Football school "Chertanovo". Football school "Chertanovo" History and traditions

"Chertanovo": Radionov, Kondakov, Molodnyakov, Nikitenkov, Lyakhov, Pershin, Prutsev, Suleymanov, Prudnikov, Nadolsky, Savelyev.

Replacements included: Bartasevich, Redkovich, Kamyshev, Vitiugov, Ezhov, Gorshkov, Gerchikov, Sarveli, Kanishchev.


⚽ 68’ Roman Ezhov – from the penalty spot (Danil Prutsev) (1:0)

⚽ 74’ Maxim Vitiugov – from the penalty spot (Egor Kondakov) (2:0)

There is just over a month left before the resumption of the 2019/20 season. The first training camp in Turkey is behind us, the second training camp is in full swing, and the legendary FNL Cup in Cyprus is ahead. Since January 27, Chertanovo residents have been working hard in the fields of the Miracle Resort in Antalya. Two sparring matches were planned for February 2: in the morning we played with one of the leaders of the Chinese FNL, Changchun Yatai (3:0), and in the late afternoon with the hegemon of the Kyrgyz championship, FC Dordoi. If in previous sparring matches in January all players played for 30-60 minutes, then on Sunday the playing time for many increased.

FC Dordoi– 11-time champion and 10-time winner of the National Cup. Regular participant of the AFC Cup (Asian Europa League). Took 1st place (out of 8 participants) in the completed 2019 season in the top division of the Kyrgyzstan championship (Premier League). The best scorer of the yellow-blues is Vakhyt Orazsahedov(Turkmen ex-forward of Rubin and Neftekhimik). “Dordoi” is the base club of the Kyrgyzstan national team, which in 2019, for the first time in history, reached the final tournament of the Asian Cup, where it reached the 1/8 finals (the club and national team have one head coach - a Russian Alexander Krestinin).

Unfortunately, the previously announced broadcast of the match with Dordoi did not take place. The opponent asked to hold the match behind closed doors - we respect the plans of our colleagues. Dear fans, we ask you to be understanding of this situation - there will be a lot more football in the spring. In the first half, Chertanovo played with a fairly rejuvenated squad: in addition to Danila Molodnyakova And Nikita Pershina(who also played with the Chinese), from the U-17 team were also recruited Konstantin Lyakhov And Maxim Savelyev. The match was relatively equal and double-edged, but the players did not take advantage of their chances before the break. From the very beginning of the second half, they appeared on the field Vlad Sarveli And Yuri Gorshkov, and at the end of the hour of play the rest of our leaders came out. The Chertanovites gained a serious advantage and weaved combinations around the Dordoi penalty area. As a result - two fair penalties at once. The first one worked Danil Prutsev, but implemented Roman Ezhov. A violation on Egor Kondakov, and delivered an accurate blow from the “point” Maxim Vitiugov- eventually 2:0 .

Let us note that Vitiugov is our top scorer in the off-season, having already scored 4 goals (3 from the penalty spot). Our regular penalty taker could have scored even more goals, but in previous matches, penalties were taken in test mode Egor Rudkovsky, Vlad Sarveli And Roman Ezhov(all implemented). Well, when else should you try yourself in such a difficult element of the game as a penalty, if not in test matches in winter? Don't relax, keep working! Our team is waiting for two more test matches at the end of the training camp - on February 8 we will play with "Krasnodar-3" and Danish FC "Runners".

“Chertanovo” is a football school that in recent years has become one of the leading specialized institutions in Moscow and the entire Central District. With the support behind them, the leaders of this center were able to attract a number of outstanding coaches to work and put the education of young football talents on stream. This is confirmed by the fact that in the Russian youth team, which became the European champion in May 2013, six people were “Chertanovites.”

History and traditions

Children's football school "Chertanovo", its creation and formation are most closely connected with the name of B. N. Shevernev. This is one of those enthusiasts, with whose direct participation thousands of boys from the outskirts of Moscow got the chance not only to compete in the championships of Moscow, the Soviet Union and Russia, but also to gain considerable life experience, invaluable for their further development.

The first enrollment in the children's and youth sports school of the Sovetsky district of the capital was made in 1976. Over the course of several years, it has established itself as one of the best training centers for young football players. A number of her students began to be regularly called up to the Moscow national team and even to national teams of different ages. Fruitful work allowed the school to receive the status of an Olympic reserve sports center within five years.

