What you need to know to successfully pass chemistry exams. “When I decided that I would take the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, even the ammonium ions were surprised. If I didn’t pass the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

The Unified State Exam (USE) in chemistry is not included in the list of mandatory exams. It is worth taking chemistry only if your choice of future profession lies in the field of medicine, construction, chemical or biotechnology.

Schoolchildren often ask teachers the question: “Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in chemistry?” It is definitely not easy to answer, but learning a little more about the examination process is worth it to everyone who has chosen this discipline.

The exam consists of 40 tasks, which are divided into three parts - A, B and C.

Tasks A1-A26 belong to the basic level, and the correct answer to each question brings the student one primary point. There are four possible answers, from which you need to choose the correct one.

Let's look at how to solve these types of tasks.

Job type Possible error Action
Standard simple question Hasty answer

Read the entire question to the end, discard the obviously incorrect options and choose the correct answer

Question with denial The answer to the question is exactly the opposite

Don't forget about denial

Group selection

Focusing on the first thing in the group All elements listed in the group must meet the task conditions

Two judgments

Ignorance of some exceptional properties of a particular thing

Remember the exception rules in chemistry

General recommendations:

  • solve tasks in three stages: in the first stage, discard difficult questions and solve only obvious ones; on the second - think and remember the exception rules; and on the third, if there are still unsolved tasks, use your intuition and try to guess the correct answer;
  • remember the cheat sheets: the periodic table, the solubility table and the voltage series;
  • if it seems to you that there are several correct options in the list of answers, re-read them several times: perhaps you missed a denial or facts that are possible in principle, but are not used in practice;
  • Remember the special properties of some substances and exceptions to the rules.

Doing Part B: Going Deep and Focusing

B1-B9 - this is how tasks of an increased level of difficulty are marked, where you need to write down a short answer. Each completed task is scored from 1 to 2 points, and in total you can get 18 primary points for correctly completed tasks.

There is a gradation of tasks by type, and, accordingly, its own nuances of implementation.

Job type Possible error Action

Matching tasks

The desire to apply every proposed answer Carefully re-read each proposed answer option. Please note that the letters in the answer may be repeated, and some of the proposed options may not be applicable to solve the problem

Group selection

Getting confused in the names of compounds of each group due to the need to compare several parameters at once

To answer correctly, it is necessary to take into account the interactions of things. This is where eliminating unnecessary options can help.

Correspondences between substances and the coefficient of the ionic equation

Forget about coefficient 1, which is not written. When moving from the full ionic equation to a reduced one, many people forget that coefficients can also be reduced if they can be divided by the same number.

Remember the rules for solving ionic equations and reducing coefficients. Do not confuse the numbering of answer options with answer values

Multiple Choice Questions

Use only one option or all at once.

Recording selected options in a chaotic order

Remember that there is a special field for preliminary calculations, and only after you have finally solved the task, write down the options in the answer form in ascending order.

As a rule, in this type of task there are 3 correct answer options.

Calculation problems Rounding errors Use the calculation field and write down only the correct answer

General tips for solving problems in Part B:

  • do not rush to write down answers on the test form;
  • If you are in doubt about a multiple choice task, it is better to write fewer answer options.

Part C: maximum attention

Tasks of the most difficult level of the Unified State Exam in chemistry - C1-C5. There are only five of them, for each you need to give a full, detailed answer. Problems are worth 3 or 4 points, and the maximum you can get for the entire part C is 18 points.

If you get stuck on the first two parts, you won’t have enough time to solve the third. Look at the main types of tasks in Part C and the mistakes that students most often make.

