Topics of individual projects in computer science. Individual project in computer science

Topics for computer science projects in 7th grade

Internet - a toy, a helper or an enemy?
MS PowerPoint - scope and hidden capabilities.
An algorithm is a model of activity.
Hardware and software for developing presentations.
Safe Internet at home.
The future of computers
Types of information technologies.
Business card.
The influence of computers on human health.
Opportunities and prospects for the development of computer graphics.
War of PC and books.
Select PC.
Performing geometric constructions in the KOMPAS computer drawing system.

Life cycle of software systems.
Visual illusions.
Measuring information.
Information and communication technologies in the film industry. Making the film "Avatar".
Historical perspective: from the abacus to the personal computer
History of Operating Systems for personal computers (comparison of old and new versions).
Information storage history
How to become a WEB designer.
How to steal information?
Keyboard. History of development.
Client programs for working with e-mail. Features of their use and configuration.
Computer graphics.
Computer revolution: social perspectives and consequences.
Computer slang.
Whoever owns the information owns the world.

The world of computer design
My favorite computer programs
Multimedia systems. Computer and video.
Multimedia systems. Computer and music.
About the hyperlink.
Educational resources on the Internet.
Leisure resources of the Internet.
Useful programs for your computer.
Various ways to encode information..
The role of computer games in the lives of students.
Russia and the Internet

Displays, their evolution, directions of development.
Printing devices, their evolution, directions of development.
Scanners and software support for their operation.
Means for input and output of audio information.
History of the formation of the worldwide Internet. Modern Internet statistics.
Internet structure. Internet governing bodies and standards.
Communication channels and methods of accessing the Internet.
Modems and exchange protocols.
Equipment and digital technologies for Internet access.
Creating Animation" (on a free topic) in Macromedia Flash
Creating a report style
Technologies in the clouds.
Text information processing technology.
Files and file system
Data storage
Binary coding of information.
Evolution of computers
Electronic textbooks on selected topics.
The language of computer and human.

Topics for computer science projects in 8th grade

3D - modeling.
Viruses and the fight against them.
The influence of Internet media on the formation of morality.
"Visual" programming. VISUAL BASIC, C, PROLOG.
All about DELPHI.
Where and how can robots be used?
Graphics in the PascalABC programming environment.
Information society
Information in living and inanimate nature.
Using computer technology in learning English.
History and development of the concept of free software.
History of software piracy and information security systems.
How did different number systems come into being?
How a graphic image is encoded.
How does the Internet work?
Cybernetics is the science of control.
Communication technologies.
Computerization of the 21st century. Prospects.
Crosswords on computer science.
Methods of processing and transmitting information
Project management methods for developing software systems.
Methods for designing software systems.
Modular approach to programming.
Structural approach to programming.
Object approach to programming.
Declarative approach to programming.
Parallel programming.
Case - technologies for developing software systems.
Evidence-based programming.
External MS DOS commands.
History of the development of the WINDOWS operating system.

Comparative analysis of WINDOWS and MAC OS operating systems.
Features of the WINDOWS NT WORKSTATION operating system.
Prospects for the development of the WINDOWS operating system.
Features and capabilities of file shells such as VOLKOV COMMANDER, DOS NAVIGATOR, FAR, DISC COMMANDER, etc.
NORTON UTILITS and similar utilities.
Artificial intelligence and logic programming.
Macro programming in the Microsoft OFFICE environment.
Programming in HTML, JAVA.
Publishing system TEX as a programming system.

Niklaus Wirth. Structured programming. Pascal and Modula.
What do we know about Fortran?
History of the BASIC language.
Assembly language.
Ershov's algorithmic language.
All about Logo-worlds.
History of programming in faces.
ADA programming language.
Programming language PL/1.
Algol programming language.
C programming language.
About the firms-developers of programming systems.
Programming languages ​​in DBMS.
About programming systems for educational purposes.
Internet software: server operating systems.
Internet software: server software.
Protocols and services of the Internet.
Development of standards for encoding email messages.
Usenet teleconference.

