The most useful sport. The most useful sport: effect on the body, effectiveness, reviews The most useful sports

MOSCOW, November 30 - RIA Novosti. Swimming, cycling, aerobics and tennis were the healthiest sports according to Australian scientists, according to an article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

"Our observations have shown that it is not only how often and how much you play sports that is important, but also the sport itself. It seems that playing different sports can have different effects on a person's health. These observations and the conclusions of our colleagues should help sports institutions formulate new types of exercise that would most effectively improve people's health,” said Emmanuel Stamatakis from the University of Sydney (Australia).

Stamatakis and her colleagues came to this conclusion by studying data that social services in the UK and Australia collected from 1994 to 2006, monitoring the health of about 80,000 older Britons who exercised.

Scientists advise exercising rather than dieting for weight lossSports and an active lifestyle influence the speed of weight loss and the effectiveness of diets more than the composition of the diets themselves, the characteristics of a person’s metabolism and the structure of his intestinal microflora.

The purpose of these observations was to test whether intense physical activity affects life expectancy and susceptibility to various diseases, including heart attacks, strokes and other problems with the cardiovascular system.

For example, football, running, weightlifting and many other sports had no effect on life expectancy or the likelihood of death due to health problems. Other disciplines had a more positive effect on human health and prolonged life.

For example, badminton, tennis and so-called squash (playing tennis with a wall) turned out to be the most beneficial sports for older Britons - they reduced the likelihood of premature death from any possible cause by about 47%, and by 56% - due to problems with heart and blood vessels.

Scientists: it’s never too late to play sports for a healthy old ageRegular exercise in adulthood seven times increases the chances of good physical and mental health in old age, say British scientists, whose work was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Similarly, swimming and aerobics reduced the chances of death by 27-28% overall, and by 36-41% from cardiovascular diseases. In addition, cycling reduced the likelihood of death by 15% and had no effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Scientists believe that such differences indicate that certain sports disciplines affect human health in different ways, strengthening the health of certain organs or parts of the body. This, in turn, indicates the need to develop combined sports that would help improve the health of the body as a whole.

Motivational options and rationale

individual choice of students

As many years of experience show, when choosing sports (or systems of physical exercise), the majority of students do not have a clear, conscious and justified motivation.

Most often, the choice is determined by chance: sometimes with a friend or girlfriend; then the teacher is more sympathetic; then the schedule is more convenient... Much less often, the choice is based on a stable interest in a particular sport or on an understanding of the need to perform certain physical exercises in order to correct deficiencies in one’s physical development or functional readiness. And a random choice, as a rule, leads to a loss of interest and a decrease in activity, which means that the classes will not be effective.

From ancient times the call of the ancient Greek thinker Socrates “Know thyself!” has reached us. Therefore, an objective assessment of one’s physical development, physique, physical fitness, as well as preliminary familiarization with the “opportunities” of various sports are necessary for a conscious and justified choice of the type of sport and exercise for one’s physical improvement.

Despite all the diversity, in practice there are mainly five motivational options for students to choose a sport and a system of physical exercises:

* health promotion, correction of physical development and physique deficiencies;

* increasing the functionality of the body;

* psychophysical preparation for future professional activity and mastery of vital skills and abilities;

* leisure;

* achieving the highest sports results.

Health is the leading factor that determines the full performance of all life functions, the harmonious development of a young person, the success of mastering a profession and the fruitfulness of future work. Physical exercise, physical culture and Sports are widely used to improve health.

The human body is programmed by nature to move, and physical activity should be present throughout life. Special studies have established that the body of physically active 50-60 year old men has higher functional capabilities than 30 year old men, but with limited motor activity. It is no coincidence that all centenarians are characterized by increased physical activity throughout their lives.

In modern society, especially among city dwellers, there is no other way to increase physical activity other than physical education and sports. Therefore, mass sports, all its types that are associated with active physical activity, are designed to promote the normal functioning of the main systems of the body, improve this activity and create the prerequisites for maintaining and strengthening health.

