How to cook fresh mussels in shells. How to cook mussels - culinary tips

Many people know that seafood is healthy. After all, they are rich in almost all microelements that help maintain normal human health.

These seafood include mussels. These bivalves can be bought at any supermarket or specialty store that sells sea fish and other seafood.

If they are sold in a package, then most often there is information on how to cook them. But what to do if you bought mussels without such an inscription?

How to prepare mussels for cooking

  • If the mussels are chosen correctly, they should be tightly closed. Although there may be a small crack between the doors, which will close immediately, you just need to tap the sink with your fingernail.
  • The shell doors should be smooth, shiny, without flaws or chips.
  • The mussel should smell like the sea, and not emit an unpleasant odor.

If all the mussels meet the standard, then start washing them.

Armed with a stiff brush, the mussels are washed under running water, removing adhering algae and sand from them.
Then the antennae are removed.

To get rid of sand inside the shell, mussels are immersed in a bowl of salt water and left for an hour. Then rinse well again.

They are cooked both in shells and without them.

How to cook mussels (different methods)

Since mussels consist mainly of protein, they cannot be cooked for long. This makes them hard and rubbery.
Boiled mussels are very tender, have a slightly sweet taste and a pleasant “sea” smell. Therefore, when cooking this shellfish, a minimum amount of spices and spices is used so that they do not drown out the natural smell of mussels.

Mussels are added to soup, stew, and all kinds of salads. They even make pilaf from them. But most often they are served as a separate dish as an appetizer.

How to cook fresh mussels

  • Pour a little water into the pan (a glass of liquid per 300 g of mussels) and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil and salt.
  • Dip prepared mussels into boiling water.
  • After they boil, cook for 7-10 minutes.
  • Once the mussels open, they are ready.
  • Using a slotted spoon, remove the mussels and place on a plate. Those shellfish that have not opened can be safely thrown away: they are not suitable for food.
  • If boiled mussels are served as an independent dish, they are not removed from the shells. The shells with boiled shellfish are placed on a plate and sprinkled with lemon juice. Sauce, herbs, beer or white wine are served separately.
  • To add to a salad or other dish, they are freed from the shell, washed in warm water and used depending on the recipe.

How to cook mussels in wine

  • The mussels are cleaned of sand and algae, the antennae are removed and washed in running water several times.
  • Pour white wine into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • They put mussels in there.
  • Cook for 7-10 minutes until the doors open.
  • Take them out with a slotted spoon and place them on a plate. Unopened shells are removed. Mussels are served with creamy or cheese sauce, poured directly into the shell.

How to cook mussels in beer

  • Pour dark beer into the pan and bring to a boil.
  • Prepared mussels are dipped into it.
  • Cook for 5-7 minutes.
  • As soon as the shells open, remove the clams with a slotted spoon and place them on a plate. Sprinkle with black pepper and garnish with lemon slices.

How to cook frozen mussels

Frozen mussels are cooked in the same way as fresh ones.

Method 1

  • Pour water into the pan, add salt and bring to a boil.
  • Frozen mussels are washed in running water and immediately immersed in boiling water.
  • Cook for 7 minutes until the doors open.
  • Using a slotted spoon, remove them to a plate. If shellfish are needed without shell, then they are separated from it and further prepared according to the recipe.

Method 2

  • The mussels are first defrosted. To do this, they are placed in cold water and left for one hour.
  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add salt, spices and herbs to taste.
  • Dip the mussels in their shells into boiling water and cook for 7 minutes.
  • As soon as the valves open, the mussels are ready. They are taken out using a slotted spoon and placed on a dish. Closed mussels are discarded, and the rest are freed from the shell and washed in running water.
  • After the water has drained, they are ready for further use.

How to cook peeled frozen mussels in wine

  • Mussels are thawed at room temperature.
  • Pour wine into the pan and bring to a boil.
  • Drop the mussels and cook for five minutes.
  • Remove them using a slotted spoon and cool.

