Program for joint work between school and kindergarten. Forms and methods of cooperation between kindergarten and school

Lyubov Gostyuzheva
Program “Interaction between kindergarten and school”

Program structure.


1.1. Relevance___page 3 -4

1.1.1. Goals and objectives of mastering the Program___page 4 -6

1.1.2. Algorithm for work on continuity between kindergarten and school___ page 7

1.1.3. Forms of succession:___page 8

1.2. Planned results of mastering the work program___page 9

2.1. Program support___page 10


3.1. Work plan ___page 10

Having studied the concept of the content of lifelong education and various regulatory documents on issues of continuity, we compiled the program “Interaction between kindergarten and school.”

1.1. Relevance

The transition of a preschool child to the school educational environment is his transition to a different cultural space, to a different age category and social development situation. Ensuring the success of this transition is a problem of uniting the efforts of kindergarten and primary school workers.

School and kindergarten are two adjacent links in the education system. Success in school education largely depends on the quality of knowledge and skills developed in preschool childhood, on the level of development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive activity.

An important role in ensuring effective continuity between preschool and primary

education plays a role in coordinating the interaction between pedagogical

teams of preschool institutions, schools and parents of pupils.

Primary school is designed to help students fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, and creativity. The success of this task largely depends on the development of children’s cognitive interests in kindergarten. The interest of a preschool child is his memory, attention, and thinking.

The development of a child’s cognitive interest in kindergarten is solved by means

entertainment, games, creating non-standard situations in the classroom. child in

kindergarten needs to be taught to think, explain the results obtained,

compare, make assumptions, check whether they are correct, observe, generalize and draw conclusions.

New views on the upbringing, training and development of children require a new approach to

implementing continuity between kindergarten and school, building a new model

graduate, which will ensure continuity of the educational process.

According to D. B. Elkonin’s definition, preschool and primary school age are

one era of human development called "childhood". An educator and a primary school teacher also have a lot in common, which is why they have a common generic name - teacher.

The problem of continuity can be successfully solved through close cooperation between kindergarten and school. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, energy and means to solve the problems of succession.

1.1.1. Goals and objectives of mastering the Program

Purpose of the program:

implementation of a unified line of child development at the preschool and

primary school education, giving the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising character.


kindergarten manager, educators, primary school teachers.

Objects of the program: children of preschool (senior, preparatory groups) and school age (1st grade, parents, teachers.

Goals of continuing education:

Raising a moral person.

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Preservation and support of the child’s individuality, physical and mental development of children.

Objectives of continuing education:

at the preschool level:

introducing children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle;

ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, developing his positive sense of self;

development of initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, and the ability for creative self-expression;

formation of various knowledge about the world around us, stimulation of communicative, cognitive, play and other activity of children in various types of activities;

development of competence in the sphere of relationships to the world, to people, to oneself; inclusion

children into various forms of cooperation (with adults and children of different ages).

at the primary school level:

conscious adoption of healthy lifestyle values ​​and regulation of one’s behavior

in accordance with them;

readiness for active interaction with the outside world (emotional, intellectual, communicative, business, etc.);

desire and ability to learn, readiness for education at the basic level of school and self-education;

initiative, independence, cooperation skills in various activities:

improvement of preschool development achievements (throughout primary

education, special assistance for the development of qualities formed in preschool childhood, individualization of the learning process, especially in cases of advanced development or retardation.

Problems of lifelong education.

The formation and development of education at each level is carried out without relying on

previous education and without taking into account future prospects.

The gap between the final goals and requirements when teaching individual subjects at various stages of the educational process. Inconsistency between the “input” and “output” requirements of kindergarten and school.

Lack of provision of educational process in continuous education systems with educational materials and teaching aids, imperfection of existing teaching aids and their inconsistency with new goals and learning requirements.

The imperfection of existing diagnostic systems when students transition from one

educational level to another.

Lack of consistency in the selection of training content and organization of educational material by stages.

