The largest warship in the world. The most powerful ship

At different times, these giants terrified the enemy. But the world will remember them not only as a formidable weapon of war. The names of the largest warships of their time are forever inscribed in golden letters in world history.

7. Project 1144 nuclear cruiser “Orlan”

Country Russia
length: 250 m
width: 28.5 m
displacement: 25,860 t (full)
crew: 1035 people

“Peter the Great” – this is the proud name that today’s only heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser of Project 1144 “Orlan” bears (a total of four such ships were built). Project 1144 is iconic in every sense. Now "Peter the Great" is the largest warship in the world, not counting aircraft carriers. But the cruiser is famous not only for its size. In open combat, it is superior to any non-aircraft carrier. P-700 Granit cruise missiles with a range of up to 625 km pose a threat even to aircraft carriers (although, to be honest, the ship itself is a convenient target due to its size). Soon, "Peter the Great" may receive new hypersonic missiles "Zircon", thus becoming even more dangerous.

6. Universal landing ships of the "America" ​​type

Country: USA
length: 257.3 m
width: 32.3 m
displacement: 45,700 tons (full)
crew: 1059 crew + troops

Universal landing ships, as you might guess, were created to conduct landing operations. But the Americans have greatly expanded this definition. The new America-class UDC is, in fact, a mini-aircraft carrier that is capable of carrying a solid aviation group of 22 fifth-generation F-35B fighters. These planes will take off from the deck using a short takeoff run, and they will land vertically. But there are other configurations: the UDC can carry many V-22 tiltrotors, which can deliver troops by air much faster than conventional helicopters. The lead ship of the USS America series (LHA 6) was introduced into the US fleet in 2014, and in total the Americans want to receive twelve such ships. In the future, they will replace the Wasp-type UDC.

5. Universal landing ships of the Wasp type

Country: USA
length: 257.30 m
width: 42.67 m
displacement: 40,532 tons (full)
crew: 1147 crew + troops

Until the advent of “America”, ships of the “Wasp” type had no competitors in their size among UDCs. They were created specifically to ensure transportation by sea and landing on an unequipped coast of an expeditionary marine battalion, the number of which could reach almost 1,900 people. The paratroopers can be supported by AV-8B Harrier II vertical take-off and landing combat aircraft (their number can reach 20). The Marines also have AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters at their disposal. At the rear of the Wasp there is a large room where equipment used for landing operations can be located. In total, the American fleet received eight such ships.

4. Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers

Country: Brazil
length: 265.0 m
width: 51.2 m
displacement: 32,780 t (full)
crew: 1338 people

In fact, aircraft carriers of the Clemenceau type were created not in Brazil, but in France, and back in the 50s. After the appearance of the much more modern Charles de Gaulle, they were removed from service, and one of the ships was transferred to the Brazilian Navy, where it continues to serve to this day. In Brazil, the ship was named "São Paulo". Even today, it remains a fairly formidable combat unit, which can carry up to 40 aircraft, including fifteen French carrier-based Super Étendard attack aircraft.

3. Aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle

Country: France
length: 261.5 m
width: 64.36 m
displacement: 42,000 tons (full)
crew: 1200 people

This is the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the French Navy: the authorities wanted to lay down another one, but this idea was abandoned, given the enormous cost of the warship. In any case, we have before us the largest European aircraft carrier. The basis of the power of this ship is the 4++ Rafale M generation fighters. In total, it can carry up to 40 aircraft. In terms of its combat potential, the Charles de Gaulle is inferior to American aircraft carriers (they are larger in size and can carry a larger number of winged vehicles). However, the Charles de Gaulle also repeatedly proved its combat capability, in particular during the operation in Syria. British aircraft carriers of the Queen Elizabeth class will soon displace the Charles de Gaulle: when they are commissioned, they will become the largest warships in Europe.

