Seasoning for meat from cherry plum for the winter. Georgian cherry plum tkemali sauce

Tkemali is a tasty and healthy sauce that Georgian and Bulgarian housewives prepare from cherry plum. Due to the large amount of pectin in fruits, it helps stimulate appetite, better digestion of food and even remove harmful substances from the body.

Cherry plum ripens in July-September. Yellow contains more acids, sugars and less pectin than red or almost black. And throughout the summer, while there are unripe fruits, sour green tkemali is cooked from them.

Cherry plum also grows in some regions of Russia, and where it does not exist, many housewives, based on the traditional recipe, come up with different variations from other sour berries (strawberries, cherries, gooseberries), adding a large amount of garlic and spices to the sauce. It's really delicious and doesn't take much time.

Any dish, especially meat, benefits from a duet with this sauce. Tkemali can be consumed all year round. Closed in jars, it thickens even more during storage, which only improves the original properties.

Tkemali's own calorie content is low, since the seasoning is prepared without the use of any fat, it is only 65 kcal per 100 g of product.

Tkemali from yellow cherry plum for the winter

Thick, fiery sauce, not without a pleasant sweetened sourness and prepared on the basis of yellow cherry plum puree, is a real favorite among many spicy seasonings.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Yellow cherry plum: 1 kg
  • Water: 50 ml
  • Salt: 1 tsp.
  • Parsley: 35 g
  • Garlic: 25 g
  • Sugar: 1 tsp. l.
  • Coriander: 2 tsp.
  • Hot pepper: 30 g

Cooking instructions

    Place the cherry plum in a saucepan, immediately pour in water and turn on the heat. Heat the plums under the lid.

    When the water boils, wait a few minutes until the fruit softens.

    Using a colander, separate the liquid.

    Transfer the cherry plum in a colander to another saucepan and grind, separating the seeds and skin.

    Add 50 ml of previously strained liquid to the resulting puree. Put everything on low heat.

    Chop the parsley.

    Grind the pepper, leaving the grains for added heat.

    Add pepper to fruit puree. Send parsley there too.

    Add chopped garlic and spices. Boil everything for 7 minutes.

    Taste for salt and sugar.

    And now, tkemali is ready. If desired, it can be placed in sterile jars for long-term storage.

    Or you can immediately serve it with your favorite meat or fish dish. Even with one side dish, the sauce will go perfectly together.

    Red cherry plum tkemali recipe

    The seasoning prepared according to the following recipe has a sweeter taste, because fully ripened fruits are used for its preparation. The proportions are approximate, on average per 1 kg of cherry plum:

  • 4 tsp. salt;
  • 1 pod of pepper;
  • a small bunch of cilantro and dill;
  • 1 tsp each spices;
  • 1 head of garlic.

How to prepare:

  1. The seeds are removed from the fruit.
  2. The pulp is crushed into puree.
  3. Add salt, crushed hot peppers, herbs (cilantro, dill), ground dry mint leaves, coriander, hops-suneli, utskho-suneli.
  4. Then cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until sour cream thickens.
  5. Shortly before the end of cooking, add garlic minced in a meat grinder.

Red tkemali is served with fish and used to prepare kharcho soups, legumes, and zucchini puree soups.

From green

In the spring, tkemali of the same color is prepared from unripe green cherry plums and the most sour sauce of all types is obtained. Modern housewives, in order to neutralize the very sour taste, add an increased amount of granulated sugar.

The ingredients are classic, the proportions are selected experimentally.

What they do:

  1. Green cherry plum is boiled with its seeds, adding a small amount of water until the fruits become soft.
  2. Then they are ground through a colander to separate the pulp from the skin and seeds.
  3. If the mass is very thick, add a little liquid remaining after boiling the cherry plum.
  4. Salt and spices are added to the grated pulp, the obligatory ones being mint and coriander, as well as chopped hot pepper.
  5. Boil a little more, stirring constantly.
  6. At the end of cooking, chopped garlic cloves and herbs are mixed into the creamy mixture.

Green tkemali is usually served with lobio.

Recipe for real Georgian cherry plum tkemali sauce

Every Georgian housewife always has her own recipe for tkemali, but there is a basic composition of products without which it is impossible to prepare this sauce:

  • Cherry plum.
  • Garlic.
  • Capsicum hot pepper.
  • Ombalo.
  • Cilantro in the flowering stage.
  • Coriander with inflorescences.

