Features and properties of birch wood. The meaning of birch (genus of trees) in the large Soviet encyclopedia, BSE Birch genus of trees, shrubs of the birch family

- This is the pride and symbol of the Slavs. It is often called the tree of life.

Birch It is not without reason that it is considered a sacred tree, a spiritual symbol. Since ancient times, she has been taking care of people. Leaves - for health, branches - for brooms, bark for writing, crafts, tar and starting a fire, wood for warmth.

Birch in Rus' has always been associated with a young maiden with her purity, whiteness, and sophistication. Branches Birches bend over the traveler, like female hands, to embrace him in their tender embrace.

Birch name

The Russian word Birch comes from Praslav. berza, from the root *bhereĝ- “to glow, turn white.”

Where does Birch grow?

Birch widespread throughout Russia and the Northern Hemisphere as a whole, even beyond the Arctic Circle. Birch is undemanding and tolerates both heat and cold.

Dwarf Birch grows in the tundras of Europe and North America and the mountain tundras of Siberia. It does not even reach 1 m in height. During the glacial and post-glacial periods, this Birch was distributed much further to the south; now it is found there only in swamps as a relic.

What does Birch look like?

Birch is probably familiar to everyone. But let’s write a few words anyway.

Birch- a tall light tree with a spreading crown. It is always light in the Birch Forest, and not only because of the white trunks. Birch leaves are not large and the crown lets in a lot of light.

Birch height usually 15-30m. However, Birch's life is not long. Actually, 1st century. Birch usually lives about 100 years.

Birch bark in most species it is white. The outer part of the bark - birch bark - usually peels off easily in ribbons. In old Birch trees, the lower part of the trunk is covered with a dark crust with deep cracks.

Birch leaves are small, jagged, pointed at the end, and sticky in spring.

Birch Flowers- earrings. Birch's earrings are not all the same: some are for men, some are for women.

Men's earrings on Bereza appear in the summer. At first they are erect and green in color, then gradually turn brown. The outside of the entire earring is covered with a resinous substance impenetrable to moisture. In this form, the earrings spend the winter.

In the spring, in March - May, the shaft of the male catkin lengthens, as a result of which the scales surrounding the flower open, and yellow stamens become noticeable between them, abundantly releasing pollen.

Women's birch catkins They always sit on the side of the branch. During flowering, they are always shorter and narrower than male ones, which immediately fall off after pollination.

When to collect birch leaves?

Birch leaves It should be collected in mid-May, as soon as the leaves are no longer sticky.

Harvesting Birch leaves in May - June - birch leaves should be fragrant and sticky, young, and not coarse. To dry, birch leaves are placed on wide paper sheets in a dark, cool place with good ventilation.

Medicinal properties of Birch

Basic medicinal properties of Birch: antimicrobial, wound healing, good anti-inflammatory properties, absorption ability - this is not a complete list of the wonderful properties of these leaves.

Diuretic, and most importantly choleretic properties are often used by herbalists in a variety of preparations.

Birch leaves have a rich composition - essential oils, phytoncides, vitamin C, carotene, plant glycosides, tannins, nicotinic acid and other elements. A decoction of birch leaves is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic, a diuretic and choleretic drug.

Infusion made from birch leaves is more saturated, so it is used for local treatment. Alcohol and essential substances that contain birch leaves have antimycotic and antiviral effects. Tannins, which birch leaves are rich in, have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Phytoncides and flavonoids are antioxidants that absorb free radicals, so Birch leaves can rejuvenate cells and tissues and restore them.

Infusion from young birch leaves is used as a stimulant, prescribed for disorders of the nervous system, renal colic, jaundice, as an anti-inflammatory and vitamin remedy.

Birch buds are diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic. For diseases of the kidneys and bladder, dropsy, use a water infusion or decoction in a ratio of 1:5. Kidney infusions are prepared at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Take 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. A decoction is prepared from 30 g of buds per glass of water and is also taken as an infusion.

Made from birch leaves vitamin drink: young leaves are crushed and poured with hot boiled water, left for 4 hours.

Birch juice. Birch sap is not only tasty but also healthy, has a good general strengthening effect, its ability to dissolve stones has been revealed, so the sap is used in complex therapy for urolithiasis.

