Girls pajama party pajamas. Secrets to throwing a fun pajama party

Invite your friends. Remember, this is not a birthday party. Therefore, do not invite more than 10 people. Too many people are harder to entertain, plus you'll need more space and more food. Just invite your closest friends. You will have more fun with people you know well. This way, you and your friends will be more comfortable. You can only invite one friend, but it's usually more fun with several friends. The appropriate number of people is between 3 and 6. Keep these tips in mind when deciding who to invite and who not to invite:

  • Invite a friend you want to get to know better. This does not mean that you need to invite complete strangers. Perhaps you have a girl at school who loves, for example, books about Harry Potter. If you have common interests, then you can make new friends at the party. But don't invite more than two people you don't know well. Often in such cases there is an awkward silence, and your close friends may be left without your attention.
  • Don't invite "popular" girls. However, except when they are actually your friends. But usually such girls are not the best guests for a pajama party. Just because it's popular doesn't make you "cool". What should you do? And what about real friends?

Prepare your food. You will need: lunch, breakfast, dessert, light snack, drinks. Only buy food a few days before the party. So, you won't eat it all yourself! You can also go to a cafe to have lunch, breakfast or ice cream (but just choose one!). Choose food that won't be too different, something that everyone likes. For example, there is no need to cook fish or veggie burgers. However, you can offer a choice of regular and veggie burgers. So you have to have food that everyone is sure to eat. Below are simple tips for the food and drink you'll need. But you can always come up with something of your own!

  • Lunch - The most common lunch at these parties is pizza. A lot of people love her. When making pizza, always make at least one without topping and one with topping. Pepperoni pizza is always a hit. You can also cook chicken, pasta, hot dogs and hamburgers. Find out what your friends like. But even if you don't know, just serve the pizza.
  • Dessert - be creative with this one! A good idea for dessert at a party is an ice cream sundae, cupcakes or pie. You can decorate them or cook them yourself. You can also buy semi-finished cake or chocolate pie. This will save time if there is a lot to do.
  • Drinks - You should always have water or soda. Sprite works well as a drink, but if your friends like Coke, Seven Up or root beer, then you need to stock up on those too. Fruit juice is also suitable.
  • Breakfast - Make waffles or pancakes for breakfast. You can ask your parents to help you. You can make toast from French baguette. Always serve tasty fruits, as well as orange juice and milk.
  • Light snack - of course you will need it. Pay attention to chips, dry goods, vegetables with sauces. Serve popcorn, candy, fruit, etc. Food should always be healthy!
  • Consider where you will sleep. If your bedroom is large enough to accommodate guests, then this is a good choice. Make sure there is enough floor space in the bedroom where you will be sleeping. After all, it will be dishonest to the guests if you sleep on the bed and they sleep on the floor. This option is suitable if the bedroom has enough floor space. If this is not the case, choose another location. If you have an equipped basement, you can stay with friends in it. Alternatively, you can choose a hallway or living room. Any place that has a TV, plenty of floor space, and a table for snacks is a great option for a sleepover.

    • Choose a place where your relatives do not usually spend time. You don't need to be interrupted unless you want your brother or sister to join you. Think about which room they are in most often. Perhaps they won’t be home at all that evening!
  • Cleaning. Have a trash bag ready and throw away any trash. Throw dirty clothes in the washing machine or basket and hide clean ones. Wipe off dust from the TV and bring pillows and sleeping bags into the room. Vacuum if necessary. Place the snack in a large bowl and place it on the table. Charge your iPod (if you have one) so you can use it. Make sure you have plenty of games and movies. No need to do general cleaning. Just make sure the floors are clean and the house looks good.

    • Cleaning the bathroom is also a good idea. Your guests will be using it, so it's nice to have it clean and fresh! Plus, your parents will be proud of you. Remove all trash from the bathroom and make sure there is toilet paper, soap and a towel. Clean the sink. If you don't know how to clean the toilet, ask your parents to help you.
  • When the guests arrived

    1. Get your nails done. Give yourself and your friends a different manicure and pedicure. If you want, you can get a special nail design for extra glamor. You can also use nail stickers. Have fun and get creative with colors and designs. Check out these articles for cool manicure ideas:

      • Newspaper manicure
      • Manicure "Panda"
      • Chess manicure
      • Manicure comics
      • Facebook manicure
      • Manicure "Harry Potter"
      • Popcorn manicure
    2. Play Truth or Dare. Sit in a circle. If you want, you can turn on the music. Ask one of your friends the question: “truth or dare?” If your friend chooses the truth, then ask her an embarrassing question. If she chose a desire, then make her do something scary, a little painful, or just something stupid. Remember, you don't want the truth to be too personal. You don't have to answer! The same goes for desire. Never perform dangerous activities. Your friends will understand this, and if not, then it means they are not your real friends.

