Polycystic ovary syndrome during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment. The likelihood of pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome. Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

Often, polycystic ovary syndrome prevents pregnancy, and its long course can cause infertility. To restore reproductive function, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the body to identify the cause of the disease. After eliminating it, a woman has every chance of conceiving a healthy child.

Reasons for lack of pregnancy with polycystic disease

The ovaries are responsible for the development of follicles from which the egg is released for further fertilization. Normally, this happens every month and is called ovulation. When the menstrual cycle fails, the process of follicle maturation is disrupted, which provokes the appearance of cysts. Each formation is a long-developing follicle that has not burst for the subsequent release of the egg. When multiple cysts are detected, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is diagnosed.

The main causes of polycystic ovary syndrome that prevent pregnancy:

  • irregularity of the menstrual cycle - its duration in the presence of irregularities can reach several months, while ovulation can occur every cycle, in this case, in its rare occurrence, it is considered the main problem with conception;
  • lack of ovulation - the egg is not released, therefore, fertilization does not occur;
  • hormonal imbalance - provokes disruption of the menstrual cycle and the ovulation process or prevents the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus.

The most common cause of PCOS is hormonal imbalance, which manifests itself in changes in the functioning of endocrine organs.

Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic disease?

Pregnancy with polycystic disease can occur in the presence of ovulation, but its chance is significantly reduced compared to the chance of conception in a healthy woman. Fertilization can occur in the following cases:

  • the presence of rare or regular ovulation;
  • normal level of progesterone, necessary for fixation of the fertilized egg on the walls of the uterus.

In the absence of these factors, it is almost impossible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome. The reason for this may be not only the pathology itself, but also other conditions of the body that complicate fertilization:

  • low patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • violation of egg maturation, its inferiority;
  • lack of menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal imbalance.

There is an opportunity to increase the likelihood of pregnancy against the background of polycystic ovaries, which consists in taking hormonal drugs, artificial stimulation of ovulation and other treatment methods.

Signs of PCOS during pregnancy

Often, polycystic ovaries are detected in pregnant women only during a routine diagnostic examination. This is due to the rare presence of any symptoms. The manifestation of the latter is likely with a large number of cysts or their large size.

Symptoms of the disease during pregnancy:

  • excess body weight – signals a hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • male pattern hair and acne on the face are a sign of increased levels of male sex hormones;
  • poor condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • skin pigmentation.

Pain with PCOS in pregnant women is stronger due to increased pressure on the organs of the growing uterus.

Is it possible for polycystic disease to disappear with pregnancy?

In most cases, polycystic disease is a consequence of hormonal imbalance. Pregnancy does not help get rid of the formations, but it can stop their growth. This is due to the suspension of the ovulation process due to the lack of need for new fertilization. Therefore, cysts on organs stop growing and their number does not increase. Consequently, during pregnancy, the progression of the disease stops.

With further disruption of hormone levels after conception and lack of maintenance therapy, cystic formations can increase in size.

After childbirth, the ovaries resume their work to continue producing eggs. During this period, the woman’s hormonal balance has not yet been restored, so PCOS often returns and begins to progress.

Read also Vitamin therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome

Diagnosis of polycystic disease

To make a diagnosis, you must undergo the following types of examinations:

  • gynecological examination;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determining the level of glucose and the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • study of hormonal levels;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs.

Diagnosis during pregnancy is carried out in the same way as in women who are not carrying a baby.

How to cure polycystic ovary syndrome to get pregnant

The most popular treatment for polycystic disease is drug therapy. It is supplemented by folk recipes, dieting and controlling your own weight. If there is no effectiveness, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Oral contraceptives

With the help of oral contraceptives, a woman’s menstrual cycle and hormonal levels are normalized. During the period of taking them, the ovaries do not work, which helps them recover. Oral contraceptives are prescribed strictly based on the results of hormone tests; choosing them independently can provoke even greater disturbances in the body.

Birth control pills for PCOS:

  • Yarina;
  • Jess;
  • Belara;
  • Tri-Regol;
  • Diana-35;
  • Regulon.