The usefulness of birch sap is determined by its chemical composition, the presence of many valuable substances, in particular glucose and fructose, which are well absorbed by the body, nicotinic, glutamic, and aminoacetic acids.

Birch broom in the bath it promotes the healing of wounds, abrasions, cleanses the skin of rashes and acne. It helps well after physical activity, relieves pain and tension in the muscles. And its main advantage is that it helps improve ventilation in the lungs.

It is believed that Birch smell cures melancholy and helps against the evil eye, and birch sap, collected on special days in March and April, cleanses the blood.

Birch bark- one of the best means for starting a fire in any weather.

Sometimes on Bereza you can see growths - cap- when cut, they have a peculiar complex and beautiful pattern. Processed burl has long been used to make elegant crafts: boxes, snuff boxes, and decorative furniture parts.

Birch is also characterized by specific types of mushrooms- destroyers of dead wood (saprotrophic), which play a vital role in the process of self-cleaning of forests from dead wood and windbreaks.

Why is Birch white? The cavities of birch bark cells are filled with a white resinous substance - betulin, which gives birch bark its white color.

In beekeeping, Birch is important as a pollen carrier. After all, bees collect not only nectar, but also pollen - the main source squirrel and vitamins.

People living near a birch grove are much less likely to suffer from colds, since the volatile phytoncides released by the tree suppress the growth and development of bacteria.


(Betula), a genus of deciduous monoecious trees and shrubs of the birch family. The bark of the trunks is white or of a different color, even black. The leaves are alternate, simple, petiolate. Staminate flowers with 2 forked stamens are collected in hanging catkins, which are formed in the summer at the ends of annual shoots. Pistillate flowers without a perianth, usually 3 (in dichasia) in the axils of the bracts, are collected in single catkins, appearing in the spring of the year of flowering in the axils of young leaves. B. blooms in early spring almost simultaneously with the blossoming of leaves. The fruit is single-seeded, nut-shaped, flat, two-winged. The seeds ripen in summer or autumn. B. usually grows quickly, especially at an early age. Easily colonizes spaces free from other vegetation, often being a pioneer breed.

About 100 (according to other sources, more) polymorphic species grow in temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere and in the mountains of the subtropics; in the USSR - about 50 species. Many trees are of great national economic importance as valuable forest-forming and ornamental species; especially B. warty (B. pendula, or B. verrucosa), downy (B. pubescens), flat-leaved (B. platyphylla), ribbed, or yellow (B. costata), Schmidt, or iron (B. schmidtii), and etc. Most species of B. are photophilous, quite drought-resistant, frost-resistant, and undemanding to soils. Wood, as well as birch bark of many types, are used in various sectors of the economy. The buds and leaves of B. warty and B. downy are used for medicinal purposes. Buds containing 3.5-6% essential oil are sometimes used as an infusion as a diuretic, or externally as a rub for joint pain. The most common type is B. verrucosa. The trees reach 25 m in height and 80 cm in diameter. B. tolerates some soil salinity and dry air, lives 150 years or more. Found in Western Europe up to 65| With. sh., in the USSR - almost throughout the forest and forest-steppe zone of the European part, in Western Siberia, Transbaikalia, Sayan Mountains, Altai and the Caucasus. It grows in a mixture with coniferous and deciduous trees or in some places forms extensive birch forests, and in the forest-steppe zone of the Volga region and Western Siberia - the so-called. birch groves interspersed with fields and steppe spaces. Used for shelterbelts and as decorative. Wood is valued in furniture production and is used for plywood and various crafts.

Lit.: Trees and shrubs of the USSR, vol. 2, M.-L., 1951.

