Examples of courage and heroism of the military personnel of the internal troops, awarded the title of hero of the Russian Federation. Composition-reasoning on the topic of heroism - the problem of heroism in literary works

Nurse Sergeant Yanina Irina Yurievna On August 31, 1999, as part of an evacuation group, she performed a combat mission in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Karamakhi of the Republic of Dagestan.

During the period of a special operation to identify illegal armed formations, units of the internal troops met organized resistance from the Islamists, who fought desperately for every street, every house. Irina, being on the front line, under fierce enemy fire, provided first aid to wounded servicemen who were injured during the battle. Risking her life, she came to the aid of 15 of our soldiers and organized their evacuation to the medical center of the temporary deployment of the unit.

With her personal participation, three flights were made on an armored personnel carrier to the confrontation line, as a result of which 28 servicemen who received severe gunshot wounds were sent to the rear, where they were provided with timely medical assistance.

At the most fierce moment of the battle, when the enemy went on the counterattack, neglecting the danger, Sergeant Yanina I.Yu. for the fourth time she rushed to the aid of wounded soldiers. When approaching combat positions, the armored personnel carrier came under heavy grenade fire. Two grenades hit the hull and fuel tank of the car. Helping the wounded driver to get out of the armored personnel carrier, the courageous nurse could not leave the burning car.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, Sergeant Ianina Irina Yurievna was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1354 of 10/19/1999 (posthumously).

Deputy Commander of the Special Forces Group Senior Lieutenant Kovalev Alexander Gennadievich performed official tasks in the Novolaksky district of the Republic of Dagestan. From his cadet years, he dreamed of serving in the special forces. His dream came true, he proudly wore the shrine of the special forces - the maroon beret, steadfastly endured all the hardships and hardships of military service. On September 10, 1999, as part of a special forces detachment, Kovalev A.G. began the task of capturing the dominant height of 315.3 and holding it until reinforcements arrived. By 6 o'clock in the morning, the order was carried out, but the hour of combat verification for Alexander had not yet arrived.

Basayev's bandits made an attempt to recapture the height, a fierce battle ensued. The balance of forces was unequal, in terms of numbers the militants outnumbered the special forces by 5 times. With personal courage, Senior Lieutenant Kovalev A.G. inspired subordinates to decisive and courageous actions. In conditions fraught with risk to life, in an effort to save his colleagues, he ordered them to retreat, and he himself decided to cover the maneuver of the military. For 45 minutes, in complete encirclement, the officer fought with superior forces of militants. When the cartridges and grenades ran out, the bandits tried to capture the bleeding commando. Senior Lieutenant Kovalev A.G. entered into hand-to-hand combat, and then blew himself up with the last grenade, honestly fulfilling his military duty to the Fatherland.

For courage and heroism shown during the elimination of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Senior Lieutenant Alexander Gennadievich Kovalev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1745 of December 30, 1999 (posthumously).

Reconnaissance Platoon Commander Lieutenant Palatidi Alexey Ivanovich performed service and combat missions to destroy illegal armed gangs in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Novolakskoye of the Republic of Dagestan.

On September 10, 1999, the reconnaissance company was tasked with providing cover for the main forces of the military operational reserve when advancing to the dominant height of Mount Gamiyakh near the settlement of Novolakskoye. When advancing to the specified area, the reconnaissance platoon under the command of Lieutenant A.I. Palatidi suddenly came under fire from militants. They were fired at from all types of small arms and grenade launchers. In the current situation, the platoon commander did not lose his head, promptly gave the command to the platoon to take an advantageous position to repel a surprise attack by militants. And he, diverting the enemy's fire on himself, quickly changed his position. A fight ensued, which was short but fierce. With accurate, aimed shots, the scout destroyed three militants, while receiving multiple gunshot wounds. Being seriously wounded, he did not leave the battlefield, and only after Lieutenant Palatidi lost consciousness from loss of blood, the militants were able to capture the officer still alive.

Blinded by rage, the Chechen bandits tortured the courageous officer. Not having obtained any information from him, the bandits killed Alexei Palatidi, but this was not enough for them, they disfigured the face and body of the officer beyond recognition. And after that they threw the mutilated body on the outskirts of the settlement Novolakskoye. After the battle, Alexei's comrades were able to identify the courageous officer only by his personal number.

Lieutenant A.I. Palatidi remained faithful to the military oath and military duty to the end.

For courage and heroism shown during the elimination of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Lieutenant Palatidi Alexei Ivanovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1685 of December 22, 1999 (posthumously).

Sniper of the special forces platoon junior sergeant Protsenko Oleg Petrovich performed service and combat missions in the Novolaksky district of the Republic of Dagestan.

On September 10, 1999, as part of a special forces detachment, junior sergeant O.P. Protsenko began to fulfill the task of occupying the dominant height of 715.3 and holding it until reinforcements arrived. At night, silently passing through the positions of the militants, the detachment took the height and began to prepare for defense.

The Wahhabis attempted to capture the TV tower, but their attack was repulsed. Reinforcements were pouring in from all sides. The balance of forces in the clash was 500 militants against 90 special forces. The enemy blocked the unit from the front and made an attempt with part of the forces to bypass the positions and hit the flank. Oleg Protsenko promptly changed his position and began to destroy the mercenaries with sniper fire. The confrontation between the Basayev bandits grew, the density of enemy fire increased. The brave commando, having been wounded in the leg, could not change position and continued to destroy the militants with fire from a sniper rifle. Tried to fight in full encirclement, but the ammunition was running out. Bleeding, the sniper threw two grenades at the advancing enemy, and blew himself up with the last grenade, honestly fulfilling his military duty to the Fatherland.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, junior sergeant Oleg Petrovich Protsenko was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1745 of December 30, 1999 (posthumously).

Lieutenant Kozin Alexey Vladimirovich- A graduate of the Kazan Tank School, he began his officer service in the operational division of the North Caucasian District of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On September 5, 1999, during the fighting in the Republic of Dagestan, the unit, which was given a tank under the command of Lieutenant A.V. Kozin, received the task of evacuating military personnel and employees of the internal affairs bodies blocked in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Duchi from under fire. A small detachment under the cover of the T015 tank, advancing to the indicated area, found itself under the crossfire of militants. During the ensuing battle, the infantry lay down. The tank continued to move, approaching the encircled military and internal affairs officers, destroying the fortified positions of the militants.

As a result of a shot from a grenade launcher, a cumulative projectile pierced the side of the tank, as a result of which the gunner and loader received facial burns and multiple shrapnel wounds. Without leaving the burning car, the crew under the command of Lieutenant A.V. Kozina conducted aimed fire from a tank gun and a machine gun, inflicting significant damage to the enemy. After assessing the situation, the officer decided not to risk the lives of his subordinates, ordering the wounded crew members to retreat to the rear and report on the wrecked tank.

