Cord and noise conflict what happened. Noize MC and Cord will measure their musical strength on STS

This concert is already called bloody: during a performance in Volgograd, Noize MC accidentally hit a fan's head, and later took offense at him for his "nasty" behavior. It seems like a banal story, but it perfectly illustrates the situation in Russian rap, which seemed to be “hit on the head” with a dusty bag. The 360 ​​columnist reflects on the mood on the domestic hip-hop scene.

Photo source: RIA Novosti / Evgenia Novozhenina

From this Monday there will be no St. Petersburg bar "1703". The institution became famous as a platform for the noisiest rap battles. From Joniboy's verbal fight with Oxxxymiron to the latter's defeat at the hands of Slava CPSU, the bar has been the main cradle and oasis of hip-hop culture not only in St. Petersburg, but, it seems, in all of Russia.

Once considered marginal, Russian rap gradually gained a significant number of fans, then quickly broke into the mainstream, replaced pop as the most quoted music and eventually became almost indistinguishable from it. In the second half of 2018, the crisis of the rap scene is not yet obvious to an outside observer, but if you look closely, you can see a network of almost invisible cracks running up its foundation.

Approximately 20 years ago, the offensive slogan "rap is feces" could be found on the wall of almost every high-rise building in residential areas. Will it regain its former popularity in the near future? Several factors can influence this, including ugly story on the last Concert Noize MC.

Noisy fellow

It happened on September 20 in Volgograd. A concert thundered within the walls of the nightclub, and the touring rapper Noize MC (Ivan Alekseev) performed on stage. Suddenly there were screams, blood poured out. The reason for the noise was Noize MC himself. He thought it was a good idea to hurl the microphone stand into the crowd. A heavy object miraculously did not hit one of the artist's fans - her husband, Alexei Khalstov, took the hit on the head with a microphone.

The sight of Alexei bleeding to death, if the description of the situation in social networks and the media, did not in the least embarrass either the club staff or the concert organizers - they did not even have a first-aid kit. Moreover, it did not occur to anyone to interrupt the event. Only after the screams of Alexei's wife was he escorted to the ambulance.

I am now observing the public behavior of the victim, which is disgusting to me ...

Ivan Alekseev.

After the incident was covered in the local media, Noize MC wrote about him on his Instagram. According to Alekseev, he learned about the incident literally before his eyes only after his wife called. The rapper decided to find the victim and offer help, but this was prevented by an insurmountable obstacle: a fan wounded in the head (apparently now a former one) spoke unflatteringly about him on social networks. The musician could not stand this and accompanied the apology to Khalstov with a long caustic post.

Discussing this story may seem like a storm in a teacup. It seems to be a trifle, with whom it does not happen. But the scars on the head of a fan of the musician do not look small at all, unlike the reaction of the star herself. Who now remembers the “pink blouse” or the conflict between Philip Kirkorov and lighting director Marina Yablokova, when a scandal involving rappers happens almost every week? When dissatisfaction with an idol is more important than a fan's injury, this only proves that not everything is all right with Russian rap.

"No need to scream"

Here is another characteristic example: practically none famous rapper I could not help with advice to the director Valeria Gai Germanika. Previously, she directed several high-profile television series, including "School" and " Short course happy life”, and this year returns with the series “Bonus”, the characters of which will dance and rap.

Germanicus tried to involve a number of the first figures of the genre in the project, but the idea failed. The musicians were either scared or were not ready for such a responsibility. “I attracted all the famous rappers at that time to work. Oksimiron said that he had a tour, other rappers simply did not believe in us. If they don't like something now, you know what? They did not participate in this, but they could participate! So no need to quack, ”quotes“ TVNZ» director.

It seems that rappers who slander all other artists in their battles are most often driven only by envy of those they criticize. Mashnov-Purulent, having defeated Oxxxymiron, soon appeared in joint project with Kirkorov, and the participants of the battles, who most loudly scolded pop music, turned out to be rather cynical businessmen who turned their imaginary rebellion into a source of good income.