Treatment with oral contraceptives is prescribed for a period of 3-6 months. In the future, they can be taken without interruption for a long time to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Immediately after discontinuation of oral contraceptives, the likelihood of conception increases significantly due to the increased work of the ovaries.

Hormone therapy

Preparations containing a synthetic analogue of progesterone are used to support the course of the menstrual cycle. They are prescribed in the second phase of the cycle, immediately after the onset of ovulation - from days 16 to 25. They help move the egg through the fallopian tube for fertilization and secure the fertilized egg on the walls of the uterus. Taking them reduces the number and size of cystic formations.

Hormonal drugs for polycystic disease:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan.

The course of treatment is about 3-4 months. Often these drugs are used in combination with medications to stimulate ovulation.

Stimulation of the ovulation process

This stimulation for PCOS is to normalize the menstrual cycle,
regulation of the level of female hormones and the process of follicle maturation due to the action of drugs. Their reception is prescribed from the 5-9th day of the cycle and lasts about 5 days. Treatment is carried out under strict ultrasound control, the results of which determine the dosage of medications and the duration of their use. To make therapy more effective, the doctor prescribes regular blood tests to check hormone levels.

Read also Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in women with metformin

Drugs to stimulate ovulation used for polycystic ovary syndrome:

  • Clostilbegit;
  • Dydrogesterone;
  • Clomiphene;
  • Puregon.

The course of treatment is up to 4 months. If there is no effectiveness, the medications are discontinued.

Taking Metformin

Prescribed for polycystic disease due to diabetes mellitus. Normalizes hormonal levels, synthesis and absorption of glucose by cells, reduces appetite, thereby eliminating excess body weight. Its use helps restore the menstrual cycle and ovulation.

The diet for polycystic ovary syndrome should be as balanced as possible, taking into account the following rules:

  • eating foods with a low glycemic index, i.e. slow carbohydrates - cottage cheese, fish, meat, mushrooms, peppers, cherries, broccoli, kiwi, zucchini, oranges, eggs, cereals;
  • preparing meals taking into account equal amounts of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • eating small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • a large amount of fish and meat in the diet;
  • refusal of fatty and heavy foods - sausage, lard, full-fat milk, sour cream and cottage cheese, smoked, fried;
  • consumption of foods containing fiber - fruits, vegetables, berries, bran.

Following a diet will help restore glucose levels in the body, hormonal balance, lose weight and improve overall well-being. Additionally, you should perform moderate physical exercise - the best choice would be cardio training in the form of running, walking and cycling, yoga, Pilates and fitness.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common sexual disorder that prevents conception and pregnancy. According to statistics, every fifth woman is familiar with the problem of polycystic ovary syndrome to one degree or another. Modern medicine cannot give an exact answer to the question for what reasons and at what moment this disease occurs. Some experts list hereditary factors, early abortions, infectious diseases such as sore throat, as well as stress during adolescence and exposure to colds as possible causes. The essence of polycystic disease is the appearance of cystic formations on the ovary, which contain undeveloped eggs. A question that often worries women with this problem: how to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

As a rule, if a woman has polycystic disease, pregnancy is problematic for her. And that's why? Polycystic disease is a hormone-dependent disease. The very formation of cysts on the ovary occurs due to a failure in the body’s production of hormones: too intense production of insulin begins and, as a result, androgens, male sex hormones, which suppress the production of female ones. And with a lack of female hormones, the production of healthy eggs and, therefore, pregnancy is impossible. The insidiousness of polycystic disease lies in its “invisibility”. Often, a woman does not even suspect the existence of this problem until she decides to have a child and encounters difficulties in realizing this desire. However, polycystic disease has its own symptoms, so if you experience any of them, be sure to contact your gynecologist.

Manifestations of polycystic disease:

  1. Increased body weight with a stable caloric intake. This is an indirect sign that occurs in approximately half of sick women.
  2. Rashes on the skin of the face and other parts of the body, similar to acne in teenagers.
  3. Male pattern body hair growth. This is primarily hair on the face, chest and stomach.
  4. Increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Skin and hair become oilier than usual.
  5. When performing an ultrasound, a disproportionate enlargement of the ovaries is recorded.
  6. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
  7. Intermenstrual bleeding.

