Latin American Literature. Literature of Latin America The Theme of Dictatorship in the Works of Latin American Writers

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LATIN AMERICAN LITERATURE- the literature of the peoples of Latin America, which are characterized by a common historical path (colonization after the invasion of Europeans and the liberation of most of them after the overthrow of colonialism in the 19th century) and common features of social life. Most Latin American countries are also characterized by a common language - Spanish, and hence the influence of the Spanish cultural heritage. In part, there is, in addition, Portuguese influence, as in Brazil, and French, as in Haiti, which also affected the language. The complexity of the cultural processes taking place in Latin America lies in the difficulty of self-identification of both individual peoples and the entire region as a whole.

The European-Christian tradition, brought by the conquerors, in Latin America came into contact with the autochthonous culture. At the same time, there was a huge gap between the book literature brought from Spain and folk art. Under these conditions, the chronicles of the discovery of the New World and the conquest, as well as the Creole chronicles of the 17th century, acted as epic for Latin American literature.

Literature of the pre-Columbian period.

The culture of the peoples of pre-Columbian America was very heterogeneous due to their different levels of development. If the peoples inhabiting the Caribbean region and the Amazon did not have a written language and only their oral traditions were preserved, then the highly developed civilizations of the Incas, Maya and Aztecs left writing monuments that were very diverse in genres. These are mythological and historical epic, poetic works on the theme of military prowess, philosophical and love lyrics, dramatic works and prose narratives.

Among the epic works created by the Aztecs, a partially preserved epic about the cultural hero Quetzalcoatl, who created people and gave them maize, stands out. In one of the fragments, Quetzalcoatl descends into the realm of the dead in order to obtain the bones of the dead, from which new generations should grow. In addition, numerous poetic works of the Aztecs have survived: hymn poetry and lyrical poetry, which is distinguished by a variety of plots, which is characterized by well-developed symbolism of images (jaguar - night, eagle - sun, quetzal (dove) feathers - wealth and beauty). Most of these works are anonymous.

Many literary works of the Mayan peoples have come down in the records of the 16th and 17th centuries, made in Latin. The most famous historical chronicles Annals of the kakchikels, holy books Chilam Balam and epic Popol Vuh.

Annals of the kakchikels- historical chronicles of the mountain Maya, a prose work, the first part of which tells about the history of the Kaqchikel and Quiche peoples before the Spanish conquest, the second part tells about the arrival of the Spaniards in the country and their conquest of the country.

Popol Vuh (book of the people) is an epic work written between 1550 and 1555 in rhythmic prose in the Guatemalan Maya Quiche language. Popol Vuh was created by an Indian author who wished to sing the best qualities of his people - courage, courage, loyalty to the interests of the people. The author does not mention the events associated with the conquest, deliberately limiting the narrative to the Indian world and worldview. The book contains ancient cosmogonic myths about the creation of the world and the deeds of the gods, the mythical and historical legends of the Quiche people - their origin, encounters with other peoples, stories of long wanderings and the creation of their own state, and traces the chronicle of the reign of the Quiche kings up to 1550. The original book was discovered in the 18th century Dominican monk Francisco Jimenez in the highlands of Guatemala. He copied the Mayan text and translated it into Spanish. The original was subsequently lost. Book Popol Vuh was of considerable importance for the self-identification of the peoples of Latin America. So, for example, by his own admission, work on the translation Popol Vuha completely changed the worldview of such a major future author as Miguel Angel Asturias.

Books Chilam Balam(books Prophet Jaguar) - recorded in Latin in the 17th-18th centuries. Yucatán Maya books. This is an extensive collection of prophetic texts, specially written in a vague language, saturated with mythological images. Divinations in them are made according to twenty-year periods (katuns) and annual periods (tuns). According to these books, the predictions of the events of the day, as well as the fate of newborns, were determined. Prophetic texts are interspersed with astrological and mythological texts, medical prescriptions, descriptions of ancient Mayan rites and historical chronicles from the time of the appearance of the Itza tribe in the Yucatan (10-11 centuries) to the early colonial period. Part of the fragments is a record of ancient hieroglyphic books made in Latin. Currently 18 books are known Chilam Balam.

Poetic works of the Maya have hardly survived, although such works undoubtedly existed before the conquest. The poetic creativity of the Mayan peoples can be judged by the compilation of Ah-Bam in the 18th century. collection Songbook from Zytbalche. It contains both lyrical love and cult chants - hymns in honor of various deities, hymns to the rising sun.

Historical chronicles and epic works of the Incas have not survived to our time, however, many examples of the poetic creativity of these peoples have been preserved. These include the hymns-hali and halya, which were performed during various rituals and addressed to the gods, praising the exploits of the Inca commanders. In addition, the Incas had love-lyrical songs "aravi" and elegiac songs "huanca", sung during mourning ceremonies.

Literature of the era of the conquest (1492–1600).

It was Columbus who owned the words, which were then repeated many times by Latin American chroniclers and subsequently became decisive for the masters of Latin American literature of the 20th century, who tried, as it were, to take a fresh look at the history and life of Latin America. Columbus said that for the "things" he met in the "Indies", he could not find names, there is nothing like it in Europe.

It is also characteristic that among the heroes of the “new” historical novel, one of the leading genres of Latin American literature in the 1980s–90s, which is characterized by a rethinking of the history of the continent, Columbus occupies a considerable place ( Dogs in Paradise A. Posse, Admiral's insomnia A. Roa Bastos), but the first in the series is the story of A. Carpentier, which anticipated this genre harp and shadow.

In the writing of the linguist, ethnographer, historian and theologian Bernardino de Sahagún (1550–1590) General History of the Things of New Spain(published in 1829-1831) clearly and accurately presented information about the mythology, astrology, religious holidays and customs of the Indians, told about the state structure, paid attention to local animals, plants and minerals, as well as the history of the conquest.

The Spanish historian and Dominican monk Bartolome de Las Casas (1474–1566) was also well acquainted with the history of the development of new lands from his own experience - as a chaplain of the detachment of the conquistador Diego Velasquez de Cuellar, he participated in the conquest of Cuba. As a reward for participating in this expedition, he received an ecomyenda, a huge allotment of land along with its inhabitants. Soon he began to preach among the Indians who lived there. Apologetic history of the Indies, which he started in 1527 (published in 1909), The shortest message about the destruction of the Indies(1552) and his main work History of the Indies(published in 1875-1876) are works that tell the story of the conquest, and the author invariably stands on the side of the enslaved and humiliated Indians. The sharpness and categorical judgments are such that, according to the author's order, History of the Indies was not to be published until his death.

Relying on his own impressions, Bartolome de Las Casas, nevertheless, used other sources in his work, but whether they are archival documents or testimonies of participants in the events, they all serve to prove that the conquest is a violation of both human laws and divine regulations, and therefore must be stopped immediately. At the same time, the history of the conquest of America is presented by the author as the conquest and destruction of the "earthly Paradise" (this image significantly influenced the artistic and historiographic concept of some Latin American authors of the 20th century). Not only the writings of Bartolome de Las Casas (it is known that he created more than eight dozen different works), but his actions are striking and characteristic. His attitude towards the Indians (he refused ecomienda), the struggle for their rights eventually brought him the royal title "Patron of the Indians of all India." In addition, he was the first in the Americas to be tonsured. Despite the fact that the major works of de Las Casas in the 19th century. were little known, his letters to a large extent influenced Simon Bolivar and other fighters for the independence of Mexico.

Of particular interest are the five "reports" sent by the conquistador Fernan Cortes (1485-1547) to Emperor Charles V. These peculiar reports (the first letter is lost, three published in the 1520s, the last in 1842) tell about what they saw during the conquest of Central Mexico , about the seizure of territories near the capital of the Aztec state of Tenochtitlan and a campaign in Honduras. In these documents, the influence of the chivalric novel is discernible (the deeds of the conquistadors and their moral character are presented as the deeds of knights with their chivalric code), while the author considers the conquered Indians as children who need patronage and protection, which, in his opinion, can only be provided by a strong state headed by an ideal ruler). Dispatches, which are distinguished by high literary merit and expressive details, have been repeatedly used by Latin American authors as a source of artistic themes and images.

Something similar to these "reports" and Letter to King Don Manuel(1500), addressed to the monarch of Portugal, the author of which Peru Vaz di Caminha accompanied during the expedition of Admiral Pedro Alvares Cabral, who discovered Brazil.

Bernal Diaz del Castillo (1495 or 1496-1584) as a soldier came to Mexico with Fernand Cortes, and therefore The true story of the conquest of New Spain(1563, published in 1632) insisted on his right to speak on behalf of a witness to events. Arguing with official historiography, he writes in simple colloquial language about the details of the military campaign, while not overestimating Cortes and his associates, but not criticizing them for their harshness and greed, as some authors do. Nevertheless, the Indians are also not the object of his idealization - dangerous enemies, however, in the eyes of the chronicler, they are not without positive human traits. With some inaccuracies in terms of names and dates, the essay is interesting for its specificity, the complexity of the images of the characters, and in some respects (entertainment, liveliness of the narration) can be compared with a chivalric romance.

The Peruvian chronicler Filipe Guaman Poma de Ayala (1526 or 1554-1615), left a single work - First new chronicle and good government on which he worked for forty years. The work, discovered only in 1908, is a Spanish text, but interspersed with Quechua, and half of the extensive manuscript is occupied by drawings with captions (unique examples of pictography). This author, an Indian by origin who converted to Catholicism and was in the Spanish service for some time, considers the conquest as a just act: through the efforts of the conquistadors, the Indians return to the righteous path that they lost during the Inca rule (it should be noted that the author belonged to the royal family of Yarovilkov , which the Incas pushed into the background), and Christianization contributes to such a return. The chronicler considers the genocide against the Indians unjust. The chronicle, variegated in composition, which absorbed both legend, and autobiographical motifs, and memories, and satirical passages, contains ideas of social reorganization.

Another Peruvian chronicler, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (c. 1539–c. 1616), a mestizo (his mother was an Inca princess, his father was a high-born Spanish nobleman), a European-educated person, who nevertheless knew the history and culture of the Indians perfectly, became famous as an author essays Genuine commentaries that tell about the origin of the Incas, the rulers of Peru, about their beliefs, laws and government in a time of war and a time of peace, about their lives and victories, about everything that this empire and republic was before the arrival of the Spaniards(1609), the second part of which was published under the title General history of Peru(published in 1617). The author, who used both archival documents and oral stories of priests, believing that the Indians and Spaniards are equal before God and condemning the horrors of the conquest, at the same time claims that the conquest itself, which brings Christianity to the indigenous population, is a boon for them, although the culture and customs of the Incas also praised by the author. This work, according to some researchers, influenced T. Campanella, M. Montaigne and French enlighteners. Among other works by the same author, translation Dialogues about love Leon Ebreo (published in 1590) and Florida(1605), historical work on the expedition of the conquistador Hernando de Soto.

Works created in the genre of an epic poem partly adjoin the works of the chroniclers. Such is the poem araucana(the first part was published in 1569, the second in 1578, the third in 1589) of the Spaniard Alonso de Ercilia y Zunigi (1533–1594), who participated in the suppression of the Indian uprising and, based on his direct impressions, created a work dedicated to the Spanish war and Araucan Indians. Spanish characters in Araucan have prototypes and are called by their original names, it is also important that the author began to create a poem in the midst of events, the first part was started on scraps of paper and even on pieces of tree bark. The Indians of the author, who idealizes them, are somewhat reminiscent of the ancient Greeks and Romans, in addition (this distinguishes Araucan from works on the theme of the conquest), the Indians are shown as a proud people, the bearer of a high culture. The poem gained immense popularity and gave rise to a number of similar works.

