A mathematical fairy tale about numbers for children. A fairy tale about numbers A mathematical fairy tale about a princess for preschoolers

Learning any number for children is a whole science that requires a special approach. Kids are very receptive to how a teacher or teacher presents information. The more creative an adult uses in upbringing and teaching, the better the result.
The same can be said about numbers. No matter what grade the child goes to, mathematics lessons should be diluted with unusual narratives, stories, and fairy tales. Numbers may well become the heroes of these fairy tales for children.

Fairy tales

You can download a fairy tale about numbers for children in a single file.

2 and 3

4 and 5



0 and 10

“Once upon a time...” - this is how almost any fairy tale begins. In the same way, you can start a fairy tale for your child about numbers. This is how a lesson in some aesthetic center for children can begin, if the children begin to work with numbers, for example: “Once upon a time there were numbers in the land of Mathematics...”. In general, you can come up with anything. Write a fairy tale yourself, and the children will become your helpers.
If it’s difficult for you to come up with fairy tales about all the numbers, you can use the materials on our website. To do this, just download the fairy tale and read it to your child.
In fact, it is very easy to come up with a fairy tale. We already have the beginning: “Once upon a time...”. The next stage of creativity for children who go to grades 1-4 is determining which numbers will be the main characters. To be more convincing, you can present numbers with pictures, where each of them will correspond to a certain number of objects.
Then we get to work developing the plot. In any fairy tale there is always a villain and good heroes. A mathematical sign, for example, a minus, or numbers such as 13, with which many superstitions are associated, can act as a pest. Let the numbers visit each other, prepare for trips and flights, etc.
After your own short story, invite the children to finish what they started and continue the tale.
As homework, you can also invite the children to compose their own fairy tale about numbers. It can be drawn up on a separate sheet of pictures, made into a presentation, or even shown as a puppet theater or shadow theater. It's very easy to do. The characters will be numbers that can be easily cut out of cardboard and paper with the help of adults and decorated with flowers or sparkles. Children's drawings will serve as decorations. Let the children learn simple roles and show the performance to their parents at the holiday. At school, a homemade theater with numbers would be quite appropriate at a math evening, KVN, no matter what class the children attend.
If you work in a children's aesthetic center, then a fairy tale about numbers will be an excellent introduction to the world of numbers and mathematical operations. You can start the lesson with a fairy tale, and then invite the children to draw or color fairy-tale characters. Children will also be happy to make numbers from plasticine or dough, or from sticks or improvised means (for example, matches).

Such tasks about fairy tales with numbers develop not only imagination and imaginative thinking, but also fine motor skills, perseverance, and attentiveness.

Video on the topic


So, a fairy tale about numbers for children is an excellent way to interest children in learning mathematics and involve them in creative work. You can compose fairy tales yourself or download them from our website. Whatever fairy tale you offer the children, it will be a great start to any lesson. If you put on a small performance with the kids and show it to the public, the kids will be simply happy.
Don't be afraid to incorporate creativity into your math lessons. They only stimulate children to work their minds and imagination. Many years later they will love mathematics precisely because it first appeared before them in the form of a fairy tale.

One day, an unpleasant thing happened to the numbers. What happened? We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Important numbers"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

In the mathematical kingdom, in the arithmetic state, there lived the numbers from 0 to 9. Numbers are like numbers.

Some of them were thin, like 1 and 7. Some were plump and round. These included 0, 9. Some of the numbers had a tail, like 2 and 5, and some had a circle, like 6 and 8.

In general, they were different, unlike each other. Despite this, the numbers were very friendly to each other. They could play four hands on the piano and show the theatrical play “Seven Little Goats.” And if someone studied well, then the numbers pushed the “A” to the forefront. And the two and three stood modestly aside.

But then one day, at a holiday, the letters told the numbers that they were more important. Without letters and words, no one would understand anything. But the numbers took offense and ran away in all directions. And such chaos began!

The letter A, for example, is in first place in the alphabet, the letter D is in fifth place, and the letter Z is in 33rd place. And now, when there are no numbers, it is unclear where to stand. Such confusion!

In the mathematical kingdom, in the arithmetic state, no one could really calculate anything, and panic began.

Then the letters apologized to the numbers, and asked them to continue to perform their digital duties. And everything fell into place.

Questions for a fairy tale about numbers

In what kingdom did the numbers live?

Which numbers were skinny?

Which numbers have tails?

What theater play were the numbers performing?

Why were the numbers offended?

Why did panic begin in the mathematical kingdom, in the arithmetic state?

Who apologized to the numbers?

Elena Ovsova
Fairy tales for children. Mathematical fairy tale “Numbers and Numbers”

Fairy tale.

Subject: « Numbers and numbers»

Target: education number and number three.

