Child development at one year and three months. Child development at one year and three months Child behavior at 1 and 3 months

The beginning of your baby's second year of life is marked by new and interesting achievements. The skills associated with owning one’s own body are improved, primarily walking. But the most important changes concern intellectual development: only 3 months have passed since the first birthday, and the child’s consciousness has increased many times during this time. Perhaps, it is at the beginning of the second year that the most noticeable transition is from infancy, when the baby is actively growing and learning to control its body, to childhood - a time of curiosity and meaningful exploration of the world around us.

Physical development of a child 1 year 3 months

Height and weight of a child at 1 year 3 months according to the standards of domestic pediatricians:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

Height and weight of a child 1 year 3 months old according to WHO:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

When asked how many teeth a child should have at 1 year 3 months, dentists answer: the approximate norm is 12 teeth. To the “standard” 8 teeth for one-year-old babies, the first upper and then the first lower molars, or chewing teeth, are added. Of course, each child’s body is individual, so the timing and pace of teething can vary significantly.

Day, sleep and feeding schedule of a child at 1 year 3 months

The baby can still sleep 2 times during the day, and this is absolutely normal, but many children switch to 1 day's rest at this age. The total duration of sleep at this age is about 13.5 hours, of which 10-11 hours sleep at night.

The child is still fed 4-5 times a day, with intervals between feedings of 3-4 hours.

Psychology and mental development of a child 1 year 3 months

The main quality of a child aged 1 year 3 months is curiosity! Baby everything around is interesting : he will explore all the corners of your house, open the doors of cabinets and nightstands that catch his eye, taking out their contents, and with equal delight will look at cars on the roadway, other children on the playground and pigeons pecking at grains. Having seen something new and alluring for himself, your discoverer will hurry there as soon as possible - and here the mother must be on alert to prevent possible dangers. But there is no need to protect the baby from everything, because right now he is learning and actively exploring the surrounding space.

The behavior of a child at this age is based on instincts and feelings . He clearly adopts the facial expressions and actions of other people: he smiles, frowns or laughs, seeing such manifestations of emotions in a close adult or another child. Now you can understand the expression on your baby’s face – happy or sad, pleading, interested, indignant.

The baby is quickly distracted and switches attention , the mood can change very often. Refusal or restrictions in actions cause a clear protest in the child, expressed by facial expressions, gestures or screaming. An unsuccessful action, as well as everything new and unexpected, can cause obvious tension and even grief in the baby.

Mom still remains the main person for the baby . If a child is relaxed with a loved one, smiles and looks into his eyes, attracts attention in every possible way and is sad when he leaves, then a stranger can cause tension and even fear.

At this age for a child the adult’s reaction to his actions is very important . Despite the increased independence, the mother’s praise and encouragement are the main motivators for the baby. That is why he constantly watches and tries to imitate the actions of adults he sees - he wipes the floor with a cloth, tries to put things in the washing machine, combs his hair. In this way, the baby tries to determine its position in the social environment.

Skills and abilities of a child at 1 year 3 months

A baby at 1 year 3 months can already distinguish the shapes and sizes of objects: balls, cubes, rings; big and small toys. Can sort them by color.

The child is already quite confident in assembling a pyramid and building a tower of 4-5 cubes.

Draws with interest with a pencil/felt-tip pen, holding it in his fist.

Play actions with objects are mostly imitative - those that adults taught (feed a doll, put a teddy bear to sleep).

As for everyday skills, the baby drinks from a cup, knows how to scoop food into a spoon and bring it to his mouth (an adult usually feeds him at the same time). Tries to dry his hands after washing. He may start asking to go potty.

Speech of a child at 1 year 3 months

Despite the fact that the child still speaks very little (up to 20 facilitated words), his understanding of speech has increased significantly over the past 3 months. Now he knows the names of many household items, toys, clothes, actions, situations. Remembers the names of close adults. Upon request, the baby can show body parts of himself and the toy, and fulfills simple requests.

By this age, the child’s interest in books increases. Parents will be pleased with how accurately the baby remembers everything that is told and read to him - if you ask him to find this or that picture, he will open the right page of the book and show the right image.

The number of words of active speech may vary among different children, but usually their pronunciation is associated with:

  • moments of joy, surprise;
  • seeing a familiar phenomenon;
  • own movement or play;
  • imitation;
  • request from an adult.

The first simple words are often associated with imitation of sounds made by animals or objects (mu - cow, ga-ga - geese, tu-tu - train).