So, the soldier, and later the priest Juan de Castellanos (1522-1605 or 1607), the author Elegies on the Glorious Men of the Indies(the first part was published in 1598, the second in 1847, the third in 1886), at first he wrote his work in prose, but then, under the influence Araucans, remade it into a heroic poem written in royal octaves. The poetic chronicle, which outlined the biographies of people who became famous during the conquest of America (among them Christopher Columbus), owes much to the literature of the Renaissance. A significant role was played by the author's own impressions of the poem, and the fact that he was personally acquainted with many of his heroes.

In controversy with the poem araucana created an epic poem Tamed Arauco(1596) Creole Pedro de Ogni (1570?–1643?), a representative of both Chilean and Peruvian literature. The author, who participated in the battles against the rebellious Indians, describes the deeds of the viceroy of Peru, the Marquis de Canette. Of his other works, one should name a poetic chronicle Earthquake in Lima(1635) and a religious poem Ignacius of Cantabria(1639), dedicated to Ignatius of Loyola.

The epic poems of Martin del Barco Centenera Argentina and the conquest of the Rio de la Plata and other events in the kingdoms of Peru, Tucuman and the state of Brazil(1602) and Gaspar Perez de Villagra History of New Mexico(1610) are interesting not so much as poetic works, but as documentary evidence.

Bernardo de Balbuena (1562–1627), Spaniard who was brought to Mexico as a child, later Bishop of Puerto Rico, famous for a poem in eight chapters The grandeur of Mexico City(publ. - 1604), which became one of the first works in the Creole Baroque style. The brilliant and rich city is presented as a paradise on earth, and the "wild Indian" loses next to all this splendor. Of the surviving works of this author (much was lost when his personal library was destroyed during the Dutch attack on San Jose in 1625), one can also name a heroic-fantastic poem Bernardo, or the Victory at Ronceval(1604) and pastoral romance The golden age in the Selva Eriphile of Dr. Bernardo de Balbuena, in which he authentically recreates the pastoral style of Theocritus, Virgil and Sannazaro and pleasantly imitates it(1608), where poetry is combined with prose.

Epic poem prosopopoeia(published in 1601) by the Brazilian poet Bento Teixeira, connected thematically with Brazil, was written under the strong influence of the poem Lusiads Portuguese poet Luis de Camões.

Created chronicle texts and José de Anchieta (1534-1597), nicknamed "the apostle of Brazil" for his missionary work. Nevertheless, he remained in the history of literature as the founder of Latin American dramaturgy, whose plays based on stories drawn from the Bible or hagiographic literature include elements of local folklore.

In general, the chronicles of the 16th century. can be divided into two types: these are chronicles that try to recreate the picture of the New World as fully as possible, while introducing it into the context of world history (“General stories”), and first-person narratives that are created by direct participants in certain events. The first can be correlated with the "new" novel that developed in Latin American literature of the 20th century, and the second - with the so-called "literature of evidence", that is, non-fiction, which is partly a reaction to the "new" novel.

The works of chroniclers of the 16th and 17th centuries played a special role in modern Latin American literature. Published or published for the first time in the 20th century, the works of these authors (in addition to those mentioned above, it is worth mentioning the works of Hernando de Alvarado Tesosomoka, Fernando de Alba Ixtlilxochitl, Bernardino de Sahagun, Pedro de Ciesa de Leon, Joseph de Acosta, etc.) had a huge impact and on the self-consciousness and creativity of almost all Latin American writers, regardless of the genre in which they work. So, Alejo Carpentier noted that he revised his creative settings precisely after he discovered these chronicles. Miguel Angel Asturias, in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, called the chroniclers the first Latin American writers, and The true story of the conquest of New Spain Bernal Diaz del Castillo - the first Latin American novel.

The pathos of discovering a new world and naming the things found in it, the two most important mythologemes associated with the New World - the metaphor of "earthly Paradise" and the metaphor of "incarnate Hell", which were manipulated by the followers of utopian or dystopian thought, interpreting the history of Latin America, as well as the atmosphere of expectation The “miracle” that colored the writings of the chroniclers - all this not only anticipated the search for Latin American literature of the 20th century, but also actively influenced it, defining these same searches, aimed primarily at the self-identification of Latin American culture. And in this sense, the words of Pablo Neruda are deeply true, who, in his Nobel speech, speaking of modern Latin American writers, said: "We are chroniclers, born late."

Rise of colonial literature (1600–1808).

As the colonial system strengthened, Latin American culture also developed. The first printing press in Latin America appeared in Mexico City (New Spain) around 1539, and in 1584 in Lima (Peru). Thus, both capitals of the largest vice-kingdoms of the Spanish colonial empire, competing not only in splendor and wealth, but also in enlightenment, received the opportunity of their own printing. This is especially important for the reason that both cities received university privileges in 1551. For comparison, Brazil not only did not have a university, but printing itself was prohibited until the end of the colonial period).

There were many people who devoted their leisure time to writing. The theater developed, and although during the entire 16th century. theatrical action served as one of the means in missionary activity, there were also plays telling in the languages ​​of the indigenous population about the times preceding the conquest. The authors of these works were Creoles, and in remote corners such theatrical works existed until the middle of the 19th century. However, the most widespread repertoire associated with the Spanish or Portuguese theatrical traditions. A native of Mexico, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza (1581–1639) is one of the largest Spanish playwrights of the “golden age” of Spanish literature ( cm. SPANISH LITERATURE).

Poetry is also flourishing. More than three hundred poets participated in the poetry competition held in Mexico City in 1585. An important role was played by the emergence of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. and lasted until the second half of the 18th century. Creole Baroque is an artistic style characterized by regional, purely Latin American features. This style was formed under the strong influence of such varieties of Spanish baroque as the "conceptism" of Francisco Quevedo and the "culteranism" of Luis de Gongora, to whom the mentioned poetry holidays in Mexico City were often dedicated.

The characteristic features of this style can be distinguished in the poems of Bernardo de Balbuena and Pedro de Ogni, as well as in the poem christias(1611) Diego de Ojeda. They are also in the works of Francisco Bramont Matias de Bocanegra, Fernando de Alba Ixtlilxochitpla, Miguel de Guevara, Arias de Villalobos (Mexico), Antonio de Leon de Pinela, Antonio de la Calancha, Fernando de Valverde (Peru), Francisco Gaspar de Villarroel- i-Ordoñez (Chile), Hernando Dominguez Camargo, Jacinto Evia, Antonio Bastides (Ecuador).

Of the Mexican poets whose works are distinguished by local originality - Luis Sandoval y Zapata, Ambrosio Solis y Aguirre, Alonso Ramirez Vargas, Carlos Siguenza y Gongora, the work of the poetess Juana Ines de la Cruz (1648 or 1651 –1695). This woman with a difficult fate, who became a nun, also wrote prose and dramatic works, but it was her love lyrics that had the greatest influence on the emerging Latin American literature.

The Peruvian poet Juan del Valle y Caviedes (1652 or 1664–1692 or 1694) cultivated in his poems the image of a poorly educated poet, while masterfully mastering versification and knowing his contemporary literature perfectly. His collection of satirical poems Tooth of Parnassus was able to be published only in 1862, and in the form in which the author prepared it, in 1873.

The Brazilian poet Grigorio de Matus Guerra (1633–1696), like Juan del Valle y Caviedes, was influenced by Francisco Queveda. Guerra's poems were widely known to the public, but the most popular were not love or religious lyrics, but satire. His sarcastic epigrams were directed not only against members of the ruling classes, but also against Indians and mulattoes. The dissatisfaction of the authorities caused by these satires was so great that the poet was exiled to Angola in 1688, from where he returned shortly before his death. But his popularity among the masses was such that the "Devil's Mouthpiece", as the poet was also called, became one of the heroes of Brazilian culture.

Creole Baroque, with its central themes of "Creole homeland" and "Creole glory", as well as the abundance and wealth of Latin America, which affected metaphorical and allegorical decorativeism as a stylistic dominant, influenced the concept of baroque, which was developed in the 20th century. Alejo Carpentier and Jose Lezama Lima.

Of particular note are two epic poems that were created without regard to the Creole Baroque. Poem Uruguay(1769) José Basilio da Gama is a kind of account of a joint Portuguese-Spanish expedition, the purpose of which is an Indian reservation in the valley of the Uruguay River, which is under the control of the Jesuits. And if the original version of this work is openly pro-Jesuit, then the version that saw the light of day is absolutely opposite to it, which reflected the poet's desire to earn the favor of those in power. This work, which cannot be called historical in the full sense, is nevertheless one of the most important works of Brazilian literature of the colonial period. Particularly interesting are the lively scenes from the life of the Indians. The work is considered the first work where the features of indigenism were clearly manifested, a trend in the Creole art of Latin America, which is characterized by an interest in the life and spiritual world of the Indians.

Worthy of mention and epic poem Karamura(1781) by the Brazilian poet José de Santa Rita Duran, who was perhaps the first to make the Indians the subjects of a literary work. An epic poem in ten songs, whose protagonist Diego Alvarez, Karamuru, as the Indians call him, is dedicated to the discovery of Baya. The life of Indians and Brazilian landscapes are given an important place in this work. The poem remained the main work of the author, who destroyed most of his creations due to the fact that they did not receive immediate recognition from the public. Both of these poems should be taken as a harbinger of romanticism that soon arose in Latin American literature.

Novels were banned in Latin America, so this kind of literature appeared much later, but their place was taken by works of a historical and biographical nature. One of the best works of this kind is the satire of the Peruvian Antonio Carrio de la Bandera (1716–1778) Guide for blind travelers(1776). The author, a postal clerk who, because of the danger of persecution, wrote under a pseudonym, chose for his book the form of a story about a journey from Buenos Aires to Lima.

Late 18th and early 19th centuries. two major paradigms of Latin American culture are maturing. One of them is connected with the politicization of the artistic and life position of writers, their direct participation in political events (and in the future this state of affairs becomes almost obligatory for everyone). The Brazilian revolutionary Joaquín José de Silva Javier (1748-1792) led the so-called "Conspiracy of Poets", which was attended by famous writers. The uprising against Portuguese rule in Brazil, which he led, was crushed, and its leader, after a political process that lasted several years, was executed.

The second paradigm is the complex relationship between "territoriality" and "extraterritoriality", characteristic of a certain type of Latin American consciousness. Free movement throughout the continent, in which there is an exchange of creative discoveries and opinions (for example, the Venezuelan A. Bello lives in Chile, the Argentine D.F. Sarmiento lives in Chile and Paraguay, the Cuban Jose Marti lives in the USA, Mexico and Guatemala), in the 20th century . is transformed into a tradition of forced exile or political emigration.

Literature of the 19th century.


Political independence from Spain and Portugal did not mark the end of despotism. Economic instability, social inequality, the oppression of Indians and blacks - all this was everyday life for the vast majority of Latin American states. The situation itself contributed to the emergence of satirical works. Mexican José Joaquín Fernández de Lisardi (1776–1827) creates a picaresque novel The life and deeds of Periquillo Sarniento, described by himself for the edification of his children(vols. 1-3 - 1813, vols. 1-5 - 1830-1831), which is considered the first Latin American novel.

The War of Independence, which lasted in Latin America from 1810 to 1825, not only affected the patriotic feelings of Latin Americans, it largely caused a surge in Latin American poetry. The Ecuadorian José Joaquín de Olmedo (1780–1847), who wrote anacreontic and bucolic lyrics in his youth, created a lyric-epic poem Victory at Junin. Song of Bolivar(published in 1825), which brought him wide fame.