Left alone, he continued to fight with the bandits, with machine gun fire he covered the retreat of his subordinates, repelled the attempts of the militants to seize the combat vehicle. The enemy besieged the damaged tank, conducting heavy fire from anti-tank weapons and small arms. There was no opportunity to approach the tank and provide assistance. The brave officer fought until the enemy sniper's bullet cut his life short.

His bold and decisive actions gave the necessary time for the withdrawal of the wounded tankers. At the cost of his life, he saved the lives of his subordinates.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Lieutenant Alexei Vladimirovich Kozin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1494 of November 12, 1999 (posthumously).

During the implementation of a special operation to disarm illegal armed groups in the Kadar zone of the Republic of Dagestan, Major Basurmanov Sergey Anatolievich carried out the overall management of the combat operations of the reconnaissance company.

In battle, Major S.A. Basurmanov skillfully commanded the unit. Being in the most dangerous areas, he inspired the personnel by personal example to take decisive action to repel the attack of militants. His machine gun didn't stop. Seeing the accumulation of enemy manpower on the northern slope of the height, the officer secretly crawled up to a close distance and threw two grenades, as a result of his actions, four militants were killed and 5 wounded.

Waging a fierce battle surrounded by an enemy with a significant superiority in strength, the reconnaissance company held Mount Chaban for five hours, destroying about 40 militants, 2 ZU-23 installations, a radio repeater and a transmitting television center. However, the forces of the opponents were unequal. The pressure on the position of the company intensified, and Major S.A. Basurmanov decided to call fire on himself. He personally controlled the fire of our artillery and aviation by radio station. Several attacks were successfully repulsed. Only by order of the senior chief, Major S.A. Basurmanov organized the withdrawal of the reconnaissance company from its height. Covering his subordinates, he was the last to leave the positions he held and, having come under mortar fire, received multiple shrapnel wounds to the head. The subordinates carried the courageous commander out from under enemy fire, but he died from his wounds.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Major Sergey Anatolyevich Basurmanov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1260 of September 25, 1999 (posthumously).

March 10, 2000 Captain Bavykin Sergey Petrovich as part of the reconnaissance group, he performed the task of identifying strongholds of militants and adjusting fire in the village of Komsomolskoye. Thanks to skillful leadership and accurate target designation, two machine-gun crews and ten bandits were destroyed by artillery fire. During the battle, the unit was cut off from its military unit. Captain Bavykin Sergey Petrovich, firing from a machine gun and an underbarrel grenade launcher, fettered the actions of the enemy, allowing his subordinates to get out of the encirclement. One of the militants' grenades fell into the ruins of the house where Captain S.P. Bavykin and several servicemen. The decision was made instantly: the brave officer rushed to the grenade and covered it with his body. Captain S.P. Bavykin fulfilled his military duty to the Motherland to the end, sacrificed his own life for the sake of saving the lives of his subordinates.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation, Captain Sergey Petrovich Bavykin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2000 No. 1632 (posthumously).

Reconnaissance company driver Kalyapin Andrey Vyacheslavovich performed special tasks to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Dagestan.

On August 29, 1999, Private A.V. Kalyapin took part in a special operation to disarm illegal armed groups in the Kadar zone of the Republic of Dagestan. In the course of the operation, the reconnaissance company captured a strategic height near the village of Chabanmakhi, on which a radio repeater and a transmitting television center of militants were located. At dawn, pulling up large forces, using mortars and anti-aircraft guns, the militants launched an assault on the heights, trying to dislodge the company from their positions.

Waging a fierce battle surrounded by superior enemy forces, the reconnaissance company held the occupied height for five hours. At the most difficult moment of the battle, when the enemy launched a counterattack, Andrey saw an RGD-5 grenade that had fallen next to the commander. The decision was made instantly, saving the life of his commander, a brave warrior threw himself on an enemy grenade and covered it with his own body, thereby preventing the death of the commander and the soldiers who were next to him. From a grenade explosion, Private A.V. Kalyapin was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital, where he died from his wounds.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Private Kalyapin Andrey Vyacheslavovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1355 of 10/14/1999 (posthumously).

On March 15, 2000, during the battle to destroy the Gelaev gang in the village of Komsomolskoye, a corporal group Rychkov Dmitry Leonidovich met with fierce resistance from the militants. The group suffered losses, it was impossible to evacuate the wounded and the dead. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Corporal D.L. Rychkov in short dashes, firing, began to approach the positions of the militants. The bandits transferred all the fire to the brave warrior. During the battle, Dmitry was able to destroy two mortar crews and three militants, but was seriously wounded. The courageous fighter continued to fire at the enemy until the enemy sniper's bullet cut his life short. Thanks to the heroism and courageous actions of Corporal D.L. Rychkov, his self-sacrifice in the name of saving the lives of his comrades, the task was completed.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation, Corporal Rychkov Dmitry Leonidovich by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. No. 1980 dated December 7, 2000 was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Major Kulkov Nikita Gennadievich carried out a special task to ensure state security, the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, disarmament and destruction of militants on the territory of the Chechen Republic. On January 9, 2000, the officer was part of the 1st battalion stationed in the village of Staraya Sunzha in the Suburban zone of the city of Grozny, when the battalion commander received an order: to organize assistance with personnel and equipment for the column of military unit 3526, which was ambushed in the village of Argun. The personnel of the column was under heavy enemy fire, moreover, in a disadvantageous position - they were stopped on the road (open place) and already suffered losses.

Major N.G. Kulkov, having received a combat mission - to assist an ambushed column of a military unit consisting of three infantry fighting vehicles with a crew, moved to the settlement of Argun at about 9 o'clock. Arriving at the battlefield and assessing the situation, Major N.G. Kulkov made a decision - to join the battle on the move, divert the enemy forces to himself, allow the military personnel in the convoy to escape from the shelling, thereby saving their lives, although he understood that this could be his last fight with the enemy. Skillfully commanding the crew, the officer accurately identified targets, destroyed about ten militants and 5 firing points. Being under heavy fire from the bandits, the infantry fighting vehicle was hit by a grenade launcher, and a fire started. But Major N.G. Kulkov, who received multiple shrapnel wounds, was able to bring the combat vehicle to a safe place. Despite severe pain and bleeding, he personally pulled two servicemen out of the car. But when trying to evacuate the driver, the forces left him, losing consciousness, he remained in the infantry fighting vehicle engulfed in flames. At the cost of his own life, Major N.G. Kulkov saved the most valuable thing - the lives of military personnel, showing an example of heroism, selflessness, courage and courage.

