasty, healthy,

It's time to end the dispute!

There is no point in arguing.


Very important products


I am a green apple

Attached to a branch.

You always eat me.

I have a lot of iron

If hemoglobin is high,

Your path is easy.


I am a ripe pear

Apple's girlfriend.

Make friends with me

The vitamins are good.

Help yourself to a juicy pear.

Stay young.


I am an apricot, I grew up in the south
I have a rough side

Buy me for future use!

I'm always in the compote,

It's not just water there.


I am a pot-bellied orange

I alone will bring joy.

Quench my thirst with me

And thank me.


I am a purple plum

Ripe, garden

Good for the stomach

Eat and your soul will sing.


We are cherry girlfriends

Burgundy fatties.

Always hanging on a branch

And we look down on everyone!


I am a strawberry

Your little sister.

Gather me in the forest

I will bring a lot of benefit!


Who will help us guys?

Resolve this whole dispute?

Well, of course, Aunt Sveta.

After all, she is a doctor.

Aunt Sveta: Well of course it's me.

What are you arguing about, friends?


Which of the fruits and vegetables

Everyone is tastier and more important?

Who with all the diseases

Will it be more useful for you?

Aunt Sveta:

To be healthy and strong,

Gotta love vegetables

Everything, without exception,

There is no doubt about it!

Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide:

Which one of you tastes better?

Which one of you is more needed?


And now the boys and

Fun girls

They will sing ditties for you.

So that you can live long.

Listen carefully

Vitamin ditties

Very entertaining.


We wish you to live long,Don't get sick and have fun.


Winnie the Pooh:



Winnie the Pooh: horses.


Piglet: cows.


Mistress: It flows - but not water.

It is always white, like snow.

It's easy to recognize by taste,

After all, it’s in the jar...

Mistress: Children, sit down at the table!

Just be quiet, don't crowd!

I'll pour you some milk

What Burenka gave us!

Hostess: Young hero,

Brave guy, daring!

Come on, son, take a walk

And show yourself to the people.

You have no flaws -

Tell me what the secret is!

It has both strength and warmth!

After all, it's magical

Good, useful!

I'm growing with him hour by hour

And I'll give you some good advice -

Instead of Pepsi, lemonade

You need to drink milk more often!

Milk helps everyone:

Strengthens teeth and gums!

You feel at ease

If you drink milk!

To always be healthy,

Start your day with milk!

White water

It will be useful to all of us.

From white water

Do whatever you want.

Drink milk quickly

And don’t be sorry for the cat!

Cat. I have a cat Stepan,

I have a special scent for sour cream.

It's already lunchtime

And there is no sour cream.

Help Stepan,

Find me some sour cream.

Enough of your reasoning!

Cat . I won't eat without bread.


Here it is - fragrant bread,
With a crunch, twisted crust.
Here it is... warm, golden,
As if bathed in sunshine.

Earthling - black soil,

Earthling is black soil.

Here the wheat grew,

The wheat grew here.

The wheat has spikelets,

The wheat has spikelets.

Golden spikelets.


Bread is the head of everything.

Let the wheat come out
The one that is making ears of corn in the field.
Look at the grain.
This is how it has grown up!



Reader 1:
Winter. The earth is sleeping.
What is she dreaming about?
Dreaming of ripe wheat.
Well, people have no time for sleep:
Come soon, spring!

Reader 2:
- Agronomist in a white robe,
I'm checking the seeds.
Come soon, spring!
The agronomist said: - It's time!
Start the tractor.
Plows cut like a knife,
Fat, juicy black soil.
An old sower sowed
From a basket, a sieve.
Nowadays the seeder-machine
I'm busy with this matter.

Reader 3:
The story continues.
Our harvest is ripe.
Harvesters float out into the steppe,
Like ships at sea.
And from the tight ear
The grain is knocked out
It pours into the box.

Reader 5:
Even though the grain has been harvested,
It's not bread yet.
They take it into circulation,
They will grind it into powder.
The grains became flour.
They won't give her any peace either.
To a large bakery
The truck is carrying flour.
At a large bakery
You will become dough, flour.

The loaf was born.


Winnie the Pooh:

Piglet: Then let's go to the forest………….

(music sounds)


A good day is coming

The sun is shining in the morning.

And nature comes to life

It's time to wake everyone up!

(Ray comes out and dances.)



RAY: I am a golden ray of sunshine.

See the Earth. But wait:


There are no terrible enemies on Earth.

The earth gives us peace and tranquility.

Come travel with me!


Let's go around the mainland!

GIRL: You and I ended up in the forest,

(Old Lesovichok comes out.


I am the owner of the forest

Old Lesovichok.

I wear variegated leaves

Multi-colored cap,

Birch bark boots,

Painted bloomers.

Himself in a green army coat,

The staff is in my hand.

Like along narrow paths,

I walk on the blades of grass.

I guard the forest world.


LESOVICHOK: Tell me guys,



Blueberries are edible berries.


RAY: It's time for us to move on.

GIRL: Filled with bright sunshine,


Go around the whole world,

of course not.

Fragrant compotes,

candies, juices, pies,

jelly, syrup, jam

no doubt you ate.

And what a wonder it is from the leaves!

Brew fragrant tea,

he looks beautiful too

and useful against illness.

listen to me

most useful for people

there will be my berry.

For everyone, I am a treasure trove of vitamins.

My juice will cure scurvy,

and if you make jam,

I'll turn red first,

and then I'll dress in gold,

and I’ll smile at the sun,

I am a chameleon berry

The whole path is strewn with me,

you guessed it, of course,

that my name is Moroshka.

but listen to my answer:


I am Lingonberry! And my bush

brings more benefits to everyone!

I was the best preserved

It’s a sin to disagree with this.

I can cure any ailment,

and food consumption

just to everyone's surprise

incomparable compotes,

juices, fruit drinks and pickles

always worthy of admiration.


You can argue endlessly

I'll tell you one thing, friends,

A bee flies in.

Bee: Me

Winnie the Pooh: What are you doing with him?

Bee: Oh, how the flowers smell here.

Winnie the Pooh:


This meadow, this forest

Full of different miracles

You just need to see miracles:

Look how clean they are

How elegant the flowers are,

And the dew glows in the daisies.

Here a moth flies,

Here the stream is ringing,

But you can’t collect all the nectar.











Once upon a time we are in the hive

We visited the bees.

Bashkir honey is famous

All the boys like it.

The hive began to bite,

We are on the defensive!

Honey in barrels is famous

All the girls like it!

The bees buzzed

We ran away!

We really like honey

If... it doesn't bite!

Winnie the Pooh:




Student: black

Green tea

Red tea

Yellow tea

White tea



Eastern wisdom says:


Student: Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity,

We forget about her.