A.P. Shimanyuk.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a BIRCH (KIND OF TREE) is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BIRCH in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2009-02-01 Time: 21:05:12 Navigation Topic = Birch Wikipedia = Birch Wiktionary = birch Wikisource = Birch Wikispecies = Betula ...
  • GENUS in the Directory of Converting Non-Metric Measures to Metric:
    5,029 …
    443901, Samara, ...
  • BIRCH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    307523, Kursk, …
  • BIRCH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    182644, Pskovskaya, ...
  • GENUS in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a collection of closely related species. Thus, the genus Buttercup includes caustic buttercup, creeping buttercup, Kashubian buttercup and other species. Examples of childbirth in...
  • BIRCH in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a genus of trees and shrubs of the family. birch Includes approx. 120 species, widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. Birch trees grow in Russia...
  • GENUS in the Dictionary of Ethnological Terms:
    a term used to designate various unilinear kinship associations (see unilinearity), the members of which trace their origins to a single ancestor and ...
  • GENUS in the Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    - tribe...
  • BIRCH in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    in East Slavic mythology, a sacred tree. B. was revered as a female symbol during the spring holiday of Semik (“Semitskaya B.”), when the village ...
  • GENUS in the Lexicon of Sex:
    1) a group of blood relatives descended from a common ancestor and bearing a common family name. The account of kinship is carried out according to the maternal (maternal R.) ...
  • GENUS in Medical terms:
    (genus) in biology, a taxonomic category that unites biological species of similar origin...
  • GENUS in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Edward [?douard Rod, 1857-1910] - Swiss novelist who wrote in French. language He studied in Bern, then in Berlin. From 1887 to...
    god of Slavic-Russian mythology, ancestor of life; spirit of ancestors, patron of family, home. Wed. ...
  • BIRCH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    genus of trees and shrubs of the birch family. Usually 120-140 (according to other sources, 65) species are identified in the temperate and cold zones of the Northern ...
    (Genus) in the taxonomy of animals and plants is the second main category, following the category species - Genus embraces the sum of species most ...
  • BIRCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Birch (Betula L.) - a tree from the family. birch (Betulaceae Endi), and according to Linnaeus 21st class (Monoecia), 7th order (Polyandria), catkin family (Atepiaceae), together ...
  • GENUS in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (biological), the main supraspecific taxonomic category (rank) in biological systematics. Unites species of similar origin. For example, different types of cats (wild, reed, ...
  • GENUS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. A unit of length in the English system of measures equal to 5.5 yards or 5.029 m; the same as pepper, Polish.||Md. INCH...
  • GENUS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1, -а (-у), sentence. about (in) gender and in (on) gender, plural. -s, -ov, m. 1. The main social organization of the primitive communal ...
  • BIRCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -y, w. Deciduous tree with white (less often dark) bark and heart-shaped leaves. White 6. Scooping b. Dwarf b. ...
    LITERARY, epic, lyric, drama. It is determined according to various criteria: from the point of view of ways of imitating reality (Aristotle), types of content (F. Schiller, F. ...
  • GENUS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TROOPS (forces), an integral part of the type of weapon. strength In a number of states, for example, to the land clans. troops include motorized rifle, tank. troops, missiles...
  • GENUS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    grammatical a category consisting of the distribution of words or forms into two or three classes, which are usually called male, female. and average...
  • GENUS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (biol.), basic supraspecific taxonomic. category (rank) in biol. taxonomy. Unites species of similar origin. For example, different types of cats (wild, reed, ...
  • GENUS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a group of blood relatives on the maternal (matrilineal R.) or paternal (patrilineal R.) line, descending from a common ancestor. R. is characterized by...
  • BIRCH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BIRCH, a genus of trees and shrubs of this family. birch Typically, 120-140 (according to other sources, 65) species are identified in temperate and cold zones...
  • BIRCH in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Betula), a genus of trees and shrubs in the birch family (Betulaceae), which also includes alder, hornbeam and hazel. About 40 species growing throughout...
    ro"d, childbirth", ro"da, rodo"v, ro"du, roda"m, rod"d, childbirth", rod"dom, roda"mi, ro"de, roda"x, ...
  • GENUS in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, …
  • GENUS in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, rod, …
  • BIRCH in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, ...
  • BIRCH in the Dictionary of epithets:
    About the height, thickness of the trunk, crown shape; about the color of birch. White, white-sided, white-legged, white-trunked, white-bodied, pale (obsolete poet.), branched, tall, thick, ...
  • GENUS in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - a grammatical category characteristic of different parts of speech and consisting in the distribution of words or forms into two or three classes, traditionally ...
  • GENUS in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    1) Lexico-grammatical category of a noun, inherent in all nouns (with the exception of words used only in the plural), syntactically independent, manifested in ...
  • GENUS in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I -a (-y), in r"ode and in genus"y, in genus"y, plural r"odes, -ov, genus"s, -"ov and genus"a, -"ov, m. 1) …
  • BIRCH in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    "bath" ...
  • GENUS in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    family, surname, origin. To trace one's family from whom, to trace one's family back to a distant ancestor. Wed. . See quality, tribe, origin, ...
  • BIRCH in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    birch, birch tree, tree, ernik, ...
  • BIRCH in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. 1) Deciduous tree. 2) a) Wood from such a tree. b) Birch firewood. 3) Same as: ...
    gender 2, -a, pl. -ы, -`ов (unit of classification; ...
  • BIRCH in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    birch, …