Microprocessors, history of creation, use in modern technology.
World without Internet
Modeling geometric operations in graphic editors.
Markov normal algorithms and associative calculus in artificial intelligence research.
Popular antivirus software.
Constructing charts and graphs in spreadsheets.
Rules of etiquette when working with a computer network.
Application of binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems in digital electronics.
Printers - comparison of old and new models.
Programming in PHP DevelStudio.
Text recognition and computer translation systems.
The most popular online games.
Modern information storage devices used in computing.
Modern programming paradigms. What's next?
Creation of artificial intelligence as artificial intelligence: myth or reality?
Social networks in the lives of students at our school.
Spam and protection against it.
Safety precautions when working with a PC 30 years ago and now.
Encryption of information.
Programming languages ​​- the history of their creation, use, further development

Computer Science Research Project Topics Grade 9

Selected on this page current topics of projects in computer science and ICT for grade 9, on the basis of which the student, together with the teacher, can choose the idea for study that best suits the requirements. The topic must contain an informative basis - research methods, theoretical significance, practical significance of the work, etc.

This section contains topics for computer science projects for the 9th grade of school, dedicated to such areas of the study of computer technology - the Internet, copyright on the Internet and cybercrime, the history of the creation and development of computers, information reference and search systems, etc.

Featured below research paper topics in computer science for grade 9 can be modified by specifying or expanding the wording. For example, you can add practical research methods - observation, interviews, questionnaires, surveys. These research methods help not only to collect facts, but to test them, systematize them, identify non-random dependencies and determine causes and consequences.

These topics of project research work in computer science are recommended for 9th grade schoolchildren who want to improve their knowledge in the subject of computer science and further continue their study of information technology and programming.

Copyright and the Internet.
Vector graphic editors.
Capturing and editing digital video using a non-linear video editing system.”
Internet addiction is a problem of modern society.
Information business.
Artificial intelligence and computers.
Coding and processing of audio information.
The computer is inside us. (what information processes occur inside a person (unconditioned reflex, sensation of pain) and evaluate them from the point of view of information theory)
World information wars.
Training systems. Tools for creating electronic textbooks.
About Internet browser programs.
About Internet search programs.
Training systems. Tools for creating diagnostic and knowledge control systems.
MathCad package.
Development of mathematical computing software from Eureka to Mathematica.
Information system (database) "Borey".
Information reference systems in human society.
Information search systems in human society.
Databases and the Internet.
Geographic information systems.
Database design and programming.
Information system "Galaktika".
Information system "Consultant Plus"
Information system "Garant Plus".
Pre-computer history of the development of computer technology.
Ch. Babbage's contribution to the development of the principles of operation of automatic digital computers.
Works of J. von Neumann on the theory of computers.
History of the creation and development of 1st generation computers.
History of the creation and development of 2nd generation computers.
History of the creation and development of 3rd generation computers.
History of the creation and development of 4th generation computers.
Microprocessors, history of creation, use in modern technology.
Personal computers, history of creation, place in the modern world.
Supercomputer, purpose, capabilities, principles of construction.
5th generation computer project: concept and reality.
Multiprocessor computers and program parallelization.
Interactive elements of Web pages and scripts.
Search sites and technologies for searching information on the Internet.
E-commerce and advertising on the Internet.
Youth computer slang
Operating system. Principles and objectives.
Data organization
Color palettes in RGB, CMYK and HSB color rendering systems.
The problem of protecting intellectual property on the Internet.
Development of Web sites using the hypertext markup language HTML.
Raster graphic editors.
Distributed database management systems. ORACLE and others.
Comparison of mobile operating systems iOS and Android.
Network and telecommunications service programs.
Computer algebra systems.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 4 named after V.V. Klochkov

Creative project

“Creating a cartoon on a PC using MS Power Point”

The work was completed by:

Yurasova Natalya Nikolaevna

Shikhotova Maria Alexandrovna

8th grade students


Vinogradova Elena N Ikolaevna

computer science and ICT teacher



By duration

Cartoons are usually over 70 minutes long

(usually about 25-30 minutes)

By display method

Theatrical cartoon - such cartoons are first shown in cinemas, and later on television and video media. Nowadays, only full-length cartoons are usually shown in this way, although sometimes (for example, many Disney cartoons) a short cartoon is shown before the full-length one. Previously, before the widespread use of televisions, short cartoons were also shown in cinemas.