Polycystic disease is an insidious disease, which is fraught not only with infertility, but also with such serious consequences as cancer or rupture of a cyst or ovary. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo treatment. Trying to get pregnant if you have untreated polycystic disease is extremely undesirable, because even if this happens (which is rare), bearing a child can become a serious test for the health of the mother and child.

Complications of pregnancy with polycystic disease

From the fetus:

  1. Miscarriage or threatened miscarriage
  2. Premature birth
  3. Stopping the development of the embryo or fetus

From the woman's side:

  1. Significant increase in blood pressure
  2. Weight gain
  3. Diabetes

Therefore, it is better to plan a pregnancy after undergoing appropriate treatment, which will be prescribed to you by a gynecologist. This is usually hormone therapy in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures. The new generation of drugs does not cause weight gain, as was the case previously, and gives good results. An improvement in the quality of ovulation processes is observed on average in seventy percent of women. The effectiveness of treatment in half of the patients is high enough for the woman to become pregnant.

In advanced cases or if the cystic formations are too numerous, treatment may not be effective. How to get pregnant with such severe polycystic disease? There is only one way out - surgery. Nowadays, removal of ovarian cysts is done using a minimally invasive laparoscopy method, when manipulation is carried out through small incisions. Even if you decide to have an operation, you need to understand that it may not be a panacea for all ills. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. This will determine the duration of the effect. Therefore, if the operation was successful, you should not delay conception. This is your time to get pregnant and have a baby.

Pregnancy with polycystic disease, for the reasons already described above, requires special attention, both from the expectant mother and the attending physician. In order for a woman to safely carry and give birth to a child, throughout her pregnancy she must be under the constant vigilant supervision of doctors, undergo all prescribed examinations and tests (they are similar to), and follow the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist, if required. Considering that polycystic disease is fraught, among other things, with problems with pregnancy, this is a fairly common practice. With polycystic disease, pregnant women are also prescribed special medications that improve the mother’s well-being during pregnancy and reduce risks to the fetus.

Video about polycystic ovary syndrome in the Health program

This video describes the management of pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome.

One of the reasons for the inability to get pregnant may be pilicystic ovarian disease. This is not a death sentence, because timely and competent treatment most often gives a woman every chance of conceiving. In order not to miss the moment when it’s time to see a doctor if you suspect a disease, it is advisable to know as much as possible about it, especially about its symptoms. Pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome is possible, the main thing is to notice something is wrong in time.

Read in this article

Etiology of polycystic ovary syndrome

The root cause of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is always. Of course, its occurrence at a certain moment can be genetically programmed, but in most cases the reasons are still different. Among them:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases associated with the activity of viruses and infections;
  • excess weight;
  • high levels of stress;
  • made at a young age.

All these factors, sooner or later, can provoke a hormonal imbalance, which triggers a chain of reactions that eventually leads to PCOS.

The mechanism is quite simple:

  1. Hormones act on one of the most sensitive female organs to them - the ovaries.
  2. The walls of the ovaries thicken, preventing the successful exit of the mature follicle into the uterus.
  3. The follicle simply cannot “squeeze” through the canal narrowed by thick walls, which means there is no chance of fertilization of the egg.

The unused follicle fills with fluid and remains inside the ovary. And this happens every cycle throughout the course of the disease. You can imagine what will soon happen to the ovary - it will turn into a cluster of watery cysts. This is polycystic ovary syndrome.

Symptoms of PCOS

It is not difficult to suspect the disease. Polycystic disease, the symptoms of which are quite obvious, is today diagnosed in 5-20% of all women who are able to conceive a child. However, with a clear picture of the disease, not everyone, firstly, knows about its symptoms, and secondly, some simply do not attach due importance to them. But the sooner the doctor prescribes treatment, the greater the chance of a woman becoming pregnant over time.

