How to tell fortunes on gypsy cards and designation. Gypsy cards

No one will be surprised by a gypsy - a fortune teller who lays out cards and quite accurately talks about the past. Some people believe that fortune tellers and psychics are good psychologists and know how to convince a person of their skills. Someone really believes in the supernatural and is ready to openly declare their faith and the correctness of gypsy predictions. Some people refrain from expressing their opinions and constantly hesitate, but no one will refuse to listen about their future (especially if it promises pleasant things).

Previously, the secrets of card layouts and the interpretation of card combinations were kept secret from the uninitiated and passed down only by inheritance. Today you can search the Internet and find any information, even that which was previously strictly classified.

It is believed that cards never lie, but you, in turn, must firmly believe in the predictions. If you want to learn how to lay out cards correctly and interpret secrets correctly, you need to buy a new deck and not give them to anyone. You can’t play with this deck and you can’t guess for fun, out of boredom, or showing off to your friends.

Old gypsy women who have been practicing their profession for a long time believe that cards should be colored only red and black. The gypsies have had them this way for a long time.

The meaning of suit in gypsy layouts

Tambourines – the immediate environment: neighbors, colleagues, friends and relatives. They show your daily life, financial affairs, quarrels and gossip at work, communication, etc.

Hearts - relationships with people of the opposite sex, are responsible for feelings in marriage and outside marriage, romantic relationships, infidelity, falling in love,

Clubs - career, work, promotion or demotion, relationships with colleagues and boss,

Spades is a serious suit; when combined with cards of a different suit, it can completely change the decoding of the layout. In addition, they reflect your position in society and family.

How to start fortune telling

When getting started, you should carefully study the nuances that will influence your actions. Therefore, before you start planning, remember:

  • Be sure to formulate a question that you want answered today. You shouldn’t just guess “for life”; the question should be clearly posed, the task should be clear to the cards.
  • Keep this question in mind constantly as you shuffle the deck.
  • There are also special rules for preparing the deck: randomly divide the cards into seven piles, mix all the piles with your left hand, collect them together and move them away from you, again with your left hand. After that, shuffle seven more times and you can begin the layout.
  • Cards require payment for correct predictions. If you are telling fortunes to someone, then take a small amount from him, if for yourself, then also set aside a small amount of money and donate it to the temple or give it to a beggar.
  • When performing the ritual, you should not rush, you should hold the deck in your hands and give them the opportunity to be saturated with your energy.
  • You can’t tell yourself often, you can anger fate, and then you’ll never know the truth.
  • If you want to find out something about the fate of a loved one, put his image in front of you, ask a question, and then start the reading.

Simple schedule for every day

There are days when we are tormented in the morning by some question about the future. There is a very simple fortune telling for this: mix the deck well and take out one card with your left hand. Look at the suit, it will give you the answer to the question.

  • Hearts - your wish will certainly come true, this is the most positive card.
  • Tambourines - the outcome of the case depends directly on you and your hard work and determination.
  • Clubs - the chance of your wish coming true is very small; first, weigh all possible options for retreating and making other decisions.
  • Peaks - disappointment awaits you, the desire is unfulfilled, but over time you will understand that everything that is done is for the better.

Ancient gypsy layout

This alignment requires that the person being told fortunes be nearby. He must use his own hands to divide the shuffled deck into two unequal sized piles. Then let him move the cards from the larger pile with his left hand.

After this, shuffle the deck again and divide it into four approximately equal piles.

Next step: starting from the left pile, place them one on top of the other without mixing.

The fortune teller takes the prepared deck in his left hand and lays it out one at a time, face down, in rows of eight. Now they can be turned over and you should find the main card, indicating the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out.

The cards surrounding the main one are fateful. The further away the card is, the less influence it has on fate.

Choose your own card

Some people mistakenly believe that when choosing a card for yourself, you need to take age into account. But in gypsy fortune-telling, one should take into account the features of appearance.

The burning passionate brunette is the queen of spades, and the young brunette man is the jack of spades.

A very light, gentle blonde is the queen of diamonds, and, accordingly, a young blonde is the jack of diamonds.

A woman with dark brown hair, especially if she is inclined to be overweight, is the queen of clubs.