Weak managerial and organizational continuity, i.e. difficulties in the overall management of the entire process of education, training and development of students in both subsystems of the “kindergarten-school” complex.

Insufficient level of training of teaching staff to work in the system of continuous education.

1.1.2. Algorithm for work on continuity between kindergarten and school

Stage 1 - admission of the child to kindergarten: registration and placement of children in kindergarten,

medical examination,

adaptation period of a child upon admission to kindergarten,

pedagogical and psychological diagnostics when a child enters kindergarten

Stage 2: preparing the child for learning.

Methodical work:

Conducting general pedagogical councils for educators and primary teachers

classes on problematic issues in the upbringing and education of children.

Conducting open lessons and activities

Maintaining individual diagnostic records for each child in order to further monitor the growth and development of children,

Identification of the most pressing problematic issues in teaching children in primary school, % of unsuccessful students and repeaters)

Stage 3 – a smooth transition from kindergarten to school.

Pedagogical diagnostics of children, characteristics of children, adaptation of first-graders at school. Filling out diagnostic cards for each child. Further monitoring of children's adaptation in first grade, providing pedagogical assistance to children and parents. Conducting general parent meetings, consultations, conversations with a psychologist.

1.1.3. Forms of succession

I. Working with children:

1) excursions to school;

2) acquaintance and interaction of preschool children with teachers and students of primary school;

3) participation in joint educational activities, game programs;

4) exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

5) meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students;

6) joint holidays and sports competitions for preschoolers and first-graders;

7) participation in theatrical activities;

8) Conversations about school, looking at pictures, reading art. liters, familiarization with school attributes;

9) didactic games, etc.

II. Working with teachers:

1) joint pedagogical councils (preschool educational institutions and schools);

2) conducting diagnostics to determine the readiness of children for school;

3) interaction between preschool teachers and schools;

4) open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;

5) pedagogical observations.

III. Working with parents:

1) joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

2) round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical “living rooms”;

3) consultations with preschool and school teachers; meetings of parents with future teachers;

4) open days;

5) questionnaires, testing of parents;

6) educational - game trainings and workshops for parents

7) visual means of communication;

1.2. Planned results of mastering the work program

Ensuring your child's success in the early stages of learning

Reducing the percentage of first-graders with a high level of maladaptation to school learning

Positive dynamics of mastering basic general education programs by each child

Motivational readiness of children to study at school

Creation of a continuity system for preschool educational institutions and schools as a necessary condition

continuing education


2.1. Program Support Tools

Educational work in MBDOU is based on the basic

educational program of MBDOU, which ensures diversified development

children aged 2 to 8 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics

in the main areas: physical, social-personal, cognitive,

speech, artistic and aesthetic. Contents of the educational process

built in accordance with the programs:

Comprehensive exemplary general education program for preschool education

“From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova.

Goal: creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life

preschool child, formation of the foundations of basic personality culture,

comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with

age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in

modern society, learning at school, ensuring safety

life activity of a preschooler.


I. 3.1. Work plan

II. Based on the created program, a work plan for the year is drawn up.

Appendix 1 – plan of joint work with the school for 2012 -2013/

Appendix 2 – plan of joint work with the school for 2013 -2014

Cooperation between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution

Author: Galitskaya Maya Aleksandrovna, Russian language teacher, State Educational Institution "Nedoyskaya Basic School of the Buda-Koshelevsky District" of the Gomel Region of the Republic of Belarus