How to cook peeled frozen mussels in milk

  • Milk is poured into a saucepan and heated.
  • Thawed mussels at room temperature are dipped into boiling milk.
  • Cook for five minutes while stirring, adding a little salt.
  • Remove the opened mussels with a slotted spoon and cool.

How to cook frozen mussels in the microwave

  • Thaw the mussels by placing them in cold water for 1-2 hours.
  • Rinse under running water.
  • Place in a special form, add spices and seasonings. Pour in a little white wine or lemon juice.
  • Place in the oven, cover with a lid, and cook at maximum power for 10 minutes.

How to cook boiled frozen mussels

These mussels are almost ready and can be eaten immediately after defrosting.

But to give the product a fresher look, the mussels are dipped in boiling water, to which spices and seasonings are added to taste, and cooked for 2 minutes.

Then they are thrown into a colander and, after the water has drained, used for food.

  • Thawed mussels should be used immediately for food, as they cannot be re-frozen.
  • Mussels go well with any side dish, so the housewife can safely experiment with them, coming up with new dishes.
  • Mussels spoil quickly, so the finished dish cannot be left for the second day.

How to cook peeled frozen mussels: recipe with photo


  • peeled frozen mussels – 300 grams;
  • water - 250 grams;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.
  • 1. The main ingredient in the cooking process will be mussels.

    Do you want to pleasantly surprise your loved ones or make an unusual gastronomic surprise for your girlfriend? When vacationing at sea in Crimea in the summer, this is very easy to do. To do this, you just need the ability to swim, a mask with a snorkel, a saucepan, a camp gas burner and very few auxiliary products. And you will get the most important ingredient - mussels - from the sea yourself.
    Effectively emerge from the sea with your catch, 15 minutes of preparation and then all that remains is to enjoy the luxurious taste of shellfish and enjoy the grateful glances of your loved ones...
    So, if you think that mussels can only be cooked frozen, and that fresh ones are only available in restaurants, you are very mistaken. It’s very easy to cook mussels right on the seashore)

    2. I’ll start my next Bachelor’s dinner traditionally, with the ingredients. And then about everything else.
    So, we will prepare the simplest dish - fresh mussels in garlic sauce.
    For this we need:
    - fresh mussels (caught with your own hands or bought at the fish market, the main thing is that they are alive)
    - garlic
    - parsley
    - olive oil.
    And it's all. You won't need anything else!

    3. But, naturally, since we are going to cook right on the seashore, we shouldn’t start with food.
    After all, the main task on this day is a pleasant rest). The most effective way is not to talk about the planned treat at all, but to do everything as if spontaneously.

    On this day we came to one of the most beautiful Sevastopol beaches - Yashmovy, not far from Cape Fiolent.
    It is here, on numerous rocks, that huge colonies of mussels grow and cooking mussels right on the shore is even a kind of tradition for Sevastopol residents (although the dish is different with a different method of preparation).
    The beach here is pebbly, so the self-inflating Outventure mat, given to me for my birthday by the Sportmaster company, came in handy, lying on which you don’t feel the stones under you at all.

    4. The rug attracted the attention of others so much that I can’t help but say a few words about it. Everything works simply - you unfold it, open the valve and go for a swim. The mat needs about 5 minutes to absorb air on its own. All that remains is to blow in the air a little if you want it to be denser and close the valve.
    It deflates the same way as any air mattress - you open the valve and twist it, squeezing out the air.

    5. Well, then put on a mask, a snorkel and forward to the rocks where natural colonies of mussels have settled. There are many of them at Cape Fiolent, in fact, at any rock remote from the beach, including at the foot of St. George's Rock. In half an hour, you can collect fifty to a hundred mussels, depending on how large your company is (at the rate of about two dozen for each). Mussels grow underwater, as a rule, among algae and are quite firmly attached to stones, so it is better to pick them not with bare hands, but with gloves (ordinary construction gloves will do)

    6. Here it is, the future treat

    7. Now the mussels need to be cleaned of fouling and algae residues, because we will cook them together with the shells

    8. Cleaning mussels is easy - use a knife to scrape off plaque and all fouling from the shells

    9. Pay special attention to the junction of the shells, where the mollusk has a leg. As a rule, there will be a bunch of algae sticking out here, to which the mussel was attached under water. It also needs to be removed by picking it up with a knife.

