What is perspective on iphone. How to change wallpaper on iPhone

Every year, after the announcement of new iPhones, there is some kind of celebration of the spirit that pleases with pure emotions, a feast of "Apple friends", where the competition is only one thing - who will loudly praise new products and explain why you need to save money for them tomorrow. There is enough of this goodness in the vastness of the network, so let's look at Apple's situation from the other side and evaluate how promising new models are, what new things they can offer to retailers or partners, as well as to end consumers.

The most popular iPhones are flagships and only flagships, 2018

Every year we hear that the new iPhone has become more popular than the previous one and overtook all the models that came before it. This is said with confidence by completely different people, this is a legend that literally everyone adheres to. The problem is only in Apple's reports, which indicate that the peak sales of the iPhone occurred in 2015 and the company could not reach the same level either in 2016, or in 2017, or in 2018, at least in its first half.

On a global scale, we can talk about the stagnation of sales, they are not growing. IN Russian realities Apple is stronger than ever, it occupies about 15% of the Russian market in unit terms, but the main sales fall on old models, and not on flagships at all, the same G-8s or iPhone X. We can assume that we have a unique country and the more expensive product, the less people buy it, but I tend to believe that this is a global rule, from which there are no exceptions. And the fact that Apple knows how to correctly present their reports is the merit of their financiers.

At the end of last year, when the iPhone X was released, this device became the first flagship with the cost of the initial version of $ 1,000. This model was created in a big hurry, which was repeatedly mentioned by Apple employees in various interviews after the launch. The model is quite popular for its price, it pulled over the upper price segment of smartphones. After a year, we can say that the iPhone 8/8 Plus did not become as popular as their predecessors, but the iPhone X alone could not outshine them. The mix of these devices is approaching the previous generation in terms of sales for the same period, in any case, this is how the situation in Russia looks like.

It would not be superfluous to remember what game Apple played in Russia at the start of iPhone X sales, this model was supplied to partners in hundreds of pieces, although tens of thousands of devices were in warehouses, they began to go to retail in the third week of sales, the shortage evaporated like smoke. The artificial hype that was created by Apple led to the fact that speculators lost out very quickly, since there was no constant demand for this model, prices fell, devices from the gray market appeared. Yes, and it was impossible to sell a PCT smartphone for any sane money a month after the start of sales, you instantly lost quite tangible money. Having bought a 256 GB device, it could be sold for 60 thousand at most, with an official cost of 92 thousand rubles. Here is such a crazy demand and excitement. IN this moment you can safely buy a new one for 73,500 rubles.

And in other places, prices for it have dipped a lot, and a used model can be sold for 50 thousand in perfect condition, everything that is sold more expensive, as a rule, is in sales. In a word, the price of the iPhone X has dropped significantly over the year, although Apple apologists assure that the iPhone, and especially the flagships, never lose value. It's stupid when people are so poor that they treat the phone as an investment that needs to be sold later, and cannot be put on the shelf. I just put my iPhone X on the shelf, where it is lying around. On average, the iPhone loses up to 20% in value per year, if we take official devices, which is not bad. However, the same Samsung in the PCT versions and branded retail are sold in exactly the same way and with a comparable discount. On the other hand, Apple still shows the iPhone X as a novelty, and sells the top model for the same 92 thousand rubles.

If someone is warmed by the myth that the iPhone is an investment that never gets cheaper, then I will not dissuade this, let people support themselves in the paradigm of this myth. And we are interested in how much demand for the iPhone X was stable during 2018. And here's what we get. Sales peaked in the first three months of November, December and January, then plateaued, gradually decreasing towards mid-summer. This is normal and typical for Apple, since demand is high in the first months of sales, then it decreases. The public with money buys flagships right away, they don't wait for price cuts or anything else.

However, here is another confirmation from the Yandex.Market press release:

“Apple introduces new smartphone models in September. For this year's presentation, Yandex.Market analysts studied how prices* for new models have changed over the past two years.