A child at the beginning of the 2nd year of life largely retains the features of infancy. He still needs the help of an adult, his attention, care and smart guidance. He continues the intensive “maturation” of the cerebral cortex, and the formation of the central nervous system is underway. This explains the age-related characteristics of behavior: the baby has no volitional actions - emotions lead him “with him”, the baby “lives” by them.

The baby’s behavior is situational; responding to the diversity of the surrounding world, he demonstrates exploratory attitude to everything that causes it curiosity . He is interested in a cup falling from the table, breaking into small pieces, and a crow walking across the yard, and a puddle sparkling in the sun, and a janitor waving a broom, and much more. Never in the future will a person look at the world so fascinated, trustingly, unselfishly, like a child at the beginning of the second year of life. This is the uniqueness and romance of the beginning of the second year of a baby’s life: the child enters a new world of relationships unknown to him, acquires skills and abilities that will remain significant for the rest of his life - walking, talking and thinking .

Learning to walk

Adults are deeply mistaken in thinking that mastery walking- vertical movement in space - a very easy achievement that comes to the baby “of course!” The child acquires this skill through persistent “work.” Therefore, it is good if mom and dad are able to create maximum comfort for the baby to move around the house.

If possible, it is better to empty the central part of the room. The child must clearly see the routes of movement. The space that is clearly visible to him forms the initial orientation in the immediate environment and elementary independence. The baby repeats and repeats the action that he has succeeded in, as if he is “practicing.” At the same time, he does not avoid the most difficult “parts of the path” if this happens outside the home. The baby does not choose a more even space; he is attracted by depressions, tubercles, hills, and stumps. He often falls, but when he gets up on his own or with the help of adults, he starts all over again.

Thus a multiplicity of “degrees of freedom” of the child’s movements in space, coordination and stability in an upright position, and a sense of balance are formed . And so it is in everything: the child “conquers” the world around him, “learns” to be human. For example, is it easy for him to handle a spoon? Why is it so difficult for a 1 year 3 month old child to bring it to his mouth? Because sufficient hand coordination has not yet developed, and fine motor skills of the fingers are completely absent. The baby still has a long way to go.

Reflex... curiosity

At the beginning of the 2nd year, the baby often encounters novelty the surrounding world, finding himself in difficult, sometimes traumatic, situations: when he sees a gap, he will definitely stick his finger into it (this can be not only a door, a cabinet, but also a tin can, a bottle), when he sees a shiny iron, he reaches for it, not knowing that you could get burned, or he pulls the tablecloth and dishes onto the floor, ending up on his head. The baby’s cognitive activity is so great that even the painful sensations received during the first “lessons” do not cause fear, but become lessons of courage and perseverance.

A child’s curiosity is based on an innate orientation reflex (reaction to novelty), which is given to people by nature itself.. Adults should take into account this feature of the baby: on the one hand, the world attracts the child with its uncertainty, on the other, it teaches caution. Yes, such is this period of childhood. Of course, the baby’s behavior is based on reflex reinforcement: a child cannot be different, the nature of his age speaks in him. Parents should be aware that at the beginning of the second year The baby should not be deprived of the joy of mastering space and accumulating sensory (feeling) experience, no matter how difficult it may be to manage the fidget .

Communication with adults and their “business” contacts in games with objects and toys are a necessary condition for the mental and physical development of the baby. It has been noticed that the child becomes especially attached to and singles out the adult who most often enters into “business” and play contacts with him. Of course, the child’s socialization continues, that is, his entry into the society of people, the assimilation of the forms of their behavior and relationships, the formation of a human vision of the world. Strengthening of this line of development will occur throughout the entire 2nd year of life, but in the meantime transition in relationships with adults from actions “next to” to actions “together”.

The child masters an active life “business” position with a focus on independence and “discovering oneself as a doer.” That is why it is impossible to hold the baby in place; the child needs to touch, feel, and see everything the adult reacts to his actions. Getting to know the environment, entering the world, the baby gradually begins to understand himself, his own “I”, to feel his place in the social environment of his family and friends. First of all, the child masters a variety of external actions: takes the first independent steps, including towards an object, takes out a toy from a standing position, carries it, strings rings onto a rod, and not only removes and throws it away, tries to hold a spoon independently.

It doesn't break, it learns!

The first three months of the second year of life are different in that the baby there is an increase in motor skills . He imitates an adult, mastering more and more new actions with objects. Objective activity remains leading during this period of childhood.