Venezuelan Andres Bello (1781-1865), scientist and public figure, author of many works on history, philosophy, philology and jurisprudence, became famous as a poet who defended classicist traditions. Among his most notable works is the poem Appeal to poetry(1823) and ode Agriculture in the tropics(1826) - a fragment of an epic poem that was never written America. His opponent, who defended the positions of romanticism in the dispute about literature, the Argentine writer and public figure Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811–1888) is an extremely revealing example of a Latin American writer. A fighter against the dictatorship of Juan Manuel Rosas, he founded a number of newspapers. His most famous work is Civilization and barbarism. Biography of Juan Facundo Quiroga. Physical appearance, customs and mores of the Argentine Republic(published in 1845), where, narrating the life of an associate of Rosas, he explores Argentine society. Subsequently, while holding the post of President of Argentina, the writer put into practice the provisions that he defended in his books.

Cuban Jose Maria Heredia y Heredia (1803–1839), a fighter for the destruction of Cuba's colonial dependence on Spain, lived almost his entire life as a political exile. If in his work On the teocalli in Cholula(1820) the struggle between classicism and romanticism is still noticeable, then in Ode Niagara(1824) wins the romantic beginning.

The same opposition between civilization and barbarism, as in the book by D.F. Sarmiento, is present in the works of other Argentine writers, in particular, in the novel by José Marmol (1817–1871) Amalia(journal var. - 1851), which is the first Argentine novel, and in an artistic and journalistic essay slaughter(published 1871) by Esteban Echeverria (1805–1851).

Among the works of the romantic genre, it is worth mentioning the novels Maria(1867) Colombian Jorge Isaacs (1837–1895), Cecilia Valdes, or Angel Hill(1st ed. - 1839) Cuban Cirilo Villaverde (1812-1894), Cumanda, or Drama Among the Wild Indians(1879) by the Ecuadorian Juan Leon Mera (1832-1894), created in line with indigenism.

Gaucho literature, an unparalleled literary genre born in Argentina and Uruguay, has produced works such as the poem by Rafael Oblegado Santos Vega(1887) about a legendary singer and written in a humorous vein fausto(1866) Estanislao del Campo. However, the highest achievement in this genre is the lyric-epic poem by the Argentine José Hernandez (1834–1886) Martin Fierro(the first part - 1872, the second part - 1879). This poem is just like Facundo(1845) by D.F. Sarmiento, became the forerunner of the subsequently developed “telluric literature.” The latter is associated with the concept of tellurism (from Spanish - earthly, soil) in Argentine philosophy, represented by the works of R. Rojas, R. Scalabrini Ortiz, E. Mallea , E. Martinez Estrada. The main thesis of tellurism is that while preserving the possibility of the secret influence of nature on man, to escape from the influence of geographical factors on culture, to enter historical existence, and thereby break through from an inauthentic culture into a genuine one.

Realism and naturalism.

A natural reaction to the attraction of romanticism to everything unusual and bright was the interest of some authors in everyday life, its features and traditions. Costumbrism, one of the trends in Latin American literature, whose name goes back to the Spanish "el costumbre", which translates as "custom" or "custom", was strongly influenced by Spanish costumbrism. This direction is characterized by sketches and moralistic essays, and events are often shown in a satirical or humorous perspective. Costumbrism subsequently transformed into a realistic regionalist novel.

However, realism proper for Latin American literature of this period is not typical. The work of the Chilean prose writer Alberto Blest Gana (1830–1920) develops under the strong influence of the European literary tradition, in particular, the novels of Honore de Balzac. Novels of Ghana: Arithmetic of love (1860), Martin Rivas (1862), Rake's Ideal(1853). Eugenio Cambacérès (1843–188), an Argentine naturalist who was inspired by the novels of Émile Zola, created such novels as whistling varmint(1881–1884) and Without a purpose (1885).

The combination of realism and naturalism marked the novel by the Brazilian Manuel António de Almeida (1831–1861) Memoirs of a police sergeant(1845). The same tendencies can be traced in the prose of the Brazilian Aluisio Gonçalves Azeveda (1857–1913), among whose most famous works are the novels Mulatto(1881) and Boarding house(1884). Realism marked the novels of the Brazilian Joaquín Maria Machado de Assis (1839–1908), whose work influenced Latin American literature in general.

Modernism (last quarter of the 19th century - 1910s).

Latin American modernism, which is characterized by its close connection with romanticism, was influenced by such major phenomena of European culture as the "Parnassian school" ( cm. PARNAS), symbolism, impressionism, etc. At the same time, as well as for European modernism, it is significant for him that the modernism of Latin America is represented in the overwhelming majority by poetic works.

One of the most prominent figures in Latin American literature of the 19th century, as well as in Latin American modernism, is the Cuban poet, thinker and politician José Julián Martí (1853–1895), who received the title from the Cuban people for his national liberation struggle against the colonial rule of Spain. "Apostle". His creative heritage includes not only poetry - a poetic cycle Ismaelillo(1882), collections free verses(published in 1913) and simple verses(1891), but also a novel fatal friendship(1885), close to the literature of modernism, sketches and essays, of which it should be noted Our America(1891), where Latin America is opposed to Anglo-Saxon America. H.Marti is also an ideal example of a Latin American writer whose life and work are merged and subordinated to the struggle for the good of all Latin America.

The Mexican Manuel Gutiérrez Najera (1859-1895) should be mentioned as another significant representative of Latin American modernism. During the life of this author, the collection saw the light fragile stories(1883), representing him as a prose writer, while poetic works were collected only in posthumous books Poetry by Manuel Gutiérrez Najera(1896) and Poetry (1897).

The Colombian José Asunción Silva (1865–1896) also earned fame only after his early death (due to financial difficulties, and also because a significant part of his manuscripts perished during a shipwreck, the poet committed suicide). His poetry collection was published in 1908, while the novel table talk– only in 1925.

The Cuban Julian del Casal (1863–1893), who wrote newspaper essays that exposed the aristocracy, became famous primarily as a poet. During his lifetime, collections were published Leaves in the wind(1890) and dreams(1892), and a posthumously published book Busts and rhymes(1894) combined poems and short prose.

The central figure of Latin American modernism was the Nicaraguan poet Ruben Dario (1867–1916). His collection Azure(1887, add. - 1890), which combined poetry and prose miniatures, became one of the most important milestones in the development of this literary movement, and in the collection Pagan psalms and other poems(1896, rev. - 1901) was the culmination of Latin American modernism.

Prominent figures of the modernist movement are the Mexican Amado Nervo (1870–1919), the author of numerous books, among which are poetry collections. poems (1901), Exodus and flowers of the road (1902), Vote (1904), Gardens of my soul(1905) and storybooks wandering souls (1906), They(1912); Peruvian José Santos Chocano (1875–1934), who actively participated in the political life of Latin America, including fighting in the army of Francisco Villa during the Mexican Revolution. After the overthrow of the President of Guatemala, Manuel Estrada Cabrera, to whom he was an adviser, he was sentenced to death, but survived. Returning to his homeland in 1922, José Santos Chocano was awarded the title of "National Poet of Peru". Modernist tendencies are reflected in the poems, combined into collections Soul of the Americas(1906) and fiat lux (1908).

Mention should also be made of the Bolivian Ricardo Jaimes Freire (1868–1933), author of the collections Barbarian Castalia(1897) and Dreams are life(1917), Colombian Guillermo Valencia (1873–1943), author of collections Poems(1898) and Rites(1914), Uruguayan Julio Herrera y Reissiga (1875–1910), author of poetry cycles abandoned parks, Easter time, water clock(1900-1910), as well as the Uruguayan José Enrique Rodo (1871-1917), one of the largest Latin American thinkers, who considered the idea of ​​cultural synthesis in an essay Ariel(1900) and put forward the idea that it is Latin America that should carry out such a synthesis.

Brazilian modernism stands apart, which originated in the early 1920s, the founders and central figures of which were Mario Raul Morais de Andrade (1893-1945) and José Oswald de Andrade (1890-1954).

The positive significance of Latin American modernism was reflected not only in the fact that this literary movement gathered many talented authors into its ranks, but also in the fact that it updated the poetic language and poetic technique.

Modernism also actively influenced those masters who were later able to free themselves from its influence. Thus, the Argentine poet and prose writer Leopoldo Lugones (1874–1938) began as a modernist, which was reflected in poetry collections. Golden Mountains(1897) and Twilight in the garden(1906). Enrique González Martinez (1871-1952), starting from the provisions of modernism, in the collection secret paths(1911) broke with this tradition, advocating a new poetic system.

20th century.

Latin American literature of the 20th century not only unusually rich, its position among other national literatures has fundamentally changed. The changes were already reflected in the fact that the Chilean poetess Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957), the first of the Latin American writers, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945.

A huge role in this qualitative leap was played by the avant-garde search, through which most of the famous Latin American writers went through. The Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948) put forward the concept of "creationism", according to which the artist must create his own aesthetic reality. Among his poetry books are collections in Spanish Equatorial(1918) and citizen of oblivion(1941), and collections in French square horizon (1917), All of a sudden (1925).

The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (1904–1973), who received the Nobel Prize in 1971, began to write in avant-garde poetics, choosing “free verse” as the poetic form most adequate to his thought, over time he moves on to poetry, which reflected direct political engagement . Among his books are collections Twilight (1923), Residence - land(1933, additional - 1935), Odes to simple things (1954), New odes to simple things (1955), Birds of Chile (1966), heavenly stones(1970). His last book in his lifetime Nixon Murder Motivation and Praise for the Chilean Revolution(1973) reflected the feelings that the poet experienced after the fall of the government of President Salvador Allende.

Another major figure in Latin American literature is the Mexican poet and essayist Octavio Paz (1914–1998), Nobel Prize winner in 1990, author of numerous books, including collections wild moon (1933), human root (1937), sun stone (1957), Salamander (1962).

Ultraism, an avant-garde literary movement, began with the Argentine poet and prose writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986), one of the most revered and quoted authors of the 20th century. His collections of short stories brought him fame. General history of infamy (1935), Garden of Forking Paths (1941), fiction (1944), Aleph (1949), doer (1960).

Negrism, a literary movement whose goal was to develop an African American heritage, as well as to introduce a Negro worldview into literature, made a significant contribution to Latin American literature. Among the writers belonging to this trend are the Puerto Rican Luis Pales Matos (1898–1959) and the Cuban Nicolas Guillén (1902–1989).

The Peruvian Cesar Vallejo (1892–1938) had an active influence on the poetry of Latin America. In the first collections Black heralds(1918) and Trilse(1922) he develops avant-garde poetics, while the collection human verses(1938), published after the death of the poet, reflected the changes that had taken place in his poetics.

The plays of the Argentinean Roberto Arlt (1900-1942) and the Mexican Rodolfo Usigli (1905-1979) were created under the obvious influence of the European dramatic tradition.

Among those who developed the regional novel are the Uruguayan Horacio Quiroga (1878–1937), the Colombian José Eustasio Rivera (1889–1928), the Argentinean Ricardo Guiraldes (1886–1927), the Venezuelan Romulo Gallegos (1864–1969), the Mexican Mariano Azuela ( 1873-1952). Ecuadorian Jorge Icaza (1906–1978), Peruvians Ciro Alegria (1909–1967) and Jose Maria Arguedas (1911–1969), Guatemalan Miguel Angel Asturias (1899–1974), Nobel Prize winner in 1967 contributed to the development of indigenism.

Among the greatest prose writers of the 20th century. – Argentines Eduardo Mallea (1903–1982), Ernesto Sabato (1911–2011), Julio Cortazar (1924–1984), Manuel Puig (1933–1990), Uruguayan Juan Carlos Onetti (1909–1994), Mexicans Juan Rulfo (1918– 1984) and Carlos Fuentes (b. 1929), Cubans José Lezama Lima (1910–1976) and Alejo Carpentier (1904–1980), Brazilian Jorge Amado (1912).