A full-length cartoon, which for some reason was not shown in cinemas.

Short cartoons and films that are shown on TV and distributed on video media.

3.Cartoons: harm or benefit for children?

Almost all children love watching cartoons. Some kids, frozen with delight, can spend hours watching the adventures of cartoon characters. Therefore, many parents ask the question: “Do their children get harm or benefit from frequent viewing of cartoons?” Cartoons, like fairy tales, have a great influence on the development and worldview of children. However, parents need to monitor what their child watches. There are very instructive cartoons that tell a child how best to act in a given situation, tell him that it is not good to tease, sneak, or be greedy. Such animated films help parents in their upbringing and give children a small life lesson through the example of the characters.

But there are also cartoons that do more harm than good. They demonstrate the aggressiveness of the main characters or excessive sexuality. Such cartoons have a negative effect on the weak, not yet formed children's psyche. Children learn information quickly and take what they see on the screen literally. Nowadays there are an abundance of cartoons about monsters, robots and mutants. Such “masterpieces” are usually replete with scenes of violence. It has been proven that cartoons in which a child sees violent actions can contribute to the development of unmotivated aggression towards others. Of course, boys should grow up strong and brave, because they are future defenders, but it is better for parents to protect little warriors from excessively bloody cartoon scenes. Boys will benefit from films about struggle, courage and heroism, where the main character fights for the truth, but does not commit intentional murders. It’s good if the main character is a human, because cartoons about emotionless killer robots will not bring anything good to a child’s personality.

It’s better for kids to start getting acquainted with the world of animation with old Soviet cartoons. These are kind and naive stories about little animals, as well as instructive Russian folk tales. Such cartoons teach kids friendship, politeness, kindness and compassion.

During the study, a sociological survey was conducted, as a result of which information was obtained about the meaning of cartoons.

A total of 21 people took part in the survey. During the survey, participants were asked the following questions:

1. Favorite cartoon?

2. The cartoon that brings the most smiles.

3. The cartoon that causes the most tears.

4. Favorite cartoon animal/pet?

5. Do you think cartoons influence a child’s development? If so, how?

Diagram 1. Results of a poll to determine your favorite movie

Diagram 2."The cartoon that brings the most smiles"

Diagram 3. " The cartoon that causes the most tears"

Diagram 4. Results of the survey “Favorite animal (pet) from the cartoon”

Diagram 5.“Do cartoons influence children’s development?”

As a result, we made the following conclusions. Basically, all survey participants have a positive attitude towards cartoons. They believe that they cultivate such qualities in children as mutual assistance, mercy, love of peace, hard work, etc. Most believe that cartoons do not harm the child.


We learned how to create a cartoon on a PC using MS Power Point. We found out what animation is, how and when it appeared, what kinds of cartoons there are.

Experimentally, we created a cartoon in Power Point, using animation effects to bring the character to life. We have developed practical recommendations for creating a cartoon in the Power Point environment. We learned how to organize a continuous cyclic demonstration of a presentation.


1.Informatics: Textbook for grades 5-6. Author L.L. Bosova. (

(frommultiplicatio - multiplication, enlargement, increase, reproduction) - technical techniques for obtaining moving images, illusions of movement and/or changing the shape of objects (morphing) using several or many still images and scenes. Particularly characters or scenes from films or television films. Thanks to the technique of animation, the animated animation art of cinema and feature television appeared.

Crosswords on computer science.

Methods of processing and transmitting information
Project management methods for developing software systems
Methods for designing software systems
Modular approach to programming
Structured approach to programming
Object approach to programming
Declarative approach to programming
Parallel programming
Case - software systems development technologies
Evidence-based programming
Programming in HTML, JAVA
TEX publishing system as a programming system
Modern programming paradigms. What's next?
Niklaus Wirth. Structured programming. Pascal and Modula
What do we know about Fortran?
History of the BASIC language
Assembly language
Ershov's algorithmic language
Comparison of iOS and Android mobile operating systems
Network and telecommunications service programs