    10. After the mussels are cleaned, prepare a camp stove.
    Of course, traditionally Sevastopol residents cook mussels over a fire on any metal sheet.
    But we are on the beach, there are a lot of people relaxing nearby and they will not be at all happy with the smoke of the fire.
    And finding firewood for it on the seashore is often extremely problematic. Therefore, the ideal option would be a gas burner with a cylinder. Firstly, it is smokeless, secondly, it is compact, thirdly, it is fast and convenient.

    11. I’ll tell you about my new burner in more detail. Previously, I had a simpler burner that was screwed on top directly onto the cylinder.
    Now for my outings and quick preparation of lunch or dinner, I use an advanced Fire-Maple burner with a flexible hose and folding legs.
    What are the differences and advantages? Firstly, this model has a flexible hose, thanks to which the burner is now located separately from the cylinder, and is not installed directly on it. This design is much more practical in camping conditions, because you no longer have to fear the slightest breath of wind, which can ruin a camp dinner by turning over the “stove”, which has a very high center of gravity. Secondly, you can now use large volumes of utensils for cooking due to the increased stability of the structure, that is, you can easily cook dinner for a group of friends in one go, and not in 2-3 as before (by the way, this also leads to total savings gas). And thirdly, the flexible hose allows you to turn the cylinder over and use all the gas from it to the end, which in some cases can be important. Still, you can use the remaining gas to boil tea once again, for example, on a mountain hike.
    And, of course, thanks to the folding legs it is much easier to find a suitable surface for the “stove” than before.
    If you want, install it directly on stones, sand or soil...

    12. ... you want, on any flat surface.
    In general, we quickly assemble the camp stove, throw the mussels, cleared of plaque and algae, into the pan, cover it with a lid and, without adding anything else, put it on low heat.
    When the mussels open, they will release so much juice into the pan that after a few minutes they will be boiling in their own boiling juice. Let them simmer for 5 minutes...

    13. While the mussels are releasing their juice and simmering under the lid, you need to quickly peel a few cloves of garlic and chop it finely. Then finely chop the parsley. Moreover, you don’t have to skimp on the greens.

    14. Before throwing in the greens, check to see if all the mussels have opened, and if there are any unopened clams, carefully remove them from the pan - these mussels were dead.

    15. After this, add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan, stir and close the lid for another minute

    16. After a minute, add chopped garlic and parsley into the pan

    17. ... mix, cover with a lid and keep on fire for another 5-7 minutes.
    After this, turn off the gas supply to the burner and let the mussels brew for 5-10 minutes, setting the camp table.

    18. Place the mussels on a plate, serve with crispy bruschetta and white wine.

    19. Even during cooking, the aroma from the pan was such that the vacationers, swallowing their saliva, wondered what was so delicious we were preparing. Well, the finished dish is absolutely crazy with both aroma and taste.
    And yes, you don’t have to worry, garlic is neither tasted nor smelled afterwards)

    20. So, if you want to make a pleasant surprise for a girl, invite her to the beach, pick some mussels and give her gastronomic pleasure.........

    Bon appetit!

    My previous bachelor and non-bachelor dinners:

    Not everyone knows how to cook frozen mussels. Moreover, after trying such a product, few remain its eternal fans. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the mentioned shellfish is not always prepared correctly. After all, in order to amaze your guests with a delicious exotic dish, it needs to be subjected to special heat treatment.

    So, let's figure out together how to cook frozen mussels so that their taste becomes delicious and unforgettable.

