Name numerology: decoding extended name codes. Secrets of numbers - twenty-five (25) What does the number 25 mean?

The number 25 represents inner nature, aspiration and law. The representative of this number represents a closed system on itself. It is the presence of 25 that speaks of a person who is a law unto himself. He is capable of reconstructing legislation for others or simply living for himself.

This number is sprouted into the depths of the reflections of reality due to the imagination and represents completeness. The generation of waves of the Saturnian character brings unpredictable bursts and brings coolness and novelty. The number conceals a mystery that can only be solved if we begin to understand the subtle spiritual things.

The main activities are designed to develop the spiritual essence and strengthen the spirit. The soul, perceiving movement, is constantly in an unstable state and not satisfied. The higher the spirituality, the more beautiful the system built by this person.

On the 25th of every month, it is better not to plan anything that is not part of your value system. Everything external will be consigned to oblivion and underdevelopment. Inside, the systemic will acquire a more perfect form and completeness. On this day it is better to plan your growth and perfection. It's good if you're thinking about going on a diet or quitting smoking.

When you encounter the number 25, you are able to realize that the mystery of your inner growth awaits you. You should rejoice and correctly perceive all the signs from outside that the world sends you for your growth. The hidden essence of the number will be equal to the sum of the numbers 20+20+20+20+20=100.

The hidden secret of changing the consciousness of the physical and spiritual in the subtle body of you. Where spiritual consciousness is the reflected consciousness of what is seen, heard, felt. Continuous mirrors and reflections in our consciousness are not of the true world, but of the world that we are able to perceive with our senses.

This world depends on the degree of perfection of the instruments of perception. Feelings become more refined and the world becomes more beautiful and mysterious. The range of vision increases and we see the world more clearly and clearly. By changing consciousness, we change perception and the world around us.

The reflected wave that gave birth to the world in our consciousness holds the standing wave which is our world. Each person has his own world and it is different from the world of other people. The true world is nearby and it contains the worlds of all people within itself. This is a mosaic structure of wave space that we create with our consciousness and reflected understanding of the world around us.


    Hello! I have been viewing articles on your site since 2010. They help me a lot. Tell me why my children were born on November 25, 2011 Alexander and Roman on March 25, 2014. I myself am 6 (10/06/1979), their father is 8 (03/23/1973) and I gave birth to my second child on the 250th day of pregnancy. What are these numbers telling me? Thank you in advance.


    Elena, Alexander 11/25/2011=2+5+1+1+2+0+1+1=13, was born in vanity and his main task is learning to live by improving his perception of the world and trying to understand that his ego must be eradicated. Yes, at some point in time it will allow him to assert himself, but then it will only interfere. Roman 03/25/2014=2+5+0+3+2+0+1+4=17, he was thrown from the star because karma does not allow him there be. What can I say about you, you love your husband and your first son expressed his desire for your development. You are a strong woman and to transform your husband’s clan, you gave birth to two branches of his clan. So if you take 11-3 = 8, or your both sons are connected by karma, the consciousness of one is more developed than the other and therefore one of you will bow to sin and lies, the second to the truth, and intuition and foresight will open in him.


    Thank you very much. And even though the upcoming holiday is not Orthodox, I wish you pure and true Love. Good luck to you in your business.

  1. 07.01.2015

    Hello. Let me first wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
    I became interested in numbers quite recently. At first I came across the number 82, and now 25 is everywhere. I read your comments, I became very interested. Where can I find detailed material on numbers?
    And I would like to ask you to “decipher” the numbers 82,25, 5 and 15. I seem to be walking in a vicious circle, maybe they want to tell me something, but I can’t understand what. My birthday date is 15111960. Everything was going just fine , but since 2007 there has been such a decline that I can’t recover. Apparently there’s some kind of cycle going on: 7 years? Thank you in advance.


    Tatyana, you can read the meaning of the numbers 82, 5, 15 by clicking on the link:
    You were born on November 15, 1960=1+5+1+1+1+9+6+0=24=2+4=6, you are right, you tend to go in circles and the main thing is to keep up with the times, otherwise your essence will simply begin to sink into the lower astral layers and you will see material changes in the area of ​​​​the legs and feet. Since 2007, you began to dive because your energy was changed and part of your energy was taken away, and this is part of the development plan for all people. You've heard the expression. 45 Baba Berry again. So this is the period when a woman should, using her charms, connect to male energy and thereby prolong her youth and life. If this is not done, then the woman plunges into a steep dive and becomes susceptible to decrepitude, first inside and her strength leaves her. Then outside and then her soul just cries and suffers because in the mirror she sees how she is fading.


