Anniversary of 60 years for a woman script cool new. Anniversary for a woman cool script at home

Sixty years is a respectable age worthy of respect. By this time, a woman usually has long been a wife, mother, and grandmother. Congratulations on the anniversary should be special and the holiday can be held according to an interesting, pre-prepared scenario. We suggest using a ready-made cool option suitable for a woman in honor of her 60th birthday. It is important to prepare everything in advance, to take into account all the features and preferences of a particular person.

Preparatory moments

The script for the 60th anniversary of the woman is given below with all the remarks, contests and digressions. This is a ready-made cool option that you can change at your discretion.

The anniversary is conceived as a party, so you need to prepare the necessary attribute in advance:

  1. Brilliant.
  2. Flappers.
  3. Confetti.
  4. Funny cardboard caps.

In addition, the hall is pre-decorated in the appropriate theme. A dress code for guests is determined, if possible. It could be "70s disco" or "retro party".

By the anniversary, several wall newspapers must be completed, which include:

  1. Children's, youthful photos of the hero of the day.
  2. Photos of memorable moments.
  3. Personal family photos.
  4. Photo from work or any merits of the hero of the occasion.
  5. Photos with friends, from travels or favorite activities, hobbies, .

It is important to make a video of congratulations from children and grandchildren, from friends or colleagues, it will be included in the party script.

The background for the whole evening, for the time when the music will sound, can be a video sequence with changing photos of the family archive or any other, where the main character is the birthday girl. They are displayed on a screen mounted on the central wall of the hall.

Music for the entire event:

  1. Compositions for numbers and competitions.
  2. Background music.
  3. Music for dancing.

It is necessary to think over and prepare small prizes for guests for competitions.

This is all that needs to be thought out in advance, and here is the script for a 60-year anniversary for a woman. This is a cool ready-made script that you can change, add or remove any moments from it.

Party "60 years - the beginning of youth"

Several pairs of participants are selected. In advance, you need to prepare music of different genres:

  • waltz;
  • lambada;
  • quadrille;
  • twist.

Couples dance to the sounding melody, and when the music stops, you need to freeze in a pose that matches the genre of music.

The soul shines with joy and joy,
When we are spinning in a waltz, we are slowly!
So that dancing always fills our lives,
I suggest drinking immediately!



Do you love to sing? I know for sure, love. Let's celebrate talent!

Guests are divided into 2 teams. One team sings, the other must answer with a song that is opposite in meaning.

The heart dances and sings
Hearing these songs.
So that we sing all year round,
Let's drink together!
For our (name), we raise a glass!
We capture her enthusiasm and youth for centuries!

"Truth or lie"


Loving close people gathered at the celebration today. Let's check how well you know our hero of the occasion. Let's play true or false.

All guests can be divided into 2 teams. Everyone is given cards of different colors, some are true, others are false. The entertainer asks questions that are prepared in advance and the answer is known about the facts from the life of the hero of the day. Teams raise cards in response. Whichever team has the most matches wins.


Obviously, here are gathered
Close friends only!
We now know the truth
You can't say better!

final moment

Entertainer: It's a sad moment, the party is coming to an end. We look forward to repeating it in the next 60 years! We wish the birthday girl that the holiday in her life does not stop! And on the next anniversary, we were next to each other in the same lineup or in a larger one!

On the occasion of the holiday, you can not only organize a fun event with gifts and surprises, but also come up with original skits for the anniversary of a 60-year-old woman, come up with interesting and incendiary scenarios. All these factors will lead the audience, cheer up and diversify the holiday. Preparation of bright numbers with dressing up, comic scenes, exciting contests, sincere congratulations will make the birthday especially memorable and unforgettable. All this can be invented and composed on your own, or you can turn to an experienced toastmaster for help.

Anniversary woman 60 years

An anniversary is a special holiday, an unusual simple birthday. This is the beginning of a new and no less beautiful stage of life. It is customary to celebrate such round dates on a grand scale so that “the soul unfolds and then collapses again.” An ordinary feast with quiet gatherings is not an option for such cases. Therefore, it is better to play a few funny and to fill the holiday with humor, fun, positive emotions. When preparing for competitions and skits, due attention should be paid to costumes so that everything looks as realistic as possible. In addition to bright and unusual costumes, do not forget about the musical accompaniment, incendiary dances, and the decor of the hall.

When organizing, do not worry that all efforts will go down the drain, or the hero of the day will not note the efforts and efforts spent. Women at the age of 60 have a unique sense of humor, cheerful charisma, and excellent self-irony. On the holiday itself, you should take care of the photo with the video. A woman's mood will rise every time she watches the video. She will be enveloped by a wave of warmth and pleasant memories from the once held event.

Celebration organization

Examples of congratulatory performances

Among the existing many options for various funny and comic scenes, you need to choose the most suitable ones that will clearly fit into the script, emphasize all the advantages of the birthday girl and cause thunderous applause from the guests.

Costumed performances

  • Such scenes suggest the presence of costumes that guests, presenters and even the birthday girl herself can change into. If a funny and interesting text is attached to them, then the action will take place at a height and will be enjoyed by everyone present without exception.


Actors: witnesses, district police officer.

Precinct. Hello! Citizen (calls the name of the birthday girl)? I'm lieutenant Morozov, district police officer of your district. An anonymous reference came to you here. And you also have a birthday. Then everything fits right in. This is direct and immediate evidence against you. The complaint is about the fact that you willfully brew moonshine and sell it throughout the site. I must stop everything at the root: remove the moonshine and the moonshine still. Do you deny everything? Why do you have so much vodka on the tables? Did you buy it in a store? Where do they earn such money? You should be ashamed, citizen (name). No license, no taxes paid, secret from the authorities. Now witnesses will all watch and taste. Pour vodka for witnesses.

Witnesses drink. Offered to the precinct.

Precinct. I don't drink while on duty. What, good, then say, vodka. Oh, it was - it wasn't! I can't draw up a protocol if I don't record everything myself. (drinks). Identification shows that the quality is excellent, rather strong ... Woman, you have an excellent moonshine device, it’s even a shame to confiscate, your hand does not rise, especially today. Let's have one more glass so that it is easier for me, and my conscience does not torment me. And more snacks. No snacks? How not? And in the anonymous letter it is written that the hero of the day is the head of the meat processing plant. Look how many cuts are on the plates. You drink and have a snack, but my position is ungrateful - no one will pour, will not let you have a bite. Oh, I mean, I have no time to sit or eat.

So, I read the protocol. During the explanatory conversation, the citizen (name) gave her word of honor not to engage in such actions regarding home brewing. He promises only to make vodka for himself, relatives and guests, as well as for Lieutenant Morozov. Date, signatures of witnesses. All formalities are settled. Witnesses, pour, and you, citizen (name), be healthy, happy anniversary!

Doctor's visit

An interesting and incendiary scenario with a doctor at the head will become an appropriate and cheerful scene for the celebration of the anniversary of a woman of 60 years. with such humor will be the highlight of the holiday.

Characters: Doctor.

One guest can optionally change into a doctor's costume. Instead of congratulations and a toast, he reads out medical reports on the state of health of the birthday girl. This can be issued in the form of a beautiful diploma.

Doctor. Dear guests! I came to check on your birthday girl. Now I will examine her and record everything in the medical record.

The birthday girl goes to the center of the hall. The doctor measures her blood pressure, feels her pulse, listens to her heart.

Doctor. So, after observing the health of the hero of the day, I can conclude. The medical indications are:

  • surname name of the hero of the occasion;
  • age: blooms and smells;
  • blood type: blood diluted with milk;
  • vitality - normal, tones men;
  • pulse rate - not measured - beats with a strong key;
  • heart rate - like a Kremlin clock, sometimes overflowing with positive experiences;
  • sense of smell - keeps the tail in the wind, always understands where it blows from;
  • vision - notices 100% all the little things;
  • hearing - hears like a "big ear";
  • diseases - falls asleep from reading books and after a hearty dinner;
  • medical report - the patient is smart, beautiful, sportswoman, wonderful woman;
  • recommendations - less work, more care from relatives and others.