And at least more familiar

We're flying to the moon

Let's remember Russian customs,

Let's remember our old days.

(Students perform a dance)

Student: . It was brought from Mongolia.,


  1. When did tea appear in Russia?
  2. Where is tea grown in Russia?


Student: We have a pie on the table

Donuts and cheesecakes.

So let's sing with some tea

Tea ditties.

(Students sing ditties)

The samovar shines

The tea is so foamy in it!

Look at yourself-

Well, a reflection.

When dancing, don’t spare your shoes.

Offer tea to your friends.

If there are tea leaves in the cup,

So they write letters to us!

There are bagels on the table,

The samovar is already boiling.

Black hour in a dry tin

It rings like carnations.

I just drank some tea,

Cheeks flushed

All the boys are on me

We immediately looked at it.

They also like to drink tea in China,

And just like in Japan,

Just don't get bored

In this ceremony.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you

So that you clap for us

Vitamin: Defense of project 3 “B”


King. Who prepared this dish?



King ( angrily repeating the question). Who prepared this dish?




Cook (relieved

King. Spices? And what is it?









Cook. So oil is not a spice!










Vitamin: Winnie the Pooh:

All products are simply wonderful!

How much joy they bring:

All diseases and colds

They will fall before them,


That's why it's always

For our health

Complete food -

The most important condition!

Thank you for your attention.

Everyone: goodbye!


Scenario for defending the project “The Most Healthy Products” for elementary school.

The script was compiled by the teacher of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 473 Tatyana Aleksandrovna Bukharova.

(sad Winnie the Pooh sits on stage in a chair, and Piglet walks around him and persuades him to eat and sings a song based on the tune from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”

Piglet: Oh, and our poor Winnie the Cannon!

Look how thin your face has become!

Eat candy, pie, sausage...

Winnie the Pooh: I do not want anything!

I'm tired of all this!

I don’t want something tastier!

I want healthy food

Then I'll be more fun!!!

(music sounds, Queen Vitaminka appears)

Queen Vitaminka: Hello, dear guys! Hello Winnie the Pooh and Piglet! I, the Queen of Vitamin Products, heard your conversation between Piglet and Winnie the Pooh and decided to tell you about the benefits of different products. To do this, we will go on a trip to the guys who today prepared a defense of projects on the topic: “The most useful products”

(fruit dance)

We came to visit vegetables and fruits.

Leading: - Do you know that in terms of vitamin content, vegetables, berries and fruits play the first role? We are all familiar with the word “vitamins”. What does it mean? It turns out that “vita” means “life” in Latin.

What do you think, which vegetables and fruits are most necessary for a person? Let's listen to the vegetables and fruits themselves.

1st grade project. " Vegetables and fruits"


Harvesting fruits in autumn

Lots of joy for people

After all the work.

We are welcoming autumn

A rich harvest.


Our harvest is good

Born densely:

And carrots, and potatoes, white cabbage,

Blue eggplants

Red tomato

They're planning a long one

And a serious dispute.


Which one of us is from vegetables

Both tastier and more useful?

Who with all the diseases

Will it be better for everyone?


The peas popped out -

What a braggart!

Polka dots.

I'm so pretty.

Little green boy.

If only I want

I'll treat everyone to peas!


Blushing with insult,

Beetroot grumbled:


Let me say a word.

Listen first.

Beetroot can be used for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat and treat yourself

There is no better beetroot!


Shut up, you beetroot!

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Trickster bunnies

They love stalks.

I'll treat the kids

Sweet stalk.

Cucumber :

You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.


I am a ruddy radish.

I bow to you low, low.

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone!


The story about me is not long:

Who doesn't love vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrot

Will you, my friend,

Tough, strong, dexterous.


There's a tomato pouting here

And he said sternly...


Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,

Shut up a little.

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice

There are a lot of vitamins in it

We happily drink it!


Ya potato, so modest

Didn't say a word...

But potatoes are so necessary

Both big and small!


Eggplant caviar

So tasty, healthy,

It's time to end the dispute!

There is no point in arguing.


Here fruits got involved in our dispute -

Very important products


I am a green apple

Attached to a branch.

You always eat me.

I have a lot of iron

If hemoglobin is high,

Your path is easy.


I am a ripe pear

Apple's girlfriend.

Make friends with me

The vitamins are good.

Help yourself to a juicy pear.

Stay young.


I am an apricot, I grew up in the south
I have a rough side

Buy me for future use!

I'm always in the compote,

It's not just water there.


I am a pot-bellied orange

I alone will bring joy.

Quench my thirst with me

And thank me.


I am a purple plum

Ripe, garden

Good for the stomach

Eat and your soul will sing.


We are cherry girlfriends

Burgundy fatties.

Always hanging on a branch

And we look down on everyone!


I am a strawberry

Your little sister.

Gather me in the forest

I will bring a lot of benefit!


Who will help us guys?

Resolve this whole dispute?

Well, of course, Aunt Sveta.

After all, she is a doctor.

Aunt Sveta: Well of course it's me.

What are you arguing about, friends?


Which of the fruits and vegetables

Everyone is tastier and more important?

Who with all the diseases

Will it be more useful for you?

Aunt Sveta:

To be healthy and strong,

Gotta love vegetables

Everything, without exception,

There is no doubt about it!

Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide:

Which one of you tastes better?

Which one of you is more needed?


And now the boys and

Fun girls

They will sing ditties for you.

What vitamins should you be friends with?

So that you can live long.

Listen carefully

Vitamin ditties

Very entertaining.


1 Vitamins, vitamins! Where can I get money for you?

So that terrible diseases could not stop me.

2 But I’m not very sad, I’m growing vitamins.

Everything is growing on the hacienda, the people are surprised.

3 In my garden there are peppers and cabbage.

Teeth and bones don’t hurt, Even though your pocket is empty.

4 So that you have strength, girls, chew carrots, peas, nettles.

And pork, mayonnaise. Eat a little, almost to the limit.

5 Don’t be lazy, chew the carrots and boil the beans.

And you won’t get to the doctors, no matter how much you persuade.

6 I ate carrots today, and it’s no coincidence that I’ve gained weight.

I will chew beets and improve my intestines.

7 I eat carrots in the morning, I see everyone from afar.

There are a lot of vitamins there - You eat carrots in the morning.

8 Vitamin family All very useful.

Always be friends with her, Let the doctors rest.

9 We are funny girls, We sang ditties for you.

We wish you to live long,Don't get sick and have fun.

Vitamin:- But you guys remember that most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but only come from food. That's why berries, vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet regularly.

Winnie the Pooh:In the morning the sun rises and calls us all to the meadow.

Piglet:A herd is grazing in the meadow. This is who we need to visit!

Vitamin:Far, far away in the meadow they are grazing...

Winnie the Pooh:horses.