Subject: cooperation between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution
Relevance of the project:
In modern society, a child becomes a full-fledged member of society only when he learns social norms and cultural values ​​in unity with the implementation of his activity, self-development and self-realization in society. This is possible provided that the child effectively adapts to the school community, on the one hand, and, on the other, is able to withstand those life conflicts that interfere with his development, self-realization, and self-affirmation.
One of the main obstacles when a first-grader adapts to a school environment is the stressful situation in which he finds himself when he comes to school. A change in place of stay, environment, rhythm of activity, content of his daily life has a negative impact on the child’s psyche. Associated with this is the psychological crisis of 6 years of age, which occurs as a result of the fact that the baby’s nervous system cannot cope with the exorbitant load and new impressions that appear with his transition to the next stage of life development.
Thus, for the most successful adaptation of a preschool graduate, it is necessary that the borderline period of change in activity and social status of the child (preschooler - junior schoolchild) pass as calmly as possible, taking into account the personal and psychological characteristics of six-year-old children.
smoothing out the consequences of the kindergarten-school transition period;
creating conditions for the most stress-free adaptation of a first-grader at school.
Expected result: a graduate of a preschool institution is socially adapted and socially protected according to psycho-age needs, ready to start studying at a comprehensive school.

to cultivate the child’s activity in interaction with the environment;
develop a culture of behavior (develop habits and rules of behavior in society);
develop social culture (correct attitude towards the surrounding reality, towards nature);
cultivate citizenship (correct attitude towards work, public and private property);
teach the child to apply his existing knowledge, skills and abilities of communication and interaction with the outside world;
provide age-appropriate general educational knowledge and ideas about oneself and others;
to form a national culture (respect for state symbols, preservation of the country’s cultural traditions, education on the historical national heritage);
develop the level of creativity (the ability to create) through involvement in various activities;
to improve the gaming culture of six-year-olds, since the central new formation of the psyche of a child of this age is role-playing play.

Work with children:
teach children to come into contact with others, with peers, so as not to disrupt existing relationships;
involve children to consolidate skills in multifaceted social contacts based on interest in certain types of activities;
the principles and methods of working with children in the process of interaction must be in strict accordance with the psychological laws of personality formation;
create all conditions for identifying and developing potential internal reserves of the individual;
provide psychological assistance in adapting to the changing conditions of everyday life;
help to assimilate national and universal moral values;
teach children to apply their existing knowledge, skills, and human communication skills in everyday life.
Working with teaching staff:
creation of an educational system that promotes the exchange of experience and mutual cooperation between schools and kindergartens;
organization and methodological support of interaction between members of the school teaching staff and members of the kindergarten teaching staff.
Project activity object (implementation base):
Preschoolers 4 – 6 years old.

Subjects of project activities:
members of the school teaching staff:

Teacher - organizer;
- school psychologist;
- teacher-defectologist (if necessary);
- social teacher;
- leaders of circles;
- primary school teachers;
- teacher receiving kindergarten graduates;
- leader of the children's association.
- creatively working teachers.

Members of the school's student body:
- an asset of the children's self-government system;
- active BRPO (Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization);
- children attending hobby groups and classes;
- "Octobers";
- guys who want to help in cooperation.

Parent Community;
Members of the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

Forms and methods of work:
Involving schoolchildren of different ages and preschoolers in joint gaming activities;
Organization of joint events, cultural activities of various types (game, educational, developmental, creative, intellectual);
Organization of excursion programs for preschoolers within the framework of “school - kindergarten”;
Organization and conduct of joint creative activities (exhibitions, competitions, festivals);
The work of socio-psychological services to study the personal and mental qualities and properties of each child with the subsequent introduction of differentiated, personality-oriented methods and forms of work;
Individual work on the formation, development and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the age characteristics required by the situation.

Implementation dates and schedules:
5 years
Planning stages:
Preparatory stage- 2 years:
Creation of a creative group consisting of teachers, educators, schoolchildren and parents;
Development of a program of cooperation and interaction between a secondary school and a preschool institution;
Planning of educational and methodological complexes;
Development of a comprehensive target system of pedagogical activity and interaction;
Creation of analytical material for diagnosing project implementation.

Main stage – 2 years:
Conducting planned educational and methodological events for participants in project activities;
Identification, generalization and dissemination of the best experience of participants in project activities on cooperation and interaction between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution;
Organization and implementation of educational interaction program;
Monitoring the implementation of project activities;
Analytical activities to implement project objectives.

