Dreamers. Hurry up a fairy tale - make people laugh Checking the completion of a speech task

Auntie Turtle decided to bake pies. Enough - no yeast.

“Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you have enough sleep!” Run to the godmother Zaychikha, ask for some yeast.

Cherepakhovich grumbled something while awake, opened his sleepy eyes, and asked discontentedly:

- What do you want?

- Run, I say, to the godmother Zaychikha for yeast ...

“I haven’t run anywhere. I can go now,” muttered Cherepakhovich.

He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, cautiously climbed off the stove.

- You should live longer, my tortoise's grief! said Aunt Turtle.

- Why such a hurry? No wonder they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

While he got down, while he put his feet in felt boots, while he put on his zipun and put on a hat on his head, the week did not happen.

- And what are you trampling about! Went sooner, time does not wait.

- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it in any way.

- I knew it! exclaimed Aunt Turtle, and together with Cherepakhovich began to look for the loss.

And the turtle fuss is known: while they were looking for, another week passed. Cherepakhovich turned up his collar, brought his foot over the threshold, followed by another ... Things went smoothly.

- Look, do not hesitate, because you invited guests to pies!

- I know I know…

- Did you take the vessel?

- Eh, it’s completely out of my mind ... Give it here, reluctance to return.

- If the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! And you keep treading water like a bear at the apiary,” said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.

- Just think, what a wonder - Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all the prowess. And I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, everywhere has its own roof over my head. This must be understood!

Adjusting the dish in his bosom to make it more comfortable, Cherepakhovich pulled his cap over his very eyes and went to Zaichikha.

He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoices: the guests will eat plenty of tasty, fried pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And got busy making the filling.

It was completely dark, it would be time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he was not there. So the invited guests did not have to taste the turtle pies. So a day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich perished like an ax in an ice-hole.

“Where did he disappear to? I wish I could send it far, otherwise it’s at hand ... ” Aunt Turtle thought.

Another four years have passed.

“Come on,” Aunt Turtle thinks, “I’ll run to the outskirts and have a look.” She threw on a scarf, moved towards the door - look, Cherepakhovich was walking down the street, hurrying, hurrying, carrying yeast in an earthenware vessel, pressing it tightly to her chest - she wouldn’t drop it.

- Finally! Aunt Turtle rejoiced.

Not even an hour passed, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.

Catching his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. He dragged one leg safely, but caught on with a torn felt boot and stretched to his full height. The head is in the hut, and the legs are outside the door. The vessel shattered to smithereens, yeast flowed through the hut.

- Oh, you runner! Carried for seven years, did not inform the hut! Just wasted time!

“Yes-ah-ah…” grumbled Cherepakhovich. - I told you - do not rush, it will get worse. And so it happened! It is not in vain that they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

Auntie Turtle decided to bake pies. Enough - no yeast.
- Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you have enough sleep! Run to the godmother Zaychikha, ask for some yeast.
Cherepakhovich grumbled something while awake, opened his sleepy eyes, and asked discontentedly:
- What do you want?
- Run, I say, to the godmother Zaychiha for yeast ...
- I haven't run anywhere. I can go, - Cherepakhovich muttered.
He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, cautiously climbed off the stove.
- You should live longer, my tortoise's grief! said Aunt Turtle.
- Why such a hurry? No wonder they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."
While he got down, while he put his feet in felt boots, while he put on his zipun and put on a hat on his head, the week did not happen.
- And what are you trampling about! Went sooner, time does not wait.
- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it in any way.
- I knew it! exclaimed Aunt Turtle, and together with Cherepakhovich began to look for the loss.
And the turtle fuss is known: while they were looking for, another week passed. Cherepakhovich raised his collar, brought his foot over the threshold, followed by the other ... Things went smoothly.
- Look, do not hesitate, because she invited guests to pies!
- I know I know...
- Did you take the vessel?
- Eh, it's completely out of my mind ... Give it here, reluctance to return.
- If the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! And you keep treading water like a bear at the apiary, - said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.
- Just think, what a wonder - Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all the prowess. And I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, everywhere has its own roof over my head. This must be understood!
Adjusting the dish in his bosom to make it more comfortable, Cherepakhovich pulled his cap over his very eyes and went to Zaichikha.
He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoices: the guests will eat plenty of tasty, fried pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And got busy making the filling.
It was completely dark, it would be time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he was not there. So the invited guests did not have to taste the turtle pies. So the day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich perished like an ax in an ice-hole.
"And where did he disappear? If only she sent far away, otherwise it was within easy reach ..." Aunt Turtle thought.
Another four years have passed.
"Come on," Aunt Turtle thinks, "I'll run to the outskirts and have a look." She threw on a scarf, moved towards the door - lo and behold, Cherepakhovich was walking along the street, in a hurry, in a hurry, carrying yeast in an earthenware vessel, pressing it tightly to her chest - she wouldn’t drop it.
- Finally! Aunt Turtle rejoiced.
Not even an hour passed, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.
Catching his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. He dragged one leg safely, but caught on with a torn felt boot and stretched to his full height. The head is in the hut, and the legs are outside the door. The vessel shattered to smithereens, yeast flowed through the hut.
- Oh, you runner! Carried for seven years, did not inform the hut! Just wasted time!
"Yes-ah-ah..." muttered Cherepakhovich. - I told you - do not rush, it will get worse. And so it happened! It is not in vain that they say: "Hurry - you will make people laugh."