Vitamin:No, not horses. Far, far away in the meadow they are grazing...


Vitamin:That's right, cows. Children, drink milk and you will be healthy.

I invite you to visit the thrush.

Project 4 “A” “Milk Rivers”.

Mistress:It flows - but not water.

It is always white, like snow.

It's easy to recognize by taste,

After all, it’s in the jar...

Mistress:Children, sit down at the table!

Just be quiet, don't crowd!

I'll pour you some milk

What Burenka gave us!

-Milk and dairy products contain not only water, but also a large amount of nutrients necessary for our body to grow and function. Therefore, milk can quench not only thirst, but also hunger. It is no coincidence that many different products are prepared from milk. Do you know what can be made from milk? ()Look at this table and name those drinks and foods that are familiar to you.

Hostess: Young hero,

Brave guy, daring!

Come on, son, take a walk

And show yourself to the people.

You have no flaws -

Tell me what the secret is!

Son: I’ve been drinking milk since childhood,

It has both strength and warmth!

After all, it's magical

Good, useful!

I'm growing with him hour by hour

And I'll give you some good advice -

Instead of Pepsi, lemonade

You need to drink milk more often!

Milk helps everyone:

Strengthens teeth and gums!

You feel at ease

If you drink milk!

To always be healthy,

Start your day with milk!

White water

It will be useful to all of us.

From white water

Do whatever you want.

Drink milk quickly

And don’t be sorry for the cat!

The cat Stepan enters, purring.

Cat. I have a cat Stepan,

I have a special scent for sour cream.

It's already lunchtime

And there is no sour cream.

Help Stepan,

Find me some sour cream.

Boy. Where does sour cream come from?

Girl. It is created from cream.

Boy. And where do the plums live?

Girl. They live in milk.

Cat. How long should I wait for sour cream?

Enough of your reasoning!

The girl brings a jar of sour cream, approaches the cat and strokes it.

Boy 1. Eat sour cream, cat Stepan!

Cat. I won't eat without bread.


Here it is - fragrant bread,
With a crunch, twisted crust.
Here it is... warm, golden,
As if bathed in sunshine.

Project 2 “B” “Where did the bread on the table come from?”

(Girls in Russian folk costumes sing a song.)

Earthling - black soil,

Earthling is black soil.

Here the wheat grew,

The wheat grew here.

The wheat has spikelets,

The wheat has spikelets.

Golden spikelets.

They ground the ears of corn and took them to the mill.

They ground flour there and baked a lot of bread.

Loaf, loaf. Greet all guests quickly.

Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word it really is - think about it! A word is used to describe plants, grains, flour, and flour products that are not similar to each other. What is bread? Bread is 15,000 thousand years old. The Egyptians were the first to discover the secret of the spikelet. Bread is a very healthy product. No wonder it was placed in the center of the table and considered the main dish.

Bread is the head of everything.

Without a stove it’s cold, without bread you’re hungry.

As long as there is bread and water, it’s not a problem.

These are the proverbs people made about bread.

Plants whose grains are suitable for food are called “bread”.

Let the wheat come out
The one that is making ears of corn in the field.
Look at the grain.
This is how it has grown up!

The hardiest of all grains is rye. Rye bread is the most delicious and healthy. Rye is not only bread - it is a good forage plant. Paper is made from rye straw.

I am barley. My flour mixed with wheat makes excellent bread. I am indispensable food for animals.

Bread is rushing to meet us along the green field path.

He will tell you and me about barns and ovens.

And also about a spring day, about grain on black arable land.

How much patience is needed to make homemade bread.

Reader 1:
Winter. The earth is sleeping.
What is she dreaming about?
Dreaming of ripe wheat.
Well, people have no time for sleep:
Come soon, spring!

Reader 2:
- Agronomist in a white robe,
What are you doing? - An important matter.
I'm checking the seeds.
Come soon, spring!
The agronomist said: - It's time!
Start the tractor.
Plows cut like a knife,
Fat, juicy black soil.
An old sower sowed
From a basket, a sieve.
Nowadays the seeder-machine
I'm busy with this matter.

Reader 3:
The story continues.
Our harvest is ripe.
Harvesters float out into the steppe,
Like ships at sea.
And from the tight ear
The grain is knocked out
Here you go, ready,
It pours into the box.

Reader 5:
Even though the grain has been harvested,
It's not bread yet.
They take it into circulation,
They will grind it into powder.
The grains became flour.
They won't give her any peace either.
To a large bakery
The truck is carrying flour.
At a large bakery
You will become dough, flour.
- Oh, let me go! - the dough whispers.
- Okay, let's go, let's go to the oven.
The loaf was born.


We need both meat and fruits. However, if we judge strictly,

You can live without many products. You can't live without bread!

Winnie the Pooh:Bread is good, but berries are better...

Piglet:Then let's go to the forest………….

(music sounds)

Defense of a 3 “A” class project on the topic: “In a forest clearing.”


A good day is coming

The sun is shining in the morning.

And nature comes to life

It's time to wake everyone up!

(Ray comes out and dances.)

RAY: Wake up, wake up, Wake up quickly!

(A girl comes out and stretches.)

GIRL:Good morning! How beautiful it is! Oh, who are you?

RAY:I am a golden ray of sunshine.

I came to you from the beautiful heavens

See the Earth. But wait:

Are there any dangerous enemies here?


What enemies, what dangers are you talking about?

There are no terrible enemies on Earth.

The earth gives us peace and tranquility.

Come travel with me!

RAY:I'm glad it's just the two of us

Let's go around the mainland!

GIRL:You and I ended up in the forest,

To where the tall pines touch the sky,

Where spruces, birches and oaks whisper fairy tales,

Where the berries ripened and mushrooms grew.

(Old Lesovichok comes out.


Who came into my domain?

I am the owner of the forest

Old Lesovichok.

I wear variegated leaves

Multi-colored cap,

Birch bark boots,

Painted bloomers.

Himself in a green army coat,

The staff is in my hand.

Like along narrow paths,

I walk on the blades of grass.

Every day, in the rain and in the heat

I guard the forest world.

GIRL AND RAY:Hello, Old Lesovichok, hello forest!

LESOVICHOK:Tell me guys,

Why did you come to the forest to see me?

Girl:We came to the forest to pick berries.

LESOVICHOK:Well, guys, I'm glad to see you visiting us. I will help you find a berry patch if you answer my questions.

-What berries can be found in the forest? (Slide)

Look at the slide. Name the berries. (Strawberries, rose hips, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries).

-What do you know about these berries?

Rose hips – Rose hips contain a lot of vitamin C.

Strawberries – berries contain vitamin C.

Blueberries – improves vision, astringent.

Lingonberry is a diuretic.

Blueberries are edible berries.