Tasks: 1. explain the concepts « number» And « number»

2. teach to determine the place numbers three in natural numbers

3. teach to receive number three by addition and subtraction

4. teach writing number three

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and he had a daughter - the beautiful princess Anastasia. There were no other princesses in any kingdom-state who could compare with Anastasia. She was very beautiful and intelligent, and rumors of her beauty spread throughout all kingdoms and kingdoms. But one day an evil witch, angry that everyone admired the princess, decided to bewitch her. One night, when the princess was sleeping, she approached her and cast a spell. And since then, Anastasia has not woken up. Days, weeks, months passed, and the princess still did not wake up and no one could break her spell. And then one day an old woman came to the palace and told the king: “I know how to break the curse of the evil witch, this can only be done by those who can find magic in the kingdom of Numbers number. Only it can lift the spell and bring the princess back to life.” The king was delighted and promised the one who finds the magical number to give him his daughter and half his kingdom in addition. And princes from different kingdoms began to look for magic number, but no one could find him. And only one prince from a distant kingdom-state did not lose hope of finding it number and save the beautiful Anastasia, and so he went to the kingdom of Numbers.

He walked day, he walked night, through forests and fields, through mountains and rivers, but he did not see the magical numbers. The prince was sad that he could not find number, sat down by the river and began to think where he should look for this magical number when suddenly a wise owl sat on his shoulder and speaks: “Don’t be sad, prince, I will help you! I know where to look for magic number! Walk along this road and you will come out to the magical river of Addition and it will tell you what it is number! The prince thanked the wise owl and went to the Addition River. He came, stood on the shore and speaks: “Rechenka, help me find the magical number, which can disenchant the princess, I can’t cope without you!”

I will help you - the river answers - I know what it is number so that you recognize it and I will give it to you hint: you'll get it number, if you add one to two!”

But if I make a mistake and guess yours incorrectly hint I can't save the princess! ~ h

Yes, you can't go wrong! Remember mine hint and go to the Subtraction field, it will give you another hint and you can guess what it is number!

Thank you, Rechenka, for your help, I will try to guess yours correctly clue and save the princess" (you can ask children help the prince guess which one the number in question.)

The prince said goodbye to the addition river and went to the subtraction field. He walked all day until he came to a large green field.

Hello field!

Hello prince, why did you come to me?

I'm looking for something magical number, which will help remove the curse from the beautiful Anastasia. River Addition said that you can help me! She gave me one hint, but I'm afraid to make a mistake and that's why I came to you! Help me!

Okay, I'll help you and give you another one hint. Listen attentively: you'll recognize it number, if you subtract one from four. Be attentive! Make no mistake!

(you can invite the children to guess the second hint)

I will try! Thank you field for your help! I think I already found it number! -Do not rush! After all, you only have one chance to help the princess! To be sure that you have found exactly what number, which you need, go to Mount Abacus, she will tell you what kind of magic it is number!

Thanks field!

And the prince went to Mount Score! I went to the foot of the mountain and speaks:

“Hello magic mountain! Please help me find out if I have found the magic number or not

Hello prince, I will help you and give you a third hint! Now I'll start counting, and you listen attentively! That number, which I will skip when counting, will be the one you are looking for! One, two, four, five, six, seven.

Yes, I found it! This number three! After all, if you add one to two, you get three, if you subtract one from four, you also get three! And when counting, you, mountain, missed exactly number three!

You're right, it's number three! Go quickly to the princess and save her!

Thank you mountain for your help!

And the prince returned to the kingdom-state and said to the king: “I found a magical number, now your daughter will wake up, this number three

Now all that remains is to write the magic figure three on the sand under the princess's windows, and she will wake up!

But, unfortunately, I can't write number three! Now I can't save the princess!

Don’t be sad, I know who can help you, who can teach you to write number three, this is a wizard Digital! Go to him!

And the prince went to the wizard, came and speaks:

Good wizard, please help me, I have come a long way to find the magical number and found it, and here’s how to spell magic number I don't know and now I can't save the princess! Only you know how to write numbers, only you can help me!

I know that you had a difficult road and you are the only one who was able to find the magic number three, so I will help you! Listen carefully and remember! I'll tell you how to spell it number three:

This is an arc month,

Below is another month.

Now look:

It turned out number 3.

Remember this poem and you can write this one figure!

Thank you wizard Digital! Now I can disenchant the princess! After thanking the wizard, the prince went back to the king! He approached the palace and began to write under the princess’s windows. number three, pronouncing:

This is an arc month,

Below is another month.

Now look:

It turned out number 3.

As soon as he wrote number three, the curse broke and the princess woke up! The king was very happy and fulfilled his promise! And since then, the prince and princess have been living happily in a certain kingdom-state!


1. Did you like it fairy tale?

2. What is it about? About how magical it tells the number and figure?

3. Who helped the prince find the magic number?

4. Which one hint did the river give the prince Build? Which the prince added up the numbers, To obtain number three?

5. Which one hint gave the prince a Subtraction field? What did the prince subtract from what to get number three?

6. How did Mount Score help the prince? How did the prince guess what it was? number three? Between which in numbers it stands when counting?

7. Who taught the prince to write number three? Who remembers what poem the wizard told the prince so that he learns to write number three?