Users have long scolded the same Versus channel for the abundance of advertising. It is no coincidence that one of the versions of his temporary blocking on YouTube was the fight against bookmakers. Whether this is so is not known, but it was for this reason that Roskomnadzor blocked the rap battle between Oxxxymiron and ST back in December 2016. If Versus disappeared then it would cause an uproar to the heavens. Now the closure of the site, which hosted his main events, did not cause much excitement even among the fans.

Obviously, if the format has not exhausted itself, then it requires fresh blood - not in form, but in content. They made some noise, grunted, now it's time for a hangover, which will most likely be difficult for both the creators of Russian rap and its fans.

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Two lovers of domestic obscene language exchanged courtesies on the Internet.

Although the event happened a long time ago, I learned about it just a couple of days ago. Maybe I'm not the only one like that, there didn't seem to be any on Space (except for the Leningrad clip). If so, sorry.

Rapper Noize MC (Ivan Alekseev), who saw a hint of himself in Shnurov's song "Khimki Forest" and the video filmed for it, answered the leader of Leningrad with the song "Shave the Star" a week later.

The very answer of Noize MC, in contrast to Shnurov's vague attack, turned out to be unambiguous and excluding evasive interpretations. The music resembles a mix of Leningrad songs, the lyrics are written in the style of Shnurov, the name echoes his song Shave p ... y, which appeared in 2007, the musicians of the Alekseev group are dressed in vests and cover their faces with masks with a portrait of Cord, and the rapper himself dressed up in a snowman costume - the same one from the Khimki Forest video.

However, the way Noize MC has framed this is just very ambiguous. Having sung his “strike back”, the rapper said that he was doing this at the request of Shnurov himself, who was allegedly afraid that tickets for the upcoming concerts of the reunited Leningrad would not sell well due to the high cost. Alekseev said this from the stage at his concert immediately after the performance of "Shave the Star" - this fragment is captured in his "video response" to Shnurov.

“We do not give any comments on this matter, this is the position of the artist. He did what he did, and said what he said, and will not say anything, ”explained Noize MC press officer Alexander Berger to GZT.RU.

No comments could be received from the opposite side. Sergey Shnurov's office told GZT.RU that he is now on tour and learns about this story only after returning to St. Petersburg, "after October 5."

The leader of the group "Naive" Alexander "Chacha" Ivanov does not see anything tragic in the confrontation between Shnurov and Noize MC. “The whole music business is built on the offensive antics of artists against each other, their likes and dislikes,” he explained.
At the same time, he himself "regrets" that Noize MC became a target for the Leningrad group. "It's understandable when people who talk about civil rights and raise issues related to freedom of speech and the rule of law, are criticized and harassed by the authorities. After all, they hurt the power for a living. But it's a shame that Sergei Shnurov, talented person, participates in the attack on such a person,” he added.
In the comments that appeared on the network about this story, Ivanov was most surprised by the statements that Shnurov was hit “below the belt”: “It seems that Ivan answered Pasternak or Grebenshchikov. We all know Sregei Shnurov as a healthy, cynical man who can send to hell and generally does not particularly need protection.

Music critic Artemy Troitsky also does not see anything special in the sparring of the two musicians. “Musicians, like everyone else, have the right to their opinion, to quarrel and speak out about anyone,” he said.
Troitsky told GZT.RU that earlier Russian musicians compared to Westerners, they always behaved "very timidly, delicately." “In our musical environment, there was an unwritten rule - about colleagues as dead, good or nothing. Accordingly, journalists like me had to take the rap for everyone to call shit-shit, mediocrity-mediocrity, ”he laughed. And he added that he considers the collision to be a very correct and funny story: “One artist sneers at the other in his work, and he, in turn, gives him some kind of flip or returned answer. Generally speaking, this is the norm of human relations, I don’t see anything wrong in this. ”

Two stars of domestic show business will meet face to face in the premiere of the season - the series "Baby".

Less than a year has passed since the sensational Internet conflict between the hip-hop artist Noize MC and the leader of the Leningrad group Sergey Shnurov, as both performers not only reconciled, but also earned side by side on the soundtrack of the STS premiere.