So, the symptoms of PCOS include:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • skin problems, acne;
  • even more weight gain;
  • excessive secretion of sebum, hair quickly becomes oily, skin becomes oily;
  • body hair begins to grow according to the male pattern, there is too much of it;
  • pregnancy does not occur within a year.

Although most often the first five of the described symptoms also appear, in rare cases they may not be present at all. Then only the last symptom becomes a reason to consult a gynecologist - futile attempts to get pregnant.

Diagnosis procedure for PCOS

To accurately determine whether infertility is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome, the doctor will need to carry out a number of diagnostic measures:

  1. First, he interviews the patient, records all the symptoms that bother her, on the gynecological chair.
  1. It is prescribed, during which the pelvic organs are completely examined.
  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome in reproductive age necessarily occurs with changes in hormonal levels, so the hormones present in the blood plasma are carefully examined: 17-OH, LH, free testosterone, DHEA-c, prolactin, FSH. Ovaries affected by multiple cysts produce excessive amounts of male hormones, so the analysis will show their increased levels.
  1. Often, PCOS causes an increase in blood parameters such as the content of cholesterol, glucose and triglycerides, so the blood must be subjected to biochemical analysis.
  1. Pilycystic ovary syndrome can develop against the background of insulin resistance, which means that an oral glucose tolerance test becomes mandatory.
  1. If after all the above studies the picture of the disease remains unclear, diagnostic laparoscopy may be prescribed.

By combining all the results obtained into a single picture, the doctor determines whether polycystic ovary syndrome is the cause of infertility.

Watch this video about whether and how to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome:

Treatment of PCOS

If the diagnosis is made, the first question of any woman to the doctor will be “How to get pregnant with PCOS?” Indeed, there is such a possibility. This can even happen spontaneously, without appropriate treatment, but with such a disease the chances of carrying a baby to term are slim. Therefore, having learned about polycystic ovary syndrome, it is necessary only after eliminating the causes and consequences of the disease.

Weight loss

The first thing a doctor will recommend a woman do is normalize her weight. This condition may seem insignificant to many, but the connection between adipose tissue and FSH hormones is too great to be underestimated. If the pituitary gland of the brain does not produce the required amount of this hormone (and this is precisely the consequence of excess fat in the body), it becomes problematic. A specialist can recommend a specific plan and types of physical activity. If you have to cope with this task on your own, then you can start with simple walking and switching to a healthy diet.

Hormone therapy

The choice of hormones with which the doctor will fight polycystic ovary syndrome depends on the causes of the failure. There may be several of them:

  • the follicle does not mature;
  • the follicle matures, but ovulation does not occur;
  • the woman has insulin resistance;
  • The level of male hormones in the female body is increased.

Taking birth control pills

Some women are surprised when, instead of drugs that promote pregnancy, they are suddenly prescribed. However, such therapy makes sense. Taking oral contraceptives helps to even out the monthly cycle, and therefore, to regulate the process of follicle maturation with subsequent ovulation. In addition, the most often prescribed contraceptives help to normalize the balance of male and female hormones, thereby eliminating another reason for the failure of pregnancy. Laparoscopy is prescribed no earlier than after three months of hormonal therapy, as a result of which it was not possible to achieve full maturation of the follicle .

The essence of laparoscopy is to insert special cameras into the abdominal cavity, which first find and then “drill” the areas of the ovaries affected by cysts. Drilling is the surgical removal of lumps. As a result, ovulation becomes possible. Moreover, the level of male hormones in a woman’s body naturally decreases, because the tissue that produces them is removed.

Folk remedies for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome

It should be remembered that PCOS is a hormonal disease, and treating polycystic disease with folk remedies is risky. All procedures must be discussed with your doctor in advance. It may be advisable to take herbs that strengthen women's health, such as basil, licorice. If the doctor has approved the chosen remedy, then in no case should you exceed the dosage indicated on the drug packaging.

