Andrey where the name came from. Courageous defender Andrey

Name Andrey comes from the ancient Greek word “andros”, which means man, it can also be translated as “brave, courageous, courageous”. In Rus', the name gained popularity after the adoption of Christianity; before that it was common in Byzantium. It was believed that a baby named Andrei would always be under the protection of a heavenly guardian angel.

Andrey - character traits

As a child, the boy is distinguished by high energy and ingenuity. A little fidget can run around the apartment for hours, and then sit for a long time and make something. He has a lively, vivid imagination - any trinket in his hands becomes a meaningful toy. Andryusha’s diligence is expressed literally in everything.

He is an average student at school, actively takes part in the life of the school, performs the assigned task conscientiously, approaching it with full responsibility. Does not tolerate injustice and always protects the weak.

Andrey is the life of the party, a merry fellow, a “living joke”; he is sociable, witty, knows how to establish contact even with difficult people, and especially with girls. Qualities such as determination and communication skills will help him achieve success in all matters. Andrey is a reliable and good friend; if necessary, he will rush to help even at night, for this his friends value him very much. But if you offended Andrey, beware! He does not forgive insults, although he keeps the negativity to himself.

In relationships with women he is unstable. He easily breaks up with one, without remorse, and the next day he goes out with another. Andrey is an inventive and ardent lover, tries to please his partner and often has several women at the same time.

However, if a representative of this name has truly fallen in love, he easily says goodbye to his busy bachelor life and enters a new family level of existence. For marriage, Andrei is looking for a lively and sociable lady with whom there is something to talk about, and not a primitive housewife who is always walking around in a robe and curlers.

Andrey – name compatibility

To create a family, the owner of this name needs to look for Angelica, Alisa, Valeria, Antonina, Veronica, Alina, Galina, Dina, Larisa, Maria, Lyudmila and Natalia.

An unstable marriage can develop with Varvara, Olga, Oksana, Irina, Zoya, Victoria, Ekaterina, Vera, Anna and Yana.

Famous people named Andrey

Russian painter A. Rublev, Prince A. Trubetskoy, poet A. Bely, writer A. Platonov, A. Goncharov - People's Artist of the USSR, A. Mironov - a talented actor, A. Makarevich - composer, singer, TV presenter and others.

Andrey - interesting facts about the name

— patron planet – Sun, Uranus;
- name zodiac - Sagittarius, Cancer;
- colors that bring good luck - steel, dark brown, deep red, lilac;
— amulet stone – amber, amethyst;
- plant - fir;
- animal - reed lynx.


Veronica 04/14/2016

My ideal man is concentrated in one name - Andrey. While still a teenager, I only had relationships with Andrey)) Well, somehow fate brings us together)) And now, I’m with Andrey again, in my opinion - this will be for a long time! They are cool, these Andreys!))

Anechka 04/14/2016

I have Andrey brother. About women - the absolute truth. If he doesn’t like something, he will easily break off the relationship, no matter what stage it is at. And with the same ease, he will find another girl. But this does not mean that he cannot have strong feelings, he just needs to find the one!

Brunette 04/14/2016

Unfortunately, I know a completely different Andrey. This Andrey will not rush to your aid, will not rush, for example, to borrow money. At the most, you can expect advice from him, and even then, he will place greater emphasis on what you did wrong and found yourself in such a situation.

When choosing a name for a child, parents often do not think about its meaning. But it should not only sound beautiful. The name is a fateful line, a planid factor. Of course, you may not believe in significance. But be that as it may, the fact remains a fact. The chosen name for a boy plays an important role in life.

According to astrologers, the name Andrei, which has meanings such as “courageous” and “brave,” began to be called for men in Ancient Greece. After the introduction of Christianity in Ancient Rus' in 988, this name spread throughout the Russian state. It came from the Byzantine Empire. It is interesting that at first only boys born into noble families were given the name Andrei; only much later children who did not belong to privileged classes began to be called this name.