For courage and heroism shown during the elimination of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Major Nikita Gennadievich Kulkov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1166 of June 24, 2000 (posthumously).

Squad commander - head of the power station of the electrical engineering department of the engineer-sapper platoon of the combat support company, sergeant Belodedov Alexander Nikolaevich for the period of service has proved itself exclusively on the positive side.

On December 26, 1999, during a special operation to eliminate illegal armed gangs in the Staropromyslovsky district of the city of Grozny, Sergeant A.N. Belodedov was part of the demining group and performed the task of engineering reconnaissance of the area, ensuring the safe passage of the main forces of the battalion. Having passed the next line, the demining group and the one following it were subjected to heavy mortar fire from armed bandits. In difficult conditions, associated with a risk to life, Sergeant A.N. Belodedov, showing courage, restraint and self-control, took an advantageous position and resolutely entered into battle with the enemy. Supporting the advancement of the group with machine gun fire, he personally destroyed one of the bandits' firing points. Under incessant enemy fire, he acted courageously and boldly, skillfully led the actions of his subordinates to repel the attack of bandits, provided first aid to wounded comrades and evacuated them to a safe place. In the midst of the battle, Sergeant A.N. Belodedov saw that his colleague was seriously wounded and, despite the real danger, bravely rushed to his aid. Carrying out a comrade from the battlefield, he fell under the crossfire of the enemy and received a gunshot wound to the abdominal cavity. Overcoming the pain, with the last of his strength, the courageous sergeant continued to help his comrade, but the wound turned out to be fatal. Alexander remained faithful to the military oath and military duty until the last minute, and fulfilled it with honor.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Sergeant Belodedov Alexander Nikolaevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1166 of June 24, 2000 (posthumously).

On January 9, 2000, a convoy consisting of 23 armored vehicles was sent along the route Shali - Argun - Gudermes to ensure the vital activity of the units of the formation (delivery of ammunition, weapons, property). Three crews of armored personnel carriers were assigned to the marching guard to escort the column, one of which was a private gunner Averkiev Alexander Alexandrovich.

At 8:10 a.m., a convoy near the settlement of Meskert-Yurt was attacked by superior militant forces. Thanks to the high professionalism and training of private A.A. Averkiyev, who did not lose his head and fire from his machine gun, accurately hitting the attackers, made them lie down, the Islamist attack bogged down, which allowed his armored personnel carrier and four vehicles to break through in the direction of the settlement of Dzhalka. During the battle, he personally destroyed 5 militants and suppressed 2 firing points.

On the outskirts of the village of Dzhalka, the convoy was repeatedly attacked by bandits in the amount of 250 people. A fierce battle ensued. Taking advantage of the superiority in numbers, the militants began to close the encirclement. Alexander's machine gun in this situation was the only deterrent to the insidious plans of the enemy.

Seeing this, the enemy concentrated all his firepower on the armored personnel carrier: the armored personnel carrier caught fire, the crew was forced to leave the burning vehicle and take up all-round defense. Inspired by success, the bandits were already celebrating the victory and foreseeing the imminent reprisal against our servicemen. The brave machine gunner, understanding the tragedy of the situation, made the only right decision. Knowing that he was going to certain death, he returned to the burning car and resumed smashing fire on the enemy. The Wahhabis were discouraged, after the first rounds they lost 4 people killed.

Taking advantage of the confusion in the ranks of the attackers, the unit broke out of the ring, taking out all the dead and wounded, and at the appointed time delivered weapons and ammunition to the indicated area. Until the last bullet and last breath, Alexander covered his colleagues. At the cost of his own life, he saved the lives of many of his comrades and ensured the completion of the task.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Private Averkiev Alexander Alexandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1284 of July 11, 2000 (posthumously).

Deputy commander of the military unit for work with personnel, Major Nurgaliev Vladimir Vilyevich performed special tasks to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic.

On December 26, 1999, the commander of the unit was given the task of conducting a special operation to liberate the territory of the industrial zone of the Leninsky district of the city of Grozny from illegal armed formations. With the beginning of the operation in the indicated area, the assault group, approaching the building, came under crossfire from militants, was surrounded and suffered significant losses. In this situation, Major V.V. Nurgaliyev led a reserve group in order to release those who were surrounded. The bandits were waiting. When approaching the indicated area, the group led by him was met by dagger, cross fire of militants. Assessing the current situation, the selfless officer immediately decided to attack the enemy on the move. Personally acting at the forefront of the group, wedged into the defense of the militants, destroyed the enemy with well-aimed fire from standard weapons and sowed panic in his ranks. Thanks to the courageous and decisive actions of the courageous officer, the reserve group ensured the exit from the encirclement of the assault group and the evacuation of the dead, the wounded, without suffering losses in their ranks.

On December 27, 1999, at 8 o'clock, during a second special operation in the Leninsky district of the city of Grozny, the situation of the previous day was repeated and again the assault group was ambushed. A bloody battle ensued. Major V.V. Nurgaliev, being at the forefront of the unit, acted decisively and boldly, setting an example of courage and courage. Moving from cover to cover, he accurately fired from his weapon, which ensured the group's exit from the fire and the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. During the battle, he personally destroyed a machine-gun crew and two militants.

In the afternoon of the same day, Major V.V. Nurgaliyev was given the task of leading a reconnaissance platoon with the aim of conducting a search for servicemen of a military unit who went missing during a special operation in the Leninsky district of the city of Grozny. When approaching one of the buildings, the platoon came under heavy fire from the superior forces of the bandits. Assessing the current situation, Major V.V. Nurgaliyev decided to defeat the enemy with standard weapons and withdraw the unit to a safe place. Constantly changing his location, skillfully disguising himself on the ground, he accurately struck the enemy, which ensured the withdrawal of the platoon from the shelling. From the bursts of his machine gun, three militants died. During the ensuing battle, one of the servicemen was wounded. Having dragged the soldier into the shelter, the officer provided him with medical assistance and carried him to a safe place. Having bypassed the rear of the enemy’s machine-gun crew, which had settled in one of the buildings, Major V.V. Nurgaliyev destroyed it with a well-aimed throw of a grenade. During the next change of firing position, a bullet from an enemy sniper mortally wounded a courageous officer who, at the cost of his own life, had fulfilled his military duty to the end.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, Major V.V. Nurgaliyev. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1267 of July 7, 2000, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Lieutenant Yafarov Jafyas Jafyarovich at the head of a special-purpose platoon, as part of a search group, he participated in a special operation to identify and destroy a gang of terrorists, which, when leaving the city of Grozny, captured the settlement of Katyr-Yurt. For three days there was a fierce battle for the liberation of this settlement. During this time, the brave commander made 25 daring sorties into the enemy's location in order to conduct reconnaissance of their location. Each time delivered the language. Thanks to the information received, the final stage of this special operation was carried out with minimal losses.