      • Good wishes: kiss a pillow or stuffed animal; imitate the behavior of someone in the group; describe one of your friends using only 5 words and let everyone guess who it is; talk to the wall.
      • Good questions to ask the truth: what action are you most ashamed of? who are you in love with; what is the worst thing you have done in your life; If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be?
    3. Play some games. Anything you can think of would be a great choice, but here are a few ideas: UNO, showing off (like showing your favorite movie), twister, or the board game Cluedo. If your guests get bored, play one of these games. You can also play them just for fun. Make sure that all children are familiar with the rules of the games. If they are not familiar, quickly explain them to them or just start playing and they will learn them as they play. Be that as it may, games such as twister and uno are very simple, and many people know how to play them.

      Watch movies. What slumber party would be complete without movies? You'll probably need to watch movies later in the evening, but not when your guests are sleepy. Make popcorn, turn off the lights, and let guests choose a movie to watch. You can always watch other films later, but only take advantage of this opportunity after watching their selection with friends. Make sure your girlfriends are okay with the films you suggest. They must be rated PG 13 (not recommended for viewing without parents by persons under 13 years of age) and/or R (not recommended for persons under 17 years of age), but only if you and your friends have parental permission. Here is a list of movies to watch that you are likely to enjoy:

      • Harry Potter
      • Pirates of the Caribbean
      • Confrontation
      • Enchanted Ella
      • Up
      • I'm pathetic
      • Another Cinderella story
      • Mean Girls
    4. Make something with your own hands. Crafts are a good idea if you don't want to get bored. It is also a memory for you and your guests to take home with them. This activity is inexpensive and fun at the same time. Just what you need during a pajama party. Here are three simple craft ideas with instructions on how to make them:

      • Make photo frames. Take a group photo. Get some wooden frames, paint, foam stickers and glitter. Decorate the frame. Be creative.
      • Homemade necklaces. Grab some string, balls, and scissors to make cool patterns. There are kits for making a homemade necklace. So you can use them if you need extra balls or threads.
      • Decorate your pillowcases. Take some bright fabrics, glue, gems and decorations. Decorate pillowcases with them, paint them and decorate them! Your guests can leave their signatures on these pillowcases.
    5. Have a blast! Turn on the music and sing at the top of your voice (but only if others are awake). You can sing karaoke or just sing along to songs from your iPod. Dance. You can make it a dance competition if you want. But leave your friends behind. Let everyone benefit in some way. You and your friends can come up with your own dance and record it on video so you can watch it later. If you have a mirror ball or flashing lights, be sure to use those too!

      Play dress up. You might think you're too old for this kind of fun, but you're not! You can also do a fashion show instead of dressing up. Find old hats, beads, Halloween costumes, wigs, anything your guests can wear. Take turns judging each other's style (be kind while doing so), creativity, anything on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Let each of the girls choose a song. Show off your skills!

      Have casual conversations while sitting in your sleeping bags. Do this when you are tired, but not yet going to bed. Have a heart-to-heart talk with each of the girls! Don't hurt each other's feelings. Everyone loves interesting gossip at these parties. Talk about who's in love with whom. What do girls "don't do"? Who's cute, funny, and who's a complete dumbass? If you like, look at the boys in the old school yearbook. You can also talk about sports (which you like or don't like) or school (teachers, tests, homework).

      • If you see that everyone is quiet, make a couple of jokes, tell scary stories or play questions. For this game, take turns asking them what to do. For example, would you rather lose an arm or a leg? Kiss or ___, would I hit the glass wall in front of ___ or step on a huge hole in front of ___?
    6. Stock up on goodies. Popcorn, chips, ice cream, pizza and lemonade are fine. If someone is allergic to something, then there is no need to buy such products.

      If you have a computer and a music player, then download dance music there. Dress up, put on makeup, dance, relax!

      Rent some movies. It is desirable, however, that the films be of different genres - comedies, dramas, horrors, and so on, so that everyone is happy.

      Or you can just watch TV.

      If everyone has already gathered, and it’s not too late, then play outside. Lots of options:

      • Catch-up: one drives, the rest run away. When the one who is driving catches up and touches one of the runners, the roles change. If there are 6 or more people playing, you can divide into groups.
      • Hide and seek. One person counts to 30 with his eyes closed, the rest hide at this time. The one who is found first begins to look for the others - although, in general, the rules on this matter are different.
      • Volleyball, football and other ball games.
    7. Let your parents light a fire and fry something for you on it. What do you need for this? Well, at least marshmallows! It will be delicious, mmm!

      When it gets dark, you can stay outside to play or go home and watch a movie. If you have a trampoline in your yard, you can jump on it at night (or if it's cold outside, you can stay inside).

      • Play truth or dare.
      • Tell each other horror stories.
      • If it's not too late, indulge in some pranks.
      • Apply makeup to each other.
      • Do some gymnastics.
    8. Have breakfast the next day with friends. After a few hours, when everyone has left (or when only your closest friends remain with you), you can start cleaning.

    Quick ideas

      Here are some simple activities for your party. Do one or several of them at once. You don't need much and it will still be fun whether at home or outside.

