How to make kurabye cookies. Kurabye cookies at home

Homemade delicious Kurabye is a type of shortbread cookie made from crumbly dough with jam (often cherry, apricot, strawberry) in the middle of the cookie. Together with freshly brewed coffee or aromatic tea, it is a wonderful, nutritious breakfast or afternoon snack. This article will discuss the easiest way to prepare this delicious delicacy; any housewife can master a simple recipe according to GOST at home, and the calorie content of Kurabye per 100 g is approximately 516 kcal.

    Moreover, probably not many people know where this delicacy came to us from. There are versions that the Kurabye recipe was invented either in Greece, or in Turkey, or in Syria or Iran. The word "Kurabiye" is most similar to the Arabic word "Khurab", which means "sweetness". But in Crimea such cookies are called “khurabie”. But no matter what name this cookie has, and no matter who first came up with it, the most important thing is the taste of this magnificent cookie. If you prepare these cookies correctly, they will simply melt in your mouth and leave behind a very pleasant creamy taste. However, real Kurabye cookies are not so easy to buy in a store. Since similar recipes for preparing such baked goods have appeared, but this is not at all the same, so it is worth taking note of the real Kurabye recipe, which will be discussed in this article. You can make great cookies that will remind you of your childhood and will only evoke positive emotions!

      The exact name of this cookie is the name “Baku Kurabye”, and its method of preparation is regulated by GOST. GOST states that Baku kurabye is a shortbread-type confectionery product, which has a golden color, is made in the shape of a flower, a stick, and is decorated with jam in the center. There are many photos of this sweet of any kind and shape on the Internet. Also, consider the calorie content of this baked goods, as it is not for those losing weight. And so, we have an idea about this cookie, now let’s look at its recipe in detail.

      The following products are needed to make these cookies:

      • 200 g unsalted butter;
      • 100 g granulated sugar;
      • two egg whites;
      • a third of a teaspoon of vanillin;
      • a couple of glasses of sifted wheat flour (highest grade);
      • any jam (berry, pear, apple, etc.).
      • Shortbread Kurabye is prepared according to GOST at home in a simple way:

          1. Prepare all the necessary kitchen utensils and products in advance. Well, now you can start making cookies, let’s knead the dough. To start the butter at room temperature, use a mixer to beat it well in a deep bowl. Moreover, when whipping the butter, you should add all the granulated sugar in small portions. You need to beat for about three minutes at medium mixer speed.

          2. After this, take vanilla, egg whites and carefully add to the whipped butter and sugar.

          3. Then add flour to the previously well-mixed products and knead the dough. As a result, the dough should have a fairly plastic consistency. This dough should not stick to your hands and there should be no lumps. The dough must be stirred very carefully; its caloric content was discussed above.

          4. The ready-made shortbread dough should be placed in a pastry bag or in a pastry syringe with the required nozzle.

          5. Now you need to take a baking sheet and cover it with special baking paper.

          6. We turn on the oven in advance, setting the temperature to 200 degrees.

          7. You need to squeeze the cookies onto a baking sheet, choose the shape of the cookies yourself, it is worth noting that the classic form of Kurabye is the shape of a flower. Then in the middle of each flower you need to put half a teaspoon of your favorite jam (strawberry or apricot are great). Well, now we put our delicacy in the oven for ten minutes.

          8. The cookies should take on a slightly golden hue; they can be considered ready and removed from the oven.

          9. Take a spatula and very carefully transfer the cookies to a plate (wide, flat) and let the shortbread flowers cool.

          10. That's all, the recipe considered is not at all complicated, in the end, after tasting this pastry, you will plunge into childhood, because its taste will remind you of your carefree, cheerful years! Moreover, the taste of the cookies can be changed according to your preferences by adding, for example, any nuts to the dough, or instead of jam, pour the same crushed peanuts or hazelnuts into the middle of the branch. And before serving this delicacy, you can sprinkle the delicious shortbread cookies with powdered sugar, or shredded coconut, etc.

          Recipe for homemade shortbread Kurabye without eggs

Kurabye is a sweet pastry that came to us from Azerbaijani cuisine.

Prepared from butter-sand dough with thick aromatic jam. It cooks very quickly, as well as eats it. The cookies turn out crumbly, moderately sweet and aromatic. This recipe will take you back to distant Soviet times and will certainly bring back the warmest memories. Instead of jam, you can take jam and add a little starch to it or replace it with boiled condensed milk.

Important! Products should be weighed and strictly adhere to the recipe, as required by the state all-Union standard, and they should all be at room temperature. It is advisable to take the butter out of the refrigerator in the evening, take the egg from the chicken coop, get the jam from the basement and sugar and flour from the pantry. And only then go to sleep peacefully.

Wish! Make two servings at once!

Prepare the necessary ingredients for Baku kurabye.

Place soft butter in a deep bowl, add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. To stir thoroughly. You can use a mixer.

Add one chicken protein and half a portion of sifted flour. Mix everything thoroughly. The mass should become homogeneous, without lumps.