Scene: Doctor's Visit


  • Such competitions will be appropriate if the number of guests is not very large. It is better if the guests know each other.

Hottabych away

Characters: Old Man Hottabych. For the competition you need: a suit, a turban, a bag and a seat mat. In the bag you need to put pre-prepared notes with tasks for execution.

The old man enters the hall, sits down on the floor and begins to speak.

Old man Hottabych. Hello, all present and the most beautiful of the heroes of the day! I traveled the world and came from distant countries to congratulate the dear birthday girl. But first I will test your resourcefulness, wisdom and resourcefulness.

Question: What will a black stone become if it is thrown into the Red Sea? That's right - wet.

The question is: What do other people constantly use of yours? The correct answer is the name.

Dear guests, the birthday girl did a great job, now it's your turn to help me fulfill the wishes of the lady. Choose notes from the bag and complete tasks.

Tasks can be done like this: sing, dance, tell a joke, verse, drink a glass without touching it with your hands, take the pose of a swallow, give a compliment.

After completing all the tasks, Hottabych says: “Clear-faced birthday girl! And my gift to you is an oriental dance. Only I will not perform it, but your guests! The guests perform a dance to the music, and the best performer, in the opinion of the hero of the day, is entitled to a comic symbolic prize.

Old man. My lady, I am leaving, and may your guests continue to fulfill all your desires. You are in safe and strong hands with them. Look forward to the next anniversary. (Bows to the birthday girl and leaves).

fortune teller

Characters: Fortuneteller.

A fortune-teller in a decorated suit with a bag over his shoulders enters the hall. The bag contains the inside of eggs from kinder surprises. They need to be prepared in advance and put notes with comic predictions inside. The only condition is that the prediction will come true if the guest fulfills the task written in the same note. There should be as many eggs as there are guests. If their number is limited, then let the gypsy herself choose people who will draw surprises.

Fortune teller. Good evening, my golden ones! Hello my precious ones! Gold the pen, my good ones, so that with your help I can begin to predict the future of our beautiful hero of the day.

Fortune teller. You have excellent guests, my excellent. Now keep congratulations from me too.

Performs a gypsy dance and congratulates the birthday girl with a toast.

Scene: fortune teller

Fairy tale scenes.

  • You can compose not only funny scenes for the anniversary of a woman of 60 years. Cool fairy tales, taken as the basis of congratulations, skillfully selected according to the plot, will decorate any anniversary.

Kid and Carlson

Characters: Malysh, Carlson.

Carlson. Dear birthday girl! I hurried to your holiday, flew with all my might to congratulate you! Wish a sweet life, like a jar of jam, well, or a delicious cake! Will you give me your cake? No? And why? Baby, ask, maybe you this girl, give us a cake. You see, he doesn't listen to me!

Baby. Why do I need it, the buns are delicious to me. Ask yourself!

Carlson. Birthday girl, hear it buzzing. Right. Nothing buzzes anywhere. Because my motor needs a recharge. Give me a cake and I'll play a game with you - I'll be the funniest ghost in the world. I'll wrap myself in a white sheet ... Baby, it doesn't give back, try it!

Baby. Aunt, how old are you today?

Carlson. You don't ask girls such questions. I'll whisper in your ear (whisper)

Baby. Oh, I thought so - 18.

Carlson. Hmm, I wonder if it's 18 years old, then 18 cakes should be.

Baby. No, there is 1 cake, and there are 18 candles on the cake, so it should be, my mother says.

Carlson. It is not clear why there are so many candles. It would be better if there were so many cakes.

Baby. And let's change the cake for a gift.

Carlson. Great idea, Kid! Dear birthday girl, here is a gift from us and a jar of delicious jam to make your life even sweeter.

Scene: baby and carlson

Funny short scenes.

Three fishermen and a goldfish

Characters: three fishermen. Accessories: three large family shorts (without elastic), three fishing rods, a piece of paper, markers.

Leading. Fishermen came to us for the holiday, who promise that they will fish out a goldfish.

Three fishermen in the same family shorts turn their backs to the audience and the hero of the day and pretend that they are fishing enthusiastically. The first one casts the bait, and at that moment his underpants without an elastic band fly off, and under them the inscription "Congratulations." The second casts the bait - the shorts fall, and under them "Happy Day". The third fisherman casts his line - the same story. The sheet says "Birth".

The host solemnly reads the inscription and hands the woman a goldfish in an aquarium.

Congratulatory sketches with presentations.


For the competition, you need to pick up bright costumes in the form of ripe berries. It will be nice to receive such a congratulation not only from guests at the feast, but also from colleagues at work.

The guests put on costumes of berries, read short congratulations and present their gifts to the birthday girl. Congratulations can be both in the form of poems and in the form of toasts.

Guest from foggy Albion

Characters: English ambassador and translator.

Leading. A distant guest from a foggy country came to us for a holiday to congratulate our dear birthday girl.

The ambassador speaks in broken English with pauses so that the interpreter can translate everything.

Ambassador. Ladies and gentlemen! I'm Bring You News From England For Away Beautyful Lady!

Translator. Ladies and Gentlemen. I brought you news from England for a beautiful birthday girl. (aside - it would be better to bring money).

Ambassador. Ai dont have memeni time.

Translator. I don't have much time (aside - saves on me, greedy)

Ambassador. Ai vont that present u sis star It's like u - shinies and beautyfull.

Translator. I want to give you a star. She is like you - bright and beautiful. (to the side - three would be better - and even on cognac).

Ambassador. Ay alsoow vish yu tu bi star, superstar. Take the telegram from my king.

Translator. I also wish you to be a star, a superstar.

The ambassador gives the birthday girl a star, maybe a chocolate one, and an envelope with a telegram, that is, with money.


Actors: a magician, his assistant, a rabbit, a dove. Accessories: a table, a box, a saw, you can use a toy one, two scarves - wings for a dove - and ears for a rabbit.

A magician and an assistant enter the stage where the table stands. She says that the magician does not speak Russian, but will surprise the hero of the day with her actions. To do this, he takes any thing from the hero of the day, for example, a ring or a chain. The item is placed in a box, and the magician casts a spell. But nothing happens and they ask the birthday girl for help. She comes on stage and says her spell. At this moment, a dove flies in and rushes around the hall. The assistant asks for forgiveness and says that the spell is too complicated, something simpler is needed. The birthday girl says the spell again. A rabbit runs into the hall and runs around the hall. The assistant assures that the hero of the day has tremendous magical power, which can destroy the entire hall.

Scene: magician

The woman sits back at the table. And the sorcerer again utters the magic words, saws the box, and there is a box with a wrapped gift from the guests.

I want to celebrate each anniversary as brightly as possible so that it is remembered and liked by the hero of the occasion. It’s not difficult to come up with and play funny congratulatory scenes for the anniversary of a woman of 60 years old, but comic numbers with dressing up, prizes and draws will not make anyone bored at the holiday.

An example of a congratulatory scene for a birthday girl, see the video.

The exit of the hero of the day. Music can be happy…healthy Tchaikovsky's Festive Overture

Vedas. Guests attention!

Alignment with the queen of the celebration!

The birthday girl enters

CHORUS: Congratulations!!! You can clap the clapperboard.

Vedas. Maria Ivanovna!

Loving with all my heart,

Congratulations dear

Happy anniversary to you!

Vedas. 2 We wish you

And a cup of happiness full

Carry in your hands

We give flowers.

Days pass, years fly by.

We are growing up with them.

And in the turmoil of many things

Forget about age.

And suddenly it struck - the anniversary!

We didn't expect him.

Two numbers side by side

We didn't call them.

And guests to you, calls, calls,

And congratulations are pouring in.

The words are sweet and easy...

And the eyes are laughing!

Anxiety, vanity are gone,

Excitement, no fear!

Yes, life is good! Beauty!

You are the prom queen!

