Cheerful script for the anniversary of 65 years for a woman. Scenario for the anniversary of your beloved mother

When choosing a cool scenario for a 65-year-old woman’s anniversary, or vice versa, a serious one, one must not forget what is required of him. The script should provide an unusual, but holistic and joyful holiday, during which the birthday girl will not get bored for a minute.

The script should also evenly cover the entire celebration, provide for the possibility of any impromptu on the part of the guests and, of course, fully meet the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl herself.

Which is better: a ready-made script or a self-written one?

This question is the first one that organizers of the anniversary of 65 years ask a woman. A script written by yourself does not exclude the use of ready-made options.

Moreover, in the absence of experience in organizing celebrations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with various ready-made scenarios. Firstly, it will give an idea of ​​​​what the celebration can be like, and secondly, it will become a catalyst for the emergence of your own ideas.

That is, ready-made scripts do not have to be implemented exactly as they are written. Rather, they are a help, a foundation, a foundation from which you can build on when planning a holiday.

What are ready-made scenarios?

The finished script can refer to a specific stage of the celebration or cover it as a whole. Those scenarios that begin with a greeting and end with a toast in honor of the birthday girl are designed for the whole evening. And those that immediately offer some kind of entertainment or contests are part of the celebration.

Thinking over how the woman’s 65th birthday will be celebrated, the script can be written separately for all stages of the celebration, taking from the ready-made options what you like best.

Are thematic scenarios necessary?

A certain theme, like style, is always present in everything related to celebrations. Whether or not you need to use a script that provides for a certain setting, scenery and appearance, depends on individual moments.

If the birthday girl wants to put on a real ball gown at least once in her life, immerse herself in the mafia 30s or become the Snow Queen, then the 65th anniversary is an excellent occasion for the realization of these desires. A woman should like the script, however, in addition to the approval of the birthday girl, when organizing such celebrations, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the size of the room and the presence of stairs in it (this is important when using ball and evening dresses);
  • providing guests with addresses of agencies providing costume rental;
  • decorations, attributes and consumables for competitions;
  • compliance of the program, serving and other nuances with the style of the holiday.

As a rule, older ladies are content with simpler options for holding their own birthday. There are no obstacles, except for the preferences of the birthday girl, for the implementation of thematic scenarios.

Are situational plays necessary?

The celebration is not limited to the banquet, the whole day takes the anniversary of 65 years for a woman. A cool scenario and a new proposal for celebrations in various agencies - playing a birthday girl.

Draws can be different and take place at any time. For example, during a themed celebration in the style of pioneers or mafia, a popular draw is the table setting without alcohol and the non-alcoholic opening of the holiday. And only then alcohol is brought by "mafiosi" or "pioneer activists", that is, the host's assistants.

There are also draws separate from the celebration. For example, a polar bear (life-size puppet), Count Dracula, Marilyn Monroe, old Hottabych (actors in character) or someone else can approach a birthday girl on the street. They may be interested in how to get somewhere (the most popular is taken from the movie: “How to get to the library?”), persistently translate across the street, and so on.

Such a draw can last a whole day or be one-time. A pumpkin carriage can drive up to the birthday girl and the coachman-rat (mascot) will offer her his services. There are no limits for fantasy in the options for drawing situations.

However, the birthday girl should like it. In addition, the state of health of the lady should be taken into account. If she has a weak heart or a tendency to stroke, neurological pathologies, then a cheerful scenario for a woman's 65th birthday should not include such entertainment, as they can worsen the health of the hero of the day.

"Birthday Morning" (screenplay)

The most difficult thing in organizing the morning is decorating the bedroom while the elderly lady is sleeping. She should wake up and see the holiday decorations. The simplest thing is to decorate the room with flowers. There should be a lot of bouquets. They should be placed in vases outside the bedroom, and then carefully brought in and set. In the same way, columns of helium balloons can be used.

The dressing gown needs to be replaced with a new and smart one. In the most visible place, for example, on a bathrobe, you should leave a small note with a small souvenir. It can be a shell, a flower, a figurine, a jewelry box, a beautiful hairpin - anything, except, of course, items that do not correspond to the "ladies' theme". If the lady has good eyesight, you can use the pieces of the Happy Birthday to You puzzle, which she will collect on her way to the kitchen, where she will make a picture with the participation of the family.

The corridor and other places of the birthday girl’s morning home route also need to be decorated and notes with puzzle elements, flowers or trinkets should be placed along her route. In notes, you need to briefly congratulate and make compliments.

When the birthday girl enters the kitchen, the whole family shouts: “Congratulations!” or sings the song "Happy birthday to you!" For breakfast, the lady is served a small personal cake or dessert.

If such a scenario of a woman’s home anniversary (65 years old) starts the day of celebration, then the mood of the birthday girl will be joyful from the very morning until late at night. And this is the most important thing in the anniversary.

