Michal Fridman. Fridman Mikhail

It's no secret that most of the resources on earth are owned by a small percentage of people. As a rule, this percentage includes large businessmen who manage huge companies and, accordingly, have a multi-billion dollar fortune. However, some people have the opinion that this distribution of wealth is unfair, and all billionaires are simply swindlers and deceivers.

In fact, this is not always true. In order to earn a fortune, you need to have incredible intelligence and hard work. You should be completely dedicated to your work and show your best qualities at work. However, this is not the most difficult thing. It is much more difficult to be able to hold onto a fortune and manage it wisely. An example of a person who has earned multibillion-dollar capital through his own labor is Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman.


Mikhail Fridman's path to wealth and fame was very complex and eventful. During his life, he managed to participate in the creation of many projects and attract multi-million dollar investments, but it is worth starting from the very beginning.

Mikhail Fridman was born into an ordinary Soviet family. In those years, all people lived almost the same and received an average income, so the boy did not grow up in the most luxurious conditions. However, it is worth noting that his father was an outstanding scientist and once even received the USSR State Prize.

The first higher educational institution for the future billionaire was the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Mikhail Fridman, whose biography began precisely at MISIS, studied to become an engineer, but from childhood he wanted to become an entrepreneur. Subsequently, his dream came true. After graduating from the institute, Mikhail Fridman worked as a design engineer. He liked the work, but this was not enough for a young and ambitious man, so Mikhail began to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

First business

The first enterprise that Friedman organized was the Kurier cooperative. At that time, this company was engaged in window cleaning. The cooperative, of course, brought some profit, but there was no particular prospect in this, so a year later Mikhail begins work on one of the main projects in his life. Together with M.V. Alfimov, G.B. Khan and A.V. Kuzmichev, who later also became billionaires, Friedman organized the Alfa-Photo company. This was the first step towards the creation of one of the largest companies in Europe today, Alfa Group. However, in those days, Friedman’s company was engaged only in the sale of photographic equipment.

Development of Alfa Group

In 1989, Mikhail Fridman founded the Alfa-Eco company. This was the first truly large company in the entrepreneur’s career. It was created together with Swiss partners and dealt with heavy materials, in particular oil and metallurgy. It was Alfa-Eco that became a kind of foundation for the creation of Alfa Group. This company began to bring very good profits, so Mikhail had ample opportunities for investment and business development.

Two years later, Mikhail Fridman invested a significant part of his funds in the development of Alfa Bank and headed its board of directors. After this, this financial organization began to develop very actively and subsequently became one of the largest in the CIS.

Mikhail Fridman now

At the moment, Mikhail Maratovich Fridman is among the three richest people in Russia. Forbes magazine estimates his wealth to be over $13 billion. In addition, he is a member of the bureau of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and also runs several other large companies.

Mikhail lives in London, but visits Russia very often. Mikhail Fridman's wife gave birth to two children, but they are now divorced. The entrepreneur has two citizenships: Russian and Israeli. Separately, it is worth noting the fact that in 2016 Mikhail Fridman announced that he wants to spend most of his huge fortune on charity.

The businessman does not involve his children in the activities of Alfa Group and does not intend to do so. He is convinced that they should achieve everything themselves and build their careers on personal achievements.


Mikhail Fridman, whose biography is full of various successes, is a striking example of the fact that not all rich people are greedy villains. He went from an ordinary Soviet engineer to one of the richest people on the planet. These are the people young ambitious entrepreneurs should look up to.

Mikhail Fridman (born April 21, 1964) is of great Jewish descent. He is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group, one of the largest private investment companies in Russia. In 2014, Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at $15.6 billion, making him second among How did Mikhail Fridman achieve this position? The biography, the family in which he was born and raised - this is what will help the reader understand the origins of his current success.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Mikhail Fridman began like that of millions of other Soviet boys. He was born and raised in Lviv, Ukraine. His parents, no longer young people, were engineers, and his father was awarded the USSR State Prize for the development of navigation devices for military aircraft. They were very happy when the youngest son was born into the family. Since childhood, Mikhail Fridman was distinguished by his zeal for science. During his studies, he repeatedly won school Olympiads in physics and mathematics.

Waugh graduated from school in 1980. And then - to Moscow... He enters the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Many successful people got married while still students. Mikhail Fridman did not escape this fate. His wife, Olga from Irkutsk, was Mikhail’s classmate.