By naming their son Andrei, the parents consciously influence his future fate. After all, this name prophesies to a man such qualities as a realistic look, masculinity, positive attitude, conscientiousness, charm, patience, accuracy, responsibility, hard work, and diligence. A man named Andrei is always the life of the party, as he is able to quickly find contact with other people. Such socially conditioned personality components help Andrey get a good job in life. Many people think that everything comes very easily to him. But that's not true. In fact, in order to achieve results, a man has to put in quite a lot of effort, although sometimes he himself doubts that it is perseverance and work that bears fruit. Andrey underestimates his self-esteem, his inner world is very complex. Sometimes he becomes the life of the party, he can joke, make wisecracks, play the guitar, tell jokes or play pranks. Other times he feels more confident when he is alone.

Work for Andrey is the meaning of life. He mainly chooses professions related to creativity. For example, he can be a director, actor, composer, artist, singer. Andrey is well versed in technology, but this is not interesting to him, because he is a humanitarian. In addition to creative activities, a man is often involved in exact and natural sciences, and he makes a good businessman. Andrey performs well in such professions as a seller of household and office equipment, a driving instructor, a labor teacher, a programmer, an engineer, a scientist, a designer or a manager. Andrey's colleagues and superiors value him for his professional qualities, honest performance of his duties and responsibility. The main task is to achieve career heights, because growth in the profession will raise his authority in the family and among friends. But material wealth comes first.

Quite often, Andrei wants to give up everything, be it work or family, and run away without looking back. This occurs due to overwork, as a man burdens himself with responsibilities that he cannot fulfill. A sense of duty and responsibility restrains him from rash actions, although he spends a huge amount of vitality on overcoming emotional impulses. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you just need to relax, disconnect from family worries and various kinds of affairs. You can go hunting, fishing, or just out into nature, where you can restore your lost strength.

Character of the name Andrey

A man named Andrei is always the way people around him want to see him. For a mother he is an affectionate and gentle son, for a comrade he is a true friend, for a wife he is a fiery lover, for a teacher he is an excellent cadet. A man enjoys making people happy. If a person does not interest him, he becomes an opponent. Moreover, he shows hostility towards him. If an enemy makes Andrey angry, the consequences will be unpredictable. Energy does not allow a man to show tolerance towards enemies. He may not show it, but he is unlikely to forget the insult.

Andrey has a rather contradictory character. He can be both soft and cunning. A man with this name is impulsive, he will never do anything if it is not beneficial for himself, even if with these refusals he will hurt his neighbors. Andrey achieves everything he wants in his life, as he is able to “show off” and present everything in a light favorable to him. He is calculating, selfish, does not have the habit of consulting, and does not listen to the opinions of his elders.

Andrey is quite vindictive. It is forbidden underestimate him. Although he jokes and has fun, at this time he notices and remembers everything. A man is arrogant, to prove his superiority, he can use blackmail or scandals. Andrey also has such a character trait as self-criticism. This stable quality contributes to self-development. He admits his mistakes, but does not tolerate others pointing them out. If success accompanies him, he can be self-confident, arrogant, and vain. This pushes people away from him.

A man named Andrey is an undoubted leader, leader, organizer. He leads people, overcomes obstacles, finds a way out where no one else could. High activity combined with strength allows you to achieve what is unattainable for others. Dexterity, luck and instant reaction influence situations that Andrey uses to his advantage.

It happens that failure knocks Andrei out of the saddle. He is overcome by depression and gives up. People avoid a man, because there is little left of a cheerful person. But Andrei copes with troubles in this case too. Gathering his strength of character into a fist, he turns it against the blues. The smile of fate and good luck return to him as a gift.

Name Andrey for a boy

When choosing a name for a boy, parents predict his fate. Indeed, translated from Greek, this word means “brave.” In childhood, Andryusha, Andreika, Andreichik, Andi, Andy, Dyusha (as they call him while he is small) is a calm and quiet child, but at the same time energetic. He can run around the house, playing outdoor games, or assemble, for example, a construction set alone, composing imaginary objects. At this time, you can hardly hear him, since he does not require attention. Little Andrei is especially close to his mother; he is gentle and affectionate with her. But he doesn’t want to obey and obey, because he is very obstinate, capricious and stubborn. The boy often argues with his father, proving that he is right. But you shouldn’t focus on this. After all, by nature Andrey is conflict-free, diligent, patient, purposeful, dreamy, and self-confident. If a child has a brother, then he is friends with him, but relations with his sister do not develop in the best way. Andrei constantly conflicts with her, and does not concede in anything.