We are talking about the series "Baby", in which Shnurov plays leading role. The cord got the image of a rock star that was released into circulation, which suddenly falls on the head of a 15-year-old daughter of a tearaway. The event itself is unpleasant, but it also turns out that the daughter respects hip-hop and r'n'b, but she does not have quivering feelings for good old rock. One of Yulia's idols is Noize MC.

The hip-hop artist himself plays himself in the project, but in a parodic vein: “Noize MC as those who hate me imagine it! - talks about the role of Noise. “I confirm all the worst stereotypes that such people have about me, that is, according to the plot, I am such an infantile coward who deliberately makes scandals in order to raise his popularity.”

One of his first songs written specifically for the series, Noyz "gave" to the performance of the main character Yulia and her musical group that she makes at school. The song doesn't have a title yet, but of course it's about love and creativity.

“The lyrical hero is trying to figure out at what point a person in love understands that the object of his passion has become indifferent to him, he tries to reflect on this topic,” Noyz explains. - The song has more than one reading option. It contains metaphors and allegories associated with the filming process - and this, it seems to me, is quite reasonable, since it was clear for what kind of creative batch it was all being written.

Of course, the matter will not be limited to one composition - Noyz decided to brush off the dust from his archival developments:

“I carefully approached the preparation and tried to remember in every detail that then (meaning school and student years - approx. STS) I was worried about what the songs were written about, what images were used in the texts. At the same time, of course, I try to deprive the material of some obvious youthful teenage shortcomings, but at the same time preserve the spirit of this age. I have my own old songs in mind, which could somehow be used, I will scoop some moments from there. I think that this is natural - at one time they did not find their listener, but now there is an opportunity to shake hands with that Vanky, who recorded some of his texts on a microphone in a hostel for 300 rubles.


Rapper Noize MC (Ivan Alekseev) recorded the promised "answer" to the clip of Sergei Shnurov and the Leningrad group "Khimki Forest", which, in his opinion, is also directed against him personally. In fact, the musician accuses his colleague of cowardice, greed and unwillingness to touch upon serious problems in his work.

The song "Shave the Star" turned out to be absolutely obscene and unambiguous. The music is written in the style of "Leningrad", the words echo Shnurov's song "Shave p *** u", recorded in 2007. IN clip Noiz musicians are dressed in vests and cover their faces with masks with a portrait of Shnur, and the rapper himself dressed up in a snowman costume from the Khimki Forest video. (Attention! The video at the link contains profanity).

In addition to the words of the song after its performance, the rapper addresses the audience from the stage, explaining that he wrote it at the request of Shnurov himself, who is afraid that tickets for the upcoming concerts of the reunited Leningrad will not sell well due to the high cost. This video clip is embedded in the clip.

Alekseev says that he composed the song in response to a call from Shnurov, who asked him to support the concerts of the Leningrad group with some kind of scandal. "We did not bypass the offer of a very respected and beloved musician and a little publicized the concert of the Leningrad group," Noize MC said from the stage.

In a deliberately obscene song, the rapper hints that Shnur's courage is limited to his willingness to sing obscene songs, and he is afraid of socio-political issues: "It would not be fair to raise the dough on ringtones. It would not be just to yell "x **" louder into the microphone." " Social politics... basically on the drum," Noize MC sings on behalf of Shnurov.

Recall that in September on the official website of the group "Leningrad" there was a video for new song a group that ridicules the musicians defending the Khimki Forest. The song says that by performing at actions in defense of the forest, the musicians just want to raise the box office from their concerts.

"Buy tickets, brothers, I last singer democracy. Khimki forest!" Shnurov sings. "How will all people know about our Khimki forest ... So I don’t lose money, I get a percentage, I live in chocolate, a cent is dripping loudly,” the leader of the rock group ironically.

The video itself was created in the spirit of a popular collage, among its many heroes can be found as caricatures on Russian politicians, and the characters of modern cultural process(such as Shrek or Smeshariki).