People in ancient times grew birch trees near their yards, believing that this tree could protect them from diseases, especially during epidemics. The tree was planted near the gate and a bench was placed next to it so that you could sit down and talk to it, ask for health and help. People also believed that birch could ward off evil spirits. Settlements were fenced with a birch ring; various amulets made from birch bark were popular.

Description of the tree

Birch is a tree no more than 25 m high. The trunk is smooth, white and straight, with black lines on the bark. Branches with resinous warts, thin, well developed and dense. Mature trees have drooping branches.

The leaves are smooth on both sides, long-petiolate, pointed at the end and wide at the base, diamond-ovate or triangular in shape, 3-4 cm long. Young birch trees have fragrant and sticky leaves. Buds form in March. They are elongated, reddish-brown in color, astringent in taste and resinous.

Birch is a monoecious crop. The tree has staminate (male) and pistillate (female) catkins. Staminate catkins are located in 3-4 pieces at the ends of branches, 6-7 cm long, pendulous. Pistillate catkins are 2.3-3.5 cm long, erect, axillary, located one at a time on short lateral branches.

Begins to bloom in April-May. Male inflorescences develop in autumn and continue to remain in winter; female inflorescences are formed when the leaves bloom. Pistillate inflorescences are connected in 3-4 pieces, have 3-lobed scales. The fruits begin to ripen in August-September. One earring contains approximately 600 seeds. The fruit is a flat single-seeded nut of elliptical oblong shape, with two wings, they are 3-4 times larger than the nut itself. The seeds are carried by the wind and take root well when placed on moist or dry, loamy, sandy, rocky-gravelly or black soil. The tree grows very quickly and renews itself beautifully by self-seeding and shoots.

Where does birch grow?

There are about 150 species of birch trees in the world. Of these, approximately 70 species grow in our country. These trees are not very different from each other and are used in medicine in the same way. The most common are silver birch, downy birch and squat birch.

Birch is photophilous, tolerates any climate well. Grows in forest-steppe and forest zones. Quite common in gardens, parks, and grows near roads. The tree's lifespan is approximately 120-150 years.

Birch often creates derivative forests in place of burned or cut down spruce, pine, deciduous and oak forests. It quickly begins to populate the vacated space, but is replaced over time by other tree species.

Variety of species

The exact number of birch species due to polymorphism has not been determined. But many scientists are inclined to believe that there are about 150 of them. There is no single classification, but the most successful is the division of all species into four groups:

Here are the most common types of birch trees.

Warty (hanging)

The most common type, the height of the birch is up to 35 m and has a trunk diameter of 80-85 cm. Young birch trees have brown bark, which turns white by the age of 10. In old trees, the lower part of the trunks turns black and begins to become covered with deep cracks. The branches are covered with a scattering of a large number of resinous formations that resemble warts, hence the popular name - warty birch. The branches of young trees hang down characteristically, which is why birch is often called silver birch. Grows in Asia, North Africa and Europe. The variety is demanding of the sun, easily tolerates drought, and is frost-resistant.

Hairy (fluffy)

The tree has a height of 20-27 m, a trunk diameter of about 75 cm. Young trees have red-brown bark, which after time becomes snow-white. The crown of a young tree is slender, narrow, with branches directed upward, becoming spreading and wide with age. This species grows in the European part of Russia, in Siberian forests, the Caucasus and Western Europe. The variety does not particularly need sun, it is shade-tolerant and winter-hardy. Feels very good in wetlands, prefers moist soil.