2017 Models

In 2017, sales of the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X started. All smartphones were announced at the same time, but the iPhone X went on sale almost a month later.

Prices for the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus have been declining since the first day of sale and have fallen by an average of 12% over the month. Prices for the iPhone X rose during the first week and then dropped 7% over the month from what they were on the first day of sales.

By March 2018, for six months of sales, the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus fell in price by an average of 15% compared to the start of sales, and the iPhone X - by 20%.

* The price of a model on Yandex.Market is the average price of all offers clicked by users, weighted by the number of clicks on each offer.

In 2019, exactly the same thing will happen with the new line of iPhones, with one amendment - prices may start to fall even faster, as everything will depend on the initial supply and the fact that demand from flagships is shifting to mid-range models. People don't see the point in buying flagships, and that's not Apple's problem, it's the whole market's problem. The iPhone 8 doesn't have many improvements over the previous version, the Galaxy S9 doesn't have many things that make it look different from the S8 at first glance, and so on. People willingly buy mid-range models from Huawei/Honor/Xiaomi, choose A-series from Samsung or old flagships from both Samsung and Apple. And the reason is not that they do not have money for flagships, the reason is that they do not see the point in them for themselves. And the drop in sales of flagships is a confirmation of this, it happens in all markets - somewhere faster, somewhere slower.

Three 2019 iPhone models – more expensive or cheaper than the 2018 line?

Leaks at Apple have become the norm, so everything about the company's devices was known in advance, except for their cost and a number of small parts. The first thing that raises my question is the accepted designations, which are consonant with the past, but confuse people. Having singled out the iPhone X, Apple was faced with the fact that few people call this device “ten”, it is usually called X. In Apple stores, customers are constantly corrected, saying that they are looking for a "ten" and not an X at all, but it is impossible to reverse the public unconscious. By adding the prefix s, which is familiar to Apple products, the company has achieved not that someone will say “ten es”, but rather “ekses”. How to retrain here is not very clear. The name is part of the mess that goes on inside Apple.

The fact that the iPhone X was sold for big money was never in doubt. Moreover, this is the youngest model in the series, and the older one was simply not released that year. That is, by analogy with the Galaxy line, this is the usual S9 at the price of S9 +. Apple did something like this, and I was wondering how they would get out of this situation this year. They got out with dignity by removing the iPhone X from sales so that it would not break the slender the lineup, and setting the price for its replacement to the same level. The iPhone XS is now a replacement model and starts at $999 pre-tax in the US (which is the same price as the iPhone X a year earlier).

The XS Max takes its place above the XS and starts at $1,099 (64GB, 256GB, 512GB, base model price). All these devices are presented only in three colors.

But XR (6.1-inch screen, IPS-matrix) will be in six different colors, sort of caramel. And the price of this device is from $ 749 (memory options 64, 128 and 256 GB).

Considering that the appearance of the iPhone X is inherited by two older models, the younger ones remain bright and varied colors. It reminds me of the release of the iPhone 5c, which was plastic and colorful, but never became popular. They also said about him that he was popular and sold well, and then, without dust and noise, they simply nailed the model.

Apparently, Apple is trying to do exactly the same trick and give an “affordable” iPhone for a little less money than they used to charge for new flagships. But it is separated externally from top solutions, which will inevitably lead to small sales in relation to older devices. Yes, and therefore they withdraw it a month later, so that people spend a little more money. I have no doubt that in the first year of sales, while maintaining prices, the younger XR will not be very popular, young people will take it, buy it when there is no money for the next iPhone. That is, conventionally, this is a savings of a quarter of the cost of XR compared to XS, in the same $ 250.

In a bunch of AMOLED models, it is not obvious that a large device will win, most likely, after all, the demand will be greater for a small model. IN best case they will be sold 50/50. The most popular amount of memory will be the initial 64 GB, other options will be in demand only at the start of sales, then they will take a small share.