Lesovichok:I see you know wild berries and I think you know how to behave in the forest. Do not light a fire, do not litter, do not break trees, do not harm animals!

RAY:It's time for us to move on.

(The girl and Ray go out into the clearing to the music)

GIRL:Filled with bright sunshine,

A golden clearing greets us!

RAY:How beautiful it is here! How many Berries are there?

Blueberry: I, beauty, am blueberry.

Go around the whole world,

but berries are healthier and more healing,

of course not.

Fragrant compotes,

candies, juices, pies,

jelly, syrup, jam

no doubt you ate.

And what a wonder it is from the leaves!

Brew fragrant tea,

he looks beautiful too

and useful against illness.

Blueberry: Why are you bragging, Blueberry,

listen to me

most useful for people

there will be my berry.

For everyone, I am a treasure trove of vitamins.

My juice will cure scurvy,

and if you make jam,

then for your guests, no doubt,

You won't find a better treat.

Cloudberry: Guess the riddle:

I'll turn red first,

and then I'll dress in gold,

and I’ll smile at the sun,

I am a chameleon berry

The whole path is strewn with me,

you guessed it, of course,

that my name is Moroshka.

Cranberry: You are all beautiful, no doubt,

but listen to my answer:

I am Cranberry, the tart gift of the earth.

I stretch with a creeping stem over the hummocks,

so that you can improve your health.

And thanks to citric acid,

I stay in the cold for a long time, friends.


I am Lingonberry! And my bush

brings more benefits to everyone!

I was the best preserved

It’s a sin to disagree with this.

Do not take away the healing properties,

I can cure any ailment,

and food consumption

just to everyone's surprise

incomparable compotes,

juices, fruit drinks and pickles

always worthy of admiration.


You can argue endlessly

I'll tell you one thing, friends,

All of you berries are healthy, I know that for sure!

Project 2 “A” class “Visiting the Golden Bee”.

A bee flies in.

Bee: Me- hairy bee, golden bee.

I fly over flowers, and I take nectar there.

Winnie the Pooh:What are you doing with him?

Bee:Oh, how the flowers smell here.

I take nectar into my house, we call it a hive.

And I prepare honey there, the beekeeper takes it.

Winnie the Pooh:And do you give all the honey to the beekeeper? I would eat everything myself.

Vitamin:You can't be so greedy Winnie the Pooh. Let's go visit the bees and they will tell us a fairy tale.

Fairy. Funny bees lived in the forest. They collected sweet nectar from flowers, built honeycombs together and they always had a lot of fragrant honey.

This meadow, this forest

Full of different miracles

You just need to see miracles:

Look how clean they are

How elegant the flowers are,

And the dew glows in the daisies.

Here a moth flies,

Here the stream is ringing,

A prickly hedgehog flashed through the bushes,

Here is a handsome golden meadow dandelion,

But you can’t collect all the nectar.

Fairy.But there was still a bear living in this forest. (The bear comes out and performs the actions according to the text) The bear loved honey. I couldn't live without honey. All he could think about was the honey and how he was eating it. As soon as he saw a hollow in a tree in which bees were buzzing, his joy knew no bounds. He immediately plundered the beekeeper and began to eat honey. The bees surrounded the bear from all sides, trying to sting him, but they failed, because the bear’s fur is thick and long, and the bees’ sting is short. They try to get to the bear's body, but their fur doesn't let them in. Even in those days, the bear had a long tail, which he used to drive away bees. The bear eats honeycombs to his heart's content, until he is drenched in sweetness. (A man comes out) One day a man came into the forest to get firewood and saw a bear on a tree, devouring honey prey.

Human. Oh, you clubfoot! This means you are ruining the beekeeper and eating the finished honey! So I'll teach you a lesson now.

Fairy. He swung his ax at the bear and hit it in the tail. I cut off half of his tail, the shaggiest and thickest part. So the tail remained so short. The bear went into the forest, bowing his head low. And that man straightened the honeycomb and went home. The bees marveled at such a thing and asked the main bee.

Bee. Why didn't this man finish our honey?

The main one is the bee. Catch up and ask him why he didn't eat our honey.

Fairy.The bees did just that. (Perform actions according to the text) And then the man answered them like this:

Human.If I eat honey, then you will have nothing left for the winter, and you will die of hunger.

Fairy.The bees returned to their house and conveyed the man’s words to the main bee. And they decided to ask the man to protect them from the bear. The bees flew to the man and said:

Bees.Take us with you, don’t let the bear offend you. And we will thank you for this, we will treat your children with honey.

Human. Okay, I’ll build you a strong hive, you will live there and collect honey.

Fairy.And from that time on, bees began to treat people with their honey. Guys, do you like honey? (Children's response) Then we will all sing a Bashkir song together.

Once upon a time we are in the hive

We visited the bees.

Bashkir honey is famous

All the boys like it.

The hive began to bite,

We are on the defensive!

Honey in barrels is famous

All the girls like it!

The bees buzzed

We ran away!

We really like honey

If... it doesn't bite!

Winnie the Pooh:Oh, and I'm full of sweets. I should drink some water now.

Project 4 "B". “Let’s sit by the samovar.”

Vitamin:Water is good, of course, but tea is better. Now we’ll teach you where the tea on the table came from.

Student:Tea is one of the ancient drinks consumed by humans. How did the custom of drinking tea originate?

One day. 5 thousand years ago, the Chinese emperor, resting in the forest,

ordered to warm water for drinking. Suddenly the wind rose

and several tea leaves fell into the cup. The Emperor drank the drink and

I felt more energetic. This is how the custom of drinking tea began.

Only women collected tea. It was believed that the aroma of women's hands does not spoil the smell of tea. For the Chinese emperor, tea was collected by girls under the age of 16.

There have been other legends about the birth of tea, and each of them confirms that the birthplace of tea is China. The Chinese carefully hid the secret of tea, and when they sold tea seeds, they poured boiling water over them so that they would not germinate.

Student:The tea bush is a perennial plant. Tea is obtained from young, tender shoots. There are many types and varieties of tea. Tea is named according to the place where it grows: Chinese, Indian, Ceylon, Krasnodar, Georgian. In Russia, tea is grown in the Krasnodar region.

Student:More than 95% of global tea production comes fromblacktea. It has a strong aroma and specific taste, and is especially preferred by tea lovers.

Green teahas a delicate aroma and high healing properties.

Red teais the most aromatic variety of tea. The technology for producing this tea is complex and very capricious.

Yellow teabelongs to the highest quality types of tea. It has a pleasant taste, aroma and delicate viscosity, thanks to which it differs sharply from all types of tea.

White tearefreshing, delicate, rich in flavors of honey, melon, peach, and berries.