On February 5, 2000, returning from another reconnaissance raid, Lieutenant D.D. Yafarov with his group found and carried two wounded colleagues from the battlefield, thereby saving their lives.

On March 6, 2000, a special-purpose detachment was tasked with conducting a special operation to search for militants in the village of Komsomolskoye, Urus-Martan District. Having advanced to the indicated area, Lieutenant D.D. Yafarov, as part of a special purpose group, began to carry out the task. The group, after walking several blocks into the depths of the village, found an ammunition depot in one of the houses. During the inspection, the unit was suddenly attacked by militants who opened dagger fire from several directions. A fierce heavy battle ensued. Not at a loss under the fire of the militants, the lieutenant clearly gave commands to his subordinates, indicating the most advantageous combat positions. With fire from his machine gun, he personally destroyed four bandits. During the battle, he received a shrapnel wound in the head from a grenade that exploded nearby. Despite massive blood loss, Lieutenant D.D. Yafarov continued to direct the actions of his unit. Noticing a sergeant seriously wounded in the head nearby, he carried him to the rear in a shelter, after which he returned to the battlefield. Having suppressed the enemy's firing point and seeing another wounded soldier, he, without hesitation, dragged him into cover, but a sniper bullet overtook the brave officer. Saving his subordinate, the courageous platoon commander died, having fulfilled his military duty to the end.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Lieutenant Yafarov Jafyas Jafyarovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1267 of July 7, 2000 (posthumously).

On August 16, 2006, the personnel of the reconnaissance platoon under the command of Major Kitanin Roman Alexandrovich carried out operational-search activities in the area of ​​the city of Khasavyurt. Major Kitanin discovered a well-camouflaged hiding place near the highway. Knowing about the possibility of mining the cache, the officer organized an all-round defense at a safe distance and personally examined the bookmark, in which he found 6 tank shells and 30 RPG-7 rounds. Without exposing the personnel to undue risk, the scout independently installed an overhead charge and destroyed the dangerous find on the spot.

On June 1, 2007, Major Kitanin R.A. the task was set: at night, covertly advance into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest near the settlement. Sunny and organize an ambush on members of the gangster underground. On June 2, 2007, the observer reported to Major Kitanin R.A. about the movement of suspicious persons in the forest. During additional reconnaissance of the area, Major Kitanin R.A. discovered a camouflaged dugout with militants and gave a conventional sign: "Attention, danger!" The scouts lay down and tried to covertly advance to the dugout, but were spotted by the militants.

A fight ensued. Changing his location, Major Kitanin R.A. conducted aimed fire, suppressing the firing points of the militants. Having assessed the situation, the scout decided, together with privates Atrokhov A.A. make a detour and destroy the bandits with hand grenades.

The bandits concentrated their fire on two soldiers approaching the dugout. At the next dash, Private Atrokhov A.A. was injured. Despite this, Kitanin R.A. continued to fire and destroyed one of the bandits. The surviving militants tried to break out of hiding and finish off the wounded soldier. Major Kitanin R.A. stood in their way. entered into hand-to-hand combat with the terrorists who jumped out of the dugout. With a lightning throw, he knocked down the first attacker. The second bandit severely wounded Major Kitanin R.A. with a burst from a machine gun. Bleeding, the scout shot back the bandit. Seeing that the wounded officer was unable to resist, the surviving bandit decided to finish off the wounded soldier. With the last of his strength, the courageous officer covered Private Atrokhov with himself and destroyed the bandit with the last cartridge left in the store.

During a short-lived battle, Major Kitanin Roman Alexandrovich personally destroyed three militants who were part of the Bashaev gang, who were planning to commit a number of terrorist acts against employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops on the territory of Dagestan. In the dugout where the bandits were hiding, machine guns, pistols, grenades and blanks for improvised explosive devices were found.

At the cost of his life, Major Kitanin Roman Alexandrovich carried out the combat order, destroyed the bandit group, preventing its further criminal activity, and saved the life of his subordinate.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region in the North Caucasus region, Major Kitanin Roman Alexandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1034 of 08/07/2007 (posthumously).

Captain Serkov Dmitry Alexandrovich, commander of the assault group of military unit 3179, since January 2005, has repeatedly taken part in the elimination of bandit groups in the North Caucasus region. He completed 98 service and combat missions, the results of which were highly appreciated not only by the command of the detachment, but also by the leadership of the OGV (s) on the territory of the TFR.

Since May 30, 2007, Captain Serkov D.A. as part of the 1st special forces detachment, he took part in a special operation to suppress the activities of the bandit underground in the Republic of Dagestan. From the first days of the operation of the special forces group of Captain Serkov D.A. were noted by the leadership of the Republic of Dagestan. On May 31, 2007, the assault group of Captain Serkov D.A. participated in the detention of the leaders of the gangster underground preparing a series of terrorist acts against the leadership of the Republic of Dagestan. During the reconnaissance activities, information was obtained about the place and time of the gathering of the bandits. The group of Captain Serkov was tasked with capturing, and in case of resistance, destroying the leaders of the bandit groups. With the onset of darkness, the group secretly marched to the starting area, silently taking up positions near the settlement. Balakhani. With the arrival of the leader of the bandit group, Captain Serkov D.A. gave the command to neutralize the guards of the bandits. After making sure that the enemy did not suspect anything, he gave the command to detain the criminals. The quick and precise actions of the capture group determined the success of the operation. Captain Serkov D.A., personally neutralized three members of the gang, and at the moment when one of the bandits had the opportunity to use weapons, risking his own life, he approached the armed criminal and, using hand-to-hand combat techniques, disarmed and detained the bandit, which ensured accomplishment of the assigned task.

On July 31, 2007, Captain Serkov was tasked with carrying out reconnaissance and search activities to detect a bandit group, which, according to operational data, organized an attempt on the life of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan in August 2006. Establish routes for militants, Captain Serkov D.A. received the command to set up an ambush and destroy the bandit group.

On August 2, 2007, the assault group under the command of Captain Serkov D.A. entered the ambush area. Having set the task for the sappers to install a mining line on the route of the bandit group Serkov D.A. organized surveillance. Soon the observer reported the appearance of a bandit group. The militants were coming from the opposite side, creating a threat of fire damage to the mining group. Captain Serkov D.A., having assessed the situation, decided to distract the bandits in order to enable the sappers to get out of the shelling. Together with Ensign Emelyanov S.A. they opened fire on the bandits. Captain Serkov D.A. personally destroyed two bandits, having received a gunshot wound in the arm. Bandaging the wound, he continued to lead the battle. Noticing that Ensign Yemelyanov was wounded, Serkov D.A. provided him with medical assistance, after which he again opened fire on the militants. At this moment, Captain Serkov D.A. wounded in the leg. The bleeding commander ordered Ensign Yemelyanov to retreat to the main forces of the group and call for reinforcements, while he himself remained to cover the retreat of his comrade. Having allowed the bandits to come closer, Captain Serkov D.A. with a grenade throw and machine gun fire, he destroyed another bandit and wounded a second one. During the skirmish, Captain Serkov D.A. received numerous wounds from which he died on the battlefield, saving the life of a subordinate.