Copyright and the Internet
Internet addiction is a problem of modern society
Information business
Artificial intelligence and computers
The computer is inside us. (what information processes occur inside a person (unconditioned reflex, sensation of pain) and evaluate them from the point of view of information theory)
World information wars
Training systems. Tools for creating electronic textbooks
About Internet browser programs
About Internet search programs
Training systems. Tools for creating diagnostic and knowledge control systems

Computer models
Simulation: my dream house
3D modeling
Modeling in a graphic editor environment
Modeling as a research method
Demonstration and training program in mathematics “Movement speed”
Computer model of the motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field
Computer support for solving algebraic equations using numerical methods
Computer support for the topic “Construction and transformation of graphs of functions”
Computer simulation of the motion of a charged particle in an electrostatic field
Modeling Function Graphs
Solving systems of equations using Cramer and Gauss methods using a computer
Creating graphic images of mathematical objects in Visual Basic
Information reference systems in human society
Information retrieval systems in human society
Databases and the Internet
Geographic information systems
Database design and programming
Information system "Galaktika"
Information system "Consultant Plus"
Information system "Garant Plus"

Communal government agency

General secondary school-gymnasium No. 1

And m. N. A. Ostrovsky”

Educational and research work


Subject: computer science

Completed by: 8th grade student

Belyasov Vladimir

Head: computer science teacher

Starozhilova N.V.

G. Shemonaikha


Abstract 3

Introduction 4

1. Theoretical part 5

3. Practical part 13

3.1. Survey data 13

3.2. Analysis of questionnaires 15

Conclusion 16

Terminological dictionary 17

List of sources 17

Appendix 1 Questionnaire

Appendix 2 Questionnaires filled out by our students


Target:find out which social networks are more popular among students at our school.


    Create questionnaires for students at our school

    Process data obtained using questionnaires.

Methods: Questioning, statistical processing of received data, searching for information in various sources.



Almost every person uses social networks in their life.

Today social networks are very popular. According to survey results, only 2% of people have never used them and cannot say exactly what it is. At the same time, 67% of users who visit all kinds of social networks every day and spend at least an hour on them. So, it is obvious that social networks attract people, forcing them to spend a considerable share of their free time. What are they actually used for?

The majority of people use them as a means of finding childhood friends, old acquaintances, former classmates or classmates, in general, anyone. Because in them you can see many with whom there is no possibility of real communication - people living abroad.

And then we got the idea to find out what social networks our students like, what interests them there and why they register there. All this will be outlined in our project.

1. Theoretical part

"GU Duysekinskaya Main

comprehensive school"

Subject : History of the development of computer technology.

Performer: Smol Inna

6th grade Duysekinskaya secondary school

Zhelezinsky district

Pavlodar region


Kasimzhanova Madina Kayratovna,

computer science teacher at Duisekinsky secondary school



First steps in the development of counting devices

Development of computing technology at the beginning of the 20th century

The emergence and development of computer technology in the 40s of the 20th century

Development of computer technology in the 50s of the 20th century

Development of computer technology in the 60s of the 20th century

Development of computer technology in the 70s of the 20th century

Development of computer technology in the 80s of the 20th century

Development of computer technology in the 90s of the 20th century

The role of computer technology in human life

My research




Mathematics and computer science are used in all areas of the modern information society. Modern production, computerization of society, and the introduction of modern information technologies require mathematical and information literacy and competence. However, today, school courses in computer science and ICT often offer a one-sided educational approach that does not allow one to properly increase the level of knowledge due to the lack of mathematical logic necessary for complete mastery of the material. In addition, the lack of stimulation of students’ creative potential has a negative impact on motivation to learn, and as a result, on the final level of skills, knowledge and abilities. How can you study a subject without knowing its history? This material can be used in history, mathematics and computer science lessons. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine that you can do without computers. But not so long ago, until the early 70s, computers were available to a very limited circle of specialists, and their use, as a rule, remained shrouded in secrecy and little known to the general public. However, in 1971, an event occurred that radically changed the situation and, with fantastic speed, turned the computer into an everyday work tool for tens of millions of people.