During his student years, his entrepreneurial spirit first manifested itself. He becomes the organizer of youth discos, inviting musicians and bards to them and paying them fees.

Starting a business career

After graduating from MISiS in 1986, Mikhail Fridman began working at the Elektrostal plant in the town of the same name near Moscow. But his time was already approaching, and when it came, Friedman did not miss the advantageous moment.

In 1988, he began his entrepreneurial activities by creating a window cleaning cooperative with a group of friends from the institute, where he employed students from different universities, providing them with the opportunity to earn additional income.

How did Alfa Group start?

Along with Alexey Kuzmichev and Pyotr Aven, Mikhail Fridman in 1989 founded the Alfa-Photo trading company, which was engaged in the sale of photographic materials, computers, and copying machines that had just appeared on the Soviet market.

Soon, having accumulated initial capital from selling office equipment, Friedman switched to the basic product for all Russian oligarchs - petroleum products. The tool for their transshipment abroad for our hero is the Soviet-Swiss company Alfa-Eco - the prototype of the future Alfa Group.

The development of the company follows the classic pattern for Russian capital: metal products are added to commodity flows sent abroad, the volume of operations reaches such a level that in 1991 Friedman’s business structure included his own Alfa-Bank, whose board of directors he and leads.

Privatization of TNK - the peak of the business career of Fridman and Co.

Actually, this story deserves a separate study. But briefly it looks like this. In the mid-90s, the then Russian government “teared” the state enterprise Rosneft, the successor to the USSR Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry, to shreds. From Rosneft, they highlight the most delicious pieces related to oil production (Nizhnevartovsk and Tyumen oil fields) and oil refining (Ryazan Oil Refinery). They are combined into a newly created enterprise, which becomes the Tyumen Oil Company (TNK), then still a state-owned enterprise. A privatization competition is immediately announced with three companies - applicants for TNCs, headed by outstanding “Russian” businessmen of that time: Mikhail Fridman (Alfa Group), V. Vekselberg (Renova) and L. Blavatnik (Access Industries). In order to more conveniently interact with each other during the privatization process, they unite into the Alfa Access Renova (AAR) consortium, which in 1997 becomes the owner of TNK for the next sixteen years.

Tyumen Oil Company: running in a circle for 16 years

During this time, the owners made many “fateful” decisions. First, in 2003, they merged with the oil corporation British Petroleum into the joint structure TNK-BP, then in 2008 they quarreled to death with their British partners, so that this quarrel was even “settled” by the High Court of London.

Finally, it became clear to the Russian leadership that during the global economic crisis the owners of TNK-BP would be of no use, and in 2013 the same state-owned company Rosneft bought out their shares in the long-suffering enterprise from the British and Russian owners. No one will tell Russian citizens how much the Russian state was paid in 1997 for the privatization of TNK Fridman - Vekselberg - Blavatnik. But it is well known how much Rosneft paid for its purchase in 2012-13: the British spent $16.65 billion, and the AAR consortium - as much as $27.73 billion, despite the fact that the partners each owned approximately 50% of the shares of the combined company.

No one knows how Friedman, Vekselberg, and Blavatnik distributed this money among themselves. But judging by the fact that the first of them founded a new business in Europe with the proceeds from the sale - the investment group "L1 Group", he did not lose money.

What is Friedman's business empire like today?

Firstly, this is an investment group, which today is managed by Alfa-Bank (the largest Russian private bank), which includes such business structures as Alfa Capital Management, Rosvodokanal, AlfaStrakhovanie and A1 Group. The group owns the mobile operators Megafon and VimpelCom, and the retail chains Pyaterochka and Perekrestok.

In addition, Mikhail Fridman is the chairman of L1 Group, headquartered in Luxembourg. The business of this international investment group is focused on telecommunications assets and the energy sector of the economy. It includes two main divisions: “L1 Energy” and “L1 Technologies”. Friedman is also a member of the supervisory board of Deutsche DEA AG Erdoel, Hamburg, acquired by L1 Energy in 2015.

By the way, the board of directors of L1 Group includes old friends - Friedman’s partners, with whom he started back in the late 80s: Kuzmichev, Khan, as well as P. Aven, a former minister of the Gaidar government of Russia.