Sweet (sticky, cherry)

The tree is medium-sized, trunk diameter up to 65 cm, height 22-27 m. The crown is pyramidal, over time it becomes transparent, round, with drooping branches. The variety is characterized by dark brown, uneven bark, which is covered with pronounced cracks. The bark of young growth has a fragrant, spicy smell. This species grows quickly, preferring moist, light and well-drained soils, is a long-liver. It has average winter hardiness and often freezes in severe frosts. Due to its high demands on growing conditions, it never becomes a dominant tree. Grows well in Belarus and the Baltic countries.


This species can reach 6-9 m, but often has the form of a small bush. The trunk is often covered with multiple irregularities (swells or tubercles) and is characterized by an unusual pattern that resembles marble veins. Wood is valued in furniture production.

Stone (Ermana)

This tree received its name in honor of the German traveler and physicist Adolf Georg Ermann. Among the birch trees it is a long-liver; some trees can grow up to 500 years. With a small height of 10-12 m, the tree usually has a curved trunk diameter of up to 1 m. The bark is flaky, dark gray or brown, and begins to crack with age. The branches are erect, pubescent and warty in young growth, forming a translucent, wide, very beautiful crown.

Unpretentious, shade-tolerant species, cold-resistant, grows well on rocky soils. On swampy soils it is replaced by downy birch; it does not tolerate excess moisture well. It grows in Yakutia, Buryatia, China, the Far East, Korea and Japan.

Dwarf (dwarf, short)

This species is found on the plains and also grows in the mountains and tundra. It resembles a bush with powerful branching or is a low tree whose trunk is surrounded by warty branches. The bark of this tree is dark brown; young trees have a densely pubescent trunk. For growth and development, it prefers slightly acidic or acidic soil; it tolerates waterlogged, heavy soil well.

River (black)

The most heat-loving variety of tree with a trunk diameter of more than 1 m and a height of up to 35 m. The openwork crown is formed by ovoid or oval leaves, gray or whitish below, dark green on top. The bark can be brown, gray or rough, and in some cases there are even and smooth trees with creamy pink bark that peels off like paper. Widely distributed in America, heat-loving species.

Useful material

Birch leaves contain:

Birch buds contain: ascorbic acid, essential oil and saponins, as well as bitterness, phytoncides, grape sugar, resin, tannins.

Birch bark contains betulol (triterpene alcohol), which protects the tree from fungi and due to which the plant has a white color, saponins, glucosides (gaulterin and betu-loside), acids (lilac, protocatechinic, hydroxybenzoic, vanillic), bitter substance, leu-coanthocyanins, catechins , a small amount of essential oil, resinous and tannins.

Tar, which is obtained from birch bark using dry distillation, contains cresols, phenol, guaiacol, and dioxybenzenes.

Birch sap contains sugars - glucose and fructose, protein, malic acid, aromatic and tannin substances, vitamins B and C. In addition, birch sap is rich mineral microelements and substances such as:


Decoctions and infusions of birch buds produce diaphoretic, choleretic, analgesic, blood purifying, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

An alcoholic infusion of birch buds is taken for hiccups, pain in the intestines and stomach, as well as for colds. In addition, tincture of the kidneys is used as compresses and rubs for gout, rheumatism, lumbago, joint pain, abrasions, bedsores, non-healing wounds and cuts.


Birch bark is used in the treatment of ulcers and wounds, as well as diathesis. It does not allow suppuration of the affected area of ​​the skin. Birch bark decoction is used for uterine bleeding and malaria. A decoction of the thin film that grows from birch bark helps with coughing. The film is also applied to draw out pus from boils. Birch root is used as an antifever and antirheumatic drug. In folk medicine, birch root ash is also used for hiccups, heartburn, ulcers and indigestion of the duodenum or stomach.

Tar, which is obtained from birch bark, has antimicrobial, bactericidal, local irritant and insecticidal properties. It is found in Konkov, Wilkinson and Vishnevsky ointments, which are used to treat head lice, wounds and skin diseases.

In the old days, birch tar was used to treat patients with scabies and leprosy.

A mixture of alcohol, castor oil and birch tar is used for severe skin itching, as well as during the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the skin. To treat skin diseases, birch tar is used in the form of liniment or 15-35% ointment. It is also used for purulent wounds and burns.