Thanks to the personal heroism and courage of the officer, the combat mission was completed. When inspecting the area in the clash area, four militants were found dead, including the leaders Israilov and Dzhabrailov, who are on the Federal wanted list.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region in the North Caucasus region, Captain Serkov Dmitry Aleksandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1658 of 12/11/2007 (posthumously).


The servicemen of the internal troops remember and honor the people who accomplished the feat. The names of the heroes are in the names of streets and squares, and their unfading images are in bronze and granite, and most importantly, in human hearts. Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation - the pride of the country! Personifying the best features of the Russian people, they skillfully combined and continue to combine valor and courage with high skill and talent. Their exploits and achievements are invaluable spiritual wealth, a source of inspiration for further strengthening the economic and defense power of the Motherland. Honor and glory to the Heroes!

Class leader ___________________________________________

An example of courage and perseverance

Alexander Alexandrovich Deineka,

Defense of Sevastopol. 1942

After the capture of the Kerch Peninsula, the Nazis were able to concentrate all the forces of the 11th Army in the Sevastopol region in order to capture the city. For the third attack on the Black Sea stronghold, the Nazis prepared especially carefully.

By the beginning of June, the enemy had created a double superiority in people and overwhelming in technology over the troops of the Sevastopol defensive region. For every Soviet tank, there were 12 enemy tanks. At the same time, the Nazis could increase their forces during the operation, and the Soviet troops practically did not have such an opportunity due to the vulnerability of the sea lanes of Sevastopol.

As soon as the threat of a new fascist offensive hung over the city, the command of the Sevastopol defensive region took the necessary measures to mobilize the troops and the population of the city in order to repulse the enemy. Combat squads were created in the city, the personnel of which was considered mobilized, and half of the squads were transferred to the barracks. All able-bodied population was involved in the construction of fortifications. And when the time for new trials came, the people of Sevastopol did not flinch.

On June 2, the enemy began intensive artillery and air preparation, which lasted five days. During this time, up to 48 thousand bombs and 126 thousand shells were dropped on the positions of the defenders of Sevastopol - soldiers of the Primorsky Army and sailors of the Black Sea Fleet - and directly on the city. It seemed that nothing could survive in this stream of fire. But as soon as the Nazis launched a decisive assault on the city on June 7, they met organized and stubborn resistance from the Soviet troops and the population of the city of Sevastopol.

The fighters and commanders of the 25th Chapaev Rifle Division under the command of General T.K. Kolomiets, the 95th Moldavian Rifle Division (commander - Colonel A.G. Kapitokhin), the 172nd Rifle Division (commander - Colonel I. A. Laskin) and many others. Heroes of Sevastopol had to fight off 15-20 attacks every day, holding back the frenzied onslaught of the Nazis.

Recalling the heroic days of Sevastopol and its defenders, the chairman of the city defense committee, B. A. Borisov, wrote that “these were ordinary Soviet people who have high patriotic and moral qualities characteristic of a Soviet person, brought up in him by the whole way of our socialist life, revealed in the harsh months of the siege with the utmost force and expressiveness.

Marines in the battle near Sevastopol

On June 12, Vice Admiral F. S. Oktyabrsky, Commander of the Sevastopol Defensive Region, and I. E. Petrov, Commander of the Primorsky Army, received a telegram from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, which said: “I warmly welcome the valiant defenders of Sevastopol - the Red Army, Red Navy, commanders and commissars, courageously defending every inch of Soviet land, striking at the German invaders and their Romanian henchmen. I am sure that the glorious defenders of Sevastopol will fulfill their duty to the Motherland with dignity and honor.

And they did their duty, despite the fact that every day it became more and more difficult to repulse the attacks of the enemy who did not take into account the losses. The ranks of the defenders of Sevastopol were thinning, the last ammunition was running out. When on June 29 the enemy managed to break through to the city center, Soviet aviation was forced to relocate to the airfields of the Caucasus; the troops defending Sevastopol lost air cover. The anti-aircraft artillery, left without ammunition, was inactive.

But the Soviet soldiers, despite the incredibly difficult conditions, continued to hold their positions. The defense of the city took place in a very difficult situation, under the continuous influence of enemy aircraft and artillery. By the end of June 30, all ammunition had run out, as well as food and drinking water. On July 4, Soviet troops left Sevastopol, although in some areas (in particular, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bCape Khersones), an unequal struggle against the enemy continued until July 9.

Thus ended the 250-day heroic defense of Sevastopol, which had an important military and political significance. The defenders of Sevastopol fettered the 11th Army of the enemy for a long time, depriving the Nazis of the opportunity to use it for an offensive on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front, and bled it so much that it took a long time to restore the combat capability of the formations that were part of this army. And in just 8 months of fighting near Sevastopol, the enemy lost up to 300 thousand people killed and wounded, 400 tanks, 900 aircraft.

The defense of Sevastopol went down in the history of the Great Patriotic War as one of the most striking examples of the indomitable stamina of Soviet soldiers and their boundless devotion to the Motherland. “The exploits of the Sevastopol residents,” Pravda noted on July 4, 1942, “their selfless courage, selflessness, rage in the fight against the enemy will live for centuries, they will be crowned with immortal glory.”

In commemoration of the heroic defense of the city, on December 22, 1942, the medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol" was established, shining on the chest of over 39 thousand defenders of the hero city, who, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, were awarded the Order of Lenin and a medal "Golden Star".

Gabriel Tsobechia

For the performance of special tasks during the counter-terrorist operation, 11,860 people were awarded state awards, including: 46 were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation; 4224 - awarded the Order of Courage; 16 - Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV class; 112 - Order "For Military Merit"; 75 - medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 1st class; 1000 - medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II class; 1586 - medal "For Courage"; 3076 - Suvorov medal; 214 - Nesterov's medal, 1438 - Zhukov's medal; 72 - medal "For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order"; 1 - medal "For the salvation of the dead."

The nurse of one of the military units, Sergeant Yanina Irina Yurievna, performed special tasks to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Dagestan.