Russian prices for these smartphones are prohibitively high, they are even higher than last year for the iPhone X, which makes the prospects for their sales rather deplorable, there is an overflow of demand into the middle segment, and it turns out that the iPhone X will become a priority device for many, because the new model in 5.8 inch, there is nothing that could attract enough to overpay 35-37 thousand rubles for it compared to X. This is the reason why Apple stops supplying X to make room for new items. But at least three months old devices will be enough, so this will also negatively affect sales of the average model from the 2019 line.

Having played around with different sales models, I can say that the average price for the 2019 iPhone will be slightly higher than that for 2018, due to the moderate demand for the IPS model, the availability of expensive options for top models. And this is Apple's strategy, they consistently increase the average price, because they cannot increase sales. It's a game against the main market trends, and one that even a company like Apple can't do well. If we talk about Russian market, then the first quarter of 2019 will show that the new line is sold at the level of the previous year or slightly worse. And this is taking into account both the gray market and official sales. Stagnation or a slight decline, that's how it can be described for Apple in Russia.

Considering that a fundamentally new flagship form factor is being launched in February with a price at the level of the top iPhone, but with different features and a wow factor, we can say that Apple is in an unenviable situation. They will not lose in sales, but they will definitely fade in perception, since they did not offer anything new at all. And the difference in prices with the current flagships on Android speaks for itself, see for yourself:

  • Galaxy Note 9 versus XS Max - 69,990 rubles for 128 GB and 96,990 rubles for 64 GB, 512 GB 89,990 and 127,990 rubles, respectively - especially the last difference touches, 38 thousand rubles difference;
  • Galaxy S9+ 64 GB vs. XS Max - 59,990 rubles (PCT devices, without discounts, with MTS cashback about 49,990 rubles) and from 87,990 rubles for an iPhone - you understand the principle, take any model from Apple and add an average of 35 thousand rubles , and the analogue from Samsung is no worse, and in many ways better.

It's possible that in a mythical world, a company can charge extra money for a brand when it doesn't offer anything new to the market, and Apple has done this for years. But in 2019, the situation around the world will be fundamentally different, and Apple's strategy does not take this into account, so people will no longer give money for the iPhone so easily. And in Russia it will be more noticeable than in other countries, we always act as pioneers. The psychological milestone for top models in the company passed last year, and this year they only added fire to this furnace with new prices. And this is good, as more and more people are beginning to realize that there is a huge choice outside the flagship segment and such models have the right to life, including this line from Apple. One thing can be said about 2019 - this is not the time for flagships, which means that Apple's line has somewhat missed its message for the consumer.

What can I say, Apple Rus just went crazy, exposing such prices, just like Apple lost touch with reality somewhat, making the price increase for the iPhone.

P.S. Tell us in the comments, will you buy new iPhones? How much? When? To replace what? Thanks in advance for your comments. However, if you are not on the iPhone, then also check in and write why you didn’t buy these devices, what they lack for you.

Greetings to everyone who came to visit the page of my blog "Help for Beginners". Today I decided to return to the origins of our acquaintance with desktop design. Once upon a time, we learned how to install and change wallpapers and screensavers. I will not rewrite the entire article again, if someone has forgotten, then below will be a link to the page with this article, but for now a small announcement that we will learn today. First of all, this is a wonderful set of screensavers on your desktop.

What is the difference between a desktop screensaver and a wallpaper.

First of all, let's try to understand the difference between a screen saver and a normal wallpaper. Unlike conventional static wallpapers, which are installed once and do not change, the screen saver (screen saver (or screen saver)) is a dynamic picture that appears after a specified period of time, provided that there is no keyboard or mouse manipulation

More details about this and much more, you can find on the links below.

Screensaver - what is it?

A function or a separate program to blank the screen when the computer is idle, designed to reduce unproductive wear and tear of equipment and its individual parts, and sometimes power consumption. Screensavers are designed to reduce the brightness of the image and reduce overall wear, and/or eliminate the static image of the working image to reduce local wear - phosphor burnout on static elements, which is important for devices based on a cathode ray tube and plasma screens.

