The energy of the Orthodox Church in the vision of psychics. Debaptism - liberation from Christian egregors. Christian egregors don’t see me.

The Christian egregor is one of the most popular at present - the vast majority of magic practitioners belong to it. Learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of being under its influence.

In the article:

Christian egregor and the advantages of working with it

The Christian egregor feeds with its energy not only numerous believers, but also magicians and sorcerers who consciously use this quality of it. It is known that conspiracies and rituals are divided into two types. Some require investment personal strength- in their texts there are no appeals to higher powers, angels, demons or anyone else.

A number of conspiracy texts contain appeals to God, Satan or other representatives of higher powers - it all depends on the confession to which you belong. These conspiracies require connection to an egregor. Since we are now talking about the egregor of Christianity, we are referring to common Russian conspiracies, and in rare cases, spells in Latin. The energy for performing rituals with appeals to saints, angels and God is drawn from the church egregor. If you are not connected to it, the spell will not work.

Almost everyone knows that the church has a negative attitude towards magic and witchcraft. However, despite this, the energy for rituals with Christian conspiracy texts actually comes from the Orthodox egregor. The fact is that such conspiracies are closer to special prayers than to witchcraft. Accordingly, the egregor approves of their use.

The reasons for working with the Christian egregor do not end with the opportunity to draw energy from it. He is able to give protection. According to Orthodox traditions, every baptized person receives. Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their effectiveness - that is, interact with the egregor. We can talk for a long time about Christian amulets and other methods of magical protection.

It is in the interests of the energy-informational entity to give its followers what they ask for. This leads to an increase in the number of followers, at a minimum, which strengthens the egregor itself.

Let us also add that the Christian egregor is one of the most powerful. He energetically supports several million believers and also feeds on their energy. Just imagine how powerful the rituals performed using this colossal amount of energy will be.

To whom do confessional egregors in general and Christian egregors in particular obey?

The question of who the confessional egregors obey is quite ambiguous. It is generally accepted among believers that everything related to the church and faith is personally managed by God, and they help him. Of course, religious entities are directly related to them, but they have nothing to do with the egregor - it is an energy-informational formation created by people.

So, to whom does the Christian egregor obey? He submits to a higher one egregor of religion, like all existing religious movements in the world. This theory echoes the ideas that said that all world religions have one source and, in essence, they are equal.

The egregor of religion is subordinate to the even higher egregor of planet Earth. This chain can be continued indefinitely - there are many types of egregorial formations, and they will exist until the last person on the planet dies.

Egregor of Christianity - how to work with it

The principles of working with the egregor of Christianity are the same as when working with other energy-informational formations. Simply put, you need to follow the rules accepted within a given group of people, and then their energy will work for your benefit, and not against you.

The first rule is faith in God and his angels, as well as in the ability to receive help from them. Without it, nothing will work - neither prayers, nor Christian conspiracies. Without faith, working with the egregor of Christianity will either be ineffective or will bring negative consequences.

The second rule is compliance with the rituals generally accepted in a given religious movement. You should attend church services from time to time. They take place every Sunday, and it’s good if you can attend services on every weekend. An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms. You will have to not only receive, but also give energy. Money is also a kind of energy, just like your faith, emotions during prayers, and so on.

There is a so-called tithe, which practitioners working with the egregor of Christianity give to the church. It is ten percent of monthly income. This rule works with all energy information formations. If a person does not give away part of his income voluntarily and with pleasure, he loses this part of the funds in other ways - and they are unlikely to be more pleasant than charity.

We must not forget about baptism. As part of Christian rules, all newborn babies are baptized. In Russia, it is customary to baptize newborns, so for most of those who wish, the question of the need for baptism does not make sense. But if you were not baptized as a child, it is advisable to go through this sacrament.

The consecration of an apartment, house and vehicles is an important part of working with the egregor of Christianity. You will not only receive protection from it in this way, which, by the way, copes well with various damage and other negative programs. You will give him some of your energy, receiving in return more than you sacrificed.

Reading prayers, especially to saints and other helpers of the Lord, also forces you to share energy with the egregor. In return, you get what you prayed for. There are special prayers for different occasions, which have already proven their effectiveness, judging by numerous reviews. The same applies to rituals from the so-called Christian magic - despite the negative attitude towards it among believers, it is an integral part of the egregor.

Keeping fasts and paying special attention to church holidays is an important part of the Christian tradition. There is no need to lead to fanaticism, but it is worth following the basic rules, you need them, first of all. In addition, read sacred literature - at a minimum, you will have to read the Bible.