Job type Possible error Action
Redox Reaction Equations Even when solving the equation correctly, many people forget to indicate the oxidizing agent. Determine the missing reaction compounds and oxidation states, apply the standard electronic balance algorithm. Double-check the answer you provided.
Equations of possible reactions for a set of inorganic substances Many people forget to double-check the recorded answer. Write down only those equations in which you are 100% sure, because only the first 4 are counted
"Thought Experiment" Some examinees skip this task because the answer is unclear. 1) draw up a reaction scheme; 2) decipher the diagram, replacing the designations with specific formulas; 3) write the reaction equations, placing all the coefficients. Do at least one of the listed steps correctly and it will earn you a point
Chain of transformations of organic substances

Do not indicate by-products in addition to the main products. Examinees do not take into account the reaction conditions and write equations without structural formulas

Consider the sequence of reactions and write the formulas correctly. Remember about complex reactions (oxidation with permanganate, electrolysis of solutions of carboxylic acid salts, interaction of halogen derivatives with alcoholic and aqueous alkali solutions, etc.)
Combined task Errors in nomenclature and reaction equations. Often examinees do not understand the difference between phosphate and phosphide, nitrite and nitride Write down all the results of reactions at each stage of solving the problem and take them into account in subsequent calculations using the reaction equation
Determining the formula of a substance In problems with combustion products, hydrogen is lost, which is part of the hydrogen halides Test yourself to see if there are more molecules or atoms. Don't get carried away with excessive rounding. Remember to write down structural formulas
  • be sure to perform the calculation using the reaction equation in MOLES, otherwise the solution to the problem will not be counted;
  • complete at least part of the task: in this case you have a chance to earn at least a few extra points;
  • Write down your answers as legibly as possible to avoid losing points due to carelessness.

It is possible to pass the Unified State Exam in Chemistry with 90+ points. And some guys did it in 2017. We talked to those who did a great job.


Roman Dubovenko, 98 points

To pass the Unified State Examination in chemistry successfully, you need to solve a lot. This is the only thing that can help. In part C, you should give a lot of explanations as you solve the tasks - this will be easier and more understandable for the examiners. You can get points from this.

Everything should be based on actions, there should be regularity everywhere. Don't forget your calculator and use your own logic.

You need to learn the entire theory and properties of substances. Then success awaits.

I didn’t open a textbook even once, I prepared and took notes from lessons - I had an excellent teacher who prepared me for the exam.

If you want more than 90 points, you need to spend a lot of time on chemistry. Learn, then you will have a good knowledge base, and this is already half the success.

The tests themselves were difficult for me, because you need to know a lot to solve them. There was time left on the exam itself, I solved everything quickly.

The penultimate calculation task seemed labor-intensive - a large number of values, so some of my classmates failed this task.

It's funny that I lost a point on hydrolysis. I never made a mistake while preparing there, but I made the wrong decision on the Unified State Exam—my self-confidence and inattention played a role.


Katerina Verkhovskaya, 98 points

There was practically no chemistry at my school, so for the last 1.5 years I prepared with two tutors.

I mainly solved problems on websites for preparing for the Unified State Exam, assignments from tutors from their collections, from reference books for applicants to universities.

Chemistry was the last exam for me, so I was no longer worried, I was just waiting, so that it would all be over.

I wrote everything in 1.5 hours and spent another 30 minutes double-checking the answers. I can’t say that it was too difficult, but there were some unusual tasks. For example, a problem about crystalline hydrate.

I can advise you to prepare with a tutor, but do not forget about self-preparation (websites with assignments, keeping notes on complex topics).

I lost a point due to inattention. In task 30, I forgot to transfer the coefficients from the draft to the final copy. In general, the last two tasks turned out to be the most difficult.


Egor Baranovsky, 92 points

I prepared for a year with a tutor. Classes were once a week - that was enough.

It seems to me that the most difficult thing in the chemistry exam is to memorize the entire theory, without which you cannot cope. It was hard, especially psychologically.

Cramming, cramming and cramming again.

Pay attention to non-standard tasks. They seem ordinary at first, but in reality everything is not so simple. Of course, they come across rarely, but still. I just fell into one of these - crystalline hydrate.

We passed them briefly and did not repeat them. Because of this, I determined the mass of the pure substance incorrectly. Therefore, all the numbers in the problem were incorrect.

There are also many tasks in the first part about exceptions to the rules - pay attention to them.

Photo from Instagram @yuika_yula

There is hardly a final exam more difficult than the OGE or the Unified State Exam in chemistry. This subject must be taken by future biologists, chemists, doctors, engineers and builders. Today we will talk about what you need to know in order to get high scores, and what benefits are best to use.