The Nobel Prize was awarded in 1982 to Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez (b. 1928) and in 2004 to Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa (b. 1936).

Berenice Vesnina


History of the Literature of Latin America. From ancient times to the outbreak of the War of Independence. Book. 1. M., 1985
History of the Literature of Latin America. From the War of Independence to the Completion of National State Consolidation (1810s–1870s). Book. 2. M., 1988
History of the Literature of Latin America. Late 19th – early 20th century (1880–1910s). Book. 3. M., 1994
History of the Literature of Latin America. XX century: 20–90s. Book. 4. Part 1–2. M., 2004

We offer readers a book that includes the works of the founders of Latin American modernism - the Argentinean Leopoldo Lugones (1874-1938) and the Nicaraguan Ruben Dario (1867-1916). They met in Buenos Aires at the office of a local newspaper, and a friendship developed between them that lasted until the death of Dario.

The work of both was influenced by the work of Edgar Poe, and as a result, a new genre of literary work arose - a fantastic story. The collection you hold in your hands contains the complete, unadapted text of Lugones and Dario's stories, complete with detailed commentaries and a dictionary.

The Incredible and Sad Story of the Innocent Erendira and Her Hardhearted Grandmother (compilation)

Gabriel Garcia Marquez classical prose Missing No data

The stories in this collection refer to the “mature” period of the great Latin American writer’s work, when he had already reached perfection in the style of magical realism that glorified him and became his kind of “calling card”. Magic or grotesque can be funny - or frightening, plots - fascinating or highly conventional.

But the miraculous or the monstrous invariably becomes a part of reality - these are the rules of the game set by the writer, which the reader follows with pleasure.

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The textbook is focused on the formation of communication skills in Spanish within the framework of the main lexical topics of the social sphere, the acquisition of grammatical and lexical knowledge necessary for successful communication. Texts selected from the works of Spanish and Latin American writers, dialogues compiled on the basis of radio broadcasts, regional studies texts are accompanied by a dictionary of active vocabulary, lexico-grammatical commentary and reflect the current state of the Spanish language.

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Exiles. Spanish Reading Book

Horacio Quiroga stories Literatura clasica

Horacio Quiroga (1878-1937) - Uruguayan writer who lived in Argentina, one of the brightest Latin American writers, a master of the short story. We bring to the attention of readers the full unadapted text of the stories with comments and a dictionary.

Partisan's daughter

Louis de Bernier Contemporary romance novels Absent

Louis de Bernières, best-selling author of Captain Corelli's Mandolin, the Latin American magical trilogy, and the epic novel Wingless Birds, tells a poignant love story. He is forty, he is an Englishman, an unwilling traveling salesman. His life passes under the news on the radio and the snoring of his wife and imperceptibly turned into a swamp.

She is nineteen, she is a Serb, a retired prostitute. Her life is full of events, but she is so tired of them that she wants to fall asleep and never wake up. She tells him stories - who knows how true? He saves money, hoping to buy it one day.

Shehriyar and his Scheherazade. It looks like they are in love with each other. They are for each other - a rare chance to start all over again. But what is love? “I fell in love quite often,” he says, “but now I’m completely exhausted and I don’t understand what it means ... Every time you fall in love a little differently.

And then, the very word "love" became commonplace. And it should be sacred and intimate… Just now the thought came that love is something unnatural, which is known through films, novels and songs. How to distinguish love from lust? Well, lust is understandable. So, maybe love is a savage torture invented by lust? Perhaps the answer lies in the pages of a new book by Louis de Bernières, a writer who has an invaluable property: he is not like anyone else, and all his writings are not alike.

WH Project Mystery

Alexey Rostovtsev Spy detectives Missing No data

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Rostovtsev - retired colonel who served in Soviet intelligence for a quarter of a century, of which sixteen years - abroad; writer, author of many books and publications, member of the Writers' Union of Russia. In one of the deep canyons of the Latin American country of Aurica, forgotten by God and people, the sworn enemies of humanity have built a top-secret facility where weapons are being developed to ensure their owners dominance over the world.

A few hours before his failure, the Soviet intelligence officer manages to uncover the secret of the Double-U-H object.

Orchid hunter. Spanish Reading Book

Roberto Arlt stories Prosa moderna

We bring to the attention of readers a collection of short stories by Roberto Arlt (1900-1942), an Argentine writer of the "second echelon". His name is almost unknown to the Russian reader. Three Latin American titans - Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar and Gabriel Garcia Marquez - hid with their powerful shadows more than a dozen names of outstanding, sometimes brilliant, writers of South America.

Arlt in his work defiantly breaks with the traditions of "good literature" of the middle classes. The genre of his work is grotesque and tragic farce. In the coarse language of the proletarian suburbs, he describes the life of the city bottom. The book contains the full unadapted text of the short stories, provided with comments and a dictionary.

The book is intended for students of language universities and all lovers of the Spanish language and literature.


Jose Maria Villagra Modern foreign literature Absent

"An Inspiring Sermon of Inhumanity". "The amazing ability to see what is not there." Latin American critics greeted this book with such words. The Chilean writer Jose-Maria Villagra is still quite young and probably deserves not only flattering words, but, one way or another, "Antarctica" is a story that made people talk about him.

Antarctica is a classic utopia. And, like any utopia, it is a nightmare. People are dying of happiness! What could be more hopeless? Paradise, in essence, is also the end of the world. Anyway, heaven on earth. This is a world where there is no evil, and therefore there is no good. And where love is indistinguishable from brutality.

However, is it really all that fantastic? Despite the futurological orientation, the main idea of ​​this story continues the theme that, in fact, the entire world culture is devoted to: everything around is not what it seems. Everything around us only seems to us. And this applies to the real world to a much greater extent than to the fictional one.

The characters in this book ask themselves a question that has been driving people crazy since the days of Plato and Aristotle. Why does life only seem to us? With this question begins the flight from the unreality of being.

Spanish language. General course of grammar, vocabulary and conversational practice. Advanced Stage 2nd Ed., Is

Marina Vladimirovna Larionova Educational literature Bachelor. academic course

The book is a continuation of the book [email protected] hoy. Nivel B1. Spanish with elements of business communication for advanced students” by M. V. Larionova, N. I. Tsareva and A. Gonzalez-Fernandez. The textbook will help you understand the intricacies of using Spanish words, teach you how to use them correctly in various communication situations, introduce you to the peculiarities of the grammatical style of the language, and also improve the art of speaking.

Diverse and captivating texts will provide an opportunity to get in touch with modern Spanish and Latin American literature, which gave the world wonderful writers and poets. The textbook is the third of four books under the title [email protected] hoy, and is addressed to students of language and non-linguistic universities, foreign language courses, a wide range of people interested in the culture of Spanish-speaking countries and who have mastered the basics of normative Spanish grammar.

About literature and culture of the New World

Valery Zemskov Linguistics Russian Propylaea

The book of the well-known literary critic and culturologist, professor, doctor of philological sciences Valery Zemskov, the founder of the Russian school of humanitarian interdisciplinary Latin American studies, publishes so far the only monographic essay in Russian literary criticism on the work of the classic of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner, Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Further, the history of culture and literature of the "Other World" (the expression of Christopher Columbus) - Latin America from the origins - "Discovery" and "Conquista", chronicles of the 16th century is recreated. , Creole baroque of the 17th century. (Juana Ines de la Cruz and others) to Latin American literature of the 19th-21st centuries.

- Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Jose Hernandez, Jose Marti, Ruben Dario and the famous "new" Latin American novel (Alejo Carpentier, Jorge Luis Borges, etc.). The theoretical chapters explore the specifics of cultural genesis in Latin America, which took place on the basis of intercivilizational interaction, the originality of Latin American cultural creation, the role of the phenomenon of "holiday", carnival in this process, a special type of Latin American creative personality.

As a result, it is shown that in Latin America, literature, endowed with a creative innovative role, created the cultural consciousness of a new civilizational and cultural community, its own special world. The book is intended for literary critics, culturologists, historians, philosophers, as well as the general reader.

Gone towards the sea. WH Project Mystery

Alexey Rostovtsev historical literature Absent

We bring to your attention an audiobook based on the works of Alexei Rostovtsev (1934–2013), a retired colonel who served in Soviet intelligence for a quarter of a century, sixteen of them abroad, a writer, author of many books and publications, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

“GONE TO THE SEA” On the night of August 31 to September 1, 1983, the death of a South Korean Boeing over the Sea of ​​Japan brought the world to the brink of disaster. All Western newspapers shouted about the barbarism of the Russians who shot down a peaceful plane. For many years, French air crash specialist Michel Brun led an independent investigation into the circumstances of the incident.

Aleksey Rostovtsev laid the sensational conclusions of this investigation and Brun's argumentation at the basis of his story. "MYSTERY OF PROJECT WH" In one of the deep canyons of the Latin American country of Aurica, forgotten by God and people, the sworn enemies of mankind have built a top-secret facility where weapons are being developed to ensure their owners dominance over the world.

Most of the stories could grace any anthology; in the best, the writer reaches Faulkner's heights. Valery Dashevsky is published in the USA and Israel. Time will tell whether he will become a classic, but before us, undoubtedly, is a master of modern prose, writing in Russian.

