2 of cups tarot meaning. Element of water - Two of Cups Tarot meaning for fortune telling

The Two of Cups symbolizes the formation of feelings between two people; it is love, passion, beauty, friendship, harmony, understanding, partnership, marriage.

An inverted card means: dissatisfaction, greed, jealousy, lust; false friends, difficult romance, differences between people, confrontation, misunderstanding.

Dragon Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

Two of Cups

A Chinese artist paints two dragons.

Direct position of the Two of Cups card:

Opposites attract.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Direct position of the Two of Cups card:

Two of Cups - Strong affection, lover or sincere friend.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

A couple - a young man and a girl drink to each other's health and above their cups rises the symbol of the sensual carnal desires of Hermes, between whose huge wings the head of a lion stands out. This is a variant of the symbol that appears in some older copies of this card. Several curious meanings are associated with it, but they do not interest us at this point.

Direct position of the Two of Cups card:

Meanings for Divination: love, passion, friendship, intimacy, union, connection, sympathy, sexual connection. Separately, such a reading is proposed - that which is sanctified by nature.

Reverse position of the Two of Cups card:

Reverse meanings: false love, stupidity, misunderstanding.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

The branches of these two-flowered trees are intertwined, and their fallen petals are mixed on the ground in their beautiful shades. It's like earth and heaven connected by love. But they stand on their own, each planted in the ground in its own connection with the earth. So they represent the existence of true friends, mature, easy in relationships with each other, natural. In their connection there is no importunity, no demand, no desire to change the other.

Direct position of the card Two of Water - Friendliness:

This card indicates a willingness to enter into the quality of friendliness. During this transition, you may notice that you are no longer interested in all the dramas and romances that others are busy with. There is no loss in this. It is the birth of a higher, more loving quality, born from the fullness of experience. This is the birth of love that is truly unconditional, without expectations or demands.

Meaning of the card:

First meditate, be blissful, and then great love will happen by itself. Then being with others is wonderful, and being alone is also wonderful. Then it's as simple as that. You do not depend on others and do not make others depend on you. Then it is always friendship, friendliness. It will never become a relationship, it is always irrelevant. You communicate, but you do not create a marriage. Marriage comes from fear, communication comes from love. You are communcating; while everything is going great, you share. And if you see that the moment of parting has come, because your paths diverge at this crossroads, you say “goodbye” with great gratitude for everything that the other has been for you, for all the joys, all the pleasures and all the wonderful moments that you shared with him. Without suffering, without pain, you will simply part.

Undoubtedly, at least once in their life, everyone has a desire to know about their future. From an early age everyone is taught about fortune telling. If you want to understand yourself, many people pay attention to the tarot deck, which has been used for quite a long time and has a good reputation. And the meaning of the 2 cups in the tarot is of particular interest. This is a very interesting card with deep meaning.

General value

The map itself, or rather, the image on it, will help you understand what it means. Two people, a man and a woman, stand opposite each other, each holding a cup in his hand. The meaning of this card enters the deepest sphere of love relationships. In this case, we can talk about a sudden meeting with first love, a new acquaintance, suddenly flared up feelings, a first date that will end surprisingly successfully.

2 of Cups denotes the emergence of feelings between two people, we can talk about either a new romance or newly flared up feelings in an already established couple. The second of the suit of cups is the patron of lovers and most often appears to warn of upcoming bright events in the love sphere. It is a kind of measure of how ready the fortuneteller’s current or prospective lover is for a relationship. The card promises the unity of two souls: despite possible differences, two become one.

Additional interpretations

This is also an opportunity for a marriage proposal or a pleasant, useful acquaintance, which in the future can at least lead to fruitful cooperation. In a scenario where the card is not associated with romantic relationships, it promises the establishment of new connections, a positive attitude towards the fortuneteller on the part of new acquaintances, and their willingness to help in their endeavors. Possible meanings of the symbol are:

  • Long-awaited meeting.
  • Hospitable hosts.
  • A compromise that was finally reached.
  • Resolution of long-term conflicts.

The 2 tarot cups have always had a positive meaning. This is a holiday in the circle of loved ones, relationships filled with understanding and mutual assistance. The card also predicts the love of others, admiration, special treatment from management and various entertainment events.

The state of mind of the object of fortune telling

The mood in this case can be described as renewal and following a previously unknown path. The days of mourning and solitude are over. The fortuneteller will no longer need to worry and solve all problems alone; now someone close will always be there to support and protect. Perhaps a new admirer will appear on the horizon, secret at first, and the relationship will be exclusively platonic.