People learned to count using their own fingers. When this was not enough, the simplest counting devices appeared. ABAK, which became widespread in the ancient world, occupied a special place among them. Then, after years of human development, the first electronic computers (computers) appeared. They not only accelerated computing work, but also gave impetus to people to create new technologies. The word “computer” means “computer”, i.e. computing device. The need to automate data processing, including calculations, arose a long time ago. In that undoubtedly significant year, the almost unknown company Intel from a small American town with the beautiful name of Santa Clara (California) released the first microprocessor. It is to him that we owe the emergence of a new class of computing systems - personal computers, which are now used by essentially everyone, from primary school students and accountants to scientists and engineers. At the end of the 20th century, it is impossible to imagine life without a personal computer. The computer has firmly entered our lives, becoming man's main assistant. Today in the world there are many computers from different companies, different complexity groups, purposes and generations. In this essay we will look at the history of the development of computer technology, as well as a brief overview of the possibilities of using modern computing systems and further trends in the development of personal computers.

Development of computer technology

at the beginning of the 20th century

1904 The famous Russian mathematician, shipbuilder, academician A.N. Krylov proposed the design of a machine for integrating ordinary differential equations, which was built in 1912.

English physicist John Ambrose Fleming (1849-1945), studying the "Edison effect", creates a diode. Diodes are used to convert radio waves into electrical signals that can be transmitted over long distances. Two years later, through the efforts of the American inventor Lee di Forest, triodes appeared.

1907 American engineer J. Power designed an automatic card punch. St. Petersburg scientist Boris Rosing applies for a patent for a cathode ray tube as a data receiver. 1918 The Russian scientist M.A. Bonch-Bruevich and the English scientists V. Iccles and F. Jordan (1919) independently created an electronic device, called a trigger by the British, which played a big role in the development of computer technology.

In 1930, Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) designs a differential analyzer. In fact, this is the first successful attempt to create a computer capable of performing cumbersome scientific calculations. Bush's role in the history of computer technology is very large, but his name most often appears in connection with the prophetic article "As We May Think" (1945), in which he describes the concept of hypertext.K Konrad Zuse created the Z1 computer, which had a keyboard for entering problem conditions. Upon completion of the calculations, the result was displayed on a panel with many small lights. The total area occupied by the machine was 4 sq.m.

Konrad Zuse patented a method for automatic calculations. For the next model Z2, K. Zuse came up with a very ingenious and cheap input device: Zuse began encoding instructions for the machine by punching holes in used 35 mm photographic film.

IN 1838 American mathematician and engineer Claude Shannon and Russian scientist V.I. Shestakov in 1941 showed the possibility of a mathematical logic apparatus for the synthesis and analysis of relay contact switching systems.

In 1938, the telephone company Bell Laboratories created the first binary adder (an electrical circuit that performed binary addition) - one of the main components of any computer. The author of the idea was George Stibits, who experimented with Boolean algebra and various parts - old relays, batteries, light bulbs and wiring. By 1940, a machine was born that could perform four arithmetic operations on complex numbers.

Appearance and

in the 40s of the 20th century.

IN In 1941, IBM engineer B. Phelps began work on creating decimal electronic counters for tabulators, and in 1942 he created an experimental model of an electronic multiplying device. In 1941, Konrad Zuse built the world's first operational program-controlled relay binary computer, the Z3. Simultaneously with the construction of ENIAC, also in secrecy, a computer was created in Great Britain. Secrecy was necessary because a device was being designed to decipher the codes used by the German armed forces during the Second World War. The mathematical decryption method was developed by a group of mathematicians, including Alan Turing. During 1943, the Colossus machine was built in London using 1,500 vacuum tubes. The developers of the machine are M. Newman and T. F. Flowers. Although both ENIAC and Colossus ran on vacuum tubes, they essentially copied electromechanical machines: new content (electronics) was squeezed into an old form (the structure of pre-electronic machines). In 1937, Harvard mathematician Howard Aiken proposed a project to create a large calculating machine. The work was sponsored by IBM President Thomas Watson, who invested $500 thousand in it. Design of the Mark-1 began in 1939; the computer was built by the New York company IBM. The computer contained about 750 thousand parts, 3304 relays and more than 800 km of wires. In 1944, the finished machine was officially transferred to Harvard University. In 1944, American engineer John Presper Eckert first put forward the concept of a program stored in computer memory. Eiken, who had the intellectual resources of Harvard and a capable Mark-1 machine, received several orders from the military. So the next model, the Mark-2, was ordered by the US Navy Weapons Directorate. Design began in 1945, and construction ended in 1947. The Mark-2 was the first multitasking machine—multiple buses made it possible to simultaneously transmit multiple numbers from one part of the computer to another.