A huge role is played by the child’s object games with didactic toys: rings, pyramids, balls, cubes, insert items. They shape his thinking, which in the early period of childhood is visual and effective in nature. Mental operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and first generalizations take place in detailed, practical action with toys: for example, connecting and separating rings, balls, insert cubes, colored caps. “You can’t give anything to a child; he breaks everything, takes it apart, tears up books and pictures!” - parents complain, suspecting their pet of mischief. In fact, this behavior indicates that the baby “analyzes” and “synthesizes” in action with objects unfamiliar to him, learning their physical properties.

That is why toys consisting of different parts are useful for the baby. When laying them out, the baby does not break the object, but takes it apart. Then it reassembles. This feature of children at the beginning of the 2nd year of life was brilliantly “guessed” in folk toys: nesting dolls, barrels, painted eggs, pyramids. I would like to note that the child’s first games with collapsible objects “prepare” higher forms of mental activity in the depths of visual-effective thinking.

The child gradually learns to establish “internal” connections between objects, combining or separating them according to some characteristics. But this is in the future, but for now the baby discovers sensorimotor intelligence . He reacts only to what is in front of his eyes and what he directly sees in the hands of an adult or in his own palms. It is noticeable that the child shows greater interest in objects that are in the hands of adults, and which mom and dad give a positive assessment in his presence. Even the most inconspicuous car in this case becomes a priority for the baby compared to any of the brightest and most spectacular. The baby's impulsiveness, the quick transition from tears to laughter and vice versa - in terms of these qualities in the baby's behavior, he is very close to the baby at the end of the first year. He is very dependent on the situation, he lacks planning and forecasting of his own actions, and lacks volitional behavior. Sometimes it doesn’t even occur to an adult that the baby might have a miscarriage in the next minute.

That is why parents need to know the peculiarities of age and learn methods of communicating with the baby, supported by an emotional, indicative and sensory basis - show a toy, play “Ladushki”, “Let’s go, let’s go”, “Hide and seek”. Small folklore genres for the little ones, such as nursery rhymes, songs, and poems, will also help. But they should be sung and read from memory, very emotionally, changing facial expression, voice intonation and its strength. Sound toys are also loved by babies at the beginning of the 2nd year: drums, tambourines, bells, rattles. The child quickly learns their timbre. And by 1 year 3 months, he not only “plays” on his own, but also finds them at the request of adults. The emotionality of a child is also manifested in the fact that children at this age do not control their feelings. Therefore, great patience and wisdom are required from adults, especially from mother and father.

The second year is the most difficult in the life of parents, because the child demands “an eye and an eye” for him. Many objects have hidden properties that the child does not yet have the slightest idea about. Indeed, how can you know what is hot - cold, sharp - dull, smooth - prickly, if you don’t touch it?

We control the development process

At each stage of early childhood, a baby must reach certain heights. Its development continues at a rapid pace even after a year, if adults pay due attention and care to the baby. It should be borne in mind that the transition from infancy to early childhood does not occur overnight, but occurs gradually, throughout the entire 2nd year, as the baby grows and develops. But this is not a spontaneous process that takes place without the participation of an adult. And here one should not rely on the strong nature of childhood, on the fact that the child will automatically reach the heights of human development.

If there are no favorable social living conditions, developmental communication and a nurturing environment, as well as the active activity of the baby himself, the child’s mental development may remain at the level of infancy. That is why teachers, psychologists, and doctors “monitor” how the baby develops through microperiods of his life. This system of testing mastery of relevant mental actions, skills and abilities is tested not only in the 1st year, but also in the 2nd year of the baby’s life, and four trimesters: from 1 year to 1 year and 3 months, from 1 year 3 months to 1 years 6 months, from 1 year 6 months to 1 year 9 months and from 1 year 9 months to 2 years - these are “milestones” in progressive development.

Each trimester has its own tasks and is designed for the appropriate level of assimilation and development. If a child is 2-3 trimesters behind the norm, this is characterized as severe mental retardation. It is necessary to look for the reasons for this condition of the baby and correct its development. Losing time can result in a nervous breakdown for the baby. He begins to demonstrate his “disobedience,” irritation, nervousness, and sometimes lethargy, indifference to everything. The leading lines are still cognitive, social, speech and motor development . There does not seem to be much progress in the development of speech: the child uses exclamations, imitative speech reactions and babbling words. The baby understands much more words than he can pronounce. Sensory education and the development of actions with objects still play a large role in mental development.

From 1 year to 1 year 3 months, the development of movements and improvement of the child’s walking acquires special importance. Restriction of physical activity can result in nervous breakdowns for the baby. He begins to demonstrate his “disobedience,” irritation, nervousness, and sometimes lethargy, indifference to everything. It is very important to start the 2nd year in a timely and correct manner, implementing the tasks set in the first trimester.