An admirer or admirer of the fortuneteller will admire from afar, not deciding at first to quickly get closer. A person using a tarot deck will be able to feel himself during this period as an object of sincere, unclouded adoration, deification, a feeling so bright that one can only wonder how it could arise in someone’s heart in our, alas, cruel time.

In such relationships, under the auspices of two cups, lovers are helped by a certain sixth sense; they literally feel with their skin the slightest changes in the partner’s mood, they are filled with empathy of the highest order. They love not only each other, but this whole world. This is pure euphoria, delight, catharsis after a long wait.

Personality of a person with the sign of cups

In general, the card can be present in the layout of any lover, but there is also a special type of people who can be called “people of the cup.” The Man of Cups subtly feels everything that happens to him, as well as to this world. These are poets, musicians, writers and simply those who are not used to turning a blind eye to what is happening. The characteristics of such individuals are:

  • They are invariably nice and kind.
  • They are always popular with the opposite sex.
  • The eyes are most often blue.
  • The skin is pale.

For people with similar characteristics, when doing fortune telling, choose the page of cups card if the man is young; the king of cups if it is a middle-aged man and, of course, the queen of cups if it is a girl/woman, and age does not matter. Such a person greatly appreciates a warm, friendly atmosphere.

This personality has the ability to take everything from life. However, this is not associated with hard work or struggle, everything comes easily: the blessings with which she is surrounded were given by lovers, friends or admiring fans. It must be recognized that such a person is as generous as his friends, capable of helping and supporting both morally and financially.

Deep meaning in esotericism

The image of a man and a woman holding out their cups to each other symbolizes the harmony of two principles. The color of the woman’s clothing is in tune with the element of water, which can irrigate the earth or destroy all living things with its power. The man's clothes are made in orange and red tones. This is fire, impulse, brute and destructive force, which, if handled skillfully, can protect from frost and darkness.

“The second of the suit of cups” invites you to tune into a meditative mood in relationships, to experience the joy of depth of perception. This is eroticism and temptation, the power of the elements of fire and water, so lust is out of the question. Even a short novel illuminated by this card will be filled with spirituality and beauty. She welcomes any type of union: creative, spiritual, family. Describes any situation in which it was necessary to unite and work together to achieve success.

The deeper meaning is a harmonious combination of masculine and feminine principles, self-knowledge, acceptance of oneself and one’s personality with all its inherent shortcomings. The card promises new emotions, “the arrival of spring in a silent cell,” the emergence of feelings, slow but sure. Alas, the two, filled with positive meanings, also has disadvantages: laziness, slowness, sedateness. Even some inhibition of predicted events.

If the alignment was made for relationships, new or already established, then when this card appears, you should rely on a commonality of interests, find a goal that can unite the strengths of the partners, and then rapprochement in the love sphere will not be long in coming. The chances of a favorable outcome are very high.

Business relationships and work

This is a fruitful partnership, excellent mutual understanding that reigns in the team and a common goal that can inspire a feat in the style of Stakhanov. Partners in the future can become close friends or lovers because of their incredible faith in each other and transparency in relationships, no matter what area it concerns. A positive atmosphere in the workplace can fill even the most inveterate skeptic with inspiration; it is created for risky, even crazy, ventures.

Everyday life is filled with creativity and new ideas that everyone will receive with a bang. The conclusion of an agreement on favorable terms, negotiations, organization of exhibitions is just around the corner - all this will be crowned with success.

In a professional reading, the card of the 2 of Cups warns of the need to be careful in the future. This is especially true for statements addressed to partners. Despite the apparent goodwill, people are different: a carelessly thrown word can offend or even anger. But you shouldn’t sacrifice your own principles either. There is no need to try to please everyone, this will not lead to anything good; on the contrary, a wrong impression may be formed about the fortuneteller. The card also warns against marriage or relationships of convenience. In the future, most likely, such an alliance may backfire.

Personal life

When such a card appears in a layout for interpersonal relationships, and there are no arcana with a negative meaning nearby that can easily neutralize the 2 cups, it predicts the formation of a strong and happy union. The relationship will develop slowly, but without any conflicts or dramas.

Moreover, negative cards in most layouts do not completely cancel the value of 2; rather, it looks like a delay, that is, everything can happen with a high probability, but you will have to be patient. It will take time and, of course, a willingness to overcome difficulties that may arise on the path to happiness.