  2. Alexander


    Good afternoon
    Please tell me what this date 10.25.1986 (my date of birth) could mean.
    and one more question, I would like to know about the 11th, what this number means (I met my wife, submitted an application to the registry office and got married on the 11th, why is that))
    Thank you in advance!


    Alexander, the meaning of the number 11 can be read by clicking on the link; , Your date of birth is 10.25.1986=2+5+1+0+1+9+8+6=32=3+2=5, you were born to overcome the elements of the world and resist it and gain strength. If you cannot stand, then the elements themselves will simply wash you away and you will be like a chip in a spring stream, receiving shocks from all sides and not understanding what is happening to you and what is wrong. Know the main core of your inner strength is your sexual strength when you are weak it means you can’t resist. In order not to scatter this power into the world, you need to get married and utilize everything that you produce into your wife. This way you will strengthen your family and strengthen your Faith. You read the number 11 what it means and therefore I’ll just add, imagine a staircase to heaven and one of your family is one step higher and he teaches the second how to become more intelligent and thus the family fulfills its destiny in evolutionary growth. I can say that any action in your family by one is his reaction to the action of another on his thoughts. Therefore, be attentive and strive to help each other strengthen understanding so that your children feel strong and strong. Children contain matter from their mother and spirit from their father.

  3. 15.08.2014

    Hello. can I ask about myself 03/25/1984 On the twenty-fifth of March I don’t want to celebrate my birthday. I point out that the reason for everything is unpleasant patterns at work and in general in the circle of people where I am. tell me why this is so


    Vasily, this is due to the fact that you feel in your soul the pitfall of this date of birth. But you yourself were born earlier 26 and could not resist evil, evil defeated you and now you have been given a secret test. You are like that teenager who put on the clothes of a knight and became a knight. Know what you put on, you still have to prove that you deserve it. Therefore, you turn on your higher consciousness and, having understood what I told you, begin to be different, or rather, this is the sign of Hercules and you need to become Him.

  4. 14.07.2014

    Hello. I really liked your site. There is a lot of interesting information. Please tell me. My son was born on February 25, 2005. I read the meaning of the number 25. It is very interesting to know what his full date of birth means. The most interesting thing is that he has had extra sensory abilities since childhood. Maybe this how is it related?


    Louise, yes, he has a craving for the occult, telepathy, astrology and spiritualism because he intuitively feels everything subtle. His development will depend on who he falls in with, either a coven of witches or true spiritual creativity. Then you need to know that he is drawn to mentally ill people because he learns from them a lot of new things for the development of his soul. It will be difficult for him in life to focus on his financial well-being and therefore he needs to choose a practical wife who will use his abilities and live prosperously. Keep in mind that if he began to get sick often, it means that the company of people with whom he began to stay is dumping their ailments on him. We need to teach him to live with his abilities among people where there are vampires and leeches that will suck and draw strength and he will simply dry out. Seen such people are called Enerexia, but in fact they entered into contact with the lower world.

  5. 30.06.2014

    The number 25 follows me everywhere, I was born in Astana and a month later I was sent to live in a village called 25, I studied at school 25, got a job on the 25th, and everywhere I am surrounded by this number, looking at the phone, there are 25 percent of batteries left, etc. what is this for? All?


    Azat, you were right about batteries because the number of energies that you see is a sign that a secret should come to you and you will understand something else, but you spend energy pumping it into life and empty chores and your secret leaves you. Learn to focus on your inner self when you see a sign and you will soon learn to manage your future by getting what you want. Now you receive events from the world that come to you as messengers from your past and you fight them, overcome them and have fun, and you think this is life. No, this is vanity and while there is a lot of health, everything passes without a trace. With age, everything will begin to annoy you and simply destroy you. Only by finding harmony will you receive happiness and longevity.

  6. 18.05.2014

    What can you say about a person born on December 25, 1965?


    Marina, you can say a lot, just what you would like to know and whether he gave you permission or not. Because this knowledge is an opportunity to get into the soul, and the soul is a delicate matter and can be harmed. This is especially true for elderly and weakened people; when you take information about him, he becomes so nervous that he’s about to give up the ghost.


    Good afternoon. There is no one to ask permission from, actually. This is my date of birth. In order to understand what is happening you need to understand yourself. Now more than ever it is necessary.