A woman between twenty and thirty years old with light brown hair is the queen of hearts.

REMEMBER: when assigning a card to a specific person, let them feel his energy by having him hold his hands on the deck in which his card will be the first.

And finally, when starting fortune telling, learn all the meanings of the cards and suits, and especially the possible combinations, since fiddling with cheat sheets can prevent you from giving the correct interpretation of fortune telling.

Interpretation of the meaning of cards

It is necessary not only to make the layout correctly, observing all the necessary rules, but also to give the correct interpretation to each combination of cards, and each one separately.

Ace - expect a turning point in your destiny,

The king is a man, a distant relative or colleague,

Lady - friend or colleague, neighbor,

Jack - troubles about money, obstacles preventing you from getting what you want,

10 – disappointment, financial losses, troubles at work,

8 - an unnecessary date that brought only annoyance and disappointment,

7 – empty talk,

6- short trip or business trip.

Ace is a symbol of family and love,

King - maybe your husband or lover, if not, then a man who plays a big role in your life,

A lady is a woman very close to you: mother, sister, very close friend,

Jack - does not play a big role in fortune telling, pay attention to the suit and cards that lie around,

10 - dreams and desires related to the area of ​​feelings,

9- passionate love, harmony in marriage, marriage proposal,

8 – a serious conversation that will bring you complete satisfaction,

7 – urgent important matters affecting future fate,

6 – a pleasant romantic trip

Ace - be prepared to solve money problems,

The king is an elderly man invested with power,

Lady - an older woman - a boss or businesswoman,

Jack - tedious but pleasant chores on a joyful occasion,

10- unexpected cash receipts or gifts, surprises,

9 - a declaration of the most sincere love from a person whom you considered only a friend,

8 – career advancement,

7 - invitation to a romantic date,

6 – business meeting.

Ace is a disease, a big nuisance associated with your behavior,

King - an unexpected acquaintance with a seductive man,

The lady is an unpleasant woman who can turn your whole destiny around,

Jack - disappointment in love or money matters,

10 – broken hopes or lost dreams, betrayal of a loved one or disappointment in a friend,

9 – problems with either health or money,

8 – unexpected visit of unpleasant guests,

7 – trouble, death of a relative or illness,

6 – difficult and tiring business trip.

When interpreting the meaning of each card, pay close attention to the neighborhood. For example, if there are peaks nearby, then extremely unpleasant events are coming, the date will disappoint, and the conversation will lead to a scandal. If there are worms nearby, then the event will involuntarily turn into a love relationship.

Interest in ancient fortune telling on cards, divination and occult sciences does not wane even in the age of the Internet and nanotechnology. People still turn to ancient oracles with questions about the meaning of life and love problems. Fortune telling with playing cards is borrowed from gypsy folklore. A motley nomadic tribe came to Europe from India, part of the colorful people went to wander further around the world, some remained in Rus' to this day. The traditions of divination on cards in this tribe are carefully passed on from generation to generation.

In this article

Traditions of gypsy fortune-telling using playing cards

36 cards are used for fortune telling about the past, present and future. With their help, they make plans for relationships, careers, and learn about the plans of envious people and rivals. Gypsies began to use this deck to simplify the layout.

The deck of 36 pictures that we are used to using for the game is a simplified version of Tarot (Tarot). Initially there are 78 cards. 22 – Major Arcana and 56 – minor.

With the development and spread of esoteric sciences in our country, fortune telling with a small deck has become less popular and in demand than with Tarot. Today, interest in this prophecy has reappeared due to its ease of memorization, reading and interpretation.

Anyone can tell fortunes using playing cards; unlike Tarot, they do not require any special magical training. Even a beginner esotericist can master the simplest techniques of gypsy fortune telling on cards.

Here are 5 tips that will make divination effective and turn a deck of playing cards into a magical instrument:

  1. The deck for gypsy fortune telling must be new. This is an indispensable condition for an accurate result. Game cards cannot be used for operation.
  2. Buy gift or souvenir decks. They are colorful and have a special energy.
  3. Keep cards away from prying eyes and hands.
  4. Do not immediately remember all the meanings of the cards in the gypsy layout. Make a cheat sheet and refer to it if necessary.
  5. The main rule is more practice. Pick up the deck more often and communicate with it. Tell your friends and acquaintances fortunes: this way you will quickly gain invaluable experience and improve your skills.