Physical development is closely related to health. Participation in certain sports and physical exercise systems can contribute to the development of certain organs and systems of the body. With the help of appropriately selected physical exercises, many indicators of physical development (body weight, chest circumference, vital capacity of the lungs) can be improved.

Correction of deficiencies in physical development and physique. Deficiencies in physical development and physique can be explained by heredity or the conditions of upbringing, but this does not make it any easier for the young man. Such shortcomings constantly spoil the mood, and often give rise to an inferiority complex.

Of course, not all defects can be corrected with the help of physical exercises: the most difficult are growth and those body features that are associated with the shape of the main skeletal bones. Much lighter - body weight and certain anthropometric indicators (thigh circumference, chest circumference, etc.).

But before making a decision on body correction, on the selection of special exercises or sports, you should form your firm idea of ​​​​the ideal physique (for more details, see the second part of Chapter 5, Section 5.11).

Only after this should you make a decision about choosing a sport or a system of physical exercises - different types of sports and exercises will contribute in different ways to solving the task you have set for yourself.

It is no coincidence that representatives of various sports are distinguished by characteristic anthropometric indicators: gymnasts have good development of the shoulder girdle and muscles of the upper extremities, the muscles of the lower extremities are relatively less developed; Speed ​​skaters have a relatively well-developed chest, thigh muscles, etc. (more detailed characteristics of individual sports will be given in the next section).

However, the greatest opportunities, for example, in the selective correction of individual physique defects, are provided by regular exercises in athletic gymnastics or shaping, i.e. those exercises that are aimed primarily at solving such problems.

What kind of sport to do - everyone tries to choose what they like. Teenagers enjoy swimming, men prefer football and powerlifting, and women en masse sign up for aerobics and yoga. Each species has its own attractive sides, and it is worth getting to know them better.

Why do you need to play sports?

There is an opinion that playing sports is harmful to health: too much stress, constant adherence to a schedule, exhausting workouts. This is partly true in relation to professional sports, but in general physical exercise is only beneficial. Why play sports? Doctors give the following arguments:

  1. Strengthening your overall health.
  2. Good mood, thanks to high tone.
  3. Belief in your own strength.
  4. Oxygen saturation of all body cells.
  5. Beautiful figure.
  6. No problems sleeping.
  7. Resistance to stress.

Scientists have already proven that exercise not only helps overcome depression, but even prevents the development of cancer. A four-year study showed which sports prolong life:

  1. Tennis or badminton.
  2. Aerobics.
  3. Swimming.
  4. Cycling.

The most popular sports

When thinking about what sport to take up, many people choose the most popular ones for the sake of prestige or fashion trends. One chooses physical activities to polish his figure, another wants to show off his ability to play with friends, the third is looking for new entertainment. Everyone has their own opinion which is the best sport.

Team sports

Supporters of team games, where communication and the ability to work in a group are important, also decide which sport to get involved in. After all, the success of all players depends on common actions. The survey showed the following ranking of popular team games:

  1. Football. One of the most popular and spectacular sports games.
  2. Volleyball. They compete in teams, the main goal is to direct the ball so that it falls in the opponent’s half of the field.
  3. Basketball. The popularity of this game can be judged by the fact that it is rare to find a yard where there is no basketball hoop on the sports ground.

Swimming or running

When deciding which sport to take up, it is important to consider not only its popularity, but also whether it is right for you. Those who prefer individual leadership are better off not joining a team where success depends on the entire group. And for those who simply want to maintain their tone, it is better to pay attention to a fundamentally different format. What sport is good for health?

  1. Run. It is considered the most useful for improving health and polishing the figure. Doesn't require any special equipment, just sneakers are enough. Excellent prevention of heart and lung diseases, because running changes the oxygen and biochemical composition of the blood.
  2. Swimming. Suitable for both amateurs and professionals; you can cover distances both at speed and for warm-up, for your own pleasure. It is important that everyone can choose the style that suits them:
  3. crawl, the fastest type of swimming;
  4. back crawl;
  5. breaststroke;
  6. butterfly, the most difficult event;
  7. freestyle.