      Prepare a light snack. You can decorate the cookies with icing, sprinkles and m&m's. You can make Chex mix cereal before watching movies. Add dryers, m&ms, popcorn, raisins and marshmallows. You can also roast marshmallows over an open fire in the evening.

      Go outside! Play tag with flashlights. This is the same as simple catch-up, but in the dark and using flashlights. In the summer, you can run through the sprinklers if there is no pool nearby. Just take a walk outside if it's still light. You can also do physical education (if all the guys know how to at least do a cartwheel, and if they don’t know, then teach them).

      Have fun indoors. Don't worry if it's raining outside. Just go to the cinema. You can do your makeup with your eyes closed (make sure you wash it off afterwards). Play hair salon. Tie your hair in a braid or give each other ponytails. You can pin your hair up with cool hairpins, wear berets or hair ties. If you're bored, play charades. Make your own video or take photos of each other. Play Wii. Some good games: Mario Kart, Wii Sports and Just Dance 2. But any other option will do too. Hide and seek is also a great game that doesn't require any additional costs.

    • A great idea is to have a good old fashioned pillow fight.
    • Try not to play computer games too much. If you watch one or two videos on YouTube, that's fine. But if you watch videos for an hour, it will already be harmful to your health. Be that as it may, such time is not very interesting, and not everyone will be able to be at the computer at the same time.
    • Are there balloons? Fill them with water and have a balloon fight! Or you can inflate them and just play volleyball.
    • Don't be strict with your friends. For example, you say, "I have an idea. How about we ___" instead of saying, "Let's do ___, quickly!"
    • You can always have a spa party! Do face masks and makeup. Let there be gift sets with cosmetics at home.
    • If the weather is good, you can go to the pool. Just warn your friends to prepare for going to the pool. Bring water sticks, swimming rings and inflatable balls to play in the pool.
    • Prank calls are fun. Play a prank on a boy or an annoying girl. But if your girlfriends want to call the pizza guy, don't do it. They work hard and spend money on gasoline. You don't need to ruin their evening.
    • Create word games. You can use ready-made games, such as Mad-Libs, or create your own game.
    • Play outside. Play volleyball, catch or just catch a ball. You can go for a walk and chat with your friends.
    • Shoot a video of the party, take a photo, and you can watch it later. They help create great memories. You could even make a movie!
    • Ask your friends to bring a movie if you don't have any good movies. You can rent them.
    • Some girls like to watch Barbie movies to laugh at them. If there are no good films, but there is a movie about Barbie, watch it.
    • You can just watch TV. Make sure your guests enjoy entertaining TV shows. You can watch "iCarly", "Dance Fever", "SpongeBob" or "Victorious".
    • You can make photo frames and place photos taken during the party there.
    • Type invitations on your computer or write them by hand. You can just buy them in the store and make them personalized.
    • Sleeping arrangements must be prepared in advance. Find out where the sleeping bags are. This way, you will save time and remember to provide all guests with sleeping bags.
    • Get your glow stick ready and turn off the lights. Make a tent out of blankets, chairs, sheets, etc. Play some fun music. Give your friends glow sticks while the lights are on. Turn off the lights, and then guess who is holding a wand and what color. In the end, such an event will end in complete fun.


    • Don't think a pajama party has to be too much fun. It's just a party, so too many games can bore everyone. Just spend time with your friends.
    • In a game of Truth or Dare, don't force guests to do inappropriate things, off-putting things, or anything personal. You should also not do this when granting wishes.
    • Be careful when preparing dessert or breakfast. If you need your parents' help, ask them for it.
    • Don't neglect your friends. Be it during games, conversations, etc.
    • Don't be strict with your friends. You need to have everything planned out. But guests can choose what they want to do. Let them choose their entertainment.
    • Make sure your friends are old enough to watch the movies you choose. This way you won't get into trouble.
    • You should not wake up your friends if they have already fallen asleep. If they are tired, then it is okay not to disturb them. Never make fun of them if they are very receptive to jokes.
    • Don't stay up all night. You will simply feel tired throughout the day. At least get some sleep.
    • Some of your friends may be vegetarians, so prepare appropriate meals for them.
    • Make sure your parents will be home and don't mind your party. They must approve this event.

    And you get lost in a mass of questions, worrying that everything will work out? Today the site will tell you so that every guest has fun from the heart.

    Perhaps a “pajama party” will sound a little strange, but believe me, such an informal evening will become a very vivid memory and will cheer you and your guests up for a long time. The fashion for such events came to us from America. Despite the fact that initially such evenings were held exclusively among girls, in a large company such an evening will be no less fun.

    How to properly throw a pajama party? What will it take?

    • Pajama "outfit".
    • Good mood.
    • Meeting point.
    • Party theme.

    Now let's sort it out in order.