Mini-program for the first trimester of the second year of life Educational tasks

Continue to improve the development of basic, general movements and purposeful actions of the hand. Expand the child’s motor capabilities.

Actively develop coordination of movements when walking, changing body position and direction of movement.

Develop sense of balance when performing actions with objects (toys), moving from a “sitting” position to a “standing” position and vice versa.

Develop orientation child in the nearby space. On an indicative-sensory basis, promote the knowledge of objective physical laws of the surrounding world: different distances (far - close), the peculiarity of hollow and through space, the ratio of quantities (small - large, you can put a small nesting doll in a large one and a small glass in a large one, and not vice versa) and the dependence of actions on the form (stack cubes, roll balls.).

Continue develop intelligence and speech: introduce the names of objects, develop elementary generalizations, cognitive and communicative functions of speech.

Contribute stability of emotionally positive states child. Protect the baby’s nervous system from stress and excessive emotional tension.

Shape confidence to the world around us and a friendly attitude towards people around us.

Raise the first skills and habits - to enjoy neatness and neatness in physical condition and dress.

Educate what you can independence in some processes (eating, washing, dressing).

Provide the child healthy lifestyle.

Encourage the child to walk independently.

Create situations that encourage changes in the body in space - turns, bends, squats.

Help your child master the ability to carry light objects (toys) at a distance of 3-5 meters, and step over low obstacles (10-12 cm). Climb with them to the height of the children's slide (at an extra step).

Expand the child’s sensory experience when acting with objects using didactic toys and aids:

a) rolling balls, folding cubes, stringing rings onto a rod;

b) practical actions with insert toys (putting colored caps and cubes in and out of each other)

c) classes with folk collapsible toys (assembling and disassembling nesting dolls, pyramids, bochata).

Expand the stock of understandable words (50-100), activate babbling speech by introducing individual lightweight words (“ga-ha” - duck, “lyalya” - doll, “top-top” - go). Expand your active vocabulary (10-15 words).

Gradually expand the baby’s social contacts with outside adults and children. In a children's community, form the game “nearby” (that is, do not interfere with a friend playing nearby).

Continue to perform game “learned” actions (“Okay”, “Goodbye”, “Hide and Seek”, etc.).

Notice and react correctly to wet pants, a drenched bib, and dirty palms.

Teach how to confidently hold a cup in your hands, use a spoon, hand a handkerchief, or a hat when dressing.

Eliminate physical inactivity (inactivity), provide the child with the correct regimen, conduct hardening, and gymnastics.

The first year of life is behind us, now the most interesting period of the baby’s development has arrived. In the second year of life, the toddler became more active and inquisitive, trying to imitate his parents by doing “adult” things. But what are the features of child development at 1 year 3 months? Let's try to understand everything in detail.

From this article you will learn

Physical activity

During the second year of life, the child's growth rate slows down significantly, this is the norm.

On average, a toddler is 1 year 3 months old. weighs 10.5 kg. The norm is considered to be all children slightly more or less than the average value, which is explained by many factors.

The toddler's growth rate also decreases slightly compared to the first year of his life.

Until the age of 4, the child’s growth increases evenly, by about 8 cm per year. The head circumference of a toddler up to 5 years old grows by 1 cm every year.

Chest circumference increases by about 1.5 cm every year, this trend is observed up to 10 years.

From 1 to 1 year 2 months. The child's first molars appear. First, the lower molars begin to erupt, and then it’s the turn of the upper molars.

Often, one-year-old toddlers sleep only once during the day.

Changes at the neuropsychic level

At the age of 1 year 3 months. the child becomes quite impulsive, he is inquisitive and emotional.

Physical activity

Walking skills are improving every day. Holding the little one by the hand, you can observe that he is trying to climb up and down the stairs on his own, and overcome some obstacles on his way.

At one year and three months, the child is already walking longer than a few months ago, his gait is much more confident, and his squatting skills are gradually being honed. The toddler tries to bend over and take a stable standing position.

Most children of this age can hold cutlery in their hands and use them for their intended purpose.

Child at 15 months. without much difficulty he performs simple movements: raising his arms and spreading them to the side, moving his fingers and making rotational movements with his hand. All these actions can occur either on the baby’s own initiative or at the request of the parents.

Understanding the world around us

The child’s development at the cognitive level is already noticeable; the child understands what joint play is. At one year and three months old, the toddler shows interest in children, namely their peers.

Kids not only look with interest at the funny pictures in the book, but also listen carefully to short poems and stories. In this way, the child communicates with his parents and enjoys turning the pages on his own.