"Star Start" (scenario for the opening of the holiday)

The opening of the holiday is the moment when a separate scenario for the anniversary of the 65th anniversary of a woman can be used. The script ready for this stage of the celebration needs to be adjusted taking into account the individual characteristics inherent in each celebration. One of its organizers opens and leads the holiday, unless, of course, a professional has been hired.

Moderator: "Good evening. Good evening, (name) and dear guests, of course.

I would like to talk about the stars. What do we know about the stars (pause)? That they may not be. Or maybe three (pause). And there may be five of them. Yes. Yes. Yes, dear guests, take a look at the table and you will see them. As many as five stars (pause, usually - laughter, applause).

But they are not the brightest on the holiday. And one, the only star is (name). This star has illuminated the world with bright light for 65 years. And it will still shine as much, and maybe more. Let's raise our five-star glasses. For one single real star, and let's start celebrating! Happy anniversary, happy holiday, happy birthday, dear (name)!

After 5-8 minutes, you need to announce a toast from the spouse of the birthday girl. Then, at the same intervals, announce toasts from family members and very close people.

As soon as relatives and loved ones finish their congratulations, the opening part of the celebration is considered completed. All other guests make table speeches after the break, alternating with various competitions and numbers included in the script for the anniversary of "Woman of 65". An interesting option for determining the order of performances is a lottery.

"Who's talking?" (script for determining the order of toasts from guests)

Quite often, a lot of guests come to such an anniversary of a woman (65 years old). The scenario of competitions and numbers in this case alternates with toasts like any other. However, with a large number of invitees, a situation may arise in which people begin to argue about the order of speaking, or someone does not have enough time to speak. Often the birthday girl is not allowed to visit the toilet room, intercepting along the way and starting to congratulate. Sometimes there is no time for an interesting competition. Other difficulties also arise.

But all this does not happen when the anniversary of the 65th anniversary of a woman is celebrated, the script of which contains a lottery distribution of the order of the invited speakers.

To carry out you will need:

  • a large elegant lottery drum;
  • numbers attached to chairs;
  • mini scrolls with numbers.

The bottom line is that the birthday girl spins the drum and takes out a scroll, unfolds and calls the number. The person occupying a place under this number makes a congratulatory toast.

The order of their speeches should be explained to the guests at the end of the opening part, after the last family toast. You can say the following:

“Dear guests, there are a lot of you, and we have only one birthday girl. Therefore, she will accept all congratulations and toasts from you in the order determined by Fate itself.

What does it mean? This means that your chairs have numbers on their backs. Look around, does everyone have numbers? Did you find everything? Great. So, you have numbers. And our birthday girl has them too. They are located inside small scrolls in a large drum. Where is the drum? Show the drum to the guests! The guests are worried (pronounced deliberately "comedy", as a rule, the audience laughs)!

Which number our birthday girl gets, that’s what the toast is. Therefore, dear guests, do not sit on other people's chairs (pause, laughter)! Take care of your chairs (pause, laughter)! (Name) will play toasts throughout the evening, but you need to take her business (pause, laughter, applause). Attention, dear guests, the first draw will start in ten minutes! Now let's rest!"

This kind of competition greatly facilitates the holding of the celebration by the organizers and always resonates with the guests, and also prevents all conflict situations related to the order of congratulations.

"Find the birthday girl" (active situational prank scenario)

For this entertainment, you need to agree with the restaurant administration that the hero of the day has the opportunity to hide for some time in the office premises. If the physical form of the lady and her sense of humor allow her to hide under the table, then this option is more preferable.

You will also need a photograph of the birthday girl, which must be placed under any serving item so that the edge is visible. This must be done before the start of the competition.

The bottom line is that the presenter "notices" the absence of the birthday girl or waits until one of the guests does it. Everyone is encouraged to search. Of course, not everyone will immediately get up from their seats. Patience must be shown. When the activists go around the toilet room, street area, corridors and say that: “(name) is actually nowhere,” the host should spur the audience on, for example, with the phrase: “Did you think this was part of the banquet? I tell you: we don’t have a birthday girl.”

When all the guests run around, look, make sure that there is no one, you need to offer to look on the table: “Maybe there is a note that the waiter moved to the wrong place.”

There is a photograph. The leader must approach the finders and stand in such a way as to divert everyone's attention from the place of the birthday girl. At this moment, she must again take her chair.

The host announces: “Do you know what you did? You found the birthday girl! Let's keep having fun!"

This entertainment is good because all guests will physically warm up, but in an unobtrusive way and without the risk of embarrassment.

"Your own florist" (contest-competition)

You will need:

  • many inexpensive and different colors;
  • ribbons, ribbon.

The essence of the competition is that you need to make a bouquet and give it to the birthday girl with an explanation of what each flower in the composition wishes her. The prize is the right to congratulate the birthday girl or dance with her. You can choose anything as a reward.