Latin American literature- This is the literature of Latin American countries that form a single linguistic and cultural region (Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, etc.). The emergence of Latin American literature dates back to the 16th century, when, in the course of colonization, the language of the conquerors spread on the continent. In most countries, Spanish has become widespread, in Brazil - Portuguese, in Haiti - French. As a result, the beginnings of Latin American Spanish-language literature were laid by the conquerors, Christian missionaries, and, as a result, Latin American literature at that time was secondary, i.e. had a clear European character, was religious, preaching or had a journalistic character. Gradually, the culture of the colonialists began to interact with the culture of the indigenous Indian population, and in a number of countries with the culture of the Negro population - with the mythology and folklore of the slaves taken out of Africa. The synthesis of various cultural models continued even after the beginning of the 19th century. as a result of liberation wars and revolutions, independent republics of Latin America were formed. It was at the beginning of the 19th century. refers to the beginning of the formation of independent literatures in each country with their inherent national specifics. As a result: independent oriental literatures of the Latin American region are rather young. In this regard, there is a distinction: Latin American literature is 1) young, existing as an original phenomenon since the 19th century, it is based on the literature of immigrants from Europe - Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc., and 2) the ancient literature of the indigenous inhabitants of Latin America: Indians ( Aztecs, Incas, Maltecs), who had their own literature, but this original mythological tradition has now practically broken off and is not developing.
The peculiarity of the Latin American artistic tradition (the so-called “artistic code”) is that it is synthetic in nature, formed as a result of the organic combination of the most diverse cultural layers. Mythological universal images, as well as rethought European images and motifs in Latin American culture are combined with original Indian and their own historical traditions. A variety of heterogeneous and at the same time universal figurative constants are present in the works of most Latin American writers, which constitutes a single foundation for individual artistic worlds within the framework of the Latin American artistic tradition and forms a unique image of the world that has been formed over five hundred years since the discovery of the New World by Columbus. The most mature works of Marquez, Fuentos are built on the cultural and philosophical opposition: "Europe - America", "Old World - New World".
The literature of Latin America, which exists mainly in Spanish and Portuguese, was formed in the process of interaction between two different rich cultural traditions - European and Indian. Indigenous literature in the Americas continued to develop in some cases after the Spanish conquest. Of the surviving works of pre-Columbian literature, most of it was written down by missionary monks. So, until now, the main source for the study of Aztec literature remains the work of Fray B. de Sahagun "The History of the Things of New Spain", created between 1570 and 1580. The masterpieces of literature of the Mayan peoples, written down shortly after the conquest, have also been preserved: a collection of historical legends and cosmogonic myths "Popol-Vuh" and prophetic books "Chilam-Balam". Thanks to the collecting activity of the monks, samples of the “pre-Columbian” Peruvian poetry that existed in the oral tradition have come down to us. Their work in the same 16th century. supplemented by two famous chroniclers of Indian origin - Inca Garcilaso de La Vega and F. G. Poma de Ayala.
The primary layer of Latin American literature in Spanish is made up of diaries, chronicles and messages (the so-called reports, i.e. reports on military operations, diplomatic negotiations, descriptions of hostilities, etc.) of the pioneers and conquistadors themselves. Christopher Columbus outlined his impressions of the newly discovered lands in the "Diary of the First Journey" (1492-1493) and three letters-reports addressed to the Spanish royal couple. Columbus often interprets American realities in a fantastic way, reviving numerous geographical myths and legends that filled Western European literature from antiquity to the 14th century. The discovery and conquest of the Aztec empire in Mexico is reflected in five letters-reports by E. Cortes sent to Emperor Charles V between 1519 and 1526. A soldier from the detachment of Cortes, B. Diaz del Castillo, described these events in The True History of the Conquest of New Spain (1563), one of the best books of the era of the conquest. In the process of discovering the lands of the New World, in the minds of the conquistadors, old European myths and legends were revived and altered, combined with Indian legends (“The Fountain of Eternal Youth”, “Seven Cities of Sivola”, “Eldorado”, etc.). The persistent search for these mythical places determined the entire course of the conquest and, to some extent, the early colonization of territories. A number of literary monuments of the era of the conquest are presented by detailed testimonies of the participants in such expeditions. Among the works of this kind, the most interesting are the famous book “Shipwrecks” (1537) by A. Cabeza de Vaca, who, in eight years of wandering, was the first European to cross the North American mainland in a westerly direction, and “The Narrative of the New Discovery of the Glorious Great Amazon River” by Fry G. de Carvajal.
Another corpus of Spanish texts of this period is made up of chronicles created by Spanish, sometimes Indian, historiographers. The humanist B. de Las Casas, in his History of the Indies, was the first to criticize the conquest. In 1590 the Jesuit H. de Acosta published The Natural and Moral History of the Indies. In Brazil, G. Soares de Sousa wrote one of the most informative chronicles of this period - "Description of Brazil in 1587, or News of Brazil." At the origins of Brazilian literature is also the Jesuit J. de Anchieta, the author of chronicles, sermons, lyric poems and religious plays (auto). The most important playwrights of the 16th century were E. Fernandez de Eslaia, author of religious and secular plays, and J. Ruiz de Alarcón. The highest achievements in the genre of epic poetry were the poem "The Greatness of Mexico" (1604) by B. de Balbuena, "Elegies about the glorious men of the Indies" (1589) by J. de Castellanos and "Araucan" (1569-1589) by A. de Ercilly-i- Zunigi, which describes the conquest of Chile.
During the colonial period, the literature of Latin America was oriented towards literary trends popular in Europe (i.e., in the metropolis). The aesthetics of the Spanish Golden Age, in particular the Baroque, quickly penetrated the intellectual circles of Mexico and Peru. One of the best works of Latin American prose of the 17th century. - the chronicle of the Colombian J. Rodriguez Freile "El Carnero" (1635) is more artistic than a historiographical work in style. The artistic setting was even more clearly manifested in the chronicle of the Mexican C. Siguenza y Gongora "The Misadventures of Alonso Ramirez", a fictional story of a shipwrecked sailor. If the prose writers of the 17th century could not reach the level of full-fledged artistic writing, stopping halfway between the chronicle and the novel, then the poetry of this period reached a high degree of development. The Mexican nun Juana Inés de La Cruz (1648-1695), a major figure in the literature of the colonial era, created unsurpassed examples of Latin American baroque poetry. Peruvian poetry of the 17th century. philosophical and satirical orientation dominated the aesthetic, which manifested itself in the work of P. de Peralta Barnuevo and J. del Valle y Caviedes. In Brazil, the most significant writers of this period were A. Vieira, who wrote sermons and treatises, and A. Fernandez Brandon, author of the book Dialogue on the Splendors of Brazil (1618).
The process of formation of Creole self-consciousness by the end of the 17th century. has become distinct. A critical attitude towards colonial society and the need to reorganize it are expressed in the satirical book of the Peruvian A. Carrio de La Vandera "The Guide of the Blind Wanderers" (1776). The same enlightening pathos was claimed by the Ecuadorian F. J. E. de Santa Cruz y Espejo in the book “New Lucian from Quito, or the Awakener of Minds”, written in the genre of dialogue. Mexican H.H. Fernandez de Lisardi (1776-1827) began his career in literature as a poet-satirist. In 1816 he published the first Latin American novel, Periquillo Sarniento, where he expressed critical social ideas within the framework of the picaresque genre. Between 1810-1825 In Latin America, the War of Independence unfolded. In this era, poetry reached the greatest public resonance. A remarkable example of the use of the classicist tradition is the heroic ode “Song of Bolivar, or the Victory at Junin” by the Ecuadorian H.Kh. Olmedo. A. Bello became the spiritual and literary leader of the independence movement, striving to reflect Latin American problems in the traditions of neoclassicism in his poetry. The third of the most significant poets of that period was H.M. Heredia (1803-1839), whose poetry became the transitional stage from neoclassicism to romanticism. In Brazilian poetry of the 18th century. the philosophy of enlightenment was combined with stylistic innovations. Its largest representatives were T.A. Gonzaga, M.I. da Silva Alvarenga and I.J. yes Alvarenga Peixoto.
In the first half of the 19th century Latin American literature was dominated by the influence of European Romanticism. The cult of individual freedom, the rejection of the Spanish tradition, and a renewed interest in American themes were closely linked to the growing self-awareness of the developing nations. The conflict between European civilizational values ​​and the reality of the American countries that have recently thrown off the colonial yoke has become entrenched in the opposition "barbarism - civilization". This conflict was reflected most sharply and deeply in Argentine historical prose in the famous book by D.F. Sarmiento, Civilization and Barbarism. The Life of Juan Facundo Quiroga" (1845), in the novel by H. Marmol "Amalia" (1851-1855) and in the story of E. Echeverriya "Slaughterhouse" (c. 1839). In the 19th century many romantic writings were created in Latin American culture. The best examples of this genre are "Maria" (1867) by the Colombian H. Isaacs, the novel by the Cuban S. Villaverde "Cecilia Valdes" (1839), dedicated to the problem of slavery, and the novel by the Ecuadorian H. L. Mera "Kumanda, or Drama among the savages" ( 1879), reflecting the interest of Latin American writers in Indian themes. In connection with the romantic passion for local color in Argentina and Uruguay, an original direction arose - gauchist literature (from gáucho). A Gaucho is a natural person ("man-beast") living in harmony with the wild. Against this background - the problem of "barbarism - civilization" and the search for the ideal of harmony between man and nature. An unsurpassed example of Gauchist poetry was the lyrical-epic poem of the Argentine H. Hernandez "Gaucho Martin Fierro" (1872). The gaucho theme found its fullest expression in one of the most famous works of Argentine prose - Ricardo Guiraldes' novel Don Segundo Sombra (1926), which presents the image of a noble gaucho teacher.
In addition to Gauchist literature, Argentinean literature also contains works written in a special genre of tango. In them, the action is transferred from the pampas and the selva to the city and its suburbs, and as a result, a new marginal hero appears, the heir of the gaucho - a resident of the outskirts and suburbs of a big city, a bandit, a compadrito kumanek with a knife and a guitar in his hands. Features: anguish mood, emotional swings, the hero is always "out" and "against". One of the first to turn to the poetics of tango was the Argentine poet Evarsito Carriego. The influence of tango on Argentinean literature in the first half of the 20th century. significantly, representatives of various directions experienced his influence, the poetics of tango manifested itself especially clearly in the work of early Borges. Borges himself calls his early work "the mythology of the suburbs." In Borges, the previously marginal hero of the suburbs turns into a national hero, he loses his tangibility and turns into an archetypal image-symbol.
The initiator and largest representative of realism in Latin American literature was the Chilean A. Blest Gana (1830-1920), and naturalism found its best embodiment in the novels of the Argentinean E. Cambaceres "The whistle of a varmint" (1881-1884) and "Without a Purpose" (1885).
The largest figure in Latin American literature of the 19th century. became a Cuban J. Marti (1853-1895), an outstanding poet, thinker, politician. He spent most of his life in exile and died participating in the Cuban War of Independence. In his works, he affirmed the concept of art as a social act and denied any form of aestheticism and elitism. Martí published three collections of poetry - "Free Poems" (1891), "Ismaelillo" (1882) and "Simple Poems" (1882). His poetry is characterized by the tension of lyrical feeling and the depth of thought with external simplicity and clarity of form.
In the last years of the 19th century in Latin America, modernism declared itself. Formed under the influence of the French Parnassians and Symbolists, Spanish American modernism gravitated toward exotic imagery and proclaimed the cult of beauty. The beginning of this movement is associated with the publication of the collection of poems "Azure" (1888) by the Nicaraguan poet Ruben Dari "o (1867-1916). In the galaxy of his numerous followers, the Argentine Leopold Lugones (1874-1938), the author of the Symbolist collection "Golden Mountains" (1897) stands out ), the Colombian J. A. Silva, the Bolivian R. Jaimes Freire, who created the book “Barbarian Castalia” (1897), a milestone for the entire movement, the Uruguayans Delmira Agustini and J. Herrera y Reissig, the Mexicans M. Gutierrez Najera, A. Nervo and S. Diaz Miron, the Peruvians M. Gonzalez Prada and J. Santos Chocano, the Cuban J. del Casal. The best example of modernist prose was the novel The Glory of Don Ramiro (1908) by the Argentinean E. Laretta. In Brazilian literature, the new modernist self-awareness found the highest expression in the poetry of A. Gonçalvis Días (1823-1864).