Research activity of a toddler at 1 year 3 months. is gaining momentum, and understanding of cause-and-effect relationships is beginning. For example, if you build a pyramid of cubes high enough, it may fall.

The mental development of a child at one year and three months allows him to learn some rules of behavior and develop certain skills.

For example, by showing your toddler how to clean up his toys every day, you can develop the skill of cleaning up after yourself. This also applies to simple daily hygiene procedures, as well as the process of dressing and undressing.

At one year and three months, the toddler can easily distinguish simple shapes of objects: a square, as well as a circle. Therefore, at the request of an adult, the child will quickly bring a ball or cube. Gradually, an understanding of the separation of objects both in size and color begins to emerge.

A toddler at one year and three months old easily completes the task of stringing rings onto the rod of a pyramid and building a tower out of cubes.

You can notice that the baby is already playing with toys: he rolls the car, sits him down, and then feeds the doll.

Every child, starting from the 13th month of life, tries to be like adults: “reads a book or newspaper, “talks on a mobile phone,” “cooks dinner.”

How speech develops

Speech development occurs at a rapid pace, the child tries to clearly repeat words after adults, namely:

  • Vocabulary increases significantly. The child enjoys learning new words and sounds, constantly repeating them throughout the day.
  • An understanding of the meaning of many words appears, he knows the names of toys and objects, and, upon request, points with his finger at parts of the body, items of clothing, and food products that are voiced by an adult.
  • The toddler can already carry out some simple instructions from his parents (bring a certain object, “play ok-okay”).
  • Listening to fairy tales, rhymes, and songs is of great interest to the child.
  • The baby can already pronounce up to two dozen simple words, both on his own initiative and at the request of his parents.

Changes on an emotional level

Development of a toddler at 1 year 3 months. on an emotional level it becomes noticeable every day, which manifests itself:

  • Emotional balance throughout the day.
  • The need for adult support in difficult situations.
  • Showing emotions while playing together.
  • Imitating the feelings of surrounding people and children.
  • The emotional difference between a person you know and someone you see for the first time.
  • By switching attention from one action to another, this makes it easy to distract the child.
  • Cognition of surrounding objects through the senses, which is manifested by emotions (for example, a baby understands that if he falls, he can hit hard).
  • Manifestation of surprise at new objects, appearance of fear during unexpected actions.
  • An emotional expression of joy and pleasure regarding one's own achievements or failures.
  • Clear control of facial expressions and gestures.

Features of care

Caring for a toddler older than 12 months. not very different from how they care for a one-year-old child. It is worth noting that at 1 year 3 months. The baby does not empty the bladder or bowels as often as before. Therefore, the frequency of washing is significantly reduced.

Hygiene procedures are carried out daily, and time is allocated for daytime walks and swimming. At this age, there is a need for hardening procedures, as well as gymnastics.


Starting from the 12th month of life, there is a gradual transition from breastfeeding or artificial feeding to nutrition.

For toddlers up to 1.6 months. a five-time meal plan is required. It is worth adhering to time intervals between each meal. The baby's last feeding should occur no earlier than 2 hours before bedtime.

The active development of a toddler at all levels requires a lot of energy. Therefore, the daily volume of food offered to a toddler should be about 1.2 liters.

The first and last meals should be equal in volume, lunch is more nutritious, the afternoon snack is 15% of the daily volume of food. In this case, the daily energy value of food is 1500 Kcal.

It is worth considering that during this time bone tissue and teeth are actively developing, so dairy products are simply irreplaceable in a child’s menu. The daily volume of milk, as well as artificial formula, is approximately 600 ml.

The consistency of dishes for children aged 1 year and three months is predominantly puree-like. The transition to denser foods should be gradual. When chewing teeth appear, you can offer your little one pieces of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Each child aged 1 year 3 months. special, its development is purely individual, but each little one must be given enough attention so that it develops harmoniously.

The first birthday is over, the second year of life begins. The baby is becoming more and more curious and his development is no less rapid than in the first year of life.

Your baby already knows how...


71.8-84.9 cm.
9.1-13.6 kg.
45.3-51.3 cm.
46.0-55.0 cm.
72.2-83.6 cm.
8.8-12.7 kg.
44.2-50.5 cm.
46.4-53.9 cm.

Physical development of a child at 1 year 3 months

As the child gets older, the growth rate slows down and this is normal.

To determine the proper body weight of a child after one year, use the formula:

10.5 kg (average body weight of a child at 1 year old) + 2 x n,

Where n– actual age of the child (in years).

If a more accurate determination of the proper body weight is required, then they resort to special centile tables of body weight distribution by age.