Purchasing assets in the North Sea

In March 2015, L1 Group acquired German oil company RWE Dea for more than £5 billion. It owns 12 active oil and gas fields in the North Sea and oil fields elsewhere. The deal has raised objections from the British government, which believes that it contradicts sanctions restrictions against Russian firms in connection with the events in Ukraine. L1 Group intends to create a new company to launch production in new oil fields, led by former head Lord Brown.

On 4 March 2015, British Energy and Climate Change Minister Ed Davey gave Friedman one week to persuade the UK government not to force him to sell the oil and gas assets he had acquired in the North Sea. How this story ended is still unknown, but given Mikhail Fridman’s experience and resourcefulness in business processes, you can be sure that he will find a way out this time too.

Social activities in Jewish organizations

Friedman is an active supporter of Jewish initiatives in Russia and other European countries. In 1996, he was one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress, and is currently a member of the presidium of the RJC. He makes a major contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund, a non-profit organization aimed at developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance and reconciliation on the continent.

Friedman, along with Stan Polovets and three fellow Russian Jewish billionaires Alexander Knaster, Petr Aven and German Khan, founded the Genesis Group, which aims to develop and improve Jewish identity among Jews around the world. Each year, the Genesis Group Award is presented to laureates who have achieved excellence and international prominence in embodying the character of the Jewish people through commitment to national values.

At the inaugural ceremony in Jerusalem in 2014, Friedman told the audience that it was intended to inspire a new generation of Jews through the laureates' outstanding professional achievements, contributions to human culture and commitment to Jewish values.

Membership and activities in international and Russian public structures

Since 2005, Friedman has been Russia's representative at the Council on Foreign Relations, a non-profit American organization that brings together representatives of the global establishment, whose goal is to spread the American version of democracy around the world.

Fridman is a member of numerous Russian public organizations, including the Public Chamber of Russia, the Board of Directors of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and the National Council for Corporate Governance.

He is an active supporter of the national literary award "Big Book" and a member of the board of the "Center for Support of Russian Literature", focused on the implementation of cultural programs, promoting the ideals of humanism and respect for the values ​​of Russian culture.

Mikhail Fridman: personal life

He divorced his first wife Olga quite a long time ago, more than 10 years ago. How many children does Mikhail Fridman have? Children from his first marriage are two daughters: Ekaterina (born in 1998) and Laura (born in 1995). The girls were born and lived with their mother in Paris, where they graduated from an American school. While fully ensuring a comfortable existence for his ex-wife and daughters, Friedman himself had almost no contact with them.

What does Mikhail Fridman's family look like now? For several years now he has been living in a civil marriage with former Alfa-Bank employee Oksana Ozhelskaya. According to some reports, they also have two children.





Area of ​​interest

Personal life


His parents worked as engineers at a factory, and his father was even awarded a state prize for developing identification systems for military aviation. After school, Mikhail decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents - he went to Moscow to enter the Physico-Technical Institute.

He passed the exams with flying colors, but did not pass the competition; after failure he returned to Lviv, worked as a laboratory assistant at the Institute of Physics and Mechanics and was preparing for his second attempt - he had a year left before the army. But a year later, history repeated itself. Then Friedman easily entered the Institute of Steel and Alloys, faculty of non-ferrous and rare earth metals. At the institute he studied at the faculty of Semiconductor Materials and

instruments together with his cousin Dmitry Lvovich Fridman. In his 3rd year, Mikhail Fridman organized the informal youth club “Strawberry Polyana” - a prototype of modern nightclubs. At the institute he was one of the leaders of the student

"Theater mafia", students who resold tickets to the Bolshoi Theater.

In 1986-1988 works as a design engineer at the Elektrostal plant in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow region.

In 1988 Together with his institute friends, Friedman organized the Courier cooperative, which specialized in window cleaning.

Since 1988 Mikhail Fridman is a private entrepreneur, the founder of the Alfa Photo company, which was engaged in very diverse activities: selling computers, copying equipment and even exotic handmade oriental carpets.

Since 1989 - took up the post of director of the Alfa-Eco joint venture, 80% of the capital of which belongs to the Courier cooperative and 20% to the Swiss company ADP Trading

According to media reports, Alfa-Eco’s participation in operations to convert rubles into dollars made a significant contribution to the replenishment of capital.