IN In 1948, Sergei Aleksandrovich Lebedev (1990-1974) and B.I. Rameev proposed the first project of a domestic digital electronic computer. Under the leadership of Academician Lebedev S.A. and Glushkova V.M. domestic computers are being developed: first MESM - small electronic calculating machine (1951, Kyiv), then BESM - high-speed electronic calculating machine (1952, Moscow). In parallel with them, Strela, Ural, Minsk, Hrazdan, Nairi.V were created 1949 An English stored program machine, EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer), was put into operation, designed by Maurice Wilkes from the University of Cambridge. The EDSAC computer contained 3,000 vacuum tubes and was six times more productive than its predecessors. Maurice Wilkis introduced a system of mnemonic notations for machine instructions, called assembly language. In 1949. John Mauchly created the first programming language interpreter called "Short Order Code".

Development of computer technology

V 50s of the 20th century.

In 1951, work was completed on the creation of UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer). The first example of the UNIVAC-1 machine was built for the US Census Bureau. The UNIVAC-1 synchronous, sequential computer was created on the basis of the ENIAC and EDVAC computers. It operated with a clock frequency of 2.25 MHz and contained about 5000 vacuum tubes. The internal storage device, with a capacity of 1000 twelve-bit decimal numbers, was made on 100 mercury delay lines.

This computer is interesting in that it was aimed at relatively mass production without changing the architecture and special attention was paid to the peripheral part (input-output facilities).D Jay Forrester patented magnetic core memory. For the first time such memory was used on the Whirlwind-1 machine. It consisted of two cubes with 32x32x17 cores, which provided storage of 2048 words for 16-bit binary numbers with one parity bit. This machine was the first to use a universal non-specialized bus (the relationships between various computer devices become flexible) and as input systems For output, two devices were used: a Williams cathode ray tube and a typewriter with punched paper tape (flexowriter).

"Tradis", released in 1955 - the first transistor computer from Bell Telephone Laboratories - contained 800 transistors, each of which was enclosed in a separate housing. In 1957, disk memory (aluminum magnetized disks with a diameter of 61 cm). G. Simon, A. Newell, J. Shaw created GPS - a universal problem solver. In 1958 Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor independently invent the integrated circuit. 1955-1959 Russian scientists A.A. Lyapunov, S.S. Kamynin, E.Z. Lyubimsky, A.P. Ershov, L.N. Korolev, V.M. Kurochkin, M.R. Shura-Bura and others created “programming programs” - prototypes of translators. V.V. Martynyuk created a symbolic coding system - a means of accelerating the development and debugging of programs. 1955-1959 The foundation was laid for programming theory (A.A. Lyapunov, Yu.I. Yanov, A.A. Markov, L.A. Kaluzhin) and numerical methods (V.M. Glushkov, A.A. Samarsky, A.N. Tikhonov ). Schemes of the mechanism of thinking and genetic processes, algorithms for diagnosing medical diseases are modeled (A.A. Lyapunov, B.V. Gnedenko, N.M. Amosov, A.G. Ivakhnenko, V.A. Kovalevsky, etc.). 1959 Under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev created the BESM-2 machine with a productivity of 10 thousand operations/s. Its use is associated with calculations of launches of space rockets and the world's first artificial Earth satellites. 1959 The M-20 machine was created, chief designer S.A. Lebedev. For its time, one of the fastest in the world (20 thousand operations/s). This machine was used to solve most theoretical and applied problems related to the development of the most advanced fields of science and technology of that time. Based on the M-20, the unique multiprocessor M-40 was created - the fastest computer of that time in the world (40 thousand operations/sec.). The M-20 was replaced by the semiconductor BESM-4 and M-220 (200 thousand operations/s).

Development of computer technology

in the 60s of the 20th century.