2. Project 1143 aircraft carrier cruisers

(characteristics correspond to the Admiral Kuznetsov TAVKR)
country Russia
length: 306.45 m
width: 71.96 m
displacement: 59,100 t (full)
crew: 1980 people

Let us clarify: the definition of “project 1143” hides several subtypes of aircraft-carrying ships. Four of them (Kiev, Minsk, Novorossiysk, Baku) could use Yak-38 attack aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing. Subsequently, on the basis of Project 1143, the Project 1143.5 ship Admiral Kuznetsov was built, as well as two more aircraft-carrying cruisers (Varyag and Ulyanovsk), which received an expanded take-off deck and the ability to use aircraft with conventional takeoff and landing, such as the Su- 33. The fate of all these ships turned out differently. "Admiral Kuznetsov" became the only Russian aircraft carrier. But “Varyag” turned into the Chinese “Liaoning”. The ship "Baku" underwent modernization and joined the ranks of the Indian Navy under the name "Vikramaditya". “Ulyanovsk” was never completed, although conceptually it was the most advanced of the entire series: it had a steam catapult and, in theory, could use AWACS aircraft.

1. Nimitz-class aircraft carriers

Country: USA
length: 332.8 m
width: 78.4 m
displacement: 106,300 tons
crew: 5680 people

Finally, the well-deserved first place in our rating went to the American giant Nimitz - the largest and most powerful warship of all that are currently in operation. Almost 90 aircraft can be accommodated on board! For comparison, Admiral Kuznetsov can carry no more than 50 aircraft. The Nimitz air group includes F/A-18 fighters, EA-6B electronic warfare aircraft, E-2C airborne early warning aircraft and other aircraft. The Americans commissioned ten such ships: they were actively used, in particular, during the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Nimitz will not last forever, and soon this type of ship will be replaced by other aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford type. They will be just as huge, and in addition, they will be able to carry fifth-generation F-35C fighters. In general, the Ford will become more economical than its “big brother” while maintaining high combat capabilities.

The navy of each state is an indicator of its wealth, power and authority. Since World War II, an arms race began that has not ended to this day. Almost every maritime power is trying to surpass its rival. The emerging two leaders are not giving up their positions. They own the largest warships in the world.
The rating presents 10 positions, taking into account the length of vessels of various types.

248 m

The top ten largest warships are opened by destroyers-helicopter carriers of the "". They are designed to track submarines and destroy them. The lead Japanese destroyer Izumo entered combat service in 2015.

Another helicopter carrier, Kaga, is on the way, which will be put into service in 2017. The length of the first military vessel is 248 m, and the crew capacity is about 1000 military personnel. The Japanese is capable of transporting up to two dozen helicopters. This is the largest battlefield that Japan has built.

251 m

Project 1144 cruisers are four heavy nuclear-powered missile cruisers belonging to the Russian Navy. Three of them are currently undergoing modernization (Admiral Ushakov, Admiral Lazarev, Admiral Nakhimov). The Russian fleet is armed with the cruiser "Peter the Great", the length of which reaches 251 m. The main purpose of the flagship is to destroy enemy aircraft carriers. It has several hundred combat missiles and many other ammunition in stock. The crew capacity is 1035 people.

257 m

Universal landing ships of the Wasp type are designed to land American Navy troops on foreign territory. A total of eight vessels of this type were built, which have been in service since 1989 to this day. The length of the universal ship reaches 257 m. It is capable of transporting up to 40 military aircraft, and is designed for more than two thousand crew members.

257 m

The America-class universal landing ships are designed to gradually replace Wasp-class military vessels. The mission of the ships remains the same: to ensure the landing of troops along with military equipment on the unequipped enemy coasts. Currently, the lead ship "America" ​​has been put into service and another one has been built. Under the project of aircraft carriers of this type, 11 more ships are planned. The length of the lead “landing party” is just over 257 m. The military vessel is designed for approximately 3,000 military crew. America is designed to carry larger military equipment than Wasp and other aircraft carriers of the same size. Military vessels of this type are among the largest universal ships.

261 m

"" is the first nuclear-powered ship and aircraft carrier of the French Navy, which replaced Clemenceau. The length of the flagship reaches 261 m, it is capable of transporting up to 40 aircraft structures. The crew capacity on board is 1900 people. The ship has been in use since 2001 and takes part in military exercises and conflicts. It is France's only aircraft carrier and largest warship.

265 m

French aircraft carriers of the "" type were considered one of the most powerful warships in France. Two such ships were built: Clemenceau and Foch. The first was withdrawn from service with the French Navy, and the second was sold to Brazil at the beginning of this century. Now the ship is called "São Paulo" and is in service with the Brazilian fleet. The aircraft carrier is capable of accommodating 39 aircraft on deck. Its length is 265 m. The ship can accommodate more than 1,300 crew members.