8. Find number three among other numbers.

9. Write number three.

Project "mathematical tales"

Project, memos, collection of students' mathematical fairy tales

GKOU SO "Ekaterinburg boarding school "Everest"

Project “Mathematical Tales”, grades 5 – 9

Teacher: Kocheva E.V.


    Project: type, goals, hypotheses, tasks, product, age of students, actions, conclusion

    Memos “How to compose a mathematical fairy tale”

    A collection of mathematical fairy tales from students of the Ekaterinburg boarding school “Everest”:

    The world of geometric shapes.

    Important fraction.

    The Tale of Zero.

    Who's your favorite?

    How numbers 1 and 2 quarreled.

    Friendship of numbers.

    The Tale of Zero.

    Friendship of figures.

    An important zero.

    The land of round numbers.

Project "Mathematical Fairy Tale"


The main task of teaching mathematics at school is to ensure students’ strong and conscious mastery of the system of mathematical knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life and work, sufficient for studying related disciplines and continuing education.” , says the explanatory note of the mathematics program.

The school is faced with the task of increasing the overall level of development of students, preparing students for further education and self-education. The renewal and restructuring of school education is also based on the problem of developing the student’s creative personality, which presupposes full provision of opportunities for its self-discovery and self-improvement. With this approach, the child is viewed as a unique, self-developing individual.
To develop creative abilities in mathematics, Academician Kolmogorov believed, it is necessary to go beyond mathematics itself and develop a child’s general cultural interests, in particular, an interest in art. The mathematical development of a person is impossible without increasing the level of his general culture. It is necessary to strive for comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual. One-sided development of abilities does not contribute to success in mathematical activities. Various forms of written expression of thoughts, in particular, composing mathematical fairy tales, can be of great benefit for the development of a student’s creative personality. It is important to evaluate not only the content, but also the form of presentation of the material.

To stimulate interest in mathematics and to develop creative thinking, it is necessary for children to create mathematical fairy tales, which are one of the forms of developing mathematical creativity. It is necessary to study mathematics, but the thought must come “from within”. The success of studying a school mathematics course depends on the means and methods by which teaching is conducted. Concepts are not absorbed with sufficient depth if learning is not built on the basis of stimulating the creative activity of students.

The proposed work on creating mathematical fairy tales should go in parallel with certain forms of special education, meaningfully complementing it. Writing math stories is not a substitute for learning. Creating mathematical fairy tales requires not only the ability to fantasize on mathematical topics, but also the ability to speak competently, as well as confident command of mathematical concepts. Writing mathematical fairy tales is an activity that captivates children of all ages, but in the middle grades not only the possibilities increase, but also the difficulties: how best to build a storyline so as not to violate the integrity of the fairy tale and not come into conflict with mathematical concepts. An independently invented fairy tale using mathematical concepts in the storyline allows you to remember these concepts more firmly and more fully. Being carried away, children do not notice that they are learning, learning and remembering new things involuntarily, that this new thing comes naturally to them. Therefore, the main emphasis when writing mathematical fairy tales is on a deep understanding of educational information, conscious and active assimilation, and the formation in schoolchildren of the ability to independently and creatively apply the received educational information.

By offering to compose a mathematical fairy tale, the task is to develop mathematical creativity and the ability to express one’s thoughts logically and consistently. The work of creating mathematical fairy tales is exciting, but it requires work of the head and soul. This work requires efforts not only on the part of the student, but also of the teacher, who must keep up with the needs, capabilities and desires of the child.

Usually, work on developing the ability to write mathematical fairy tales begins with reading a finished mathematical fairy tale. Then those who wish to come up with their own mathematical fairy tale are invited to explain that the value of the work will lie in the fact that, for example, the properties of numbers or geometric figures are included in the storyline of the fairy tale. The homework assignment to write a mathematical fairy tale is non-traditional for a mathematics lesson and therefore arouses keen interest among children. Every student wants to check: can he realize his creative idea, how will the teacher evaluate the fairy tale, how will his classmates react to his work? Many people undertake to write a mathematical fairy tale, but not everyone and not everyone succeeds. Students need to be reminded of the structure of a fairy tale, even though they have already studied this in literature lessons. To do this, students are offered a memo: “How to compose a mathematical fairy tale.”
Mathematical fairy tales are a means for the development of further mathematical creativity. They are also a means for a more solid assimilation of basic mathematical concepts. Creating mathematical fairy tales is a creative process, both for the student and for the teacher.

The goal of our education is to raise a creative person who will be able to develop and implement all his abilities.

Creating fairy tales is one of the most interesting types of creativity for children, and at the same time it is an important means of mental development. If it were not for the compilation of fairy tales, then perhaps the speech of many children would be confused and confused, and their thinking would be disordered. There is a direct connection between creative thinking and a student's vocabulary. The more a child is excited about a word, the more it is remembered, which is why many fairy tales are remembered by children, as if by themselves. From such memorization, the memory is not overloaded, but becomes even sharper.

Fairy tale, poetry...

It would seem that,fairy tale and mathematics- incompatible concepts. A bright fairy-tale image and a dry abstract thought! But fairytale problems increase interest in mathematics. This is very important for students with disabilities.

