Quotes about the new year. Winter

We all, one way or another, believe in miracles. Especially on New Year's Eve J

We bring to your attention aphorisms and quotes about the miracles and miracles of famous people of this world:

1. There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is as if there are only miracles all around.

Albert Einstein.

2. When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Dalai Lama.

3. Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they occur.

Denis Diderot

4. Let's accept life as it comes. It rains, but there are also miracles.

Evgeny Shvarts.

5. The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.

Gilbert Chesterton.

6. If a person’s soul thirsts for a miracle, give him this miracle. He will have a new soul - and you will have a new one.

Alexander Green.

7. True miracles are not noisy, and the most important events are very simple.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

8. If you are always in a hurry, you may miss a miracle.

Lewis Carroll.

9. We are so similar: we value the same, love the same and believe in the same miracles.

Dmitry Nagiev.

10. I believe in miracles that are associated with great passions. If a person is very passionate and has great strength, he is capable of miracles.

Renata Litvinova.

11. Nothing is more characteristic of a miracle than the inability to explain its nature by natural causes.

J. Buffon.

12. The miraculous disappears as soon as it is explored.

F. Voltaire.

13. I know for sure that the Lord does not make mistakes. He does miracles. And I am one of these miracles. You too.

Nick Vujnich (“Life without Borders”)

14. Here it is - a miracle. In every breath. Mixed with the evening scent of freshness and cut grass, with the aroma of roses. It is in every leisurely movement of smiling old men. In the gentle singing of birds hidden in the leaves of trees. You remember every moment with special poignancy, because this is the moment of your happiness, your victory.

There it is - faith. It seems to you that the whole globe is spinning just with your belief in what is about to happen. This is a moment of divine power. When you don't think about falling. He's gone. Because there is only this moment of taking off into the heavens.

Jordie Rivers ("The Dandelion Era")

15. People are interesting creatures. In a world full of wonders, they managed to invent boredom.

Terry Pratchett

16. Oh miracles, miracles! They happen everywhere. And they depend on the circumstances. If I take a photograph of you, it will be a rather boring courtesy. If I go into the South American jungle and photograph a wild man, he will think it is a miracle and may even be afraid that I have stolen part of his soul. But the dog simply doesn’t know what it looks like, and therefore won’t react to its picture. A miracle is something for which people cannot find an explanation.

Robertson Davies ("The Fifth Character")

17. True miracles should not happen suddenly, as in the tales of Scheherazade. In order for a real miracle to happen, it can take a long time, as much as it takes to grow a crystal, change your worldview, wait for the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. The main thing is to be careful so as not to miss anything.

Ken Kesey ("Sailor's Song")

18. Miracles happen in life! They just don't happen by magic. People make them themselves, for example, for those they love.

...... I am 100% sure that every person, one way or another, believes or wants to believe in miracles, it’s just that some admit it, while others do not. And then, a miracle is not necessarily something global. This has nothing to do with tricks or demonstrations of all sorts of “psychics”. This is the smile of a person passing by, this is the look of a child, this is a call from a friend whom you have not seen for half your life. In fact, each of us is able to perform a small miracle both for ourselves and for those around us, for example, by providing timely support to someone or even simply giving a kind word...

Oleg Roy

19. Some say that miracles do not happen. What about books? They are real. Run your fingers across the page. Squeeze the cover in your hands. You can even try a cardboard corner on a tooth, like a coin. No scam! Magic lives there. Time stops there. You don't have to die there. So don’t listen to some - each of us has encountered a miracle... on the other side of the book.

Nadeja Yaminska (“Book Harmony”)

20. Miracles always happen despite everything. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

Grace McClean ("The Fairest Land in the World")

21. We are all in a hurry for miracles,

But there is nothing more wonderful

Than that earth under the heavens,

Where is the roof of your house?

Yuri Antonov

22. No matter how much we laugh at miracles, while we are strong, healthy and prosperous, but if life is so wedged, so flattened that only a miracle can save us, we believe in this only, exceptional miracle!