274 m

"" - project 1143 aircraft-carrying cruisers. Only four aircraft carriers of this type were created: Kyiv, Minsk, Novorossiysk, and Baku. The last of the series, "Baku" has the greatest length, which is almost 274 m. This ship completely came into the possession of India in 2004, and was renamed "Vikramaditya". The modernized combat aircraft carrier is currently part of the Indian Navy. At its site it is capable of transporting up to 36 aircraft and 1,300 crew members. Vikramaditya is one of the largest warships.

306 m

"" - one of the largest domestic warships currently. It is designed to protect maritime borders from possible attacks from other countries and is capable of hitting large surface targets. The length of the vessel is about 306 m. It is part of the Northern Fleet and has been in use from 1991 to the present day. Kuznetsov is capable of transporting up to 40 aircraft and can accommodate up to 2,000 people. This is the first and only large aircraft carrier in our country.

332 m

Aircraft carriers of the "" type - largest warships, which are in service with the United States. The type of American aircraft carrier is designed to destroy large surface targets and provide air defense. The military giant is capable of transporting 90 aircraft at a time, which is many times greater than the capabilities of other aircraft carriers. The maximum length of the huge ship is more than 332 m, it can accommodate up to 3,200 people on just one ship, not counting the air wing.

The mass of combat supplies on board is about two tons. There are ten Nimitz-class aircraft carriers in total. The cost of one Nimitz is about four and a half billion dollars. The first lead ship, the Nimitz, after which the type of aircraft carrier was named, was released in the 70s of the last century. During the entire time in operation, the ships took part in wars that took place in Yugoslavia, Iraq, etc. The series includes the following ships: “Nimitz” (1975); "Eisenhower" (1977); "Vinson" (1982); "Roosevelt" (1986); "Lincoln" (1989); "Washington" (1992); "Stennis" (1995); "Truman" (1998); Reagan (2003); "Bush" (2009). Each of these vessels has a service life of 50 years.

337 m

The aircraft carrier "" is one of the largest combat ships in the world. Its length is 342 m. According to the project, 5 more aircraft carriers of this type were planned. But due to the large financial costs that went into the first ship, the project was suspended. The ship was in service with the US Navy from 1961 to 2012. The ship's ammunition reached two and a half thousand tons.

The area of ​​the giant ship was capable of accommodating 90 helicopters and airplanes on its site, as well as up to 5,000 crew members. The warship took part in many military conflicts and went to sea twenty-five times. Currently, work is underway to dismantle the aircraft carrier. It will be replaced by the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford, whose length will be 337 m. Its construction was completed in 2013. Commissioning is planned for 2016.

An integral component of the military power of any state is its naval forces. Throughout the history of warships, during the construction of the navy, advanced technologies were introduced into developments, new materials were used, and weapons were improved.

This made it possible to constantly increase the survivability of ships and crew, and to solve diverse combat missions with ships of small and large displacement. The TOP 10 warships of the world presented below reflects the results of the work being carried out, as well as their significance in a particular historical period.

Rating of TOP 10 warships of the world and Russia

10. MDKVP "Zubr" (USSR/Russia)

The ship's displacement allows it to deliver up to three modern tanks or ten armored personnel carriers with personnel of up to one hundred and forty landing soldiers to the place of combat missions.

3 tanks, allows you to deliver the displacement of the Zubr MDKVP.

This also determines the possibility of rapid delivery of military cargo weighing at least one hundred and thirty tons.

Currently, the Zubr MDKVP is in service with the Russian Federation and the naval units of the Greek Armed Forces. The ships are based in the Mediterranean Sea on the island of Cyprus.

9. Battleship Yamato (Japan)

The ninth place in the TOP 10 of the best warships in the world is rightfully occupied by the battleship of the Japanese naval forces, launched during the Great Patriotic War.

Japan's best ship was sunk by the United States in the Pacific.

Despite all the power of its weapons and high performance characteristics, the largest warship in the world did not take part in naval battles.

It went down in the history of warships as a battleship that did not have time to fire at least one shot from its head guns, capable of hitting enemy targets at a distance of up to 45.0 kilometers.

The Iowa series battleships were designed and built in anticipation of World War II. They entered the history of navigation as the largest ships of their category.

"Iowa" showed its worth during combat operations in the Pacific Ocean.

Subsequently, it is known that modern ships provided naval cover for American operations in Vietnam and the Korean campaign.

Of the four ships of this class launched, three were converted into museums, one is still in the reserve of the United States Navy.