Disadvantages of church egregor

Despite the fact that working with a church egregor provides many advantages, it also has significant disadvantages.
First of all, this is the average level of personal energy of his followers - it is quite low. A practicing magician who is trying to accumulate energy for some purpose, being connected to a church egregor, gives it to the church and remains at the same level. If your potential for personal power is extremely small, it makes sense to increase it with the help of an egregor, but if on the contrary, it will only hinder you.

The church egregor does not like strong personalities - that is why the church has so many old-fashioned rules. The magician, more often than not, seriously stands out from the ranks of his followers. The Church is seriously opposed to sorcerers and witches and does not recognize either white or black magic. A whole section of witchcraft, called Christian or church magic, is part of it - albeit unofficially. The same applies to cathedral witchcraft. It will not be possible to work successfully with its other types.

Church egregor is one of the most dangerous in terms of the degree of influence on a person’s consciousness and subconscious. Its dogmas and rules program people, making them suitable followers of a given religion. It is quite difficult to distinguish your own thoughts from those sent by the egregor.

Thinking about events in a Christian environment is confusing and takes up a lot of brain space. Simply put, instead of thinking about his further development as a magician, a person tries to comprehend the dogmas, rules and essence of Orthodox holidays.

Orthodox egregor - how to get rid of it

Like any other, an Orthodox egregor does not want to lose followers - without them he may cease to exist. This explains the difficulties in baptism, renunciation of Orthodoxy and other rituals that are aimed at liberation from the Orthodox egregor. There are many reasons for this, and they have already been described above. Here we will give an example of a ritual that will help you free yourself from the influence of the church and begin a completely different path.

The easiest way to say goodbye to the negative influence of the Orthodox egregor is to conduct a ceremony in the church. This is where the path of an Orthodox person began, this is where it will end, and you will continue on your chosen path. Choose a time so that there are fewer people in the temple. In front of the altar or the icon of “Christ the Temperance” the conspiracy is read - not in a whisper, but out loud, but still so as not to attract the attention of the temple servants:

I, (name given at baptism), calling myself (magical name), announce renunciation. I renounce God Jehovah, the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary and the Light that comes from them. I renounce my guardian angel and all divine angelic powers. I renounce every holy Christian place, my place in heaven, every Christian thought and deed, the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord God. And may I never set foot on the road to salvation by Christ, given by God, and may my soul disappear forever for God, and may he no longer hear my voice. This is my will and may it be so from now on and into eternity!

The portal has been dissolving the Christian egregor for more than 2 months with some interruptions, and during this time we have collected enough information about how some parts of it work, although, of course, everything stated below is only a small cross-section of the global system, which is connected to almost every third person on earth. To everyone who calls themselves Christians.

Structure elements.

Egregor has 3 main elements around which everything is built.
1. This is the Bible. On a subtle level, this element looks like a huge book in a black cover with an inscription in gold letters BIBLE.
2. A Christian cross with the crucifixion of Christ, this image is present in every cross worn on the chest. The cross is huge on a subtle plane and all other structures are connected to it; as a rule, they have a pyramidal shape, sometimes diamond-shaped, or many rhombuses nested within each other, forming a pyramid.
3. Pyramids. There are many of them, they are all connected by channels into a common network with each other and with the crucifixion cross, rays of light come down from the pyramids.


Christianity has many branches, but the main ones are Catholicism and Orthodoxy. In both cases, the energies of the pyramids of the Christian egregor approach each church with rays from above, as if enveloping it from above. Moreover, the energies of Catholicism are quite dense and dark, while the Orthodox egregor supplies the church with quite light and high-frequency energies, which can be felt as energies of “holiness” that have a sweetish aftertaste. The level of these energies in some places falls short of tenderness.

Moreover, the strength of the church depends on many factors. The strength of the beam from above does not differ globally from church to church, but when approaching the church itself, the beam can go inside some churches, or it can simply approach the dome and remain there. This fact remained a mystery to me and I did some research. As a result, I came to the following conclusion. Much depends on the behavior of the ministers themselves within the church, and how commercialized a particular church is. Where faith and principles prevail over the income of the church, where the priests and monks have opened their hearts, a normal atmosphere is created inside the church, and the very inside of the churches is filled with egregor energies. The energies do not seem to be repelled by the dark hearts inside and enter both the church and the people who come there. If everything is commercialized, then this simply does not happen, and the church energetically becomes empty. In such churches, all the priests and monks have not opened their hearts. In other churches, the percentage of open hearts can be as high as 20 percent. But still, most monks follow the instructions of the holy books too directly, as a result there is no faith within and no opening of the heart. They are energetically empty, like most people who come to church, and nothing comes from them to people.