In most cases of polycystic ovary syndrome, pregnancy occurs within the next 6-12 months after hormonal therapy. Of course, provided that there is no factor. If pregnancy did not occur as a result of taking hormones, then after laparoscopy you can conceive a child at the next ovulation (most often this also happens within a year).

If laparoscopy does not help, there is no need to despair. Even if the ovary affected by cysts is removed, it is possible to use IVF methods, which allow you to carry a child conceived using a donor egg.

Useful video

Watch this video about the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome:

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common pathology in gynecology. In recent years, the percentage of women suffering from this disease has been growing. This may be partly due to improved quality of diagnosis of polycystic disease. This ovarian pathology affects not only a woman’s well-being and appearance, but also her ability to bear children. What is this connected with?


This disease of the female genital area has been known in medicine for more than a hundred years. In the literature, it is found under the names polycystic (scleropolycystic) ovary syndrome, or PCOS, as well as Stein-Leventhal disease.

What happens with this pathology? And what reasons cause such changes in the body? PCOS comes in three forms:

  • central;
  • adrenal;
  • ovarian.

These forms may differ somewhat in their manifestations, but in most cases they are characterized by common features. With Stein-Leventhal disease, polycystic transformation of the ovaries and hormonal imbalance in the body are noted.

In addition, this syndrome is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Rare, irregular periods, even their absence.
  • Obesity.
  • Often acne.
  • Excessive body hair growth.
  • Discharge from the mammary glands.
  • Infertility.

It is the inability to conceive a child in the first place that forces women suffering from PCOS to see a doctor. Are there any ways to solve this problem? How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

Pregnancy with PCOS

The main cause of infertility in polycystic ovary syndrome is a violation of the metabolism of sex hormones. They cause changes in a woman’s appearance and negatively affect her reproductive function. Moreover, over time, a vicious circle forms. PCOS is characterized by obesity, and it is adipose tissue that is the site of accumulation of sex hormones, their kind of depot. This only makes the situation worse.

Stein-Leventhal disease often occurs with excess production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production in nursing mothers.

However, it is hyperprolactinemia - excess prolactin in the blood - that leads to the inability to conceive a baby. After childbirth, this situation is normal and is caused by physiological anovulation. The goal of hyperprolactinemia during this period is to prevent re-pregnancy until the woman’s body has recovered. But with Stein-Leventhal syndrome, this phenomenon takes on a pathological character.

Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? Are there cases of natural conception or is mandatory medical intervention required? What measures need to be taken to ensure long-awaited motherhood occurs?

Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive concepts. Some women who already have children learn about their diagnosis by chance, during an ultrasound of the genital organs. But most still need to cure the disease, after which the likelihood of successful conception increases significantly.

How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? Which doctor should you contact for proper treatment?

Treatment of PCOS

Treatment of this disease significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy. A positive result with adequate therapy is observed in 80% of women. How exactly should polycystic ovary syndrome be treated? And is it possible to cure this disease?

First of all, if you suspect this disease or complain about infertility, you should contact a gynecologist. He prescribes an appropriate study, which necessarily includes an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries. It is an ultrasound examination of the genital organs that allows us to confirm this disease.

Depending on the type of disease, appropriate therapy is selected. As a rule, it occurs in three stages:

  • Corrective therapy – medicinal and non-medicinal.
  • Hormonal treatment.
  • Surgical intervention.

Pregnancy is possible after each of these stages. Depending on the form of the disease and its severity, a woman may need different amounts of medical care.

Corrective therapy

This stage involves the normalization of metabolic disorders - carbohydrate and fat, as well as water and electrolyte. To achieve an effect, it is first necessary to combat obesity. In addition, losing weight means eliminating the depot of sex hormones in subcutaneous fat.

It is necessary to treat inflammatory diseases, if any, and concomitant pathologies - chronic extragenital diseases, foci of infections.

Non-drug methods to combat PCOS include:

  • Diet therapy, nutritional therapy for weight loss.
  • Therapeutic exercise.
  • Balneotherapy – treatment with mineral waters.
  • Mud therapy.
  • Aerotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy using natural factors in sanatoriums.