    Choosing the right product

    Before you cook peeled frozen mussels, you need to find out how to choose them correctly:

    • There should be no frost on the frozen product, as well as cracks in the glaze of the ice. If such defects do exist, then, most likely, the shellfish have already been thawed, and during the next thawing they will almost completely lose their beneficial properties.
    • Frozen peeled mussels should be light in color.
    • It is recommended to purchase only the largest shellfish. After all, they are considered the most delicious and juicy. As a rule, on packages with this product two numbers are always indicated, which indicate the number of pieces per kilogram (55/1 or 40/1). Thus, the lower the first number, the larger the mussels will be.
    • Mussels are a natural filter of the aquatic environment. According to experts, they filter about 700 liters of liquid per day. And if shellfish are grown in an ecologically polluted region, they can accumulate a lot of harmful substances. It is better not to eat such a product, as there is a high risk of poisoning.
    • It should be noted that from 1 kg of unpeeled mussels, about 100 g of peeled mussels come out.

    Defrosting the product and cleaning it properly

    Before cooking frozen mussels, they must be thawed. To do this, the glazed clams must be removed from the bag, and then placed in a deep bowl and placed in the refrigerator. After the ice has completely melted, the product must be placed in a colander and then rinsed thoroughly under strong pressure of cool water. This procedure will help you get rid of sand, which often remains in shellfish after they are cleaned.

    It should be noted that very often housewives purchase such a product in shells. And here the question arises not only about cooking this ingredient, but also about how to clean frozen mussels. This is quite easy to do. It is necessary to defrost the product by placing it in cold water, and then wash it thoroughly with a brush. Next, the shells need to be boiled (for 15-17 minutes), cooled and the shellfish removed from the opened shells.

    In order to save time and money, we recommend that you purchase already peeled mussels. After all, you often find spoiled shellfish in shells that are unsuitable for consumption.

    Frozen peeled mussels: recipes for preparing various dishes

    Mussels can be cooked in completely different ways: in a slow cooker, steamed, in the microwave, and on the stove. Thawed shellfish are fried, boiled, baked and even pickled. This seafood is used to prepare not only soups and salads, but also appetizers and hot dishes. It should be thermally treated for only about 3-5 minutes.

    Before cooking peeled frozen mussels, you should remember that such shellfish can have a rather strong aroma and taste of fish or mud. In order to get rid of them, experts recommend sprinkling the thawed and clean product with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    Fried mussels with onions and garlic

    How to cook frozen mussels in a frying pan? For this savory dish we will need:

    • large onions - 2 pcs.;
    • fresh butter - 70 g;
    • salt and black pepper - to taste;
    • frozen large mussels - 800 g;
    • fresh garlic - a couple of cloves.

    Cooking process

    This dish turns out very tasty and nutritious. It can be consumed just like that, or served at the table along with some side dish.

    So, before you deliciously cook frozen mussels, they should be thoroughly thawed, washed, and then completely dried by shaking vigorously in a colander or keeping them on paper towels. Next, you need to place the shellfish in a saucepan, add butter there and heat everything up as much as possible. After this, place finely chopped onions in the same bowl and mix everything thoroughly. As a result of this processing, you should get tasty and very juicy mussel meat. After they are well fried, add allspice, grated garlic and salt. After mixing the ingredients well, they need to be removed from the heat, covered with a lid and kept in this position for about three minutes.

    Cooking shellfish in Belgian style

    Only experienced cooks know how to boil frozen mussels in wine. But so that you can surprise your guests with such an exotic dish, we will reveal this secret right now.

    So, to prepare mussels in Belgian style we will need:

    Process of preparing shellfish

    How to cook frozen mussels in white semi-sweet wine? To do this, you need to pour the alcoholic drink into the pan, and then put it on low heat and let it boil for about one minute. Next, add some Provençal herbs to the wine and add 400 grams of thawed mussels. It is recommended to simmer the shellfish over low heat for 5-6 minutes, stirring regularly with a large spoon.