Final stage – 1 year:
Monitoring and evaluation of project results;
Information and analytical work to summarize the results of project activities;
Accompanying first-graders in their first year of school.

Criteria by which the quality of the project will be monitored:

1. Level of socialization and adaptation of children at the borderline period “kindergarten – school”:
Level of motivation of children to study;
Assessing the opportunity of each child to demonstrate their creative potential;
The degree of realization of the value orientations of a first-grader;
The degree of influence of various factors of the social environment on children;
The place of school in the formation of a child’s personality;
The level of readiness of children to start school.

2. The degree of compliance of educational services with the needs and expectations of parents:
Comparative analysis of the opinions of first-graders and participants
project activities, parents regarding satisfaction with the work being carried out.

3. Assessment of the sociocultural situation:
Assessment of the activities of subjects of project work to develop the general cultural horizons of students;
Level of communication skills of first-graders;
Level of value orientations;
The level of education of children, the presence of negative phenomena in the adaptation of first-graders, their analysis;
The presence of sociocultural events in project activities;
The state of relationships between first-graders and other members of the school community.
Regulatory support:
Code of the Republic of Belarus “On Education”;
The concept of raising children and students in the Republic of Belarus;
Program for the education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus;
Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Rights of the Child”.

Methodological support:
Scientific and methodological materials on the project problem;
Methodological developments of members of teaching staff of schools and kindergartens;
Methodological literature.

Topic: “I’ll go to school soon”

Completed by: Guseva N.E.

teacher of MBDOU No. 36


Children's age: Preparatory to school age 6-7 years

Project type: Information-oriented,


Preparatory group teacher;

Primary school teachers;

Musical director;

Educational psychologist;



Duration of project activity: Medium-term project – 2 months,

Target: Formation of a positive attitude of children towards the upcoming schooling, personal qualities, adequate self-esteem and psychological readiness in general.


    Ensure the emotional well-being of each child, strengthening the mental health of the preschooler;

    To form in children and parents a positive attitude towards school, including in the holistic pedagogical process, diverse forms of joint activities;

    To develop in children the prerequisites for educational activities: communication and behavioral skills, cognitive processes, adequate self-esteem, contributing to the acceptance of a new social position of a “student”;

    Promote cooperation, organize the continuity of the preschool educational institution with the school, familiarize yourself with the school and the profession of a teacher;

    To increase the level of competence of parents on the issue of developing a child’s psychological readiness for school by developing a set of events, meetings, and recommendations for parents in this direction.

    Creating a subject-development environment to familiarize children with school.


We live in the 21st century, in which the very high demands of life in organizing the upbringing and education of children force us to look for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches and teaching methods.An important task of any educational institution is the diversified development of the personality of each child and his social adaptation in society.How well a child is prepared for school, what his mental health is, will determine the success of his adaptation, entry into school life, his educational success, and his psychological well-being.

A significant number of children, despite their “passport” age and the “school” skills and abilities they have, experience great difficulties in learning. The main reason for their failure is that they are still small “psychologically,” that is, they are not ready for the school type of education. The very logic of life dictates that it is necessary to develop criteria and indicators of children’s psychological readiness for school, and not focus only on the physical or passport age of children.

Currently, changes are taking place in the preschool education system. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education, the target guidelines involve the formation in preschool children of prerequisites for educational activity at the stage of completion of preschool education: readiness to take on the role of a student, development of learning motives, the ability to subordinate impulsive desires to consciously set goals, development of moral motives, the ability of critical self-assessment their actions, preference for social ways of assessing their knowledge.

Preparing a child in accordance with these requirements is the main task of preschool education.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the continuity of preschool education and primary school education becomes especially important; it is necessary to create conditions for the continuity of kindergarten and school through various joint activities.