    Formal attire, aka pajamas or nightgown, should be bright and loved. However, even buying new pajamas is not as expensive as purchasing an evening dress. You need to take care of slippers or warm loose socks (if the party is at home) so that your guests do not walk around barefoot. If this is not possible, then just warn them to take their favorite house slippers with them along with their pajamas. A pajama party should be held in a warm home environment so that everyone feels at home.

    You can invite friends in an original way. Prepare invitations that will be decorated in “pajama style” (decorations in the form of bows, soft toys, pillows, pajamas, etc.) In the invitations themselves, you can indicate what you need to take with you, depending on the theme of the party. For example, if there are pillow fights, have them grab their favorite small pillow. And if the party involves an overnight stay, then cosmetic bags and toothbrushes will not be superfluous in the morning!

    Create a good mood!

    How to keep your pajama party on a fun note? To create a good mood you will need:

    • bright balloons (they don’t cost much to build, but they lift everyone’s spirits);
    • candles;
    • beautiful disposable tableware and napkins (very convenient, you won’t need to wash a mountain of dishes);
    • cups with straws, umbrellas, etc. (you can, of course, do without decorations, but it will still be difficult to create a festive mood without such little things);
    • a collection of dance music or favorite films (this should be prepared in advance, then the party will be relaxed without awkward pauses);
    • soap bubbles (they are simply indispensable for a fun photo shoot, and just for a good mood).
    • a camera (memorable photographs with the joyful faces of friends can later be printed and given as a gift)

    The question of how to organize a pajama party at home is not so difficult; everything will depend on your imagination. Invite your friends, everyone will have a creative idea, and you can choose the most interesting ones.

    How to throw a pajama party at home? You need a place to dance, pillows for fun fights, exciting music and a group of friends!

    The meeting location will most likely depend on the theme of the party itself. Today, youth clubs often offer themed nights, which are popular. You can have a pajama party at home, or rent an indoor hall in a cafe or restaurant. You need to make sure that there is a place for your guests to change clothes; not everyone will risk going to a party in pajamas.

    Pajama party theme

    Practice shows that if you hold a pajama party even without a specific scenario, everything will go perfectly, although an “action plan” will make the task much easier for you.

    Here, for example, are several themes for a party:

    If the theme of the evening involves many competitions, you need to take care of symbolic prizes.

    The final step in preparing for the pajama party will be serving food to the guests. It’s hard to give advice here, since preferences are always very different. One thing can be noted - the party itself should be on the move and high-calorie food will be unnecessary. Although, perhaps, few of your guests will refuse delicious pizza)) The treat can also be tied to the theme of the party: ice cream and cakes for a romantic one, strawberries and cream for a glamorous one, etc.

    Now you know, how to have a pajama party— after all, such informal evenings not only reveal a new side to people, they make friendship stronger.

    And don't forget to take a photo! Everyone there will be cheerful, friendly, full of new ideas and plans for the future!

    Litvinova Yulia - especially for the site

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    A pajama party is a great party for adults who want to remember their childhood. It’s best to throw such a party at home to celebrate a bachelorette party, birthday, end of session, or just have fun with friends.

    Pajama Party Invitations

    Any party begins with invitations. Since the theme involves fun, the invitations should be as positive as possible and a little childish.

    First, you should call everyone you want to see at your party. After confirmation, you should inform about the theme of the event and the dress code. The atmosphere of a pajama party involves trust and openness, so you should not invite just acquaintances, but only your closest friends.

    Since this is the 21st century, you can send invitations to all your friends by email or remember your childhood and think about paper invitations. You should design your invitations in a fun and casual style, for example, illustrate them with a bear in pajamas, a cat in a festive cap, or funny text:

    • Would you like to attend a party with pizza, sushi and sweet treats?
    • Are you ready for a little giggle today?
    • Do you want to spend an unforgettably cool evening at the Pajama Party?

    Be sure to indicate the location of the party and time. To make it more interesting, come up with a password word that will serve as a pass to the holiday; you can write it in a riddle or come up with a rebus on this topic. At the entrance there is strict face control in the person of the event organizer, who will check the dress code and erudition of his friends.

    Event dress code

    The very name of the party implies its dress code, of course, these are pajamas! But if you wish, you can dress up in sexy nightgowns, boxer shorts, and T-shirts with images of Disney cartoon characters. The more fun and vibrant the print, the better. And, of course, you can’t wear high-heeled shoes under pajamas; house slippers in the form of soft toys are ideal here.

    It is best to style your hair according to the style of your outfit, for example, two braids, ponytails, a bun, etc.

    Room decoration

    A pajama party is an event that often takes place in one room and does not involve taking place in a large room.

    It is important to create an atmosphere of celebration, home comfort and childish mischief in the room:

    • inflate a lot of colorful balloons and hang them around the room;
    • Attach your own drawings in a children’s style to the walls;
    • hang bright ribbons on the door frame that will form curtains;
    • scatter decorative pillows on the floor;
    • place large soft toys on sofas and armchairs;
    • attach phosphor figurines that glow in the dark to the ceiling;
    • download your favorite songs of different genres for dancing, background during a conversation and singing along to the soundtrack.