IN 1960 For a short time, the CADASYL (Conference on Data System Languages) group, led by Joy Wegstein and with the support of IBM, developed a standardized business programming language, COBOL (Common business oriented language). This language is focused on solving economic problems, or more precisely, on processing information. In the same year, J. Schwartz and others from the company System Development developed the Jovial programming language. The name comes from Jule's Own Version of International Algorithmic Language. Procedural language computer, version of Algol-58. Used mainly for military applications of the US Air Force. IBM developed a powerful computing system Stretch (IBM 7030). 1961 IBM Deutschland implemented the connection computer to a telephone line using a modem. Also, the American professor John McCartney developed the LISP language (List procssing language - a list processing language). J. Gordon, head of the development of modeling systems at IBM, created the GPSS language (general purpose modeling system). Employees of the University of Manchester under The leadership of T. Kilbourn created the Atlas computer, in which the concept of virtual memory was first implemented. The first minicomputer (PDP-1) appeared before 1971, the time of the creation of the first microprocessor (Intel 4004). In 1962, R. Griswold developed a programming language String-oriented SNOBALL Steve Russell developed the first computer game. What kind of game it was, unfortunately, is not known. E.V. Evreinov and Yu. Kosarev proposed a model of a team of computers and substantiated the possibility of building supercomputers on the principles of parallel execution of operations, variable logical structure and structural homogeneity. D. Slotnik from Wesinghouse Electric published an article about the SOLOMON system project. IBM released the first external memory devices with removable disks. Kenneth E. Iverson (IBM) published a book called “A Programming Language” (APL). Initially, this language served as a notation for writing algorithms. The first implementation of APL/360 was in 1966 by Adin Falkoff (Harvard, IBM). There are versions of interpreters for PC. Due to the difficulty of reading nuclear submarine programs, it is sometimes called “Chinese BASIC”. Actually, it is a procedural, very compact, ultra-high-level language. Requires a special keyboard. Further development – ​​APL2. 1963 The American standard code for information exchange has been approved - ASCII (American Standard Code Informatio Interchange). General Electric created the first commercial DBMS (database management system). 1964 U. Dahl and K. Nygort created the modeling language SIMULA-1.B 1967 under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev, V.M. Melnikov

Development of computer technology

in the 80s of the 20th century.

1981 Compaq released the first Laptop. Niklaus Wirth developed the MODULA-2 programming language. The first portable computer was created - Osborne-1, weighing about 12 kg. Despite a fairly successful start, the company went bankrupt two years later. 1981 IBM released the first personal computer, the IBM PC, based on the 8088 microprocessor. 1982 Intel released the 80286 microprocessor. The American computer manufacturing company IBM, which previously occupied a leading position in the production of large computers, began manufacturing professional personal computers IBM PC with MS DOS operating system. Sun began producing the first workstations. Lotus Development Corp. released the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. The English company Inmos, based on the ideas of Oxford University professor Tony Hoare about “interacting sequential processes” and the concept of the experimental programming language of David May, created the OCCAM language. 1985. Intel released a 32-bit microprocessor 80386, consisting of 250 thousand transistors. WITH Eymur Krey created the CRAY-2 supercomputer with a capacity of 1 billion operations per second. Microsoft released the first version of the Windows graphical operating environment. The emergence of a new programming language, C++.

Development of computer technology

in the 90s of the 20th century.

1990 Microsoft released Windows 3.0. Tim Berners-Lee developed the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language; the main format of Web documents) and the prototype of the World Wide Web. Cray released the Cray Y-MP C90 supercomputer with 16 processors and a speed of 16 Gflops. 1991 Microsoft released Windows 3.1. The JPEG graphic format was developed. Philip Zimmerman invented PGP, a public key message encryption system. 1992 The first free operating system with great capabilities appeared - Linux. Finnish student Linus Torvalds (the author of this system) decided to experiment with the commands of the Intel 386 processor and posted what he got on the Internet. Hundreds of programmers from around the world began to add and rework the program. It has evolved into a fully functional working operating system. History is silent about who decided to call it Linux, but how this name came about is quite clear. "Linu" or "Lin" on behalf of the creator and "x" or "ux" - from UNIX, because the new OS was very similar to it, only it now worked on computers with x86 architecture. DEC introduced the first 64-bit RISC Alpha processor. 1993 Intel released a 64-bit Pentium microprocessor, which consisted of 3.1 million transistors and could perform 112 million operations per second. The MPEG video compression format has appeared. 1994 Start of release by Power Mac of the Apple Computers series - Power PC. 1995 DEC announced the release of five new models of Celebris XL personal computers. NEC announced the completion of development of the world's first chip with a memory capacity of 1 GB. The Windows 95 operating system appeared. SUN introduced the Java programming language. The RealAudio format has appeared - an alternative to MPEG. 1996 Microsoft released Internet Explorer 3.0, a fairly serious competitor to Netscape Navigator. 1997 Apple released the Macintosh OS 8 operating system.