The meaning of the cards

A deck of 36 cards consists of 4 suits:

  • peaks;
  • clubs (crosses);
  • diamonds;
  • worms

Traditional 36 card deck

The suit of crosses traditionally signifies work and life. Material relationships: real estate, purchases and sales.

Worms are a symbol of love and relationships between partners.

The suit of diamonds is money and a person’s immediate environment: friends and companions.

Peaks are the dark side of life. The appearance of a suit in a scenario usually does not promise the most pleasant changes. Negative emotions, forebodings and omens are the sphere of influence of the peak. On the other hand, peaks are interpreted as the society in which a person is located.

The interpretation of the suit and the dropped card depends on the situation. It is important to consider the whole picture of fortune telling and pay attention to neighboring cards.

The video contains a description of cards for fortune telling:

Each of the four suits corresponds to an element. Keep this in mind when interpreting the results.

  • The peaks are protected by Water, which is responsible for intuition, the release of magical potential, and connection with the Cosmos.
  • Clubs are under the influence of Fire. This element personifies Power and Strength.
  • Diamonds represent Earth, stability and fertility. It is not for nothing that the suit is associated with money, prosperity and prosperity.
  • The hearts of hearts are Air. He rules such feelings as Love, Tenderness and Devotion.

The element that controls the cards matters when choosing a portrait for fortune telling. When making a calculation for a person, be guided by his temperament, character, psychotype and phenotype. Depending on this object, fortune telling is assigned to a dark or light suit. Experienced fortune tellers can determine by eye what type a client belongs to.

Traditional layout and its meaning

The layout has another name - “big gypsy”.

We take a regular deck of 36 cards.

  • We select the card of the person for whom the layout is being made. The woman is a lady. The image of the king is a man. Place the picture in the center of the layout.
  • Shuffle the deck thoroughly.
  • Above the portrait we lay out 4 cards, which form 4 rows. They symbolize the near future. Events that will happen from day to day or within a month.
  • We place another one above the laid out cards. It symbolizes the character of the person to whom we are telling fortunes, and the circumstances influencing the situation.
  • We lay out the same number of cards under the portrait. This is the distant future. A prospect that can become a reality.
  • We place the remaining 2 cards at the very bottom. They are the key to the deal. Cards symbolize circumstances or people that influence a person's life. 1st is someone who caused the problems. 2nd – something that must disappear forever.

Cards are laid out from left to right. Face up. Try to see the whole picture: interpret the meanings of cards only in conjunction with others. The effectiveness of gypsy fortune telling depends on this.

Video instructions for learning fortune telling on a traditional deck of 36 cards:

Cards above the portrait

Let's look at a few common combinations.

  • If 4 aces fall out at once, then this is a lucky combination: everything planned will come true.
  • Three aces - the fortuneteller will experience success in personal affairs. A quick meeting with a loved one or sudden passion.
  • Two aces in the layout - expect the unexpected. What kind of surprises to expect will be determined by the overall value of the suit.
  • Four kings represent good society. Pleasant meetings, help and patronage.
  • Three kings. Soon you will receive a lucrative offer of cooperation, an invitation to a meeting or negotiations.
  • Two kings is not a very good sign. The cards warn that you should be careful and not trust people.
  • Four ladies are a symbol of chatter and conversation.
  • Three ladies - a warning about scandals, squabbles, quarrels.
  • Two ladies in a reading - expect false rumors, gossip and intrigue.
  • Four jacks represent troubles. Most often empty and unpromising.
  • Three pages - gossip, rumors and speculation about the person being told fortunes.
  • Two squires are a symbol of unrest.
  • Four tens in a layout above a portrait is beneficial.
  • Three - to big changes in life.
  • Two tens symbolize pipe dreams that are worth parting with now, so as not to regret later.
  • If you see all nines at the top, expect a gift. This can be either a specific thing or a pleasant surprise from Fate.
  • Three nines is a good sign. The plan will come true, and luck will be on the side of the questioner.
  • Two nines - expect profit.
  • Eights in the upper layout symbolize serious troubles.
  • Three eights are a signal that your plans will not come true. It doesn’t matter what a person thinks, it’s better for him to part with this thought.
  • Two eights also do not promise anything good: be prepared for stagnation in business, bickering and red tape.
  • Four sevens - give up hope for someone's help. You will have to deal with problems and matters on your own. If you wanted to take out a loan from a bank or were counting on patronage, you can give up those dreams.
  • Three sevens in a reading indicate that you will be mocked.
  • Two sevens are a sign of illness.
  • If four sixes appear at the top of the layout, a long road awaits you. Depending on the issue, this could be a business trip or a trip. In addition, look at the meaning of the surrounding cards and their suit.
  • Three sixes promise worries. The neighboring cards will tell you which ones.
  • Two sixes give faint hope that your wish will come true and your plans will be realized. But you will have to work hard and wait a long time.