Strength sports

What sports can men do? A good option: weightlifting, where exercises are performed to lift a barbell, as well as powerlifting, when athletes take the maximum possible weight of the projectile. The reward for your efforts will be enormous strength and a beautiful figure. The first competitions in these sports were mentioned in ancient manuscripts of Egypt, Greece and China, and Russian strongmen of the century before last surprised audiences on world stages.

Combat sports

Among the popular combat sports nowadays, many girls, when choosing which sport to take up, prefer karate, judo and sambo. These are the arts of defense and attack that both men and women should become familiar with. Active sports also include the following types:

  1. Boxing. Punching with gloved fists is allowed.
  2. Freestyle wrestling. Techniques with throws, grabs and flips, where it is important to press the opponent to the mat with your shoulder blades.
  3. Greco-Roman wrestling. It differs from freestyle in that it is forbidden to make kicks.
  4. Sumo– a Japanese sport where you need to push your opponent out of the circle, includes episodes of the show.
  5. Taekwondo. The art of the Chinese, where blows are struck with the feet.

Sports acrobatics classes

What sports can girls play? In first place is sports acrobatics. Gracefulness, flexible figure, lightness of gait - girls who choose this sport stand out in the crowd. So the attention of fans is always guaranteed. But in return, acrobatics requires a lot of work, full dedication. It is better to start in this sport from the age of 4, when the body adapts more easily.

In acrobatics, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Sports. Participants perform different programs: jumping, pair and group.
  2. Circus. Includes such genres as aerial, jumping and power, these are developments for circus performers.
  3. Special. Exercises for training athletes or dancers: jumps, somersaults, rolls.

Types of yoga

What should women choose who want to maintain a slim figure, but are not ready for the heavy loads of sports? A good option is yoga, poses that help achieve flexibility and spiritual harmony. Its most popular types:

  • hatha;
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa;
  • yin yoga;
  • Iyengar.

Asanas do not provide much physical activity, so this sport is not suitable for those who want to quickly lose excess weight. But due to the fact that proper breathing and nutrition influence the regime, the process of losing weight still occurs. Therefore, yoga reduces the desire to eat too much and evens out metabolic failures. What yoga does:

  1. Flexibility.
  2. Healing of injured joints and bones.
  3. Weight loss.
  4. Slim figure.

Intellectual sports

What kind of sport should you choose for those who don’t like strong fighting methods? Answer: intellectual. It appeared in the 20th century and quickly proved that the same qualities needed as in strength sports: endurance, will, character. These types are called games, but in reality they are real intellectual sports:

  1. Checkers. Considered the progenitor of chess, during the Middle Ages all knights had to know the rules.
  2. Poker. It first appeared in the 16th century in Italy; nowadays competitions are held all over the world.
  3. Bridge. The father of this sport is called the Russian card screw, there is a legend that supposedly the status in politics of the Chinese was determined by the ability to fight at the bridge table.
  4. Go. Originated in China, about 2 thousand years ago. Scientists have found that even a powerful computer cannot beat the best skilled players.
  5. Chess. India is called its homeland, develops logic and calculation abilities. World tournaments attract millions of fans.

Tennis and table tennis

What sports can young men do? Doctors recommend tennis, which perfectly develops the figure, mobility and reaction. They are divided by type:

  1. Tennis, is held on the courts. According to one version, a similar game was first mentioned in Egyptian manuscripts; according to another, it was invented in the 11th century in one of the French monasteries. Gradually the rules improved, and nowadays all the best tennis players dream of winning the most famous tournament - Wimbledon.
  2. Table tennis. To play you need a table and rackets. Became known as "ping pong" in 19th century England, today the sport is popular among both amateurs and professionals.

Dance sport

  1. Standard.
  2. Latin American.
  3. Pairs.
  1. Belly dance. The art of the East helps to tighten your figure, strengthen your muscles, and get rid of complexes.
  2. Irish dancing. Develops all muscle groups.