However, Boris Nikolaevich saw his task much more broadly. For him, initially “Chertanovo” was a football school, which was supposed to not only educate future football players, but also give students a good secondary education. It was on his initiative that a regular secondary school was opened here in 1988, which made it possible to build the educational process in such a way as to fully reveal the abilities and talents of each student.

The fate of a football school in the Russian period

Chertanovo met the turbulent 1990s in a new guise. Literally in the last months of the existence of the once great power, B. N. Shevernev managed to fulfill his long-standing dream - to create a real sports and educational cluster. The thing is that not only the SDYUSSHOR and the secondary school, but also the pre-school educational center and even a wonderful kindergarten were combined into one unit. This unification made it possible to make the educational process continuous, and to seek out and educate future football stars almost from infancy.

Subsequently, the development of the football center was uneven. A turning point occurred in the mid-2000s, when the Moscow Government became the main sponsor of the school. Largely thanks to his support, it was possible to open the football boarding school “Chertanovo” and several Thus, this sports and educational cluster has acquired an excellent infrastructure that allows it to work most effectively with young football players.

"Chertanovo" is a football school. Photos of the main structural divisions

Today, Chertanovo has everything necessary to effectively work with young students. Its main structural element is the Olympic Reserve School, in which, along with the men's department, a women's department has been operating quite successfully for several years. SDUSSHOR has several training fields, most of which are artificial and well heated.

In a secondary school, the educational process is structured in such a way that young students, despite the daily workload at training, have the opportunity to receive a good education. The administration of the center understands that not all students will be able to become football stars in the future, but a good education will help open the door to a great life for each of them.

It is worth emphasizing that training at Chertanovo is absolutely free. Each pupil receives a uniform and training suits, and has the opportunity to use any sports and educational facilities free of charge. Most students receive very impressive scholarships.

Health Center

"Chertanovo" is a football school with one of the best facilities in institutions of this type. Despite the fact that its creation dates back to the Soviet period, significant changes have occurred in the last decade. New equipment and rooms were purchased to allow high-quality preventative and rehabilitative work with young pupils. This is especially important due to the fact that the intensity of the training process, even at the youth level, has increased significantly in recent years.

Boarding school is the pride of the sports school

“Chertanovo” has its own boarding school. This allows the center administration to search throughout the Moscow region and even in other regions of Russia. Professional educators work here, who not only closely monitor compliance with the daily routine and discipline, but also become truly second parents for each student. Particular attention is paid to orphans, for whom this football school means much more than just a sports and educational institution.

The boarding school has everything not only for studying and playing sports, but also to brighten up your leisure time. Young pupils have the opportunity in their free time to play billiards and table tennis, swim in the pool, watch TV, and plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of computer games.

Coaching staff

“Chertanovo” is a football school where they are very sensitive not only to the younger generation, but also to the personnel issue. The selection of trainers here is approached from both professional and purely human positions. This person must have the skills of a teacher and mentor in order to see an individual in each student and be able to find an individual approach to him. This guarantees the absence of the notorious “staff turnover”, when students do not have time to get used to the requirements and methods of one mentor before another one comes to replace him. Among the Chertanovo coaches, it is worth highlighting L. A. Ablizin, V. N. Razumovsky, M. Makarshin and A. Abaev. All of them bear the honorary title “Honored Trainer of Russia” and enjoy indisputable authority both among their students and their colleagues.

From the Moscow Championship to the Russian national team

The Chertanovo Football Academy takes a professional approach to the process of educating football players. This concerns not only the availability of an excellent training base and excellent coaching staff, but also the opportunity for young students to participate in championships in Moscow and Russia, thereby reinforcing in practice the skills acquired in training arenas.

For almost a decade, Chertanovo students have been regularly called up to the Moscow national team of different ages. By the way, this concerns not only young people, but also girls, because the Chertanovo women's football school is rightfully considered one of the flagships of this sport in our country.

“Chertanovites” are playing an increasingly prominent role at the level of Russian youth teams. The school administration especially emphasizes that the Chertanovo team also played a significant role in the golden success of the team, made up of seventeen-year-old students: six students of the academy became winners of this tournament. Especially among them are defender Vladislav Parshikov and midfielder Yegor Rudkovsky, who are predicted to have a brilliant football future.

Between KFC and second division

For any young footballer who sets himself the goal of breaking into a Premier League team, it is very important to meet on the field not only with his peers, but also with established players. That is why Chertanovo finances teams competing among physical education groups and in the Second Division.