    Treats for guests

    The fact that the party will take place in one room also affects the holiday menu. The table, as we are used to seeing it, is not set for such an event. Most often, treats are limited to snacks and drinks; guests sit comfortably on the floor, and in between cheerful chatter and competitions, they grab treats and sweets.

    Ideal holiday snacks: pizza, sushi, sandwiches with red fish or caviar, popcorn, ice cream of any kind, fruit, chips, cheese platter, crackers, nuts, cookies and light sweets.

    Drinks include milkshakes, juices, champagne, vermouth, liqueurs or delicious cocktails, such as mojito, malibu, etc.

    It’s best to find out in advance about your friends’ preferences and prepare the necessary ingredients for cocktails and the drinks themselves. One of the guests can be appointed as a bartender, and he will make delicious cocktails for everyone else.

    It is important that all the goodies at the party can be comfortably taken with your hands, and not fiddling with cutlery, because a pajama party is not a dinner party, it is not so important to adhere to the rules of etiquette.

    Competitions, games and entertainment

    At pajama parties, entertainment is the most important activity, so it is important to think through this enjoyable part of the holiday to the smallest detail. So let's get started!

    "Pillow Fights"

    Legendary and never boring pillow fights will appeal to all guests of the holiday, because it is fun and energetic. The main thing is to hide all breakable items in advance and stock up on plenty of pillows.


    A good old twister will give participants a lot of fun. The presenter turns the arrows, which indicate which part of the body (arm or leg) should be placed on one of the four colors. The winner is the one that is as flexible as possible and can stay in a not entirely comfortable position.

    "Oink out of the bag"

    For this activity you need to find a lot of sleeping bags. Participants lie down on sleeping bags, one person is selected, the so-called “looker”. When he leaves the room, everyone goes into the wrong bags. After returning to the room, the beholder pats the sleeping bag and says “Tell me grunt”, the one who is inside begins to make corresponding sounds. The observer must determine by the grunt who exactly is hiding in the bag. By guessing a person, the beholder relieves himself of responsibilities in favor of the participant who was guessed. If you didn’t guess correctly, you need to repeat the manipulations again with another sleeping bag.

    "Guess the melody"

    Option 1:

    The good old game is familiar to many. Guests sit in a circle, the host, who has previously recorded popular songs on the player, plays them for 5 seconds. You need to correctly guess the name of the song and artist.

    Option 2:

    Plain water is filled into a glass and a straw is placed. The presenter must hum a song into it, and the participants must guess the melody. Laughter and memorable moments are guaranteed!

    "Sleeping Beauty"

    This game can be played in turns. One of the guests lies down in the center of the room and pretends to be asleep, while others try to “wake him up.” Physical manipulation is prohibited, it is allowed to tell funny stories, sing songs, shout funny sounds, etc. The one who can stand it for more than a minute will not laugh and will not show that he has “woke up” receives a prize.

    "Bottle of Varnish"

    All the girls, guests of the party, sit in a circle and spin a bottle of nail polish. Whoever you decide on should paint one nail with this color. The next participant is already spinning a bottle of nail polish of a different color. Thus, at the end of the game everyone will have colorful nails and a great mood.

    "Beauty saloon"

    This game is suitable if all the participants in the pajama party are girls. Girlfriends can give each other funny hairstyles, styling, unusual manicures and pedicures, face and eye masks, spa treatments and much more.

    "Feed me ice cream"

    Guests are divided into pairs and, on command, begin to quickly feed the ice cream bar to their partner. The one who eats the ice cream the fastest wins.

    "Hang on with your tail"

    Having been divided into pairs, “tails” are tied to the participants, which are a long rope with a fork. The tail should not be longer than the knees. Standing with your back to each other, without helping with your hands, but performing various manipulations, you need to clasp your tails. Those who did it first won.

    "Hugging dances"

    Couples stand on an unfolded magazine and begin to dance to fiery songs. It is important not to tear the paper and remain within its lines. After a minute of dancing, a pause is made, the magazine is folded in half, and so on until some couple goes beyond the allocated area or tears the paper. The most persistent, flexible and hardy ones are declared winners.

    "Squeeze tighter"

    4–6 people participate, having previously been divided into pairs. Representatives of the couple take out leaves from the box with a description of the parts of the body that need to be touched. For example, ear to foot, etc. Remaining in the same position, pairs take turns pulling new pieces of paper, as long as flexibility allows. The one who completes the most tasks wins.

    "Pass the pencil"

    Everyone who came to the holiday is divided into two teams and lined up in two rows. You need to become so that boys and girls alternate. The goal of the game is to pass the pencil between participants without helping with your hands. This should be done by holding the pencil between your nose and upper lip. Whoever is faster wins.