The boy was not in very good health as a child. He is predisposed to colds, highly contagious infections. Andrey may also have vision problems. Parents should pay attention to the child’s mental state, as frequent depression and stress can cause serious illnesses.

A mature teenager becomes positive in all directions. His character changes. He is characterized by such traits as sociability, hard work, commitment, goodwill, constancy, integrity, positivity, attentiveness, and eloquence. But his peers consider him too boring and tedious, so Andrei does not have any friendship with them. True, no one complains about him, and conflicts do not arise between the young men. But later it turns out that the teenager is far ahead of his peers in development, he achieves everything in life, and his affairs are going well. He achieves this thanks to his analytical mind and penchant for design and programming. The guarantees of his success are determination and concentration.

But a boy in adolescence tries to avoid any responsibility. Due to his heightened sense of justice, he often conflicts with teachers who do not understand that he cannot be “pressured”; he simply needs to argue for his convictions. Andrey actively participates in the life of the team and carries out assignments conscientiously.

In his youth, Andrei enjoyed success with the fair half. He has many unique qualities, such as mystery and seductiveness. He knows how to guess the desires of girls, so he easily wins women's attention.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Andrey

Andrey takes marriage lightly. When choosing a life partner, he first of all pays attention to appearance - a woman should be beautiful, tall, elegant, smart, self-possessed, and Andrei is of little interest to her inner world and character. The main desire of a man is not love, but the impression made. True, with a representative of the opposite sex he is attentive and gentle.

In his youth, Andrei is quite fickle. He changes girls often, sometimes every day. It seems to them that the man is frank with them, does not hide anything, and tells everything about himself. But this is not so - Andrei will never pour out his soul, will not reveal his innermost thoughts.

The man loves compliments and flattery. If a woman wants to attract attention, she should not skimp on beautiful words. In addition, Andrei will never forgive his partner for betrayal, although he himself often goes “on the side.” Sometimes he is jealous of his wife even towards his children, and his relationship with his wife’s mother is quite tense.

A man named Andrey fully provides for his family, but all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife. He forbids her to even think about a career, since a woman is obliged to take care of him and the children, to be a sexy housewife. The wife should be stronger in character, she should set new goals and objectives for him. In addition, she is forced to endure her husband’s stubbornness and tight-fistedness. The impulsive and unpredictable Andrei can give his wife a very expensive gift, and next time he can spare the money for a penny item for use in the household. For Andrei, social values ​​are one step higher than mercy and kindness, although he loves his family very much.

But it happens that a man cannot create a social unit because he chooses a woman too carefully based on characteristics known only to him. Not finding an emotional, outwardly spectacular beauty, he may end up spending his whole life alone. But having gotten married, Andrei, out of a sense of duty, never destroys the family, even if the marriage is unsuccessful.

Famous personalities

The most famous person named Andrew is the first disciple of the central figure in Christianity (meaning Jesus Christ) - the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. After his crucifixion, the “St. Andrew’s Cross” appeared in the Greek city of Patras. It is used as a symbol on the flags of some countries and territories.

The name Andrei is borne by many outstanding personalities who have left their mark on history:

  • Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, engaged in theoretical physics, Sakharov;
  • publicist, artist, architect, poet Voznesensky;
  • painter, monumentalist, teacher Vasnetsov;
  • film directors and authors of many scripts: Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Tarkovsky;
  • the famous and revered Russian icon painter of the Moscow school Rublev;
  • Soviet actors: Mironov and Myagkov;
  • Russian aircraft designer Tupolev;
  • statesman Andrei Gromyko;
  • founder of the ensemble “Time Machine”, which was created in 1969, Makarevich;
  • football player Arshavin, who is an Honored Master of Sports of Russia, and other famous people.

Short and diminutive options: Andreika, Andrya, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryunya, Andrew.

Patronymics: Andreevich, Andreevna; colloquial forms: Andreich, Andrevna.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport: Andrey.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Andrew, Belarusian Andrey, Hungarian Andras, Spanish Andres, Italian Andrea, Latvian Andris, lit. Andrius, German Andreas, Polish Andrzej, Ukrainian Andriy, Finnish Antti, French Andre, Czech Ondrej, Swedish Anders.