The competition can be team or individual. The winner is chosen by the birthday girl.

"Mim-pantomime" (game-competition in association, with moderate physical activity)

Such a game should be included in the scenario of the anniversary of a woman - 65 years old - held in the circle of close people. For a large number of guests who do not maintain constant close relations with the birthday girl, she is not suitable, but she is well suited for celebrating at home.

The essence of the game is that the guests, in turn, without using words, show some quality of the birthday girl and guess. The winner is chosen by the hero of the occasion. This game can be played right at the table.

As a reward, you can use the right of an extraordinary toast or something else. The host's task is to comment on the pantomime, but this must be done in a kind way, making the guests laugh, and not offending.

End of the evening (scenario for the closing of the holiday)

Whatever scenario is used on the anniversary of a woman of 65 years old, cool or serious, the holiday should be completed in the same way as it was opened.

The host's speech closes the celebration:

“Dear guests, we had fun, amused our star - our (name). They ate and drank, laughed and mourned. But don't you think that something is missing on this holiday?

(a cake with burning candles is taken out or taken out)

And here it is - the cake of desires! Happy birthday! Hooray (guests pick up)!

As soon as the candles are blown out, it's time for crackers or fireworks. After they are over, the host announces:

“Dear guests, do not disperse, but continue the fun. Let's play for two more hours! Started!” The music becomes louder, the holiday enters its final part.

Hire toastmaster or not? This question always torments many people who are going to celebrate their holiday. And here it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a wedding, birthday, or anniversary - all the same, the toastmaster will cost, well, very expensive! What will she offer you? From my own experience, I can say that she will immediately offer you a good drink so that you all feel good, and you are liberated and begin to help her lead the holiday. But you can do it yourself! Today we will tell you how to beautifully and brightly celebrate a woman's 65th birthday at home, that is, at home. We do not offer you a script, but we will definitely give you a dozen tips and ideas. So you yourself can be in the role of toastmaster and spend the anniversary. Ready? Go!

And at the very beginning of the holiday, you need to meet the hero of the day and do it beautifully. We offer you this option.
Divide all guests into three groups. And give each group a different color of balloons. The first is yellow, the second is blue, and the third is green. And give each guest dollars from the gift shop. And all groups stand in a semicircle in this order: first with yellow balls, then with blue ones and the last semicircle is green balls. When the hero of the day enters the door, she is greeted with yellow balloons. Balloons are waved, and the presenter asks the hero of the day - what is yellow associated with? When the hero of the day says that with the sun, the presenter pronounces the following words: right, with the sun! We wish that a bright and warm sun always shines over your head!
Then the guests with yellow balloons disperse and stand behind the hero of the day. And guests with blue balloons appear in front of her. When the hero of the day answers that the blue color is the sky, the presenter says the following words: right, with the sky! We wish you always blue peaceful and cloudless skies above your head!
And after that, the guests with blue balls also part, and the guests with green balls remain. And when the hero of the day says that the green color is greenery and trees, the presenter says the following speech:
That's right, with trees and greenery! And people also call dollars green. We wish you to have more of such greenery, and not deny yourself anything, and continue to live with dignity!
And at this moment, all the guests throw up their dollars, which fall on their heads and fall near the feet of the hero of the day.

If this type of meeting is too long, or not acceptable for you, then see this one -.
It is bright and full of positive, and only one person participates in it.

So the guests sat down in their places and the holiday began. Usually the first toast is drunk for the hero of the day, but we will break this tradition a little, because the holiday would not be complete if there were no guests. But before you drink for the guests, you need to play. All guests fill their glasses, and blindfold one. And any other guests clink glasses with each other. And the one who is blindfolded must say who exactly went crazy. If he guesses at least one, then he makes a toast. And if he does not guess anyone, then he himself says beautiful words. And this is done several times, and then the hero of the day is blindfolded. And when she was blindfolded, then all the guests clink glasses at once! There is nothing to guess, who went crazy, so we drink for friends and guests who came!

But the second toast is already naturally necessary to drink for the hero of the day.

Sample toast:

The young man was going to go for a walk in the mountains. He walked and walked, and came to the house. There was laughter, fun and celebration in the house. They saw him from the house and invited him to the table. They sat down, poured a glass of wine and gave the floor. Young man and says:
I don’t know you, but I wish you to live a happy life, give birth to children, raise grandchildren and that all your dreams and desires come true!
And the hostess of the holiday answers:
So I have it all, and all my dreams have come true!
The young man was surprised:
How so? You look no more than 25 years old?!
And the hostess replies:
When people who love you are next to you all your life. Your family, your friends. That time just stops!

So let's drink to our eternally young hero of the day, who is always surrounded only by the closest people. Loving family and caring friends!

You can see even more toasts in our special section -.
More than 1000 different toasts in verse and prose are waiting for you. So take a look, you won't regret it!