The strength of the rays of the church depends quite a lot on where exactly you are inside the church. As a rule, the strongest energies are under the main dome. It is there that the altar is placed, and everyone who stands under the altar is affected by the most powerful energies. And here another factor begins to play, which no longer depends on the egregor itself, but on where exactly the church is located. Those. There are also energies of the earth, they come out of the earth unevenly, there are, as it were, faults and natural energy concentrators, and empty spaces. On the earth itself there are places of power where the energy coming out from within the earth surges in a strong upward flow, and many churches are placed precisely at such places of power. These are usually places on the mountain where the energies naturally concentrate towards the top of the mountain, or underneath the mountain where the vein still runs down the slope. The form of the church itself is, as it were, a secondary energy concentrator, as if technically enhancing the effect of ascending energies. As a result, inside the church one feels an ascending flow of earth, which is permeated with the energies of the egregor. And, if a person goes there with an open heart, having found peace and silence within himself, and the decoration of the church, the candles, seem to tune him in this way, the energy influences the subtle body of a person, and a cleansing of unnecessary programs of the subtle body occurs. Basically, it's easier to let go of something. True, for a greater effect you need to be there for a very significant time, and a sitting position may be more useful, but it is not so often in churches that you can sit somewhere.


There is no clear opinion here. Those. in most cases there are no energies there, these are rather elements of worship of saints, or the relics are located on the lines of earthly veins, egregor lines and therefore there are the same energies as in churches. But a year ago, when we tuned in to Seraphim of Sarov and talked with him a little, we discovered an extremely interesting phenomenon. Its essence was that the canonized saint was literally chained to his relics and could not leave for the next incarnation. Those. his spirit lived near the relics and thus had an effect on everyone who came to him. It looked something like this:

In the center is the subtle body of a person and his rather large aura, like a saint who has passed a certain spiritual path, the aura is tens of meters. The body is chained to the relics through a collar, we understand that the very ritual of creating the relics itself creates this, in addition, the memory of a person can actually keep him here on this plane. Goddess A. and the Teacher then flew to all the saints and freed them from these chains. There is a huge letter T in front of the body. This is the protection of the Christian egregor. Many people have it, but usually no more than 1-2 meters. Here it was tens of meters. For some people it is also huge, apparently depending on the person’s potential and its importance. Behind is a pillar of light from the pyramid. Such a pillar of light approaches everyone who has opened their heart within the framework of Christianity. Essentially, this is a channel of mutual exchange between a person and an egregor. Usually it is behind the back, 10-20 cm from the body, the width of the channel is about 30-40 cm. It reaches somewhere to the pelvis. By the letter T and the column of light behind his back, you can very clearly see that the person is under the protection and action of the egregor.


The manifestation of the attitudes of monasticism, as I saw it.

This is primarily a mental block that blocks sexual energy. Previously, I noticed that with the system of monasticism and refusal of sex, the pelvis remains dark, the energies do not go there, and I noticed that the Christian egregor blocks on the back tremble when trying to treat the pelvis, brightening the energies there. But it turned out that this mental block is one with the egregor programs hanging on the back. The red area in the figure shows the area of ​​the pelvis and back, blocked by the installation, where the energy does not flow. Yellow shows the pillar of light that is brought to every Christian who has opened his heart. The post comes standard with a neck pad, collar, connection to the heart and back/pelvis, and installs programs on the back/back of the head. But it turned out that the personal choice to leave worldly life and pleasures, which blocks sexual energy, because it is not spiritual or sinful, or the ego, is not a separate block. This is simply a program implemented by the egregor himself, and one with him. And that’s why the attempt to heal the pelvis causes such wild resistance from the egregor, he attacks. A person ends up with a conflict of mental attitudes. On the one hand, he seems to agree to heal the dark energies in the pelvis, remove pain from metal structures that are often placed in the pelvis due to the fact that energies are blocked there, and you can calmly pump the energy of the 1.2 chakras through the lower channel into the sacrum. On the other hand, it itself blocks the flow of energy there.

Other elements and connections.

A personal Bible can hang over your head; it covers the top of the head and does not give access to the 7th chakra. At the moment of prayer, this chakra can open slightly, emitting the energies of the soul. In general, prayer is a working tool for revealing a person within this path. It opens the heart and soul towards unity. It is also possible to connect cables at the level of the head and kidneys. It looks like this:

A technical device with a 4-density battery hangs behind my back. There are a lot of different such devices and not necessarily from egregors. Different forces create similar things for specific purposes and effects. In this case, it looks like a network router with computer cables stuck into a person’s head and kidneys. The very installation of Christianity most often blocks the third eye and vision. For within the framework of Christianity, it can provide a direct path to communication with demons, which can hinder the development of faith. The attitude that divine power itself will help resolve everything is a working tool that helps along the path and thereby strengthens faith and strength. The trains are connected to ajna, and possibly other glands inside the head. In the kidneys, pins and connections are often part of the path of self-sacrifice, which is generally a common path of opening within Christianity. Those. The program of self-sacrifice itself manifests itself at the level of the kidneys, and can cause cysts or stones, affecting physical health.