A couple ruled by the second card from the suit of cups is favorably distinguished by the high degree of spirituality that reigns in their relationship, the absence of internal torment and uncertainty about the future. Such a union will be visible to everyone from the very moment of its birth, it will not be possible to hide it, but most often the lovers do not even try. Love is right, even healing to some extent. A man and a woman grow above themselves and develop by helping each other.

Health and Wellness

This is a card of physical and mental healing. In the scenarios, she promises good, good health, renewal of the body, healing of deep emotional wounds. Together with an inverted lasso, it can warn of a possible infectious disease or a disease transmitted both sexually and by airborne droplets.

Combination with other cards

The Two of Cups in combination with other cards in some cases can have diametrically opposite meanings; neighboring arcana can either negate its entire meaning or enhance it. The following variations are possible:

These are the main card combinations that must be taken into account in order to get an objective picture and predict your future.

Inverted bowl

Even in this case, the card has a positive character. She promises literally the same thing as in her upright position, but at the same time warns that everything will not be so simple. You need to wait and prepare for all sorts of obstacles. For the sake of a new relationship, you have to endure, you have to fight for it.

With regards to an already established union, conflicts that arise at the most inopportune moment, attacks of jealousy, even betrayal are possible. If lovers have quarreled, then reconciliation at the moment is unlikely and almost impossible. You need to wait and find the right moment.

Characteristics for a couple

The reversed card also describes a turbulent, destructive relationship that is more like a cheap soap opera. The couple is distinguished by irreconcilable differences, be it incompatibility of characters, different social status, or diametrically opposed goals and views on life.

This is tortured love, full of quarrels and resentments, such a feeling, painful from beginning to end, can cripple a person and tear the soul to shreds. Perhaps one of the partners is prone to bullying. By abusing his other half, he feels completely safe, because, as a rule, an exhausted person is not able to find the strength to leave and start life over.

Sexual aspect

If an upright card promises compatibility in everything, including the sexual aspect, then in an inverted position everything is not as smooth as it might seem. These are hateful relationships, without a spark, problems in bed due to differences in temperaments and preferences, a cold hearth, a partner who no longer excites.

At the first stage of the relationship, thanks to the charm of novelty and the effect of surprise, the primitive intensity of passions and the candy-bouquet period, the differences were not so noticeable and not critical. But everything passes: over time, everyday life enters the lives of most couples and kills the little that connected them. This is indicated by the 2 cups of the tarot; the meaning in relationships of its inverted version is as follows: extinguished passion cannot be restored, but a warm and friendly union is quite possible.

These are the main aspects of the meaning of the 2 of Cups tarot, a card that can promise both boundless happiness and the bitterness of parting and disappointment. The deuce is directly related to self-knowledge, so in any situation you should analyze your own actions and personality traits.

Description of the Tarot card Two of Cups

In many Tarot decks, the Two of Cups card depicts a man and woman falling in love with each other. As a rule, you can see a biblical or mythical creature above them, which seems to bless these people and say that together they possess the highest knowledge and are able to pass it on to others. Thus, the Two of Cups is the novelty of emotions and reflection in the sensory sphere, which give impetus to the disclosure of the subconscious.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Two of Cups in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

The Two of Cups, falling in an upright position, first of all means mutual sympathy, the establishment of promising connections, and the union of lovers. This could be a new acquaintance, reconciliation with a former lover, or the manifestation of good feelings in an established union. The meaning of this card touches a deeply personal, intimate sphere, no matter what we are talking about - light flirting, sudden love, a date after a long separation, or the beginning of a new friendship or love relationship. But it can also mean a warm welcome, hospitality when we come somewhere unfamiliar, go on a business trip or for negotiations. At the event level, the card often symbolizes a joyful meeting.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or reading in an inverted position, the Two of Cups does not completely lose its positive meaning. The card speaks of temporary difficulties, delays, and additional minor problems. At the level of events, the reversed Two of Cups can be interpreted as separation, jealousy and suspicions of infidelity, insincerity, inconsistency in collective actions or dissatisfaction with one’s own or others’ actions.

The meaning and interpretation of the Two of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Two of Cups symbolizes a good atmosphere, a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation, in short, a place where it is pleasant and comfortable to work. If this card appears in response to a question about a possible change of job, then it means that a friendly welcome awaits us in the new place, that new colleagues and managers will help us get into the rhythm. The same applies to such intentions as looking for a job, opening your own company, and in general to any business or project. Arkan can be interpreted as the organization of a joint venture, as successful negotiations, or as an interest in further cooperation.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Two of Cups indicates inconsistency in teamwork, attempts at manipulation, loss of authority, disappointment from a business meeting, and the inability to reach an agreement with business partners.