Teachers, parents and children participate in the educational space, therefore, the activities carried out should be focused on all participants in the educational process


Parents play a big role in preparing children for school, but not all of them know how to properly prepare a child for future school life. The main reason for parents' mistakes when preparing children for school is the insufficient level of educational culture of the family. Most teachers and parents pay attention to the child’s intellectual readiness for school. However, the high level of intellectual development of children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school; Children have not formed a positive attitude towards the new way of life, upcoming changes in conditions, rules, requirements, which is an indicator of their attitude towards school. One of the main components of psychological readiness for school is motivational readiness for school. Motivational readiness for learning at school includes the child’s developed need for knowledge, skills, as well as the desire to improve them. Motivational readiness for school is a prerequisite for the child’s successful adaptation to school, his adoption of the “position of a schoolchild”

Thus, the need for psychological preparation of a preschooler for studying at school becomes urgent, and it is important to carry out a system of measures that contribute to the formation of the “internal position of schoolchildren.” This means that there is a need to organize events that prepare children for school.

Stages of work:

Preparatory stage:

The purpose of this stage is to create conditions for the implementation of the chosen topic. The preparatory stage is conditionally divided into blocks and includes:
Gathering information on this topic.
Study of parental requests, their competence on this topic.
Development of a long-term plan and drawing up notes on joint activities of the teacher with children, as well as with parents
Selection of material (game and methodological).

    Conduct a survey of children.

    Select methodological, popular science and fiction literature, illustrated material, toys, attributes for gaming and theatrical activitiesto prepare children for school

Main stage:

The content of the work is structured according to the blocks of the pedagogical process:
1.block – direct educational activities.
2.block – joint activities of the teacher with children (conversations, reading fiction, games).
3. block – free independent activity.
4. block – interaction with parents (questionnaires, conversations, individual consultations, etc.)

The final stage:

    It includes a diagnostic block, the purpose of which is to summarize the work and identify the results

    Excursion to school.

    Exhibition of works “I am a student” (with the participation of children, parents, teachers)

Cooperative activity

teacher and children:

    Conversation “What will I do at school”“About school, what they teach there”

“We are future first-graders”, “Profession-teacher”

“What will I become when I finish school” and others.

    Reading works on the topic “School”

    D/game “The Adventures of the Briefcase”

    Drawing “Me and school”

    Fun together with students of 1st "A" class

    Intellectual game "Clever and Clever"

    Evening of riddles "Soon to school."

    Listening and learning songs and poems about school

    Meeting with first-graders (former preschool students)

    Role-playing game "Library".

    Conversation about the school library.

    Exhibition of children's works "I draw a school

    Making attributes for the role-playing game “School”

    School excursion

    Role-playing game "School"

Independent activities of children:

  • Role-playing game “School”, “Family”; "Library".

    Didactic games “Collect a briefcase” and others.

    Planar modeling - compiling scenes from mosaics on the theme of school..

    Reading poems about school

    Making ikebana, bouquets from natural materials for a gift to school.

    Drawing “I draw a school”, “My briefcase”.

    Examination of paintings, illustrations, postcards with school themes.

Interaction with parents:

    Questionnaire “Is your child ready for school?”

    A survey of parents on their child’s readiness for school.

    Design of information stands for parents on preparing children for school:

- “Advice to parents of future first-graders”;

- “Preparing the hand for writing”;

- “How to prepare a child for school”;

- “Formation of voluntary behavior in children of senior preschool age”

- “What a child entering school should know”

    Attending classes in preparatory groups at the request of parents

    Joint holidays with the participation of parents

    Folder “Psychological readiness for school”

    Consultations: “The role of the family in the upbringing of the future schoolchild”, “The role of the family in the upbringing of the future schoolchild”.

    Conversations between parents and primary school teachers on pre-school preparation.

    Parent meeting “Child on the threshold of school”

    Presentation “Psychological readiness for school”

    Round table: “There is a first-grader in the family.”

    Making models for children's games, attributes for role-playing games

    Making little books with children on the topic of school

Expected Result:

We assume that the purposeful, varied work of a teacher with children and their parents will lead to positive dynamics in the following indicators:

    The level of psychological preparation of 7-year-old children for school will increase, personal and motivational readiness for school will be formed;

    The level of development of personal qualities of preschoolers (curiosity, initiative, volition, etc.) will increase.. Preschoolers will be more active in learning new things, confident in their strengths and capabilities.