And everything today is only for you

Flowers, smiles, looks, speeches

And many familiar eyes

The decoration of the hall, toasts, candles.

We also congratulate you

Happy Anniversary!

Health, happiness, earthly blessings

We wish with respect

You have achieved so much!

You are loved at home, appreciated at work.

You are full of plans and ideas.

You spend every day in care.

Today away worries and labors.

Carpet under your feet!

Let secret dreams come true

And the Angel will be with you.

Harmony, success to you in everything

And new creative discoveries,

Love, warmth, smiles in the house

And only good events in life.

Vedas. 1 Let's raise our glasses to our hero of the day Maria!

Vedas. Salute firecrackers! Glasses are ringing!

And pleasant words flow!

Bouquets stand solemnly in a row!

Candles are lit in honor of you!

Vedas Today special day for you!

Today is your anniversary day!

In honor of you, fanfares are thundering today!

And speeches are dedicated to you!

Word to the main guest

Girlfriend Well hello my friend!

Get a bigger mug

Your anniversary has arrived!

Pour the wine soon!

I've been living for six months

in the seventh decade.

And now I'll tell you:

You know, it's all right.

Life is still flowing

Don't ask about age.

Gives something every day

Brings good.

Let's take a positive

Let's discard the rest.

Let's go through life with the sun

Let it be autumn !

Word to sister

You can toast to the hero of the day, or you can to her parents)


TOAST for parents

Our hero of the day would not be without parents

And now, friends, the moment has come

Fill a glass for your parents!

For those who gave life to Mary

And opened the doors to the beautiful world,

For those who taught her kindness

And gave her the wisdom of generations.

For those thanks to whom, now

She sits with a smile among us!

So let's drink to the parents

Vedas 1 Life goes by day by day

A series of events is happening.

But more important in your lifetime

Faith, The day does not come more important.

Vedas 2What per day?

What I'm talking about?

What do you remember with a smile of happiness?

How many years in the world do not live

son's birthday

You don't forget.

But does the son know his mother well?


Faith writes on the blackboard, and the son answers orally

  1. What color are Mary's eyes?
  2. Mom's favorite flower
  3. Favorite song
  1. What's your favorite treat?
  2. Favorite movie?
  3. Favorite season?
  4. Favorite color.

Ved.1 Attention! Attention! Maria Ivanovna! Meet new guests

Hey, let's go, those who work together Pull a big box like barge haulers. Ribbons or ropes are tied to the box.

First option)

Hey, let's go! Hey, let's go!

One more time, one more time!

Hey, let's go!

Pulled out. Wipe the sweat off your face. They sighed. Oh! and sang

Eh, let's go! Hey, let's go!

One more time, one more time!

Hey, let's go!

(on the motive of the song box)

Our box is full

There are many different things in it,

It contains reports, plans, information,

Didn't manage to get it all!

We lie down to sleep under the pillow

We put a new order (request)

Maybe things will change in the morning

And we'll find the answer there.

We have to work with the laggards

I don't have time at all

It's time to make the necessary records

Prepare all papers

Our head teacher Mary Ivanovna

In pedagogy for a long time

Everyone is working on the papers

They are not less anyway.

On the anniversary of Marie Ivanovna

We'll take the job

Plans, analyzes, certifications

In this box we will lock

Only the black night knows

Where is the box key?

But she's so dark

keep our secret

So now Mary Ivanovna

Take a break from work

Let with relatives at home, dear,

Drink wine on the anniversary

Congratulations from colleagues. Wishing from speakers hey, uhnem colleagues say their congratulations.

Vedas. 1 .. A package with a gift came from the fairy-tale land of childhood to Maria Ivanovna. But to get to the gift, you need to unfold the paper in which it is wrapped. Each new paper can be removed after reading the congratulations sent to Maria Ivanovna by the hero of a fairy tale known to all of us, whose name is to be guessed. So, Maria Ivanovna, we are reading the first telegram, and the guests are ready to help name the author of the congratulations.

The hero of the day unfolds, we help to solve everything together.


Cheerful joker ... CARLSON


FUN TO YOU, Mashenka! …..... MALVINA













Golden key as a gift

Vedas. 1 key from the happiness of Mary gave

May she be happy

Let her eyes be so beautiful

We always see the reflections of fire

Vedas. 1 We were approached for the anniversary by Mrs. Perfection's combat unit called 6+

Come out Mrs perfect or perfect full maturity

Under the slogan.

Three four

Three four

Who walks together in a row

Most Combat Squad

Friendly, brave

Dexterous, skillful

friendly column

Came to the anniversary

Our dear Verochka

They brought a gift!

Sing the song!

Boast, dear, we will not

We know what we're talking about

Happy Anniversary

We give the song to Mashenka

Seated like a princess

Eyes glow with fire

We wish her good mood

To be perfect in everything

We've reached perfection

A little earlier than her

I'll give her a certificate.

With a cup full of wine

And we will tell Masha

Life is beautiful like spring

Just you try

Be full of optimism!

Squad! Attention! Equalization for the hero of the day!

Give the hero of the day a commemorative sign of admission to the squad of Mrs. Perfection!

(either a certificate, or a ribbon, or a badge is awarded

Everyone can say something to Masha

So, let's drink to our new Mrs. Perfect.

Vedas. 2 Maria Ivanovna, guests have arrived from a distant country. They ask to give them the floor for congratulations

(Men come out. Hats, scarves. One has a guitar in his hands. They can sing, they can simply portray, a phonogram sounds.

Sai kentiamo sen priamo

Uno-uno-uno compliment

About sacramento sacramento sacramento

Mare bella donna eon belcanzone

Sai kentiamo sen priamo

Donna Bel la mare credari cantare

Dami il momento keni piachi pyu

Uno-uno-uno-un momento uno-uno-uno sentimento

Uno-uno-uno compliment

sacramento sacramento sacramento

sacramento sacramento

Music is playing and someone is saying the translation.

A beautiful woman walks along the deserted corridor of the school. The sea is in her eyes. The bell rang for a long time. 5 men left the staff room. They lingered over a glass of whiskey, discussing innermost thoughts, school affairs. A beautiful woman walks towards them. The sea rages in the eyes.

One time, one moment. What a beautiful song. We love you Maria Ivanovna.

Give us time to please you.

One moment. One meaning. One compliment. And the secret...

Congratulations from elementary school teachers. They go out under param pam pam (I have this music, there are bows on my head.)

We represent elementary school

Very responsible, important and glorious

(Bad boy: To put us in the magazine five) she is pushed and again

Maria Ivanna came to congratulate

And wish her health and happiness.

Maria Ivanovna studied a lot

And she worked with us at an elementary school

We love her, honor her, respect her

Bad guy (We expect awards from the head teacher or

By the holidays we expect from her) they shush and say to Bad Boy

We love her, we honor her, we respect her,

We appreciate it, we continue its work

We wish her success in her work.

Lots of fun and laughter

And also attention, and understanding

bad (We expect only compassion from her)

And also attention, and understanding

In a family of complete adoration

Let Vera's eyes burn brightly

And compliments follow her

Bad boy And we all drink milk for her (Bad boy sits down)

Let her go through life easily

Joyfully happy and well

Bad Guy: Wow, that's it!

For a long time we sat with you

Drink a lot, eat a lot

Long speeches were

But it's time for everyone to stand up

Stretch legs with handles

Dance with the hero of the day

Final words:

Years run, hurry

Everyone's in a hurry somewhere

Will never stop

Fly, fly, fly.

And life goes on

The colors don't fade

And may you still

Desires own

The desire to live, love, dream,

And admire the world

Blossom, create and create

Climb to the top.

Let the whole world turn to you

bright, kind side

And luck and good luck you take

On the road with you

Let there be light in your life

Let it walk easily

What is intended, always

let it happen

Happiness, health, prosperity.

Anniversary (60 years).