7. The legendary Bismarck (Germany)

The pride of the Third Reich, the battleship Bismarck, left the shipyard in 1939.

Its dimensions and armament could only compete with similar models of ships of Japanese and American shipbuilders (“Yamota” and “Iowa” - the most powerful ships in the world at that time).

"Bismarck" is one of the most powerful ships of the Second World War.

He could not take an active part in the Great Patriotic War. In its combat history, one victory is documented - the British warship Hood was sent to the bottom. Subsequently, the Bismarck was sunk by the forces of the navy, the same Britain.

6. Sailboat Santisima Trinidad (“Holy Trinity”, Spain)

The Spanish giant ship “Holy Trinity”, the largest in the history of sailing shipbuilding, deservedly entered the rating. She was launched in 1769 and remained on constant combat duty in Spain for another thirty-five years.

The sailing ship's combat power consisted of 140 guns of various calibers.

And strength was ensured by the use of especially hard trees.

During its existence, the ship went through a worthy battle path. Suffice it to recall that during the Battle of Trafalgar he had to engage in battle with seven English warships.

The battle was lost due to the fatal defeat of the Spanish manpower. But the wooden ship did not lose its buoyancy, and its spontaneous sinking occurred while being towed by the British.

5. Cruiser "Peter the Great" (Russia)

Fifth place in the category “The largest warships in the world” was given to the Russian nuclear-powered cruiser “Peter the Great”. He left the stocks in 1977.

The combat mission of the flagship of the Russian fleet is the destruction of enemy air groups.

The cruiser's armament allows it to accomplish this task under any conditions of naval combat, even storms.

"Peter the Great" is in service with the Russian Navy to this day.

The range of hitting targets with standard weapons is at least five hundred and fifty kilometers.

The famous Russian warship has been in service with the Navy from 1996 to the present. Assigned to the country's Northern Military Fleet.

Cruiser "Peter the Great"
Length/width/height/draft, m 262.0/28.5/59.0/10.3
Nuclear reactor engine, pcs./hp. 2.0/140000.0
Screws, pcs. 2.0
Speed, knots 32.0
Autonomy. days 60.0
Artillery, AK-130.0, pcs. 1.0X2.0
Missile weapons of various types, launches 344.0
Charger, “Dirk”, pcs. 6.0
Mine and torpedo weapons, pcs./launches 10.0/20.0
Crew, man 635.0
Fight against submarines, guns 3.0
Ka-27 aircraft, pcs. 3.0

4. Battleship HMS Dreadnought (“Neustrashimy”, UK)

The famous Neustrashimy marked the beginning of the development of a series of battleships of the battleship class. Britain's largest warships are obsolete and can only pose a threat to third world countries.

Neustrashimy began combat duty in 1906.

The main difference between the British ship and its analogues was the maximum increase in the number of main guns, instead of medium calibers. The use of gas turbine propulsion increased tactical superiority.

It should be noted that army shipbuilders in other countries have accelerated the creation and refinement of their ship designs with similar or higher firepower. By the beginning of the First World War, every maritime power had at least one ship of this class.

Performance characteristics
Length/width/draft, m 160.74/25.01/9.05
Free/load displacement, t 18412.0/21067.0
Steam engine/turbine/power pcs/hp 18.0/4.0/23000.0
Armor (mm) hull/wheelhouse/deck/turrets 179.0-279.0/35.0-76.0/305.0-76.0
Screws, pcs. 4.0
Speed, knots 21.6
Autonomy, miles/day 6620.0/28.0
Artillery, caliber 305.0 mm, pcs. 5X2
Artillery, caliber 76.0 mm, pcs. 27.0
Mine weapons, pcs. 1.0
Crew, man 685.0-692.0
Stern machine gun "Maxim", pcs. 5.0

3. Aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" (USSR/Russia)

Third place in the TOP 10 was taken by the Russian cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov. It was put into service in 1991. He still serves in the naval units of the Northern Fleet. The aviation group is protected by powerful armed cover.

"Granit" missile system, which is equipped with "Admiral Kuznetsov".

The peculiarity is represented by the inclusion of the Granit anti-submarine missile system, which is unusual for ships of this class.

The use of a boiler-turbine unit as propulsion somewhat reduces the performance of an army cruiser. But at the same time, the largest warship in the world has the characteristics of an autonomous “search” and the cruising range, for modern conditions, is sufficient.