Pay attention to the meaning and suit of other cards involved in the layout. Never give a final answer to a questioner until you see the whole picture. Don't rush to conclusions.

Cards under the portrait

Cards located under the portrait of a fortuneteller or supplicant are a distant prospect. A year may pass from the moment of prophecy to implementation.

  • Four aces - give up hope that the situation will change. You will get nothing but hassle and fuss.
  • Three aces indicate a serious mistake. Reconsider your views, and then a positive result is possible.
  • Two Aces tell you not to make hasty decisions. Think it over carefully.
  • The Four Kings say that the questioner is in too much of a hurry. Stop and take a closer look at the situation.
  • The Three Kings, on the contrary, indicate that it is impossible to postpone what is planned.
  • The two kings advise resorting to cunning and showing imagination.
  • Four ladies is just empty talk.
  • Three ladies - they want to deceive you.
  • Two ladies warn that the questioner may fall for the hook of a flatterer.
  • The appearance of four pages in a reading means serious damages and losses.
  • Three jacks - to empty rumors.
  • Two squires - wait for news.
  • Four tens - you can count on the help of a friend. If it doesn't exist yet, it will definitely appear.
  • Three tens - be afraid of debts. You should not rely on credit or borrow money.
  • Two tens are a symbol of hope.
  • Four nines warn: do not trust your immediate environment.
  • Three nines signal possible errors.
  • Two nines means debt.
  • Four eights are fear, timidity and timidity.
  • Three - to a profitable marriage proposal.
  • Two - do not make empty promises, you will have to answer for them.
  • Four sevens say that you have to take a hit. Someone or something is preventing the plan.
  • Three sevens indicate betrayal. In a broad interpretation - beware of betrayal.
  • Two - for fun and idle pastime.
  • Four sixes are for gossip and rumors.
  • Three - you will have a patron.
  • Two - you will have to take care not only of yourself.

The distant future may change depending on circumstances and actions in the present. The most accurate in the gypsy scenario is the near future.

Rules for truthful fortune telling

Maps are guides to another world, a subtle tool with which you can lift the veil of the future and get answers to your questions.

The cards are revealed to those who believe in them

The veracity of fortune telling depends on several important conditions.

  1. Divination does not tolerate haste and carelessness. Don't sit down to tell fortunes if you don't have much time.
  2. Tune in to the same wavelength as the cards; intuitively feel the person for whom you are making the layout.
  3. There are days and times when the cards don’t want to “talk.” This is fine. Over time, you will learn to understand the secret signs that the deck gives to the owner.
  4. Practice often. Feel free to write down the resulting combinations so you can return to them later.
  5. Don't guess for the sake of curiosity and play.
  6. If the answer does not satisfy the questioner, do not ask the question twice.

There is an opinion that you can’t guess for yourself. This is wrong. You just shouldn't tempt fate often.

How to cast spells on cards

The first and main condition for successful divination is a clearly formulated question.

  1. Focus on the problem.
  2. Shuffle the cards, remove them with your left hand towards you and shuffle again.
  3. Start each divination with a request - address the deck respectfully and ask for support.
  4. To enhance the effect of divination, light candles. Traditionally, the colors red, yellow and black are used in fortune telling.
  5. At the end of the session, be sure to thank the deck for its cooperation.
  6. Make a sacrifice to the Higher Powers. Donate money to those in need or food for stray animals.