August 31, 1999 Sergeant Yanina I.Yu. as part of an evacuation group, she performed a combat mission in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Karamakhi. During the cleansing of the territory, our troops met the organized resistance of the Islamists, who fought desperately for every street, every house. Sergeant Yanina I.Yu., being on the front line, under fierce enemy fire, provided first aid to wounded servicemen who were injured during the battle. She, risking her life, came to the aid of 15 of our soldiers and organized their evacuation to the medical center of the temporary deployment of the unit.

With her personal participation, three flights were made in an armored personnel carrier to the confrontation line, as a result of which 28 servicemen who received severe gunshot wounds were sent to the rear, where they were provided with timely medical assistance.

At the most fierce moment of the battle, when the enemy went on the counterattack, neglecting the danger, Sergeant Yanina I.Yu. for the fourth time she rushed to the aid of wounded soldiers. As an armored personnel carrier approached our positions, it came under heavy grenade fire. Two grenades hit the hull and fuel tank of the car. Helping the wounded driver to get out of the armored personnel carrier, the courageous nurse could not leave the burning car.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, Sergeant Irina Yuryevna Yanina by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1354 of 19.10. 99 was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

The deputy commander of the military unit for work with personnel, Major Vladimir V. Nurgaliev, performed special tasks to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic.

On December 26, 1999, the commander of the unit was given the task of conducting a special operation to clean up the territory of the industrial zone of the Leninsky district of the city of Grozny from illegal armed formations. With the beginning of the operation in the indicated area, the assault group, approaching the building, came under crossfire from militants, was surrounded and suffered significant losses. In this situation, Major Nurgaliev V.V. led the reserve group in order to release those who were surrounded. The bandits were waiting. When approaching the indicated area, the group led by him was met by dagger, cross fire of militants. Assessing the current situation, the selfless officer immediately decided to attack the enemy on the move. Personally acting at the forefront of the group, wedged into the defense of the militants and, with well-aimed fire from standard weapons, destroyed the enemy and sowed panic in his ranks. Thanks to the courageous and decisive actions of the courageous officer, the reserve group ensured the exit from the encirclement of the assault group and the evacuation of the dead, the wounded, without suffering losses in their ranks.

On December 27, 1999, at 8 o'clock, during the second special operation to clear the Leninsky district of the city of Grozny from militants, the situation of the previous day was repeated and again the assault group was ambushed. A bloody battle ensued. Major Nurgaliev V.V., being at the forefront of the unit, acted decisively and boldly, setting an example of courage and courage. Moving from cover to cover, he accurately fired from his weapon, which ensured the group's exit from the fire and the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. During the battle, he personally destroyed a machine-gun crew and two militants.

In the afternoon of the same day, Major Nurgaliev V.V. received the task of leading a reconnaissance platoon with the aim of conducting a search for missing servicemen of the unit during a special operation to clean up the Leninsky district of the city of Grozny. When approaching one of the buildings, the platoon came under heavy fire from the superior forces of the bandits. Assessing the current situation, Major Nurgaliev V.V. decided to defeat the enemy with regular weapons and withdraw the unit to a safe place. Constantly changing his location, skillfully disguising himself on the ground, he accurately struck the enemy, which ensured the withdrawal of the platoon from the shelling. From the bursts of his machine gun, three militants died. During the ensuing battle, one of the servicemen was wounded. Having dragged the soldier behind the shelter, Major Nurgaliyev V.V. rendered him first aid and carried him to a safe place. Bypassing the machine-gun crew of the enemy, who sat in one of the buildings, from the rear, Major Nurgaliev V.V. destroyed it with a well-aimed throw of a grenade. During the next change of firing position, a bullet from an enemy sniper mortally wounded a courageous officer who, at the cost of his own life, had fulfilled his military duty to the end.

For courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, Major V.V. Nurgaliyev. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1267 of July 7, 2000, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Lieutenant Yafarov Jafes Dzhavyarovich, at the head of a special-purpose platoon, as part of a search group, participated in a special operation to identify and destroy a gang of terrorists, which, when leaving the city of Grozny, captured the settlement of Katyr-Yurt. For three days there was a fierce battle for the liberation of this settlement. During this time, the brave commander made 25 daring sorties into the enemy's location in order to conduct reconnaissance of their location. Each time delivered the language. Thanks to the information received, the final stage of this special operation was carried out with minimal losses.

On February 5 this year, returning from another reconnaissance raid, Lieutenant Yafarov D.D. with his group, he found and carried out from the battlefield wounded fellow soldiers Sinitsa Yu.Yu. and Mordacheva O.P., thereby saving their lives.

On March 6, 2000, a special forces detachment was given the task of conducting a special operation to clean up the militants from the settlement. Komsomolskoye, Urus-Martan district. Having advanced to the indicated area, Lieutenant Yafarov D.D. As part of a special task force, he began to carry out the assigned task. The group, after walking several blocks into the depths of the village, found an ammunition depot in one of the houses. During the inspection, the unit was suddenly attacked by militants who opened dagger fire from several directions. A fierce heavy battle ensued. Not at a loss under the fire of the militants, Lieutenant Yafarov D.D. clearly gave commands to his subordinates, indicating the most advantageous combat positions. With fire from his machine gun, he personally destroyed four bandits. During the battle, he received a shrapnel wound in the head from a grenade that exploded nearby. Despite the great loss of blood, Lieutenant Yafarov D.D. continued to direct the activities of his unit. Noticing nearby a sniper sergeant Boldyrev A.E., seriously wounded in the head, he carried him to the rear behind the shelter, after which he returned to the battlefield. Having suppressed the enemy's firing point and seeing the wounded private Chernousov A.A., he did not hesitate to drag him behind the cover, but the sniper bullet overtook the brave officer. From the wound received, Lieutenant Yafarov D.D. died, having fulfilled his military duty to the end, saving his subordinate.

For courage and heroism shown during the elimination of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region, Lieutenant Yafarov Jafes Dzhavyarovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1267 of July 7, 2000 (posthumously).

The commander of the reconnaissance platoon of military unit 6607, Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov Sergey Evgenievich, during his military service, has established himself as a highly professional officer. He had good organizational skills and personal courage. He was able to organize subordinates and direct their efforts to the qualitative fulfillment of assigned tasks. He constantly worked on improving his professional level and officer skills. In the team he enjoyed well-deserved authority and respect, was an example in the performance of military duty.

Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. repeatedly participated in reconnaissance and search activities and targeted inspections to identify and detain persons involved in the gang underground.

As part of the special anti-terrorist preventive operation on March 19 this year. it was planned to conduct reconnaissance and search activities in the area of ​​the settlement. Kakashur of the Republic of Dagestan in order to verify information that members of illegal armed groups are hiding in the specified area. Reconnaissance platoon under the command of Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. the task was set to search in the area south of the settlement. Kakashur. On the morning of March 19, 2009, the reconnaissance units began to carry out this task.