    Making creamy sauce

    To make a delicious and aromatic sauce for mussels, you should take a small saucepan, pour low-fat cream into it, and then add a large spoonful of Dijon mustard and finely chopped leeks. Sometimes some cooks add a small amount of capers along with the herbs. Finally, add blue cheese, pre-cut into small cubes, to the cream. Next, the sauce must be seasoned with white pepper and brought to the state of thick sour cream.

    How to serve it at the dinner table?

    After the mussels are boiled in wine, they should be drained in a colander, shaken thoroughly, and then placed on a plate and poured with creamy sauce. In addition to this dish, you can serve some vegetables.

    Baked clams in the oven

    Surprisingly, this product turns out very tasty not only when boiled or fried, but also when baked. For this we need:

    Preparing the shellfish

    How should you bake frozen mussel meat? We will tell you how to prepare such a dish right now. To do this, you need to take a saucepan, pour water into it, add salt and bring to a boil. Next, you need to pour the thawed mussels into the dishes and boil them for about 3 minutes. After this, the products must be discarded in a colander and the liquid should be allowed to drain as much as possible.

    Preparing a flavorful sauce for a dish

    What needs to be done to ensure that you get very tasty frozen mussel meat? We will tell you how to prepare a creamy sauce for such a baked dish right now. To do this, you need to mash two processed cheeses with a fork, add chicken yolk, wheat flour, potato starch and squeezed garlic cloves. All ingredients should be mixed well. Next, you need to add about 300 ml of heavy cream to the resulting mass. After salting and peppering all the ingredients, mix them thoroughly again.

    Forming and baking dishes in the oven

    After the mussels are boiled and the sauce is completely ready, you can safely start baking the dish. To do this, you need to take a deep mold, line its surface with cooking foil or grease it with butter. Next, you need to place all the boiled shellfish in the bowl, and then pour in the creamy sauce and sprinkle with grated hard cheese.

    Finally, the formed dish should be placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and baked until a golden brown and appetizing crust appears. Before serving, shellfish need to be sprinkled with grated cheese again.

    Tasty and quick marinating of mussels in oil

    How to marinate frozen mussels so you can enjoy them for several weeks? To do this, you need to prepare the following:

    • drinking water - 1 l;
    • sweet onion - 1 pc.;
    • hot red pepper - 1 pc.;
    • medium-sized table salt - ½ tablespoon;
    • liquid smoke - dessert spoon;
    • peeled and thawed mussels - 500 g;
    • garlic - 1 head;
    • any spices (dry dill, potted pepper, etc.) - add to taste;
    • vegetable oil - 200 ml.

    Preparing Ingredients

    In order to marinate such a product, you should boil it in advance. To do this, you need to pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, boil it, and then throw in the peeled onion, red hot pepper and add salt. It is recommended to cook the broth for about a quarter of an hour. Next, add a dessert spoon of liquid smoke and 500 g of peeled and thawed mussels. It is advisable to cook the ingredients in this composition for about three minutes.

    In a separate bowl, mix the chopped head of garlic and spices to taste (for example, dry dill, black peppercorns, etc.).

    Forming the workpiece

    After the mussels are ready, you should prepare the jars and lids, and then put the garlic with spices and boiled shellfish in them. All ingredients should be poured with vegetable oil, tightly closed and stored in a cool room. After about 12 hours, the marinated mussels will be completely ready to eat. It is recommended to store them in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 weeks. This aromatic preparation should be served at the holiday table as an appetizer, or you can use it to prepare other dishes.

    Cooking mussels in a slow cooker

    You already know how to cook mussel dishes (frozen, peeled) on the stove and in the oven. That is why now we want to tell you how you can make delicious goulash from shellfish in a kitchen device such as a slow cooker. For this we need:

    Cooking process

    Frozen mussels, the preparation of which involves the use of a multicooker, turn out especially tasty if aromatic spices and garlic are added to them. But first things first.