The arrow approaches the appointed hour
And the anniversary celebration begins

Like a brand new soap dish that sparkles and glitters
Today in the hall is a birthday girl, dazzling in appearance.
Because in a close circle like a single family
Relatives and friends gathered. And colleagues and friends!
To express participation than the full soul burns
Wish health happiness, check your appetite
So that good snacks a glass full of wine
Was drunk in Russian, always to the bottom.
Let it rain outside the window, then snowfall
And autumn is gaining strength faster and faster
Well, today everyone is happy with us
We are celebrating our anniversary today
So let the hero of the occasion
Rejoice in this moment
And now words are useless
Let the guests applaud


Lyudmila, we have a wonderful holiday
You are celebrating your birthday
So go ahead to the guests
Accept flowers and congratulations from everyone!

They sit down.

2. the beginning of the evening.
Two great blessings are given to man from above - this is choice and intuition. It is wonderful that today, relying on your natural intuition, you made the only right choice and accepted Lyudmila's invitation and came to this cordial meeting without much thought.

We don't have enough days
Everyone would like eternity
We miss so much in our lives
Just cordiality
Let the hearts open now for goodness
For a good hearty meeting
Let there be no end to joy
Well, let's start the evening!

See how warm and cozy it is in the hall from your hearts and smiles. The table is bursting with snacks and strong drinks, the purpose of which is to excite the mind and make everyone have fun until you drop. Let's surrender to the celebration of life and fill the glasses.

1 toast to the Anniversary.

Are you ready the glasses are poured?
I look to pour a glass everyone managed
Our feast has long been open
So the first toast is ripe
Of course, it is intended for Luda
It's not for nothing that you gathered us today
And prepared so many snacks
That the legs of the table are breaking!
Lyudmila Petrovna Happy birthday to you
We are very happy to congratulate
And from the heart the hour of revelation
Wish you health and joy
It is useful to pour balm into the soul
And water the heart with oil
So today everything
Sending congratulations on the anniversary
At the same time, remember the date
We do not consider it necessary
Because the date is not the point
I wanted my heart to sing!
Guests need to try
Pour full glasses
And everyone get up together
And support my first toast -
I wish the hero of the day
Live Lyudmila to a hundred years!

Now I ask you to postpone the snacks
And give me a moment of attention
While our hero of the day, sitting here, sends smiles
How they will congratulate him, he wonders
We won't waste time
And together we will discuss the agenda.
If we will pour and drink on the anniversary,
I invite you to join our club
And his anniversary meeting to open.

Divide the room into 2 teams.

1 - pouring the motto "Drunkenness fight, so let's drink before the fight!"
2 - drinking the motto "Always ready to drink for free"

I announce the anniversary roll call
You are only allowed to scream
"no no no!" and "Yes, yes, yes!"
We gathered for the anniversary ... yes yes yes
Shut up and mourn ... no no no
To have a drink to eat ... yes yes yes
We will all have fun ... yes yes yes
Let's try to get drunk ... no no no
Let's show off a little ... yes yes yes
There are a lot of funny people among you ... yes yes yes
We will congratulate Lyudmila Petrovna .. yes yes yes
After congratulations, everyone shouts "Hurrah" ... yes yes yes

And now, dear guests, we ask you to follow this rule of our club - men monitor the fullness of the poured glasses: their own and women's. And the ladies watch the plates, especially the men's. In the meantime, you begin your duties, I will read you our club charter.

Club charter.

1. Whoever has a good eye spills everything at once
2. Wives, God forgive me, do not keep score by glasses
3. Let the wives feed their husbands, they will remember them firmly in the future
"Whoever had a bite to eat, he will not be drunk until you drop"
4. Our well-aimed advice to men - do not look askance at a neighbor
whoever violates this decree can get in the eye!
5. Wives! For shooting eyes, deal with your husband yourself
I warn everyone, shooting is prohibited here!
6. After the toast, we are not silent “Congratulations”, we all shout
Sosnogorsk heard all about how Luda walks here!
7. Yes, we are waiting for everyone's participation in the dance part
I don’t even want to hear excuses “I can’t”
we can not be shy, you can just trample
sit down once, sit down another, pull your foot a couple of times
8. Waiting for more ditties, songs, we will sing them together
we all sing, let there be no hearing, the anniversary is not a concert

4. toast 2 for the husband.

So that our banquet does not slow down
Keeping all our etiquette
I'll say the second toast without preludes
Let's honor Luda's husband
I don't know about you, but I can't imagine
Our Lyudmila without her husband Vladimir.
They've been together for 37 years
And happy as the bride and groom
He is with Lyudmila - a sample of happiness
In the family, he is both husband and father
Such - which native land did not give birth
Such - which the history of the earth has not yet known
You won't find such men in the daytime with fire
You won't find such fathers in a century
We need to drink to her man
I think this is a good reason for a toast
Vladimir Georgievich for you!

5. Congratulations. from husband (toast to love).
Here Vladimir takes his word
I think congratulations are already ready
this is probably a declaration of love
Come on, Vladimir, don't be afraid - speak
We will always find time for love
And pour glasses for your toast
congratulations from husband
Dear and beloved wife
You are the only one for me.
There is nothing like it in the whole world for me
You shine like the sun for many years.
I do not call you on the road in vain,
I live with you like in my bosom.
I am groomed and fed and dressed
You can do everything - I do not know the needs and troubles!
I have everything and most importantly - love,
Happy anniversary again and again
My dear and beloved
I know for sure: I'll be lost without you!
You are celebrating an anniversary
And you look eighteen!
Your blooming beauty
I can't help but admire!
And I'm warmed by hope
What am I over 18 again
I will drink in 20 years!
Answer word
And now I ask attention again
Lyudmila's reply is ready
I look at you and see
Here is my creation.
The creation of my skillful hands.
I want to answer you on my anniversary
You are my God-given husband!
37 years have passed like a beautiful dream
You become more like me every year.
I love you, my Vova, the clear falcon
Already almost 13 thousand 535 days!
Now I'll start to praise, don't be shy
Although you are a modest guy, everyone knows that.
Let's calm down, relax
Stand in front of the guests in all its glory.
Let everyone see how handsome you are
Disciplined, businesslike.
What a fit you are, smart, imposing.
And only my, only, native.
Yes, I dreamed of such a man
You are the best, knight, ideal.
Although I have worked hard on this
So that you, Vova, become just like that!
I know everything will be fine in the future.
I ask you to pour all the glasses to the brim.
We will be very happy, I personally
Behind this, dear, I undertake to follow.
Toast 3 for love
Look what an idyll
What Love Lyudmila and Vladimir have!
We wish you to live until the Crown wedding,
Be known as the king and queen of love
Easy or hard - only together
On life's difficult path
Before 75th Wedding Anniversary
We want you to have fun!
And as the people say
Always triple after two
The third toast, as usual
Pronounced for love
Let's fill all the glasses to the bottom
For the love of Lyudmila and Vladimir!

6. Late. from children.

call 6 people + son and daughter.