Then add the second part of the flour and knead a soft, pliable dough. It will not stick to your hands, but will remain sticky.

Place some of the dough into a pastry syringe or bag, and pipe cookies onto the parchment using a flower or star tip. Make small indentations in the center of each. Place your favorite jam, preserves or condensed milk into each of them.

Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes at 200 degrees. Allow the finished kurabye to cool and serve.

Baku kurabye goes perfectly with a cup of milk, tea or coffee.

Help yourself to your health.

Baku kurabye often has the shape of a flower or shell, but I believe that the shape does not affect the taste. And so that the “visual tastes” do not become boring, sometimes I change the usual shape of the cookies - and, as a rule, it works! They leave the table without saying goodbye! Help yourself too.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

Let's get started? For kurabye according to the classic recipe, you just need to take the butter and egg out of the refrigerator about 40 minutes in advance - after all (first of all) we need the butter to soften to room temperature.

Now carefully grind the softened butter with powdered sugar - the mass will slightly increase in volume.

To the frequently asked question “is it possible to replace powdered sugar with sugar?” the answer is simple: it is possible, but the sugar should be as fine as possible, it dissolves more easily in oil and does not remain “crystalline”.

Next, add egg white and, if desired, vanilla sugar or vanilla essence for flavor. Again, mix everything well, whisking until smooth.
The white of a standard egg weighs somewhere around 30 grams.

Then we begin to add flour in parts, stirring quickly each time until the consistency is homogeneous. Long-term kneading can cause the dough to “drag out”, so you should really stir everything for a short time, just until the butter-protein mass combines with the flour.

The question may immediately arise - why in parts, and not all at once? This is because flour from different manufacturers can vary in moisture content, and the amount of protein taken can vary... In general, the dough should turn out, on the one hand, soft, so that you can then quite easily squeeze it through a pastry bag with a nozzle. On the other hand, it is dense enough to hold its shape and not fall apart.

Place the finished cookie dough in a pastry bag with a star tip and begin squeezing small cookies onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper in the shape of flowers.

Make a depression in the center of each flower with your finger and fill it with thick jam or marmalade.

Instead of jam for Kurabye cookies, you can use jam, of course, but then it is advisable to add a little starch to it - this way the jam will not spread during baking.

Place the formed cookies in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 7-9 minutes, until beautifully “blushed”.

It is not recommended to bake Kurabye, like any other shortbread cookie, at a lower temperature, otherwise the butter in the dough will melt and our “flower” shape will spread... And the baking time will increase. And at high temperatures, the dough has time to “set” and bake in a few minutes, without destroying the shape of the cookies.

By the way, you can freeze the deposited (raw) cookies if you don’t plan to bake them right away... And then cook them at the same temperature, the baking time will just increase slightly.

It is best to cool the finished Kurabye cookies according to the classic recipe on a wire rack before serving, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned by the hot jam.
Have a delicious tea!

Store-bought Kurabye tastes like margarine and can’t compare with homemade one! I was very happy when I tried the Kurabye recipe at home, it tasted much better, and the flavor of the crumbly crumbly cookies from childhood was preserved!

The idea of ​​decorating a children's holiday table with such cookies warms my soul, and you can also bake a pile of cookies and put them in a beautiful metal box. Such a sweet gift will definitely lift your spirits.

I suggest you bake and enjoy!

How to make Kurabye cookies at home

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Yolk of one egg
  • Wheat flour - 250-300 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g.
  • Vanilla sugar packet
  • Thick jam, marmalade, preserves (you need something thick enough for a spoon to stand up to)
  • Starch -1 tablespoon

Kurabye recipe with step-by-step photos

Mix butter (100 g) at room temperature with powdered sugar. If the oil is just from the refrigerator, let it warm up, leave for 40 minutes and only then mix with powder (70 g)

Add the yolk of one egg to the butter-sugar mixture. If, when separating the yolk from the white, you were unable to do it perfectly and some of the white gets into the dough, it’s okay, it won’t affect the result.

By the way, many Kurabye recipes from the Internet include just the white, not the yolk.

Using a fork, stir the mixture until smooth.

Pour 250 g of flour into the dough. Add flour in small portions, stirring constantly, controlling the consistency of the dough (all housewives have different flour in moisture content and degree of grinding, you may need more or less 250 g)

Gather the dough into a ball. We pick up all the crumbs so that there are more cookies and nothing tasty is wasted =).

So, the dough for kurabye is ready! Let's start creating the products.

Making Kurabye cookies at home

In an ordinary home kitchen, you can use a special metal nozzle and a pastry syringe to repeat the shape of Kurabye. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the necessary equipment, so I came up with my own way of shaping cookies. I'll tell you in detail)

First, break off small balls of dough from a large ball of dough. For convenience, you can immediately place the dough balls on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

The parchment sheet does not need to be greased with anything or sprinkled with flour, since the dough for Kurabye contains a large amount of oil.

Using your fingers or the bottom of a glass, press down each ball, turning it into a flat cake. Don’t be overzealous, we need the final cakes to remain thick, at least 0.5 cm.