Other herbs and spices are added based on your own preferences.

The resulting sauce has a sour and rich spicy taste.

Process description:

  1. The leaves of green cilantro, dill and blue basil are torn off, and the remaining stems are placed in the bottom of a large saucepan in which the sauce will be cooked. This is done to prevent the fruits from burning.
  2. The washed cherry plum along with the seeds are poured on top. Carrions are never used for tkemali; fruits must be picked from the tree by hand.
  3. Add a little water and cook until the fruits soften, about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then they are ground through a fine sieve using a wooden spoon.
  5. Finely chopped hot pepper pods and dry spices are added to the crushed pulp (the classic recipe includes ombalo or mint and coriander).
  6. Mix everything and bring to a boil. Since the mass burns quite often, it is constantly stirred and rather simmered over low heat.
  7. At the end of cooking, add peeled garlic cloves, crushed in a large mortar, as well as finely chopped coriander leaves, dill and blue basil.

Salt and sugar are not included in the canonical Georgian recipe.

  • To prepare tkemali, it is better to use a stainless steel pan with a thick bottom. If the pan has a regular bottom, then it would be a good idea to place a flame divider above the burner, which will protect the boiled mass from burning.
  • Often, cherry plum fruits have a hard-to-separate pit, so they are boiled whole. But if possible, remove the bones before cooking.
  • You can make puree from cherry plum using a blender and then cook the sauce from it - this will greatly reduce the cooking time.
  • Traditionally, garlic is ground in a large mortar. Nowadays it is convenient to use an electric meat grinder for this, especially when preparing a large amount of product. Its taste does not suffer at all.
  • The authentic recipe uses ombalo (mint), which acts as a preservative. It grows in abundance in Georgia; in our conditions, it can be replaced with peppermint or even field mint.
  • To obtain a spicier tkemali, capsicums are added to the sauce along with the seeds. For a softer one, the grains and partitions must be cleaned, and only the chopped pulp is added to the sauce.
  • By the way, when working with pepper you need to be extra careful, as it can cause irritation to the skin of your fingers. Some even cut it with gloves.
  • If tkemali is prepared for future use, more salt is added to it.

The finished sauce is poured into sterilized small jars or bottles, immediately closed with lids and wrapped in a cotton blanket. After cooling, the containers with the contents must be stored in a cool place.

Step-by-step recipes for making homemade cherry plum sauce for the winter: classic recipe, options for plum sauce with garlic and tomatoes, bell pepper

2018-08-15 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


19 gr.

74 kcal.

Option 1: “Tkemali” - a classic recipe for cherry plum sauce for the winter

The mention in the recipe that ripe cherry plums are used is not an accident; there are many sauces made from unripe fruits. If any of the proposed descriptions indicate the wrong variety of cherry plum that you have in stock, this is not a problem at all. Dark cherry plum, as a rule, is a little more sour; you can even out the taste with sugar; therefore, the sauce with yellow cream will be less sweet.


  • ripe cherry plum - one kilogram;
  • spoon of salt;
  • two bay leaves;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • a spoonful of coriander and red pepper and half the amount of cumin;
  • garlic.

Step-by-step recipe for cherry plum sauce for the winter

Tearing off the tails, we sort out the plums, wash them thoroughly and pour them into a saucepan, adding no more than half a glass of water to the cherry plum. Place on the stove, adjust the heat to below medium, and cover with a lid. Checking periodically, heat until most of the berries burst. We rub the plum mass through a colander, separating the seeds and rough skin.

Boil the plum pulp to the consistency of thick sour cream; you will have to work and stir the mass almost constantly, but especially at the last stage, when it thickens noticeably. When you find the sauce sufficiently boiled (and it will thicken even more as it cools), salt it, add sugar and hot pepper, stir, allowing all the crystals to melt.

Grind the spices with a grinder or mortar, stir into the sauce and heat for five minutes, then add the grated garlic. Let the tkemali simmer under the lid for a short time, then quickly separate it into a small sterile glass container. Roll up the jars; if they are less than half a liter in volume, you don’t have to tip them over, just cover them with a blanket and wait four hours.

Option 2: Cherry plum sauce for the winter with khmeli-suneli - a quick recipe

Aromatic and moderately spicy sauce, very good with lamb. Cut the meat into slices, as if for a shish kebab, and fry tightly and quickly in boiling oil. Place twice as many tomatoes on top of the meat and chop the head of garlic, simmer until all the juice has evaporated. Only then do we salt the dish and add three tablespoons of sauce per kilo of original meat, the recipe for which we offer you.