It's time to play. What to play for not quite young guests? That's right - board games. Here are some examples of such games:

The first game in the form of a funny auction. Announce that the hero of the day is going to go on a trip around the world, but there is not enough mere trifle - money for the trip. So she decided to sell off some of the things she had acquired over her long life. To the music from the game "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" the black box is taken out. And the host announces the auction. But few people will buy a pig in a poke, so the product needs to be described. For example:
In the black box is an object in which there is something. And without this something, not a single party can do. Why is there a party, we cannot imagine our life without it! Without it, any food is just food. At one time, it was in short supply, it was given on coupons. And this…
This is where the auction starts. And most people think that we are talking about a bottle of vodka. And when someone wins the auction, the box is opened and a bag of salt is taken out from there!
And so you can sell a couple of three things and earn. Let not for a trip, but for a good gift.

Adults came to visit, who can hardly be surprised. Therefore, prepare glasses, and glue tasks for guests to the glasses on the bottom. For example, what to eat after drinking a glass. And the guests take turns choosing their own glass, drinking and looking at what they can eat. And write on one glass - eat whatever you want! This will be the happiest drink ever. But on others, you can write the following:
- bite your neighbor's sleeve.
- Have a second glass of vodka.
- Smell the smell of fish.
- Have a slice of lemon.
And so on, come up with the most unusual tasks.

Now each guest writes on a piece of paper where he would like to call the hero of the day: go skiing, go to the cinema, take a walk in the park, climb the highest mountain, and so on. After that, we put all the leaves in a bag, and in turn, each guest approaches the bag and takes out one piece of paper. He reads what is written there, approaches the hero of the day and tries to call her to where it is written on a piece of paper. But you can’t say words, only gestures, movements and facial expressions. And the hero of the day must guess where she is invited.

At the end of the evening they bring out the cake. But just taking it out is not interesting. So let's have a little game. Again, we need that black box that had items for the auction. You put a regular waffle cake in it. Take out the box and ask the guests:
- do you want a cake? Everyone screams yes!
Then you take out a waffle cake, and again you ask:
- Do you want this cake? Everyone screams no!
You are asking:
- Why? You don't like its shape? You don't like its color? You don't like its taste?
The guests answer all questions in the negative, and you say:
- then take away this cake, and bring another!
The waffle cake is taken away, and a real beautiful and tasty cake is rolled out on a beautiful cart. And you repeat all the same questions about the cake again, but only the guests are already shouting - YES!
This is how you prepared everyone for the cake, whetted your appetite and set the guests on fire.
Bon appetit and Happy Anniversary!


Favorite Anniversary date should be celebrated with a large number of guests, because with guests comes joy and gifts to the house. Therefore, the sixty-fifth anniversary is also worthy of honor. It is your right to celebrate at home or in a restaurant, but in any case, the holiday should be celebrated according to a good scenario.


(all guests are sitting at the table, waiting for the Anniversary to come out)

She looks like a five tonight
Let's congratulate her today
Throw flowers at her feet together,
And good gifts to give!
And the reason is because "65",
His Anniversary (name, patronymic) is in a hurry to celebrate,
And without you, she can't celebrate it,
So I decided to invite everyone
And so that she can walk here,
I ask you to give a lot of applause!

(everyone applauds, the Anniversary enters the hall)

For every native you are a person,
And we wish you a long life,
To celebrate anniversaries,
And every year they were more beautiful!
And so that everything that was said came true,
Accept from us from all a large bouquet of sixty-five roses!

(everyone applauds, the husband of the Anniversary or the children give her a bouquet of 65 roses)

The holiday is off to a great start.
And now for everyone familiar,
Let's move on to the festive feast,
Let's each pour a glass!

(The hero of the day goes to her place, everyone pours wine)

Gotta drink sir
For great years
65 years of life is an honor,
Let our Anniversary, like a rose from a bouquet, bloom!

(everyone drinks, eats, music plays)

We call the competition: "We drink wine from everything." Participation is accepted by all interested guests, you can not leave the table. Task: to the music, the presenter begins to give out commands from which to drink, willing participants begin to fulfill them. Gradually, the number of participants will decrease, the smartest and fastest wins, and the prize is a bottle of cognac.

Contest leader's words:

To begin with, we drink from what we scoop salads!

(from large spoons)

And now, from what is suitable for an appetizer with wine, orange is all!

(Pour on an orange slice and eat)

Now let's turn around to the neighbor, today is the sixty-fifth anniversary (name, patronymic of the hero of the day) today, as if we're getting drunk! Let that palm substitute, and drink from it allows!

(turn to the neighbor, if he agrees, pour some wine into his palm and drink)

And now my last decree, the most dexterous and quickest at this hour, will drink from the hands of the dearest and golden, Our dear Anniversary!