Meaning and interpretation of the Two of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Harmonious health, positive dynamics of recovery. Sometimes - a minor disorder of paired organs.

Reversed card position

Minor inflammatory diseases associated with the lymphatic system are likely.

The meaning and interpretation of the Two of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Love and relationships are the main focus of the Two of Cups. Here Arkan personifies the period of falling in love, courtship during a new acquaintance, which changes a lot in life. But this could also be a feeling that has arisen again between former partners, or a bright period of life in an established union, as well as reconciliation after a quarrel or a period of alienation. This is an ideal relationship in which people literally understand each other perfectly, are open, gentle and romantic.

Reversed card position

When the Two of Cups Tarot card appears in an inverted position, it warns of problems that, as a rule, relate to various external factors and have nothing to do with internal discord or doubts. If you currently have a good, stable relationship, temporary minor problems may occur in it. Most likely, this will be a harmless quarrel, when the sweethearts scold - just to amuse themselves, being late for a date or the sweet bitterness of parting - for a couple of days, no longer.

The meaning and interpretation of the Two of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

The card describes a very charming, sweet, attractive, personable person.

Reversed card position

Here the Two of Cups may indicate a former lover or partner. Describes a person who should not be trusted. He prefers to only take, without giving anything in return.

Meaning and interpretation of the Two of Cups card as a card of the day

Today is the day of matters of the heart. It will be marked by deep sympathy, love, emotional contact or reconciliation. If you already have a loved one, then you can experience a new spring of your love. Take a step forward so that fate knows exactly what you want, and so that Cupid’s arrows do not fly past the target.

Advice from the Two of Cups card in fortune telling and readings

Don’t forget that willingness to compromise is good in moderation, but looking at the world through rose-colored glasses often turns out to be detrimental to relationships, professional activities, and success in life in general.

The Two of Cups in the Tarot is always a positive card, eloquently describing the unity of lovers, the establishment of promising connections, the successful dynamics of relationships, peace after a quarrel. In a love scenario, it predicts an inevitable renewal of feelings, be it a long-established union or the beginning of a romance. This is the freshness of emotions, reflected in the sensory sphere and giving impetus to the disclosure of the unconscious, connection with the love that lives in the soul.

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      General value

      Tarot Two of Cups, according to the Rider Waite deck, generally accepted as a classic, characterizes the sphere of relationships. First of all, the card signifies romantic feelings between two people, which is not necessarily an indication of marriage or love. Beneficial cooperation and a state of harmony are possible.

      • At this stage, the questioner needs to bring himself into balance, understand the feelings of others, as a result of which the fulfillment of the desire will become more realistic. The Two of Cups also means new ideas and projects, the beginning of relationships in various areas. The card can mean a visit, business trip, travel, negotiations with a successful conclusion.

        In the upright position, the Two of Cups speaks of satisfaction with your personal life, harmony and unity with your loved one, love adventures with pleasant memories.

        The reversed Two of Cups reverses the meaning. At the same time, the relationship of interest is in discord: partners are haunted by hatred, mutual reproaches, and conflicts.

        Level of consciousness: love and harmony. The questioner is ready to show kindness, open up to others, and improve. Building harmony remains a pressing issue for him, but on a broader scale than something personal.

        Description: The Two of Cups is characterized as the ruler of love. The Waite Tarot card depicts lovers with cups in their hands, above them is a blessing in the form of a mythical creature, endowing the union with secret knowledge intended for their descendants.

        Card symbol: novelty of feelings, acuteness of emotions in love. In astrological meaning, Venus is in Cancer, which becomes a prerequisite for unlocking subconscious potential.


        More often than not, the Two of Cups appears in a couple's scenario rather than an individual's. In the upright position, the card speaks of a happy union, intention to marry, or spouses. Sometimes these are relatives or friends connected by close relationships or living together. The card also denotes a reliable business partner, friend, lover.

        When reversed, the Two of Cups speaks of someone from the past. In one meaning, this is a person who has not lived up to trust.

        Love, relationships

        The meaning of the Two of Cups in a relationship is the unity of lovers, enjoying each other's company. In the life of the questioner, there is likely to be a new acquaintance, friendship, and also love. Light, non-committal flirtation and passion are not excluded, but also a whirlwind romance leading to a wedding. The card describes a period of courtship and falling in love, but these can be either new feelings or a return to old relationships.