  • cherry plum, red - 2000 grams;
  • two hundred grams of cilantro;
  • two tablespoons of coarse salt and suneli hops;
  • a third of a hot pepper pod;
  • garlic - one medium-sized head;
  • 120 grams of beet sugar;
  • mint, dry - three pinches.

How to quickly prepare cherry plum sauce for the winter

The specified amount of cherry plum will yield a little more than a liter of sweet and sour base. We sort the berries, wash them and cut the pulp from the seeds, collect the plums in a cauldron and add a certain amount of water, barely covering the plum slices. The bones, if there is quite a lot of pulp left on them, are also placed in the cauldron.

Simmer the cherry plum with minimal heat until the skin begins to noticeably separate from the seeds. Pour the mixture from the cauldron into a colander, wipe with a spoon and measure the volume. All other components of the sauce are indicated per liter of puree; you can select the required volume or recalculate the remaining products.

Add peeled garlic to the cherry plum, add salt, and add chopped cilantro. Go through the mixture with an immersion blender, rubbing it until it is almost uniform in color, interspersed with greenery. Stir all the other ingredients into the puree and taste, you may want to make the sauce a little sweeter.

Simmer the sauce for at least twenty minutes with regular stirring, then boil it to your liking. Regardless of the chosen storage method, in the cold or simply at a low temperature in the cellar, we sterilize the jars. Having rolled the lids tightly, we put them in the pantry, and put the containers with nylon lids in the refrigerator after they have cooled.

Option 3: Cherry plum sauce for the winter with fennel and mint

Fennel sprigs are quite rare greens. If you don’t find it, replace it with the same amount of dill, these plants are quite close. Calculation of garlic - one head per kilogram of ripe plums, choose medium-sized ones, but with large teeth.


  • yellow, ripe cherry plum - five kilograms;
  • small bunches of dill, mint and cilantro - two pieces each;
  • hot peppers;
  • two tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • five garlic heads;
  • three spoons of coriander;
  • sugar;
  • bunch of fresh fennel.

How to cook

Heat the sorted and washed cherry plum in a saucepan with a glass of water until very soft. Pour the entire mixture into a coarse sieve and strain the pulp completely, leaving only the tough skin and seeds on the wire rack.

Disassemble the bunches of greenery, separate the withered ones, rinse the rest, and remove the stems. Wash and chop the greens, peel the garlic and also chop with a knife. Grind the coriander in a mortar or mill, and the garlic and herbs in a blender.

Reheat the cherry plum, season with spices, add garlic and salt. Sweeten as desired; you don’t have to use all the sugar, but you can increase the amount. Cook slowly for up to half an hour and, after cooling a small portion, taste.

If you find it necessary to make the sauce spicier or saltier, heat it for another quarter of an hour after adding the ingredients. Sterilize the container ahead of time, quickly pour the sauce into jars and seal.

Option 4: Simple and tasty cherry plum sauce for the winter with tomatoes and garlic

The amount of greenery collected from the stems is about a glass, if you put the leaves in it and do not compact it. Small garlic will do, but it must be very sharp, we take cherry plum, traditionally, overripe, very juicy and sweet.


  • fifty grams of large garlic cloves;
  • salt;
  • a lush bunch of cilantro and dill;
  • five hundred grams of tomatoes and cherry plums.

Step by step recipe

We cut selected, washed cherry plums and remove as much pulp from the seeds as possible. Whatever is left, pour a small amount of boiling water into the frying pan and warm it up slowly, then grind on a small sieve. Mix the collected juice with the plum mass.

Directly to the whole and grated cherry plum, coarsely chop the tomatoes, put the pan with the puree on heat and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Pour the mixture into a colander and quickly wipe it with a spoon, grind it with a blender and return only the puree to heat, remove all the skins.

The second time, boil the puree by half, then add chopped herbs and grated garlic to it and mix. Simmer for twenty minutes, then quickly pack it into a sterilized container at the very edge of the neck. We roll up the jars and let them cool for a long time under a warm, thick blanket.

Option 5: Sweet and sour plum sauce for the winter with bell pepper

The strength of the herbal aroma will not be enough. If you like sauces with spicy flavors and aromas, add two pinches of dried tarragon and basil at the same time as the garlic. The color of the bell pepper has almost no effect on the taste; you can also use peppercorns of a faded color, especially if your cream is yellow.