Egregor gives and takes. It seems that the rays of light are like the light part of the egregor. For the energies there are almost tender, and they cleanse all parishioners. But if you think about it, they have so influenced everyone who opened their hearts in this tradition. And the energies rather go into a common cauldron and through it to others. Instead of just letting it flow from your heart to those in need. And they are very aggressive when someone starts to take away a strong person with great potential from them. For the cauldron there is huge, and it is guarded by many beings of a subtle plane.


Orthodoxy at its core has virtues and mortal sins. In general, this is a correct and working basis. For on the subtle plane, sins actually darken a person’s energy and lead to compaction of the subtle body, while virtues brighten a person’s energy and brighten the subtle body. In indirect terms, knowledge has been imparted to people, following which can lead to advancement on the path. If, of course, they actually apply it in life and follow these commandments themselves. For it is one thing to teach others, another thing to put into practice. Of course, there are many nuances and interpretations of the same thing, but here everyone chooses for themselves how to understand this or that, this is part of the experience and part of the path within the tradition. There are also hidden traps, but that's also part of the journey.


There are a lot of egregor curators, and they are so diverse that, probably, no force can compare with it. But as in any other egregor, curators protect their own egregor, with the goal that the flow of energy within the egregor constantly grows, and attracts new members and new energies. And they attack those who try to pull someone out of the faith or path. This only happens painlessly when the person, for some reason, becomes disappointed and leaves. But this does not mean that the egregor has completely let him go. For this connection can be maintained even through incarnations and some unknown contracts concluded earlier, including in past lives.

Who was seen - first of all, these are reptilians who create illusions of clergy of the highest rank. On a subtle level, they look like a priest dressed in robes. But please show their real appearance or body channel to feel who is really there. They tried to conclude contracts for protection from egregor. At the same time, they immediately covered it with the same protection.

Secondly, these are horned demons, large goats, similar to the image of Baphomet. This is like the combat power of counteraction and protection, in the form of the letter T. As a rule, they hang behind the backs of those they are trying to protect and throw connections through their body to the person in the form of hoops, collars, belts. In essence, they attack and create difficulties in life. As if mirroring that you are violating the free will of a believer, trying to somehow influence his faith and teaching as a whole.

Thirdly, a huge number of dragons and crystalline snakes appeared already at the moments when the egregor structures were dissolved by the portal. The snake inside itself contains, as it were, pyramids of crystals in the form of vertebrae. And when dissolved, it creates a kind of squeak and blocking the flow of energy. There can be thousands of vertebrae, and each of them is larger than a person. The size of dragons and snakes is sometimes tens of kilometers. The higher ones said that all large reptiles, one way or another, graze there. For they need a lot of energy for life and only large egregors, or stage music there, are capable of providing such an influx and interchange. I note that these types of large reptiles are so high frequency that we only started seeing them 6-9 months ago. We simply haven’t seen it before. Their frequencies are higher than any frequencies of human chakras. Although at their core they are very aggressive and have no concept of love at all. The most severe violence in the form of piercing the body with hundreds of rods or sandwiches made of thousands of needles came only from them. Although the higher ones say it’s all just out of powerlessness. Sometimes we encountered the fact that they began to program people just around them on the street for one purpose or another of physical influence. Fortunately, the higher ones protect and help from this.


He is with us all the time, and has always been with us. He is alive and present among the gods on the subtle plane of the Earth. And as the teaching teaches, you can always ask him to enter your heart and he will enter everyone who is sincere and open. At the same time, a personal channel is formed and the energies of the gods, unity and gentle energies of Christ himself will begin to penetrate the heart, open it, leading it. He is still the Teacher of all the Living and one of those who selects the wheat from the chaff in the process of harvest and transition to 4th density. By your example, showing that absolute Faith and purity of intention can overcome everything and help reveal your Divinity within.