Auntie Turtle decided to bake pies. Enough - no yeast.

“Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you have enough sleep!” Run to the godmother Zaychikha, ask for some yeast.

Cherepakhovich grumbled something while awake, opened his sleepy eyes, and asked discontentedly:

- What do you want?

- Run, I say, to the godmother Zaychikha for yeast ...

“I haven’t run anywhere. I can go now,” muttered Cherepakhovich.

He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, cautiously climbed off the stove.

- You should live longer, my tortoise's grief! said Aunt Turtle.

- Why such a hurry? No wonder they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

While he got down, while he put his feet in felt boots, while he put on his zipun and put on a hat on his head, the week did not happen.

- And what are you trampling about! Went sooner, time does not wait.

- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it in any way.

- I knew it! exclaimed Aunt Turtle, and together with Cherepakhovich began to look for the loss.

And the turtle fuss is known: while they were looking for, another week passed. Cherepakhovich turned up his collar, brought his foot over the threshold, followed by another ... Things went smoothly.

- Look, do not hesitate, because you invited guests to pies!

- I know I know…

- Did you take the vessel?

- Eh, it’s completely out of my mind ... Give it here, reluctance to return.

- If the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! And you keep treading water like a bear at the apiary,” said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.

- Just think, what a wonder - Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all the prowess. And I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, everywhere has its own roof over my head. This must be understood!

Adjusting the dish in his bosom to make it more comfortable, Cherepakhovich pulled his cap over his very eyes and went to Zaichikha.

He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoices: the guests will eat plenty of tasty, fried pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And got busy making the filling.

It was completely dark, it would be time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he was not there. So the invited guests did not have to taste the turtle pies. So a day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich perished like an ax in an ice-hole.

“Where did he disappear to? I wish I could send it far, otherwise it’s at hand ... ” Aunt Turtle thought.

Another four years have passed.

“Come on,” Aunt Turtle thinks, “I’ll run to the outskirts and have a look.” She threw on a scarf, moved towards the door - look, Cherepakhovich was walking down the street, hurrying, hurrying, carrying yeast in an earthenware vessel, pressing it tightly to her chest - she wouldn’t drop it.

- Finally! Aunt Turtle rejoiced.

Not even an hour passed, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.

Catching his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. He dragged one leg safely, but caught on with a torn felt boot and stretched to his full height. The head is in the hut, and the legs are outside the door. The vessel shattered to smithereens, yeast flowed through the hut.

- Oh, you runner! Carried for seven years, did not inform the hut! Just wasted time!

“Yes-ah-ah…” grumbled Cherepakhovich. - I told you - do not rush, it will get worse. And so it happened! It is not in vain that they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

The Russian language is rich in proverbs - apt expressions that accurately, ironically and figuratively describe a person or his actions. Sometimes a well-timed proverb is enough to understand that you are doing wrong and you need to stop, think and correct yourself.