    "Funny Bottle"

    Everyone sits in a circle and takes turns spinning the bottle. Next to her in the box are sheets of paper with the task. The one to whom the bottle points selects a task from the box, and the one who spins it completes it. For example, scratch behind the ear or sing a duet song.

    "Funny Kisses"

    A guy is chosen and the presenter closes his eyes. The goal of the game is to find a kissing partner. To do this, the presenter takes turns pointing his finger at the girls in the room and asks “is this one?”; for the sake of laughter, in addition to the girls, guys also take part. The choice of a partner for the game continues until the participant says “yes”, then the game is stopped. And then they begin to choose the “kiss place”, pointing to different areas of the body, the presenter waits for an affirmative answer from the participant. Next, they determine how many times you need to kiss in this place, in order to determine this moment, the presenter shows a different number of fingers with the words “how many?” until the guy gives a positive answer. After their eyes are untied, the man sees who exactly he chose to kiss. For example, I managed to kiss Styopa on the cheek 7 times.

    "Pop the balloon"

    A ball is attached to the participant's foot. After the “start” command, everyone tries to burst the opponent’s balloon, but at the same time preserve the integrity of their own as much as possible. The game ends when the last ball bursts, the owner of which becomes the winner.

    "Pajama Queen"

    Well, what holiday would be complete without a beauty contest? Men vote for the fair sex in the sexiest pajamas. The winning girl is awarded a crown in the form of curlers.

    Incentive prizes

    Every person loves to be encouraged for achievements and victories. This is, at the very least, very pleasant. Gifts to the winners of competitions, of course, will be symbolic, but this will not make them any less pleasant. These could be plush toys, soap bubbles, huge lollipops, socks, a pillow with a cute print, M&M jelly beans, etc.

    Entertainment at a pajama party can be very varied. In addition to the games and competitions described above, you can watch everyone’s favorite films, do fortune telling using cards or coffee grounds, gossip about school and university life, or simply discuss the lives of stars - it is important that every guest has fun and comfort.

    In no case should you forget about the camera, because during the holiday there will be a lot of positive moments that you will want to keep in your memory. After a few years, it will be a lot of fun to meet everyone together and remember the funny moments.

    The scenario for a pajama party can be very diverse, and depends solely on the imagination of the organizer. Remember: the good mood of the guests of the event is the guarantee that the evening will take place in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

    We wish you a fun pajama party and recharge yourself with positive emotions for a long time!

    Scenario "Pajamas PARTY" for teenage girls and boys.
    It’s one thing to prepare a pajama party only for girls, but another thing is to make sure that the pajama party is interesting for boys and, most importantly, is not “girly.”
    Because There are some guys in my daughter’s company and we decided to have a pajama party with the guys. The important point turned out to be this: for the boys, no teddy bears, no girly things.
    Therefore, I bring to your attention a scenario for a pajama party with “All Positive” emoticons.

    1. Decor. The decor of the room, the ambiance at such parties is one of the most important things, therefore: bright dishes, a lot of balls, pictures, funny announcements and of course a canopy where you can sit secluded. Don’t forget about the huge pile of pillows – this is perhaps the most important thing.
    2. Invitations. Dress code. Be sure to include pajama requirements in your invitations, as well as pajama party customs.

    3. Food. Light snacks. I focused on fondue.
    4. The scenario should consist more of entertaining competitions than educational ones, after all, it’s a pajama party.
    5. Inform parents correctly.
    Details on decor and design are below.

    - Meeting with guests
    - Invitation to the table
    - Master Class "BOOKING SOAP"
    - Competition "Nonsense"
    - Competition "Chupa Chups"
    - Competition "My Slippers".
    - Entertainment: Fun predictions and fortune telling.
    - Fondue served
    - Entertainment game: Piggly-Wiggly (oink-oink)
    - Competition – “Soap Extravaganza”.
    - Entertainment: Funny photo shoot with antics
    - Contest "Turn a Friend"
    - Hands-free competition to peel and eat a banana.
    - Watching movies with popcorn.
    Our list: - cartoons
    - How to Train Your Dragon, Spirited Away, Howl's Walking Castle,
    films: "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Lord", "Marley and Me", "The Keeper of Time", "Pirates of the Caribbean".

    Initially, I prepared a Pajama Party for the girls in the style of the MiTuYu bears. I bought a tablecloth, plates, glasses and a lot of balls with exactly this character - with the MiTuYu bear, prepared three different garlands with MiTuYu, made decorations for muffins and decorations for straws, also with MiTuYu ...Invitations, pictures and wall decor were made, but it turned out that despite the fact that the children were no longer small (11-12 years old), the parents did not let some of the girls go.

    Unfortunately, PATI pajamas in the MiTuYu style - next time now.
    And now, a party with the boys - we have to live up to it.
    Therefore: emoticons, cool ads, cool phrases, positive framed photos everywhere.
    Room decor.
    Wall decor has been specially printed for boys. Pictures - photos in frames, where boys are the ones wearing party pajamas, very cool photographs (to remove this label - that party pajamas are girly).
    The theme is emoticons, positive - of course, there are a lot of balls with emoticons.