Not long ago I was asked in the comments the question, “How is Christian egregor combined with shamanism?” I didn’t have time to answer right away, but now I feel that the answer should be given in a separate post.
For a better understanding, I will make the following analogy: an egregor is a warehouse. Yes, yes, a huge warehouse like in Ikea)). A storehouse of energy that all believers send to this egregor by praying, performing rituals, thinking about the egregor, etc.
It must be said that the idea of ​​the egregor is relatively new; for most of human history, people were confident that they were giving their energy directly to the Gods.
So, warehouse. To get there and take something useful out, we need a passage. The passage to the egregor can open automatically, upon birth in a certain tradition; can be developed through one’s own efforts; can be opened after undergoing an initiation ritual; can be revealed by agreement between the Gods; can be purchased as a large investment; can be provided in advance when the Gods themselves are interested in you.
A Christian egregor is an open egregor, everyone can come to the temple and pray, everyone can be baptized and become part of the egregor (but a Hindu, for example, must be born to Hindu parents!). The shamanic egregor is also open, any person can turn to a shaman for help and independently perform some rituals to propitiate the Spirits, there are no restrictions. Living in Russia, almost all of us were baptized by our parents in childhood, we all go to church at least a couple of times a year, we all celebrate church holidays, even if only Christmas and Easter. That is, most of us have a passage to the egregor and most of us have some kind of energetic contribution to it, some have more, some have less, so anyone can turn to the Christian egregor in magical rituals (another matter , that you will receive a response exactly within the limits of your contribution, but that’s another question). But what about the Church, you ask? What about the fact that magic is a sin?

Let's again mentally transport ourselves to the warehouse in Ikea. Who's there? There are guards there to ensure that goods are not stolen. There are loaders who help you get goods from the top shelves. There are hall administrators who keep order and are ready to answer questions. Can we consider them an integral part of the warehouse? Will the warehouse cease to exist without them? I doubt. Yes, it will be more difficult for us to navigate there, but we will still have the opportunity to take goods/energy. So, the Church is not an egregor, it is workers serving the egregor. They cannot block our passage into it with their prohibitions. The gods hear everyone!
From the point of view of clergy, turning either to a Christian or to a shamanic egregor is a sin. But from the point of view of shamanism, any egregor is a power that you can draw from if you managed to establish a good relationship with it. In Tuva it is considered completely normal to go to church and, if necessary, turn to shamans for help; the priests, of course, condemn it, but the shamans have nothing against it. Strength is strength, it has no religious connotation in its essence.

But still, any egregor maintains order and severely punishes attempts to bring chaos into it. Mixing rituals is not chaos. Chaos is:

Show disrespect, mock the egregor;
- pit egregors against each other (fight for me);
- not to believe in the help of the egregor (in the morning I blessed the car in the church, and in the evening I also went to the shaman for the same thing, like, just in case, to strengthen what I received from the Christian egregor and have not even received results yet);
- mix ritual objects and rituals (depict an icon on a shaman’s robe and read prayers with a tambourine);
- try to do something with the help of an egregor that contradicts the ethical framework of the egregor (in shamanism it is acceptable to cause damage, in a Christian egregor this is not approved);
- demand from one egregor to prove that he is stronger than the other.

If these rules are violated, both “mixed” egregors do not figure out who was “offended” more, but jointly hit the culprit, for educational purposes and to discourage behavior.
And regarding the “disrespect” point, I will give you a wonderful example that happened at the fourth stage of the CITY SHAMAN course. During the purification ceremony, one of the students jokingly began to baptize everyone with a smoldering artysh branch, saying it wouldn’t hurt. I immediately felt how the energy in the Field surrounding us was distorted, how the Spirits tensed, and I told the girl that it would be better if she didn’t do such things. The class ended, everyone left, and in the evening I received panic messages from this student. Out of nowhere, as they say, she developed all the symptoms of severe poisoning. She spent the night “merrily,” either bending over the toilet or sadly sitting on it. But she did well, she analyzed the events of the day and she herself realized that the misfortune that had happened was the Spirits’ response to her daring. And as soon as she realized this and apologized, all the symptoms stopped. Here's the story.

As a summary, I can say: if you have passages and you act with respect and deference to everyone, observing the above restrictions, then both the shamanic and Christian egregor will help you without any conflicts with each other.

In the photo: I’m in Kyzyl with a tambourine waiting for the start of a shamanic ritual not far from the city’s Orthodox cathedral. By the way, in those days the relics of St. Nicholas “stayed” in the cathedral.

The Christian egregor is one of the most popular at the moment - the vast majority of practitioners of magic belong to it. Learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of being under its influence.

Christian egregor and the advantages of working with it

The Christian egregor feeds with its own energy not only countless believers, but also sorcerers and warlocks who consciously use this quality of it. It is clear that conspiracies and rituals are divided into two types. Some require investment personal strength- their texts do not contain appeals to higher powers, angels, demons or anyone else.