Fairy tales are needed. In lessons and extracurricular activities where there is a fairy tale, there is always a good mood, and this is the key to productive work. A fairy tale banishes boredom. Thanks to the fairy tale, humor, fantasy, invention, and creativity are present at various events. And most importantly, students learn mathematics.


Project type : interdisciplinary, creative.

Project goals :

    involve each participant in an active cognitive process of a creative nature, in various types of creative activities;

    develop the ability to design your activities;

    develop a sustainable interest in books - a source of knowledge, the ability to work independently with additional literature, broaden one’s horizons, and increase erudition;

    develop fantasy, imagination, the ability to synthesize collected material and select the necessary one;

    cultivate the ability for mutual understanding, interest in the creative efforts of comrades, as well as personal responsibility for the implementation of collective work;

    develop presentation skills, i.e. the ability to present your work to others;

    involve family members in school life (formation of social activity).


    A fabulous creative gaming approach interferes with the learning of mathematical formulas, rules and laws; it is not acceptable in mathematics lessons.

    A fabulous creative play approach promotes the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws, and develops the necessary skills in students.

Tasks: get acquainted with the rules and a special plan for composing a mathematical fairy tale.

Product: collection of essays on the topic.

Age of project participants: students of grades 5 - 9.


    Get acquainted with written mathematical fairy tales. Determine the theme of your fairy tale.

    Formulate the main idea of ​​the future fairy tale, determine for what purpose you will write it and what it should teach listeners.

    Construct a story according to the diagram (see the memo), select drawings from the Internet, or complete the drawings yourself.

    Get advice from a teacher.

    Involve your family members (if desired) in the upcoming work.

    Complete the essay and print it on your computer.

    Submit to the exhibition. Summarize the activities. Discuss what went well and what didn't work. What works did you like?


Karl Weierstrass argued that “you cannot be a mathematician without also being a poet at heart.”

Our research has shown that “a person cannot understand the world around him only with the logic of the brain, he must feel it with the logic of the heart, that is, with emotion,” as S.V. assured. Samples. It is not enough to simply put knowledge into the student’s soul, it must be strengthened in it, so that the knowledge remains for life.

Fairy tales in mathematics allow you to do this. When the students wrote their stories, they applied their knowledge gained in mathematics lessons. When a teacher also tells a rule in a rhymed version, it is easier to remember. The work involves not only logical, but also creative thinking.

So, based on everything stated in our work, we come to the conclusion that the second hypothesis has been confirmed, that a fabulous creative gaming approach contributes to the assimilation of mathematical formulas, rules and laws, and develops the necessary skills in students.

    Memo: “How to compose a mathematical fairy tale.”

A fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and special plan.

    The first thing to do is determine topic, that is, what our fairy tale will be about.

    Second, be sure to formulate main idea future story, that is, for what, with what purpose you write it, why is it must teach listeners.

    And third, directly construct a story based on the following scheme:

    Exposition (who, where, when, what did)

    The beginning of the action (how it all began)

    Development of action

    Climax (the most important moments)

    Decay of action

    Denouement (how it all ended)


Where to begin? A fairy tale can begin with “Once upon a time...” or “Once upon a time...”. You can start by describing the main character or by describing the place where the events take place.

The work of writing a mathematical fairy tale begins with the choice of its characters and plot. The characters in it will be mathematical concepts (point, line, numbers, numbers, signs, various geometric figures...).

A fairy-tale character should come up with a special fairy-tale name. And don’t forget to tell at least a little about his character. And about his appearance. It is very important to worry about your main character and sympathize with him.

In addition to the main character, there will be other characters. It is also useful to take care of them. How do they look? What are their internal features? There may be people who have nothing to sympathize with, but they still need to be described.

The most important thing is that the fairy tale has a main idea related to the rules of mathematics. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

    Collection of mathematical tales.

Teacher: Kocheva E.V.

    The world of geometric shapes.

    Important fraction.

    The Tale of Zero.

    Who's your favorite?

    How numbers 1 and 2 quarreled.

    Plus and minus in the digital city.

    Friendship of numbers.

    The Tale of Zero.

    Friendship of figures.

    An important zero.

    Game "Three Figures" in Mathematical Land.

    An extraordinary incident in a mathematical land.

    The land of round numbers.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale."The World of Geometric Shapes"

Compiled by: Starkov V.

8 "B" class

Mathematical fairy tale.

"The World of Geometric Shapes"

Once upon a time there were geometric figures. In the world of geometric shapes, the triangle was king. One day, all the inhabitants of the world of geometric shapes gathered and decided to measure their strength.

The best of the best representatives of this world took part in the competition: triangle, square and circle. The triangle was the first to show its strength. No matter what weights he lifted, he still remained in his form: in the shape of a triangle.

The square volunteered as the second participant in the competition. He tried very hard to show himself strong and resilient, but could not remain square under the influence of various weights. Now it turned into a rectangle, now into a parallelogram, now into a rhombus. Square had to admit that he lost and triangle was stronger than him.