As a gift for the anniversary, they bought a beautiful, massive, crystal vase. She was hidden in a room. The vase was to be handed to the hero of the day by a person who did not know exactly where the gift had been removed. Just before the celebration, they began to explain to him where to find this vase. In response, he only stubbornly repeated: “Yes, I know, I know!”

And at the most solemn moment of congratulations, the guests turned to this person and said: “Now bring a gift, please.” He quickly ran into the room and returned, holding his new vase, and some other, old, belonging to the owner of this house.

And under the approving exclamations of the audience, he handed it to the birthday man.

At first, the guests did not understand everything that had happened. And those who understood laughed so hard that they nearly fell off their chairs.

Hurry up - make people laugh!

Updated: 2017-03-25

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Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale "Hurry up - make people laugh (Polish fairy tale)", it feels the love and wisdom of our people. In the works, diminutive descriptions of nature are often used, making the picture that appears even more saturated. IN Once again re-reading this composition, you will certainly discover something new, useful and instructive, and essentially important. The inspiration of everyday objects and nature creates colorful and fascinating pictures of the world around, making them mysterious and mysterious. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they "breathe life" into creation and the events taking place in it. Loyalty, friendship and self-sacrifice and others positive feelings overcome all those who oppose them: malice, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful for itself. The fairy tale "Hurry - you make people laugh (Polish fairy tale)" is worth reading for everyone online, here is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

Aunt Turtle thought of baking pies. Enough - no yeast.
“Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you have enough sleep!” Run to the godmother Zaychikha, ask for some yeast.
Cherepakhovich grumbled something while awake, opened his sleepy eyes, and asked discontentedly:
- What do you want?
- Run, I say, to the godmother Zaychikha for yeast ...
“I haven’t run anywhere. I can go now,” muttered Cherepakhovich.
He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, cautiously climbed off the stove.
- You should live longer, my tortoise's grief! said Aunt Turtle.
- Why such a hurry? No wonder they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."
While he got down, while he put his feet in felt boots, while he put on his zipun and put on a hat on his head, the week did not happen.
- And what are you trampling about! Went sooner, time does not wait.
- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it in any way.
- I knew it! exclaimed Aunt Turtle, and together with Cherepakhovich began to look for the loss.
And the turtle fuss is known: while they were looking for, another week passed. Cherepakhovich turned up his collar, brought his foot over the threshold, followed by another ... Things went smoothly.
- Look, do not hesitate, because you invited guests to pies!
- I know I know…
- Did you take the vessel?
- Eh, it’s completely out of my mind ... Give it here, reluctance to return.
- If the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! And you keep treading water like a bear at the apiary,” said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.
- Just think, what a wonder - Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all the prowess. And I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, everywhere has its own roof over my head. This must be understood!
Adjusting the dish in his bosom to make it more comfortable, Cherepakhovich pulled his cap over his very eyes and went to Zaichikha.
He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoices: the guests will eat plenty of tasty, fried pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And got busy making the filling.
It was completely dark, it would be time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he was not there. So the invited guests did not have to taste the turtle pies. So a day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich perished like an ax in an ice-hole.
“Where did he disappear to? I wish I could send it far, otherwise it’s at hand ... ” Aunt Turtle thought.
Another four years have passed.
“Come on,” Aunt Turtle thinks, “I’ll run to the outskirts and have a look.” She threw on a scarf, moved towards the door - look, Cherepakhovich was walking down the street, hurrying, hurrying, carrying yeast in an earthenware vessel, pressing it tightly to her chest - she wouldn’t drop it.
- Finally! Aunt Turtle rejoiced.
Not even an hour passed, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.
Catching his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. He dragged one leg safely, but caught on with a torn felt boot and stretched to his full height. The head is in the hut, and the legs are outside the door. The vessel shattered to smithereens, yeast flowed through the hut.
- Oh, you runner! Carried for seven years, did not inform the hut! Just wasted time!
“Yes-ah-ah…” grumbled Cherepakhovich. - I told you - do not rush, it will get worse. And so it happened! It is not in vain that they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."