In the early 90s. Alfa-Eco was involved in the sensational “Fischer case” of $140 billion. As a result of the investigation of this case by law enforcement agencies, many transactions had to be curtailed.

In 1990 - created by Alfa Capital.

Since 1991 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Bank.

From 1995 to 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Public Russian Television (ORT).

Since 1996 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alfa Group consortium.

Since January 1996 - founder and vice-president of the Russian Jewish Congress (REC), head of the RJC Culture Committee.

Since 1996 - member of the board of directors of OJSC SIDANCO Oil Company.

Since October 1996 — Member of the Banking Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 1998 After the merger of Alfa Bank and Alfa Capital, he became Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Bank.

Since 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Trading House Perekrestok.

In February 2001 included in the Entrepreneurship Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2001 — Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs


Summer 2001 Mikhail Fridman was included in the list of the richest people on the planet compiled by Forbes magazine. The magazine estimates Friedman is worth $1.3 billion.

Based on the results of 2002. the same magazine estimated Mikhail Fridman's fortune at $4.3 billion. According to Kommersant, the total amount of funds controlled by Fridman in 2001. was $1.8 billion. According to EuroBusiness magazine (UK), Mikhail Fridman's fortune (2002) reached 2.5 billion euros.

Mikhail Fridman owns approximately 70% of Alfa Group's total assets.

For 2001-2002 Alfa Group acquired new assets: Alfa-Eco bought a 37.5% stake in the Volgograd plant “Red October”; the insurance company Alfa-Garantiya received a license for 37 types of insurance activities; Alfa Capital buys the insurance company Ostra-Kyiv; Alfa Bank receives permission from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to acquire a controlling stake in Kievinvestbank; Alfa-Eco, one of the largest alcohol producers in Russia, bought a 50% stake in the trading house P.A. Smirnov and Descendants in Moscow.


Today, people from Alfa Bank and the Alfa Group work in the structures of the Russian government and in large private companies. In particular, Vladislav Surkov was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa Bank, and currently holds the post of Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; Alexander Abramov was the head of the department at Alfa, now he is the deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation; Andrey Popov in the 1990s. worked at Alpha, then was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, currently heads the Main Regional Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation; Andrey Rappoport in 1991-1996. was the chairman of the board of Alfa Bank, then worked at YUKOS, and now is the first deputy of Anatoly Chubais at RAO UES of Russia.

Gleb Fetisov, delegated from the Voronezh region, works in the Federation Council. Before that, he worked for quite a long time at the Alfa-Eco company.

In 1998 Oleg Sysuev, who left the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, became the first deputy chairman of the board of directors of Alfa Bank. Partners The main partner of Mikhail Fridman is the president of Alfa Bank, Petr Aven. The main partner of the Alpha group is Renova, controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the board of the Tyumen Oil Company and co-owner of SUAL-Holding.

A partner of Alfa and its owners and manager is also Dmitry Zimin, founder and president of VimpelCom OJSC, in which Alfa structures control 25% plus 1 share.


The main competing structure of Alfa Group is the MDM group. In particular, two oligarchic structures fought for a long time for control over OJSC Tagmet. Alfa Bank fought with MDM Bank for Converse Bank. After the resignation of Alexander Rumyantsev (Minister of Nuclear Energy, MDM supporter) in the spring of 2001. Nuclear workers, with the support of Alfa Bank, began to fight to regain control of Converse, but MDM managed to increase its stake in Converse to 85% and emerge victorious.

Area of ​​interest


Recently, the telecommunications sector has been highlighted among Alpha’s priorities. At the beginning of 2001 A telecommunications department was created at Alfa-Eco, headed by Stanislav Shekshnya, a specialist in this field. During the year, a controlling stake in OJSC Golden Telecom and a blocking stake in OJSC VimpelCom were purchased.

Alfa-Telecom LLC (a division of Alfa Group) in the summer of 2002. gained control of 32.39% of the shares of Kyivstar GSM by purchasing a 50.1% stake in the Ukrainian company Storm, which owned 32.39% of the shares in Kyivstar GSM.