A number of conspiracy texts contain appeals to God, Satan or other representatives of higher powers - everything depends on the confession to which you belong. These plots require connection to an egregor. Since at the moment we are talking about the egregor of Christianity, we are referring to widespread Russian spells, in rare cases, spells in Latin. The energy for performing rituals with appeals to saints, angels and God is drawn from the church egregor. If you are not connected to it, warlock will not work.

In fact, everyone knows that the church has a bad attitude towards magic and witchcraft. But, despite this, the energy for rituals with Christian texts of conspiracies actually comes from the Orthodox egregor. The fact is that such plots are closer to special prayers than to witchcraft. Accordingly, the egregor approves of their use.

The prerequisites for working with the Christian egregor do not end with the ability to draw energy from it. He is able to give protection. According to Orthodox traditions, every baptized person receives a guardian angel. Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their effectiveness - in other words, interact with the egregor. One can talk for a long time about Christian idols and other methods of magical protection.

It is in the interests of the energy-information essence to give your followers what they require. This leads to an increase in the number of followers, at least, which is strengthened by the egregor itself.

Let us also add that the Christian egregor is one of the most massive. He energetically supports several million believers and also feeds on their energy. Just imagine how powerful the rituals performed using this colossal amount of energy will be.

To whom do confessional egregors in general and Christian egregors in particular obey?

The question of who the confessional egregors obey is quite diverse. It is generally accepted among believers that everything connected with the church and faith is controlled personally by God, and angels and archangels help him. Obviously, religious essences are directly related to them, but they have nothing to do with the egregor - this is an energy-informational formation made by people.

So, to whom does the Christian egregor obey? He submits to a higher one egregor of religion. like all existing religious movements in the world. This theory echoes the thoughts of Lena Blavatsky. which stated that all world religions have one source and, in their essence, they are equal.

The egregor of religion is subordinated even more to the high egregor of planet Earth. This chain can be continued indefinitely - there are many types of egregorial formations, and they will exist until the last person on the planet dies.

Egregor of Christianity - how to work with it

The mechanisms for working with the egregor of Christianity are the same as when working with other energy-informational formations. Simply put, you need to follow the rules accepted within a given group of people, then their energy will work for your benefit, and not against you.

The first rule is faith in God and his angels, as well as in the ability to receive help from them. Without it, nothing will work out - neither prayers, nor Christian philosophies. Without faith, working with the egregor of Christianity will either be ineffective or bring bad consequences.

The 2nd rule is compliance with the rituals accepted in a given religious movement. From time to time you should attend church services. They take place every Sunday, and it’s great if you can attend services every weekend. An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms. You will have to not only receive, but also give energy. Means are also a kind of energy, just like your faith, emotions during prayers, and so on.

There is a so-called tithe. which practitioners working with the egregor of Christianity give to the church. It is 10 percent of every month's income. This rule works with all energy information formations. If a person does not give part of his own income voluntarily and with pleasure, he loses this part of the funds through other methods - and they are unlikely to turn out to be more pleasant than charity.

We must not forget about baptism. As part of Christian rules, all newborn babies are baptized. In Russia, it is customary to baptize newborns, so for the majority of those who wish, the question of the need for baptism does not make sense. But if you were not named in childhood, it is better to go through this sacrament.

Consecration of an apartment, house, etc. is an important part of working with the egregor of Christianity. You will not only receive protection from him using this method, which, by the way, perfectly copes with various damage and other negative programs. You will give him some of your own energy, receiving in return more than you sacrificed.

Reading prayers, especially to saints and other assistants of the Lord, also forces you to share energy with the egregor. In return, you get what you prayed for. There are special prayers for various occasions, which have already proven their effectiveness, judging by countless reviews. This also applies to rituals from the so-called Christian magic - despite the negative attitude towards it among believers, it is an integral part of the egregor.

Observing fasts and paying special attention to church holidays is an important part of the Christian tradition. There is no need to lead to fanaticism, but it is worth following the main rules, they are necessary for you, first. Apart from this, read sacred literature - at a minimum, you will have to read the Bible.

Disadvantages of church egregor

Despite the fact that working with a church egregor provides a huge number of advantages, it also has significant disadvantages. First, this is the average level of personal energy of his followers - it is quite small. A practicing sorcerer who tries to accumulate energy for some purpose, being attached to a church egregor, gives it to the church and remains at the same level. If your potential for personal power is very small, it makes sense to increase it at the expense of the egregor, but if on the contrary, it will only hinder you.

The church egregor does not like strong personalities - that is why the church has so many old-fashioned rules. The sorcerer, in most cases, seriously stands out from the ranks of his followers. The Church is seriously opposed to warlocks and witches and does not recognize either snow-white or dark magic. A whole section of witchcraft, called Christian or church mysticism, is part of it - albeit unofficially. This concerns conciliar warlocks. It will not be possible to work successfully with its other types.