    The level of parental competence on the issue of developing the child’s psychological readiness for school will increase, as well as the level of active participation of parents in the educational process;

    The fear of future entry into school will disappear and the transition from kindergarten to school and adaptation to school conditions will be natural and painless for children.

All of the above will lead to successful schooling.

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and do math.

To be ready for school means to be ready to teach it all.”

(Wenger L.A.)

Implementation of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools

Issues of interaction between preschool educational institutions and secondary schools in order to ensure the continuity of the preschool and primary levels of education remain relevant throughout the existence of the education system, based on the identification of the main stages of education according to the age of the child, i.e. for about a hundred years now.
Today, the problem of preserving a unified educational space is relevant for modern preschool education, since, on the one hand, it is necessary to take into account the goals and content of preschool education at the appropriate age stages of child development, introduced by new educational standards. And on the other hand, the need for high-quality preparation for school on the basis of uniform requirements for the work of kindergartens and schools.
The level of requirements for children entering school becomes more complex from year to year. As a result, a preschool educational institution needs to ensure the implementation of measures for the continuity of the preschool and primary stages of education, since the main activities to prepare children for school are carried out by kindergartens. His further education largely depends on how well and timely a child is prepared for school.
The task of a preschool educational institution is to gradually lay the foundation for his readiness to study at school throughout the entire period of upbringing and education of a child, starting from the junior group, forming in him systematized knowledge about the surrounding reality, the ability to consciously use it to solve a variety of practical problems.
But the main activities to prepare for learning at the primary level of a general education school are carried out at the stage when the child attends the preparatory group and the first grade of school.
The main directions for optimizing the interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools are
1. Organizational and legal.
2. Organizational and communicative.
3. Organizational and pedagogical.
Thus, today’s head of a preschool educational institution needs to carry out certain managerial actions of an organizational nature aimed at
creation of a legal framework for interaction between preschool educational institutions and secondary schools,
ensuring communication between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools,
organization of pedagogical events within the framework of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools.
We will sequentially consider the necessary activities within each area.
First of all, it is advisable to legally consolidate the main positions of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the secondary school by concluding a cooperation agreement between the preschool educational institution and the secondary school. This document will define the goals, objectives, main directions, forms and means of interaction, which is extremely important from the point of view of organizing the process (as a management function). Concluding a cooperation agreement will avoid misunderstandings between the subjects of interaction and, as a result, ignoring the implementation of necessary activities. Determining the forms and means of interaction will help to identify the areas of responsibility of preschool educational institutions and secondary schools, which is necessary, since carrying out activities involves the use of material and human resources.
The main part of the agreement should be the appendix “Project of joint activities to ensure interaction between preschool educational institutions and secondary schools,” which includes a list and plan - schedule of activities.
This list will include a set of activities within the organizational-communicative and organizational-pedagogical areas.
An important task of preschool educational institutions and secondary schools is to organize communication between the administrations of educational institutions, kindergarten and elementary school specialists, parents, kindergarten students and first-graders.