Oil and gas

Alfa, together with Renova, controls the Tyumen Oil Company, which is actively expanding in the Russian and foreign markets for both the production and sale of oil and petroleum products. In particular, in 2002-2003. TNK has been and is fighting for control over Slavneft. TNK needs new oil refining capacities and gasoline sales networks. TNK also aims to become a large independent gas producer. TNK, together with Yukos, controls the gas production company Rospan International and is considering plans to increase gas production and sales; it is especially interested in the export of this fuel.

Financial services.

Alfa Bank and Alfa Insurance are each among the leaders in their sector, actively capturing new market niches and regions.

Pipe and metallurgical industry

Versions about the purchase of the Ukrainian company Interpipe by Alpha structures have not yet been confirmed, but since the beginning of 2003. it was headed by Russian manager Evgeny Bernshtam, who before his new appointment worked as first deputy chairman of the board of Alfa Bank.

Consumer market, retail business, food

Alpha structures since 1994 owns a controlling stake in CJSC Trading House Perekrestok. United Food Company is an agricultural sub-holding of the Alfa Group consortium. The company controls eight sugar factories in the Krasnodar region, Oryol and Belgorod regions and 10 elevators, which store about 30% of the grain grown in the Krasnodar region.

Personal life

According to the stories of his colleagues, Mikhail Maratovich has a high efficiency. Any employee can enter Friedman's office - Friedman's business principle: "If a person believes that he should tell me something personally, he should have such an opportunity." He loves to travel, and jeep racing is especially revered. In 1997, while crossing the desert in Brazil, Friedman overturned his car and severely injured his head. The wife, a fellow student and dorm roommate before marriage (according to other sources, the dorms at MISiS are separate), lives permanently in Paris with her two daughters Katya and Laura. According to rumors, Friedman maintains virtually no contact with his wife. After the scandal with the wife of Alexei Mordashov (Mordashov’s wife sued the head of Severstal for the division of property), Mikhail Fridman allegedly urgently increased the allowance for his family. Parents permanently reside in Germany. Their narrow circle of personal contacts includes Yulia Gusman, Mark Rozovsky, Marat Gelman and Evgenia Albats.

Owner of one of the largest industrial and financial associations in the Russian Federation holding company "Alfa Group", has shares of Alfa Bank, one of the largest banks in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation; "X5", "A1", "Alpha Insurance", and is the head of the Russian Jewish Congress, a member of the Council on International Relations, the Union of Industrialists, and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Owner of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman

Childhood and youth of Mikhail Fridman

On April 21, 1964, in the west of Ukraine, in the city of Lvov, a son, Mikhail, was born into the Jewish family of Evgenia Bantsionovna and Marat Shlemovich. My parents were quite wealthy people and worked at a Soviet defense plant as engineers. The father of the future oligarch, Marat Shlemovich, made a great contribution to the development of Soviet technology and made the development of navigation devices for military aircraft. After some time, he was appointed laureate of the State Prize of the Soviet Union. Mikhail Maratovich was the second child in the family. His older brother was much older than him; now he and his family live in Cologne, Germany.

Mikhail Fridman in his youth

From an early age, the future billionaire was surrounded by love, care and attention. They said to him “the child is positive”, everyone around him loved him. But he did not go to kindergarten; his mother and grandmother looked after him. At school, Mikhail showed himself to be a very good student; he preferred exact sciences, such as physics, chemistry and mathematics, and often won Olympiads in these subjects. He also studied at a music school, took a piano class, and with his initiative and the help of classmates, a school vocal and instrumental ensemble was organized. He was very popular in those years.

After graduating from school in 1981, the young man had a choice between the leading universities of the countries. He decided to apply to the famous and very prestigious Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, but he was not accepted. There were two versions of this guy’s failure, the first was that he didn’t have enough points for admission, and the second was his nationality. They say that it was because of his nationality that he, being an excellent student and an exemplary student, did not receive a well-deserved gold medal. And after all, another failure awaited him, related to his nationality; he was also not accepted into graduate school.

Friedman and

The young applicant did not give up after the first fiasco, but purposefully wanted to enroll, and the second attempt was crowned with success. He applied to the capital's university, which specializes in steel and alloys, to the faculty of non-ferrous and rare earth metals. The young man lived in the very center of Moscow, where there were always concerts and festivals, and popular artists performed. The future billionaire often attended performances by Yuri Vizbora and.