We make a depression in the middle of each piece (we use available kitchen utensils). I used the handle of a garlic squeezer.

Fill each cavity with thick jam. I used thick lingonberry jam, it was perfect: the sourness of lingonberries complemented the taste of the sweet dough.

It is very important that the jam for Kurabye is thick. It is recommended to mix jam that is too liquid with starch, thereby thickening it.

If you don’t have thick jam on hand, you can use candied fruits or marmalade for decoration. Remember, the colored center in these cookies is more for appearance than taste. And if, in pursuit of a generous filling, we add runny jam, at high temperatures it will flow and turn the baked goods into porridge. No one wants such a result, right?

And now the most interesting moment of preparation: we turn the circles into flowers. Using a toothpick, draw petals on the chamomile (or rather, apply the toothpick to the dough and press, leaving a mark). This activity can easily be entrusted to children - give them an ocean of pleasure!

The future cookies are ready to go into the oven!

Preheat the oven to 200 C.

Kurabye cookies are baked for 10-15 minutes. I admit, I overcooked the cookies for this photo recipe; I should have taken them out earlier. I think that light cookies would be even closer in taste and appearance to the store-bought original!

After 10-15 minutes, remove the hot cookies and cool. We invite everyone at home to tea!

I will be pleased if you leave your review of the recipe. Happy to answer any questions you may have! Show me a photo of your cookies, it’s very interesting what kind of center you made and what they looked (and tasted) like.

Bon appetit!

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Kurabye cookies are tender, crumbly and very tasty baked goods based on shortcrust pastry. Delicious cookies in the shape of flowers with a drop of jam or preserves in the center are probably remembered by many from distant childhood. Today you can buy Kurabye cookies in almost any store, but it’s even better to cook them yourself at home.

I hope that there will be no problems with the ingredients - they are all quite affordable and are available to any housewife. I will go into more detail regarding the amount of wheat flour as the recipe progresses (in steps). We use egg whites at room temperature (60 grams are the whites of 2 medium-sized chicken eggs). You don't have to add vanilla sugar.

The filling for Kurabye cookies can be absolutely any jam or homogeneous jam, but provided that they are thick enough. A thin dessert can be thickened with potato or corn starch (no more than 0.5 teaspoon per 2 tablespoons of jam or preserves). I used homemade apricot jam () - it is quite thick, so I did not add starch. In addition, the jam is not cloyingly sweet and its slight sourness perfectly complements the sweetness of the shortcrust pastry.


(300 grams) (200 grams) (80 grams) (60 grams) (2 tablespoons ) (1 tablespoon )

Cooking step by step:

Since it won’t take much time to prepare the shortbread dough for Kurabye cookies, we immediately turn on the oven to heat at 230 degrees. Place butter (200 grams) in the container in which you will prepare the dough. It should be soft (not melted, but soft) - remove it from the refrigerator in advance and let it warm up on the table.

Beat the butter with a mixer for 2-4 minutes until it becomes smooth and white. Then pour in 80 grams of powdered sugar (you don’t have to buy it - you can grind granulated sugar in a coffee grinder at home) and beat everything together for a couple more minutes at high speed.

Beat everything together again at high speed for about 4-5 minutes until the mixture is smooth and completely homogeneous. The mixture will look quite lumpy (grainy) for the first 1-3 minutes, but will gradually turn into a single whole.

It's time to add the sifted wheat flour. Here it is important not to make a mistake with the quantity, since not only the consistency of the shortcrust pastry depends on this, but also, as a result, the appearance and texture of the finished Kurabye cookies. Also, if you add too much flour, you simply cannot pipe the dough from the piping bag. I advise you to start with 250 grams and adjust the amount of flour as you knead. In my case, it took exactly 300 grams, but you may need more or less - it depends on the moisture content of the flour.

As a result, it should turn out neither thick nor liquid - a spreading consistency. For clarity, I simply smeared a small part on my palm - it slightly sticks to my hands, but at the same time holds its shape and does not float. Remember that it is extremely important to stop at the right moment and not to overdo it with flour!

Forming Kurabye cookies involves depositing shortcrust pastry using a pastry bag. It is advisable to use an open star with 9 petals, but it is important that it be of large volume. Otherwise, the dough will tear the pastry bag - that’s exactly what happened to me. In the unequal struggle with the dough, I lost 4 bags, even though they were made of fairly dense polyethylene. It’s just that the nozzle was not large enough, and I pressed too hard.

As a result, I decided to use the largest nozzle (I have a Closed Star, with a diameter of 3.5 cm at the lower base), and also 2 bags (I placed one inside the other). Then things started to go well and I succeeded, although my hand was tired - the shortbread dough is quite difficult to squeeze out.

Place the pieces on a baking sheet lined with baking paper (no need to grease or sprinkle anything!). In total, from the specified amount of ingredients I got 42 pieces - just enough for 1 standard baking sheet. Another point: when you squeeze out the dough onto 1 piece, help gently tear it away from the nozzle with your fingers - it will not come away on its own.