Initially, the main purpose of screen savers was to protect computer monitors from burning in between periods of user inactivity. However, with the development of technology and the improvement of monitors, the direct need for their use has disappeared. Modern PC users use screensavers mainly to customize the visual design of the "Desktop"

But enough theory and let's move on to something more practical and enjoyable, namely downloading and installing our screensavers. First of all, there are 19 surprise screensavers in the set. The sea and its coast, beautiful lakes and waterfalls, and much more, all this is waiting for you.

You are taken to the download page. Everything is simple here; in the right upper corner look for the big green button Download»

Now, having opened the desired folder, you will see two files in it:

We need first-Screensavers 2? , and the second "Press me!!!" -delete. This is an invitation to visit the site, I think you are not interested. And finally, with a double click, we open our set of screensavers in the form of beautiful icons

A pictogram is a message in the form of drawings and diagrams. An example of pictography is the writing of many ancient peoples, including Egyptian. Emoticons, which we often use when exchanging computer information, can also serve as an example of a pictogram.


You can view the screensaver as follows: Double-click on the selected screensaver icon (At the second press, leave the key pressed). The picture opens on your desktop and while the left key is held down, you can carefully examine and, if you like, proceed to the installation. Now let's use the right mouse button. Click on the selected icon. A small menu will open:

Here we are interested in two options: Configure and Install.

We press the setting and the following interesting window will open:

Here you need to set the interval (the time after which the screen saver will turn on if you are not at the computer.) Oriented? Don't forget to click "Apply". That's all, let's go to the Parameters. We press the desired button and we get here, in the window (Configuration) ...

Apple uses high-performance components to deliver unparalleled performance for iPhone and iPad. However, software embellishments, animations and other optional features of the operating system have a negative impact on the speed of mobile devices. First of all, this does not apply to the most top-end gadgets.

You can solve the problem by disabling the most resource-intensive features. By using the default operating system settings, you can improve the performance of older iPhones and iPads.

Disable Spotlight Search

In 2009, manna from heaven rained down on the heads of iPhone users. Released the third version of the iPhone OS endowed the "apple" immediately with a hundred new features. Then for the first time in Apple smartphones such familiar things as cut-copy-paste, MMS and the universal Spotlight search engine appeared.

You can get to the latter by swiping from top to bottom on any page of the home screen. Spotlight is nothing more than a global search for all content: contacts, mail, SMS, applications, music, calendar, and its main advantages are the instantaneousness and visibility of the result. The problem is that Spotlight is constantly indexing the content of mobile devices to keep up with all the changes in the OS. Turning this feature off can improve the performance of your iPhone and iPad. Go to Settings –> General –> Spotlight Search and uncheck all items.

Disable Background App Refresh

Apps in iOS 8 can load information in the background. The function is very useful, but it consumes battery power and additionally loads processor power. Go to Settings –> General –> Content Update and turn off the use of services in the background. You can turn off the feature completely or limit its use for some applications.

Disable parallax and ground glass effect

Apple has certainly spent a lot of time creating a parallax effect for wallpapers that create a 3D effect. Everything looks nice, but apart from the extra load on the processor, this feature is no longer good for anything. Therefore, when setting the wallpaper in iOS 8, we turn the “Perspective” switch to the Off position.

The transparency effect gives the Apple shell a special chic. Many elements of iOS 8 are made with a three-dimensional effect - layers above the main interface. At the same time, everything below becomes blurry, as if behind frosted glass. This effect is seen throughout the OS, including Action Center, Control Center, and the top clock bar. You can turn off the translucency of the UI by going to Settings –> General –> Accessibility –> Increase contrast. By default, the Reduce Transparency switch is in the Off position. With the effect turned off, it works visually faster, especially on not the newest models.