Don't take money for fortune telling. Especially if you predict the fate of loved ones. True soothsayers do not measure strength and help in material terms.

Gratitude for work should be exclusively “natural”: any food or sweets.

Video instructions for short fortune telling “yes-no”.

Gypsy layout for 7 cards

This layout can be called express fortune telling. It has no time restrictions:

  • focus on the problem and formulate a question;
  • take seven cards from the deck;
  • arrange from left to right;
  • the first three cards on the left are today;
  • three cards on the right - tomorrow;
  • the seventh card from the top sums up the situation.

Layout diagram for 7 cards

Use the method every time you want to predict a situation. With the help of the gypsy reading, you can predict events from the near future, find out the prospects for short-term projects, and predict the short-term development of the situation.

Gypsy layout for 1 card

It can be used every day in the morning. Just make a wish or ask a question. Pull out the card. She will tell you what to expect.

In this case, pay attention only to the suit of the dropped card. The denomination doesn't matter.

  1. Spades - the wish will not come true, disappointment, difficulties and problems await you.
  2. The suit of clubs gives hope for a favorable outcome of your endeavors.
  3. Bubnovaya opens up good prospects. You can count on luck and implement your planned project.
  4. Hearts - a positive outcome is just around the corner. Get down to business with confidence.

Magical tools help us understand the world and discover new facets of existence. It is foolish to deny the experience of our ancestors accumulated over centuries, but it is equally short-sighted to rely completely on the result of divination. A reasonable approach to the use of esoteric sciences is the key to a prosperous present and stable future.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Gypsy fortune telling with playing cards helps to find out the future and reveal the secrets of the past. With the help of simple layouts you can get answers to any questions. It is important to believe that the cards will tell the truth, and then the prediction will definitely come true.

The image of a gypsy woman with a deck of cards in her hands is always associated with something magical. No one doubts that gypsy magic is effective and really helps to get answers to exciting questions.

The traditions of fortune telling were passed down from generation to generation and were kept secret for a long time. But now anyone can make a gypsy spread, read it correctly and predict the future.

Playing card prophecies always come true, but only if you really believe in them. Cards do not tolerate doubt - so get ready to immerse yourself in their magic completely, without skepticism and uncertainty.

The meaning of suits in gypsy layouts

For fortune telling you need to buy playing cards. The deck should contain 36 cards, 9 of each suit. It is very important that you use the deck only for fortune telling and do not give it to third parties or play with it.

Some initiates believe that it is necessary to use special gypsy cards, colored black and red, because they carry special, magical energy. But in reality this is not so important.

The brief meaning of cards in gypsy fortune telling is as follows:

  • Cross (club cards) will indicate events occurring in the business sphere of life. This is all about career and work, relationships with business partners
  • Tambourines are the personification of society and environment. These are all the people you interact with in your daily life. But not close ones - relatives, lovers
  • Cards of hearts are a reflection of your heart affairs. This includes relationships within the family and with the opposite sex in general.
  • The peaks reflect the social picture and its impact on your life as a whole.

Let's figure out how to guess with playing cards in gypsy style correctly.

Rules of gypsy fortune telling

There are some features and nuances that are important to know about if you want the cards to tell the truth:

  1. Formulate a specific question that worries you most in life. You must clearly understand what you need to know. Think about this throughout your fortune telling and as you shuffle the cards.
  2. The deck should be shuffled in a certain way: first mix the cards well among themselves, then with your left hand move about half towards you, and shuffle again. After this you can start planning
  3. An important point is that the cards must be “paid” at the end of the fortune telling. You can donate to charity or give alms to the poor. It doesn't matter where the money goes, but it needs to be given to someone in need.

Traditional gypsy layout

After you have studied all the rules of gypsy fortune telling, you can begin to practice.

Proceed as follows:

  • Focus on your questions, shuffle the deck and draw seven cards from it
  • Place the cards on the table: three on the right, three on the left. You will get six cards in one row. And put another card above them
  • The cards on the right will tell you about the present, on the left - about the future, and a separate card is the answer to your question, the final outcome of an exciting situation.