Who has lottery tickets from 1 to 6
Please come to me now
We'll be gone for a while now
You don't get bored here at the table

Fairy tale 1.
Grandfather hat beard shirt. Baba - apron, scarf. Horse - cape, mane
Goat - horns. Snow Maiden - crown, dress. G. guy - shirt, cap, chair, 2 diapers, 2 bonnets, 2 pacifiers.
To cool down from the toast of the third glass
Look at our fairy tale, attention 3.4
Sosnogors- film with the assistance of the studio "Russian Baldezh" presents a high-budget sensational blockbuster "Flowers of Life"
.... There lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather, a former military officer, did exercises in the morning, which ended in an attack of sciatica. Then the grandmother came to the rescue. With an important gait, she approached her grandfather, bared her beautiful, chiseled, long feet and unbent his back with her knee, laid him on a chair and did a Thai massage, from which grandfather immediately lifted ... mood.
In addition to the grandmother, the grandfather had a favorite - a horse. Grandfather rubbed him every day with a brush, braided his mane into pigtails, fed him oats. For this, the horse loved his grandfather in return. He snorted with pleasure, whinnied loudly and beat with his right hoof.
Grandma also had her own favorite goat. She winked nervously with her whole left eye and strove to imperceptibly butt her horse or her grandfather.
But then winter came ... Grandfather and grandmother got bored and they decided to make themselves a snow maiden. The Snow Maiden turned out to be a beauty envy of everyone. Her long eyelashes slowly fell and rose up. She walked smoothly from the hip. Even the constant habit of picking her nose did not spoil her. But spring came and the snow maiden melted. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, but you cannot help grief with tears. They decided to mold their son out of clay. The guy came out even where they called him Ivanushka. He was very fond of riding a horse ... from this his legs were crooked. But his eyes were big - from the fact that the goat always gored him in a soft spot.
Grandfather and grandmother could not get enough of their work. Everything would have been fine, but one day Ivanushka stumbled on his crooked legs through the threshold, fell and crumbled into small pieces. There was no one to go for water, no one to chop wood ... We had to do everything ourselves
What to do they do not really know
After all, it won't take long to bend
They began to pray to the stork
Ask for small children
And finally a miracle happened
An old woman found her daughter in the cabbage.
A little later with pride and dignity
From the potato field, the grandfather brought his son.

The moral of that tale is
Life without children is bullshit!
Well thank you for your attention
Our artists are the very outline
Bathe them in applause
And you artists go to the table

And we are not going from the other side
Let's say without reserve - the children of life are flowers
Our Lyuda has two lovely flowers
Georgy and Vlada are not children but a miracle!
They say that children should not boast,
But how can one not be proud of such children?
All the best mom put into them
Now accept congratulations from them!

Congratulations to the children.
D. I help my mother: D. And I am your new hat
In the sandbox, I will cook the soup into a hare and immediately turn it into
I'll wash the cat in a puddle, sew on his ears and paws
As a mother, I love you. I want to make a gift!

M.A. I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway M.A. I had a fight with Vanyusha
Mommy draw a portrait Under the eye of a huge bruise!
My sister will help me too He said that his mother is better
Mommy looks like or not? I don't agree with him at all!

E. I will put on my mother's dress D. I will wash my mother's shoes
As soon as I cut the length of the boats in the bathroom I let go
It will suddenly become clear to everyone at once, and mom will come and see
I love only my mother! That I love her very much!

M. And I'm preparing a gift for her M. I'm a ball on lipstick
On my father's yellow car Olya replaced the neighbors
I scratch: "Mom with love, And mommy will be delighted
No one can replace you!" And he will say "Here is my son

Together: We will not argue in vain
And tell your mommy
You mommy is just beautiful
Today is your anniversary

That's not all congratulations
Attention will now be handing
Diplomas "The best mother in the world"
And of course the children will give it!
\ presentation of certificates \

7. late son-in-law, daughter-in-law.
Since Lyudmila has an anniversary birthday
We're back to congratulations.
I won't bore you with long words
I will ask Stepan and Oksana to leave.
Daughter-in-law - Ksyusha, Styopa - son-in-law
They now have an answer!
Well, Stepan - first it's your turn
Here the son-in-law gets enough for the mother-in-law ...
What did you think - diploma
And it says about
How the son-in-law respects the mother-in-law
And Happy Anniversary

\diploma, congratulations\

There is no more pleasant and easier, you will understand me,
Congratulate your mother-in-law - the mother of a loving wife!
I heartily congratulate you on such a sunny day
And I sincerely wish to be forever young
Away with the gloomy bad weather, what are your years!
I wish you only happiness and sunny weather!
It's not a secret for everyone
Lyuda is already 5 years old - mother-in-law
Can't we find a place
For the beloved for the daughter-in-law?
Let's give the word to the lady now
George's wife - Oksana!

\ congratulations to the daughter-in-law \

The mother-in-laws all say together
Mixed in bitter dough.
They have only one small thing - in joy:
Hiss at the daughter-in-law, grumble and teach.
God directed my destiny
An exception to the rule.
All friends are jealous
And the family is surprised
Don't quarrel with mother-in-law
And we always smile
Please refill your glasses
For my beloved mother-in-law
Let wine bring friendship
Strengthen love and friendship!

8. congratulations to the granddaughter.
Of course, no offense to men will be said. That women are the decoration of any hall. After all, it is they who decorate the hall with different shades of eyes, hair and smiles. By the way, advice to men, if you want to see the smile of Mono Lisa, ask your wife where your salary has gone. And the outfits, what a riot of colors! I think that I will not reveal a big secret if I say that each person has his own favorite color. This is especially true of the fair sex. Now, using the simple and at the same time mysterious language of color, we will try to reveal some of the secret sides of the character of the ladies sitting in the hall. Men, be on the lookout!
- there are those in the hall today who like the green color and its shades - you are delicate, but sometimes notes of selfishness slip through.
- and who prefers black is a sign of the night, the mystery and sensuality of your character traits
- who loves blue shades - this is the color of love and romance
- and there are lovers of blue - these are charming and gentle ladies
- who prefers yellow - you are loving women
- and who prefers red - the color means a passionate nature, the desire to conquer and always be the first. Such women are called fatal. It is about such a fatal woman that our song will sound now. Meet the incomparable A.B. Pugacheva
the song "Lady Anniversary" chooses 2 husbands for the presentation of the tape
Under the hat of Alla Pugacheva, of course, you all recognized the beautiful granddaughter of Lyudmila Petrovna. She also prepared a congratulation for her grandmother.

On your birthday, congratulations - this is the time!
I send kind words - these are two!
Being ahead all the time is three!
Live with everyone in friendship, in peace
It looks like four!
Never lose heart - it's a five!
Multiply all that is - it's six!
Being attentive to everyone is seven!
Do not lose heart and do not hang your nose -
it's eight, nine, ten!
On top of everything else,
Happiness, joy, good luck!

My grandmother, my beloved
Grandmother glorious irreplaceable
I congratulate you on your anniversary
I wish you all the joys
I kiss your tender hands
With love, Vlasta is your granddaughter

A.B. not only invited these two men to us, but on the sly decided to select applicants for a new star factory
And now, together with you, we will promote new pop stars. Do you know the lyrics to the song A Million Scarlet Roses? Fine. But you don't have to sing the words. You will sing only vowel sounds. We will make it easier for you and give you tips. So you sing the verse, and the whole audience helps to sing the chorus.
And so, dear guests, we have just promoted new pop stars with you. For this, the participants, we give you the most stellar gifts of our evening, this is the “Asterisk” balm…………

9. - congratulations to matchmakers.
Again we have a surprise ready
It's the turn of the matchmakers
Matchmaker - Ostap support together
So everyone needs to fill their glasses!
\Congratulations If there is no matchmaker, then in the form of a telegram
Do women have such dates
Over which the years have no control.
Sunsets are just as bright
And they are beautiful like autumn!
The wisdom of years radiates in the eyes,
And the soul, like a generous book,
Touching, being next to her
Suddenly you want to move mountains
May your soul not get tired
Share kindness and kindness.
What I thought, let it be
Let the years have no power over you!
Today I am glad to congratulate, we are now one family!
Let all adversity rush away and fill your years,
Joyful light of happiness, so that advice reigns in the family!
Yes, love, to become stronger! You have become dearer to us.
If we are one relative, we will drain the glass to the bottom!

10. late neighbors and friends.

select 5 people.

To take a break from the toast
Let's show you a fairy tale about a chicken fool.
Or maybe not a fool - after all, a fairy tale with a hint
It was not in vain that the testicle was inadvertently demolished
Dear guests, tell me which of you liked to listen to fairy tales in your childhood? I would like to commend this man. May I ask you to come to me? Apparently you have a rich life experience, you and a hat in your hands - you will be our grandfather. Tell me what kind of ladies do you like bl. or brun.? And slender or kind, in the sense of the figure? Well, choose a lady for yourself at the table, she will be your grandmother. Grandfather did not change his feelings, look at what a wonderful lady he chose for the role of grandmother. Well, as for the chicken, this is the choice of the grandmother.
Our hen has been laying eggs all day. Well, take a closer look at where the egg is hiding among the guests, bring it to us. Well, the last role of our fairy tale: the baby is looking for crumbs, this is a gray ... mouse.
And so all the roles are distributed. Let's start. Double first and last.