At 14.30, during the search, the head patrol clashed with a bandit group of up to 15 people. The bandits, using the folds of the terrain, tried to get out of the battle, further break away from the pursuit and hide in the forest. The reconnaissance platoon under the leadership of Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E., having skillfully carried out a fire maneuver, fettered the actions of the bandit group and provided access to the line of blocking other units participating in the special operation. The courageous officer dispersed the personnel, pointing out to his subordinates the most advantageous firing positions. Changing his location, Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. led the firing, not allowing the bandits to escape.

The bandit group repeatedly tried to get out of the blockade area. However, selfless and competent actions of scouts under the command of Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. prevented the enemy from maneuvering. The militants, divided into several groups and using the folds of the terrain, tried to break out of the blocked area, but were stopped by fire from the personnel of the detachment and supporting units. A fight ensued. The brutalized bandits furiously attacked the positions of the platoon. During the battle, junior sergeant D.P. Pyatkov was wounded. Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. decided to evacuate the wounded soldier, but at the same moment, four militants, conducting aimed fire, made a furious attempt to break through to the wounded intelligence officer and capture him. Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. having given target designation to the personnel in the direction of the moving bandits, together with corporal Burtsev E.E. under crossfire, using the masking properties of the terrain, moved towards the position of junior sergeant Pyatkov D.P. The militants, not expecting a daring throw from the special forces, concentrated fire on the servicemen, as a result, corporal Burtsev E.E. was wounded. Despite the mortal danger, the brave commandos managed to break through to the wounded soldier. Having ordered the corporal Burtsev E.E. evacuate the wounded junior sergeant Pyatkov D.P., senior lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. remained to cover them, allowing the special forces to get to the positions of their unit. Noticing that the threat to the lives of his colleagues had passed, the courageous officer, firing back from the militants and changing positions, advanced towards his unit. The bandits failed to capture the wounded soldier, as a result, they directed all their fury at the officer and, conducting aimed fire and throwing grenades, began to pursue him. During the nomination, Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. managed to destroy two bandits, but during the battle he received a wound incompatible with life. The commandos who arrived to help the commander found him mortally wounded. Senior Lieutenant Tsvetkov S.E. did not have time to get to their positions and died at the scene of the clash. Among the militants killed by him was the leader of the Buynaksk bandit group Zakaryaev A.Z., who was on the federal wanted list.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2009 No. 741 to the commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the reconnaissance group of military unit 6607 of the Siberian Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty during a special operation to search for and destroy a bandit group in the Republic of Dagestan in March In 2009, Senior Lieutenant Sergey Evgenievich Tsvetkov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Since March 10, 2009, the shooter of the assault squad of the 1st special-purpose platoon of the 4th special-purpose group of military unit 6607, Private Ibragimov Timur Franilovich, has been performing service and combat missions during the counter-terrorist operation to disarm and eliminate illegal armed formations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, while showing courage and heroism.

19 to 20 March 2009 in the Republic. Dagestan in the battle with the gang of the international terrorist Magomedali Vagabov near the village of Kakashura The reconnaissance groups of the 27th special forces detachment, having carried out a maneuver with units and fire, fettered the actions of the bandit group and ensured access to the line of blocking the main forces involved in the special operation. The militants, divided into groups and using favorable terrain, repeatedly tried to get out of the blockade area. On the morning of March 20 this year. the militants opened intense fire from automatic weapons and machine guns, sharply reduced the line of contact and tried to leave the blockaded area. Major Potapov V.V. together with Private Ibragimov T.F. covered the withdrawal of the group, undertaken with the aim of occupying positions advantageous for conducting a defensive battle. The militants, noticing the withdrawal of the main forces of the group, increased the fire from all types of small arms and grenade launchers. Due to the high density of fire from the side of the militants, it was difficult for the brave special forces to conduct aimed fire, but skillfully using their professional skills and periodically changing their firing position, thereby preventing the militants from conducting aimed fire, Private Ibragimov T.F. killed one militant.

During the battle, Major Potapov V.V. was mortally wounded. Having waited for the moment when the main forces of the group would take up new firing positions for defense, Private Ibragimov T.F. made an attempt to evacuate the wounded officer from the battlefield in order to provide him with medical care. The brave commando, using the masking properties of the terrain, made a daring throw towards the position of the wounded officer. The militants, having increased their fire pressure, did not allow the brave commando to approach the position of Major Potapov V.V. Private Ibragimov T.F. showing composure and courage, he threw two hand grenades towards the militants and opened aimed fire at them, during which he killed one militant. After that, he made an attempt to break through to the wounded officer, but he himself was mortally wounded by a militant sniper. After the regrouping by the servicemen of the group, they managed to repel the attacks of the militants and approach the dead servicemen for subsequent evacuation.

Thanks to the courage and heroism shown by Private Ibragimov T.F. managed to complete the regrouping of the group, which allowed the military to repel the attack of the militants and prevent their breakthrough.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 871 dated July 7, 2009
Private Ibragimov Timur Franilovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously)

Final part, 5 minutes.

I give grades to the officers surveyed, remind the topic and training questions of the lesson, and give a task for self-study.

Team Leader for Human Resources

Major O.V. Ostroukhov

The school year has come to an end. It's time for exams for 11th grade students. As you know, in order to get a school certificate, you must pass two main exams: in mathematics and the Russian language. But also a few more items to choose from.

The nuances of essays in the Russian language on the exam

To get the maximum points for passing, you need to correctly write an essay, that is, the third part. In part "C" there are many topics for essays. The organizers of the exam offer written papers about friendship, love, childhood, motherhood, science, duty, honor, and so on. One of the most difficult topics is the problem of courage and resilience. You will find arguments for it in our article. But that is not all. Your attention is also offered a plan according to which you need to write an essay on the exam in Russian in grade 11.

Many authors wrote about the war. Only, unfortunately, these works, like many others, do not linger in the memory of children. We propose to recall the most striking works in which you can find examples of courage and feat.

The plan of the final essay on the exam in the Russian language

Checking teachers give a large number of points for an essay that has the correct composition. If you use our Courage Writing Plan, teachers will appreciate your work. But do not forget about literacy.

Remember that an essay in the Russian language on the unified state exam is significantly different from written works in social science, history and literature. It must be compositionally correct.

And we are moving on to a plan for a future essay on the problem of courage and steadfastness. The arguments will be given below.

1. Introduction. Why do you think it is needed? The thing is that the graduate needs to bring the inspector to the main problem that is considered in the text. As a rule, this is a small paragraph, consisting of 3-5 sentences on the topic.