  • cherry plum, yellow - half a kilo;
  • two hundred and fifty grams of sweet red pepper;
  • a sprig of tarragon and basil;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • half a hot pepper;
  • up to half a glass of sugar;
  • salt;
  • spoon of khmeli-suneli.

How to cook

We collect selected overripe cherry plums in a colander and rinse them under the tap. Directly with a colander, lower to the bottom, into a saucepan with a glass of boiling water, stir the berries and simmer until they all burst and the pulp begins to separate from the peel.

We move the colander to a bowl and quickly separate the seeds with a spoon, simply rubbing the mass. Remove the seeds and place the pulp in a saucepan with the water in which the cherry plum was blanched. Place the washed but unpeeled peppers on a roasting pan and leave for a quarter of an hour at two hundred degrees in the oven. While still hot, place the peppercorns in a thick food-grade plastic bag and tie tightly, wait about eight minutes and easily peel the peppers.

Chop the pepper pulp not too coarsely and add it to the saucepan with the cherry plum along with salt and sugar. Slowly heat until boiling and, greatly reducing the temperature, simmer for up to ten minutes. Peel the garlic from its thick husk and chop it thinly, then put it in a mortar and, adding a little salt, grind it. We do the same with peppers, getting rid of the seeds inside the pod.

Add the garlic and pepper to the sauce, cook without changing the temperature for about five minutes, stirring regularly with a spatula or long spoon. It's time to check the spiciness and saltiness, and make sure that the sauce is not sour. Add sugar, pepper and salt as needed. Using an immersion blender at the most moderate speed, bring the mixture to the consistency that seems most suitable to you.

Season with khmeli-suneli sauce and add completely washed sprigs of greenery. After boiling for exactly five minutes, remove the greens, package the sauce and seal it hermetically.

In Georgian cuisine, almost no meat dish prepared in different ways is complete without tkemali. This delicious sauce is very easy to prepare, and the recipes will please any housewife. Instead of plums, the cook uses red cherry plum, and this does not make it any worse. Most often, the red cherry plum tkemali recipe for the winter is prepared from sour plums, but there are always exceptions to the rules. The sauce is served as a seasoning for potato and pasta dishes.

Features of red cherry plum

Cherry plum belongs to the plum subfamily, but differs in taste and nutritional properties from other species. Among the red varieties, there are fruits with large, very tasty and juicy fruits. Externally, cherry plum is very similar to plum.

Despite its sweet taste, the red fruit contains little sugar and is considered a dietary product. The fruits also contain many vitamins and microelements, especially potassium and pectin.

Red cherry plum is used in their diet by those who want to stay slim and watch their weight. The calorie content of this fruit is 34 kcal. per 100 g, which promotes gradual weight loss.

How to cook tkemali from red cherry plum

Tkemali is the most common sauce among Georgian cooks, the main ingredient of which is plums. The related cherry plum is also used for cooking. The sauce from the red variety is usually prepared in late summer for the winter.

There are many varied, delicious recipes for this dish. Often, when preparing tkemali, they use the most common spice in the Caucasus - khmeli-suneli. Also, to express the taste and aroma, bell pepper is added to the preparation for the winter. To add piquancy, recipes are used in which cherries, currants, kiwi, and gooseberries are added as ingredients.

Recipes for making tkemali from red cherry plum

Tkemali is usually served with meat and fish dishes; it is also used in a marinade for barbecue. This piquant, spicy sauce based on red cherry plum recipes is also great for making kharcho soup. In addition, tkemali prepared for the winter can be spread on bread or pita bread, and can also be used instead of adjika. Housewives often prepare red sauce in large quantities, since in small quantities it may not last until winter - it is quickly eaten.

Important! Only ripe fruits can be used for recipes.