Clip "Leningrad" caused a wide discussion in the blogosphere. Bloggers began to discuss who this attack was against, and for some reason most agree that Sergei Shnurov refers to Yuri Shevchuk, who took part in a concert-rally on Pushkinskaya Square in defense of the Khimki Forest, and later, in the wake of these events, performed together with the U2 group.

However, a more global story can be traced in the song - the video posted on the band's website ends with a brutal fight involving the heroes of Soviet and American cartoons.

Political forces reacted to the song in different ways: for the most part, oppositionists criticized it, while representatives of pro-Kremlin movements, on the contrary, supported it. The group "Leningrad" only benefited from such replication, according to some reports, it intends to play a concert in November.

As the portal "" notes, from a musical point of view, the composition gives the impression of being hastily made. The site calls the composition and the video "PR of Shnur himself", and also states that Shnurov's statements about the termination of Leningrad's activities, made two years ago, "should be regarded as a fake and a way to stir up interest in a team whose popularity was fading."

"The return of the group can be considered complete in its entirety - however, the products that are now being issued by Shnur and the company are unlikely to cause unambiguous delight even among loyal fans of Leningrad. The musicians are acting too stupidly and straightforwardly now, there is too little humor and humor left in their songs and good rhymes," notes the music portal.

Recall that this is the second video of the group "Leningrad" after two years of silence. Earlier, the group posted a clip on its website, in which the former backing vocalist of the group Yulia Kogan, nicknamed Yulia Nogi, is the soloist. Shnurov himself played tom-toms in this video.

The lyrics of the song are quite short and are repeated several times: "I love it so much when it's big, when there's a big and fat dick in me. I so want it to be yours, but your big one - it's only in my dream."

The text of the "response" Noize MC:

Why don't I sing a song about an unshaven pubis?
Baritone drunk croak a couple of lines.
About a shovel and a cottage, about vodka and powder -
Lots of topics not covered. And now - about unshaven pubis.

Shave your f***...
Buy tickets sisters, my dick is the longest, my dick is the fattest.
Buy tickets sisters, my tongue is the sharpest, my banter is the hardest.
Buy tickets, sisters, Kirkorov is my homie, f**, Zverev is my namesake.
Buy your tickets, sisters, I'm a nineties dinosaur...

I'll put it on a record, let the people hear,
As under the "coke" and "blue" I yell past the notes.
And then I'll go to corporate parties
To sing to the oligarchs about how ugly it is when the n***a is not shaved.

Here the youth went - darn d*****s.
Wouldn't it be fair to raise the dough on ringtones,
It would not be easy to yell "x **" louder into the microphone,
So no, no one wants to work honestly.

Social issues, fuck the politicians
Personally, I do not believe them, but you do whatever you want there,
In principle, on the drum, the main thing is not this,
The main thing is not to forget to buy tickets for Leningrad.

Their number is limited, hurry up, people,
I still yell in the ass with a drunken wheeze ...

Buy tickets, brothers, I'm the only honest singer on the stage,
Buy tickets sisters, my tongue is the sharpest, my banter is the hardest
We buy tickets for the concert of the most sincere band on the planet,
Buying tickets, guys, for the farewell show "Leningrad".

Shnurov himself said that his clip is about the children of Africa

After a scandal broke out around the clip, Sergey Shnurov said that his mocking song about the defenders of the Khimki forest had nothing to do with the real Khimki forest, that this song was "idiomatic". "The song is more about sincerity. The song is about Africa, the children of Africa, about everything about it," he said.

According to the musician, the song "many layers and layers about the fact that the political will is not necessarily a great artistic value." At the same time, Shnurov noted that Pushkin's political poems are not the most the best works poet.

The leader of "Leningrad" called the song "graceful" and does not think that the musicians who spoke in defense of the Khimki forest can be offended by it. “What is there to be offended by? I sing a song - mind you, I’m talking about myself. Understand that the song was sung by me, which is also interesting,” Shnurov said.

Meanwhile, he did not deny that the song is an attack against Artemy Troitsky, who led a concert-rally in defense of the Khimki forest. "You can look at it that way. You can do whatever you like. This is real democracy when there is different points vision," Shnurov said.