Student:By studying the healing properties of tea, scientists have learned a lot of interesting and useful things. Tea not only quenches thirst, but has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, the cardiovascular system, facilitates digestion, and also has the ability to absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body. Tea is used in the fight against such terrible diseases as skin and lung cancer. Tea powder helps heal burns. Tea increases stamina and is considered an ideal drink for sailors, pilots, and travelers.

Student:It is important to brew tea correctly.

  1. First of all, only soft water is used to brew tea. Spring or spring water is considered the best. If you have to use tap water, you need to let it sit for several hours so that the smell of chlorine disappears.
  2. Before brewing, the teapot should be rinsed with boiling water, pour one teaspoon of tea leaves into a glass of water, pour boiling water over it and cover with a linen napkin. Let the brew brew for 5-7 minutes.

A properly prepared drink has a green or reddish-brown infusion color, depending on the type of tea, and a barely noticeable foam is visible on the surface. Improperly brewed tea is not only useless, but even harmful.

Eastern wisdom says:“Fresh tea is like a balm. Tea that has stood overnight is like a snake.”

Leading:We continue the holiday. We have a place, a word, and fun for everyone. Welcome to tea!

Student:Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity,

We forget about her.

And at least more familiar

We're flying to the moon

Let's remember Russian customs,

Let's remember our old days.

(Students perform a dance)

Student:In Rus', tea began to be consumed in 1638 . It was brought from Mongolia.And soon tea became the national drink. In Rus' they knew how to brew delicious tea. And for this they used especially fragrant herbs and berries: rose hips, raspberries, strawberries, St. John's wort, mint, black currant leaves, blueberries, lingonberries. These teas contain a lot of microelements, vitamins, and aromatic substances. Some teas - linden tea, from blueberry leaves, lingonberries - have medicinal properties. Forest tea is brewed like regular tea, only the berries are crushed before brewing.

Pupil:Now we’ll check how you remember interesting information about tea. We will hold a “Tea” quiz.

  1. Where and when did the custom of tea drinking originate?
  2. When did tea appear in Russia?
  3. Why did tea become famous as an ideal drink for travelers, sailors, and hunters?
  4. Why did only women pick tea?
  5. What types and varieties of tea are produced?
  6. Where is tea grown in Russia?
  7. How to brew tea correctly.

Pupil:According to Russian tradition, tea is the best end to a festive lunch. It is served with flour confectionery products - cake, pie, cookies, as well as sweets, jam, honey.

The best decoration for the tea table is, of course, the samovar. Here in Russia we chat over tea and sing ditties.

Student:We have a pie on the table

Donuts and cheesecakes.

So let's sing with some tea

Tea ditties.

(Students sing ditties)

The samovar shines

The tea is so foamy in it!

Look at yourself-

Well, a reflection.

When dancing, don’t spare your shoes.

Offer tea to your friends.

If there are tea leaves in the cup,

So they write letters to us!

There are bagels on the table,

The samovar is already boiling.

Black hour in a dry tin

It rings like carnations.

I just drank some tea,

Cheeks flushed

All the boys are on me

We immediately looked at it.

They also like to drink tea in China,

And just like in Japan,

Just don't get bored

In this ceremony.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you

So that you clap for us

Piglet: Winnie-Winnie, how many different, healthy products we have tried. Each product has a different color and different taste.

Vitamin:And, you want to know why the same dish has a different taste....Then let's go to a fairy tale......
Defense of project 3 “B”

A tale of seasonings, aromatics and spices

Storyteller.In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. His state was small, his neighbors were docile, his subjects were calm, in general, his life was boring, very boring. What do we do when we are bored? I think almost everyone starts looking for something tasty to eat and, unfortunately, they always find it. That's probably why there are so many fat people.

Our king also organized feasts and dinners every now and then. Time passed, the king grew old, he began to get tired of monotonous food: he always knew in what sequence and with what smell and taste this or that dish would be served. But one day the king smelled an unusual smell that came from a dish he had known for a long time and was already quite tired of. He carefully tasted the food - the taste was simply delicious. It would seem that everything is the same, but why such a taste?

The chief steward of the royal kitchen, noticing the unusual expression on the king’s face, was frightened. Although the king was not very evil, he could have lost his title or even his head for a dinner he didn’t like.

King.Who prepared this dish?

Manager.Now I'll ask the chef.

Storyteller.The manager rushed as fast as he could into the kitchen and a moment later literally dragged the frightened chef to the king. The chef fell to his knees.

King (angrily repeating the question). Who prepared this dish?

Chef.Have mercy, sir. A cook from overseas countries appeared in my kitchen. He is very dexterous and dexterous. I really wanted to please you, Your Majesty. If the dish is not to your taste, I will send it away...

King.No! Call me a cook!

Storyteller.The chef rushed to fulfill the king's will. The frightened little cook appeared before the king.

King.What did you add to this dish? Today it has an extraordinary smell and taste!

Scullion (relief). All that I added to it in my country, Your Majesty. I added spices!

King.Spices? And what is it?

Cook.The word “spicy” means “pungent, fragrant, pleasant to the taste,” as opposed to “bland” and “sugary.” The word “spice” (and “spicy”) itself comes from the word “pepper” - the first spice that became known to Russians (spicy - feathery, that is, peppered). This is where the word “gingerbread” comes from – filled with spices (7-8 types of spices are put into gingerbread dough).

King.What kind of spices did you add to my lunch? After all, my cooks have added seasonings to dinner before.

Cook.Seasonings are not spices, Your Majesty! Seasonings give food only a certain taste - salty, sour, sweet or bitter. Aromatic substances, such as rose, cocoa, ylang-ylang, jasmine, only add fragrance. Spices impart aroma to food in combination with a characteristic taste, noticeable in food especially when heated. This combination creates a peculiar, unique dense aroma, which we call spicy and which in most cases is accompanied by a slight burning sensation.

King.What else distinguishes spices from seasonings?

Cook.Firstly, spices are not used in large quantities as seasonings (for example, barberry, plum, quince, lemon, pomegranate), but are used only as additives necessary to give food a certain accent (sometimes decisive). They cannot serve as independent dishes, like, for example, tomato paste or bell peppers, which can be eaten with bread.

King.What if you add more spices? The dish will probably taste even better?

Cook.Increasing the dose, or quantity, of spices will dramatically change the quality of the food: instead of the pleasant desired aroma, a sharp, unpleasant bitterness will appear.

King.What about the saying “You can’t spoil porridge with butter”?

Cook.So oil is not a spice!

King.What other role do spices play in food?

Cook.Many spices are capable of suppressing the activity of bacteria, mainly putrefactive ones. With them, food can be preserved longer. Most spices activate the removal of various types of toxins from the body, cleanse it of mechanical and biological blockages, and also accelerate digestive processes.

King.So, spices can also be medicines?