The growth rate of a child also decreases with age.

On average, up to 4 years of age, body length increases by 8 cm annually.

The head circumference of a child under 5 years of age increases by 1 cm annually.

The chest circumference increases annually by 1.5 cm until the child is 10 years old.

At 12-14 months, babies' first molars (large molars) erupt. First, the lower molars erupt, then the upper ones.

At this age, babies usually switch to one nap during the day.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 1 year 3 months

At this age, the baby is impulsive, driven by emotions and curiosity.

Motor skills of a child at 1 year 3 months

The baby is improving his walking skills. If you hold your child's hand, he can go up and down steps and step over small obstacles.

At 1 year 3 months, the baby can already walk, squat, bend and stand steadily.

Many people already know how to use a spoon on their own.

The baby can perform simple actions - raise his arms forward, up, spread them from side to side, move them behind his back, move his fingers, rotate his hands. Moreover, he can do this both independently and at the request of an adult.

Cognitive activity of a child at 1 year 3 months

At this stage, the baby begins to understand what playing together means. An active interest in children appears, especially in peers.

At 1 year and 3 months, many children are already interested not only in looking at pictures in a book, but also in listening to the story itself. At the same time, it gives him more pleasure if you let him turn the pages himself.

Your baby gradually begins to engage in research activities and begins to understand cause-and-effect relationships. So, the baby understands that if you build a tower of cubes that is too high, it will fall, and if you push something off the table, it will also fall.

After a year, the child should be taught order and develop useful habits - repeating the same actions day after day.

For example, putting away toys after playing and before bed, folding clothes, washing, combing your hair, and so on.

At 1 year 3 months, the child is already able to navigate in two forms (ball, cubes). Distinguishes objects by size and color.

Knows how to string and remove rings onto the rod of a pyramid, and stack cubes on top of each other.

Can independently reproduce actions with objects and toys learned earlier (feed a doll, roll a car, build a tower from cubes).

Playing with household items is fun. He loves to imitate adults: “cooks dinner like mom,” “talks on the phone like dad,” “reads like grandma.”

Speech development at 1 year and 3 months

  • At this age, the vocabulary of understood words increases significantly. The baby enjoys learning new words and sounds, repeating them tirelessly throughout the day.
  • Understands many words, knows the names of familiar toys, objects, names of loved ones, body parts, names of clothes, food.
  • Can carry out simple instructions from an adult (find and bring a familiar object, clap your hands, etc.).
  • He listens with great interest to fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, and songs.
  • Can pronounce up to 20 facilitated words, both independently and at the request of an adult.

Emotional development

  • At 1 year 3 months, the child becomes more emotionally balanced during the day.
  • In difficult situations, seeks adult support.
  • Shows emotion during games.
  • At this age, it is common for a child to become “infected” with the feelings and emotions of his peers (he also cries or laughs).
  • Reacts differently to familiar and unfamiliar people.
  • It’s easy to switch the baby’s attention from one object or action to another, to distract him.
  • Understanding the world around us comes through emotional and sensitive perception - if you fall, you can hit yourself, if you touch the battery, it will be hot.
  • Surprised by new things, frightened by unexpected actions.
  • He is happy when he succeeds in something, but gets upset if the goal is not achieved.
  • Expresses his agreement or disagreement with facial expressions and gestures.

What can a child of 1 year 3 months do?

Can drink from a cup or sippy cup.

He uses a spoon - holds it in his fist, dips it into food, scoops it up, brings it to his mouth (a little), eats.

Imitates the actions of adults - wipes his hands, face, washes his face, combs his hair.

Many kids at this age are already starting to ask to go to the potty.

Child care at 1 year 3 months

Caring for a baby after one year is not much different. On the plus side, it can be noted that the frequency of urination and bowel movements becomes less frequent, so there is no need to wash the baby as often as before.

Baby care consists of daily hygiene measures, oral care, walks in the fresh air, and water treatments. Tempering procedures and gymnastics are also required in the daily routine.

Nutrition of a child at 1 year 3 months

After the first year of life, there is a gradual transition from feeding the child to nutrition.

Until the age of 1.5 years, most children are on a 5-times-a-day diet.

At this age, it is necessary to strictly adhere to certain feeding hours.

The last meal should be 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

At 1 year 3 months, the baby is very active and requires a large amount of energy and, accordingly, a larger volume of food. The daily volume of food for children from 1 to 1.5 years is about 1100 - 1200 ml. Moreover, 25% of this volume is breakfast; 35% lunch; 15% - afternoon snack; 25% - dinner. The calorie content of food throughout the day is about 1500 kcal.