We showed a fairy tale not in vain
After all, housemates. Close friends
Like a second damn family!
They live with Lyudmila peacefully and amicably
And they don't need a golden egg
Get ready Lyudmila Petrovna come on
Accept congratulations from close friends!

11. inspection, first aid kit.
And now Lyudmila Petrovna
Please take this matter seriously.
The traffic police inspector is coming to us
He'll do an inspection.

Meet the traffic police inspector, that is, the State Alcohol Inspectorate - junior, and soon senior lieutenant Pokhmelkin Budun Ivanovich
Lieutenant's congratulations
I want to note that today, September 22 at 14.00, I, an experienced inspector, carried out a technical inspection of the Ludamuzin vehicle, regarding the anniversary run, about which there is a certificate.
Gives a certificate
During the inspection, I noticed that there was no first aid kit. And I was instructed to hand it to you on behalf of the traffic police
1. First - a box for your first aid kit
So that friends are always met on the porch
2. Here is an effervescent aspirin for you
To love each other with burning love
3. Here is a sterile bandage
So that Vladimir was loving in bed.
4 .Here is for your first aid kit cotton
So that you always live richly.
5. Here is an efferalgan for you
So that the husband does not come home drunk.
6. And here are your vitamins
So that friends often call for pancakes.
7. And here is the cough mixture
So that the house was a full bowl.
8. Paracetamol pack
So that the husband does not hide the stash from his wife.
9. Heart drops
For love to be eternal.
10. And here is medical alcohol for you
So that there is harmony and peace in the house.
11. Here are a dozen mustards
To keep the house in order.
12. Here is a bottle of valerian
To be happy every day.

Sometimes you can forget where you went, especially after the anniversary. We decided to help you with this problem and give you these road signs.

"Caution, sharp objects" - for the kitchen
"Let's multiply our achievements" - in the bedroom
"Caution, slippery tile" - for the bathroom
"Speed ​​limit" from the table to the refrigerator and as a reminder of the next anniversary.

Let's drink to the fact that you are always careful in your movements!

11. congratulations. Voyvozh.

selection of 5 people.

From reliable sources, I learned that our hero of the occasion worked for 8 years as the head of the administration of the village of Voyvozh.
On the occasion of the anniversary, I managed to get secret materials, from which we will see what kind of work Lyudmila Petrovna cost this appointment.
Materials labeled "Top Secret"
All names and surnames have been changed for confidentiality purposes.

D.. PERSONS: Ivan Kruglov, Vasilisa the Beautiful-sundress crown, Little Red Riding Hood-backpack, red hat, Baba Yaga-sundress, wig, Panama, Cinderella-sundress, bandages.

A: In a certain kingdom
Yes, in the Voyvozhsky state
Once upon a time there was Ivan Kruglov
He was ready to hit everyone. \Kruglov comes out\

K. Today a decree is given from above:
On the head we take that hour
A lady under forty
To be smart, modest.

A: I gave the announcement with a joke:
With an indication of privileges and gender,
And living space, salary,
Well, in short, everything is as it should be.

K: The head of our state is being chosen
small circle,
good looking,
Accommodation is provided in a fabulous apartment
Salary with a coefficient of 1.4

A: In a couple of days
At the village Soviet at the door
Appeared look
Not one, but three
Vasilisa enters first
With his mannered gait.

Vasilisa comes out, freezes, a characteristic is read to the music of 17 moments of spring.

She has a lot of broken hearts of vile snakes and koshcheevs on her account. She is charming, slender and sometimes even gentle. Has an unusual hobby - archery at flying targets. In her youth, she was involved in the Koshchei group, in the criminal world she has the nickname "Frog"

Q: Are you a clear falcon
With Vasilisa the Beautiful
You don't want to be friends.
I'm the only one to be in charge here.
At least let them be secretaries
You will soon see for yourself
How will they look
All the men are on me.
I bought Tolya in vain the other day
Black boomer though
I'll fix it quickly
In my dear Voyvozh!

K: Clear from tomorrow
You are my trainee!
Half past eight come
Black boomer grab
\Vasilisa leaves, the red hat comes in, the har-ka is read\
Since childhood, she grew up as an independent child, sociable, calm by nature. She is a freelancer. For the prevention of a deliberate crime against her grandmother, she was awarded the Order of the II criminal degree.

KR: I will serve the people
They don't have to bother
I love work
I'll figure everything out in two counts.
Red riding hood with go-ahead
I will crush all enemies
I won't hit you with a hat
Brick then I can.

K: Well, I'm glad to accept you
In our rural Soviet detachment
You know everything among the people
Give me everything tomorrow.
\includes B.Ya. with a broom - read har-ka \
For a long time in the juvenile department, she re-educated quite a few naughty teenagers, using new methods - digestion, evaporation. Leads an active lifestyle, in contacts - selective.

B.Ya: Ai Ivan, ah well done
You finally wised up.
Women are glad to take on the heads.
I'm not a woman, but a treasure.
I'm ready dear friend
Do the job in two

K: I need workers
Quality is just as important
To protect people
And help them in everything.

B.Ya.: Help?
I'm helping!
I'm still flying on a broomstick
I keep order
And where necessary - I will help

K: Yes, yes, yes! Need to think...
Damn you, okay, okay.
On his big broom
You fly day by day.
You quickly roam along Voyvozh,
You'll find all the problems.

A: Attention, attention At the intersection of Oktyabrskaya and Komsomolskaya streets, an accident occurred: a central heating pipe burst. The car was hit by a fountain of water. Passenger Cinderella is shocked. The driver fled the scene of the accident. \ A rebented Cinderella comes out with a basket \

B: referring to Cinderella
Where are the rights? Where is the insurance?
No first aid kit? The fat is in the fire!
Isn't the car stolen?
Chase after the driver. \rides the stage\
K.Sh. So, the question here is clear like.
What actually comes out here
The pipe is fatal
The case is clearly criminal
B.Ya: Admit it - where did you drive?
Why did you kill him?
What's in the cart? Dope?
You give her here
All 15 years on the bunk
With confiscation of goods.

Z: What are you ladies, wait.
Don't slander in vain.
I'm not guilty right
What broke this pipe!
K: Stop blaming you here.
Time to fix the leak
Think how to do it
The head who will be the first!

K.Sh.: How to fix this case?
Everyone is tired of the pipe!
Right now I'll plug the hole with a hat
As my grandmother taught!

B.Ya: And the pipe is not waiting for us
Here the water is in full swing,
Can you tell me how to fix it?
What can you show us to do?

Z: Abuse of authority
It happens here by the way
Where is your Ivan, where is Kruglov?
I have a couple of words!
Well Ivanushka, call
Call the public utilities
They will fly quickly
And the leak will be fixed!

K: You justified the hopes
The output prompted immediately!
I see a lady with a head
It looks like you're in charge!
Will you protect the citizens?
Everything is in order here to keep
I'm ready for you now \arr. to the rest
All dismissed from the ranks.
Vasilisa, Baba hedgehog, roll along the path
Red hat - red light
She has no way to the village council!
Only Cinderella is smart
Patient and humble
Only I celebrate it
I invite you to join us.
Here are some of our secrets.
The fairy tale is over, well
We welcome guests from Voyvozha!