    Marina, you were born on December 25, 1965, you need to learn to regulate your food joys, otherwise you will put such a strain on your digestion that it will soon rebel. You have always taken little care of it and therefore the time has come to spare the worn-out organ. Get plenty of rest and drink 30 drops of valerian at night to relieve irritation. Mentally, you need to stop stressing yourself out and give your head a break from your thoughts. Accept that everything that is done to you in the world means that you need it and that God does every person in the best way so as not to harm. Only man himself, like the Devil, destroys his body and groans and complains that it is difficult for him. You had difficulties with money and now it will be even more difficult. Don’t even try to get involved in financial pyramids and the banks will simply deceive you and you will lose everything. Keep your money in Sberbank, not wanting to receive excess profits and just live trusting in God.


    Not even close... I don’t suffer from bouts of gluttony and I don’t go on diets. I have a normal body type. And I’m completely careful with finances. This is typical for Capricorns, shouldn’t you know? I don't want to seem rude, I'm usually extremely delicate and polite. I am a workaholic and am busy 14-15 hours a day. Sometimes I completely forget to have a snack. I don't have the habit of filling my belly. At least for sleep. I build my own life the way I want. I'm self-sufficient. I don't need anyone, but everyone needs me. I have the fortunate ability to adapt to any environment. I am an ascetic and a sybarite at the same time. Thanks for the consultation.)))


    Marina, you are a sea person and fish are not gluttons, although they eat all day long, they are always slim. But what was described is your future when you simply cannot understand what you can and cannot do, and the endocrine system, if it fails, will drive away fat. A workaholic is also a kind of eating in order to escape from reality and stay in the area in which you know everything like water. Marina, did I give you advice? Sorry, here on the site there are only comments, and consultations are given by mail and they are a Tet-to-Tet conversation. You mixed up something and took the answer to the meaning of the number 25 as if I was advising you on something.

  7. Anastasia


    Hello, I was born on July 25, 1984. Please tell me what can be said about these numbers? In recent years, life has not been going well, and it seems as if something is blocking it. Thanks a lot!


    Anastasia, you are not in excellent health and you constantly develop various swellings and abscesses, and colds carry complications. Therefore, you need to take care of your health and boost your immunity, otherwise you will not be able to maintain cheerfulness and the world will fall on you, pecking at you like a weakling. You simply lack the energy of happiness and all because with age you become more and more dependent on your spirit. Turning points in your life in 2013, 2017 and 2021 when you just need to rebuild, otherwise you will simply be sucked into the swamp and you will become more and more unlucky and the number of diseases will increase.

  8. 24.02.2014

    Hello. Please help me correctly understand the meaning of a dream with a number. Cool rain was dripping, I was plucking branches with green foliage from some green tree. And they smelled good, fresh. A man in a raincoat and hat came up to me and offered to help me pick them. He tore them off, said that there were exactly 25 of them, and gave them to me. He left in an unknown direction, and the white door closed behind him. This action took place on the street, in the courtyard of my house. And the fact that the door appeared in the air out of nowhere was already strange for me.


    Louise, you want to find out the meaning of your dream, but write in the meaning of the number 25. I want to say dreams have a different meaning since this is a world through the looking glass and if there were other images, they can be as a warning or teaching you. Therefore, I recommend that you repeat your question by clicking on the link;

  9. Baktybek


    01/10/1994 1+0+0+1+1+9+9+4=25=2+5=7 I think these are all simple numbers and no one knows him, but that’s why I became interested, I somehow changed, I don’t I’m interested and I think you’re right in the spiritual sense, I fell and these numbers don’t relate to this, I think so, is this just a deception of myself, self-hypnosis, or am I wrong? If I'm wrong, please tell me about my numbers. I'm interested in 1001?


    If you are interested in the number 1001, follow the link and read what it means:
    , since your vibrational number is 7, it means that everything secret attracts you like a magnet. But you need to focus on keeping the secret and then it will come to you in the form of secret knowledge.



    Thank you, maybe I should change my life for the better :-)


    You must constantly strive for the better and then you will be filled with the joy of life.

  10. Alexander|01/28/1973


    Hello Pavel Grigorievich. Tell me which apartment number to give preference to, 17 or 25. Some time ago, I turned to a brokerage office for help in order to provide assistance in finding an apartment. I was leaning toward the second option, but after reading the article and your answers to readers’ questions, I became thoughtful. Thanks in advance.


    Alexander, the number 17=1+7=8, is the number of karma, you can read its meaning by clicking on the link: and in this apartment what is prescribed for you from above will happen. In the apartment 25=2+5=7, this is a hassle and various kinds of secret influences. But it all depends on your strength and your date of birth. If you are strong, you don’t care about 7. If you are energetically weak, then in the end this area will destroy your health. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account who the apartment will be registered in and who plans to live in it or fill the space. The apartments are close in importance. I would recommend that you better get a consultation where we will consider all the options and you can determine when it is better for you to make a transaction. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1600 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  11. 21.10.2013

    Pavel Grigorievich, can you decipher my birth code - 01/25/1983
    Thank you.