Georgian red cherry plum tkemali recipe

For the classic tkemali recipe, you will need the following components:

  • red cherry plum – 2 kg;
  • fresh cilantro - 2 bunches;
  • garlic – 10 cloves;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • salt – 2–3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar (optional) 1-2 tbsp. l.
  1. Red cherry plum is selected, and damaged and rotten areas are removed from it.
  2. Take out the seeds and thoroughly wash the fruits in cool water.
  3. Place in a pan, sprinkle with salt and wait for the cherry plum to release enough juice for cooking.
  4. The container is placed on low heat and boiled for 15–30 minutes until soft, stirring occasionally.
  5. The cooled mass is rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender.
  6. Finely chopped greens and garlic are combined with cherry plum. Add spices, mix well and simmer over low heat for approximately 15–20 minutes.
  7. The finished hot product is poured into a glass container, cooled and stored in the refrigerator.
  8. If you want to prepare tkemali for the winter, it is transferred to dry, sterilized containers and covered with lids.

Advice! Instead of fresh cilantro in preparing this recipe, you can use different spices.

Red cherry plum tkemali for the winter with bell pepper

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • red cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • basil – 2 sprigs;
  • fresh parsley - 3 sprigs;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices: coriander (peas), dill seeds, curry, suneli hops, ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Red cherry plum is pitted, washed thoroughly, placed in a saucepan and poured with boiling water.
  2. Boil for about 7 minutes over low heat. Readiness is determined by the skin: if it is cracked, the berries can be removed from boiling water.
  3. The garlic is peeled, the herbs, mint and bell pepper are washed. The pepper is cut into pieces and freed from seeds. All components are crushed in a blender.
  4. The fruit puree is transferred to a container, put on fire and boiled for 20 minutes.
  5. Spices are mixed and coriander and peppers are crushed.
  6. The prepared ingredients are added to the main mass, then salted and sugar is added. Then mix everything and boil for another 5 minutes.
  7. Taste the product and add missing components if necessary.
  8. The finished hot sauce is poured into sterilized glass jars and closed with lids for the winter.
  9. Filled, closed containers are placed upside down to cool.

If desired, any spices and herbs can be added to the recipe to enhance the flavor.

How to cook tkemali from red cherry plum and tomatoes

Prepare the ingredients for the sauce:

  • 2 kg of ripe red cherry plum;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • 2 bunches of mint:
  • 2 bunches of cilantro (with seeds if possible);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • hot pepper - to taste.

Method of preparation according to the recipe:

  1. The cherry plum fruits are carefully selected and washed, then transferred to the pan. Fill with water so that it covers the fruit, slightly exceeding its level.
  2. Place the pan on the fire. The water should boil, and the cherry plum peel should become quite soft. Turn off the stove and wait for the workpiece to cool.
  3. The broth is poured into a separate bowl and the fruit is squeezed out.
  4. Next, grind the cherry plum to a paste. For the required consistency, add a little broth so that the mixture is not too liquid or thick, since it will need to be stewed in the future.
  5. Chop tomatoes, herbs and garlic, add salt. Then thoroughly grind everything in a mortar until smooth. If it is not available, you can use a blender or meat grinder.
  6. The resulting mixture is combined with cherry plum puree and transferred to the stove over low heat.
  7. The red sauce should simmer for 15 minutes, after which it is poured into a glass container and left to cool.
  8. Tkemali can be stored in the refrigerator. It is possible to roll the sauce into jars and use it for food in winter.

Features of preparing preparations for the winter

To prepare tkemali from red cherry plum according to the Georgian recipe, they usually use quite affordable ingredients that can be bought at the end of summer at the nearest grocery store. Among the features of the process are:

  1. During heat treatment, the berries become approximately four times smaller. Therefore, you need to make sure that the recipe contains the required amount of cherry plum. Then there will be enough preparations for the whole winter.
  2. Herbs and spices are added depending on the type of cherry plum. It is better to add dried herbs and spices to red tkemali.
  3. It is better to package the sauce in small jars so that it can be used quickly.
  4. According to the recipe for preparing tkemali for the winter, all ingredients undergo heat treatment. Therefore, the sauce does not require additional sterilization.
  5. If all preparation rules are followed, tkemali will be stored well in winter.

Terms and conditions of storage

Preparing according to recipes does not take much time - the workpiece can be immediately rolled into jars and stored until winter. When frozen and cooked, as well as dried, cherry plum does not lose its beneficial properties.

If you wish, you can not leave the sauce in sealed containers, but close it with regular lids and place it in the refrigerator. In this case, in order for the tkemali not to turn sour, you need to add more salt to it.

Important! If stored for too long, the sauce loses its taste and aroma.


The recipe for red cherry plum tkemali for the winter is rightfully considered a tasty and rich sauce. Meat and fatty foods are better absorbed with it, so tkemali is often served with meat and poultry dishes, especially in winter. Recipes from this sauce complement the diet well not only in winter, but also at any other time of the year.