13. case declension.
As it should be on the anniversary, they bow the heroes of the occasion, as they say in all cases. What are we going to do with you now. We salute our Lyudmila. \everyone finishes the sentence\
As always, irresistible on this glorious day ... .. Lyudmila
We are delighted with the reason for the cordial meeting in honor of ….
From now on, we pledge to smile………..
Enough for us to pull the rubber pour for ......
As an elite picture we admire ...
Even in the jubilee hymn we will sing about ......
And we will sing to the tune of the song "There once was a brave captain"
Our Happy Anniversary
Invited all my friends
He ordered to have fun.
What are we to do, friends?
It's time for us to have fun
So let's shout our loud "Hurray"!
Anniversary, hero of the day, smile
After all, a smile is a symbol of kindness.
Anniversary, hero of the day, pull yourself up
We are ready to dance and sing until the morning.
How many songs will we sing
And drink wine here
We, hero of the day, will shake your pocket.
But you don't care
Beats, as before, life is the key,
After all, we drink wine for your health
Chorus: the same

14. club "Unyielding".
After leaving work, Luda became bored with life
Luda decided to join the Unyielding Club.
So that with pensioners of the public sector
Be aware of all events.
To celebrate the holidays there all together
Drive tea, or maybe something stronger.
Well, in general, rest throughout the program
So that everyone would be surprised later on the cardiogram.
Well, honey, get ready, come on
Accept congratulations from the members of the club!


Now it's time for the hero of the day to ask
To open a dance ball for everyone
Come out here Lyudmilaa, you will lead the people behind you
Who will dance the lady for us, who will lose ditties.
We will sing ditties with you. Not simple, noisy.
Today we will sing kissing ditties!
\ The host sings the first, then those who come out to kiss according to the ditty \

1. Look at the hero of the day -
Oh what a lady!
Applaud quickly
Daughter kisses mom!

2. Look at your spouse
Well, they found each other!
How many years have you lived together
Kiss right here you are!

3.Adults and children know;
Mom is better not in the world,
Well, don't spoil Zhora
Go kiss your mom!

4. In the swamp, in the snow
A mosquito bit a flea!
Well, dear mother-in-law,
Kiss your daughter-in-law!

5. And Lyudmila has a numbness,
He is so handsome, cute
How long can he wait
Mother-in-law to kiss!

6. Here I saw suddenly
Here sits a group of girlfriends!
Why are you sitting?
Kiss, come!
Who performed ditties
Look quickly into the hall
Bring us soon
Who did your eyes fall on
Come visit us here
Today we have "Lady"

16. dance break.

17 late girlfriends
People say gossip
Good friends are good luck!
And here Ludmila has peace and harmony
Her friends are a treasure!
Now girlfriends are given the floor
And our glasses will be filled again!
Congratulations to girlfriends will not be easy
Congratulations to our friends will be in color

1. To congratulate Lyudmila
Wish her great happiness
Everyone needs something green
Hold it in your hands! \we all find the green color and take it with our hands\
2. White color - innocence, purity,
Hold on to the white and wish Lyudmila well!
3. So that Luda is not afraid of difficulties,
would be in a great mood -
Get on with the red!
4. Everyone has cherished dreams,
everyone's dreams are beautiful
And so that they come true at Lyudmila
Hold on to the blue!
5. So that life is a holiday
So that there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgifts
Hold on to yellow, gold, bright!
6. So that Vova was irresistible and sexy,
Black color is relevant today.

Now all the guests will say "AH"
My toast friends in black.
May wishes come true
The family will add weight.
Let it show off in the garage
Black Mercedes.
Let the mobile phone be black
There are two in each room.
The kitchen has a black refrigerator.
In which black caviar.
Wonderful aroma from the kitchen
Definitely black coffee
And if they want to warm up
To the south, on the Black Sea.
What about finance
Any color, variety

We also want to give just- Lyudmila an anniversary order
Presentation of the anniversary order

18. belly dance!
Answer quickly without melting
There are men in the hall - yes!
Then on to the beautiful ladies at the table
Now I allow you to watch without hiding
While you watch - guess the riddles
Riddles about female body parts,
Guess the men, do not sit idle!

1 comfortable as a pillow
sometimes hot. Like a furnace
men do it with love
they call women ... yes no palm
2 stake perfect shape
a woman is proud if not. Then to the ideal
she has to strive .... I can hint a little more,
but each of the men is ready to exclaim this ... nose
3.everything happens in life
one closes the other opens
when they are imperfect women are miserable
what am I talking about…… no it's ears
4. they are a source of pleasure
arts of creativity and inspiration
never know boredom
always with ladies at work ... lips
5.good when steep and rounded
like a strawberry in its own juice
prominent part of a woman
are simply called ... hips
6. how everything froze
from mute delight
how good is she
this thin female ... waist
7. Delicate smooth in appearance
sometimes open. Often closed
he is the subject of ladies' troubles
called .... yes no, not the stomach but the forehead

But about the stomach we have a separate topic today. Do you think a woman's belly should be flat, drawn in, or just should be? You are right, gentle slightly convex lines of the abdomen forge the views of men. Women of the East know this, and use it with pleasure. An example of this is the dance "Bilidance" or belly dance. How do you think belly dance is translated:
- dance of happiness and wealth
- pleasure and satiety
- joy and life
As you know, there are three main parts in belly dancing:
1. intro, slow part, various hand movements
2. self belly dance
3. The most difficult and spectacular part is called shaking, what do you think a woman shakes - breasts, buttocks or knees?
Our master class is over, please follow me, those who got
A gift for the hero of the day - a surprise for everyone
A bit of erotica right is not a sin.
Sultry beauties - oriental outfit
Dance as a gift they want to dance
As we baked a loaf for Lyudin's birthday,
such a width, such a height.
We did not bring it, it was heavy, we could not

As on Lyudin's birthday, we learned all the verses
So long, so smart
We will not tell you them, there is no memory for the verse

How on Lyudin's birthday we learned dance
He's so handsome, erotic cute
We remembered it and now we will fulfill it
19 dance marathon
Here the hero of the day opens the ball again.
Chooses a partner for a dance
And then the guests will follow. Native
Dancing today we have clockwork
What else is needed for happiness? Dancing, dancing until you drop
And do not be afraid to break the floor, once the banquet, so walk

20. lottery freebie.
Once we danced, at the table to rest
And we are in the lottery - to attract good luck
Instant performance "Halyavochka"
Do you believe in love

And now we will begin to glorify our hero of the day again
We wish with all our heart
To get up in the morning from that foot
To never know about debts.
Anxiety so that the wind blows away
And so that you have enough strength for everything.
And so that Volodya carried in his arms all his life
And that he had enough strength for this.
For children to respect you
And they did not offend with gifts.
Everyone at work loved you.
The medal "Veteran of Labour" has already been awarded.
So that you don't forget this date
And to always live richly
So that the heart is not naughty
How the clock on the tower beat
Never to get sick
And everything is just as good
For this we will drink and not be afraid and eat a cucumber
And let's make a salad and then pour it again

And we will pour into unusual dishes, but for this you need to guess who gets drunk how
1. What does a firefighter get drunk on, \dyminu\
2. A glazier-to smithereens
3. Shoemaker - in the insole
4. Tailor - in patches
5. Carpenter - to the board
6. Undertaker - to death
7. Pig - to a pig squeal
8. Hunter - in the snipe
9. Railroad worker - in a trolley
10. Electrician - off
11. Medic - until the loss of pulse
12. Physicist - until the loss of resistance
13. Writer - to the handle
14. Chemist - before precipitation

In general, everyone who is into anything is drinking. We gave you these glasses for a reason. Do you know how the joke says

Where are you guys from?
-Yes, we will even be out of the throat

Well, you certainly don't have to drink from your throat. And from what we will offer you. And not only drink, but first say a compliment to our hero of the day. So, let's begin:

1.So that there is a thimble walk, drink vodka!
2. To dance the legs, drink from a spoon.
3. So that you don’t disappoint in anything, you drink from a teaspoon.
4. Be strong, don't get sick. Drink vodka from a bucket
5. You surprise us, you drink from the cork now
6. And here you are beautiful and clever. Sip vodka from carrots
7. Lucky today a little. You got to drink from a saucer
8. For happy days from a ladle of bread
9. Something was found for you, I had to drink from a bag
10. Happiness in your family life. Drink coffee from a cup
11. Something you are not very drunk here is a choice of glasses for you
12. Whatever you eat pills. Drop into the mouth from a pipette
13. Do you want or don't want to take a sip from a balloon?
14. So that your wife loves you from a glass, drink to the bottom
And now the rest who did not participate in our drinking pour their glasses and proceed as follows:
I take a cucumber and put it on bread \tomato, sausage, etc.\
I drink a glass of Lyudmila and congratulate you, and so everything takes turns. We only change what we put on bread.