This layout can be done every day to predict tomorrow's events.

There is also a very simple fortune-telling that helps you find out whether the wish that is planned for today will come true. Formulate a question, shuffle the deck, take out any card at random and look at its suit:

  1. Spades are a symbol of disappointment. The card says that your desire is unfulfilled. But perhaps this is for the best - most likely, you set the wrong goal
  2. Clubs leave a small chance for a wish to come true, but it is small
  3. Diamonds are a good sign. There is every opportunity for your wish to come true, but the outcome of the matter will depend only on you. It takes at least a little effort
  4. Hearts speak of one hundred percent fulfillment of a wish. Fate itself will send you many chances - don’t miss them

Watch a video tutorial about fortune telling with playing cards:

Interpretation of cards

To understand the meaning of the layout, you need to know the decoding of each card.

  • Ace is a symbol of home and hearth. These are events that directly affect your family
  • King - mature married man or divorced man
  • A lady is a woman of Balzac's age, someone's wife or mistress
  • Jack - has no specific meaning, you need to look at the cards in the environment
  • Ten - desires, dreams. plans, goals
  • Nine - mutual love
  • Eight - an important conversation will take place, the result of which will satisfy you
  • Seven - news, meetings, things that cannot be postponed
  • Six - exciting adventures, eventful travels
  • Ace - you have to gain strength and solve some problem that is significant to you
  • The king is an adult man: teacher, mentor, father, boss, leader
  • Lady - a woman with power
  • Jack - pleasant but tedious chores
  • Ten - money or gifts that arose unexpectedly
  • Nine - sincere, deep romantic feelings
  • Eight - career affairs
  • Seven - romantic date
  • Six - business meeting
  • Ace - an event will happen that will affect your whole life
  • The king is a young man, single
  • Lady - a young girl, friend or colleague
  • Jack - troubles and obstacles on the way to the goal
  • Ten - plans that are not destined to come true
  • Nine - stormy, which will end quickly
  • Eight - wasted time
  • Seven - a tedious conversation that will disappoint
  • Six - a short journey
  • Ace - vices and addictions
  • King - new acquaintance with an attractive man
  • Lady is a jealous woman
  • Jack - actions without results
  • Ten - empty dreams and vain hopes
  • Nine - health and relationship problems
  • Eight - visit of guests, holiday or special event
  • Seven is a sad event that will make you extremely sad
  • Six - a long and tiring road

Pay attention not only to the meaning of a particular card, but also to what surrounds it. Then you will be able to make the most accurate interpretation.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Gypsy fortune telling with playing cards has roots in the deep past. There are many different layouts, but all of them are considered reliable if you follow all the rules. Firstly, you need to remember that fortune telling cards do not like to rush. Therefore, the ritual should be carried out in a calm atmosphere, without haste. In addition, according to professional fortune tellers who use gypsy fortune telling with playing cards, you need to tune in to a special perception of the information provided, in other words, “enter a trance.” To do this, you need to practice as often as possible, which will strengthen your connection with the cards.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to guess at yourself very often. There is a belief that this way you can “tell your destiny and repel luck.” Therefore, it is better to provide such a service to your loved ones and friends. If you are going to tell fortunes to another person, then his presence is not necessary; you can use his photo.

If you really want to know your destiny, then you can use the ancient gypsy fortune-telling “Thirty-two cards”. It will allow you to look into the future and warn of dangers, as well as determine the main milestones on the way to your goals.

Preparing for the schedule

For this fortune telling, you must use a standard deck consisting of thirty-six cards. It is desirable that it be new and already “tamed”, that is, fortune telling has already been carried out on it. All sixes are first thrown out of it, as a result, a deck is obtained in which thirty-two cards remain. This is the gypsy deck of playing cards that was used by gypsy fortune tellers in ancient times.

As in any other fortune telling, you must first select a card that will symbolize the person for whom the fortune telling is being carried out.