The circle was the third to participate in the competition. He also tried his best, but when lifting different weights, he always turned into an oval. After numerous attempts, the circle admitted defeat.

Everyone unanimously decided that in a fair competition the winner is the triangle: the strongest, most resilient, durable of all geometric shapes. It is no coincidence that a triangle is considered a rigid figure. It’s not for nothing that he was chosen as the king in the world of geometric shapes!

    1. Mathematical fairy tale."Important Fraction"

Compiled by: Akutina Alena

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale.

"Important Fraction"

Once upon a time there lived Fraction and she had servants: a numerator and a denominator. The fraction helped them as best she could, and they lived in peace and harmony.

One day, Fraction decided that it was time to show everyone that she was special and important in the world of mathematics.

I'm the most important! What would you do without me? - she told them.

She especially loved to scold the denominator. And the more she scolded him, the smaller he became.

First, the Fraction became as big as a table, then as a house, and finally as big as a globe.

When the denominator became completely invisible, Fraction began to work on the numerator, deciding that everything was under her control.

And he, too, turned into a speck of dust. Once upon a time, the Fraction was huge and important, but now it has become very small and unnoticeable. She was very upset by this and thought about what she had done, deciding not to scold anyone anymore, as it backfired on such an important person.

The numerator and denominator told Fraction that its value depends directly on them and there is no need to quarrel.

You can rise and become invisible thanks to us! - they told Droby.

In the world of mathematics there are concepts that are closely related to each other! You must be very careful about your actions.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale.

"The Tale of Zero."

The boy Vasya was in third grade. One day he had an amazing dream: he found himself in the land of numbers.

The numbers in this country played and had fun like ordinary children. The boy began to play with them. Vasya had a lot of fun. He noticed that number zero was sitting on the sidelines and was bored. The boy approached him and asked why he didn’t play with other numbers.

And zero said that the other numbers did not want to be friends with him. They say he means nothing. Vasya felt sorry for him. The boy had only A's at school, and he knew that zero in mathematics is very important. Vasya decided to make everyone friends with the number zero.

He approached the number nine and asked to take a zero into the game, but she only laughed in response. And so it was with all other numbers. Everyone refused to be friends with zero and considered Vasya’s request strange.

When the boy was completely desperate, he thought about the unit. It is also a very small number and means almost nothing. The unit thought and agreed.

When all the other numbers saw one and zero together, they were very surprised. It turned out that such small numbers together made up the number ten, which is greater than any single digit taken separately.

And now everyone wanted to be friends with zero. The numbers promised Vasya that they would never offend zero again.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale

"Who's your favorite?"

Compiled by: Neuymin Artem

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale

"Who's your favorite?"

Once upon a time there was a Queen - mathematics. There were many houses in her kingdom. Houses with numbers, signs, figures, fractions, formulas.

One day Mathematics brought numbers a beautiful blanket. When they went to bed, each number began to pull the blanket more towards itself, for some reason thinking that this was a gift for her.

It came to a big quarrel. Numbers 2 and 5 had a fight among themselves.

All the students love me, but not you! – said 5.

But I’m beautiful and look like a swan,” answered 2.

Numbers 1,4,7 called numbers 3,6,8,9 fat, and poor 0 sat in the corner and cried.

When the Queen of Mathematics came in the morning, all the numbers ran up to her with the question of who she loves more

everyone. The Queen smiled and kissed everyone. Explained that

loves everyone equally.

Each of you is beautiful and useful in your own way. Together you are a force. You need to treat others the way you would like others to treat you! - said the great Queen Mathematics.

The numbers calmed down and hugged. They realized that they should go through life together. This was a useful lesson for the inhabitants of the entire mathematical kingdom.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale

“How numbers 1 and 2 quarreled”

Once upon a time there were numbers in a fairy tale0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 .

Once a figure1 quarreled with the number2 .

The unit called other numbers for help,

who began to persuade1 And2 make peace.

They said that in mathematics numbers are amicable

and are necessary for writing different numbers and examples.

Signs "+», «-», «×», «:» decided to help the numbers1 And2 .

All together we put together examples:

1 + 2 = 3, 2 – 1 = 1, 2 × 1 = 2, 2: 1 = 2.

Numbers 1 and 2 realized that there is no need to quarrel,

because in mathematics everyone is needed and important

without exception figures and numbers.

    1. Mathematical fairy tale.

"Plus and minus in the digital city."

One fine day, “Plus” was walking around the digital city. Suddenly he met another sign and looked at it strangely.

What does the stranger call you? - asked “Plus”.

My name is "Minus". What should I call you?

My name is "Plus".

The signs decided to get to know each other better and measure their strength. They called for help from the numbers 2 and 5. The signs came up with a competition to create examples so that the result would be a larger number.

“Plus” made up his example: 2 + 5 = 7, and “Minus” came up with: 5 – 2 = 3. “Minus” was dissatisfied with the result and suggested finding other numbers for examples.