22. dance of the swans.
While you are having a snack, I will play money.
Attention, let's start small - a bill of 10 rubles is played out, whoever guesses what is shown on this bill gets it.
50-St. Petersburg
and so the banknote 500-Arkhangelsk
Want to double your winnings. Yes, the participants answered in unison. Well, put your won money in the palm of your hand. You have to blow on them as hard as possible. Whose banknote flies the farthest wins.
Well done, you blew your money. But you have a chance to earn gifts from our hero of the day. You will play the role of little swans, and you will play the role of a hunter. The swans are dancing, the hunter is shooting. The swans are dying. The one who dies more beautiful wins. Now we will leave our guests for five minutes to prepare for the competition.

Good afternoon. We are glad to present to your attention a ready-made script for the 60th anniversary, which can be held both at home and in a cafe. Cool sketches, funny contests, unforgettable impressions - this is exactly what you will get!


You are sixty today
I want to raise a toast to this
You did a lot along the way
How much happiness in the middle
Your glorious anniversary!
I wish you everything:
Health, happiness and love
May cherished dreams come true
rise above others
And always live on "five"
Let fate bring joy
And all trouble passes by
And let today the laughter of friends and relatives
It went on all evening and did not calm down by night!

And we present our wonderful hero of the occasion with the medal "Happy 60th Anniversary".

Further toasts are proclaimed by relatives and friends. The host makes sure that everyone says congratulatory words to the birthday man.
You can't drag this out for long. You can take a break after 3-5 toasts and while everyone is still thinking and thinking, you can tell some interesting information.


Do you know the classification of age groups? Oh, this is very interesting. One of the latest looks like this:
Young people - up to 40 years old
Middle-aged people - 59
Aging citizens - 74
"Young" centenarians - 89
"Old" centenarians - more than 90 years
And only "old" centenarians have the right to sometimes feel sad with the poet:
Young days charm
Happiness timid light
Trembling, girlish breath.
Where is everyone? Was - no.
So let's drink to the fact that we too live to the age when it will be possible to feel sad!
The floor is given to several guests.


A little more interesting information so that the brains do not relax, because there are many more surprises ahead of you!
So, among those who have long crossed the 80- and even 90-year mark and at this age have remained world-famous in their profession, one can cite the names of such long-lived giants as:
And many others, this list is very large.
But when some reporter once met the famous Rubenstein in the Bois de Boulogne near Paris, he did not apply to ask what the great pianist owes for such a long creative path. “I love life passionately,” the 90-year-old virtuoso replied and hurried to get ready for the evening's performance.
A person needs contact with the beautiful if he wants to live happily ever after.
So let's drink to the beautiful!

After the next toasts, pre-prepared guests or relatives (at your discretion) congratulate the birthday man with a song.

"Happiness suddenly in silence"

We knocked on your door in silence.
Are you waiting for us or not? We want to check.
The table is set and there are so many friends sitting here,
So, everything is fine, so away the anxiety.

Open the door on your birthday
How many friends are here, look.
Everyone came to congratulate you
From the heart, as before, loving.
Don't look at your age.
We are still ahead of us.
All meetings are ahead of us.
Happy Anniversary, (name)!

What do you want, we decided for a long time.
So that there is no sadness in your life,
So that happiness comes into your house more often,
So that there were as many friends at the table.

What to give you, we wondered for a long time.
We got you a lottery ticket.
Is there happiness in it, let fate judge
Let the gift from us not be in vain.

Guests continue to raise toasts to the birthday boy.


Now let's do a little math exercise. After all, you want to know how many years of life you can prolong yourself and, conversely, how many years are you stealing from yourself?
Factors affecting SW. years mind. years
life expectancy
accommodation in the city, - 5
countryside 5 -
live alone, without a partner - 5
each child 2 -
each kilogram of excess body weight - 3 months.
Increased blood fat:
women - 3
men - 3
All four of your ancestors lived to be 80 years old 4 -
Mother lived to 90 years 3 -
Father lived to age 90 4.5 -

We counted, and now let's drink to our hero of the day. May he live happily ever after!
And now let's hold a contest for our favorite hero of the day!

We put a certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) on the chair and cover with material or newspaper. All this is done so that the birthday man does not see. After that, they invite the hero of the occasion, and invite him to sit on a newspaper under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers are there. For this we award him the medal "Best Mathematician".


Let's compose a little for our hero of the day! But first, let's split into two teams.

Having divided the guests into 2 teams, we ask them a rhyme, to which they must come up with a rhyme, but characterize or congratulate the birthday man.

For example rhyme:
he always boldly runs forward
and never, like a hare, does not tremble!
Examples of rhymes for the competition:
First tour:
For the first team: sun, window
For the 2nd team: fate, trouble
Second round:
1k .: ceiling, son
2k: wreath, boot
Third round:
1k .: with you, with a mustache
2k .: Monomakh, scope

The team that came up with the most original and funny rhymes wins.


So as not to relax, let's train our brain convolutions a little more! Let's hold a ditty contest. The commands remain the same.
Each team is invited to come up with three ditties for the hero of the day and sing them. The winner is the team in which the ditties are the most cheerful and provocative! If team “A” won in the previous competition, then “B” won this one, so that there are no offenses.
So that the birthday man does not get bored at this time, he can be invited to write a poem or a ditty for dear guests who are trying so hard for him.
After this competition, a guest comes to us! A very mysterious lady, in an interesting hat, in a tailcoat.


Knowing that today we have a wonderful anniversary, a stranger came to us, this wonderful lady. But she is not simple, but able to read minds. And now, our dear guest, will tell us what and who thinks!


You're right, honey! Everything is true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I'll tell you the whole truth, who and what thinks ...

Approaches one of the guests, a representative of the older generation. AND speaks:

This young man, handsome and handsome, thinks about what a delicious salad the mistress of this house has prepared, and his wife will not be able to do this ...

Approaches another guest.

This young and ruddy man thinks about what a good man the owner is...

Approaches the third.

This lady thinks about how lucky her wife is to have such a husband as the owner of the house.

Coming to the fourth.

And this beauty thinks where the mistress of the house bought such a wonderful dress.

And so with all the guests. The more fun the better.


She told me everything, revealed all the secrets. I'll drink a glass and go on wandering.

The wanderer leaves, the guests see her off. The host continues the celebration.


And now it's time for the birthday man's wife. First of all, let's thank her for such an excellent holiday, for delicious food, which cannot be compared with any other restaurant. She did all this for her beloved and only husband.
And now it's time to find out how she sees her husband in reality. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, (gives the name of the wife of the birthday man) she will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a piece of paper.

The birthday man's wife draws a "portrait" of her husband. Upon graduation, she is awarded the medal "For Loyalty and Devotion to the Ideal".
The competition is held to the music and support of the guests. After the award ceremony, the guests applauded.


Yes, a good wife went to our dear hero of the day, attentive and faithful. And what about the birthday boy? How attentive is he to his wife? Now we will check it.

The host invites the hero of the day to go to the center of the room.

Let's blindfold today's birthday man, and let him find with his eyes closed among the five beautiful women the only one with whom he once decided to link his fate.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must take turns approaching each and guessing, without removing the bandages from his eyes, which of the women of his spouse. For the correct answer, the birthday man is awarded a prize - the medal "Best Husband of the Millennium".

The wife leaves and the host turns off the light. At this moment, the wife enters the room with a cake with burning candles. The cake is placed near the birthday person, who makes a wish and blows out the candles. We turn on the lights, we clap crackers.