Already in the third year, the student decided to provide for his life independently. His career life began with entrepreneurial activity. He resold theater tickets and foreign goods at high prices, but despite this obstacle, he had many buyers. Within the walls of his native university, he was famous as a “mass entertainer.” He organized youth parties, discos, theater evenings, invited aspiring pop stars and paid them the appropriate money for it.

Friedman and

And already in 1986, Mikhail Maratovich graduated from a university, and he was sent to work at the famous Elektrostal plant near Moscow, he was enrolled in an internship, and later he was given a position as an engineer in a design bureau. But the future oligarch did not want to work in his specialty, and he needed initial capital to open his own business. And he worked for a short time at a metallurgical plant

Business and career of Mikhail Fridman

After graduating from university, the young engineer was assigned to work at the Elektrostal metallurgical plant, where he worked as an engineer in a design bureau. In parallel to this official position, he had profit from his small business. He organized a small cleaning company, thereby helping students have additional income on top of their scholarship.

At the same time, the future philanthropist, together with his cousin Dmitry, created small companies that sold equipment. A company was also opened to sell photographic materials and deliver food products. The oligarch made a good income from each company, but he did not stop there and in the late 1980s, together with them they created a profitable bank "Alfa Bank". It was created with the help of Academician Alfimov, and the holding of the owners was named in his honor. To begin with, the Alfa-Photo cooperative was organized, it ensured the sale of devices and the Soviet-Swiss joint venture, Alfa-Eco was created for the export of metallurgical and petroleum products. This corporation became the first brick in the Alfa Group empire.

At the beginning of the 1990s, the businessman’s activities were very diverse, his companies processed oil and gas, traded food companies, provided telecommunications services, dealt with the latest technologies of the time, insurance and investments, but mainly specialized in the banking sector.

Closer to the new century, Alfa Group opened a new branch, Alfa Bank. It was the first private bank to serve individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation. Today, this bank serves a huge number of people, namely, about 14 million individuals and 200 thousand legal entities. Also, mobile operator companies not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine: Beeline, Life, Kyivstar, and the Turkish mobile operator Turkcell. The group of Mikhail Maratovich Fridman owns the X5 company, and this company includes a chain of supermarkets in the Russian Federation and Ukraine: Pyaterochka, Karusel, Perekrestok, Kopeyka and the A5 pharmacy chain.

Already in 2013, the statesman founded the international investment group “LetterOne”, which specializes in technical and energy areas. And at the beginning of 2016, this holding invested $200 million in the development of the profitable taxi service Uber. The company invested its assets in the Norwegian branch of the German energy concern E.On.

The oligarch is engaged not only in managing and selling assets, buying shares, but also loves to do good to people and is involved in charity. The Life Line Foundation was developed on his initiative, and he finances it. The fund aims to finance the treatment of children with severe cardiac diseases. Also, the businessman pays for treatment abroad for many seriously ill children, financially supports families during the period of rehabilitation and outside his center. It equips regular hospitals and cardiac centers with the latest equipment to make correct diagnoses.

In 2014, Mikhail Fridman, based on "Alfa Bank", held the first international festival in Nizhny Novgorod dedicated to the latest technologies and modern music, it was called Alfa Future People. This event brought together not only residents of Nizhny Novgorod, but also residents of the Russian Federation and guests of the country. And after a couple of years, the festival was held again and attracted about 50 thousand spectators.

Personal life

While a student at Moscow University, Mikhail Fridman married fellow student Olga Aiziman, with whom he lived for 20 happy years of marriage. Two daughters were born - Larisa, born in 1993, and Ekaterina, born in 1996. Their marriage was happy, but after a while quarrels began and even the children could not save the marriage; already at the beginning of the new century the couple divorced. The billionaire supported the family, and after the divorce provided for his daughters, but he and Mikhail’s ex-wife moved to Paris, where Olga received a second higher education as a fashion designer.

They say that the marriage was dissolved because of her husband’s mistress, because in 2000 (immediately after the divorce), former Alfa Bank employee Oksana Ozhelskaya gave birth to Friedman’s son Alexander, and six years later a daughter, Nika, was born. But this marriage was also dissolved. The couple does not comment on the reasons for the separation.