    Soap bubbles in bottles with smiley faces and voluminous rubber fluffy smiley men were prepared for the prizes. Smiley icons. The dishes and garland for the room were yellow with funny faces. Everything is very positive.

    Garland for printing and decor for muffins (in the downloadable file)

    Canopy, you can come up with different designs, for example, attach tulle around a chandelier (this is the simplest), make a tent from frames, put up a ready-made camping tent and cover it with material. You can make the design yourself, as we did.
    Next item: fabric for a canopy and for decoration, this turned out to be the most interesting thing, after going around a bunch of stores, looking at a bunch of online fabric stores, I found the cheapest and most beautiful one on the regular market. Crinkled curtain fabric with a width of 2.80 (they call it stand because it is sold in curtains) per meter for only 160 rubles. (Moscow), 5 meters is enough for a canopy.
    Here's what comes out:

    Here's what came out in terms of decor:

    Funny announcements (templates in the downloadable file)

    Insert sheet for parents (I prepared this when I was planning a purely girls’ party in the MiTuYu style), sample:

    "Dear parents!
    We hope that you will let your daughter spend the night with us. Only girls are invited. There will be entertainment, fun competitions and prizes. Since the party is a pajama party and even a “Pajama Parade” is planned, we kindly ask you not to forget about the main entourage of this holiday; by “pajamas” we mean any sleeping clothes. And also bring “poofy” slippers and a toothbrush. Light snacks will be offered throughout the evening and breakfast in the morning. You will receive your children back approximately until 12:00 the next day. P.S. *There will be fondue (warm chocolate with fruit), please advise if you are allergic to chocolate or any fruit. All questions by phone: (499)=======, mobile t.8(903)105-=== Julia"
    In the case of a pajama party with the boys, they were all our own and I spoke with my parents on the phone, naturally there were no problems.

    Light snacks. Fondue. Popcorn for movies.
    General menu: canapés, sausage roses, pizza rolls, Caesar salad, fruit jelly in beautiful glasses, apples in bags - in dough, muffins, chocolate fondue (for fondue - marshmallows, sponge cake, many different fruits, canned peaches and pineapples, dried apricots , prunes, cookies). Popcorn for watching movies.

    (all recipes in the downloadable file),
    The main thing is to decorate all the treats in the same style with invitations, garland and general room decor

    1. Master Class "Making SOAP". Also suitable is “Dream Art” - painting with felt-tip pens on the fabric of pillows or separate pillowcases.

    1. “Nonsense” competition (sets of strips of paper with text) This competition improves the mood of those present and makes the holiday fun. The presenter invites the children to tell about themselves by answering questions. To play, you will need two sets of cards: one with questions, the other with answers. The cards from each set are shuffled and placed in piles with their backs facing up. Children take turns drawing cards. First, a card with a question is drawn, the question is read out loud, then a card with an answer is taken, and the answer is voiced. The answers usually amuse the guys.
    2. Competition "Lollipop" To conduct this competition you will need Chupa Chups, about 40 pieces. You need to say with the lollipop in your mouth, “I’m a cheerful pajama animal, I eat candy all day long.” Then the number of lollipops should increase, and the phrase be longer. The winner is the one who pronounces the given sentence best. The competition usually causes a lot of laughter.
    3. Competition "MY Slippers". Collect all the slippers of the game participants in a pile, then command: “Start!” Who was the first to find and put on their slippers? He won! You can listen to the music, when it stops, everyone quickly puts on their slippers.
    4. Entertainment: WE TELL GUESS, dress up as a gypsy - what else is there))) Fortune telling by letters, Indian cards, Fortune teller - layout, cool predictions in kinder surprises or balloons)) No serious fortune telling, only humorous ones.
    5. Competition "Who is faster". Thick milkshake, straws. I made the milkshake myself (strawberries + milk + banana * will add thickness)
    6. Piggly-Wiggly (hide and seek in sleeping bags) (Excellent for Pajama Party)
    The driver leaves the room. Players hide under blankets. The driver returns, touches one of the sleeping bags with his hand and says: “Piggly-Wiggly.” The one inside grunts. The driver guesses who is in the sleeping bag. If he is right, the one in the sleeping bag becomes the driver. If he makes a mistake, he does the same with another sleeping bag.
    7. Entertainment - Soap Extravaganza competition. This is a bubble blowing competition. * "The biggest bubble" * "The longest-lived bubble."
    * "The farthest flying bubble." * "Most Accurate Bubble" (The bubble must land close to the designated landing point)…
    You are allowed to “help” your bubbles, i.e. blow on them, wave your arms, etc.. A special role is assigned to the judge. Determining the size of the bubble and other parameters is not easy! And if the judge makes a mistake in measurements and calculations, if he makes a mistake, he can immediately hear the demand of angry participants addressed to him: “The judge is screwed!”..
    8. Competition "Wrap the doll." A child or an adult is wrapped in a sheet, tied with a ribbon, given a pacifier... Whoever wraps it faster and more carefully.
    9. Funny photo shoot. (make lips, mustaches, hats, glasses) (all sample forms are in the downloadable file)