Snowboard or skis

When people play sports for fun, they often give preference to winter sports: snowboarding and skiing. With the advent of artificial snow, these competitions are held at any time of the year. You must choose which of these sports to engage in, taking into account your abilities:

  1. Snowboarding. Descent from the mountains on a special board.
  2. Freestyle. A more complicated version that includes ski jumping and tricks on slopes.
  3. Freeride. Free skiing, no routes.
  4. Ski race. Overcoming distances in a limited time.

As soon as you become fat (if this is your story), the first thing you start doing is thinking about playing sports. Driven by your lack of education on the topic (which is why you're fat, basically) and influenced by some of the conventions of our society, you're likely to make choices that won't do much to help you become healthier (from the word health, but not healthy/big). Let's talk about the topic how to choose the right type of activity for yourself. But first, I will express my thoughts and observations of Russian smooth guys who were persistently preparing and tightening their shape to meet nymph-like Thai girls on the sunny paradise beaches.

In the minds of our average person, playing sports = to go to gym= grab weights and grow your jars to the size of real 3 liter jars. As Joe Friel, the world's leading triathlon coach and author of "" (free expression mine):

Why is it believed that if you cannot fold your arms at your sides, but walk down the street like an imperfect robot T-800 from the movie “Terminator”, then this is health? At what point in evolution did low mobility and low endurance, bulkiness and disproportion become signs of a healthy body? Maybe there is no need to talk about health while pumping “cans”? Maybe we should just talk about your desire to catch the offender and break his neck like a match, or about your desire to have natural armor from street attacks? Or you just can't get over the image of the jackhammer man from porn movies and think this is what you need? Be honest - this is not a conversation about health, but about your wild imagination. Do you want to be healthy (from the word health) - the rocking chair is clearly not the first place to visit;) If you want to be able to stand up for yourself, then you should martial arts- a long but sure path to all the best in the world of sports.

If you can’t get rid of the image of a Russian hero or want to be, well, at least somewhat similar to the governor of California, then start with. This is a special type of training that will give you strength, and you will be able to run the “twenty” mark, and it will clearly improve your health and lose belly fat. If you want to get a complete picture of what it is cross fit, then watch the video from the Reebok Crossfit Games. And until the end. You won’t want to drag heavy weights into the gym after this. You'll want to get smarter about your workouts!

Well, always look at what kind of society you end up in. If you want to be 3-4 times a week in a sweaty room with huge wardrobes, admiring yourself in the mirror under Rammstein - rock yourself. If you want something less egocentric, social and smelling of sweat - read on.

Maybe for you, health is actually a healthy heart that won’t stop at 35? Maybe you should run around? But remember one thing - running is VERY difficult. And one more thing - you don’t know how to run and you knew how to do it until you were 8 years old, then the idiot gym instructors at school ruined everything for you. You need to start running carefully and smartly. We have information about this. This sport is social, interesting and, most importantly, when you reach the level of 10-12 km a day, you will really begin to lose weight rapidly. You will catch yourself thinking that you are not out of breath, not tired. You will understand that you have some kind of superpower that we have all forgotten about, unfortunately.

Ah, this superpower, yes, yes. The worst thing about amateur runners is when they start thinking about achievements and push themselves like professionals who do this for a living. The choice is yours, but know where is the benefit and where is professional deformation.

When you run up and bring yourself a little back to normal - you put away your shameful belly, you become like Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, and not like the American Man, then you begin to look for variety.

Here you will catch your eye, ultramarathon, same cross fit. It is so interesting - mathematics, theories, equipment, competitions - that you will never want to go back to the body of a bag of fat.

But don't forget about yoga. The first is the coolest social and sex thing :) with interval training and much more, the second turns the body into a stretched elastic string, and the consciousness into a powerful but calm river. Maybe this is where you should start?

A bicycles! My last 80 km walk with my favorite “highway” between my legs allowed me to burn 2500 kcal! Can you imagine how much delicious food I can just take and devour? 2000 kcal, standard for my weight and height, + 2500 kcal, donated by a bicycle - you won’t have enough strength to just chew it all! And if it’s winter outside, then go skiing- this is the same energy consumption as a bicycle.