The personal computer quickly entered our lives. Just a few years ago it was rare to see some kind of personal computer - they existed, but they were very expensive, and not even every company could have a computer in their office. Now, every third home has a computer, which has already deeply entered human life. Modern computing machines represent one of the most significant achievements of human thought, the influence of which on the development of scientific and technological progress can hardly be overestimated. The scope of computer applications is enormous and is constantly expanding.

My research

Test for knowledge of the history of computer development

1. The first tube computer was called:

a) Ural - 11; b) ENIAC; c) Dnieper.

2. Which of the following scientists is not associated with the history of the creation of computers:

a) Charles Babbage; b) Isaac Newton;

c) Blaise Pascal.

3. The first computers were created in the 20th century...

a) in the 40s; b) in the 60s; c) in the 70s.

4. The main element base of fourth generation computers are:

a) electromechanical circuits; b) VLSI.

c) electric vacuum lamps;

The test results showed that students in grades 5-9 have information about the development of computer technology

Increase in the number of computers among students:

Number of students

Number of PCs

The rise of computers in school

Number of PCs


Unfortunately, it is impossible to cover the entire history of computers within the framework of an abstract. We could talk for a long time about how in the small town of Palo Alto (California) at the Xerox PARK research center, the cream of the programmers of that time gathered to develop revolutionary concepts that radically changed the image of cars and pave the way for computers the end of the 20th century. As a talented schoolboy, Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen met Ed Robertson and created the amazing BASIC language for the Altair computer, which made it possible to develop application programs for it. As the appearance of the personal computer gradually changed, a monitor and keyboard appeared, a floppy disk drive, the so-called floppy disks, and then a hard drive. A printer and a mouse became integral accessories. One could talk about the invisible war in the computer markets for the right to set standards between the huge corporation IBM, and the young Apple, which dared to compete with it, forcing the whole world to decide which is better, Macintosh or PC? And about many other interesting things that happened quite recently, but have already become history. For many, a world without a computer is a distant history, about as distant as the discovery of America or the October Revolution. But every time you turn on a computer, it is impossible to stop being amazed at the human genius that created this miracle. Modern personal IBM PC-compatible computers are the most widely used type of computer, their power is constantly growing, and their scope is expanding. These computers can be networked together, allowing tens or hundreds of users to easily exchange information and simultaneously access databases. Electronic mail allows computer users to send text and fax messages to other cities and countries using the regular telephone network and retrieve information from large data banks. The global electronic communication system Internet provides an extremely low cost opportunity to quickly receive information from all corners of the globe, provides voice and fax communication capabilities, and facilitates the creation of intracorporate information transmission networks for companies with branches in different cities and countries. However, the capabilities of IBM PC - compatible personal computers for processing information are still limited, and their use is not justified in all situations. To understand the history of computer technology, the reviewed abstract has at least two aspects: first, all activities related to automatic computing before the creation of the ENIAC computer were considered as prehistory; second, the development of computer technology is defined only in terms of hardware technology and microprocessor circuits.


1. Guk M. “IBM PC Hardware” - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, 1997.

2. Ozertsovsky S. “Intel microprocessors: from 4004 to Pentium Pro”, Computer Week magazine #41 –

3. Figurnov V.E. “IBM PC for the user” – M.: “Infra-M”,

4. Computer science grades 5-6, Belyaeva N.A., Davydenko S.P.