(the fastest participant drinks from two palms of the Anniversary, for this he receives a prize)

And now we will continue the feast,
We need to continue to drink and for health,
So the guests continue the meal,
But after the glass, congratulations!

(all guests drink)

It's time to congratulate
Just not as usual, gentlemen,
Come to me one by one,
And take a helium balloon
Breathe in the air and say the tale
Make a cartoon for the Anniversary this hour!

(guests take turns approaching the host, take a balloon with helium from her, untie it, inhale the air and announce the congratulations in a funny distorted voice)

Well done, all congratulations were announced,
Just haven't eaten or drunk for a long time,
Let's have a little refreshment
And then we will dance with the Anniversary!

(all guests sit down in their seats, have a meal, music plays, then dances take place, sometimes fast, sometimes slow)

I see you are all warmed up,
Competition means good, wait,
There the physical form should be at five,
Well, let's get started!

The competition is called: "Around the table." Participation is accepted by five interested guests. Task: everyone stands in the middle of the hall around the table, on which products are placed in decreasing quantities (piles of wine, strawberries, piles of cognac, pieces of cheese, bitter peas). Everyone begins to dance around the table to the music, as soon as the presenter announces, for example, “And now we are drinking cognac” or “We will have a pretty good snack with cheese.” The number of snacks decreases and therefore the slowest participants are eliminated. The prize for the most important and attentive dancer is a set of stacks.

Oh good anniversary
Let's drink to him soon.
So let's not give up
We lift up,
And we drink, of course, to the bottom,
65 years this date is wide!

(everyone drinks, eats, after which they take out the cake)

The script worked! Great!
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The venue for the anniversary is decorated in the style of the station - like a waiting room or a station platform. Guests are greeted by a voice recorded on the disc: “Dear passengers! Anniversary Express No. _____ is leaving, we ask everyone to take their seats in the carriages according to the purchased tickets.

Guests take their places indicated in. The announcement is played again, then the song "Before the train leaves" is played. The scenario of the 65th anniversary of a woman-mother on a railway theme will be especially interesting to those whose profession (or husband's profession) was somehow connected with the railway.

Greeting guests

  • Presenter: “Good afternoon, dear passengers, we are glad to see everyone on the anniversary express, please prepare tickets for verification.” (Guests raise invitations up, late or lost tickets receive another copy).
  • Host: “Now there is no reason to worry, let's go. Please keep your travel documents, there is control on the line, besides, your tickets are not simple, but more on that later. Let me introduce the head of the train (introducing the hero of the day), who is celebrating her 65th birthday today ”(applause and the whistle of the locomotive in the recording).
  • Host: “On behalf of the chief and the train crew, we wish everyone a happy journey and good mood!” (the melody of M. Tariverdiev sounds “The composition went to Tikhoretskaya”
  • Host: “So our anniversary train set off, the head of the train introduced himself to everyone, and we just have to raise our glasses up, for your hero of the day, for your hero of the day, for your hero of the day, I ask you all to drink!”

Congratulations to the hero of the day

Host: “And here is the first greeting (it sounds in the recording), the host offers a toast, and the musician includes the favorite birthday song in the recording.”

Presenter: “What is the passenger doing on the road? He sleeps, communicates with his neighbors in the compartment, eats and looks for entertainment for himself. Only our train is not an ordinary one, but an anniversary one, and not ordinary passengers on it, but dear guests. What are we to do?"

Presenter: (To the soundtrack of the song “My address is the Soviet Union”):

“Wagon wheels dictate, fun in the express is noisy,

and the thought, like a wound clock, one thing keeps repeating to me:

the guests are worried, the guests are worried, when are the gifts to be presented?

Why should you worry so much, we can start right away.”

This scenario of the anniversary of the 65th anniversary of a woman involves collective congratulations in a very original way.

Host: “It's time to remember our tickets. They all have different colors, according to the colors of the semaphore. Now we have a green light, I ask guests with green tickets to get ready for congratulations.

Divide all guests into groups, issuing tickets of one color to friends, another to relatives, and a third to colleagues. You can also congratulate collectively. After congratulations, a toast sounds.

Host: “Let the hero of the day always have a green semaphore light on her life path, and only loved ones, relatives and friends, will be companions.”

After relatives with green cards, guests with red tickets (friends) and yellow ones (colleagues) are invited in the same way for congratulations.

Game "Find the hare"

A 65-year anniversary script for a woman with humor and imagination should be, as well as focus on the age and status of the guests.

Host: “A flurry of congratulations captures us entirely, I consider it necessary to make an announcement: among us, decent passengers, there is one hare, its signs are a shapeless body, a pink fur coat is locked, the lower jaw is forward. The ears are long, the size of the shoes - on the hind legs. He hides in the dining car, in the most secluded corners, to the one who finds - a reward ”(shows guests an incentive - a bottle of vodka). All the guests rush in search of a hare (a pink baby backpack made of fur with ears). The winner gets a prize and applause.