The mere use of non-drug methods can normalize body weight and hormonal balance, restore menstrual function and result in pregnancy. But more often the use of drugs is required.

To treat chronic diseases and foci of infection, doctors use anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Identified hyperprolactinemia requires suppression of the synthesis of this hormone with special medications - Bromocriptine or Parlodel.

Severe hirsutism, as a rule, indicates the need for therapy with adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids. This treatment is usually carried out two to three weeks before the second stage.

Hormonal treatment

At the second stage of PCOS treatment, sex hormones and steroids are used. These can be estrogens, gestagens, drugs that stimulate ovulation.

There are several treatment regimens with sex hormones depending on the form of the disease:

  1. The use of estrogens and gestagens according to a cyclic scheme, taking into account the phases of the menstrual cycle. This therapy lasts up to two months, after which clomiphene citrate, or clostilbegit, is prescribed. The use of clomiphene citrate can induce ovulation and make conception possible.
  2. Treatment with gonadotropins, which are also ovulation stimulants. They are often combined with clomiphene citrate to enhance the effect.
  3. The use of synthetic progestins - two-component ones, including estrogens and gestagens. These drugs are essentially contraceptives; they suppress all parts of the reproductive function. But contraceptives have a rebound effect - stimulating ovulation after they are discontinued. It is this property that leads to pregnancy against the background of polycystic ovary syndrome. The effect can last up to three months, sometimes longer.
  4. Isolated treatment with gestagens. This method is used when there is excessive growth of the endometrium. As a rule, gynecologists prescribe pregnin, norxolut or progesterone according to a certain scheme, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. If necessary, hormones can be prescribed for a longer period - 3 months. However, after this the woman undergoes a follow-up examination - ultrasound, hysteroscopy.

Hormonal treatment shows good results and leads to pregnancy in many women with polycystic ovary syndrome. If it turns out to be ineffective, they resort to surgical intervention.


Surgical treatment for PCOS involves resection of the ovary - removal of part of it. This is an effective method, after which pregnancy occurs in most women and in a short time.

Previously, the operation was performed by laparotomy - dissection of the abdominal wall. Modern medicine uses more gentle techniques - laparoscopy, after which there are no scars and the percentage of postoperative complications is minimal. Also, unlike laparotomy, this method reduces the likelihood of developing adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is not a death sentence today.

Timely and competent treatment in most cases allows not only to restore the menstrual cycle, but also leads to the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is the consequences of hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. It manifests itself in the form of small “necklace”-type formations on the ovaries, due to which they increase in size (up to 40-50 mm). Until now, modern medicine has not yet found exact answers to the question of why polycystic ovary syndrome occurs. Some experts believe that hormonal imbalance is facilitated by numerous abortions, stress and infectious diseases in childhood, while other scientists consider polycystic ovary syndrome a hereditary disease.

This syndrome is a consequence of hormonal imbalance, which results in increased production of insulin, and as a result of male sex hormones (androgens): testosterone, 17-OH progesterone, DHEA-S. They block the natural production of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone), which significantly affects the maturation of follicles and egg release.

Manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome

The first thing a woman should pay attention to is irregular menstruation or its complete absence. Since androgens prevent the normal maturation of the egg and ovulation, the menstrual cycle is delayed for several months, or even six months. Thus, there is no ovulation, and as a result, female infertility develops.

Minor manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome include:

  1. Hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood) manifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin, increased greasiness, as well as hair loss, up to partial baldness. Hyperandrogenism also includes increased hair growth on a woman’s body according to the male pattern (on the chest, legs, abdomen, back and above the upper lip).
  2. Excess weight. According to statistics, up to 50% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome have increased body weight, of which 10% are obesity of the first and second degree.
  3. Enlarged ovaries according to ultrasound, often with a thickened capsule.
  4. Mid-cycle bleeding and painful periods.
  5. Infertility.

A woman may experience the above symptoms and not pay attention to them for years; the desire for treatment arises only when attempts to conceive a child are unsuccessful, since pregnancy with PCOS is virtually impossible. Having learned about the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome, any woman who wants to become a mother in the future will certainly ask the doctor a question: how to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome? This syndrome is reversible and is not a disease, so it cannot be cured; you can only create temporary favorable conditions for pregnancy.