    Nina, you were born on January 25, 1983=2+5+0+1+1+9+8+3=29=2+9=11, and you are destined to learn as much as possible in this life. Also realizing what you need and when you did the right thing, you take it into your treasury and try not to repeat your mistakes in the future and eradicate them by changing yourself towards spirituality.

  12. Svetlana


    While I was reading, I realized that the number 25 is simply surrounding. The husband was born on 25, the girlfriend was born on 25, the apartment was 25, they issued a foreign passport on 25 and in general I always wait for this number, because I know that it will bring some kind of event, either very good, perhaps bad...... and now it’s actually worth thinking about, my 28 and Is this 25 considered normal or, alas, terrible... (((


    Svetlana, the number 25+28=53=5+3=8, that’s why 25=2+5=7 comes to you, this is a sprouted seed that you sowed in your past life and now you have to work off it as karma. No, this is neither good nor bad, this is the alphabet that you must learn to read. So you write your number 28, how do you perceive it? It can be like 2 and 8, it can be like 2x8=16=1+6=7, Or 28=-2+8=6, if you take your soul into account when making decisions in your life. So you are number 7, what do you see? death with a scythe or a grain of seed that, thrown into the ground, will sprout. You should always ask your soul what it thinks about this. So you write fear, this means 7 and mortal experience is nearby. Take any grain and think that the power of the SEVEN-I is concentrated in it, then you will begin to accumulate not decomposition, but, on the contrary, rebirth and the fear of death will change into exuded joy that you have sowed another tree of life in a new space.

  13. 22.04.2013

    Hello! Today I have seen the number 25 for the third time. In the morning, the boss brought a summons to the plant’s military registration desk for April 25 (I’m already 27 and a reserve officer), looked at the calendar to find out what day of the week, I have this date circled (perhaps a colleague’s birthday), and on one of the I found out from websites that on April 25 there is a live broadcast with the President of Russia, and also on April 25 (Thursday) there are dance classes, at which I wanted to communicate with the dance leader about the wedding dance. And it's not the end of the day! maybe it's just a coincidence?
    Thank you!


    Alexey, maybe these are coincidences, but the fact that you get a wave and in your soul go through options for events is a fact. Therefore, no matter how this event responds to you 25=2+5=7, it will be a seed that will leave a mark on your soul. It would be more accurate to say knowing your birthday and your number that you must work off in this life.

  14. 01.03.2013

    In emergency situations in my life, the number 25 “pops up” subconsciously in my mind, I’m just wondering what it means.?


    Igor, number 25=2+5=7, says that your extreme is close to the fact that an aunt with a scythe is approaching you, who will separate your soul from your body. There may be another option, when a person is fussing and running around as if 100 devils have possessed him , he is stopped and immobilized through an accident or accident, so that he can lie down and think and begin to develop his soul.

  15. 27.11.2012

    Pavel, help me understand what is happening. My relationship with the number 25 began at an unconscious age. I was born on the 25th and didn’t pay any attention to it for a long time. Around the age of 7-8, I don’t remember exactly, I noticed that I lived in apartment 25 in building 7, and the phone number ended in 25, I thought: “This is probably my lucky number.” And everything really was like that, then as a child I was really happy! But this is just childhood. In the early 90s we moved to another city, since then everything has not been the same. Adult life someone will say, perhaps he is right. For some time I forgot about 25, sometimes I remembered, drew parallels, but I didn’t get too carried away, for example, when I received my passport I was surprised that the date of issue was the 25th, an amazing coincidence.
    In 2005, by chance, during an examination, doctors discovered a chronic disease with which I have to live to this day. Then I fell into depression and turned away from everyone, from God, from loved ones, from friends. The number 25 has become hateful to me. Later I will make peace with God, my loved ones, and some of my friends will return, but not 25. The next year I turned 25 and I met a woman who changed my life beyond recognition, I still can’t get back on my feet after this disastrous relationship... Then I got scared, stopped planning important things for the 25th, and if I need to do something right now and there are 25 minutes on the clock, I wait until a minute passes - another.
    This year was especially fruitful for the 25th, at least 3 times it sent me its signs, bringing with it a bunch of problems. This can't go on any longer, something needs to change. But what?