At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. the genre of the story, short novel, short story (everyday, detective), which has not yet reached a high level, has become widespread. In the 20s. The twentieth century was formed by the so-called. first novel system. The novel was represented mainly by the genres of the social and socio-political novel, these novels still lacked a complex psychological analysis, generalization, and as a result, the novel prose of that time did not give significant names. The largest representative of the realistic novel of the second half of the 19th century. became J. Mashchado de Assis. The profound influence of the Parnassian school in Brazil was reflected in the work of the poets A. de Oliveira and R. Correia, and the poetry of J. da Cruz y Sousa was marked by the influence of French symbolism. At the same time, the Brazilian version of modernism is radically different from the Spanish American one. Brazilian modernism was born in the early 1920s by crossing national sociocultural concepts with avant-garde theories. The founders and spiritual leaders of this movement were M. di Andrade (1893-1945) and O. di Andrade (1890-1954).
The deep spiritual crisis of European culture at the turn of the century forced many European artists to turn to third world countries in search of new values. For their part, Latin American writers who lived in Europe absorbed and widely disseminated these trends, which largely determined the nature of their work after returning to their homeland and the development of new literary trends in Latin America.
The Chilean poetess Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) was the first of the Latin American writers to receive the Nobel Prize (1945). However, against the background of Latin American poetry of the first half of the 20th century. her lyrics, simple thematically and in form, are perceived rather as an exception. Since 1909, when Leopold Lugones published the collection "Sentimental Lunar", the development of l.-a. poetry took a completely different path.
In accordance with the fundamental principle of avant-gardism, art was seen as the creation of a new reality and was opposed to an imitative (here, mimesis) reflection of reality. This idea formed the core of creationism, a trend created by the Chilean poet Vincente Huidobro (1893-1948) after his return from Paris. Vincent Uidobro actively participated in the Dadaist movement. He is called the forerunner of Chilean surrealism, while the researchers note that he did not accept the two foundations of movement - automatism and the cult of dreams. This direction is based on the idea that the artist creates a world different from the real one. The most famous Chilean poet was Pablo Neruda (1904, Parral -1973, Santiago. Real name - Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basualto), Nobel Prize winner in 1971. Sometimes they try to interpret the poetic heritage (43 collections) of Pablo Neruda as surrealistic, but this is a moot point. On the one hand, there is a connection with the surrealism of Neruda's poetry, on the other hand, he stands outside of literary groups. In addition to his connection with surrealism, Pablo Neruda is known as an extremely politically engaged poet.
In the mid 1930s. declared himself the greatest Mexican poet of the 20th century. Octavio Paz (b. 1914), Nobel laureate (1990) In his philosophical lyrics, built on free associations, the poetics of T. S. Eliot and surrealism, Native American mythology and Eastern religions are synthesized.
In Argentina, avant-garde theories were embodied in the ultraist movement, who saw poetry as a set of catchy metaphors. One of the founders and the largest representative of this trend was Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986). In the Antilles, the Puerto Rican L. Pales Matos (1899-1959) and the Cuban N. Guillen (1902-1989) stood at the head of Negrism, a continental literary movement designed to identify and establish the African-American layer of Latin American culture. The negrist current was reflected in the work of the early Alejo Carpentier (1904, Havana - 1980, Paris). Carpentier was born in Cuba (his father is French). His first novel, Ekue-Yamba-O! was begun in Cuba in 1927, written in Paris and published in Madrid in 1933. While working on the novel, Carpentier lived in Paris and was directly involved in the activities of the Surrealist group. In 1930, Carpentier, among others, signed the Breton pamphlet The Corpse. Against the backdrop of a surrealist passion for the “wonderful,” Carpentier explores the African worldview as the embodiment of an intuitive, childish, naive perception of life. Soon, Carpenier is considered to be a "dissident" among the surrealists. In 1936, he contributed to the departure of Antonin Artaud to Mexico (he stayed there for about a year), and shortly before the Second World War he returned to Cuba, to Havana. Under the reign of Fidel Castro, Carpentier had a brilliant career as a diplomat, poet and novelist. His most famous novels are The Age of Enlightenment (1962) and The Vicissitudes of Method (1975).
On an avant-garde basis, the work of one of the most original Latin American poets of the 20th century was formed. - Peruvian Cesar Vallejo (1892-1938). From the first books - "Black Heralds" (1918) and "Trilse" (1922) - to the collection "Human Poems" (1938), published posthumously, his lyrics, marked by purity of form and depth of content, expressed a painful sense of the loss of a person in the modern world. , a mournful feeling of loneliness, finding consolation only in brotherly love, focusing on the themes of time and death.
With the spread of avant-garde in the 1920s. Latin American. dramaturgy was guided by the main European theatrical trends. The Argentinean R. Arlt and the Mexican R. Usigli wrote a number of plays in which the influence of European playwrights, in particular L. Pirandelo and J. B. Shaw, was clearly visible. Later in l.-a. the theater was dominated by the influence of B. Brecht. From modern l.-a. playwrights stand out E. Carballido from Mexico, Argentinean Griselda Gambaro, Chilean E. Wolff, Colombian E. Buenaventura and Cuban J. Triana.
The regional novel, which developed in the first third of the 20th century, was focused on depicting local specifics - nature, gauchos, latifundists, provincial-scale politics, etc.; or he recreated the events of national history (for example, the events of the Mexican Revolution). The largest representatives of this trend were the Uruguayan O. Quiroga and the Colombian J. E. Rivera, who described the cruel world of the selva; the Argentinean R. Guiraldes, the successor to the traditions of Gauchist literature; the initiator of the Mexican novel of the revolution M. Azuela and the famous Venezuelan prose writer Romulo Gallegos (was President of Venezuela in 1947-1948). Romulo Gallegos is best known for the novels Dona Barbare and Cantaclaro (according to Marquez, Gallegos' best book).
Along with regionalism in the prose of the first half of the 19th century. indigenism developed - a literary trend designed to reflect the current state of Indian cultures and the features of their interaction with the world of white people. The most representative figures of Spanish American indigenism were the Ecuadorian J. Icaza, the author of the famous novel Huasipungo (1934), the Peruvians S. Alegria, the creator of the novel In a Large and Strange World (1941), and J.M. Arguedas, who reflected the mentality of modern Quechua in the novel "Deep Rivers" (1958), the Mexican Rosario Castellanos and the Nobel Prize winner (1967) Guatemalan prose writer and poet Miguel Angel Asturias (1899-1974). Miguel Angel Asturias is best known as the author of the novel The Señor President. Opinions about this novel are divided. For example, Marquez considers it to be one of the worst novels produced in Latin America. In addition to large novels, Asturias also wrote smaller works, such as Legends of Guatemala and many others, which made him worthy of the Nobel Prize.
The beginning of the "new Latin American novel" was laid in the late 30s. The twentieth century, when Jorge Luis Borges in his work achieves a synthesis of Latin American and European traditions and comes to his own original style. The foundation for the unification of various traditions in his work is universal universal values. Gradually, Latin American literature takes on the features of world literature and to a lesser extent becomes regional, its focus is on universal, universal values, and as a result, novels become more and more philosophical.
After 1945, there was a progressive trend associated with the intensification of the national liberation struggle in Latin America, as a result of which the countries of Latin America gained genuine independence. Economic successes of Mexico and Argentina. Cuban People's Revolution of 1959 (leader - Fidel Castro). It was then that a new Latin American literature emerged. For the 60s. account for the so-called. "boom" of Latin American literature in Europe as a logical consequence of the Cuban revolution. Prior to this event, little or nothing was known about Latin America in Europe, these countries were perceived as far backward countries of the “third world”. As a result, publishing houses in Europe and in Latin America itself refused to print Latin American novels. For example, Marquez, having written his first story, Fallen Leaves, around 1953, had to wait about four years for it to be published. After the Cuban revolution, Europeans and North Americans discovered for themselves not only the previously unknown Cuba, but also this, on the wave of interest in Cuba, all of Latin America and, along with it, its literature. Latin American prose existed long before the boom in it. Juan Rulfo published Pedro Paramo in 1955; Carlos Fuentes presented "The Edge of Cloudless Clarity" at the same time; Alejo Carpentier published his first books long before. In the wake of the Latin American boom through Paris and New York, thanks to the positive reviews of European and North American critics, Latin American readers have discovered and realized that they have their own, original, valuable literature.
In the second half of the twentieth century. the concept of an integral system takes the place of the local novel system. Colombian prose writer Gabriel García Márquez coined the term "total" or "integrating novel". Such a novel should include a variety of issues and be a syncretism of the genre: a fusion of elements of a philosophical, psychological, and fantasy novel. Closer to the beginning of the 40s. The very concept of new prose is theoretically formed in the 20th century. Latin America is trying to realize itself as a kind of individuality. The new literature includes not only magical realism, other genres are developing: social and everyday, socio-political novel, and non-realistic trends (Argentines Borges, Cortazar), but still the leading method is magical realism. "Magic realism" in Latin American literature is associated with the synthesis of realism and folklore and mythological ideas, and realism is perceived as fantasy, and fabulous, wonderful, fantastic phenomena as reality, even more material than reality itself. Alejo Carpentier: “The multiple and contradictory reality of Latin America itself generates the “wonderful” and you just need to be able to display it in the artistic word.”
Since the 1940s Europeans Kafka, Joyce, A. Gide and Faulkner began to exert a significant influence on Latin American writers. However, in Latin American literature, formal experiments, as a rule, were combined with social issues, and sometimes with open political engagement. If the regionalists and indigenists preferred to depict the rural environment, then in the novels of the new wave the urban, cosmopolitan background prevails. The Argentinean R. Arlt showed in his works the internal inconsistency, depression and alienation of the city dweller. The same gloomy atmosphere reigns in the prose of his compatriots - E. Mallea (b. 1903) and E. Sabato (b. 1911), the author of the novel "On Heroes and Graves" (1961). A bleak picture of urban life is painted by the Uruguayan J. C. Onetti in the novels The Well (1939), A Brief Life (1950), The Skeleton Junta (1965). Borges, one of the most famous writers of our time, plunged into a self-sufficient metaphysical world created by the game of logic, the interweaving of analogies, the confrontation between the ideas of order and chaos. In the second half of the 20th century l.-a. literature presented an incredible wealth and variety of artistic prose. In his stories and novels, the Argentine J. Cortazar explored the boundaries of reality and fantasy. Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa (b. 1936) revealed the internal connection of l.-a. corruption and violence with a machismo complex (macho). The Mexican Juan Rulfo, one of the greatest writers of this generation, in the collection of short stories "The Plain on Fire" (1953) and the novel (story) "Pedro Paramo" (1955) revealed a deep mythological substratum that defines modern reality. Juan Rulfo's novel "Pedro Paramo" Marquez calls if not the best, not the most extensive, not the most significant, then the most beautiful of all the novels that have ever been written in Spanish. Marquez says about himself that if he wrote "Pedro Paramo", he would not care about anything and would not write anything else for the rest of his life.
The world-famous Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes (b. 1929) devoted his works to the study of the national character. In Cuba, J. Lezama Lima recreated the process of artistic creation in the novel Paradise (1966), while Alejo Carpentier, one of the pioneers of "magical realism", combined French rationalism with tropical sensibility in the novel "The Age of Enlightenment" (1962). But the most "magical" of the l.-a. writers is considered to be the author of the famous novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1967), Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez (b. 1928), Nobel Prize winner in 1982. Such L.-a. novels such as The Betrayal of Rita Hayworth (1968) by Argentine M. Puig, Three Sad Tigers (1967) by Cuban G. Cabrera Infante, Obscene Bird of the Night (1970) by Chilean J. Donoso and others.
The most interesting work of Brazilian literature in the genre of documentary prose is the book "Sertana" (1902), written by the journalist E. da Cunha. Brazilian contemporary fiction is represented by Jorge Amado (b. 1912), the creator of many regional novels marked by a sense of belonging to social problems; E. Verisima, who reflected city life in the novels Crossroads (1935) and Only Silence Remains (1943); and the greatest Brazilian writer of the 20th century. J. Rosa, who in his famous novel Paths of the Great Sertan (1956) developed a special artistic language to convey the psychology of the inhabitants of the vast Brazilian semi-deserts. Other Brazilian novelists include Raquel de Queiroz (Three Marys, 1939), Clarice Lispector (The Hour of the Star, 1977), M. Souza (Galves, The Emperor of the Amazon, 1977) and Nelida Pignon (Heat things", 1980).