Books and manuals for preparation

Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination experts recommend relying on specialized-level textbooks when preparing. The material in a standard basic textbook is not enough to successfully pass the exam. Practice shows that schoolchildren who have taken a specialized chemistry course feel quite confident during the exam. Several such textbooks have been written, but in terms of content and presentation they are approximately the same.

We recommend getting a collection of standard exam tasks - the official publication of FIPI (with a hologram) and a couple of books by other authors. They analyze tasks in detail, show ways to solve them, and provide algorithms and answers for self-control. The more options you solve, the greater your chances of passing the exam.

Repetition is the mother of learning

This is an important component of quality training. Chemistry is a complex science about matter; without knowing the basic topics of the initial course, you will not understand more complex ones. Of course, there may not be enough time to repeat the entire program, so it is better to pay more attention to those issues that cause the most difficulty.

According to teachers at the Merlin Center, schoolchildren more often make mistakes in assignments related to the following topics:

  • mechanisms of molecular bond formation;
  • hydrogen bond;
  • patterns of chemical reactions;
  • physicochemical properties of solutions, electrolytic dissociation, reactions in electrolyte solutions;
  • the effect of solution dilution on the degree of dissociation (Ostwald's dilution law);
  • hydrolysis of salts;
  • atmospheric compounds;
  • main classes of compounds;
  • industrial production and scope.

The same standard exam tasks and tests will help you identify gaps. Does not work? Ask your chemistry teacher for help or sign up for prep courses.

Conduct experiments

Chemistry is a science based on real experiments with substances. Experiments will help you better understand a particular topic. To do this, it is not necessary to buy a set of reagents and laboratory supplies. There are many interesting, well-produced videos on the Internet about chemical reactions. Don't be lazy to find them and look.

Be careful during the exam!

Most mistakes are made by children precisely because of inattention. Train yourself not to miss a single word when reading the task, pay attention to the wording and how many answers there should be.

  • Read the question to the end, think about its meaning. There is often a little clue hidden in the wording.
  • Start with easy questions where you have no doubt about the correctness of the answers, then move on to more complex tasks where you need to think.
  • If a question is too difficult, skip it, don't waste time, you can come back to it later.
  • The tasks are not related to each other, so focus only on the one you are doing at the moment.
  • If you have difficulty, first try to eliminate obviously incorrect answers. It’s easier to choose an option from the remaining two or three than to get confused among five or six answers.
  • Be sure to leave time to check your work so that you can quickly review assignments and correct any mistakes. An unfinished word or number may cost you a point.

Chemistry is a difficult subject, and it is best to prepare for the exam under the guidance of an experienced teacher; it is not recommended to count on the fact that you will cope with such an important task. Only a teacher can point out “inconspicuous” mistakes and help you fill in the gaps and explain complex material in simple, accessible language.

Preparation for the exam, procedure for passing and useful tips for solving problems

Teaches chemistry at Foxford

How to score

There are 35 tasks in the Unified State Examination in chemistry. Of these, 29 are with a short answer and 6 tasks with a detailed answer.

1 point

Tasks 1–6, 11–15, 19–21 and 26–29. The task is considered completed if the correct answer is given in the form of a sequence of numbers or a number with a given degree of accuracy.

2 points

Tasks 7–10, 16–18 and 22–25. The task is considered completed correctly if the sequence of numbers is specified correctly. For one mistake, 1 point is deducted. If there is more than one error or there is no answer, 0 points are given.

2-5 points

Solving problems with a detailed answer - provided that the task is completed completely and correctly in accordance with the assessment criteria. Here you need to correctly formulate the solution to the problem and write down the entire sequence of actions so that the examiner can understand how and why you came to the solution.

Exam preparation

What you should pay attention to:

— Be sure to study the codifier and specification for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, posted on the FIPI website. It lists all the topics you need to know, the number of points for solving each task and the assessment criteria.

— When preparing, use the USE versions of previous years with caution. They contain many errors and discrepancies.

— The demo version of the Unified State Exam is always easier than the one that will be on the exam. It reflects only the topics and format of the assignments.

— To feel confident on the Unified State Exam, you need to solve complex problems, for example, problems for students. Then the Unified State Exam will not cause you any difficulties.