At the level of administration of educational institutions and specialists in kindergartens and primary schools, it is necessary to hold pedagogical councils and meetings of methodological associations in order to determine goals and key areas of cooperation.
The creation of a coordinating council on issues of continuity and interaction contributes to optimizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools.
At the level of kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, educational psychologists, speech therapists, social educators, medical workers, it is necessary
holding seminars and round tables on issues of continuity and adaptation to school in order to identify tasks and specific activities;
mutual visits by educators and primary school teachers enrolling children in first grade in the next school year to each other’s lessons and activities. After classes, teachers have the opportunity to jointly discuss pressing problems and adjust their activities, which makes it possible to improve methods of teaching children, taking into account the characteristics of their personal and intellectual development.
At the level of kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, parents of future first-graders and kindergarten students, traditional forms of communication are
acquaintance with the school in the form of an excursion for pupils of preparatory groups to the school, a visit to the school museum (if available), the school library, sports and assembly halls, conversations and meetings with school students (first-graders who attended the same kindergarten);
acquaintance with the school on Open Day, at which a concert is organized with the participation of kindergarten students, first-graders and other interested school students, and an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts is organized.
Also, the development of communication ties at this level is facilitated by holding joint holidays for kindergarteners and first-graders, joint participation of first-graders and preparatory group children in holidays, entertainment, games - competitions, relay races. All this makes the children want to go to school, makes them interested, removes fear and instills confidence in their abilities.
However, getting to know the school is important not only for the future first-grader, but also for his parents, who will have to make a choice of school, taking into account today’s variety of educational programs and a wide range of educational services. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the mental characteristics and physical condition of the child (“their zone of proximal development,” which parents who do not have a pedagogical education usually do not think about), the personal qualities of the future teacher, and much more.
At the level of educators, primary school teachers, educational psychologists, speech therapists, social educators, medical workers and parents, it is necessary
conducting a survey of parents to study the well-being of the family on the eve of the start of the child’s school life;
Carrying out work with parents throughout the academic graduation year:
 design of information stands, moving folders “Advice to future first-graders”, “Psychological readiness of a child for school: parameters of readiness and recommendations for parents on their development”, “Readiness for school: preparing a child, preparing ourselves”, “Motivation to study”, “ Social and psychological readiness. Communication skills";
 holding parent meetings, round tables on the problems of preparing a child for school, choosing a school and future educational programs for children, at which teachers of future first-graders and a school psychologist can answer all questions from parents;
 conducting individual consultations with parents.
All this allows parents to decide on the choice of school when their child is still in kindergarten.
Working with parents is all the more important, since today the problem of overestimating the requirements for a child’s readiness for school is relevant. When entering a gymnasium or lyceum, a kindergarten graduate is often required to read fluently, handle numbers within a hundred, and much more.
Hence the need for parents to meet the requirements of a high level of development of the child without taking into account his individual characteristics. A kindergarten from which children move to an “elite” school is considered good. And the content of preschool education has to be structured according to “school” logic - early teaching of writing, reading, and advanced mathematics to children in preparatory groups is practiced, instead of the development of cognitive processes.
Play and other activities specific to this age are being replaced by lesson classes. Increased stress, overwork, deterioration in children's health, decreased educational motivation, loss of interest in learning, and lack of creativity provoke children's neuroses and other undesirable phenomena during the transition to school education.
Cooperation between psychologists in kindergartens and schools on the issue of continuity, the formation of teachers’ understanding of the importance of the child’s development process, rather than the accumulation of knowledge, will help correct this negative practice, preserve the health of children, without infringing on the child’s legal right to education.
In this regard, to optimize the interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools, it is necessary:
ensuring the conduct of classes aimed at developing children's readiness to learn for school, taking into account their age and personal characteristics;
conducting joint activities to adapt children to school;
conducting school readiness diagnostics;
jointly with the school, recruiting 1st grades from preschool educational institution graduates;
monitoring the process of children's adaptation to school.
The comprehensive implementation of the above activities will allow optimizing the interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools and achieving the required level of continuity and continuity of the educational process.

Authors: Smirnova Elena Grigorievna, head of MBDOU kindergarten No. 70 of a combined type, Odintsovo, 2nd year master's student, Faculty of Management, ANOO VPO Odintsovo Humanitarian University, Odintsovo, Moscow Region

Bulinok M.B., head of MBDOU kindergarten No. 41 of a combined type, Odintsovo, 2nd year master's student, Faculty of Management, ANOO VPO Odintsovo Humanitarian University, Odintsovo, Moscow Region

Jamalova T.Yu. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, ANOO VPO Odintsovo Humanitarian Institute,
Odintsovo, Moscow region