    Cleaned and melted shellfish should be placed in the bowl of the device, pour in olive oil and fry in baking mode for 10 minutes. Next, you need to add fresh tomatoes chopped in a blender and low-fat cream to the product. Having seasoned the dish with aromatic spices, salt and herbs, it should be cooked on the same program for about 10 minutes. After the excess liquid has evaporated and the shellfish have acquired a pleasant creamy tomato taste, add grated garlic to them and immediately distribute among plates. It should be noted that this dish is served only with a side dish.

    Delicious and satisfying pasta with shellfish

    Spaghetti and pasta lovers will definitely appreciate this simple recipe. Moreover, such a dish has every chance of becoming one of the most beloved. To prepare it we will need:

    • peeled and thawed mussels - 200 g;
    • peeled shrimp - 200 g;
    • peeled squid - 200 g;
    • butter - 90 g;
    • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
    • pasta or spaghetti - 500 g;
    • pepper and salt - add to taste;
    • low-fat cream - 150 ml;
    • wheat flour - 2 large spoons;
    • fresh parsley sprigs - to decorate the finished dish.

    Cooking process

    To prepare a tasty and satisfying pasta with mussels, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

    Proper serving of food at the dinner table

    Place the finished seafood pasta on a large plate and then generously pour the creamy sauce over it. It is advisable to serve this dish hot for lunch, garnishing it with several sprigs of fresh parsley. Bon appetit!

    We were lucky then - we collected sea mollusks ourselves more than once. Oh, what wonderful evening gatherings these were - mussels, wine (yes, I confess, I deviated a little from the point, but that’s what it’s all about, vacation), great company, what else do you need for happiness?

    Choosing fresh shellfish

    Let me remind you that we will cook the mussels in the sink, unpeeled.

    Yes, of course, you can also make a lot of delicacies from already peeled ones - soups, salads, etc., but live, or at least frozen, shellfish are especially tasty in their shell.

    There was no doubt about the freshness of our mussels - here they are, only collected from the sea with our own hands.

    But even in this case, you need to look carefully - The shell of a good live mussel is always tightly closed, you can’t open it with your hands.

    You can also arrange an additional test in water by filling the raw delicacy completely - the living ones will sink to the bottom, and the empty shells will remain on top.

    If you buy, then also pay attention to this sign, even if you buy frozen mussels. It wouldn’t hurt to smell the product you’re purchasing - the smell of seafood is clean and subtle.

    The slightest suspicion of a low-quality shellfish is a reason to throw away the shell, since poisoning from stale mussels is very dangerous!

    How to cook delicious mussels in shells

    Before boiling mussels in their shells, frying or baking, it is important to properly prepare the shellfish:

    • we clean off everything unnecessary from the doors - limescale, algae, etc.;
    • rinse well under running water;
    • if there is a “beard” peeking out of the shell, tear it off (if it is inside, then remove it after cooking);
    • We carefully inspect it again to make sure there are no cracks or chips.

    It is convenient to clean the shells with a steel dishwasher.

    If you see that the catch is very large, put the excess in the freezer - you can store mussels like this for 2 months.

    Bake over a fire or grill

    I’ll start with my favorite option, that is, the way to cook fresh mussels in shells over an open fire.

    These taste amazing - with a light smoky aroma and juicy pulp. Preparing them, as it turns out, is not difficult.

    What you will need:

    • mussels - in any quantity

    Process step by step:

    1. Before cooking mussels over a fire, you need to not only clean the shells well, but also make the fire itself. You need to fry mussels on the grill over high heat, and not over coals, like or.
    2. Place mussels in portions on a grill grate or just any suitable metal sheet - literally after 2-3 minutes they begin to open, releasing excess liquid.
    3. After opening, wait another 2-3 minutes, making sure they don’t burn. You can turn the shell over. During this time, the doors should open. Those that remain closed should be thrown away - they are not suitable for food.!
    4. Serve the fried mussels over the fire in their shells, cooled, with lemons cut in half - everyone will open it, drip lemon juice onto the tender meat and enjoy the delicious delicacy.