    @Alexey, you have already read and understood about the meaning of the number 25. All your misadventures are the result of the fact that you spend more energy than in childhood. your rivers have become scarce and you cannot control the situation around you. Women feel this from a distance and such men are not interesting to them. By changing yourself you will return your lucky number. To restore your energy, you need to be tested or asked questions. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you questions and within 24 hours I will give you recommendations on what and how you should do. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 980 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  16. 05.11.2012

    I want to get rid of this, please help me


    Lesya, your help is in your hands. You just need to identify what is the root of evil that attracted the number 25 to you.

  17. 05.11.2012

    But I don’t do harm to anyone, on the contrary, all my friends ask me for help and I don’t refuse them. What should I do? How can I get rid of this number?????


    Lesya, write to me by email [email protected], please describe in advance what your help consists of, I will ask you questions and within 24 hours I will give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 980 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  18. 04.11.2012


    Lesya, the bad thing is that you don’t realize that you are doing evil and you think you can get away with it. Only by opening love and kindness will you always be safe. So, having the age of mystery and demonic manifestation, when your body controls you and you do not know how to keep it in obedience, this is bad and dangerous. The demons have noticed you for a long time and are striving to put their mark. Take a closer look at them, cute faces and specialist seducers. The number 25 = 2 + 5 = 7, the secret of the process itself.

  19. 04.11.2012

    I also write this number completely by accident, I am very receptive friends. they joke about this number, but I just try not to think about the bad

Number 25 combines the attributes and properties of numbers 2 and 5. Number 2 represents the fluctuations of partnerships and diplomacy, balanced judgment through intuitive awareness, cooperation and agreements, support and understanding. It also symbolizes the divine essence of your soul.

Number 5 symbolizes significant change and opportunity, the ability to make positive life choices, personal freedom, adventure and independence, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness and motivation.

Thus, the number 25 encourages its carriers to make important life changes that open up new opportunities. Moreover, the sum of the digits of the number 25 gives a very lucky number 7, which means it is filled with these positive vibrations. However, the number 25 does not always promise you an easy and cloudless existence.

As you know, twos are characterized by doubts and hesitations, they are not too confident in their own abilities, on the other hand, this is combined with the thirst for change characteristic of fives, as well as its desire for something new and a thirst for travel. Sevens prefer to reflect on current events and even philosophize.

These are the Swan, Cancer and Pike. If the number 25 has begun to appear repeatedly in your life, this may indicate that you are entering a period of some potentially favorable changes, but whether these changes will actually be favorable can only depend on you. Number 25 recommends that you reconsider what is happening, do not be afraid of changes, but perhaps take advantage of someone’s help.

Positive traits of the number 25

People with the number 25 in their life set are prone to innovation, they are open to cooperation, but only with the “right” people. However, the people they need really constantly meet on their way, as if they are attracted at the right moment.

Successful people generally love representatives of the number 25 very much, and spend time in their company with great pleasure. Among other qualities, it is worth noting their romance and softness, as well as a constant craving for a change of scenery.

Negative qualities of the number 25

The craving for change, which is characteristic of people who are carriers of the number 25, can sometimes result in their betrayal of partners or friends. In addition, they often exhibit materialistic inclinations caused by the influence of the money-conscious Five.

Such aspirations can lead to the fact that people born under the influence of the number 25 begin to look for some kind of always honest ways of obtaining money or material well-being.

Meaning of number 26

Number 26 brings together the energies and attributes of number 2 and number 6. Number 2 speaks of duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, cooperation, selflessness, faith and trust and the divine element of the human soul.

Number 6 – This concerns the vibrations of love and caring, responsibility and reliability, honesty and integrity, teaching others, essential and financial aspects of life, worrying about home and family. The number 26 can be reduced to the number 8 - the Law of Fate and Karma, root cause and effect.

This number fully reflects the essence of the saying - what goes around comes around. Both two and six, which make up the number 26, are very dependent on other people, on how relationships with them are built.

Therefore, those people who carry any of these numbers in their life set, in particular the number 26, are recommended to exercise special caution and attention in relationships with the opposite sex, be picky in their choice and not become emotionally dependent on their partners.

However, the number 6 also says that such people will not have to worry much about meeting their basic needs; higher powers will take care of this.

Number 26, constantly appearing on your path, recommends showing more tact and diplomacy in dealing with someone, then you will be able to reap the spiritual and emotional benefits of a loving, trusting or friendly relationship. It is also possible to receive significant material or financial rewards.

Positive traits of the number 26

People born under the influence of the number 26 are quite strong and ambitious, they easily find an excellent application for their own talents, both in the family and in the professional field.

Quite often, the number 26, as a combination of two and six, leads its carriers to wealth and fame, and the six here provides correctly set goals, and the two provides the means to achieve them. In numerology, the number 26 is considered one of the most favorable combinations.