Signs have been circulating in the digital city for a long time, but nothing has changed in the sign competition. “Plus” always did more, and “Minus” always did less. Because “Plus” increases, and “Minus” decreases.

    Mathematical fairy tale"The Tale of Zero"

Composed by: Mamin Kirill

Class: 6 "A"

Mathematical fairy tale

"The Tale of Zero"

Somehow, in a small country of numbers, single-digit numbers gathered and began to argue which of them was more important:

Even though I’m alone, I always come first,” says the proud number 1.

And although not the first, it is a pleasant mark for the student, says the favorite number 5.

And you, zero, what do you mean? Don't you mean anything? – asks the harmful number 8.

Nothing, nothing! - the numbers shouted.

I may not mean anything, but if I stand next to any number, I will increase it 10 times. What kind of a nobody am I? - zero was offended by the number 8.

Since then, zero began to be respected and began to be invited to visit them in order to increase their number, goods, and wealth by 10 times.

And they began to live and make good things.

    Mathematical fairy tale"Friendship of Figures"

Once upon a time, in a geometric land, there was a circle, a square and a triangle. They were friends and never quarreled. Very often they got together and created different figures and objects.

Here's what they got: they made a ball out of a circle, the sides of the cube made up their squares. The house was made of squares and a circle, and the roof of the house was made of a triangle. A snowman was drawn from circles.

The friends liked this joint creativity, and they decided to get together more often to create other drawings. As a result, they came up with a wide variety of drawings consisting of geometric shapes: a train, a rocket, a helicopter.

The more friends used geometric shapes, the more different designs they created. Because these figures were true friends.

    Mathematical fairy tale

"A game " Three figures "in the mathematical country"

Once upon a time in a mathematical land there were geometric figures - a triangle, a square, a circle and numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. They loved to play together. Geometric figures especially liked the game "Three figures ».

One day, all the inhabitants of the mathematical country gathered at the game. Geometric shapes played against numbers.

A triangle, a square and a circle could always make a drawing of three shapes. The resulting designs were different: a house, a snowman, a pyramid or a car, a man, a rocket or an airplane, a submarine, a tower.

No matter how hard the numbers tried, they could not create a new figure or a new drawing. At the end of the game, the points were counted and it turned out that the pieces won with a score of “3:0”.

The numbers were a little disappointing. Residents of the mathematical country decided that this game was interesting, and it was only suitable for geometric shapes.

    Mathematical fairy tale.

"An extraordinary incident in a mathematical land."

We lived in one wonderful country, but didn’t worry about numbers. They had a queen" Mathematics" . She rules honestly and fairly.

And then one fine day this country was attacked by robbers" X" And"U."

The entire camp of numbers gathered for battle. A1, 2 And3 They thought that the country of numbers would lose and hid. The signs have come«<» And«>» . They began to argue about who is stronger, the country of numbers or the robbers. Sign«>» says that the robbers are stronger, and the sign«<» believes that the country of numbers is stronger. They can't decide who is stronger.

And so the battle began. Numbers5, 6, 7, 8 And9 We tried really hard to win. Signs«+» will increase«─» will reduce«:» will be divided, and«×» multiply But they just can’t do anything. After all"X" And "U" – unknown. How to defeat them?

Soon the inhabitants of the mathematical country solved the equation and found out what numbers were hidden under the mask"X" And"U". The numbers won.

Queen" Mathematics" wanted to drive out the robbers, but a sign came«=» and made peace with everyone. The queen forgave all the robbers and everyone began to live happily and amicably.

    Mathematical fairy tale

"Land of Round Numbers"

Compiled by: Tatyana Shurova

6 "A" class

Mathematical fairy tale

"Land of Round Numbers"

Once upon a time, in a mathematical state, there lived a king and a queen. The king's name was "100" and the queen's name was "200".

They had two children. The daughter was named “300”, and the son was named “400”. They lived amicably and happily.

The royal family also had fairy tale animals. The horse was nicknamed “500”, the pony – “600”, the pig – “700”, the goat – “800”, the ram – “900”. They lived together amicably, happily and did not quarrel with each other. Because it was the state of the “Round Hundreds”.

And the neighboring states had the title “Round Thousands”, “Round Tens of Thousands”, etc.

All these countries were on the land of “Round Numbers” and lived in peace and harmony. Because every year the number of countries increased, and the “Land of Round Numbers” flourished.

Fairy tale for children 5-7 years old: Visiting the Queen of Mathematics.

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: This fairy tale promotes cognitive interest in preschool children in the process of acquiring new knowledge. Arouses desires for children to study at school.
Purpose of work: The fairy tale is intended for children, preschool teachers and parents.
Target: the formation of ideas in preschool children about the value of obtaining mathematical knowledge, and the ability to apply this knowledge in everyday life.
1. Create pedagogical conditions for the development of curiosity in preschool children, as the basis of cognitive activity.
2. Develop children's interest in mathematics in preschool age.
3. Form a positive attitude and desire to study at school.

Mathematics Queen.

Mathematics Science -
Educational stuff!
The mother of all other sciences
She must be respected!