The football club “Chertanovo” (Moscow) has been playing in the “Center” zone of the Second Division for several years now. And it does this quite successfully, being a strong middle peasant. At the same time, the school management and the club’s coaching staff do not set themselves the goal of necessarily fighting for prizes. More important is to provide an opportunity for young players (and the age of the Chertanovo players does not exceed 23 years) to “cook” among real men, to realize their capabilities, to sort out and correct technical errors and gaps in tactics.

The amateur club Chertanovo plays in the Third Division of the Russian Championship. Players play here who, for whatever reason, were unable to make it into the main team. Experts have drawn attention to the fact that it is best for anyone, even the most talented player, to start performances from the very bottom in order to gradually increase their skill and develop their technical and tactical abilities.

Famous students

The Chertanovo football school, reviews of which are almost always positive, gave first to the Soviet and then to the Russian championship many of its students, who left a very noticeable mark here. Particularly different from the general background is that, having spent several bright seasons in Dynamo Moscow, he then went to conquer (and very successfully!) the expanses of the Italian Serie A.

In addition, the school’s graduates over the years included such significant personalities for domestic football as I. Chugainov, A. Gordeev, M. Cheltsov, A. Samorukov. They all try to support their native academy and speak of it with warmth and gratitude. So, several years ago, I. Kolyvanov established a cup bearing his name, which became a real holiday for the boys.

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The Chertanovo Education Center has been successfully preparing reserves for professional football for more than three decades. His football school has two football departments - men's and women's. Several hundred students study in educational and training groups. All of them combine sports with training in specialized sports classes at a high school.

In 1976, at Children's Sports School No. 1 Sovetsky district of Moscow A football department was opened. The successes of graduates who were members of the national teams of Moscow and the country, as well as teams of masters, allowed the department to receive the status of an Olympic reserve school. So in 1981, Sports School No. 3 for football appeared. In 1988, a comprehensive school was opened on the basis of the sports school, which made it possible to successfully solve educational and training problems.

In 1991, the Chertanovo Education Center was created from 4 structural divisions, which included a sports school, a secondary school, a preschool educational center and a kindergarten. A coherent system of teaching children from kindergarten to graduation from sports and general education schools has emerged. A boarding school is currently open, and construction of a football stadium is planned.

Training at the Center is free. Moreover, all senior football players receive a scholarship, and candidates for the Moscow and Russian national teams receive increased scholarships.

In addition, all team players from the age of 13 are provided with sports equipment and boots.

Football school "Chertanovo"

Boarding school

Football boarding school "Chertanovo"

The boarding school of the Chertanovo Education Center opened in 2009. It houses 70 young football players, who have all the conditions for training and recreation at the highest level.

Young pupils have at their disposal double and quadruple hotel rooms with TVs connected to the NTV+ satellite package, a relaxation room, a computer room, billiards and table tennis tables, a recreation center with a sauna, a swimming pool and modern showers, and a dining room.

In addition, in the boarding school building there is a small arena with an area of ​​495.6 sq.m. with artificial grass.

Among the boarding school's students are not only out-of-town football players, but also Muscovites from families in need of social assistance, or children who simply prefer not to waste time traveling from home to school.

The main arena of the school is located within walking distance from the boarding school. Children travel to the winter and summer championship matches on school buses.

Famous Alumni

Igor Kolyvanov

Over its history, the Chertanovo Education Center has trained dozens of football players who played in professional clubs in the USSR, Russia and Europe, and played for the men's and women's national teams of the USSR and Russia. Thus, the graduates of the men's department of the Chertanovo Sports School are:

A more complete list of graduates of the Chertanovo Central Educational Center is presented on a special page of the Chertanovo website.

Moscow football championship among SDYUSHOR, Youth Sports School DYuFK, SK

Summer Championship of the Club League. Match between teams born in 1996 Chertanovo - Lokomotiv. Chertanovo captain Alexander Soldatenkov (left).

During the existence of the Chertanovo football school, several teams of its men's department at different times managed to win the right to compete in the elite divisions of the Moscow football championship among the Youth Sports School and the Sports School for Youth and Sports School.

In 2009, following the results of the season in the major league, the Chertanovo team for the first time entered the elite division, called the “Club League”, for all ages.

In the debut season, the Chertanovo teams took fifth place in the overall standings of the Club League summer championship, behind only Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Spartak and CSKA. At the same time, the Chertanovo team beat the Spartak Academy twice in the overall standings, and the Chertanovo team, born in 1997. At the end of the season, she took 2nd place in her group.

Exercise therapy "Chertanovo"

Graduates of the Children's and Youth Sports School "Chertanovo" and young football players of two senior teams have the opportunity to gain playing practice in matches for