Origin of the name "Andrey"

The name Andrei is of Greek origin and means “courageous.” This name has high energy, and Andrey usually fully justifies his courageous name, being a loyal friend, a strong opponent and a faithful lover. Suffice it to say that among the patrons of this name is the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who is remembered on December 13. July 13 is the day of another patron of the Andreevs, the Holy Blessed Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who pleased God with his piety and care for the poor and sick. He founded the Bogolyubsky Monastery near Vladimir, and in 1174 he was killed by his entourage. Finally, September 1 is the day of the Holy Martyr Andrew Stratelates, who died for the faith of Christ in 302, along with 2593 martyred soldiers.

Usually Andrey is the way others expect him to be. He goes through life as if it were completely easy, although in fact most of his achievements were achieved at the cost of labor and sweat. He will be a loving son, a loyal friend, an excellent employee and husband. His fate is usually generous with surprises, but Andrei is usually cunning, despite all his sincerity, so he gets away with it.

Usually he is quite reserved and laconic, stingy in everyday life, but from time to time he likes to show off and spend money on expensive things. He is considered reliable, although Andrei is an egoist at heart. Taking care of women touchingly and tenderly, he may behave rather ugly in the end, or he may marry recklessly, despite the persuasion of his relatives and not being particularly interested in the inner world of his chosen one. The main thing for Andrey in his wife is her spectacular appearance and ability to react emotionally, and everything else is secondary. Before marriage, Andrei can change girls every now and then, and in relations with his wife show a whole range of unpredictable reactions, from stinginess to dizzying generosity, tenderness and care. If the wife devotes too little time to Andrey after the birth of the child, Andrey may become sad and begin to be jealous.

Andrey tries to choose prestigious professions, and his innate determination allows him to make a dizzying career. Commitment and punctuality, as well as the ability to concentrate - this is what gives Andrey the opportunity to get to the top. Among the Andreevs there are a lot of writers, journalists, poets, people of artistic professions, but the share of inventors, engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs is also quite large.

In general, Andrey is difficult to communicate with because his loved ones, as a rule, do not know what to really expect from him. Meanwhile, communicating with Andrey is very interesting, because he is a philosopher by nature, enthusiastic, charming, the life of the party, because he is generous and loves to bring joy. He is usually gifted in the field of art, a connoisseur and a dreamer, although in real life he is usually calculating and does not like to have his head in the clouds.

Horoscope named "Andrey"

The zodiac signs that patronize Andrei are Sagittarius and Cancer, and the planets are Uranus and the Sun. His totem plants are fir and anemone, and his animal is the jungle cat. Andrey's lucky colors are deep red and dark brown, and amber will bring him good luck if he carries the stone with him. Amethyst will also serve as a good talisman.

Name compatibility

When choosing a life partner for Andrey It’s better to take a closer look at the girls named Alevtina, Juliet, Leah, . But a marriage with Varvara, Zoya, Clara, Nellie, Oksana, Olga, Sophia, Yulia may be unsuccessful.

Andrey and pets

Winter Andrey is distinguished by his critical mind and wit. Autumn – calm, calculating; An Afghan hound and an English setter will feel good in his house. Spring Andrey is frivolous, generous, careless. Summer is a cheerful person, a lover of entertainment and a beautiful life, it is also difficult for him to take care of the animal in the house; if he gets a dog, then all the worries fall on the shoulders of his wife or children.

For complete mutual understanding with the dog, Andrey should give it nicknames: Claude, Conrad, Adele, Emma, ​​Aina, Zita, Laima, Teffi, Argon, Becky.

Name popularity and statistics

Name Andrey, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):

  • 1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
  • 1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
  • 1950-1959: 66 (4th place)
  • 1978-1981: 84 (5th place)
  • 2008: (10th place)

What a solid and strong name - Andrey! The secret of the name communicates the high energy that the owner of the name constantly feels.

The meaning of the name Andrey suggests the interpretation of something reliable, tough and domineering, active and joyful, therefore, its owner is faithful, hardy, self-confident, and stands out for his physical strength.