During prolonged use of birch ointments and tar based on it, irritation of the skin may occur, and during eczema, an exacerbation of the disease may begin to develop.


Decoctions of birch leaves and buds ease menstruation, increase the secretory activity of glands, with roundworms they produce an anthelmintic effect and accelerate the onset of menstruation. Birch leaves and buds have a positive effect on the body's metabolism and help remove harmful substances and toxins from it.

Infusions and extracts of birch leaves are used during various liver diseases; they improve the general condition of the patient, have an antiemetic and analgesic effect, increase bile secretion, and reduce the size of the liver.

Fresh and dry steamed leaves I am used as compresses for sweating feet and burns, as well as for rheumatic diseases.

Birch is a tree distributed throughout the world; it takes root well in a new place and is not fussy about replanting; however, its use in the industry is not very developed. Only certain varieties with great hardness make an exception.

BIRCH(Betula), a genus of trees and shrubs in the birch family (Betulaceae), which also includes alder, hornbeam and hazel. About 40 species are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic to Texas, Southern Europe, the Himalayas and Japan. Birch trees are found on the northern border of the distribution of woody plants. Because of their beautiful light green foliage, colorful bark and graceful crown shape, they are often bred for ornamental purposes. Gardeners have developed many of their cut-leaved and weeping varieties, planted in parks and squares. The wood of some birches is a valuable material for the production of furniture, plywood veneer and other products.

Dwarf forms of birch trees are known, and a number of alpine and arctic species are not immediately distinguishable among the surrounding grass. However, in most cases, birches are slender trees up to 12–27 m high and even higher. The color of the bark, depending on the species, is white, yellow, orange, reddish brown or black. The bark often peels off in thin, papery layers. The branches are usually short, thin and drooping with simple alternate leaves. Male and female flowers are produced in different catkins on the same tree. Birch trees usually bloom in early spring before the leaves open. The fruit is a small conical nut with wings, easily spread by the wind.

In the Old World, common birch, or silver birch ( B. pendula), growing from Europe to Japan. Its height is up to 18 m. In its homeland and in North America, this species is often used as a decorative one. Range of downy birch ( B. pubescens) extends from Northern and Central Europe to Eastern Siberia. Usually it is a little smaller. The bark (birch bark) of both these species is white and peels off easily. Erman's birch ( B.ermanii), growing in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, is also called stone because of its durable wood. It reaches a height of 25 m.

In North America approx. 15 native birch species, 10 of which are tall trees. Together with beeches, oaks and maples, these are the main species of deciduous forests in the northeastern United States and neighboring areas of Canada. The most important of them are paper birch, yellow birch, cherry birch, poplar birch and black birch.

Paper birch ( B. papyrifera) is very similar to downy birch. This is one of the most beautiful trees in North America and the most widespread representative of this genus here. It grows from New Jersey to Iowa, in the north reaches almost the coast of Hudson Bay, in the east to Labrador and Newfoundland, and is found in places in South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and northern Nebraska. It reaches a height of 21 m with a diameter of 0.9 m, but usually the trees are smaller.

The bark of this species is snow-white to creamy white and peels off in papery layers. The Indians made canoes and household utensils from it, and covered wigwams with it. The wood, like that of other birches, is thin-layered, uniform in texture, but lighter and softer than that of yellow and cherry birches. White sapwood produces a very smooth surface when turned on a lathe. It is widely used in the production of bobbins, toys, clothespins, and jewelry.

Birch is perhaps the most “Russian” of all types of trees. It is difficult to imagine a plant so praised by the classics of all generations. This is not surprising: the rare grace and power combined in her image inspire people to create. But, in addition, it is also a very valuable representative of forests, providing not only wood. Today we will talk in more detail about these beauties, find out what types of common and rare birch trees exist.