The oligarch lives in London; he does not lead a public life. He does not have accounts on social networks, and tries in every possible way to hide his personal life from the press. Mikhail Fridman has a hobby; he loves collecting samurai swords and tries to frequently add to his collection. He likes to spend his free time playing chess and music, but he also enjoys active recreation and drives fast SUVs. In 2015, Mikhail fulfilled a small dream and spent his time in a very extreme way. He traveled the entire territory of Iran in a jeep.

Mikhail Fridman and Oksana Ozhelskaya


According to Forbes his condition was estimated at $13.3 billion this is in 2016. And he took second place among the billionaires of the Russian Federation. But in 2017, his net worth was $14.4 billion and he ranked 7th on the Forbes list.

Mikhail Fridman now

Recently, in the fall of 2017, the Amsterdam Trade Bank, a branch of Alfa Bank in Holland, was searched. The Dutch police and prosecutors opened a criminal case in connection with the circumstances, but the case was brought against the owners of the bank, who are accused of carrying out customer transactions. During the investigation, documents and correspondence between the leaders of the Amsterdam Trade Bank and the Central Bank of the Netherlands were discovered. And in Spain, Peter Vacchi, a top manager of a Dutch bank and the right hand of Mikhail Maratovich Friedman, was taken under arrest.

A man who has achieved considerable heights with his work and effort, the owner of the largest bank.

In 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

Fridman Mikhail Maratovich(April 21, 1964, Lvov, Ukraine) - Russian entrepreneur,
co-owner and chairman of the supervisory board of the Alfa Group consortium, which includes Alfa Bank, Alfa Capital, AlfaStrakhovanie, Alfa-Eco, X5 Retail Group, ROSVODOKANAL, Altimo, etc. Co-owner of an oil company TNK-BP.

Fridman Mikhail Maratovich Member of the Supervisory Board of VimpelCom Ltd., founder and member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress, member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, member of the Public Chamber of Convocation 2006, National Council on Corporate Governance, International Advisory Council on Foreign Relations (USA) .

According to the magazine, in 2013, Mikhail Maratovich Fridman took second place among the richest businessmen in Russia, with a personal fortune of $16.5 billion.


Biography of Mikhail Fridman

Fridman Mikhail Maratovich was born on April 21, 1964 in the city of Lvov, Ukrainian SSR, into a family of engineers. By nationality - Jewish. His father is a laureate of the USSR State Prize for the development of identification systems for military aviation.


In 1986, Mikhail Maratovich Fridman graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. According to Profile magazine, in his third year Friedman organized an informal youth club “”, where discos were held, artists and bards performed. The events were held in the evenings in the hall of the MISIS student dormitory in Belyaevo.


  • After graduating from the institute in 1986-1988, Mikhail Maratovich Fridman worked as a design engineer at the Elektrostal plant (Elektrostal city, Moscow region). At this time, Friedman began to engage in entrepreneurial activities.
  • In 1988, he organized the Courier cooperative, which specialized in window cleaning.
  • In 1989, he, together with M.V. Alfimov (from whose surname the name appeared), G.B. Khan and A.V. Kuzmichev, created and headed the Alfa-Photo company, which was engaged in the sales of photographic materials, computers and copying equipment .
  • In 1989, he founded the Soviet-Swiss joint venture Alfa-Eco, which was engaged in the export of oil and metallurgical products, on the basis of which Alfa Group was subsequently created.
  • In 1991, he headed the Board of Directors of Alfa Bank. Part of his capital is invested in Belarusian projects - Alfa Bank, the Life operator, Belmarket and BelEvroset retailers.
  • Subsequently, he was a member of the board of directors of the Public Russian Television (ORT) association, as well as the board of directors of the SIDANCO Oil Company and the Perekrestok Trading House.

Social and political activities

Fridman Mikhail Maratovich Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
In January 1996, he was one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress, becoming its vice president and head of the RJC Culture Committee. Member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Provides significant support to Jewish initiatives in Russia and Europe. Friedman in particular makes a major contribution to the activities of the European Jewish Fund, a non-governmental organization promoting the development of European Jewry and the promotion of tolerance and mutual respect in Europe.

In 1995-1998, he was a member of the board of directors of the television company “Public Russian Television” (ZAO “ORT”).


Divorced, ex-wife Olga Fridman from Irkutsk, studied at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys in the same course as Friedman, and graduated from design courses in Paris in 2000.

In the first half of 2000, Friedman’s parents moved permanently to Russia