Leading. "Friends, our hare is not easy, let's see what's inside him?" (opens satchel and takes out a bunch of tickets). “Yes, this hare can hardly be called a stowaway; Only and everything? I'm getting a ticket."

Quiz "Tickets"

    What is the name of the tickets informing us about some important event? (invitation) (The hero of the day is given an invitation to an exhibition or some other event that is currently taking place in the city).

    Name the ticket bought in transport and valid for a month? (travel card). (The hero of the day is given a travel card for any type of public transport).

    A ticket to a performance by your favorite pop star, what shall we call it? (concert (The birthday girl is given a ticket to the concert).

    What name would you give this ticket? (a bill of 1000 rubles) That's right, bank.

    And in the prize draws, which ticket is needed? (lottery). (The hero of the day is given a pack of lotteries).

The host gives money to the hero of the day.

Host: "Whoever takes a pack of tickets ... yes, dealing with such hares is a pleasure."

An announcement is heard over the loudspeaker: "Dear passengers, forced stop due to track repair."

Leading: "It's time to warm up - breathe - smoke - dance."

dance break

Host: “Gentlemen, we take our places, the semaphore is green. Dealing with postal luggage, among the bundles of letters I found one for the hero of the day. (Gives an envelope to the hero of the day).

Host: “Please pay attention to how the birthday girl opens the envelope (options are announced after the envelope is opened)

Presenter: Solid people who are used to bringing everything to the end open letters with a knife. Reasonable and narcissistic people use scissors. Optimists and enthusiasts use their hands.

All guests are interested to know what is in this envelope, could you voice its contents?

The hero of the day reads out a letter: “Please accept the parcel with apricot.” (The presenter hands over the parcel).

Host: “In order not to disturb the hero of the occasion at the anniversary, they handed it to me, here, sign for receipt.” (The hero of the day signs and opens the parcel).

Anniversary: ​​“Yes, the train was not fast, apricots managed to become dried apricots - help yourself. Actually, dried apricots are pitted, but if someone gets it - sometimes it happens, then the lucky one will receive a prize. (As a prize, you can take a fresh apricot or peach).

Dance competition "Special staff"

Presenter: “A passenger train is very similar to a person: a locomotive is a head, a stomach is a dining car. Meeting friends, a person stops, and the train also stops, meeting passengers.

Here the letter composition is suitable, and there are no stops on the way, I ask the men to come together now as soon as possible.

Two teams of men with the same number of participants are recruited for the competition. Props for the game are "cars" made from large boxes with cut out windows, painted to look like cars. On the box, ropes are stretched through the holes in front and behind for tying trailers.

Presenter: “We are building a special squad, according to the principle “who is faster”, we put on boxes-wagons and assemble - we tie the train.”

Participants put on boxes and connect them to each other, tying them with ropes.

Host: “All the “cars” have connected, the dance line-up is ready for the competition. It was not in vain that they called it the “dance special squad”, the teams will have to perform different dances with the same legs.”

The melodies of "Lezginka", "Lady", "Swan Lake" sound. The teams dance, the audience chooses the winners with applause and awards them.

If a script for a 65-year-old woman is held at home, it is worth preparing a separate room for dancing.

The end of the holiday

Presenter: “The speed of our anniversary train is growing, and with it the mood of the passengers is also increasing. Let's raise our glasses so that for the hero of the day all adversity rushes away like our express, and in the future there will be only the green light of joy and happiness.

The guests-participants go to the table and join the toast.

Host: “After such a toast, a second wind usually opens up, and therefore it’s time to sing your favorite drinking songs.” (All guests sing several songs in chorus).

Host: “The anniversary evening, presented to us by the hero of the day, is coming to an end, and the birthday girl’s express flies further, and how many more stations are ahead! Happy journey through life!

In you will find retro party contests. - choose for your holiday.

On a holiday for a loved one, we strive to organize a celebration that would meet the taste of the hero of the day. And what is the recipe for a good holiday, of course, a well-prepared script? Let's look at it step by step and prepare a script for mom's anniversary at home.

And the first component is, of course, the guests. Dear relatives and close friends, old colleagues - everyone wants to express their respect and congratulate the birthday girl. The format of the holiday is built from the number of invitees.
This is followed by a pleasant meeting place for the birthday girl. It can be my mother's favorite restaurant, a water trip for the whole company, an anniversary bachelorette party in the sauna and, of course, no one has canceled a cozy home feast.
As we have already determined, the main ingredient of a good holiday is a funny and sincere scenario that will allow you to spend an unforgettable anniversary for both mom and adored grandmother. In fact, only you are able to cope here, because no one else, except you, loves and knows your mother so much in order to hold a really interesting event. As a help, our website provides a ready-made script for the anniversary for mom in the family circle, which will easily become the basis for your ideas.