Name of material: article, methodological development
Subject name: management

The forms of succession can be varied and their choice is determined by the degree of relationship, style, and content of the relationship between educational institutions. Usually, at the beginning of the year, teachers draw up a joint plan, the purpose of which is to specify the work in three main areas:

1. Working with children:

School excursions;

Visit to the school museum, library;

Acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;

Participation in joint educational activities, game programs;

Exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

Meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students (primary and secondary school students);

Joint holidays (Knowledge Day, initiation into first-graders, kindergarten graduation, etc.) and sports competitions for preschoolers and first-graders;

Participation in theatrical activities;

Attendance by preschoolers of an adaptation course of classes organized at school (classes with a psychologist).

2. Interaction between teachers:

Joint pedagogical councils (preschool and school);

Seminars, master classes;

Round tables of preschool teachers and school teachers;

Conducting diagnostics to determine children's readiness for school;

Interaction between medical workers, preschool and school psychologists;

Open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;

Pedagogical and psychological observations.

3. Cooperation with parents:

Joint parent-teacher meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

Round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical “living rooms”;

Parent conferences, question and answer evenings;

Consultations with preschool and school teachers;

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Open days;

Creative workshops;

Questioning and testing of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the child’s school life and during the period of adaptation to school;

Educational and game trainings and workshops for parents of preschool children, business games, workshops;

Family evenings, themed leisure activities;

Visual means of communication (poster material, exhibitions, question and answer mailbox, etc.);

For several years now, our preschool mixed-age group has been cooperating with the Zheltukhinskaya Secondary School branch.

Having analyzed all previous work on continuity, we came to the conclusion that, first of all, it is necessary to develop a unified, systematic and consistent work of two structures, preschool and primary education. We reviewed our work and developed a plan of joint activities, the implementation of which set the goal not of increasing the number of methodological activities, but of improving the quality of successive connections between the preschool and primary levels, allowing us to understand the work of each from the inside.

When planning our work, we focus on the portrait of a graduate of a preschool educational institution, who must meet modern requirements for children entering first grade.

In joint work, such forms of interaction as mutual acquaintance with the educational programs of the preschool group and school, the organization of joint pedagogical councils, and master classes have become effective. Another important, in our opinion, direction of work of the preschool group and school is the organization of joint holidays, exhibitions, participation in project activities and other interesting events.

Teachers of the preparatory group attend lessons in mathematics and Russian in the first grade. A teacher who is enrolling first-graders for the next school year attends a preschool literacy class. Familiarization with the specifics of planning work in a preschool group and thematic lesson plans at school allows teachers to exchange experiences, find optimal methods, techniques and forms of work, and introduces them to the environment and organization of children’s life and education. Such cooperation forms in teachers an understanding of the importance of the child’s development process, rather than the accumulation of knowledge, helps maintain children’s health, and determines the choice of ways to individually approach the future student.

During the year, children in preparatory groups are diagnosed twice by a school teacher-psychologist. First: in September-November - to identify the level of development and build the process of learning and development, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. Second: in April-May - to determine the level achieved. Between diagnostics, the educational psychologist works to correct certain deviations together with educators and parents.

Excursions of preschoolers to the school museum and library leave a particularly joyful impression on children. Children learn the conditions and traditions of school life.

Throughout the year, preschoolers attend the “School of the Future First-Grade” club. Where they manage to get used to and love their first teacher.

It is a good tradition that during school holidays, first-graders can again remember their preschool childhood, see their teachers, and play in their group. And, most importantly, to feel that they are remembered in kindergarten, that they are welcome, that they are loved here, that they are interested in their successes and difficulties. On the other hand, children in the preparatory group are happy to meet their older friends, exchange impressions, communicate freely with them, and participate in joint games and activities.

School students, in turn, take part in holidays and events in the preschool group, playing the roles of fairy-tale characters.

Over the course of the entire year, our children learn a lot about school and easily navigate the school building. They go there with pleasure. And we hope that all the work we have done will add up to a system and help our graduates easily adapt and study well.