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Not a single dish in the Caucasus, fish or meat, can do without the famous tkemali sauce, famous throughout the world. It is prepared from cherry plum, which is a type of plum that has different colors, on which the color of tkemali depends. The aromatic and tart sauce perfectly enhances the taste of various meat dishes, and also complements potato and pasta dishes. You can add pepper, garlic and a large amount of herbs to the sauce. Usually it's cilantro and dill. Let's take a closer look at the most popular recipes.

Subtleties of cooking

For the sauce, cherry plum of any color is usually used: red, yellow, green. Since such a plum is boiled, and as a result of heat treatment it is reduced by four times, you should take care of its sufficient quantity.

Spices and herbs should be added to the sauce, focusing on the variety of cherry plum. Yellow can be combined well with fresh herbs; red sauce should preferably be flavored with dried herbs and spices. Green plum goes well with both dry spices and fresh herbs.

Since cherry plum contains citric acid in large quantities, tkemali is therefore well stored in a cool place. If such conditions cannot be created, then the sauce must be poured hot into dry jars immediately after cooking, which are then hermetically sealed.

In addition to citric acid, they usually add a lot of pepper, salt and garlic. All ingredients are boiled, thus undergoing heat treatment, so tkemali does not need to be sterilized. If all preparation rules are followed, the finished product can be stored for quite a long time.

Recipe for tkemali sauce from yellow cherry plum for the winter

For this recipe, take the following components:

  • 1 kg yellow cherry plum;
  • 5 g red pepper;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 125 g garlic;
  • 150 g of dill and cilantro.

The yellow cherry plum fruits are sorted, removing spoiled ones, and washed in cold water. The fruit is cut on one side and take out the bones. The fruits are placed in a pan, covered with salt and left until the cherry plum gives juice. Place the pan on low heat and after boiling, cook the plum until completely softened. After this, it is placed in a sieve along with the broth and rubbed into a saucepan. All the pulp ends up in the bowl, but the skin remains on the sieve. Boil the puree over low heat until it becomes thick like sour cream.

Chop the garlic and herbs and add along with the pepper at the very end of cooking, mix and cook for 4 – 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and pack it into heated jars, sealing it tightly with sterile lids. The jars are wrapped in a blanket and cooled.

Green cherry plum tkemali sauce recipe

For this Georgian recipe for the winter use:

  • 5 kg of green cherry plum;
  • 3 tsp. cilantro seeds;
  • 2 bunches of fresh mint;
  • 5 heads of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • glass of water;
  • 2 bunches of fresh cilantro;
  • a bunch of fresh fennel;
  • 2 bunches of dill;
  • hot red pepper to taste.

The cherry plum needs to be sorted, removing low-quality fruits. After this, they are washed in cold water. Place the plums in a saucepan and pour in water, place it on low heat and cook until soft. Then it is transferred to a colander and left to cool. They begin to grind through a colander until only bones remain in it.

Grind fennel, dill, cilantro, mint, and cilantro seeds. The garlic is peeled and divided into cloves. Place the herbs and garlic in a blender and turn them into a homogeneous mass. Bring the pan with cherry plum puree to a boil over low heat. Add ground garlic and herbs, as well as sugar, salt and pepper. Cook for about 30 minutes. After this, the boiling sauce is poured into hot jars, otherwise they will burst due to temperature changes, sealed hermetically and cooled under a blanket.

Red cherry plum tkemali sauce recipe

To prepare tkemali from cherry plum, the recipe includes: t use of the following components:

The red cherry plum is sorted and washed, the seeds are removed, put in a pan, salted and left until the juice begins to stand out. Place the pan on low heat and cook until the plums are soft. Slightly cooled mass put in a blender and grind to a puree. After this, it is again transferred to the container and brought to a boil over low heat.

Garlic cloves are peeled and passed through a press. Chopped greens are combined with plums, and suneli hops, pepper, and sugar are also added. Stir and cook for 15 minutes. The hot sauce is poured into jars, sealed hermetically, the jars are turned over, wrapped in a blanket and cooled.

Thus, Georgian cherry plum sauce is a wonderful product for various meat dishes. It is prepared in various ways and is quite simple to do, you just need to follow the necessary recommendations. Only in this case can you get an excellent sauce with excellent taste.