Also at this age, there is active growth of teeth and bones, so the child’s diet must contain dairy and sour-milk products rich in calcium. The volume of milk and fermented milk mixtures is about 600 ml per day.

Dishes for a baby aged 1 year 3 months should have a mushy consistency or be pureed. Then you can gradually introduce thicker foods. If the child has already developed chewing teeth, then from time to time you can offer him food cut into small pieces.

At this age, the baby is already developing taste preferences, so the baby’s menu should be compiled based on them. Food for a child should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Protein is very important for a child’s growing body, and about 70% of the incoming protein should be of animal origin. It can be meat, liver, lean fish, egg.

Don’t forget about vegetable fats, which are also important for the normal development of a child.

Every day the child should receive a variety of cereal porridges (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina), you can add pasta to the baby’s diet.

The volume of vegetables and fruits can reach 350 grams per day, and their range can be gradually expanded.

During each meal, the child should have hot (warm) portions, since cold dishes disrupt digestion.

Necessary examinations of a child at 1 year 3 months

In the second year of life, examinations of the child in the clinic are carried out quarterly, that is, once every 3 months.

Laboratory examination of healthy children in the second year of life is carried out once a year.

Also, starting from the second year of life, the child is examined by a dentist once a year.

How to play with a child at 1 year 3 months

Children at this age love to play active games. To play you will need: toys, a hoop, balls (large, small), a gymnastic stick, a box (box).

To improve the skill of independent walking, you can stimulate your baby with a bright toy. When the baby stands on his feet (he can hold on to some object), lure him with a bright toy, extend his hand, and let him try to take a few steps on his own.

Holding the hoop, you can squat with your child. At the same time, it is more interesting to do it on command.

To strengthen the baby’s musculoskeletal system, it is very useful to do various gymnastic exercises with him, so that they bring joy to the baby, do them in a playful way.

At this age, the following exercises are necessary: ​​squats, bending and straightening the body, crawling under and over an obstacle, climbing on an elevated object, walking on a limited surface (board), stepping over an obstacle.

Kids at this age like to roll the ball, throw it into a hoop or basket.

It is also useful to play simple story-based and role-playing games with your baby, through which he learns self-service and communication skills (feeding dolls, bathing them, dressing them, rolling a car, visiting, going for a walk, and so on).

At this age, the baby wants to be able to do a lot, but he doesn’t succeed in everything, so try to devote more time and attention to the child. Teach him through the game, tell him, show him, explain to him everything that interests him and then success will not keep you waiting.

Dear readers, today your child is already 1 year and 3 months old. Every day you notice that your baby is becoming more active and inquisitive. Observant parents can see how much his habits change and how new gestures appear. However, children at this age are not yet smart enough. They act first, only then think about what they have done. Therefore, you should pay great attention to your little one. Plan your baby’s day in accordance with all the features of his development. In this article we will talk about what the daily routine of a baby at the age of 15 months should be.


When the baby turns one year and three months old, it’s time to adjust his daily routine. It is most convenient to adapt to the rhythms that are generally accepted in your family. That is, try to teach your child to wake up at the same time as the rest of the family; meal times should be the same for all relatives. Thus, the child will be able to eat at a common table. Thanks to this, his social skills will develop, in addition, he will follow the example of his elders. And it will be more convenient for mom to cook and set the table for all family members at the same time.

Sample Mode Table


Daily regime

From 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. The little one wakes up. Wash yourself or with help. Mom brushes the toddler's teeth.
From 7:30 am to 8 am A time that is ideal for morning exercises.
From 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The baby is having his first feeding of the day. You can offer your baby to eat porridge cooked in milk.
From 8:30 am to 9 am Devote time to the intellectual development of your baby. You can read books or do drawing or modeling from plasticine.
From 9 am to 11 am Take your baby outside.
From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. You can play with toys with your baby.
From 12 noon to 12:30 noon Feed your little one the most nutritious food. Soup cooked in broth is good for this, and for the second course, for example, mashed meatballs. You can drink it with compote or juice.
From 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm The baby can sleep.
From 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm The child can play with toys independently.
From 3:30 pm to 4 pm Offer your baby a snack. Fruit puree or simply chopped fruit works well for this. For a snack, give your baby a couple of cookies. Invite your child to drink tea with his meal.
From 4 pm to 6 pm Time to hang out in the sandbox with other children and communicate with them.
From 6 pm to 7:30 pm Make time for educational games.
From 7:30 pm to 8 pm Ideal time for a family dinner. A child can eat cottage cheese or porridge and wash it all down with jelly.
From 8 pm to 9 am Time suitable for bathing and other hygiene procedures. You can also give your child a light relaxing massage.
From 9 am to 9:30 am You can offer your baby to drink a glass of kefir or milk.
From 9:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. Child's night sleep.