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

23. Life is a miracle, but it doesn’t create miracles.

Erich Maria Remarque

24. Do not forget that miracles do not belong to you, but you belong to them. Even when it comes to miracles that you yourself perform.

Max Fry ("Obsessions")

...Miracles happen not to the chosen few, but to just anyone. A miracle cannot be begged from fate, but it is also impossible to get away from it.

“Magic is alive. It lives in our hearts” - it is in this quote that the whole truth is hidden. Magic is around us and lives in us. It cannot be explained rationally, it happens, and that’s it! Some were lucky to see him, while others remain blind and perceive everything that happened as commonplace. And only quotes about magic still open your eyes to the truth.

Where does the magic come from?

I once wrote: “There is magic that needs to be learned by memorizing different spells. But there is something else that lurks in the depths of the heart and no spell can break it.” Quotes about magic often insist that it lies in the depths of the human soul. It can be studied, classified or summarized, but never predicted or predicted. It just happens, regardless of the time of year, mood or daily plans. Magic is always with a person and is simply waiting to be noticed and no unnecessary questions are asked.

More available for children

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: “You can’t see the main thing with your eyes,” and this is true. Those who seek a rational explanation for all events will never be able to understand what magic is like. Children know for sure that dragons and princesses exist. They are sure that it simply cannot be any other way. And it doesn’t matter where all these mythical creatures live - their existence is beyond doubt. Fairy tales for children are not a way to escape from reality, but a thing that confirms this very reality.

Charles de Lint wrote: “People tend to forget that everything has a soul, and in the world everyone is equally equal. Riddles and magic are parts of human life, and not fairy tales from those books that gather dust in an old nursery.” Quotes about magic won't let you lie - more are available to children.

Faith first

Magic is always nearby, but people don’t see, hear or perceive it. But in distant childhood it was a self-evident phenomenon. Quotes about the New Year and magic contain lines about why there is no more magic: “Adults are often not in the mood, especially New Year’s. After all, they already know that there is no Santa Claus, so there is no one to wait for and no one to believe in. They buy gifts for themselves and put them under the tree, but before they were simply happy if they found candy under the tree. With age, all miracles disappear.”

It’s really sad that when we grow up, we lose something important, even quotes about New Year’s magic speak about this. And as soon as a person briefly moves away from the inexplicable and wonderful world, it becomes increasingly difficult to regain his faith.

In the film “Old New Year” there was a phrase: “People are sure that there is no longer a place in the world where you can find beauty and miracles. I wonder if they can explain the fact that the whole world celebrates the New Year in one night.” Perhaps, to bring back the magic, you need to start small - with the New Year. After all, as Oleg Roy said: “People who remain children at heart will forever retain faith in miracles. For them, the New Year is a time of miracles and fairy tales, which they believe in, which they wait for and which they themselves create.”

They can tell you a lot, but the main thing is this: if a person does not believe in miracles, they will not happen to him. It is impossible to hear the heart of this world beating when there is no faith in its existence. After all, magic is alive, and it knows exactly whether they believe in it or not.

New Year's is a harmless holiday, particularly because it brings no benefit, and can be used as a scapegoat for disorderly drinking and friendly fighting.

"Mark Twain"

We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the most pleasure in the old one.

We'll soon be on the Internet, we won't be celebrating the New Year, but updating it.

An April Fool's joke could turn into a New Year's gift...

We have only two real holidays - New Year and Friday.

The meaning of the New Year is not to gain another year, but to gain a new soul.

"Gilbert Keith Chesterton"

I'm a year younger again than I'll be next January!

We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the most pleasure in the old one.

As we get older, our New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want cannot be bought with money.

Why, then, involve every Olivier salad and other champagne-sprat fake into the New Year's fairy tale? Let's hug together and sit under the Christmas tree, and it will be Love and Happiness.