Festive scenario "Conversation with happiness"

In the script for the anniversary for mom below, the daughter is the host.
Everyone, including the birthday girl, gathers at the festive table. A wish book should be placed on a separate table, which guests fill out during the celebration.

Presenter: Good afternoon, bonjour, hello!
Welcome to our home!
We are celebrating today
Congratulations and let's eat!
Our guests will help us
This case is not easy!
Dear Mom!
Happy anniversary day!
So few years have passed
About that, we will sing!

The minus of the song “Conversation with Happiness” is turned on, guests need to distribute pre-prepared words of the song.

Anniversary suddenly in silence
Came to us for the evening.
Every year, look around
Colored with colors.

And worries round dance,
There are grandchildren nearby.
Well, mom is blooming,
Looks so young!

Chorus: In the power of the spirit, believe this!
It's all clear to us now
You stubbornly argue with fate.
We sing admiring you.

You went through the life of the field,
Every step I took, loving,
We know it was not in vain
It was not in vain.

Without your smile
Without tenderness and light
Shut up for a long time
Life in this world!

You give a good look
How beautiful you are!
So everything is on the way
It was not in vain.

May this day eclipse the moon with the radiance of lights,
You, mother, do not count the minutes that have escaped you.
You smile cheerfully and boldly,
And enjoy life happily every day!
We start the celebration as it should be,
It is proposed to fill all the glasses!

dating game

The host needs to know the names of all the guests in advance and group them, if possible, in order to fit them into the anniversary script, and mother's guests get to know each other.

Presenter: It's time for us all to get to know each other! And who is already familiar, remember the names of all those gathered!

A sparrow walked on the roof,
Gathered my friends
A lot of us gathered today
Anya (Dimochki, etc.) will get up now.

Presenter: Dear guests, it’s impossible to cheat on our anniversary, today everyone is having fun and joking! To be on the safe side, let's take a solemn anniversary vow together!

An oath for guests in honor of the anniversary. It can be passed in a circle so that everyone can read out a line.

We swear by the flowers we brought with us
We swear by sweet candies,
We swear by toasts, they have a direct intention,
And our worthy gifts!

We swear by the fork and the spoon,
We swear by clean potatoes!
We swear by holiday jokes
And also good wishes!

We swear to express love all evening!
Will appear again next year!
We will always respond to the call of the hero of the day!
We swear to that from the bottom of our hearts!

Presenter: Happy birthday, dear mom!
How beautiful you are!
Kind, smart, smart,
The happiest in the world!
God sent you from heaven to us,
And in your honor, we raise this glass!

This is followed by a video or an animated gallery of photographs of the birthday girl from birth to the present, a short digression into the life story from the presenter. Just choose the most beautiful mommy pictures so as not to disappoint her.

Slideshow of mom's photos

A good example of a slide show that was designed for the anniversary of my mother and part-time grandmother

table break

Presenter: Now, please take a moment!
The word is taken by a man of high rank!

Congratulations from husband and part-time dad

The husband of the hero of the day recites poetry and announces a toast.

In a small kingdom called "Family"
The holiday sounds with increasing force.
And Happy Anniversary Queen
The faithful husband is in a hurry to congratulate!

I'm sorry, dear, sometimes I don't know myself
How careless I am.
But you are so wise, my golden one!
How grateful I am!

I want to glow with happiness
Live in harmony and love!
And I am your protector in bad weather.
But take care of yourself too!

I confess, you all get better with age,
Your smile calls my heart!
I'm in love with you, let everyone know it!
You are a flower descended from heaven!

Game "Recognize the guest"

The host prepares short and accurate descriptions of all guests on cards in advance. Notes about the profession, character traits, hobbies, etc. For example, "The Queen of the Mountain Peaks", "A strict director, but a musician in his soul", "A first-class cook and a businesswoman in one bottle." The presenter walks around with a hat on the guests, each pulls out a piece of paper and reads into the microphone, trying to determine who they are talking about. Hints are allowed.

Congratulations from children and grandchildren

Chrychalka in honor of the birthday girl

Who is the most beloved in the world?
Who is appreciated by both grandchildren and children?
She sits now between us -
Our mom is top notch!

Who can do everything at home
And in the work of all faster?
Answer, this time -
Our mom is top notch!

She is dexterous as before, she dared in her soul,
How did she manage to get so prettier over the years?
Let's say it again together:
Our mom is top notch!

presenter: Gentlemen, guests, let's raise the cup,
For the one who is more beautiful to us all!
Who is dearer to us all in the world at this hour!
In honor of whom the glorious Jubilee walks!

The game "Why did I come to the Jubilee?"

This headdress is uncensored
Tell the whole truth about the guests.
And the secret sides of nature
Will openly show us!

The presenter passes from one guest to another, puts a hat on his head and reads out the “thoughts” from the list.