    You can fry mussels at home in a frying pan over high heat, but then there will be no smoky smell.

    How to cook correctly

    The most common cooking method is boiling.

    Moreover, there is no difference in how to boil fresh mussels in shells and how to boil frozen ones.

    In the latter case, you just need to either defrost the shellfish first, or take into account that it will take more time to cook.

    Calorie content 100 g - 61 kcal, bju - 11 g protein, 2 g fat, 0 g carbohydrates.

    By the way, mussels in shells are almost the only product that can be safely defrosted in water; this will not affect the taste, smell or quality.

    What do you need:

    • fresh mussels - 2 kg
    • lemon - half
    • dill - bunch
    • salt - 1-2 tsp.
    • spices - to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan (at least 5 liters), add salt, lemon, spices and dill and boil.
    2. Place the prepared shellfish, washed and peeled, into boiling water and wait for it to boil again.
    3. Now about the most important thing - how long to cook fresh mussels in shells. Remember: after 5 minutes turn it off m and drain the water, the seafood is ready. We throw away the unopened ones.
    4. Serve with lemon or whatever you like. You can prepare a sauce, for example, tzatziki, the recipe for which is.

    If we cook seafood for further cooking - baking in the oven, in a frying pan or for some other recipe with heat treatment, then after boiling again, wait 3 minutes. Otherwise, the meat will not be so tender afterwards.

    Recipe for cooking in the oven with cheese

    This option is for those who want to make a real exquisite masterpiece at home that will be appreciated even by gourmets.

    We take already boiled mussels (see previous recipe)

    Calorie content 100 g - 190 kcal, bju - 10 g protein, 13 g fat, 6 g carbohydrates.

    What you will need:

    • shellfish boiled in shells - 2 kg
    • bran - 4-5 tbsp.
    • dry spices - to taste
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • 1 tbsp. soy sauce
    • butter - 50 g
    • soft tender cheese - suluguni, mozzarella - 200 g
    • Parmesan or other hard cheese - 100 g

    How to bake:

    1. We open the boiled mussels, throw away the empty shell, and place the one in which the shellfish remains immediately on a baking sheet.
    2. In a deep bowl, combine softened butter, grated soft cheese, pressed garlic, spices, soy sauce and breadcrumbs. You should get a fairly thick mass.
    3. Place a spoonful of minced cheese into each clam shell.
    4. Sprinkle the top of the sash and its contents with grated Parmesan.
    5. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 7-10 minutes.

    Cook in a frying pan in spicy tomato or mild creamy sauce

    Another way to cook mussels deliciously is to fry them in a frying pan with tomato sauce and chili pepper.

    Hot sauce can be replaced with a more delicate creamy one. The recipe is simple, and the result is no worse than in restaurants

    Calorie content 100 g - 110-120 kcal, bju - 11-13 g protein, 7-9 g fat, 10-6 g carbohydrates.


    • clams in shells - 1 kg
    • olive oil - 100 ml
    for the chili sauce:
    • tomatoes - 4-5 pcs.
    • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
    • chili - to taste.
    • salt, spices - optional
    for cream sauce:
    • cream - 300 ml
    • garlic - 2 cloves
    • bunch of dill
    • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.

    How to cook:

    1. We clean the freshly collected sea mussels well, wash them and dry them. Frozen store-bought ones are simply defrosted and washed.
    2. Preparation of chili sauce: cut all vegetables into medium pieces and puree in a blender, salt, add any spices. Dried or fresh basil and parsley will fit perfectly.
    3. The creamy version is prepared in the same way: beat all the ingredients in a blender for half a minute, except soy sauce, otherwise the cream may curdle.
    4. Pour oil into a deep frying pan, heat it and immediately pour in the raw delicacy - the mussels will open right in the hot oil.
    5. After 5 minutes, throw away the shellfish with unopened shells and pour the sauce into the pan. Cook for another 5-6 minutes over high heat.
    • If you are still just learning the theory of how to cook fresh mussels in shells, I advise you to start with simple recipes to “get a feel” for the product. You can simply boil it or fry it over a fire. So appreciate the specifics of preparation and the pure taste and aroma.
    • Please note that not all recipes contain salt! The meat of the sea mollusk itself can be eaten without any salt at all.
    • Once again about storage. The best place is the freezer, but you can store fresh mussels in the refrigerator, although not longer than 2 days. Already cooked ones should be eaten immediately - boiled, fried or baked mussels should not be stored.
    • All these recipes are suitable for preparing not only ordinary Black Sea mussels, but also more exotic green mussels. Green mussels in half shells under cheese look especially impressive.