Cook.Yes, Your Majesty. Most of them have been used this way in the past. And now in medicine they are often used as medicinal substances. In these cases, their concentration increases and the duration of use increases. Oil of clove and cinnamon, for example, kills bacteria, being 2-3 times stronger than carbolic acid.

King.Where do spices come from?

Cook.Spices are various parts of plants that have a persistent specific aroma (smell) of varying degrees of pungency and, to some extent, taste.

King.Interesting things you say. Now every day you will tell me about the spices you add to my food! I want your stories to be entertaining.

Cook.With joy, Your Majesty!

Storyteller.The cook ran into the kitchen satisfied, because he knew a lot of interesting stories about spices and loved telling them no less than preparing various dishes.

Vitamin:Well, Winnie the Pooh, our journey has come to an end.
Winnie the Pooh:Yes, I learned that there are a lot of healthy foods.

All products are simply wonderful!

How much joy they bring:

All diseases and colds

They will fall before them,


That's why it's always

For our health

Complete food -

The most important condition!

Thank you for your attention.

Everyone: goodbye!

The scenario “Beauty frozen in wood” according to the program “Extracurricular activities at school. Folk art and artistic creativity” is dedicated to household utensils made of wood. This material can be used in literature, the environment, art, and technology lessons. A joint project with parents.



“Extracurricular activities at school. Folk art and artistic creativity. 1-4 grades."

Scenario for the defense of the project “Beauty Frozen in Wood”

Class "DUDIS" teacher: Iovenko S.E.


Once the German poet and philosopher Johann Goethe said: “We must give our children roots and wings so that they grow up as worthy citizens of society.


Thanks to our project “Beauty frozen in wood,” we, together with the children, touched the heritage of our ancestors, thereby strengthening the roots of love for our Fatherland!

Parent3 Antique household utensils-
Items from bygone years,
A page from yesterday's life,
Warm light pours from the past.

4-Antique things are in no hurry to go away,
While away your life in closets, in the dust...
But the soul of the ancestors is preserved in them
And the memory turns the pages of the past...

5-We will open the inheritance chestand let's tell the story,

what did the ancestors useSeveral centuries ago!

6-From century to century, from generation to generation, people could not do without wood.

Since ancient times, trees have been revered in Rus'. They treated him as if he were alive

“Holy tree, help!”

Exit "Linden"


I grew up, sticky,
Thin and flexible.
Don't break me!
I will bloom in the summer.
Protect me! I’ll give you shoes and give you tea and honey!

8-Birch is a symbol of Russia, a treasure of the Russian land.

For centuries they gave her songs, declarations of love in poetry.

Exit "Birch"


I'm forest fashionista I often change my outfit. I’m wearing a white fur coat in the winter, All in earrings in the spring, A green sundress in the summer, On an autumn day I’m wearing a raincoat. If the wind blows, the golden cloak rustles.

Exit "Oak"


Stands above the cliff
mighty hero:
Head - to the clouds,
spread his shoulders,
He spread his arms,
Father Oak!

11-Oak has long been considered the most valuable in Rus'. During the heyday of our state, the need for high-quality material for construction - oak boards - was so high that every tree counted. That is why oak cutting was previously severely punished by law, including the death penalty!

Output with a model of a log house.

12-There was an oak - it became a log house.

13-Izba - the cradle of our ancestors, fathers, Abode kindness and warmth, Izba, you are simple, original, generous,
Mysterious, like a flower,
14-Oak, spruce and pine were used for the log cabins, and larch was used for the bridge!

15-Wooden bottom and none Above and below it.

Output with a barrel model

16-Oak planks are crooked in a circle,

Slightly curved, not large

Fastened - not with nails,

And they are belted with rims.

The cooper made a barrel and pickled the cucumbers in it!

Exit with baskets

17-Here are old baskets. Woven from willow branches.

They kept everything in them and put them in a row in the canopy!

Exit with bast shoes.

18-And these are little shoes. We jumped into them over bumps.

The raw materials were torn from linden trees and woven from bast!

We couldn’t do it here without a kochedyk.

They took the form for bast shoes,

Kochedyk - just right!

Exit with a casket, casket

19-Little box made of linden and birch carved,

Here are the masters of the pattern,

It stands on a shelf in the girls' room.

But this daredevil is called a casket!

Exit with an axe.

20-The strongest axes for carpenter’s and battle axes were made from birch, and tar was distilled - a valuable potion and medicine.

Exit with a birch broom.

21-Birch broom is a faithful friend to the body.
It will drive out all the germs and eliminate the disease. In Rus' there was no steam room without a broom. It gives good spirits, anyone will tell you!

Exit with a ruble.

22-Well, this is the iron,
An old friend of our ancestors.
He didn't warm himself on the coals,
Which was in all the yards

23-It’s called the ruble - it’s a wonderful name,
It is easy to use.
He strokes linen with ease,
Chopped from birch.

Exit with whistles.

24-Waxwing bird, craft made from wood. Fun for kids, great for craftsmen. Pipes, rattles - finds in music!

Exit with matryoshka dolls

Exit with a wooden spoon.

26-I hold a spoon in my palm, I am flipping through the times.

Is it possible to live without a spoon? The story itself is in it. Whether it's soup or potatoes,

for lunch you need... a spoon!

Output with ratchet, spindle and spinning wheel

27-Tya made a torch out of birch, oh, tormented. The girls tossed wool and flax, oh, tormented! On the ruffled wool and flax they were scratching, oh they were scratching! And then they sat down to spinning!

28-Already, you spinner, you, my spinner, do faithful service, weave a thin thread, a thin and strong thread.

29-And my spindle Keep spinning and spinning, winding an even and smooth thread around yourself! So that our weaving machine gives us a piece of fabric!

Exit with rocker arm

30-I’ll tell you about the rocker arm,
What has been known for a long time
I'll share my thoughts,
I'm starting a conversation.

Women walked on water
In villages, Russian villages,
The buckets floated next to them,
Rocker on the shoulders.

The yoke was carried decorously,
On one shoulder, on two,
slim figure, straight back, breathtaking!

31-Various things made of wood,
Familiar and familiar to us,
Praise and honor to them.

32-Here, what is not an object is a legend
Left a trace in my memory
And having tasted the dust on the shelves,
People from the past send us greetings.

33-All this was fine once
In everyday life a person used
Those days have gone somewhere
The other one has been around for a century now.

34-We close the chest.
We extend the memory of our ancestors.
Let's turn back time.
We'll meet again soon.

Photo report:

Department of Education of the TGO of the Sverdlovsk region

MAOO Tugulym secondary school No. 26.

Scenario for creative project defense


Direction: social projectT

Developed by a primary school teacher


Babkina O.P.

Tugulym 2014

Explanatory note

Goal of the environmental project “Clean Village”:

To attract students' attention to the problem of garbage in the village of Tugulym and find possible ways to solve it.