"Janusz Leon Wisniewski"

Youth is when you no longer believe that Santa Claus will come to you for the New Year, but you still hope that the Snow Maiden will come.

New Year is a time when you are more glad to receive a call at 3 am than to receive a call at 10 am.

Associated with the New Year - and this is not a joke or an exaggeration - is the fear of almost all women to spend this night alone. As if on this night a woman must be with a man.

"Janusz Leon Wisniewski"

Every New Year began a new life, but it didn’t last long, because you have to live!

Celebrating the New Year is a farewell to illusions and a meeting with hope and dreams.

Stop looking for something magical and wonderful in the New Year, Ted. This doesn't exist.

Russian folk holidays: Catholic Christmas, New Year, Orthodox Christmas, Old New Year, New Year according to the Eastern calendar...

The celebration of the New Year begins from the moment you start taking out the Christmas tree!

Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

Wishing “Happy New Year!” the further it goes, the more it means the triumph of hope over experience.

"Robert Orben"

It’s good to make money in an unfamiliar place, and it’s good to celebrate the New Year in a familiar place.

Only here on New Year’s Day the President’s congratulations are broadcast on all channels, but they watch it only on the first one.

New Year. A time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier.

Celebrating the New Year is a sad farewell to old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.

Dear Grandfather Frost, cotton wool beard, I don’t need gifts! Increase your salary!

The New Year holiday is a dinner ending with breakfast.

Children need the New Year for a fairy tale, losers - as a starting point for new hope, and others - for fun.

Where will you celebrate the night from the 31st to the seventh?

The widespread statement that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it is incorrect. After all, everyone meets him alive, but not everyone survives to the end.

Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator on New Year's Eve - they resemble the letter Z to drunk guests.

If your pets have stopped shitting with New Year’s “rain”, then the holiday is over...

Gentlemen, I have a New Year's toast! In the New Year I offer: land to the peasants, peace to the peoples, and champagne to everyone!

The most secret presidential decree is called “On ensuring at least some defense capability of the country at 5 a.m. on January 1 of each year.”

New Year's is such an annual event that no special use has been invented for it, other than as a justification for all sorts of drinking, a reason to call friends and for making resolutions that will never be fulfilled.
Mark Twain

Christmas is the time of year when we have to buy things that no one wants and give them to people we don't like.
Bernard Show

The new year is always better than the old one, but not always for you.
author unknown

Optimists celebrate the New Year, pessimists limit themselves to seeing off the old one.
Mikhail Mamchich

Christmas is when children tell Santa Claus what they want and adults pay for it. Deficit is when adults tell the government what they want, and their children pay for it.
Richard Lamm

Celebrating the New Year is a suitable occasion for making new good intentions. And from next week you can already pave the road to hell with them, as usual.
Mark Twain

The very fact of the New Year is not that we should have a new year. The meaning is that we must have a new soul and a new nose; new legs, new spine, new ears and new eyes. If a person has not made New Year's resolutions, then he will not make any further resolutions. If a person does not start again, he will not do anything effective.
J. Chesterton

Wishing “Happy New Year!” the further it goes, the more it means the triumph of hope over experience.
Robert Orben

The mouse is happy about the New Year too.
Chinese proverb

Every New Year began a new life, but it didn’t last long, because you have to live!
Alexander Kulich

At any age, the birth of a new year is the best time for festive greetings.
Walter Scott

We no longer celebrate the New Year - we celebrate that we survived the old one.
author unknown

Christmas is when a father tries to convince his children that he is Santa Claus and his wife that he is not Santa Claus.
American saying

Always be at war with your shortcomings, live in peace with your neighbors and let each new year find that you have become a better person.
Benjamin Franklin

I didn't make a single resolution on New Year's Eve. The New Year's custom of making wishes, making plans, making important decisions - for me there are too many events in one day.
Anaise Nin

We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the most pleasure in the old one.
Unknown American

Christmas: the season of trading things you can't afford for things you don't need.
author unknown

Several dozen new years make a person old.
Emil Krotky

Another New Year in your life is God’s best gift.
author unknown

The New Year's mood is when you are glad to see even those who have entered the wrong door.
Mikhail Mamich

Is any of us against his own life being spent as a New Year's celebration?