Andrei usually proudly bears his courageous and courageous nickname, showing himself to be a reliable friend, a terrifying opponent and an ardent lover.

According to statistical data, it has been established that the nickname was especially popular in Moscow in the 50-80s of the last century, then there was a decline in popularity. Now his rating is growing rapidly again.

Patronymics: Andreevich, Andreevna offer the following description of their owner: a friendly, hardworking, discriminating, eloquent person.

Would you name your child this name?

It can be assumed that its interpretation is “courageous”. The meaning of the nickname Andrei is based on the root of the word “andros” - husband, man. The origin of the name Andrey finds its roots in Ancient Greece.

It penetrated into Russian lands from Byzantium at a time when Christianity was introduced in Rus'. Therefore, it is not surprising that over so many centuries this name has become so familiar and traditional.

Among the prominent representatives of this name are the Holy Apostle A. the First-Called, the holy Prince A. Bogolyubsky, who was elevated to the rank of saints thanks to his piety and efforts for the needy and sick. He was the founder of the Bogolyubsky monastery near Vladimir, and later he was killed by his own servants.

Andrey can be proud of his origin, because he is the namesake of many famous outstanding personalities. The history of the name Andrei remembers such glorious people as Voznesensky, Gromyko, Kolmogorov, Makarevich, Mironov, Nikolaev, Rublev, Sakharov, Tarkovsky, Tikhonov Tupolev and others.

Name forms

Simple: Andrey Full: Andrey Affectionate: AndryushaVintage: Andrey

As a child, Andryusha is a restless, noisy and active child. Cunning and impressionable. During his school years he shows himself to be a capable student. As a teenager, he is independent and arrogant, surprising his classmates with his truthfulness. This young man is a fighter for justice, a defender of the weak.

The characteristics of the name Andrey endow an adult with determination and charm. Everyone likes him, easily makes new acquaintances, loves to be the center of attention in a cheerful company.

Andrey is responsible, takes any work seriously, and does not complain about difficulties. He has a desire to move forward: he does not sit still, but he will not take unnecessary risks.

He is not afraid to express his opinion to management and defend the interests of colleagues. Enjoys the respect of his superiors.

Getting acquainted with Andrei’s characteristics, we conclude that the man has literary talent and masters the art of oratory. Achieves success in creative professions - actor, writer, director, artist. Can also study natural sciences.

Andryusha is an optimist, he approaches everything with humor and fun. It turns out that he tries to be what those around him want to see him: an attentive son, a devoted friend, a passionate lover, an excellent student or a conscientious employee.

The character of the name Andrey is generous. He loves to give people positive emotions. However, if a person becomes his ill-wisher, the representative of the name shows himself from the completely opposite side. We do not recommend that you anger this man - it is unknown how it will all end. He is impulsive and unpredictable. His character is unstable.

Analyzing what the name Andrei means, we learn that the owner of this nickname is a clever, successful, and sometimes cruel person. The secret of the name reveals his entrepreneurial spirit, which contributes to Andrei’s achievements. He is characterized by a quick reaction to changing situations.

Andryusha is not simple, as others see him. He has a philosophical nature, enters into conversations with smart people, shares ideas. Andrey has a need to express himself.

Wants to be a leader in society. He is self-confident, and he only dreams of a quiet life.

The name Andrey describes a person who knows how to restrain his emotions and control his actions. Obligatory and punctual. Purposeful, always achieves his goals.

Representatives of the patronymic name Alexandrovich, Olegovich, Igorevich are conflict-prone and have a complex character.

Character traits










Girls complain about this guy's inconstancy. Today he speaks words of love to one, and tomorrow, forgetting about her, he walks next to the other.

Andrey strives to start a family, but he is extremely careful in choosing his wife. The compatibility of this man with a beautiful and sensual woman is ideal. He is not interested in the inner world and character of the chosen one.

The owner of this name does not listen to the advice of relatives about taking a serious approach when choosing a bride.

According to the description, Andrei is selfish, has a high opinion of himself, and demands increased attention from his wife to his person. He may become jealous of his wife and child if he feels a lack of self-care. Impulsive, you never know what to expect from him.

Touchingly cares about his relatives.