Church egregor is one of the most unsafe in terms of the degree of impact on the consciousness and subconscious of a person. Its dogmas and rules program people, making them suitable followers of a given religion. It is quite difficult to distinguish your own thoughts from those sent by the egregor.

Thinking about events in a Christian environment is confusing and takes up a lot of brain space. Simply put, instead of thinking about his own upcoming development in the role of a sorcerer, a person tries to comprehend the dogmas, rules and essence of Orthodox holidays.

Orthodox egregor - how to get rid of it

Like any other, an Orthodox egregor does not desire to lose followers - without them he can end his existence. This explains the difficulties in baptism. renunciation of Orthodoxy and other rituals that are aimed at liberation from the Orthodox egregor. There are a huge number of circumstances for this, and they have already been described above. Here we will give an example of a ritual that will help you free yourself from the influence of the church and begin a completely different path.

The most common method of saying goodbye to the bad influence of the Orthodox egregor is to perform a ritual in the church. Here the path of an Orthodox person began, here it will end, and you will continue on your chosen path. Choose a time so that there are much fewer people in the temple. In front of the altar or the icon “Christ the Temperance” the verse is read - not in a whisper, but out loud, but still in such a way as not to attract the attention of the temple servants:

I, (name given at baptism), calling myself (magic name), announce renunciation. I renounce God Jehovah, the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary and the Light that comes from them. I renounce my own guardian angel, and all divine angelic powers. I renounce every holy Christian place, my own place in the middle of heaven, every Christian thought and deed, the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord God. And may I never set foot on the road to salvation by Christ, given by God, and may my soul be lost to God forever, and may he no longer hear my voice. This is my will and may it be so from this moment and into eternity!

Christianity, like any other religion, has its own energy-informational structure in the subtle world. It is fueled by people who support the biblical concept of the world order.

The advantages of living under the egregor of Christianity and how to connect

The Christian egregor is currently still one of the most massive energy structures and has millions of followers around the world, although the peak of its power has passed and is fading.

Just imagine how much energy Christian rituals can accumulate! Even healing is subject to the egregor of Christianity.

Inclusion in Christianity provides good protection. A sincere believer who wears a cross is protected from the evil eye and damage. According to Orthodox beliefs, every baptized person has his own personal guardian angel, who protects him from many dangers and helps him in worldly affairs.

In the Christian tradition, it is customary to connect to the egregor in infancy - performing the rite of baptism. If you want to enlist the powerful support of a Christian egregor, but were not baptized in childhood, you need to go through this sacrament. At the same time, sometimes a strong faith in God (that is, attunement on the mental and emotional level) is enough for the channel to open on its own.

How to work with a Christian egregor

Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their action. Correct subtle work with egregors often consists of simple observation, rather than active intervention in external events. The essences of the subtle world see more and better understand what changes are appropriate in each specific life situation. For example, if someone behaves incorrectly towards you, it is enough to mark the event and delegate the rest of the work to the egregor. If you are under the control of an egregor, you are only required to do your egregorial work well, without being distracted by trifles. The Bible says about this: if you hit one cheek, turn the other. The egregor himself will take care of your needs in order to give you the opportunity to continue to fulfill your egregorial mission without hindrance.

It is obvious that the requested assistance is not always provided. This is a sign that the harmonious energy exchange with the egregor is disrupted. Most likely, a person does not realize that he has been taking the wrong position in his work with the system for a long time. For example, he inaccurately fulfills his duties to the egregor or mistakenly believes that he serves the Christian energy structure, although in fact his energy flows to feed other energy entities. As a result, the Christian egregor weakens its support and protection. A person becomes vulnerable to attacks from other energy structures.

To become the favorite of a Christian egregor, you need to regularly feed it with your energy. As a rule, religious egregors charge in time. Reading prayers to a certain saint for many hours over a long period of time, attending church services, asceticism in the name of egregor and observing other rituals (even formal ones) are designed precisely to pump energy from a person to the energy system.

An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms.
Money is the equivalent of energy, since earning it also costs a person’s time - the only resource that belongs to him by birthright.

Disadvantages of staying within the egregor of Christianity

With all the advantages of inclusion in the church egregor, this is one of the most dangerous energy systems in terms of the degree of influence on consciousness. The more a person is included in the structure of Christianity, the more power the system has over him. Moreover, this is power that he recognizes for her voluntarily.

The Christian egregor itself is quite tough and aggressive. The mechanism for pumping up energy that he uses is to build a dualistic picture of the world: division into spiritual, higher and material, lower, opposition of light and darkness. Such a worldview inevitably leads to a split in consciousness and the creation of an internal and external enemy.