Of all the bells, the bells that farewell the Old Year sound more solemn and touching than the rest.
Charles Lamb

The optimist waits until midnight to see the new year come; the pessimist waits for midnight to make sure that the old year has already passed.
Bill Vaughan

For some, the New Year is the birth of a new year, and for others it is the funeral of the old one.
author unknown

May your worries last as long as your New Year's resolutions.
Joe Adams

The only correct way to celebrate the New Year is either calmly, in a quiet company with friends, or wildly, in a brothel. Otherwise, when the official part begins to smoothly flow into the get-together, and the company begins to divide into pairs, someone will definitely be left crying alone.
Wysten Auden

I'm a year younger again than I'll be next January!
Yanina Ipohorskaya

New Year's resolutions are the promises we make to ourselves on New Year's Day and immediately forget about them until the next New Year.

Merry Christmas to all my friends except two!
William Claude Fields

New Year's Eve is a time to forget old acquaintances. Unless, of course, the tests known to everyone turn out to be positive.
Jay Leno

I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark.
Dick Gregory

As you celebrate the New Year, this is how you should do it!
author unknown

“Magic is alive. It lives in our hearts” - it is in this quote that the whole truth is hidden. Magic is around us and lives in us. It cannot be explained rationally, it happens, and that’s it! Some were lucky to see him, while others remain blind and perceive everything that happened as commonplace. And only quotes about magic still open your eyes to the truth.

Where does the magic come from?

Otfried Preusler once wrote: “There is magic that needs to be learned by memorizing various spells. But there is something else that lurks in the depths of the heart and no spell can break it.” Quotes about magic often insist that it lies in the depths of the human soul. It can be studied, classified or summarized, but never predicted or predicted. It just happens, regardless of the time of year, mood or daily plans. Magic is always with a person and is simply waiting to be noticed and no unnecessary questions are asked.

More available for children

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: “You can’t see the main thing with your eyes,” and this is true. Those who seek a rational explanation for all events will never be able to understand what magic is like. Children know for sure that dragons, fairies, elves and princesses exist. They are sure that it simply cannot be any other way. And it doesn’t matter where all these mythical creatures live - their existence is beyond doubt. Fairy tales for children are not a way to escape from reality, but a thing that confirms this very reality.

Charles de Lint wrote: “People tend to forget that everything has a soul, and in the world everyone is equally equal. Riddles and magic are parts of human life, and not fairy tales from those books that gather dust in an old nursery.” Quotes about magic won't let you lie - more are available to children.

Faith first

Magic is always nearby, but people don’t see, hear or perceive it. But in distant childhood it was a self-evident phenomenon. Quotes about the New Year and magic contain lines about why there is no more magic: “Adults are often not in the mood, especially New Year’s. After all, they already know that there is no Santa Claus, so there is no one to wait for and no one to believe in. They buy gifts for themselves and put them under the tree, but before they were simply happy if they found candy under the tree. With age, all miracles disappear.”

It’s really sad that when we grow up, we lose something important, even quotes about New Year’s magic speak about this. And as soon as a person briefly moves away from the inexplicable and wonderful world, it becomes increasingly difficult to regain his faith.

In the film “Old New Year” there was a phrase: “People are sure that there is no longer a place in the world where you can find beauty and miracles. I wonder if they can explain the fact that the whole world celebrates the New Year in one night.” Perhaps, to bring back the magic, you need to start small - with the New Year. After all, as Oleg Roy said: “People who remain children at heart will forever retain faith in miracles. For them, the New Year is a time of miracles and fairy tales, which they believe in, which they wait for and which they themselves create.”