2. Statement of the problem. In this part, the graduate writes that he identified the problem. Attention! When you indicate it, think carefully and find the arguments in the text (there are about 3 of them in the fragment).

3. Commentary of the graduate. In this paragraph, the student explains to the reader the problem of the read text, and also characterizes it. The volume of this paragraph is no more than 7 sentences.

5. Own point of view. At this point, the student must write whether he agrees with the author of the text or not. In any case, you need to justify your answer, in our case, on the issue of courage and perseverance. The arguments are given in the next paragraph.

6. Evidence from works of art or arguments from life. Most teachers insist that graduates give 2-3 arguments from works of fiction.

7. Conclusion. As a rule, it consists of 3 sentences. At this point, the task of the graduate is to conclude everything that has been said above, that is, to sum up a certain result. The conclusion will sound more effective if you complete the essay with a rhetorical question.

Many examinees note that the point of argumentation is the most difficult for them to give. Therefore, we have selected for you examples of courage in literature.

Mikhail Sholokhov. The story "The fate of man"

You can also show resilience in captivity. Soviet soldier Andrei Sokolov is captured. He then ends up in a death camp. One evening, the camp commandant calls him and invites him to raise a glass of vodka for the victory of fascist weapons. Sokolov refuses to do so. Among them was a drunk Muller. He offers the prisoner to drink for his own death.

Andrei agreed, took a glass and immediately drank it, without having a bite. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Paint me." The company of drunken German officers appreciated the courage and steadfastness. Argument #1 for your essay is ready. It should be noted that this story ended successfully for the captured soldier Sokolov.

Lev Tolstoy. Epic novel "War and Peace"

The problem of courage was considered not only in the literature of the second half of the twentieth century, but also a century earlier. When we read this novel at literature lessons, we involuntarily became witnesses of the courage and stamina of the Russian people. Leo Tolstoy wrote that during the battle the command did not tell the soldiers what to do. Everything went by itself. Wounded soldiers were taken to medical aid stations, the bodies of the dead were carried behind the front line, and the ranks of the fighters closed again.

We see that people did not want to say goodbye to life. But they overcame fear, kept fighting spirit under flying bullets. This is where courage and perseverance are shown. Argument #2 is ready.

Boris Vasiliev. The story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

We continue to consider the arguments for the essay. This time, a lesson of courage will be demonstrated to readers by a brave girl during the Great Patriotic War. In this story, Boris Vasiliev writes about a detachment of girls who died, but still managed to win, because they did not let a single enemy warrior into their native land. This victory took place because they wholeheartedly and sincerely loved their Motherland.

Komelkova Evgenia is the heroine of the story. A young, strong and courageous girl from the fighters of the story. Comic and dramatic episodes are associated with her name. In her character, traits of benevolence and optimism, cheerfulness and confidence are manifested. But the most important feature is hatred of the enemy. It is she who attracts the attention of readers, arouses their admiration. Only Zhenya had the courage to call upon himself enemy fire in order to avert a deadly threat from the wounded Rita and Fedot. Not everyone can forget such a lesson in courage.

Boris Polevoy. "A Tale of a Real Man"

We present to your attention another vivid work that tells about the Great Patriotic War, the heroism and firmness of the character of the Soviet pilot Maresyev.

In general, in the arsenal of Boris Polevoy there are many works where the author considers the problem of courage and steadfastness.

Arguments for writing:

In this story, the author writes about the Soviet pilot Maresyev. It so happened that he survived after a plane crash, but was left without legs. This did not prevent him from returning to life. The man put on prosthetic legs. Maresyev again returned to the work of his life - to flying.

We have considered the problem of courage and perseverance. We have presented the arguments. Good luck on your exam!

We all have to deal with our fears. However, fear can be completely stupid and insignificant at first glance. But in fact, it is precisely this fear that is most difficult to overcome. Of course, it is difficult not to be frightened and save a drowning person, or risk your life to protect the Motherland or your family, it is difficult to overcome the fear of heights and make a parachute jump. However, there are such fears that each of us encounters in everyday life, and not just a soldier or an athlete, but which is the most difficult to overcome. It is the fear of standing up for justice. As the Decembrist poet Ryleev wrote, “we are not afraid to die on the battlefield, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice.” Many years have passed, but this problem still remains relevant.

And the writer F. A. Vigdorova reflects on her decision in her article.

The author does his best to make the reader not remain indifferent to the topic of courage in everyday life. She cites several vivid examples from life in her text, and bitterly recalls folk wisdom: “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything.” This text is journalistic, and Vigdorova manages to achieve the main goal of the publicist - to influence the reader with the power of the problem raised. With the help of appeals, emotionally colored vocabulary, repetitions and other means of artistic expression, the writer makes us doubt: is “my hut on the edge” really? Is it fair?

A. Vigdorova is sure that there is only one courage in any conditions: on the battlefield, at home, at work. She believes that we are all responsible for what is happening around, and that each of us must overcome our fear not only in fatal moments, but also in familiar everyday situations, so as not to remain indifferent.

I fully agree with the author. I believe that the simplest events, seemingly insignificant, can turn a person's life upside down, and therefore we must always uphold justice. And to fear the truth and hide in the shadows is a shame. Of course, the great writers did not pass by this important problem either. And therefore I can confirm my opinion with examples from fiction. Let's remember Mark Twain's famous story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Like all boys, the main characters of the story, Tom and Huck, constantly got into various dangerous stories to test their courage: they either ran away from home, then swam on a raft, then went to the forest at night, to the cemetery. However, life gave the guys a real test of courage, as sometimes happens with us. When one of the characters was undeservedly convicted of murder, Tom and Huck were afraid to stand up for him, although they knew the truth. To their credit, it must be said that they tried their best to help the poor fellow, and in the end they succeeded in doing so.

As a positive example, we can recall the courage of Captain Denisov from Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. At first glance, this character does not seem like a hero at all. Even outwardly, he was not that unprepossessing, but certainly not a hero from the novel: "... Denisov was a little man with a red face, shiny black eyes, black disheveled mustaches and hair." However, it was he who managed to show courage at the right time, not exhibiting and not considering a just cause a feat. He provided the regiment, dying of hunger, with the necessary supplies, not being afraid of the watchmen and not taking a back seat before the authorities. Both in word and deed, Denisov proved that a courageous person is one who does not give up both in battle and in a peaceful parking lot, and defends justice at all costs.

So, from the foregoing, I conclude that no matter how brave we are in a critical situation, we must always make a choice in favor of justice; do not deprive yourself and humanity of the most valuable. This is where true courage lies. As the Iranian-Persian philosopher Saadi said, “courage is not in the strength of the hand and not in the art of wielding a sword, courage is to control oneself and be fair.”