Educational objectives:

    Get acquainted with the environmental rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation.

    The children must know the environmental problems of the village and find ways to solve them.

    Teach how to independently search for a solution to a problem, acquire missing knowledge from different sources.

    Learn to collect and group information, use acquired knowledge to solve a practical problem.

Developmental tasks:

    Development of communication and research skills.

    Development of skills to plan your activities (development of an internal action plan).

    Development of the intellectual sphere (the process of analyzing environmental situations), alternative thinking in choosing ways to solve environmental problems.

Educational tasks:

    Fostering standards of behavior when handling waste, adherence to which forms the basis of environmental culture.

    Providing all possible assistance in the improvement of the village.

    Improving the ethical culture of interaction between teachers and students, as well as students among themselves.

Implementation period of the “Clean Village” project is 1 year

Relevance. Our village where we live is small, but very beautiful. In the summer it is surrounded by greenery, but if you take a closer look, a completely different picture opens up: a wide variety of garbage is lying around: broken glass, candy wrappers, ice cream wrappers, juice boxes, paper, empty bottles and much more. The drainage ditches along the roads, the banks of the Tugulymka River, and the edge of the forest adjacent to the territory of the village are constantly littered.

Quite often you can see such a picture in the entrance - broken windows and broken light bulbs, obscene inscriptions on the walls and “fragrant” bags of garbage near the apartments. It is unlikely that anyone at home will throw a cigarette butt or a candy wrapper on the floor, and the entrance is no longer “my territory”, “someone will clean it up”. Why? Is it possible, when taking out the trash from home, to “miss” past the trash can or shake out an ashtray from your car right onto the sidewalk?! After picnics, tons of empty bottles, bags, cans remain - everything that turns the place where we live into a huge garbage dump. But what prevents us from cleaning up after ourselves?

Maybe we shouldn’t wait for some kind wizard to come and clean up our entrance, yard and village, but try to do at least something for this ourselves?

Garbage dumps in close proximity to the recreation area on the banks of the Tugulymka River. Lovers of outdoor recreation organize picnics in such places every year. But, according to already established tradition and irresponsible attitude towards the environment, almost no one cleans up their garbage after such picnics. And the mountains of waste and garbage after such a “civilized” holiday grow and grow...

Things are even worse in the courtyards: mountains of garbage end up just next to garbage containers, or even near residential entrances, with full garbage cans. And after such “sorting”, a very “pleasant” landscape remains, which the residents of the house have to admire. Similar situations are observed in every yard.

But just talking about this problem is not enough, it doesn’t make things cleaner around us. This problem needs to be solved with practical actions. The time has come to give this process a clear form and organization.

And so, the guys and I came up with this idea - to involve local authorities and the population of the village in solving this problem. And in order to bring this idea to life, the schoolchildren decided to approach the matter like adults and developed a real project.

The children had to analyze the pollution situation in the village and beyond, begin propaganda among school students, and draw the attention of all residents to the problem of garbage in the village and in the area around it, because this problem worries not only the young residents of Tugulym.

We believed that through joint efforts we could, if not solve the entire problem, then at least get it off the ground.

Expected results of the project:

    Clean village and surrounding area.

    Posters calling for cleanliness were placed in the cleaned area.

Expected effects:

    The changed consciousness of project participants and their attitude towards environmental problems.

    The changed attitude of residents and vacationers to cleanliness on the streets of the village

Long term effects:

    The desire of the project participants to continue working in this direction.

    Involving students and residents in the project for the next year.

Action plan

for the implementation of the social project “Clean Village”

Development of a social project



Collect information about the relevance of the problem in the media and the Internet



Study the environmental rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation



Make posters “Worried about Russia? Start by cleaning up your street” and place them in crowded places.



Make leaflets and place them on buildings and information stands.



Participation in the cleanup.

Present the participants of the village cleanup with the “No More Garbage!” emblems.




Meeting with the garbage truck driver. Conversation about the problem of garbage.


Participation in the “Environment Day” rally.

Ecological landing on "Borovushka"



Make posters about unauthorized dumps in the village and place them in public places



Participation in the regional action “Springs”.



Hold a competition of environmental slogans “Clean Village. Pure thoughts"



Take part in the All-Russian cleanup event.



Hold a competition of environmental drawings/caricatures “Clean Village. Clean look"



Conduct a sociological study on the problem of garbage in the village.

Compile a list of orders and wishes of Tugulym residents for transmission to the deputies of the Tugulym Duma.


Mini-group “Sociologists”

Conduct a sociological study on the problem “Why is there so much garbage in the village?”


Mini-group “Sociologists”

Write an article for the newspaper “Znamya Truda” based on the survey results.



Make a proposal to the school management with a proposal to hold a competition of environmental slogans and environmental cartoon drawings at the school.


"Public Relations Specialists"

Meet with the administration of the village, deputy of the Tugulym Duma V.V. Sidorov. and convey the orders and wishes of the residents of Tugulym


"Public Relations Specialists"

Development of creative project defense.



Informing about the results of the project at the environmental game “EcoKolobok”



By participating in the environmental project, students learned to pose and solve problems, anticipate situations, make informed conclusions about the state of the environment, and also acquired experience, skills in research work and active environmental activities in partnership with local authorities. While working on the problem, the guys saw that not only representatives of the Tugulym Administration, but also the residents of the village treated them kindly, with understanding, with a desire to provide support and assistance. All participants in this action felt like active citizens of their village, responsible for its prosperity and well-being.

Human civilization produces a huge amount of garbage, which is already forming entire continents in the ocean. Perhaps after many thousands of years, our archaeological descendants (if they survive) will consider these “traces of life” of their ancestors with great interest.

Scenario of the propaganda team's speech

"Clean Village and K"

(Song from The Town Musicians of Bremen)

The whole world is in our hands, it is controlled by people.

We want to find out now what will happen to the world tomorrow.

We have come to you now. Hello, bonjour, hello.

Everything that we will tell you now has been worrying us for a long time.

Come on, everyone, open your ears together.

You must listen to us carefully.

1 student: Welcome to the team“Clean Village and K” (all)

2nd student: Friends! We are a living newspaper

We will tell you about this and that

3rd student: Our newspaper is alive

Business and combat.

4 student: Let's start with our motto now -

All: “We need to save the village

For those who will come after us."

5th student: There is a lot to do and time is running out

We need to solve them, friends, believe me.

1 student: The cleanliness in our village is bad.

Nobody has a sweet life in store.

2nd student: But we have a lot of strength, we have the desire.

Change everything, improve it here.

3rd student: We need to learn the Eco Rules.

To make people aware of this problem

4 student: We are the youth of a big country.

And our country needs our hands!

5th student: - Garbage on the streets is our attitude towards the place in which we

we live, for people, for ourselves.