How to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome?

A woman who wants to become a mother, knowing about her diagnosis, should go to a medical institution and see a competent doctor who will select for her the optimal method of treating infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome. If you have polycystic ovary syndrome, you can get pregnant after undergoing treatment.

Methods of conception with polycystic disease:

  1. Ovulation tracking. Ovulation with polycystic disease occurs rarely, but sometimes it is enough to track the moment the egg leaves the ovary in order to try to conceive a child. This will be helped by keeping basal temperature charts, the compilation of which involves daily measuring the temperature with a thermometer in the anus, vagina or oral cavity, with further recording and comparison of the results. Ovulation tests are also used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Control of the growth of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg is monitored by ultrasound.
  2. Taking non-hormonal drugs. A common cause of polycystic ovary syndrome, which was not mentioned above, is endocrine disorders, namely insulin resistance, which occurs as a result of insensitivity of tissue receptors to insulin. In order to neutralize this hormone, the drug Metformin (Siofor, Glucophage), which is intended for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, is prescribed. It increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, and as a result, reduces androgen levels. In the treatment of polycystic disease, the drug Clomid has proven itself well, stimulating the production of female hormones necessary for full ovulation. Often both drugs are combined to enhance the effect of treatment.
  3. Taking hormonal drugs. Most doctors prescribe COCs (combined oral contraceptives) for at least three months, followed by discontinuation. While taking them, the ovaries are inactive, and after stopping the drug they begin to work with double force, so 80% of ovulation occurs in the first cycle after stopping COCs and pregnancy is possible.
  4. Stimulation of ovulation. The procedure for inducing ovulation involves taking several groups of hormonal drugs according to a specific regimen prescribed by a doctor. Stimulation is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor and ultrasound monitoring. The drug “Clostilbegit” is prescribed, which allows you to start the process of maturation of the follicles, then an injection of hCG is performed to rupture the follicle and release a mature egg from it. Preparations containing progesterone are prescribed immediately after ovulation, in order to create optimal conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg and support pregnancy (if it has occurred).
  5. Laparoscopy. The procedure is based on the removal of cysts on the ovaries through surgery. For polycystic ovary syndrome, this method is the most effective, since in 95% it allows a woman to become pregnant within the first 3-6 months.
  6. IVF (in vitro fertilization). This method is the most difficult and expensive, but it gives a great chance of getting pregnant with PCOS. It is based on the implantation of a fertilized egg into the woman’s uterine cavity. IVF is used for polycystic ovary syndrome when other methods of conception have failed.

In eliminating the manifestations of polycystic disease and its treatment, the medicinal herbs “Borovaya uterus” and “Red brush”, as well as various dietary supplements containing extracts of dwarf palm, licorice root and sage, have proven themselves well. It is worth knowing that self-medication is dangerous to health, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking drugs and herbs.

In modern medicine, polycystic ovary syndrome is not a death sentence, because there are many tested and proven methods with which you can get pregnant.

Pregnancy with polycystic ovary syndrome

If a woman managed to get pregnant using the above methods, this is only half the success; the next goal is a successful pregnancy. It is known that in women with polycystic ovary syndrome the risk of spontaneous abortion is three times higher than in healthy expectant mothers. The doctor who will monitor the woman throughout pregnancy, referring to the existing polycystic ovary syndrome, prescribes a course of medications to prevent miscarriage and premature birth. Hormonal therapy with progesterone (Duphaston, Utrozhestan) is prescribed from the beginning of pregnancy until the end of the 16th week. In some cases, these drugs are taken until 28-30 weeks.

Expectant mothers are sometimes prescribed Metformin and Dexamethasone (the dosage is selected by the doctor based on test results and the characteristics of the woman’s body) in order to prevent miscarriage and the development of gestational diabetes. Since polycystic ovary syndrome limits the ability to regulate insulin in the blood, it is important to adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet, which consists of reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods). Whether it is possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome depends on each specific case.