Kuteishchikova V.N., A novel of Latin America in the 20th century, M., 1964;
Formation of national literatures of Latin America, M., 1970;
Mamontov S. P., Diversity and unity of cultures, "Latin America", 1972, No. 3;
Torres-Rioseco A., Great Latin American Literature, M., 1972.

The literature of Latin America, which exists mainly in Spanish and Portuguese, was formed in the process of interaction between two different rich cultural traditions - European and Indian. Indigenous literature in the Americas continued to develop in some cases after the Spanish conquest. Of the surviving works of pre-Columbian literature, most of it was written down by missionary monks. So, until now, the main source for studying the literature of the Aztecs remains the work of Fray B. de Sahagun (1550-1590) The History of Things in New Spain, created between 1570 and 1580. The masterpieces of the literature of the Mayan peoples, recorded shortly after the conquest, have also been preserved: a collection of historical legends and cosmogonic myths of Popol-Vuh and prophetic books of Chilam-Balam. Thanks to the collecting activity of the monks, samples of pre-Columbian Peruvian poetry that existed in the oral tradition have come down to us. Their work was supplemented by two famous chroniclers of Indian origin - Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (1539-1516) and F. G. Poma de Ayala (1532/1533-1615). The primary layer of Latin American literature in Spanish is made up of diaries, chronicles and reports of the pioneers and conquistadors themselves. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) outlined his impressions of the newly discovered lands in the Diary of the first journey (1492-1493) and three letters-relations addressed to the Spanish royal couple. Columbus often interprets American realities in a fantastic way, reviving numerous geographical myths and legends that overwhelmed Western European literature from antiquity to Marco Polo (c. 1254-1324). The discovery and conquest of the Aztec empire in Mexico is reflected in five letters-relations by E. Cortes (1485-1547), sent to Emperor Charles V between 1519 and 1526. A soldier from the detachment of Cortes, B. Diaz del Castillo (between 1492 and 1496-1584), described these events in the True History of the Conquest of New Spain (1563), one of the most remarkable books of the era of the conquest. In the process of discovering the lands of the New World in the minds of the conquistadors, old European myths and legends, fused with Indian legends, were revived and altered ("Fountain of Eternal Youth", "Seven Cities of Sivola", "Eldorado", etc.). The persistent search for these mythical places determined the entire course of the conquest and, to some extent, the early colonization of territories. A number of literary monuments of the era of the conquest are presented by detailed testimonies of the participants in such expeditions. Among the works of this kind, the famous book The Shipwreck (1537) by A. Cabeza de Vaky (1490?-1559?), who, in eight years of wandering, was the first European to cross the North American mainland in a westerly direction, and the Narrative of the New Discovery of the Glorious Great Amazon River (Russian translation 1963) by Fry G. de Carvajal (1504-1584) . Another corpus of Spanish texts of this period is made up of chronicles created by Spanish, sometimes Indian, historiographers. The humanist B. de Las Casas (1474-1566) in the History of the Indies was the first to sternly criticize the conquest. In 1590 the Jesuit J. de Acosta (1540-1600) published the Natural and Moral History of the Indies. In Brazil, G. Soares de Souza (1540-1591) wrote one of the most informative chronicles of this period - Description of Brazil in 1587, or News of Brazil. At the origins of Brazilian literature is also the Jesuit J. de Anchieta (1534-1597), the author of chronicles, sermons, lyric poems and religious plays (auto). The most significant playwrights of the period under review were E. Fernandez de Eslaya (1534-1601), author of religious and secular plays, and J. Ruiz de Alarcon (1581-1639). The greatest achievements in the genre of epic poetry were the poem The Greatness of Mexico (1604) by B. de Balbuena, Elegies about the glorious men of the Indies (1589) by J. de Castellanos (1522-1607) and Araucan (1569-1589) by A. de Ercilia y Zunigi (1533-1594), which describes the conquest of Chile. During the colonial period, the literature of Latin America was oriented towards the literary fashion of the metropolitan countries. The aesthetics of the Spanish Golden Age, in particular the Baroque, quickly penetrated the intellectual circles of Mexico and Peru. One of the best works of Latin American prose of the 17th century. - the chronicle of the Colombian J. Rodriguez Freile (1556-1638) El Carnero (1635) is more of an artistic than a historiographical work in style. The artistic setting was even more clearly manifested in the chronicle of the Mexican C. Siguenza y Gongora (1645-1700) The Misadventures of Alonso Ramirez, supposedly the true story of a shipwrecked sailor. If the prose writers of the 17th century could not reach the level of full-fledged artistic writing, stopping halfway between the chronicle and the novel, then the poetry of this period reached a high degree of development. The Mexican nun Juana Ines de la Cruz (1648-1695), a major figure in colonial era literature, created unsurpassed examples of Latin American baroque poetry. Peruvian poetry of the 17th century. philosophical and satirical orientation dominated the aesthetic, which manifested itself in the work of P. de Peralta Barnuevo (1663-1743) and J. del Valle y Caviedes (1652/1654-1692/1694). In Brazil, the most significant writers of this period were A. Vieira (1608-1697), who wrote sermons and treatises, and A. Fernandez Brandon, author of the book Dialogue on the Splendors of Brazil (1618). The process of formation of Creole self-consciousness by the end of the 17th century. has become distinct. A critical attitude towards colonial society and the need for its reorganization are expressed in the satirical book of the Peruvian A. Carro de la Vandera (1716-1778) The Guide of the Blind Wanderers (1776). The same enlightening pathos was claimed by the Ecuadorian F.J.E. de Santa Cruz y Espejo (1747-1795) in the book New Lucian from Quito, or the Awakener of Minds, written in the genre of dialogue. The Mexican H.H. Fernandez de Lisardi (1776-1827) began his career in literature as a satirist poet. In 1816, he published the first Latin American novel, Periquillo Sarniento, where he expressed critical social ideas within the framework of the picaresque genre. Between 1810-1825, the War of Independence unfolded in Latin America. In this era, poetry reached the greatest public resonance. A remarkable example of the use of the classicist tradition is the heroic ode Song to Bolivar, or the Victory at Junin by the Ecuadorian H.H.Olmedo (1780-1847). A. Bello (1781-1865) became the spiritual and literary leader of the movement for independence, striving to reflect Latin American problems in the traditions of neoclassicism in his poetry. The third of the most significant poets of that period was H. M. Heredia (1803-1839), whose poetry became the transitional stage from neoclassicism to romanticism. In Brazilian poetry of the 18th century. the philosophy of enlightenment was combined with stylistic innovations. Its largest representatives were T.A. Gonzaga (1744-1810), M.I.da Silva Alvarenga (1749-1814) and J.J.da Alvarenga Peixoto (1744-1792). In the first half of the 19th century Latin American literature was dominated by the influence of European Romanticism. The cult of individual freedom, the rejection of the Spanish tradition, and a renewed interest in American themes were closely linked to the growing self-awareness of the developing nations. The conflict between European civilizational values ​​and the reality of the American countries that have recently thrown off the colonial yoke has entrenched itself in the opposition "barbarism - civilization". This conflict was reflected most sharply and deeply in Argentine historical prose in the famous book by D. F. Sarmiento (1811-1888) Civilization and Barbarism. The biography of Juan Facundo Quiroga (1845), in the novel by J. Marmol (1817-1871) Amalia (1851-1855) and in the story by E. Echeverria (1805-1851) Slaughterhouse (c. 1839). In the 19th century in Latin American literature, many romantic writings were created. The best examples of this genre are Maria (1867) by the Colombian J. Isaacs (1837-1895), the novel by the Cuban S. Villaverde (1812-1894) Cecilia Valdes (1839), dedicated to the problem of slavery, and the novel by the Ecuadorian H. L. Mera (1832-1894). 1894) Commanda, or Drama Among the Savages (1879), reflecting the interest of Latin American writers in Indian themes. A romantic fascination with local color gave rise to an original trend in Argentina and Uruguay - Gauchist literature. An unsurpassed example of Gauchist poetry was the lyrical-epic poem by the Argentine H. Hernandez (1834-1886) Gaucho Martin Fierro (1872). The initiator and largest representative of realism in Latin American literature was the Chilean A. Blest Gana (1830-1920), and naturalism found its best embodiment in the novels of the Argentinean E. Cambaceres (1843-1888) Whistle of a varmint (1881-1884) and Without a Purpose (1885) . The largest figure in Latin American literature of the 19th century. became a Cuban J. Marti (1853-1895), an outstanding poet, thinker, politician. He spent most of his life in exile and died participating in the Cuban War of Independence. In his works, he affirmed the concept of art as a social act and denied any form of aestheticism and elitism. Martí published three collections of poetry - Free Poems (1891), Ismaelillo (1882) and Simple Poems (1882). His poetry is characterized by the tension of lyrical feeling and the depth of thought with external simplicity and clarity of form. In the last decades of the 19th century in Latin America, an innovative literary movement, modernism, declared itself. Formed under the influence of the French Parnassians and Symbolists, Spanish American modernism gravitated toward exotic imagery and proclaimed the cult of beauty. The beginning of this movement is associated with the publication of the collection of poems Lazur (1888) by the Nicaraguan poet R. Dario (1867-1916). Among his numerous followers are the Argentinean L. Lugones (1874-1938), the author of the Golden Mountains collection (1897), the Colombian J.A. Silva (1865-1896), the Bolivian R. Jaimes Freire (1868-1933), who created a landmark for of the entire movement the book Barbarian Castalia (1897), Uruguayans Delmira Agustini (1886-1914) and J. Herrera y Reissig (1875-1910), Mexicans M. Gutiérrez Najera (1859-1895), A. Nervo (1870-1919) and S. Diaz Miron (1853-1934), Peruvians M. Gonzalez Prada (1848-1919) and J. Santos Chocano (1875-1934), Cuban J. del Casal (1863-1893). The best example of modernist prose was the novel The Glory of Don Ramiro (1908) by the Argentinean E. Laretta (1875-1961). In Brazilian literature, the new romantic self-awareness found its highest expression in the poetry of A. Goncalvis Diaz (1823-1864). The largest representative of the realistic novel of the second half of the 19th century. became J. Mashchado de Assis (1839-1908). The deep influence of the Parnassian school in Brazil was reflected in the work of the poets A. di Oliveira (1859-1927) and R. Correia (1859-1911), and the poetry of J. da Cruz y Sousa (1861-1898) was marked by the influence of French symbolism. At the same time, the Brazilian version of modernism is radically different from the Spanish American one. Brazilian modernism was born in the early 1920s by crossing national sociocultural concepts with avant-garde theories. The founders and spiritual leaders of this movement were M. di Andrade (1893-1945) and O. di Andrade (1890-1954). The deep spiritual crisis of European culture at the turn of the century forced many artists to turn to third world countries in search of new values. Latin American writers who lived in Europe absorbed and widely disseminated these trends, which largely determined the nature of their work after returning to their homeland and the development of new literary trends in Latin America. The Chilean poetess Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) was the first of the Latin American writers to receive the Nobel Prize (1945). However, against the background of Latin American poetry of the first half of the 20th century. her lyrics, simple thematically and in form, are perceived rather as an exception. Since 1909, when L. Lugones published the collection Sentimental Lunary, the development of Latin American poetry has taken a completely different path. In accordance with the fundamental principle of avant-gardism, art was seen as the creation of a new reality and was opposed to a mimetic (i.e., imitative) reflection of reality. This idea formed the core of creationism, a direction created by the Chilean V. Uidobro (1893-1948) after his return from Paris. The most famous Chilean poet was P. Neruda (1904-1973), Nobel Prize winner (1971). In Mexico, poets close to avant-garde - J. Torres Bodet (b. 1902), J. Gorostice (1901-1973), S. Novo (b. 1904) and others - grouped around the magazine "Contemporaneos" (1928- 1931). In the mid-1930s, the greatest Mexican poet of the 20th century declared himself. O. Paz (b. 1914), Nobel Prize winner (1990). Philosophical lyrics, built on free associations, synthesize T.S. Eliot's poetics and surrealism, Indian mythology and oriental religions. In Argentina, avant-garde theories were embodied in the ultraist movement, who saw poetry as a set of catchy metaphors. One of the founders and the largest representative of this trend was H. L. Borges (1899-1986). In the Antilles, the Puerto Rican L. Pales Matos (1899-1959) and the Cuban N. Guillen (1902-1989) stood at the head of Negrism, a continental literary movement designed to identify and establish the African-American layer of Latin American culture. On an avant-garde basis, the work of one of the most original Latin American poets of the 20th century was formed. - Peruvian S. Vallejo (1892-1938). From the first books - Black Heralds (1918) and Trilse (1922) - to the collection of Human Poems (1938), published posthumously, his lyrics, marked by purity of form and depth of content, expressed a painful feeling of being lost in the modern world, a mournful feeling of loneliness that finds consolation only in brotherly love, focus on the themes of time and death. The most significant representatives of Brazilian postmodernism are the poets C. D. di Andrade, M. Mendes, Cecilia Meireles, J. di Lima, A. Fr. Schmidt and V. di Moraes. In the second half of the 20th century in Latin America, socially engaged poetry is widely developed. E. Cardenal, a Nicaraguan, can be considered its leader. Other well-known modern poets also worked in line with protest poetry: the Chileans N. Parra and E. Lin, the Mexicans J. E. Pacheco and M. A. Montes de Oca, the Cuban R. Retamar, R. Dalton from El Salvador and O. Rene Castillo from Guatemala, Peruvian J. Ero and Argentine Fr. Urondo. With the spread of avant-garde art in the 1920s, Latin American dramaturgy was guided by major European theatrical trends. The Argentinean R. Arlt (1900-1942) and the Mexican R. Usigli wrote a number of plays in which the influence of European playwrights, in particular L. Pirandelo and J. B. Shaw, clearly showed. Later, the influence of B. Brecht prevailed in the Latin American theater. Of the modern Latin American playwrights, E. Carballido from Mexico, the Argentinean Griselda Gambaro, the Chilean E. Wolff, the Colombian E. Buenaventura and the Cuban J. Triana stand out. The regional novel, which developed in the first third of the 20th century, was focused on depicting local specifics - nature, gauchos, latifundists, provincial politics, etc.; or he recreated the events of national history (for example, the events of the Mexican Revolution). The largest representatives of this trend were the Uruguayan O. Quiroga (1878-1937) and the Colombian J.E. Rivera (1889-1928), who described the cruel world of the selva; Argentinean R.Guiraldes (1886-1927), continuer of the traditions of Gauchist literature; famous Venezuelan prose writer R. Gallegos (1884-1969) and the initiator of the Mexican novel of the revolution M. Azuela (1873-1952). Along with regionalism in the first half of the 19th century. indigenism developed - a literary trend designed to reflect the current state of Indian cultures and the features of their interaction with the world of white people. The most representative figures of Spanish American indigenism were the Ecuadorian J. Icaza (1906-1978), the author of the famous novel Huasipungo (1934), the Peruvians S. Alegria (1909-1967), the creator of the novel In a Large and Strange World (1941), and J.M. Arguedas (1911-1969), who reflected the mentality of modern Quechua in the novel Deep Rivers (1958), the Mexican Rosario Castellanos (1925-1973) and the Nobel Prize winner (1967) Guatemalan prose writer and poet M.A. Asturias (1899-1974). Starting from the 1940s, F. Kafka, J. Joyce, A. Gide and W. Faulkner began to exert a significant influence on Latin American writers. However, in Latin American literature, formal experiments were combined with social issues, and sometimes with open political engagement. If the regionalists and indigenists preferred to depict the rural environment, then in the novels of the new wave the urban, cosmopolitan background prevails. The Argentinean R. Arlt showed in his works the internal inconsistency, depression and alienation of the city dweller. The same gloomy atmosphere reigns in the prose of his compatriots - E. Mallea (b. 1903) and E. Sabato (b. 1911), the author of the novel About Heroes and Graves (1961). A bleak picture of urban life is drawn by the Uruguayan H.K. H. L. Borges, one of the most famous writers of our time, plunged into a self-sufficient metaphysical world created by a game of logic, interweaving of analogies, confrontation between ideas of order and chaos. In the second half of the 20th century Latin American literature presented an incredible wealth and variety of artistic prose. In his stories and novels, the Argentine J. Cortazar (1924-1984) explored the boundaries of reality and fantasy. Peruvian M. Vargas Llosa (b. 1936) revealed the internal connection of Latin American corruption and violence with the "macho" complex (Spanish macho - male, "real man"). The Mexican J. Rulfo (1918-1986), one of the greatest writers of this generation, in the collection of short stories The Plain on Fire (1953) and the story of Pedro Paramo (1955) revealed a deep mythological substratum that defines modern reality. The world-famous Mexican novelist K. Fuentes (b. 1929). In Cuba, J. Lesama Lima (1910-1978) recreated the process of artistic creation in the novel Paradise (1966), while A. Carpentier (1904-1980), one of the founders of "magical realism", in the novel Age of Enlightenment (1962) combined the French rationalism with tropical sensibility. But the author of the famous novel One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967), Colombian G. Garcia Marquez (b. 1928), Nobel Prize winner in 1982, is considered to be the most "magic" of Latin American writers. Such Latin American novels as Rita Hayworth's Betrayal (1968) are widely known. ) Argentine M. Puig (b. 1932), Three sad tigers (1967) Cuban G. Cabrera Infante, Obscene bird of the night (1970) Chilean J. Donoso (b. 1925) and others. The most interesting work of Brazilian literature in the genre of documentary prose - Sertana's book (1902), written by the journalist E. da Cunha (1866-1909). The contemporary fictional prose of Brazil is represented by J. Amado (b. 1912), the creator of many regional novels, marked by a deep sense of belonging to social problems; E. Verisimu (1905-1975), who reflected city life in the novels Crossroads (1935) and Only Silence Remains (1943); and the greatest Brazilian writer of the 20th century. J. Rosa (1908-1968), who in his famous novel Paths of the Great Sertan (1956) developed a special artistic language to convey the psychology of the inhabitants of the vast Brazilian semi-deserts. Other Brazilian novelists include Raquel de Queiroz (Three Marys, 1939), Clarice Lispector (Hour of the Star, 1977), M. Souza (Galves, Emperor of the Amazon, 1977) and Nelida Pignon (The Warmth of Things, 1980).
Legends and Tales of the Indians of Latin America. M., 1962 Gaucho poetry. M., 1964 History of Literature in Latin America, vols. 1-3. M., 1985-1994
Kuteishchikova V.N. Romance of Latin America in the 20th century. M., 1964 Formation of national literatures in Latin America. M., 1970 Mamontov S. Spanish-Language Literature in Latin America in the 20th Century. M., 1972 Torres-Rioseco A. Large Latin American Literature. M., 1972 Poetry of Latin America. M., 1975 Artistic originality of the literatures of Latin America. M., 1976 Flute in the selva. M., 1977 Constellation of the lyre: Selected pages of Latin American lyrics. M., 1981 Latin America: Literary almanac, vol. 1-6; Literary Panorama, vol. 7. M., 1983-1990 Latin American story, vols. 1-2. M., 1989 Book of grains: Fantastic prose of Latin America. L., 1990 Mechanisms of culture formation in Latin America. M., 1994 Iberica Americans. Type of creative personality in Latin American culture. M., 1997 Kofman A.F. Latin American artistic image of the world. M., 1997