Negative traits of the number 26

Unfortunately, although the number 26 suggests active cooperation with others, it will take some effort to achieve it, since people born with this number are quite often misunderstood, or not understood at all.

Number 26 natives can sometimes be quite vindictive and even cruel, and almost always lack the patience to do boring or monotonous work.

Your luck numbers: 11, 7, 2, 29, 26, 25, 20

Your negative numbers: 23, 14, 5

Your positive days of the week: Tuesday, Monday

Stones that will bring you good luck: moonstone, pearls.

Colors: green and yellow.

Possible ailments: there is a tendency to diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Numerology is becoming increasingly popular today, which is why horoscope by date of birth began to be in considerable demand.

25 is an unusual number. It combines the softness of the number 2, the stinginess of the number 5 and the passion for novelty of the number 7.

Number 2 is located in front; in reality, this is a consistently obedient person.

The number 5 is more pronounced in a person’s character; he needs money and is ready for any action to make a profit. People of this number are easily inclined to illegal actions, have excellent qualities of a business person, but they are more close to games and adventures. They have a great desire for change under the influence of the number 7.


The numbers 5 and 2 equally influence emotionality. They are gentle and romantic, very smart. With friends and partners they stick to spiritual themes. The number 5 helps to sort out those around you, to move towards success - it warns about this horoscope everyone born on the 25th.

These people are close to change; if depth in a relationship has not been achieved with someone, they break up with him very easily. In their young years, life is filled with changes, searches and challenges; as they mature, they can engage in charity work.

Emotional personality traits

There is an interesting combination in the sexuality of these people: they are attracted to well-to-do people, they have a strong passion for romance, which is why the object of their adoration is perceived as a complete ideal. Being romantics, they have no interest in poor people. There is no great need for sex, they do not like adventure. But if passion captures them, then its manifestation is very great.


25 – materialist and romantic. Feels comfortable around people who know how to achieve their goals. An integral part of life is wealth and spiritual values. Superficiality and insincerity are not their qualities.

People of this number are faithful life partners. Since these individuals need a constant change of scenery, calm is not their motto. But for the sake of relationships they will be ready to give up their craving for change. For people of this number, relationships are very important. Personal relationships are often linked to business.

Weak sides

The number 25 is dominated by materialistic inclinations. They prefer easy and quick income, which can lead to big troubles. They are irritable, impatient and can quickly lose their temper.

The diet should consist of fruit juices, grapes and plenty of milk.

Date of birth is a certain magic of numbers that can tell a lot about each of us. The character, professional qualities, and marital status of a person directly depend on what day he was born. Paradoxical? Numerology doesn't think so.

Numerology is a doctrine based on the belief in the supernatural influence of combinations of certain numbers and numbers on a person’s destiny. This is not fortune telling, not mysticism; Numerology is an ancient science. The master of numerology Tatyana Kotova spoke about how the day on which we were born affects our destiny.

“Character traits are determined by date of birth. For example, People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month are under the influence of the Sun.

These people are practical, purposeful, they have big plans for the future and for life in general. They are created for success, always thinking about something new and feel that they came into this world for a great mission. They find it difficult to work under subordination. They love to be the center of attention. They make good speakers and leaders, since people born on these dates have good organizational skills. They have healthy ambitions and a good defense mechanism; at the first click they are ready to take the defensive or even go on the offensive. But at the same time, they are very sentimental, although this is not always noticeable due to their leadership nature. Despite their leadership qualities, they need approval and confirmation that they are on the right path, then their potential becomes truly limitless. They have strong charisma and are successful with the opposite sex. It is important to note that the Sun is responsible for his father, so it is important for these people more than others to have a good relationship with their father, otherwise they will have problems with the spine, vision and heart, and social realization will be blocked.

People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th are ruled by the Moon.

Partnership is very important for them, as they are peacemakers by nature. These are soft, trusting, doubtful, sensitive people with great creative potential. By nature they are gentle, slow, emotional, and romantic. They are good conversationalists, they will always listen and help with advice. They have an innate predisposition to psychology, they are good at feeling the mood of other people. They know how to harmoniously integrate into the current situation in a team or with a specific person. But, unfortunately, it is difficult for them to realize their ideas without outside help. They lack leadership qualities to make decisions independently and quickly. The psycho-emotional state of these people is directly related to their physical plane, so they are recommended to play sports. By the way, some things may not work out for these people on the first try, and this is normal, the exception is those who were born on the 11th. For people who are ruled by the Moon, relationships with their mother are important.