In gypsy fortune-telling, it is not age that is taken into account, but the features of a person’s appearance, as follows:

  • The queen of spades is suitable for a brunette, and the jack of spades characterizes a brunette.
  • For the owner of dark brown hair, the queen of clubs is suitable, for a man with dark brown hair, the jack of clubs.
  • For the owner of light brown hair, the queen of diamonds is suitable, for a man with light brown hair, the jack of diamonds.
  • The queen of hearts is chosen for the blonde, and the jack of hearts for the blonde.

After choosing, the main card, which will represent the person for whom the fortune telling is being carried out, is placed again in the deck.

Fortune telling on cards, which the gypsy layout provides, must be carried out in the presence of the person being told fortunes. This is a prerequisite in order to obtain truthful information. At the beginning, the deck should be shuffled well. Then you need to ask the person for whom the fortune telling is being carried out to move the cards from the deck and then put them on the table in the form of two piles. Moreover, you need to move the cards in such a way that one of the piles is much larger. Next, the procedure of shifting the cards is repeated, but it is carried out only with a larger stack of cards. These actions are repeated until there are four stacks of cards in front of you.

Next, the cards are collected again into one deck in a certain sequence. First, the first pile is placed on the second, the resulting deck is placed on the third, and then all the cards are placed on the fourth pile. As a result of such actions, a deck of cards is formed that corresponds to the fate of the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out.

The deck ready for fortune telling should be taken in the left hand, and with the right hand the cards should be taken from the top of the deck one by one and laid out in rows of eight pieces face down, without disturbing the order of the cards in the deck. You need to start deciphering fortune telling from the main card, indicating the person on whom the fortune telling is being carried out. All cards that are located next to it are fateful, determining in a person’s life. The further a certain card is from a person, the less it can influence fate. Cards that are far from the main card can not be deciphered, since their influence on a person’s fate is minimal.

Fortune telling about kings is especially popular among women. It is noteworthy that in this way you can find out the feelings of four men towards themselves. For this fortune telling, a standard playing deck of cards consisting of 36 cards is used. First, four kings are selected from the deck. You need to pick up each card one by one and wish for a specific person on it. It is desirable that its appearance matches the selected card. After this, the kings should be mixed and placed face down in front of you.

Then the deck of cards without kings needs to be shuffled and the cards under the kings must be laid out in horizontal rows of four cards face down. If an ace falls out in the layout, then it must be placed on the king under which it fell out, and then continue the layout. If a 6 comes up in the deck, then it must also be placed on the king, but only if it is already covered by an ace. Similar actions are carried out with sevens, eights, etc.

After the end of the layout, the cards, with the exception of those on the kings, are collected again into the deck. The described manipulations are repeated four times.

The layout is deciphered as follows:

  • The king on which the largest number of cards was collected as a result of the layout is the most suitable candidate for you.
  • With those kings who have fewer cards, relationships are possible, but most likely they have no future.
  • If you didn’t manage to collect a single card on the king, then he is absolutely not interested in you and it’s hardly worth wasting time trying to attract his attention to you.

Any gypsy fortune telling is simple, but it is very important to strictly follow the sequence of actions with the cards. Any inaccuracy in the layout will lead to unreliable information being received. It is important to conduct the fortune-telling ritual in absolute silence, focusing on the question that interests you.

Man is designed in such a way that, at least sometimes, he strives to lift the veil of secrecy and look into his future. The easiest way to do this is to resort to gypsy card fortune telling. In order to learn how to make layouts and give them the correct explanation, you do not need much time; it is enough to master the classical techniques that will prompt answers to the most important questions in life.

How to prepare for the schedule

In order for gypsy fortune-telling on playing cards to be truthful and not distort reality, it is better to do it on Christmas Day or on Friday the thirteenth.

You need to take a new deck of 36 cards that has not previously been used for the game. It should belong exclusively to the fortuneteller. Even the slightest touch of another person to the fortune-telling cards is not allowed, not to mention shuffling, laying them out, etc. It is important to observe this condition so that the energy connection between the deck and its owner is not broken.

Before moving directly to the layouts, you need to tune in in a special way. To do this, you need to pick up the deck, direct your inner gaze at it and mentally focus on the upcoming process. Then, shuffling it, say the tongue twister:

“Sisters, brothers and comrades! Do me a faithful service, report the whole truth about the past and the future. Four suits, save from misfortune, reveal the truth: what happened? What will happen? How will the heart calm down?