Please remember that this is just a guideline. And mom can only take it as a basis.

What should the diet be like?

By the age of 15 months, most children are no longer breastfed. However, there are also those who still drink their mother’s milk. In this case, breastfeeding is best left for the very first meal and the one immediately before bedtime.

Mostly children have four meals a day, although there are cases where at this age five meals a day are still maintained. The main thing is that the child’s diet contains all the essential vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as other biologically active substances. In addition, the presence of all these elements must be balanced.

At 15 months, you can slowly expand the menu and introduce those products that were previously on the black list. Gradually, you can accustom your child to grapes and exotic fruits; sweets are introduced with caution, but it is better that for now it is only cookies. You should not overuse foods with a high fiber content; they can cause flatulence and even upset in a child.

The baby's diet must include cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat dishes, fish, fermented milk and dairy products, eggs, wheat bread and cookies, vegetable and butter, and limited amounts of salt and sugar.

It is recommended to drink at least 500 milliliters of milk per day, no matter breast milk or cow milk. You should not give your child fish more than once a week, or eggs more than twice a week. Smoked meats, pickles, canned food - still not worth giving to your baby. Nuts are introduced with caution and in very small quantities.

Baby's sleep

At 15 months, a child can sleep once, twice, or three times a day. But still, most children go to bed no more than 2 times a day. It is advisable to combine it with time spent walking. Daytime sleep takes approximately 4 hours.

During the day, the little one sleeps up to 13 hours. At this age, almost all children experience uninterrupted night sleep.

It would be correct to observe certain rituals that foreshadow the early onset of sleep. For example, you can teach your child that before going to bed, he needs to carry out hygiene procedures and bathe. Or, after mom reads a fairy tale, it’s time to fall asleep.

When a child learns to fall asleep on time, most likely he will learn to wake up on time. If this is not the case, then the child can be woken up at certain hours. Over time, a habit will develop, and the baby will wake up at this time.

We must not forget about what the optimal temperature and humidity should be in the room in which the baby is resting.

It is important that the child is not present during the day during scandals and when the TV or computer is turned on around the clock. All this will negatively affect the baby’s healthy and uninterrupted sleep.

Games for development

  1. Daily gymnastic exercises, as well as walking, will be important for the child’s physical development.
  2. The baby should be given tasks to develop fine motor skills. For example, let the child put rings on a pyramid or play with small balls; you can also use a special bag containing small pebbles.
  3. It is necessary to accustom the child to the fact that there are cold, hot, rough and smooth things.
  4. When your baby goes outside, be sure to point him to different objects, animals, and plants. Name these objects to him and briefly tell him something about them.
  5. Pay special attention to developing your child's creative abilities. Practice drawing with him (using all kinds of tools), modeling from plasticine or salt dough. You can teach your child to dance, sing songs with him.

My son loved to paint with gouache most of all. It is worth noting that these works bore little resemblance to drawings in the sense to which we are accustomed. Not only was it impossible to understand what was depicted, but it also looked more like simple brush strokes. Although he tried very hard while drawing (it was evident from his facial expression).

  1. Learn the names of objects, geometric shapes, tell your child what colors are, explain to your child what day and night are.


It’s good to take walks with mom, dad, grandparents or other family members. The baby should see a friendly company. It is very important to take your baby to the playground when going outside. Communication with peers will not only improve social skills, but will also allow the child to actively develop his speech abilities.

Try to be in the fresh air for at least two hours a day.

My son really loved walking with his grandmother. She climbed into the sandbox with him and they built little beads together.

Bathing and general hygiene

  1. Send your child to swim three times a week. However, if your little one loves to splash around in the water, especially with toys, then why not spend time in the bath every day.
  2. The water temperature suitable for bathing a baby should be around 34 degrees. Don't forget about the importance of hardening procedures.
  3. Be sure to teach your baby to wash his hands before and after eating, as well as to wash himself. Even after waking up.
  4. It is important that the baby already knows how to sit on the potty independently. But don’t be upset if your little one still hasn’t learned to do this. Even a period of up to two and a half years is considered a variant of the norm. But, if you want to send your toddler to kindergarten at the age of one and a half years, then it is better if the baby learns to go to the toilet on his own before going to preschool.
  5. Don't forget about oral hygiene, which should be observed every day. And also about the need to clean your ears and nose. For these procedures, it is enough to devote time two or three times a week.