Collier Encyclopedia. - Open society. 2000 .

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Dictatorships, coups, revolutions, the terrible poverty of some and the fantastic wealth of others, and at the same time - violent fun and optimism of ordinary people. This is how you can briefly describe most of the countries of Latin America in the 20th century. And do not forget about the amazing synthesis of different cultures, peoples and beliefs.

The paradoxes of history and exuberant color inspired many writers of this region to create genuine literary masterpieces that have enriched world culture. We will talk about the most striking works in our material.

Sand Captains. Jorge Amado (Brazil)

One of the main novels of Jorge Amado, the most famous Brazilian writer of the 20th century. "Captains of the Sand" is the story of a gang of street children who hunted theft and robbery in the state of Bahia in the 1930s. It was this book that formed the basis of the film "Generals of the Sand Pit", which was very popular in the USSR.

Adolfo Bioy Casares (Argentina)

The most famous book of the Argentine writer Adolfo Bioy Casares. A novel that deftly balances on the verge of mysticism and science fiction. The protagonist, fleeing from persecution, ends up on a distant island. There he meets strange people who do not pay any attention to him. Watching them day after day, he learns that everything that happens on this piece of land is a holographic movie recorded long ago, a virtual reality. And it is impossible to leave this place ... while the invention of a certain Morel is working.

Senior President. Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemala)

Miguel Ángel Asturias - Nobel Prize in Literature for 1967. In his novel, the author portrays a typical Latin American dictator - Senior President, in which he reflects the whole essence of a cruel and senseless authoritarian rule aimed at enriching himself by oppressing and intimidating ordinary people. This book is about a man for whom ruling a country means robbing and killing its inhabitants. Remembering the dictatorship of the same Pinochet (and other no less bloody dictators), we understand how accurate this artistic prophecy of Asturias turned out to be.

Kingdom of the Earth. Alejo Carpentier (Cuba)

In his historical novel The Kingdom of the Earth, the Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier tells about the mysterious world of the people of Haiti, whose life is inextricably linked with mythology and Voodoo magic. In fact, the author put this poor and mysterious island on the literary map of the world, in which magic and death are intertwined with fun and dancing.

Mirrors. Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina)

A collection of selected short stories by the eminent Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. In his short stories, he refers to the motives of the search for the meaning of life, truth, love, immortality and creative inspiration. Masterfully using the symbols of infinity (mirrors, libraries and labyrinths), the author not only gives answers to questions, but makes the reader think about the reality around him. After all, the meaning is not so much in the search results, but in the process itself.

Death of Artemio Cruz. Carlos Fuentes (Mexico)

In his novel, Carlos Fuentes tells the life story of Artemio Cruz, a former revolutionary and ally of Pancho Villa, and now one of the richest magnates in Mexico. Having come to power as a result of an armed uprising, Cruz begins to enrich himself furiously. To satisfy his greed, he does not hesitate to resort to blackmail, violence and terror against anyone who gets in his way. This book is about how, under the influence of power, even the highest and best ideas die off, and people change beyond recognition. In fact, this is a kind of response to the “Senior President” of Asturias.

Julio Cortazar (Argentina)

One of the most famous works of postmodern literature. In this novel, the famous Argentine writer Julio Cortazar tells the story of Horacio Oliveira, a man who is in a difficult relationship with the outside world and reflects on the meaning of his own existence. In The Classics Game, the reader himself chooses the plot of the novel (in the preface, the author offers two reading options - according to a plan specially developed by him or in the order of chapters), and the content of the book will depend directly on his choice.

City and dogs. Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru)

The City and the Dogs is an autobiographical novel by famous Peruvian writer and 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature winner Mario Vargas Llosa. The action of the book takes place within the walls of a military school, where they try to make “real men” out of teenage children. The methods of upbringing are simple - first to break and humiliate a person, and then turn him into a thoughtless soldier who lives by the charter.

After the publication of this anti-war novel, Vargas Llosa was accused of betrayal and aiding the Ecuadorian emigrants. And several copies of his book were solemnly burned on the parade ground of the Cadet School of Leoncio Prado. However, this scandal only added popularity to the novel, which became one of the best literary works of Latin America of the 20th century. It has also been filmed multiple times.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombia)

Legendary novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Colombian master of magical realism, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982. In it, the author tells the 100-year history of the provincial town of Macondo, standing in the middle of the jungles of South America. This book is recognized as a masterpiece of Latin American prose of the 20th century. In fact, in one work, Marquez managed to describe the whole continent with all its contradictions and extremes.

When I want to cry, I don't cry. Miguel Otero Silva (Venezuela)

Miguel Otero Silva is one of Venezuela's greatest writers. His novel "When I want to cry, I don't cry" is dedicated to the life of three young people - an aristocrat, a terrorist and a bandit. Despite the fact that they have different social origins, they all share the same destiny. Everyone is in search of their place in life, and everyone is destined to die for their beliefs. In this book, the author masterfully paints a picture of Venezuela during the military dictatorship, and also shows the poverty and inequality of that era.