        For single people, the card promises an unexpected meeting with a future loved one. For those in a couple - a vivid manifestation of feelings, a return to the emotions that took place at the beginning of the relationship; for those who are separated - a quick reconciliation, a date after a long separation. The Two of Cups is the most favorable symbol in personal life scenarios in the entire deck, since none of the cards can neutralize the positive influence of this lasso.

        If the Two of Cups is in an inverted position, its meaning becomes opposite. The card symbolizes the destruction of feelings, disappointment in a partner, incompatibility, disagreements, communication leading to despair. A break or temporary but long-term separation is possible. In the reverse position, the card means unrequited feelings, mistrust, lack of sincerity, painful divorce, passion without love, sometimes by mutual consent. Relationships can be overshadowed by gossip from ill-wishers. You should not tell others about the details of your personal life.

        Oracle of Love

        In the “Oracle of Love” layout, the Two of Cups describes the relationship as follows:

        • feelings: love, reciprocity, agreement; engagement, wedding;
        • what the heart worries about: the partner does not show readiness to take on family responsibilities; suspicions of the chosen one’s infidelity;
        • partner’s attitude: love, recognition, determination to swear allegiance and devote oneself to a loved one;
        • advice: confess your love.

        Business, work

        Two of Cups in relation to work - it’s a pleasure to work in the company. The team is filled with a spirit of friendliness and constructive competition. At the same time, there are requirements for integrity and the ability to get along with employees. To the question about changing positions, the answer is positive; the fortuneteller can expect favorable conditions and pleasure in the new workplace.

        The map gives similar answers to questions about business and the business sphere. Implementation of projects, approval of work by superiors, opening a new business - success is expected in everything, colleagues and management will contribute to a good outcome. In addition, business connections can be transformed into romantic ones, since this is a card of sympathy in the team and flirting with superiors.

        In an inverted position, the Two of Cups speaks of financial instability, receiving negative results, delays in work, refusal to do anything. It is not recommended to apply for another position or change jobs; your efforts will remain without proper remuneration. Relations with colleagues and superiors will be overshadowed by troubles, contracts and agreements will be terminated. There will be anxiety and mistrust.


        The health alignment when the Two of Cups falls promises a positive prognosis. The card is considered an indicator of good health and excellent physical condition. The Arcanum is considered a healing card, believing that it speaks of the questioner’s special inclinations towards healing.

        An inverted position will indicate infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets or sexually.

        Card of the day

        The right time is coming for confidential communication with a loved one, confessing your feelings, and providing assistance. The motto of the day is the flowering of emotions, accompanied by dizzying surprises. For single people, the recommendation is to look around, paying attention to your potential partner.

        In the scenario, the Two of Cups is a card of support from loved ones. The fortuneteller can count on help at a critical moment. The direct position of the lasso promises a quick solution to issues of interest, new connections and successful cooperation. In matters of relationships with people, the card will indicate an increase in status in society.

        In an inverted position, the lasso portends deception and losses in the near future. In this case, the advice is to limit the circle of confidential communication in order to avoid an ambiguous hopeless situation.


        When combined with other cards, the Two of Cups describes relationships in more detail.

        With the major arcana:

        • Jester - the unpredictability of vibrant relationships;
        • Magician - manipulation by one of the partners;
        • The High Priestess is a time to tell about your feelings;
        • Empress - conception, addition to the family;
        • The Emperor is an offer you can't refuse;
        • Hierophant - harmony and trust in relationships;
        • Lovers - personal life is an obstacle to career advancement;
        • Chariot - differences in views with a loved one;
        • Strength - to search for compromises with friends;
        • Hermit - isolation in relationships;
        • Wheel of Fortune - transition of relationships to the next level;
        • Justice - engagement, marriage;
        • Hanged Man - betrayal of a loved one;
        • Death - fate prepares complications;
        • Moderation - you have to give in to your partner in order to maintain harmony;
        • The devil is the threat of deception;
        • Tower - conflict and destruction of relationships;
        • The Moon is the third wheel in relationships between partners;
        • The sun is a new addition to the family;
        • Court - a test of character awaits;
        • The world is a romantic acquaintance.


        • two - time to plan the upcoming vacation;
        • three - pre-wedding worries;
        • four - advice not to interfere in your loved one’s decisions;
        • five - minor misunderstandings with others;
        • six - success in love;
        • seven - signing of agreements, recognition of new rules;
        • eight - long road, journey;
        • nine - the likelihood of becoming a victim of someone else's scam;
        • ten - unfulfilled promises to the questioner;
        • Page - new romantic relationships;
        • Knight - hasty steps;
        • Queen - meeting with fate;
        • King - time to part with people who cause trouble;
        • Ace of Wands - pregnancy, childbirth, communication with children.