Birch is one of the most common plants in our country. There are about a hundred species of birch trees, growing not only in Russia, but also in the forests of North America and throughout Europe. All varieties of birch trees can be divided into two large groups:

  • trees (their height varies between 30-50 meters, and the trunk width can reach 1.5 meters);
  • shrubs (large, small and creeping species).
  • Wood. Birch wood has a high degree of strength, which allows it to be used for the production of plywood products.
  • Burls are growths that can form on birch roots, trunks or branches. In cross-section, the burl has a very interesting pattern, which, after processing, allows it to be used for making various crafts.
  • Tar is a special substance extracted from this tree by dry distillation. It is used in medicine, as a rule, as part of various ointments or tar soap.
  • Dye . With certain processing, a yellow dye can be obtained from the leaves of the plant.
  • Pollen bearer. Birch is also important for honey production, as it is an important pollen bearer.
  • Birch bark is the top layer of bark, characterized by strength and durability (thanks to the resins it contains). It is used as a flammable substance or material for various crafts.
  • Birch sap, which is extracted in the spring, is very useful. It is used both raw and as a component of various decoctions and syrups. In addition, birch sap can be used to feed apiary bees.
  • Medicine . Decoctions and infusions from various parts of birch are used in medicine as diuretics, bactericidal or antipyretic agents. Next we will try to find out what types of birch trees exist.

Popular types

As mentioned earlier, there are a large number of varieties of birch trees. Today we will talk about some of the most popular of them.


The most common variety of birch in Russia is silver birch. It looks like a tree, up to 3 meters high with smooth white bark. In young trees, it is noticeable that the top layer of bark peels off easily. In “retired birches,” deep gray furrows are visible, penetrating the entire upper layer of bark. The trunk of this variety is quite flexible, straight with drooping branches, wedge-shaped leaves and catkins.

The average lifespan of this tree can be from 100 to 120 years. The tree becomes an “adult” by the age of 8, at which time the color of the bark also changes: from brown it becomes white. It is also worth noting that silver birch becomes drooping in old age; young representatives of the species have ordinary straight branches.

This plant is distributed throughout the country, but most often it can be found in the central regions and Western Siberia. Due to its unpretentiousness, it can grow in various climatic regions: it is found both in the tundra and in the steppe. Birch grows quite quickly, occupying any free plot of land, displacing other tree species.

This plant is widely used in human economic activities. So, resinous birch trees are almost collected in early spring, and young leaves are collected immediately after that. Birch bark is usually collected from the middle part of a growing tree or dead wood. In early spring, birch sap is also extracted, which, due to its composition (water, chemical elements of a special order and organic compounds), has a lot of useful properties. It is known that up to 10 tons of sap can be obtained from one hectare of silver birch. Chaga (a medicinal mushroom that chooses the trunks of this type of tree as its place of residence) is also collected all year round.


The appearance of the dwarf birch is much more reminiscent of a low-growing branchy shrub than a tree familiar to everyone. Its other name “Ernik” seems to emphasize the predilection of this shrub for the formation of thickets. It grows in northern Russia, as well as in Europe, Canada and China. It can be found in the Alps or mountainous areas of Scotland. In our country, it can most often be found in Yakutia, Chukotka, Kamchatka or the Amur region. This is understandable, because this plant prefers mountainous or marshy areas and damp soils.

Dwarf birch is a shrub whose growth usually does not exceed 2-2.5 meters. The trunk of the dwarf species is also smooth, but the foliage is small (up to 2 centimeters), with a darker upper part. The branches are usually straight. The bark is not the usual white, but brownish-brown. It is important to note that this shrub grows very slowly, but is one of the most frost-resistant in the world. It is rarely used in economic activities: only among the northern tribes it is used as fuel or reindeer feed.


Karelian birch is a variety of low-growing trees, distinguished by the presence of a strange growth on the trunk (burl) and a very beautiful patterned cut of wood. It grows, as the name implies, in Karelia, but not only. This type of birch is also found in other territories of Russia, as well as in Lithuania. This species is divided into three more varieties: low-growing, medium-height, tall.

When processed, the wood gives dark brown and yellowish shades. The unusual pattern of wood allows the Karelian tree to be used for making dishes, boxes, vases, watches and any other souvenirs.


Paper birch is a fairly powerful tree, the growth of which easily reaches 30 meters. It got its name because of the wide, dense bark, which, being pink in young animals, becomes white over time. The leaves of this tree are quite large, reaching a length of 10 centimeters. This plant is very unpretentious and can grow in any soil, with any lighting.