    At sea, in the company of friends, etiquette rules are of no use. We ate mussels with our hands and a fork - whatever was convenient for us. But in a restaurant you will have to use cutlery. However, there is another option for how to eat mussels correctly. According to the author of the video, this is how it is customary to eat the dietary delicacy in France:

    Mussels are not only a delicious delicacy, but also a very healthy product, which consists of high-quality natural protein, equal in amino acid content to a chicken egg. Shellfish also contain more than 30 trace elements and minerals, therefore, in order to preserve the nutritional value of this product, you should learn how to prepare it correctly.

    However, first, let's take a look at what dishes can be prepared from this valuable product. Thanks to their very delicate sweet and salty taste, as well as low calorie content, mussels have gained wide popularity in the kitchens of many countries around the world.

    The surprisingly tender and tasty meat of these mollusks is great for preparing a wide variety of dishes. Pilaf, salads, stews, and soups are prepared from mussels. Mussels are fried in batter, smoked, cooked over a fire, boiled, salted and pickled. They go great with potatoes, pasta, rice, fish, meat, fruits, vegetables and herbs.

    We have selected especially for you the simplest tips on how to cook mussels at home:

    Fresh shellfish smell only of the sea. If there is an unpleasant odor or any other foreign odors, this means that the product is spoiled. When choosing mollusks in shells, you should pay attention to whether their valves are tightly closed. If you buy frozen peeled mussels, look at their color - it should be light yellow. Also pay attention to whether there are cracks on the surface of the shellfish, which indicate that these mussels have either already been thawed or were stored incorrectly, so they have not only lost their beneficial properties, but may also be harmful to health. It is also important to know that large mussels are much tastier and juicier than their small counterparts.

    It is important to know that fresh shellfish should be cooked on the day they are purchased; in extreme cases, mussels can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of several days. Before you start cooking shelled mussels, they should be thoroughly washed to remove sand and other contaminants. If you purchased shellfish in shells, you need to wash them very thoroughly, and also remove open shells and shells with cracks - they are not edible, in principle, just like those that do not open during the cooking process. Then everything depends on your imagination and taste preferences. The main thing is not to overcook the shellfish (cleaned mussels are cooked for about five minutes, and clams in the shells - until the shells open), and also do not get carried away with strong sauces and seasonings, otherwise you will overwhelm the delicate taste of the sea. The ideal sauce for ready-made mussels is a mixture of lemon juice, white wine, herbs and garlic.

    Frozen clams are just as easy to prepare as fresh ones. To begin, the mussels should be thawed and then rinsed thoroughly. Determining the readiness of shellfish is also quite easy: peeled frozen mussels are cooked for about seven minutes, and shellfish in shells - until the shells open. The only difference is that the mussels in the shells must be brought to a boil, and then drained and boiled in new water until the shells open (about 10 minutes).

    It is advisable to serve mussels hot, since cooled shellfish lose a significant part of their taste.

    You should not cook shellfish for future use, as due to the high risk of poisoning, it is not recommended to reheat this dish and store it for a long time.

    There is an important nuance in the preparation of this seafood product: despite the fact that juicy mussel meat goes well with almost any food, it is better to serve it solo. To emphasize the taste and at the same time maintain the sophistication of this dish, you can complement it with lemon, herbs and good white wine.

    Bon appetit!