After the ritual, you can conduct fortune telling on cards; the gypsy layout is one of the simplest. Take any card from the deck and put it down. She talks about the true desires of the fortuneteller.

The first column represents relatives and friends, the middle column represents the person who is being told fortunes, and the last column represents the rest of the person’s surroundings.

Alignment according to desire

Mentally formulate a desire. Then, as the deck is shuffled, one card is drawn at random. Its meaning will be the answer to the question posed.

Aces and kings indicate that your wish will come true in the near future. Queens and Jacks predict the realization of a dream, but for this you will have to work and do everything possible to fulfill your plans. The remaining cards give a negative answer to the question.

Love spread

Choose a king who will symbolize the chosen one:

  • the king of clubs is a dark-haired middle-aged man;
  • king of spades - an older man;
  • the king of hearts is a blond, middle-aged man;
  • the king of diamonds is a young man.

Place the cards in a row one at a time and say:

“My beloved is on the road, already on the threshold, wondering about marriage, remembering me, loving me, leaving me, finding someone better than me.”

The answer will be the phrase that the hidden king lands on. You also need to pay attention to what lies next door. Aces, jacks and queens strengthen the main one, with a numerical value - weaken it.

Layout for the situation

First of all, the fortuneteller must decide on a question related to the situation of interest. It is formulated in such a way that a “yes” or “no” answer can be given.

The cards are taken out one by one and laid out face down. Each subsequent pair is placed on the previous one with a slight downward shift. Cards of the same suit, located diagonally, are folded back, and the remaining ones are moved to the vacant space. This is how the whole deck is laid out. If in the end there are more than two cards left, the answer to the question is no.

Fate alignment

Draw a random card from the deck. She will tell you what is most important to the fortuneteller at the moment.

Just below, lay out the cards in five columns, three in each (face down):

  • the first column describes the character of the fortuneteller;
  • the second talks about what worries you;
  • the third symbolizes marital status and immediate environment;
  • the fourth will tell about the past;
  • the fifth will predict the future.

Schedule for the year

Two cards are first drawn. One personifies the fortuneteller, the other a person or event that will influence the future. They are placed in the center.

Place two 4x4 squares above and below them. The top symbolizes the next six months, the bottom - the next.

On the sides of the central cards there are two more: the left one shows what will go away forever, the right one shows upcoming events.

Interpretation of cards by suit

In order to correctly interpret the layouts and meanings of fortune telling on playing cards, you need to use the universal method of interpretation by suit.

Clubs (crosses):




It is important to remember that the most reliable are the layouts on playing cards with the interpretation of not only individual meanings, but also their combinations. Therefore, you should always pay attention to your surroundings: if cards of the same value appear nearby, they reinforce each other; and “stronger” cards can neutralize the impact of “weak” ones, etc.

There are a lot of similar nuances, but understanding them comes with experience on an intuitive level. In order to master these secrets, you need not only to learn to guess, but also to be able to analyze the correspondence of the results of the alignment to real events, regardless of whether we are talking about the past or the future.

Common Mistakes

It is also important to avoid common mistakes that can ruin any fortune telling. Here are some simple recommendations to help avoid them:

  • it is necessary to be extremely frank during fortune telling, since it is impossible to obtain a truthful answer to a dishonest question;
  • put aside skepticism and mistrust, avoid a mocking and playful tone;
  • formulate questions and wishes clearly and concisely, one session - one question;
  • refuse any ceremonies and rituals if the mood at the time of fortune telling is bad;
  • do not conduct more than one session per week;
  • treat cards as a tool - find a special place for them, store them carefully, avoiding their contact with other people;
  • do not ask stupid, obvious questions in order to check the veracity of the layout;
  • carry out energetic cleaning of the deck using Thursday salt;
  • do not turn fortune telling into the main source of profit;
  • Avoid thinking about personal things if a reading is being made for another person, as this may distort the result.

The effectiveness of any magical ritual is a matter of faith in it. This statement is also true regarding card layouts. They are able to give one or another hint, but whether to use it or not depends only on the fortuneteller.

Attention, TODAY only!