The meaning of the name Andrey for a boy

The name Andrei appeared in Ancient Greece and came to us from Byzantium. It means "courageous, brave." Describing Andrei, you can use the expression “on your own mind.” The meaning of the name rewards the child with insight and observation, which are hidden under the guise of carefreeness and fun.

Andrey grows up as a naughty and active child. Since childhood, he has been firm and cold-blooded. A vulnerable boy who experiences failures painfully. This is a physically strong child, distinguished by endurance, endurance, and self-confidence. He has a hot temper. He is valued and respected for his original humor, friendliness, reliability and generosity.

What will Andrey achieve success in?

At school, Andrei is usually successful because he is able to quickly learn the material. But, due to innate inconstancy, he does not complete the work he has begun. Has a penchant for the humanities. Often this child is interested in history.
Andrey can become a good leader. Creative professions are perfect for him. He strives to achieve success in his career and takes his work responsibly.

There is no need to scold Andrey for disobedience. This method will not be beneficial. The main thing in education is to find an approach to the boy and talk to him like an adult. The only method that will give tangible results is persuasion.

What games will Andrey like?

A person’s name contains a certain digital code that affects his destiny. It is important to know the interpretation of your name in order to control your destiny.

Origin and history of the name Andrey

Andrey is a name that gives a man courage, humanity, and bravery. This is exactly what our ancestors believed and gave this name to the boys on whom the entire family pinned their hopes. The meaning of the name Andrey is from the Greek “man”. This is the support, the person who will be an important, decisive link in many issues.

The ancient Greek name Andreas is the primary source of the modern name Andrei. These men are extraordinary and unpredictable, it would seem that behind their extraordinary appearance, nothing special can be hidden, but in reality, there is a real protector, a person who can help you realize yourself.

What does the name Andrey mean?

Andrey can be very different. He can be kind and affectionate, he can be persistent and categorical. Another designation for the name Andrey is “courageous,” “personifying victory.” This is the person who easily overcomes obstacles because he is not afraid of them. From many difficult situations, he will choose one, but simple, or make it that way.

Andrei celebrates her Angel Day three times a year. Namely, July 13, December 13, September 1. Christmastide indicates that these days are especially good for those girls who want to marry successfully, specifically to a courageous and strong man.

The character and fate of Andrey

It is worth noting that in astrology, the patron saint of this name is the zodiac sign – Cancer. He gives Andrei’s nature a certain duality. On the one hand, Andrei really wants to move forward, on the other hand, he really wants to understand the matter and can do this for a very long time. And very hard.

The planet that rules Andrei is Uranus. It makes him more active and aggressive at the same time. He may seem too harsh in communication, standing his ground, a person who can replay any situation in his own way. But it is important to take into account the fact that Andrei is very principled. Uranus gives them the power to change people's destinies; they do this based on the correctness of the situation.

The color that will bring good luck to Andrey is purple and all the colors in this range. The tree that will give him strength and health is fir. She can give health to Andrei when he feels unwell, has a cold, or has asthma attacks.

The meaning of the name Andrey is emphasized by his patron of the animal kingdom - the jungle cat. This is an animal that is characterized by smooth movements, quick decision-making, and a fairly mobile body and mind.

The stone that will give Andrey protection from external influence is amethyst. It will also protect him from external influence, from interference from people who have malicious intent.

The origin and history of the name Andrei determine the main traits of his character. He has both positive and negative character traits. Sometimes it seems that the “golden mean” will be very difficult to achieve, but it is possible.

Andrei's character and fate often give him loving and deep people who are able to unite for a common goal. Andrey loves to think, it would seem, what could such a handsome man think about, if not about his own development and movement towards his goal. Such a man is gifted with many positive qualities, it’s time to remember them:




His negative character traits include:

Hot temper;



But negative character traits are very quickly compensated by his positive traits. If you have already entered into a conflict with Andrey, be prepared for a long defense of your rights. A man will not calm down just like that, he will demand attention and an explanation of his position from you. But don't get into an argument when he's angry - it will end in long-term resentment.