People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th are ruled by Jupiter.

These people are the best teachers, they convey knowledge very well to both children and adults. They have enormous intellectual abilities and a scientific mindset, which allows them to penetrate into the essence of many things and understand them. They have a predisposition to study various sciences, pass on their knowledge with ease and joy, and spend their entire lives teaching someone, either professionally or amateurishly. They are demanding not only of others, but also of themselves. They love discipline and order. These are open, generous and spiritual people. They, like solar people, find it difficult to work in subordination. There may be some criticism or causticism towards other people.

People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st are ruled by Rahu.

These people always know what to say and to whom, and what not to say. They have good intuition, but if they do not listen to it, then everything that is easy for them becomes difficult. Rahu affects the mental component of a person, that is, the way a person thinks. For these people, the material environment is important. In addition, Rahu gives people born under its rule extreme powers of observation. They are able to achieve good material results very quickly. These people are revolutionaries. They came here to pave their way, break stereotypes and build something new. They do not look for easy ways and are used to fighting, so they are often not inclined to listen to advice, but do everything their own way. Inside they are very vulnerable, sentimental and sensitive and have great creative potential.

People born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd are ruled by Mercury.

They enjoy movement, they like it when there are a lot of things to do, tasks, plans. They are very active, mobile in life, but not very prudent. Curious, versatile, multifaceted, easy to learn, have great potential for entrepreneurial activity, well understand the psychology of communicating with different people, diplomatic, and ready to compromise. These people do not devote their entire lives to one thing. It is difficult for them to sit in one place and perform the same actions for a long time - they have a strong need for a change of environment. They have many friends and useful acquaintances and connections. They can and should engage in entrepreneurial activity, they are ideal sellers, they can sell anything (after all, Mercury is called the god of trade for a reason!). They have a good sense of humor. But their life is like a roller coaster. They can be either several times rich or ruined to nothing. For people born under Mercury, it is very important to watch what they say and to whom.

People born on the 6th, 15th and 24th are ruled by Venus.

They perceive this world through their senses. These people have a special soft energy. They are attractive in communication, they are aesthetes who adore beauty, coziness, and comfort. They are creative and talented. They love to decorate everything. They dress beautifully and tastefully. Attractive and sexy. They are focused on material well-being and relationships, family, they have many friends. It is very important for them to be in demand. They have strong intuition. They feel very insincerity and hypocrisy.

People born on the 7th, 16th and 25th are ruled by Ketu.

They strive for independence all their lives. They have extraordinary thinking and ideas. They are very thoughtful. It is useless to prove or explain anything to them; they will do it their own way anyway. They love solitude and travel, and are partial to nature. They do not classify people into good and bad, rich and poor. Able to perceive the spiritual side of life. They are dreamers, have a rich imagination and a certain detachment. Independent, freedom-loving, prone to loneliness, a little absent-minded. It is very favorable for them to engage in spiritual practices and yoga.

People born on the 8th, 17th and 26th are ruled by Saturn

They are great at taking into account all the little things, they make very good leaders and businessmen, since these people can easily manage large enterprises. After 35 years, it is recommended to be more lenient towards your loved ones. People are patient, revolutionaries at heart. They often encounter misunderstandings from others. Their revolutionary mindset is compensated by their kind heart, which is why they are prone to charity. Although it can be difficult for them to ask for help from others, and most often they do everything on their own. Already from childhood they are characterized by seriousness, later this quality develops into responsibility. These are purposeful and determined people. If they do not succumb to laziness, they achieve high social fulfillment and material success.

People born on the 9th, 18th and 27th are ruled by Mars

These people have a very strong inner core, they are born leaders and will never allow themselves to be offended, they have a strong psyche and mind, they have a competitive spirit, so they like to argue and defend their point of view. They often play sports. These are leaders and winners. They have a well-developed defense mechanism, so they can be hot-tempered and aggressive. They have an innate sense of justice. Often the personal life of Martians is similar to military operations. They are capable of protecting others and came into this life for victories and success. They patronize everyone who needs it. They are able to reach their intended goal and achieve results, even if the whole world opposes them. These are people who love challenges. They are full of enthusiasm, inspiration and are always in a hurry to achieve their goal. They do not tolerate interference in their work and hate criticism.”

Of course, from the point of view of numerology, numbers speak volumes, but you should not rely on them completely. Armed with the appropriate knowledge about numbers, it is easier to live, but we must not forget that, first of all, we ourselves are the makers of our own destiny.