    What could be better than getting together with your favorite girlfriends, dressing up in cozy pajamas and having a lot of fun! And to make sure everything goes off with a bang, quickly read our tips on how to throw a pajama party for 5+

    Passwords and appearances

    A carefree pajama party with your favorite girlfriends is always a great idea! It’s just desirable that your parents think so too. So before you call your girlfriends and think of something fun to do, talk to your mom and dad and get their support. And if they agree only on some conditions, be sure to do what they asked. Especially if you want this holiday to not be the last. So, has parental consent been obtained? Have you selected the date and time? Then feel free to start a general chat in messenger under the code name “Pajama Party”, invite your girlfriends and discuss all the details with them! Think about which of you can bring or organize what. If someone really likes photography, this is a great reason to arrange a joint photo shoot for the whole company, and if someone is willing to bring cosmetics and nail polishes with them, you could set up a home beauty salon.

    Pajama Party Scenarios

    We have no doubt that if you just get together, you will have a lot of fun and interesting! But you must admit, if you think about the entertainment in advance and prepare everything you need for it, it can turn out even better. So what can you do?

      My own makeup artist. If you can’t go to school with unusual bright makeup, then you can definitely do it for each other at a party! Feel free to experiment and try different looks. Here you can find some ideas for inspiration. Yes, and don’t forget about selfies!

      Photographers and models. What else do almost all girls love? Of course, take pictures, and then post them on social networks and receive dozens of likes. Just let's think about how we can diversify this process a little. For example, try repeating scenes from your favorite films or photographing yourself in the image of famous characters.

      Dress crossing. You probably have a lot of clothes that you don't wear. And most likely, your girlfriends have the same problem. So why don't you swap clothes with each other? For a while or forever. Just be sure to coordinate everything with your mother in advance. Here you can read more about how to organize such a party.

      Master classes. Do you want to combine business with pleasure and not only have fun, but also learn something new? Then here's an idea for a pajama party: let all the girlfriends remember what they can do or know and what they can teach others. For example, someone can teach you how to weave cool baubles or cook something delicious (just make sure your mom doesn’t mind providing you with the kitchen). Or it could be a game of questions and answers that in normal life you are embarrassed to ask. For example, which boy do you like or what awkward and funny situation did you find yourself in? And, of course, the question that worries many girls is: who has already started menstruating? By the way, you can show yourself as an expert.

      Salon. Another good idea for a pajama party is to give each other cool hairstyles. For example, try braiding waterfall braids for each other. Here you will find detailed instructions on exactly how to do it.

      Cinema karaoke. Do you want to feel like the heroes of famous films and laugh heartily? Then have a movie karaoke. Here you can read in more detail what it is and how to play it.

      Quest. Ordinary entertainment is not for you and your friends? Then start preparing for the party in advance and come up with an interesting quest. Here we have collected for you some cool ideas on how exactly this can be done.

      Board games. And, of course, everyone likes board games. Let each girl bring her favorite game from home, and then you together choose what you like best.

    How to prepare an apartment for a party

      Get out. Well, everything is clear here. It’s definitely not worth inviting girlfriends into a mess. Here we described in detail how you can quickly and without hassle clean up your room.

      Prepare everything you need. Depending on what you decide to do, think about where you can do it and what it will take.

      Decorate the room with cozy things. Don’t forget, you’re having a pajama party, which means soft pillows, cozy teddy bears, warm blankets and other little things will come in handy.

      Remove everything fragile and easily soiled. If you are planning some active activities and will not just sit in a circle, it is better to put away all glass items, equipment and other things that you may accidentally break or break. Also, be sure to ask your mother what part of the apartment can be at your disposal. Perhaps she will be categorically against you going outside your room, or vice versa - she will give you a larger room.

    Pajama Party Menu

    A pajama party is still not a birthday or New Year’s, so there’s definitely no need to prepare complex dishes that can only be eaten while sitting at the table. But you can’t leave your friends completely without treats either! Discuss in your chat who can bring what food and create a menu. These can be small sandwiches, nuts and fruits, cakes and sweets for tea. And if you have a blender, you can treat yourself to delicious vitamin smoothies. Here we have collected some cool recipes for you.

    How to quickly clean up after a pajama party

    The main law of holding a home pajama party: after the holiday it should be even cleaner than before the holiday. Only in this case will mom allow you to have a party again. And, of course, you should do the cleaning, not your mother. But perhaps your friends will agree to help you: together you will cope very quickly. Let someone collect all the trash, someone wipe the dust, someone wash the dishes, and someone put everything in its place. 15 minutes and you're done!

    Have you and the girls already had a pajama party? Tell me how it was? You might know some other cool ideas.