The meaning of the name Andrey is determined by the fact that this man goes through life playing with the destinies of others. If a person is not dear to him, he can be quite cruel and despotic. Do not allow a drop of pity and understanding towards this person. On the one hand, this may be justified by his internal desire to secure his territory, on the other hand, to teach those around him for his own actions.

In communication, Andrey is exactly how you want to see him, how you want to feel him, but as soon as you doubt his sincerity, his secondary essence immediately appears. He immediately becomes callous and cold. Andrey panicky does not like to find out anything; he prefers to sit in silence and think, or do something of his own, than to solve your questions.

Personal life and meaning of the name Andrey

Andrey's personal life is not as simple as it might seem. At first, you may even believe that Andrey is such a simple young man who really liked you and wants to maintain a close relationship with you, but as you get to know him better, you will understand that he is endowed with a deep mind and a subtle sense of tact.

The meaning of the name Andrey determines his inconstancy in his personal life. He can become inflamed with passion and, literally, burn out and cool down after a few days. He has a very ardent heart and it seems to him that he has fallen in love for the first and last time. But this is not so, most likely he will receive benefits, pleasure, moral peace and at one point stop communicating with you.

His inconstancy in love since childhood leads to a rather damaged reputation. It becomes a magnet for women who are not looking for a family, but want to have a good time. Andrey is lucky in financial matters, therefore, for many women, he is an enviable groom. Some are not ashamed to date Andrey just for their own benefit. As long as this suits a man, he will indulge in such meetings.

But many believe that Andrei is single, that he does not want to burden himself with marriage, and therefore he has been looking for someone for so long, perhaps even up to forty years. Andrey just wants to find a worthy life partner for himself, who would be different:



Subtle mind;

Strength of spirit;


With age, Andrei begins to appreciate sincerity in people and understands how important it is to have not only a friend next to you, but also a beloved woman who could share with him all the joyful and sad moments. Andrey periodically thinks about children, but Andrey’s early children and marriages lead to a quick separation.

He loves to learn and develop, and at a young age he does not want to limit himself in anything. Having married, Andrei attracts all his wife’s attention to himself. He definitely needs a woman to appreciate him, devote a lot of time to him, and not refuse him anything.

He demands constant confirmation that his wife really loves him very much. Andrey can be jealous of his wife even towards their children. And this will prevent the couple from building a calm, balanced family life, because the man can constantly find reasons to be upset, to be offended, and the wife will not understand what bad she did to Andrei.

He, in turn, will believe that the woman is hiding something from him. Not in all, but in many families, Andrei wants his wife’s attention around the clock. Because of this, he often argues with his significant other and the man’s early marriages end in divorce.

His mother-in-law does not like Andrei’s complex character, therefore, they do not find a common language, but are constantly trying to figure out something, while a man can even speak harshly to his mother-in-law. To which she reacts with such statements.

It happens that Andrei is immersed in business and practically does not find time to take care of his family, then his wife complains that she does not get enough attention from a man. She complains that the man is pretty boring to her and practically does not make her want to continue the relationship.

To which Andrei replies that money and career are more important to him than family. The saddest thing is if Andrey is really immersed in the financial issue. Then he becomes withdrawn and detached.


Andrey always has enough money to satisfy his needs, but he is in no hurry to share his money with others. He is unable to save money, and he does not like to borrow or borrow. This is unacceptable for him.

Often Andrei asks to help him financially in order to make sure that he is dear to the person. But such checks can lead to controversy and scandal. At an older age, Andrei is generous and already believes that he must support his family and may well take care of someone.

Some Andreys constantly hide money from their wife, believing that she will not be able to manage it as needed. In business, Andrei is quite cruel. He will not tolerate comments and will never make them himself.

Colleagues support his truthfulness and resent his assertiveness. Sometimes Andrey acts impulsively and offends those people with whom he works. This leads to massive disappointment and disruption at work. Andrey really wants to be the best specialist, he wants people to listen to him.

But he does not always admit that he is wrong. Sometimes he ignores this fact and tries to avoid responsibility for neglect of his duties. In his work, Andrei can take on too much, which leads to exhaustion of the body and nervousness. Just like in childhood, Andrei needs to be praised, he needs to be encouraged - then he will be happy. And the people around him will also be calm and happy. They will have plenty of opportunities to prove their love to Andrey.