If a very sad person looks at you in the mirror, then head to the pool. There is very little chance of injuring a body killed by pork kebabs and pies. Your body here, unlike running, is almost weightless, there is no left load on the joints. The first unpleasant surprise for you is how short you can swim. When I came to the first training session, I swam 2x50m and was just like a driven horse. But this quickly passes, it’s not only a matter of weakness, but also the inability to breathe and swim correctly. And don’t pay attention, fat friend, that after entering the swim in RunKeeper, so few calories were burned. The programs lie and do not take into account the real load, considering that you are an average swimmer in a vacuum, and they also do not take into account the calories expended on heating your walrus body - this is a lot of calories. Don't stop swimming, I pray.

Well, here, it seems, are all the main alternatives to the swing that you’ve been going to “well, right from the spring.” It will be too late to start in the spring, but today, right after work, is the time.

And don't overeat on New Year's Day. Stupid and stupid tradition.

And recovery. Lack of movement is degradation and a threat to health. But physical exercise does not always bring health benefits. People have come up with many unnatural and unnatural activities for themselves, which are unusual for our body and often only bring harm. We often hear that playing sports is good for your health, but this is not the whole truth. Most sports are harmful to health.

We sift out the unnecessary

We eliminate all team sports and martial arts immediately due to their high level of injury. As you know, football ranks first in this parameter. For the same reason, let’s leave aside various skis and boards. Let's also discard rowing and tennis as sports that unevenly develop the body. We are interested in individual non-traumatic sports that harmoniously develop the entire body under moderate loads. It is important and combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise for comprehensive health improvement. If aerobic exercises develop endurance and cardiovascular system, then anaerobic exercises develop strength and muscles. An additional benefit is the improvement of your figure if you have such a problem.

In general, when considering such a topic, I am more impressed by the concept of physical education, since sport is associated with some kind of records that are harmful to health. In my opinion, when we engage in any sport professionally, we harm ourselves more than we benefit. So, among strength sports, only health fitness is suitable for us, because powerlifting, bodybuilding and weightlifting, by definition, are not health-improving physical education, but sports of high achievement.

The best sports for health


Dances are different - some are more gentle and less traumatic, others are the opposite. They differ from aerobics by more abrupt and unnatural movements. Dancing puts a lot of stress on your feet, so good sneakers with soft soles will help protect your feet and spine. Health-improving dancing will allow you to develop the correct breathing technique, straighten your spine and improve your posture. Of course, muscles also develop. Unlike aerobics, dancing has a much greater variety of movements, so doing them is probably more pleasant for the soul. Often, dancing significantly improves - jogging; Thursday - anaerobic exercises to develop the muscles of the arms and legs; Friday - swimming; Saturday - anaerobic exercises to develop shoulder and abdominal muscles.

Monday, as you know, is a hard day, so a small load from anaerobic walking on such a day is suitable. After a two-day rest from strength exercises, on Tuesday you can lift a relatively heavy barbell. After that, run on Wednesday, stretch your arms and legs on Thursday, and swim on Friday. On Saturday off, work on your shoulder and abdominal muscles. You can vary the different options at your own discretion - in a way that is convenient for you.

Take the first step!

Start doing health-improving sports right now! Take a break from the monitor, get up and do exercises, dance to your favorite music, shake yourself up. And do this daily, gradually moving on to physical education and recreational sports. Don’t put it off until later with the thoughts “I’ll do it when I have more energy.” You will have more energy when you exercise! This is absolutely not difficult and requires minimal effort, but the health you receive in return will pay for the half an hour or hour spent on the exercises. Start with the simplest and most familiar, but most useful - take a walk around your favorite or unfamiliar place, take yourself on a tour. There are so many beautiful and interesting things around us, we just need to open our eyes

  • Sports - health and beauty - wider choice of sports
  • Sport is life - general recommendations on playing sports for health