Childbirth and PCOS

With proper treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, contrary to the popular belief that it is impossible to get pregnant, in most cases conception occurs successfully. However, pregnancy may not proceed as smoothly as in somatically and gynecologically healthy women. A very important point in the management of such patients is monitoring the hormonal profile, since hormonal changes characteristic of polycystic ovary syndrome can affect the course of this pregnancy. It is also mandatory to monitor blood sugar levels and conduct a two-hour glucose tolerance test.

Miscarriage with PCOS

Thus, due to hyperandrogenism in PCOS, complications can arise such as the threat of miscarriage, spontaneous miscarriages, the threat of premature birth, as well as the birth itself, which may not occur on time, but earlier. With elevated levels of male sex hormones, dexamethasone is sometimes required. Also, in case of complicated pregnancy, with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, progestogen drugs - utrozhestan, duphaston - can be prescribed.

PCOS and childbirth proceed without any peculiarities if labor begins after 37 weeks. Those who gave birth with PCOS note that, in fact, pregnancy was accompanied in most cases by hospital treatment. Hospitalization in 80% of cases was based on indications of a threat of miscarriage.

Does PCOS go away after childbirth?

If the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries has been established and there is no doubt about it, then such a disease cannot be eliminated on its own. After childbirth, mandatory aspects for such women include maintaining a balanced diet, which reduces the amount of carbohydrate foods consumed, moderate physical activity,

control of blood sugar levels, after the end of breastfeeding, if necessary, taking drugs of the metformin group, such as Siofor, glucophage, prescribing combined oral contraceptives with pronounced antiandrogenic activity.

Many women after giving birth are interested in the question: when will the menstrual cycle resume?

This depends on several factors, for example, how long the woman will maintain lactation, what exactly this cycle was like, as well as what weight gain was during pregnancy and what it is at the moment. If the above recommendations are followed, the menstrual cycle can become regular, but in the absence of control over lifestyle and nutrition, the percentage of restoration of at least partially the ovarian-menstrual cycle is quite low.

In any case, after childbirth, a woman should be constantly monitored by her obstetrician-gynecologist and, if necessary, receive therapy aimed at combating this pathological condition.

Pregnancy with PCOS: reviews

Indeed, according to the pathological processes occurring in a woman’s body when diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, problems arise with the menstrual cycle, and, accordingly, with pregnancy. This diagnosis causes infertility for many couples until they get to a qualified specialist who will prescribe them the appropriate treatment therapy.

Forums for established and future mothers are replete with a variety of discussions on the topic “how to get pregnant with PCOS,” reviews are updated daily and contain a lot of different advice indicating medical centers, doctors, diagnostic methods and therapy.

Most women leave positive feedback regarding pregnancy on taking hormonal medications and laparoscopic interventions.

Among the hormonal drugs most often prescribed in such patients were combined oral drugs with pronounced antiandrogenic activity: Jess, Diane-35. Some praise the treatment of PCOS with Regulon, and pregnancy planning, and the reviews depend on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, the timeliness of seeking medical help, as well as the quality of the prescribed treatment.

The reviews also turned out to be extremely positive regarding a fairly simple but effective way to normalize hormonal levels and reduce the clinical symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome - changing a woman’s diet towards increasing the protein component of the diet and reducing the carbohydrate component. In some cases, based on reviews left by a woman who has gone through both stages, more demonstrative effects from lifestyle correction can be noted. However, everything is individual and requires a specific approach in each specific case.

PCOS and pregnancy: reviews of operational methods of combating

Laparoscopic methods for treating infertility in polycystic ovary syndrome also receive a large number of positive reviews. Namely, this applies to laparoscopic drilling, as well as wedge resection of the ovaries. After such surgical interventions, pregnancy occurs in 80% of women.

The main thing in the fight against this disease is a timely visit to a doctor and the beginning of complex therapy. Is it possible to get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome and irregular periods can only be said after examination and consultation with a specialist.