— When preparing for the Unified State Exam, do not focus on one author. All textbook authors have favorite topics and problem formats. The more questions you solve from different textbooks, the easier it will be for you in the exam.

— To write the Unified State Exam at a good level, you need to know not only the basic principles and laws that we use when writing a chemical reaction or when talking about the properties of compounds. You need to be well versed in exceptions. There are a lot of exceptions in chemistry that you just need to learn and not miss due to inattention when solving a problem.

Organizational aspects

You are given 3.5 hours to complete the tasks. With good preparation, three hours is enough to complete all tasks. You still have 30 minutes to double check everything.

Be sure to take a watch with you and keep track of the time. The classroom clock may not be accurate. The watch should be the most ordinary. Mobile phones and smart watches are prohibited during the exam. You can be removed from the Unified State Examination even for turning off your mobile phone, so don’t risk it.

You are allowed to use a calculator on the Unified State Exam., including engineering. The main thing is that it is not programmable. Just in case, take two calculators with you: an engineering one and a regular one. If the engineering calculator is still taken away, you will not have to count in a column, wasting time. Start using the calculator while preparing for the exam to get used to it and not make mistakes when pressing the keys.

During the exam you can use the periodic system of Mendeleev, a table of solubilities of salts, acids and bases in water, as well as an electrochemical series of metal voltages. Download these materials in advance and practice using them. The periodic table on the exam differs from the school tables, painted in different colors.

Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev

Solubility of acids, salts and bases in water and electrochemical voltage series of metals

Allow at least an hour to transfer the completed work to the final copy. When checking and assessing the Unified State Exam, drafts are not taken into account.

The results of the first part of the Unified State Exam in chemistry are not revised. But the results of the second part may be revised if you file an appeal. Based on the results of the appeal, you may receive additional points. Cases when points are removed after an appeal are very rare, so if you are sure that you made the right decision, feel free to submit an application. If in doubt, consult with your teacher or senior comrades who know chemistry well.

✔️ Carefully read the conditions of the task and write down the numbers of the selected options exactly in the sequence that is required of you. Otherwise, the score for the task will not be counted, even if the option numbers are chosen correctly.

✔️ Acids in chemistry are divided into strong, medium and weak. However, strong acids are isolated during the Unified State Examination, and all the others are considered weak. Take this into account when solving problems.

✔️ When completing tasks in inorganic chemistry, you need to know not only how each class of elements interacts, but also what reactions each element enters into. Each element has its own characteristics that need to be learned.

✔️ Always check all the options that are offered to you. Even if you think you've found the right one, you could be wrong. If you have eliminated all the options, do not choose the last one “by default”, solve it too. Make sure it is correct.

When recording reactions, do not forget to equalize all elements. With the help of oxygen, you can check if you have balanced everything correctly. If the oxygen converges, then everything is correct; if not, look for an error.

✔️ In tasks with a detailed answer, there can be only one correct answer, or maybe several. If you see two ways to solve a problem, choose the one you have the least doubt about.


Understanding the essence of chemical processes is quite difficult. You need to be able to compose chemical reactions, understand the classification and names of substances and compounds, and much more. How to make sure that there is no confusion in your head?
Study the ticket and compare it with what is in the textbooks you have. Look, maybe you don’t have something, and you will need to spend searching for the necessary material in other sources, how much material you have to learn and assimilate in a limited period of time, how many tickets per day you will need to evenly distribute your forces or even provide at the end of the preparation period a certain amount of time to quickly review all the material and analyze and correct any remaining gaps in your knowledge. Memorize everything gradually, especially with regard to those very nomenclature classifications: you should not try to mindlessly memorize the table of prefixes in the names of substances or other materials presented in general lists. Everything needs to be done consistently and thoughtfully. In all such classifications there is a very definite logic that you just need to understand.

Remember that in addition to actually writing the tickets themselves, you may be asked small additional questions or small tasks, usually of high quality, for understanding. If the exam includes not only theory, but also practice, that is, solving problems, then it is better to prepare theory and practice on the relevant topics in a comprehensive manner, rather than learning the whole theory first, and then, if there is time, turn your attention to the problems.