Skills, abilities
Requires patience!
Do your best
And you will learn!

Mathematics Queen!
Makes everyone learn.
If you want to be smarter!?
You need to make friends with her!

Fairy tale: Visiting the Queen of Mathematics.

This story happened in one city. With a very ordinary boy, whose name was Seryozha. Like all boys who turned 6 years old, Seryozha loved to play with toy cars more than anything in the world. In the summer the boy played football with friends, and in the winter he played hockey.
Serezha’s parents often said that he would soon go to school in the 1st grade. But the boy did not want to go to school. He enjoyed going to kindergarten.
One day on a day off, his younger sister Ira came up to Seryozha and handed him a box of sweets.
“Seryozha, help me, I should divide the candies equally,” the girl asked.
Ira was 2 years younger than her brother and did not yet know how to count.
Seryozha, narrowing his eye, began to count out loud.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - this is for me - Seryozha said proudly.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - this is for you - the boy continued.

But in the box there were still delicious and aromatic candies wrapped in beautiful candy wrappers. Seryozha continued to put candy in his pile.
And when there were no sweets left in the box, the boy said cheerfully: Well, that's all! Ready!
Ira looked at her brother and asked: Are you sure you divided the candies equally?
- Certainly! Still asking! – Seryozha answered, slightly embarrassed.
- I can count. Take your sweets and go eat,” the boy said authoritatively.
- Thank you! – Ira exclaimed joyfully.
Seryozha looked at the large pile of sweet candies and smiled. I deftly outwitted Irishka, thought Seryozha.
Then my grandmother came into the room. She looked sternly at her grandson.
- Seryozha, you took more sweets for yourself, and Ira asked you to divide the sweets equally.
- Maybe you don’t know how to count? – the grandmother asked sadly.
- I can! I can! – Seryozha assured his grandmother, “What’s so hard about that?” One, two, three and you're done.
“Well, then one of two things remains,” the grandmother continued to say. Or did you deliberately deceive your sister, or did you accidentally make a mistake in counting? It would not hurt you, granddaughter, to go to the Land of Knowledge.
- Oh, where is such a country located? – Seryozha was surprised.
Grandmother smiled and answered: When I was a little girl, I also didn’t know how to count, and I didn’t want to solve examples and problems. But one day I opened one secret door and found myself in the Land of Knowledge.
- Grandma, I also want to go to the Land of Knowledge! - Seryozha shouted.
- It’s too early for you! “You don’t want to go to school,” the grandmother answered and left the room.
Seryozha was left alone. He no longer wanted to play with cars. The boy began to think, where is this very door that leads to the land of Knowledge?
Seryozha tiptoed out of the room and headed to the room where his grandmother lived. The boy quietly opened the door and found himself inside the room. He looked around, everything was in its place: closet, bed, bedside table, table, bookshelves.
Seryozha's attention was attracted by a large painting that hung in the middle of the room. The painting depicted an unusually beautiful, antique, carved door. In the reflection of the sun, the door sparkled and shimmered with a golden color.
An interesting door, Seryozha thought and came closer. Up close, the door turned out to be even more massive and mysterious. The boy looked at the picture with admiration. The door handle caught his attention. It was gracefully curved and resembled the neck of a swan. The boy grabbed the handle and the door creaked. Slowly but surely the door began to open slightly. Seryozha, barely able to control his curiosity, looked behind the door. On the other side of the door stood small numbers and looked at the uninvited guest with interest. In fairyland, numbers could walk and talk. They had small legs, arms, eyes and mouths.