The vibration of the number 25 (2 + 5 = 7) gives a person the desire to express his “I” to the world around him. This quality is confirmed by the ability to express one’s thoughts figuratively and eloquently. Often even the sound of one’s own voice gives a person pleasure. He has a logical and bright mind, which makes it easier to communicate with other people. He is sensitive and emotional and loves to share his experiences with those close to him, sometimes even annoyingly complaining about his difficult lot. It’s good that his passion for self-expression often results in writing poetry, in all-consuming sports or music, and in communicating via e-mail, but he still doesn’t miss the opportunity to just chat with someone.
The vibration of the number 25 (7) endowed its bearer with a penchant for self-examination. In-depth self-analysis helps him find peace of mind. Philosophical quests make the representative of the 25th self-sufficient, facilitating the establishment of feedback both with the inner “I” and with other people and the outside world as a whole. He can also analyze any situation or phenomenon. Both at home and at work, he always tries to study and understand all the moves and exits. Such meticulousness allows a person whose birthday fell on the 25th to identify the most subtle nuances of life. A scientific mindset helps you see the big picture and draw quick and accurate conclusions. And using your innate instinct, listen to your inner voice. And yet it often happens that the voice of reason dominates the premonition and pushes a person to act in a completely opposite direction. With hindsight, he realizes that his premonition did not deceive him, but next time he will still trust his logical mind and not his intuition.
His gift for effective interaction with other people plays a big role in achieving his goals. The carrier of vibration on the 25th has good business qualities, he is energetic and enterprising, makes the most of emerging opportunities, but will never give up either speculation or gambling. Success often comes to him seemingly on its own, and sometimes it seems that there was some intervention from otherworldly forces. A person who comes into this world on the 25th is usually patient and has complete trust in the process of life. Having not received what he wants at the moment, he internally feels that life will give him everything he really needs sooner or later.
He enjoys meeting new people and traveling. As a freedom-loving person, he prefers a life full of adventure and reckless fun, not particularly burdened with worries. He greedily absorbs different impressions, welcomes any innovations, because his body, mind and soul constantly need emotional stimulation. A person under the influence of the vibration of the number 25 (7) is always ready for change. It is difficult for him to keep himself around one partner. If the relationship is not very deep, then the friendship usually does not last long. But at times, the bearer of the 25th is so afraid of change that he artificially creates a number of restrictions and taboos for himself. Having already realized that they did not get along with their partner, they continue to work with him and be friends by inertia. The fear of losing what he already has sometimes drives him into a corner. And this can last until unforeseen circumstances make fundamental changes to the measured way of life.
It is the vibration of the number 25 (7) that gives a person such a contradictory character. Sometimes a person whose birthday number is 25 simply does not know what he wants, since the mind and emotions give directly opposite advice. On the one hand, a person with the sign 25 as a birthday number strives to find peace and tranquility, and on the other hand, he always wants to be in the center of attention. Sometimes he cannot understand his own feelings, avoids any certainty, does not want to have obligations, which creates a false sense of freedom in him. At times, harsh reality, requiring immediate decisions, seems so unbearable to the bearer of the 25th that he loses confidence in his own abilities and begins to suffer from an inferiority complex. It is precisely at these moments that he bothers his loved ones with complaints about life, and for them this becomes a real test.
However, the common sense inherent in a person born on the 25th still helps him get out of this state, overcome emotional problems, directing thoughts and then actions in a constructive direction. Over the years, he masters the ability to balance contradictions, alternating active activity at will with moments of calm contemplation and internal concentration. The sensitivity of his nature is an undoubted gift. Only a person born on the 25th should learn to be more tolerant of his own shortcomings and lenient with apparent weaknesses. After all, by nature the bearer of the 25th is a strong personality. He and people are attracted to those who think outside the box, have achieved success and may prove useful in the future. When choosing a life partner, the owner of the 25th is guided more by reason than by emotions. His chosen one must be smart enough, educated, have secular manners and maintain decency, and at the same time be a person who knows how to have fun, and preferably with an adventurous streak.
Since the representative of the 25th himself does not always manage to sit still, it is not at all easy for him to establish strong and long-term relationships with one partner. As a rule, it takes a lot of time for him to get used to his chosen one and begin to trust him. Perhaps the reason for this is a negative past experience when a person was too gullible and suffered for his excessive gullibility. However, the behavior of the bearer on the 25th is not always predictable. His choice can be spontaneous, instant. But this is unlikely to lead to a long and lasting relationship. Showing a keen interest in spiritual creativity, he first of all hopes to find understanding from his lover, with whom he intends to make a lifelong journey. Although a person born on the 25th has the gift of feeling a kindred spirit at the first meeting, his correct intuition, as we already know, is always dominated by reason...