An egregor programs its follower for a certain behavior, manner of communication, area of ​​interest, space of goals, rules for selecting tools. One of the methods used by the Christian egregor to control its adherents is to impose feelings of fear and guilt, the concept of sin. If this succeeds, a person truly becomes a “slave of God,” almost completely deprived of freedom of thought and choice of his own life path.

The Christian egregor does not see the benefit of having a strong free-thinking personality in his composition. Potentially, such a person can leave the structure and move resources to another egregor, including taking other followers with him. Therefore, he tries in every possible way to limit the possibility of comprehending concepts alien to his information structure. Adherents of Christianity must have strictly canonical information and nothing more. A Christian’s time and resources are often spent not on developing his personality, but on pumping energy into the egregor through the performance of numerous time-consuming rituals.

If you want to work with other channels, conflicts with the Christian egregor cannot be avoided. If working with the egregor of the Tarot within the framework of Christianity is still permissible, since the system of the Egyptian pantheon smoothly and consistently entered the system of Judaism, and that subsequently into the egregor of Christianity, then, for example, the use of Runes related to paganism is seriously punishable for a Christian. The experience of magical practitioners shows that it is impossible to work in two channels at the same time. If you want to receive full support from the Slavic gods, then you need to remove the Christian seal received at baptism.

Shutdown and precautions

Leaving a religious egregor, in particular a Christian one, is called debaptism. Using the same method, you can get out of the egregor of Judaism and Islam. The exit ritual is called triple crossing and consists of rituals performed at the crossroads, in the bathhouse and on the bridge. These are classic rituals that always give results. But usually they are used when a transition to the warlock is made. That is, on the other side of Christianity - to evil spirits.

Naturally, any egregor will try to prevent it from leaving its influence. Christians are no exception in this matter, and, as a rule, they choose harsh methods for returning a person. The “fugitive” gets into trouble, has disturbing thoughts, and regularly begins to have nightmares about the terrible consequences of logging out of the system. Such warnings are sent to intimidate. The main thing at this moment is not to panic and not give up on your intention.

If you personally or people in your family have been deeply included in the Christian energy structure, a payoff will be required. Follow the following instructions.

  1. Come to a small non-profit church (the channel with the egregorm is cleaner there) and turn to the icon of the Mother of God. Express your firm intention to come out of Christianity. Ask them to take from you what you owe and never remind them of the debt again. The cult of the Mother of God is the most honest and fair in calculations.

  1. Leave in the temple all the objects of Christian worship that you have (crosses, church candles, icons, the Bible, etc.). Leave without looking back.
  2. In the near future you will be provoked and frightened in every possible way. Don't give in. If beggars ask for alms, be sure to give as much as you think is necessary, but no more than three times.

Pagan gods can also redeem a person from a Christian egregor, and their ransom will be considered a point in his agreement with Christianity. But the gods need to be convinced that this makes sense to them. There are not many working pagan cults now; there is very little energy coming in. That is, you need to take such vows that the pagan egregor wants to spend his resources on you. For example, set up an altar to one of the gods and pray for a channel for several years.

It’s worth thinking about how it happened that people of the Vedic worldview in Slavic lands allowed an alien Christian religion, written specifically for Jews? And why do Jews themselves go to the synagogue and not to temples?

The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to go nowhere. The only place you can rightfully go is to the consciousness of God, which once gave birth to your own “I am”, your personal structure.

You can establish a connection with your own deity through the power of your own intention. To tune the channel, at least 20 days of daily meditation practice are required. Sit alone, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to stop the internal dialogue, concentrating on your breathing. Meditation should last at least 15-20 minutes. By being able to stop the flow of thoughts, you will clear your field, and your Higher Self will be able to adjust the energy channels. By connecting with your deity, you can easily get out of the influence of any egregor. Since no one else can lay claim to you.

Total from Semargl

A clear sign of a destructive and blocking egregor is a ban on leaving it, a lack of free will and freedom of thought.

For those who have hit the ceiling of their growth within the framework of Christianity and intend to further increase their internal frequency, let us remind you that when working with egregors, awareness of actions should be given first place. For some of the rituals indicated by the author have a rather mystical basis, and we should clearly understand the situation.

Good shutdown options:

  1. an agreement with a Christian egregor on exit and payment for it;
  2. transition to a higher frequency egregor, for example, to the egregor of the Vedic worldview;
  3. raising your internal frequency.

It’s easy to connect to any religious egregor, just once or twice, but sometimes you won’t be able to disconnect for the rest of your life. Whether to deal with the gradually fading but still powerful Christian egregor is up to you to decide.