        • Three of Cups - a proposal from a loved one;
        • four - dissatisfaction with one's own actions;
        • five - conflicts over trifles;
        • six - relationship with a person from the past;
        • seven - meeting with a loved one, love;
        • eight - distrust of the partner;
        • nine - moderation and calm;
        • ten - meetings with family and friends;
        • Page - an attractive offer;
        • Knight - uncomfortable situations, awkwardness, complexes;
        • Queen - a violation of the previous way of life;
        • King - the predominance of friendship in relationships;
        • Ace is a gift of love; romantic proposal.


        • two - uncertainty in relationships;
        • three - temporary separation from a loved one;
        • four - destructive relationships that cause sadness;
        • five - loss of trust on the part of a friend;
        • six - forced restriction in communication;
        • seven - insincerity of an acquaintance;
        • eight - to be captive of your own emotions;
        • nine - painful condition, insomnia;
        • ten - rejection of a loved one;
        • Page - departure from the truth, recklessness;
        • Knight - to be involved in an unpleasant situation;
        • Queen - solution to existing problems;
        • King - coldness in relationships with loved ones;
        • Ace - sympathy from a loved one.


        • two - inconstancy in relationships;
        • three - seriousness of intentions and sympathy on the part of the loved one;
        • four - surprises, joyful events;
        • five - dishonest relationships;
        • six - the need for attention to close and elderly relatives;
        • seven - hopelessness of relationships;
        • eight - the need for effort to establish relationships;
        • nine - lost dreams;
        • ten - family relationships;
        • Page - a new round of relationships;
        • Knight - regularity and stability;
        • Queen - wishes will come true;
        • King - confidence and self-sufficiency;
        • Ace is a new beginning in your personal life.

        Tarot 78 doors

        In the Tarot deck of 78 doors, the card is characterized as a strong attachment, the love of a sincere friend.

        Description: A boy and a girl give each other gifts. They are opposite the open gate leading from the garden to the outside world. The garden symbolizes territorial restrictions for communication; gate - access to a group, society, a certain place.

        Additional card meanings:

        • person: state of readiness for mutual exchange of information, energy flows; material assets; intellectual resources;
        • in self-development: combining personal qualities;
        • in relationships - a period of inspiration and voluntary exchange of gifts; harmonious development of relationships; emotional response at a deep level;
        • in business: mutually beneficial cooperation, provision of mutual services;
        • in financial matters - success; often as payment - discounts, bonuses or sponsorship; pooling resources will provide excellent prospects;
        • in the business sphere - concluding profitable contracts, acquiring long-term partnerships; pooling of talents.

        In an inverted position, the Two of Cups symbolizes:

        • in love - quarrels, conflicts with loved ones due to the inability to manage emotions;
        • in business - disagreements with management and colleagues, hasty risky decisions;
        • in events - an unfavorable period for the implementation of plans.

        Advice: use the offset system; movement towards a person or group will be appreciated, you can safely expect gratitude. As a warning, you may have to give something in return for the service provided.

        Thoth Tarot

        In the Thoth Tarot deck, the Two of Cups has the main meanings: love, happiness in relationships; cooperation; reconciliation; the joy of meeting; acquaintance; sympathy.

        Additional interpretation:

        • professional activity: favorable working atmosphere; trust in the team; pleasant contacts; successful projects, affairs;
        • consciousness: merging of souls; optimistic view of the world;
        • relationships: meeting, partnership, love of life; reconciliation; a new round of relationships.

        Description of the card: in the background there are two bowls pouring into a calm sea surface. They are filled from a lotus that rises above the water. Two dolphins wriggle around the flower stem. Since the number "two" relates to the will, the interpretation of the card could be called "Lord of Love." The meaning of the card is the harmony of two principles - male and female, the radiation of which is joy and ecstasy.


        The Two of Cups card gives a favorable forecast in any matter. For lovers or singles - this is a new meeting, the development of relationships; for the childless - the birth of a child. The Two of Cups foreshadows the development of events in the direction of interest.

        The card calls for openness, communication, creation, and helping those in need. At the same time, the tendency to compromise can be destructive; as for business and personal relationships, you should not sacrifice principles in the search for imaginary harmony.