  1. What is there to talk about for a long time, Time to spend with you!
  2. I'll dot the i - To drink half a barrel of wine!
  3. I confess to you, without hiding, I want to play the balalaika!
  4. Today I came to make noise! I will sing out loud!
  5. To be honest, I'll sleep under the table!
  6. My answer has long been worked out: I came to you as a master of jokes!
  7. Do not hold back a smile And dance lezginka!
  8. I can give such an answer: I will help you with cleaning!
  9. What is there to hide the truth, I came to you to take a shower!
  10. I came to you here To audit the table!
  11. I won't hide anything from you, I dream of a sandwich with caviar!
  12. And there is no need to guess - Until you drop to dance!
  13. Salute the hostess - Eat a bowl of salad!
  14. In order not to be bored at home, I'm going to visit again!
  15. I want to catch an envious look And show you my outfit!
  16. How to deal with the answer? I like the hero of the day!
  17. And I, as the most polite guest, brought a gift for the hero of the day!
  18. Today, a celebration to match Your verse I can read to you!
  19. In honor of the festive title For the hero of the day, I will fulfill a wish!

Presenter: And now calmly, slowly
We're going out to dance!
So the soul asks for music!
And the legs are dancing!

dance break

Presenter: I invite friends
Surprise all guests!
So confess your love to the birthday girl,
So that no one can move!

Congratulations from friends

And in the land of the Aztecs, and in the fogs of England
Until the hour until the heart stops beating,
People will honor and respect the family,
I tell you this without a doubt!
Let's drink to a strong, powerful family!
Let him go down in history with good glory!

table break

Presenter: I announce a common dance!
We will sweep across the planet,
I hope you know all the dances?
Hold hands like in ballet
And keep up with the music!

The dance consists of musical passages: Sirtaki, Scottish Folk, Indian Folk, Polka, Lezginka, Kamarinskaya, Barynya.

table game

Guests are given a colored sheet of paper, a pen and several scissors on the entire table. The birthday girl also takes part.

Presenter: Dear guests, mother! I ask you to trace your palms along the contour on these sheets, and then cut out the silhouette. (Cutting process) Now we will mix everything, and let everyone take one cut sheet for themselves. Next, you need to write a good wish on it, the date of our anniversary and return it back to the table. (Wishing process) And now I ask you to take any card for yourself as a keepsake of the glorious anniversary meeting.

And we fill our glasses!
It's time for congratulations!
Our hero of the day you bloom,
And 50, and 100, and 200 years live!

Action with guests – Georgian choir

Presenter: Mommy, a Georgian choir came to your anniversary from a sunny country!

Dear guests, we are divided into 4 groups! (The presenter gives out the attributes of the choir). The task of each team is to rhythmically pronounce or sing their words without stopping. I will conduct and tell you when the next group will join. Let's start with a little practice.

(The host conducts a rehearsal with four guests, and then they all sing together).

1st batch: Un-tsa, un-tsa, un-tsa, un-tsa!
2nd batch: Tumba-qui-tumba-qua!!

3rd game: Spiers-wili-wadze-tumba-quili!!!
4th batch: Anniversary! Do not regret gifts!

Anniversary cake

Everyone has been waiting for this guest
They even refused compote!
Louder, louder applause!
Such a sweet moment!

To the music, they bring out a cake with candles. The guests sing "Happy birthday to you!", the hero of the day blows out the candles.

Dear birthday girl!
Delicious pie boldly cut,
Serve fragrant tea.

Competition "Farewell Dance"

Presenter: I invite everyone to the most beautiful evening waltz! This is both a dance and a competition at the same time! The couple with the longest flame wins!

Music begins, and sparklers are distributed to each couple. The winners are awarded a bottle of wine with a photo of the hero of the day.

So the festive evening ended
Let those candles flicker through the years.
On the whole Earth you will not find another such
Romantic, wise, young,
harmonious and happy
And besides, stunningly beautiful!
Dear mother, do not be sad at all,
For the years that have gone, do not be offended!
Look bravely, with joy
The calendar sheets!
Fate has planned for you
Realize dreams!
And always remember, dear,
For us, you twinkle like a star!
We wish well-being to all
And we invite you to the next anniversary!

The slow favorite song of the birthday girl sounds and fireworks-fountains are lit.

Anniversary props

  1. Festively decorated book of wishes;
  2. Minus the song "Conversation with Happiness" (from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession") and a text for guests;
  3. Competitions: cards with descriptions of guests, a wizard's hat, colored paper, pens, a few scissors, a bottle of champagne;
  4. Musical cutting from the dances of the world;
  5. Attributes of the choir: ties, bow ties, as well as caps, false mustaches;
  6. Bengal fires, fireworks-fountains.

Mom's birthday video

Of course, it would be best to prepare your own script for the anniversary of your mother or grandmother, but I hope our example helped you draw up a structure for organizing a holiday for yourself and peep a couple of interesting competitions.