Disable Animation

Apple has long been creating a beautiful pseudo-3D effect for the “flat” iOS interface: menus, icons, alerts, slightly changing their appearance when the device is tilted. The function is rather insignificant, but it consumes CPU time. Therefore, go to Settings –> General –> Universal access and activate the “Reduce motion” item.

Free up memory space

On the iPhone and iPad, it’s worth doing a “cleanup” from time to time. Imagine that you work somewhere in the office and after a while you notice that your desk is gradually starting to clutter up with unnecessary documents and papers. And what are you doing? That's right, you will clean and tidy in order to free up more space and work more efficiently. The same thing happens in iOS. Smartphones and tablets, like desktop computers, should also be kept clean and tidy.

You can find a list of installed programs, sorted by the size of the data they occupy, in the operating system settings. To do this, open the General section and go to the Statistics menu. iOS 8 will show the size of downloaded programs and allow you to quickly free up memory on your device.

Definitely one of the most anticipated features of the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. Now you can enjoy live wallpapers in addition to dynamic and regular wallpapers.

How to Install and Use Live Wallpaper (Live Photo) on iPhone 6s

    • To access live wallpapers open Settings and go to Wallpaper.
    • Click on “Choose a new wallpaper” and select the Live category.
  • After that, in the Live section, select the live wallpaper you would like to install.
  • Make sure the option below is selected Live Photo. When choosing the "splash screen" or "perspective" option, the wallpaper does not animate . Once selected, click on Install.

  • Choose either Lock screen,Home screen or Both screens and your live wallpaper will be installed.
  • To activate live wallpaper, use 3D Touch. Just press hard on the screen and your wallpaper will come to life. Please note that Live Photos will only come to life on the lock screen, not on the home screen.

How to Set and Use Your Own Live Photos as Wallpaper on iPhone 6s

Surely, you have come up with some kind of your own version of live wallpaper. To do this, you need to take a Live Photo to set it as your wallpaper.

Open the Camera app and make sure the Live Photo icon is yellow (which means the mode is on). Now take some action in the frame and press the shutter button. Your phone will record 1.5 seconds before and after.

  • When you click on "Set as wallpaper" you will be taken to the wallpaper settings page. Make sure Live Photo is selected at the bottom. If you choose the option "splash screen", "perspective", then the wallpaper will not be animated . Once selected, click on Install.

Good news for those who like to personalize their iPhone photos loved ones, their pets, beautiful places and others. In iOS 7, Apple has added several new default home screen wallpapers and also changed the behavior of background images.

Apple decided to borrow the idea from Android, and now iOS supports "live" wallpapers. These can be both created by designers of the company, and panoramic images photographed by you personally. Live images can be placed on the desktop or lock screen.

In addition to the pre-installed static wallpapers (now called Stills), iOS 7 now includes two dynamic images, available in the Dynamic section of the Settings –> Brightness & Wallpaper menu.

Dynamic wallpapers look great - nice flat bubbles randomly move around the screen depending on the position of the device in space. In other words, wallpaper animation is combined with the work of the accelerometer.

It would be desirable, of course, that Apple allowed to install "live" beauty on its own. You can create dynamic wallpapers yourself through the Quartz Composer program that Facebook uses to develop its Home and Chat Heads apps. Therefore, the prospect of installing home-made animated wallpapers is quite real.

Another interesting thing in iOS 7 is panoramic wallpapers. If you've ever used an Android device, you may have noticed that as you move between pages on the Home screen, the background moves with them, creating a sense of depth and dimension.

In iOS 7, Apple goes even further: you can put any panorama photo in the background, and it will move across the display as the device moves around you. In other words, the effect of turning the head is created. And, since iOS allows you to take panoramic shots up to 240 degrees in coverage, you can imagine what effects can be applied to the iPhone or iPad home screen.

To conclude, let's talk a little about the impact of personalization on other parts of the system. Open the Phone app and press any button there. You will see how it becomes transparent for a moment, and behind it you can see the image of the desktop. In addition, many applications in the system are now matte and wallpaper is visible behind them.