Don’t overload, take rest breaks with a change of activity, but don’t put everything off until the last day or, according to the old tradition, the night).

This concerns the oral exam. If the exam is to be taken in written form, then the problem with additional questions disappears, but at the same time there is also no opportunity to explain something to the teacher in your notes in case of inaccuracies or correct them, therefore, during the written exam you need to express your thoughts extremely clearly, accurately and understandable so as to eliminate any possible ambiguity or ambiguity.

Yes, and of course, the most important thing. Learn to use the periodic table and quickly read information from it. This will greatly help you save time and effort during the exam - it contains a lot of useful data and tips.

Video on the topic

Exams are a busy time for schoolchildren, when in a short period of time you try to put into your head what did not fit into your head during the school year. And it’s good if the subject is such that you can read it once and pass it, but you need to delve into sciences such as physics or chemistry.


Find out if there will be practical assignments. Usually the highest score is given for their completion, because they show the student’s real level of knowledge. Write down on a piece of paper the main formulas with which you solved the problems in (there are about 10 of them), and memorize them. Don't forget to also learn the units of measurement for results.

Eliminate gaps in writing equations. This will help you in answering both practical and theoretical part. Learn what basic chemical compounds react with and what reaction products are formed. Be sure to bring your solubility chart with you to the exam. Teachers allow you to use it, and this worksheet will help you a lot when writing chemical reactions. It is also worth remembering how to place coefficients in equations, because the correctness of your answer to the problem depends on this.

After you have remembered the material you need to answer the practical task, let's move on to the theory. Take your list of questions and divide all the questions into three groups. The first group will contain tasks on which you cannot answer anything, the second group will contain questions on which you can say at least something, and the third group will include material that you know well.

Now arm yourself with textbooks and notes, and feel free to take on the study of the first group of questions. Even if you don't have enough time for the second and third groups, you will be confident that you can say a few sentences on each question, which means you will pass the exam.

Video on the topic


  • Factors for successfully passing the exam. /Ed. N.M. Magomedova
  • how to pass the exam for me

Chemistry is a rather complex academic subject. The Unified State Exam in Chemistry is not mandatory. But it must be taken by those who plan to continue their education in one of the humanitarian areas. If your vocation is biology, medicine, food or chemical industry, as well as construction, then the prospect of the Unified State Exam in chemistry is inevitable. How to prepare for this difficult exam?


If you are still in secondary school, but have already made your choice and know that you will take the Unified State Examination, then try to enroll in a specialized class. In such specialized classes, natural science subjects will be taught in depth. If this is not possible, get ready for serious independent work right away. Already from the 10th grade (or better yet, from the beginning of studying a school chemistry course), efforts must be made to ensure that all the necessary information is absorbed in the system.

Strong knowledge is a lot, but it is not all that is needed for a high score on the Unified State Exam. It is imperative to pay attention to the ability to quickly navigate various types of tasks, analyze alternative answers, and make a choice. You also need to learn how to justify your answer with a detailed explanation.

Even school chemistry textbooks memorized by heart are unlikely to give you the required level of knowledge. Therefore, you need to select and study literature that will help you understand and confidently explain how organic and inorganic substances are connected, how the composition and structure of substances affect their properties, what are the features of the mutual influence of atoms in molecules, and much more. It is very important to pay attention to solving problems and performing calculations using chemical equations, including combined ones.


Even if a tutor helps you prepare for the exam, remember that he will not be able to take the exam for you. Therefore, regardless of whether you master science on your own or with someone’s help, serious work is required, first of all, from you.

Helpful advice

Be sure to check out the demo versions of the Unified State Exam options from previous years and the current year. Please note that the format of the assignments may change, so only the teaching aids and demo tests of the current year will be relevant. It makes sense to use assignments from previous years for additional training.

Tip 4: How to allocate time when completing Unified State Examination tasks in chemistry

Typically, chemistry is chosen to take the Unified State Exam by graduates who intend to make medicine, biotechnology, chemical technology, etc. their profession. The state exam is usually a serious psychological test. Therefore, in addition to good knowledge of the subject, it is necessary to navigate the structure of the test and skillfully plan the time allotted for the exam.