1 student: -Looking at some streets, you understand that we simply do not

respect. But we have the right to live in a clean village. How


2nd student: - The main thing now is not who is to blame, but what to do with everything


3rd student: - So what to do?

4 student: - What to do?

- (All) - WHAT TO DO?

5th student: -Like what? It’s clean not where they sweep, but where they don’t litter!

Ecological forecast

1 student: Never throw away peels, skins, sticks,

Our villages will quickly turn into landfills.

2nd student: If you litter now, then pretty soon

Mountains of garbage may grow here.

3rd student: But when they start flying to school on a rocket,

More terrible troubles will happen on the planet.

4 student: How will they throw it into space from a rocket?

Jars, bottles, husks, torn bags.

5th student: Then the snowflakes won’t fly on New Year’s Day,

And old shoes will fall like hail.

1 student: And when the rain comes from empty bottles,

Don't go for a walk: take care of the back of your head!

2nd student: What will grow in the garden or vegetable garden,

How will the waste cycle go in nature?

3rd student: And although we don’t fly to school class in a rocket,

Better get out of the habit of littering now, kids!

4 student: - Do not pass by disgraces with an indifferent look, as if you

This doesn't apply.

5th student: - What did we do?

1 student: The whole class implemented the “Clean Village” project

2nd student: The guys actively took up the garbage.

They took the matter seriously:

3rd student: They cleaned up along the streets and roads,

The trash cans were filled!

5th student: They came to Borovushka

And they cleaned it up!

1 student: And adults should be ashamed -

They should have been fined a long time ago.

2nd student: Class work continues

The area near the key is being cleared!

3rd student: They wrote leaflets with calls,

And they distributed it throughout the village.

4 student: There is a lot of garbage, but there are countless landfills,

Residents should read the poster.

5 student : Environmental posters painted

Everyone was told about the dirty village,

So that everyone knows, helps and solves the problem.

1 student: About all the results of labor,

They wrote to the newspaper “Znamya Truda”

2nd student: Announcements were written to the residents of the village,

So that they remove the garbage near their homes!

3rd student: Subbotnik participants were given emblems

For maintaining cleanliness in the village.

4 student: Ecological slogans were composed

The winners were chosen together.

5th student: We have been monitoring cleanliness for almost a year,

We will never harm the environment!

1 student: The little boy was chewing something

He then threw the candy wrappers onto the ground.

2nd student: He ate the apple and the core ended up in the grass.

A chewing gum wrapper floats in the wind.

3rd student: Guys, don't take his example.

Let everyone get a clean village.

4 student: You can't throw trash at your feet,

Let's use trash cans, friends!!!

5th student: Do you want our streets to be clean?

Do you want the grass to be green and flowers to bloom around you?

1 student: Then join the ranks of the “Clean Village and Co” detachment!

2nd student: Let's clean up the environment together!

3rd student: We read the editorial to you,

We showed you what we care about.

4 student: There were, are and will always be problems for young people.

And hiding your head in the sand from them, friends, is no good!!!

(Final song “I will name the planet after you”)

Your land awaits care

Try to love her

Tugulym will open your heart,

Sea of ​​sun, sea of ​​happiness.

He will give a fresh wind,

Sun, forest and warm evening.

Just don't spoil it

Impressions of your meeting.


I will keep my land beautiful and colorful.

And Tugulym will give health to all his guests.

I will become your reliable, faithful friend.

Tugulym - my love!

Tugulym - my love!


1st speaker

Hello, we are students of 8th and 9th grades.

At today’s competition we are presenting school No. 56 and the social project we have implemented “Installation of a stand in memory of the history teacher and head of the school museum Galina Ivanovna Khukhrikova.”

To implement a social project, we chose this topic due to the fact that in June 2014, the teacher of our school passed away - a teacher of history and social sciences, the permanent head of the school Museum of Military Journalism ..... Her work was a bright page in the life of the school , she put her soul and energy into the formation and development of the school museum. At the farewell ceremony for Galina Ivanovna, we gave our word that our school would definitely have a memory corner dedicated to her. It was decided to install a memorial stand in the hall of the museum, where she devoted her entire life to work.

2nd speaker We are investigating the problem

The goal of our project is to leave a memory of a worthy person, whose work is a role model, whose successes are a guide for colleagues, whose work requires continuation. Galina Ivanovna is remembered with gratitude by graduates, those whom she brought into adulthood; colleagues with whom she generously shared her experience. Therefore, our project is the smallest thing we can do to thank Galina Ivanovna.

To successfully achieve the goal, it was necessary, first of all, to collect and analyze information on the problem we had chosen.

Having studied the materials of Galina Ivanovna’s biography and publications in the media, we found out that the direction of work we have chosen is important and socially significant.

3rd speaker We are planning

The result of the study of the problem in each area was the identification of measures necessary to solve the problem. They were included in the action plan we drew up.

To implement the project we need to go through the following stages:

Firstly, develop a stand layout, make sketches, develop an estimate;

Secondly, collect the necessary material resources to implement the project;

Thirdly, organize a charity event to raise funds;

Fourth, place a booth order;

Fifthly, collect material for the stand - biographical information, memories of students and colleagues, photographic materials, articles and press publications;

Sixth, organize and hold a gala event in honor of the opening of the memorial stand with the participation of students, teachers, and school graduates;

Seventh, create a project portfolio;

Eighth, summarize the work done and evaluate the results.

At the same time, realizing that many issues cannot be resolved only by our project group, we identified our possible like-minded people and social partners - these are the students of our school, the staff of teachers and parents.

4th speaker We are acting

When working on a social project, we carried out the following activities:

1) Created an initiative group, selected project participants

2) The creative team started working

3) Analyzed upcoming expenses

4) We held a charity fair to raise funds

5) We collected the material and placed the order for the stand in the printing house

6) We prepared and held a ceremonial assembly in honor of the opening of the stand. Our event was visited by employees of the Bryansk Teachers' Newspaper and published material about the opening of the stand in the next issue of the newspaper (We show the newspaper).

7) Prepared a project portfolio

8) Prepared a defense of the social project

9) We also have to analyze the results of the work of our project group

We carried out our plan.

5th speaker

“Was” is not about Galina Ivanovna. She is. She will always be with us, she will live in her students and in her deeds, and in the good, bright memory that she left about herself.” This is what the children said about their teacher, and all of us participating in the project agree with this.

The teacher died and he is no longer with us,

The last refuge has been chosen

We mournfully bow the banner to memory,

Giving fireworks of feelings!

In the past, with my deeds,

Life ends its run

But remains forever with the living

A man of his own business!

1st speaker

Our project has been completed and we are planning its further development.

The main thing is that during the work on the project we were once again convinced that many problems can really be solved through joint efforts.

Thank you very much for your attention!