- Hello Seryozha! – the numbers greeted in unison and blinked their little eyes. After that, the number 1 came to the middle, she extended her hand to the boy and said cheerfully:
- We invite you to our country of Knowledge! If you pass the tests, you will be able to see our Queen of Mathematics.
- Wow! “Talking numbers,” Seryozha rejoiced, “I’m ready to pass the test.”
Number 1 invited the boy to get on the boat. And they sailed along the River of Knowledge.
How long did the boat float along the river, but then the first bank appeared. On a large carved pillar hung a tablet on which was written in large letters: Pre-number activities.
Number 1 stood up and said: Look, there is a tree growing on the shore - an apple tree. Apples are ripe on it. Look and answer, how many red apples are ripe on the tree? And how many yellow apples are there on the tree?
Seryozha looked at the apple tree. The boy began to count: 1, 2, 3. Only 3 red apples were ripe on the tree. 1, 2 – and 2 yellow apples.
Number 1 continued to ask questions: Compare red apples and yellow apples. Which apples are there more?
Seryozha thought a little and answered: There are more red apples than yellow ones. For 1 apple. And there are also 1 apple less yellow apples than red ones.
Number 1 happily said: You completed the first task. But it's time for us to hit the road. And the boat, swaying slightly, sailed further along the river of knowledge.
For how long or short, time passed unnoticeably in the Land of Knowledge, and then suddenly a second shore appeared. On a pole hung a wooden plaque on which was written: Counting activities.
Number 1 stood up and said: Look Seryozha, there are cars on the shore. A lot of them. You need to count and name the number of cars.
Seryozha began to count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8. There are 8 cars in total on the shore.
Number one said joyfully: Well done Seryozha! This is the correct answer. You completed the second task. So, let's move on!
The boat, swaying on the waves, floated along the river. Whether long or short, a third shore appeared on the horizon. Seryozha saw a sign on which it was written: Computing activities.
There were animals on the bank: squirrels and hares.
Number one asked the boy with an important look: Seryozha, count how many hares there are on the shore? Seryozha slowly began to count: 1, 2, 3,4, 5 - only 5 birds with one stone on the shore. Now count how many squirrels are on the shore? Seryozha quickly completed the task 1, 2, 3, 4 - only 4 squirrels.
But this time figure one was in no hurry to praise the boy. She looked carefully at Seryozha and asked: Tell me, which animals are bigger than squirrels or hares? Seryozha smiled and answered: There are more hares, there are 5 of them, and 4 squirrels.
Number one continued to ask questions: How much smaller are the squirrels?
Seryozha said affirmatively: For 1 squirrel. If there was one more squirrel, then there would be an equal number of animals on the shore.
Number one was pleased with the boy's answers. But still I decided to ask one more question: Seryozha, tell me, how many animals are there on the shore?
“So,” Seryozha said with an important look, “we need to take and count all the animals on the shore. 5 hares + 4 squirrels makes a total of 9 animals.”
Number one was sincerely pleased with the boy’s correct answers. She walked up to him and extended her little hand: This is the correct answer, Seryozha! You passed all our tests. I invite you to go to the castle of our Queen of Mathematics.
Seryozha and number one moored the boat and went down to the sandy shore. A castle appeared before my eyes, with various numbers and signs walking around it. There were a great many of them. The numbers walked around, some alone, some in pairs, some in threes. Here the number 2 passed next to the boy, and then the number 6 rode in a gilded carriage. Seryozha looked at them in surprise for some time.
Then his attention was drawn to the castle of the Queen of Mathematics. It was built from large geometric shapes.

There was a guard at the gate. Number one took Seryozha by the hand and said loudly: This is Seryozha! Our new friend! He came to meet our Queen. The guard opened the gate and the boy walked inside. There were paintings hanging on the walls of the ancient castle, and there were white clay sculptures depicting numbers all around. Seryozha knew the name of each number.
Suddenly the boy heard a voice behind him: Hello Seryozha! We are glad to meet you in our country of Knowledge. The boy turned around and saw a beautiful stranger. It was the Queen of Mathematics. Her head was adorned with a crown of precious stones.
- Seryozha, you passed all the tests. And now I know for sure that you can count. Tell me, why did you deceive your little sister? “You upset me very much,” the Queen of Mathematics said in a quiet voice.
Seryozha blushed with shame. Indeed, he already knew how to count, he just managed to outwit his sister Ira, who trusted her brother and believed that he would divide the candies equally.
“It’s my fault,” Seryozha said sadly. The Queen of Mathematics shook her head reproachfully.
Number one is my first Minister of Mathematical Affairs,” the Queen of Mathematics continued her story. She has an honorable role. She monitors the fulfillment of the golden mathematical rule: Each number, starting from the second, is one more than the previous one. Why don't you want to go to school? There you have to do homework, but I like to play,” the boy said with sadness in his voice.
The Queen of Mathematics came closer to the boy and said: The thing is, Seryozha, when a child turns 7 years old, he goes to school and ends up in the land of Knowledge. Today you visited only one state: the country of Mathematics. But in our fabulous country there are many different amazing states and countries. For example: the country of Geography, the country of History, the country of Reading, the country of Natural History and many different others. If you don't go to school, you will never visit these countries. You can forever remain a little boy who knows nothing and doesn’t want to learn anything.
Seryozha began to think, he became terribly interested in learning the secrets of all the states of this amazing land of Knowledge.
- Dear Queen of Mathematics, tell me how I can get back home? – Seryozha asked. I have an important matter: I need to count how many sweets there were in the box. And then divide them equally.
Queen Mathematics smiled, raised her hands and blew on her palms. At that same moment, brilliant multi-colored stars scattered through the air in different directions.
Seryozha couldn’t believe his eyes when he found himself back at home. He carefully closed the door to grandma's room. I called my sister Ira and asked her to bring all the sweets and a box. When all the candies were in their places, the boy began to count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - this is Irina for you.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - this is for me. I have 10 sweets and you have 10 sweets. That means equally. Ira looked at her brother with pride. Her handful of candies increased in size, and the girl was incredibly happy.

At that very moment, the children's parents entered the room.
Mommy, daddy! – Seryozha shouted, “I want to go to school, I want to learn a lot of new and interesting things, I want to gain knowledge.”
Well, fine! – Dad answered, “So, tomorrow we will go to register for first grade.”
Can I also go to 1st grade? – Ira asked.
No, it’s too early for you, you don’t know how to divide candy equally,” Seryozha said, winked and laughed.
This is where the fairy tale ends! - Well done Seryozha!