North American species of birch. It is a tree up to 25 meters high. Young plants have a pyramidal wide crown, which with age begins to droop, forming a ball. The bark is of an unusual dark color (mostly cherry or red). It has fairly large leaves, up to 12 centimeters long, with pubescent veins along the perimeter. In spring, the tree blooms profusely, producing a large number of long catkins. The tree grows quite quickly and lives a long time. Prefers deep, moist bud.


This is a large tree, reaching 30 meters in height. North America is considered its homeland (hence its other name - American birch). It has a very interesting bark color, which can be light orange or gray, or reddish-brown. The leaves are also large: up to 12 centimeters. The plant is very tenacious and grows quickly. Prefers moist but drained soils. It can live calmly for up to 300 years.


A relatively short tree (up to 15 meters), it can often grow as a gnarled shrub. Distributed in desert valleys, rivers and swamps of Western Siberia, Altai or Mongolia. The bark is yellowish-gray or even pink. The leaves are quite small.


A low tree, distinguished by a 15-meter white trunk and a wide crown, which is formed by branches directed strictly upward. The leaves are shiny, small (up to 6 centimeters). Immediately after formation, the foliage is sticky and very fragrant. The plant tolerates shade and marshy soils well.

Far Eastern

Perhaps the hardiest plant in this group. It is a slender, straight tree with a 30-meter trunk and a spreading crown. Very shade tolerant. Young plants, for example, are not able to develop at all unless they are in the shade. Prefers foothills. Far Eastern birch can be found in Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory, as well as in the vast expanses of China and North Korea.

It is distinguished by the presence of a shaggy wide trunk covered with light yellowish bark. The leaves are oval, large and dense. This type of birch can live up to 80-100 years.


This is a representative of the flora of mountains and mountain clearings, dark coniferous forests of Eastern Siberia, the Far East of Russia and Korea. It is a 15-meter tree with a large number of fluffy buds. The leaves are wide, up to 9 centimeters, covered with soft edges along the lower veins.

Rare species

There are also rare species of birch trees. These are, first of all, squat birch, Daurian birch, Schmidt tree, red birch, Dalecarlian birch and Erman birch. We will talk about them in more detail.

From the video “Varieties of Birch Trees” you will learn a lot of interesting things about this plant.


Another deciduous fluffy plant from the large birch family. Most often it can be found in the wetlands of Western Europe, Mongolia and the European part of Russia. The plant is a shrub with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The branches are straight, the leaves are quite small (up to 3.5 centimeters). The bark of this type of birch is smooth, often dark or brown. The squat birch is included in the Red Book of several regions and republics of Russia. This plant is used medicinally as a component of certain types of medicines.


A tall plant (up to 25 meters tall), which requires a lot of light and moisture to grow. Daurian or Korean birch grows in the Far East, Mongolia, China, Korea and Japan. It is noted that the places where it grows can be considered very successful for agriculture.

It has an original openwork crown: in young plants it is pinkish or red, in adult plants it is dark gray or brown. The peeled layers of birch bark do not fall off, but remain hanging on the trunk. The leaves are oval and dark green. Coal is usually produced from Daurian birch, and its wood is also used to make all kinds of crafts.

Birch Schmidt

It is also called iron birch. The plant can reach 20 meters in height. It is distinguished by a wide, low-set crown, which can start at a level of 8 meters. The bark of the tree is usually dark, gray or brown. It grows in the rocky regions of Primorye, China and Japan. This type of birch tree loves light. Under good conditions, the life of this type of birch can reach up to 400 years.


Red birch, as its name implies, is distinguished by its unusual bark color, ranging from red to yellow and gray. This is a low tree, about 5 meters tall. It grows only in Kazakhstan and is on the verge of complete extinction.


A very beautiful plant with small thin foliage and long weeping branches. A fairly frost-resistant plant that grows in the European part of Russia and the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Birch Erman

Tree 15-20 meters high with a spreading crown. The bark of this type of birch is dark gray, brown, and sometimes yellowish in color. The leaves are quite large (up to 14 centimeters). The upper half of the leaf is usually dark green, and the lower half is light. This tree is very undemanding to soil and can grow on rocky surfaces. Distributed in Kamchatka, the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Kuril Islands, in the eastern part of Russia and Japan. Used in the production of coal or decorative crafts.

Photo 3. Silver birch Photo 4. Squat variety of birch

Video “Common birch”

In this video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this tree.