2. Project 941 “Akula” submarine (USSR/Russia)

The first Project 941 submarine was put into service in 1981.

The capabilities of long-term autonomous navigation, low noise running, and diving depth allow the crew to carry out combat duty at almost any approach to enemy territory.

The French Navy has the second largest and most combat-ready aircraft carrier in Europe, the Charles de Gaulle. The ship's total displacement is 42 thousand tons, up to 40 aircraft can be mounted on board, and the ship is equipped with a nuclear power plant. Triumphant-class nuclear submarines have great strike capabilities; the fleet has four such submarines in total.

Triumphants carry M4S ballistic missiles with a firing range of 6,000 km. In the near future, they will be replaced by M51 missiles with a firing range of more than 10,000 km. In addition, there are six multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the Ryubi class. In total, according to open sources, the French fleet has 98 warships and auxiliary vessels.

5. UK

Great Britain once bore the proud title of “Mistress of the Seas”; the fleet of this country was the largest and most powerful in the world. Now Her Majesty's Navy is just a pale shadow of its former power.

HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo:

Today the Royal Navy does not have a single aircraft carrier. Two, the Queen Elizabeth class, are under construction and should enter the fleet in 2016 and 2018. The most interesting thing is that the British did not have enough funds for such important ships as aircraft carriers, so the designers had to abandon side armor and armored bulkheads. Today, according to open source data, the British Navy has 77 ships.

The most formidable units of the fleet are considered to be four Vanguard-class SSBNs armed with Trident-2 D5 ballistic missiles, each of which could be equipped with fourteen warheads of 100 kT each. Wanting to save money, the British military bought only 58 of these missiles, which was enough for only three boats - 16 each. Theoretically, each Vanguard can carry up to 64 missiles, but this is uneconomical.

In addition to them, Daring-class destroyers, Trafalgar-class submarines and the newest Estute-class represent an impressive force.

4. China

The Chinese fleet is one of the largest, with 495 ships of various classes. The largest ship is the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" with a displacement of 59,500 tons (the former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag", which was sold to China by Ukraine at the price of scrap metal).

The fleet also includes strategic missile carriers - Project 094 Jin nuclear submarines. The submarines are capable of carrying 12 Julan-2 (JL-2) ballistic missiles with a range of 8-12 thousand km.

There are also many “fresh” ships, for example, destroyers of type 051C, type “Lanzhou”, type “Modern” and frigates of “Jiankai” type.

3. Japan

In the Japanese Navy, all capital ships are classified as destroyers, so true destroyers include aircraft carriers (two Hyuga-class ships and two Shirane-class ships), cruisers and frigates. For example, two Atago-class destroyers boast a cruising displacement of 10 thousand tons.

But these are not the largest ships - this year the fleet will include a 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier, and another will be produced in 2017. In addition to helicopters, F-35B fighters can be based at Izumo.

The Japanese submarine fleet, despite the absence of nuclear submarines, is considered the strongest in the world. It has five Soryu-class submarines, eleven Oyashio-class submarines and one Harushio-class submarine.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has approximately 124 ships. Experts note that the Japanese fleet has a balanced composition of ships and is a combat system thought out to the smallest detail.

2. Russia

The Russian fleet has 280 ships. The most formidable are the Project 1144 Orlan heavy cruisers with a displacement of 25,860 tons; there are only three of them, but the firepower of these ships is simply amazing. It is not for nothing that NATO classifies these cruisers as battle cruisers.

Three other cruisers, Project 1164 Atlant, with a displacement of 11,380 tons, are not inferior to them in armament. But the largest is the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" with a displacement of 61,390 tons. This ship is not only well protected by air defense systems, but also armored. Rolled steel is used as armor, and the anti-torpedo three-layer protection with a width of 4.5 m can withstand a hit of 400 kg of TNT charge.

However, the fleet itself is being actively modernized: it is planned that by 2020 the Russian Navy will receive about 54 modern surface combat ships, 16 multipurpose submarines and 8 strategic missile submarines of the Borei class.

1. USA

The US Navy has the largest fleet in the world, with 275 ships, including 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers; no other country has such an impressive force. It is on the navy that the military power of the United States is mainly based.

Soon, the Nimitz should be complemented by even more advanced ships - aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford type with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons.

The US submarine fleet is no less impressive: 14 Ohio-class nuclear submarines, each carrying 24 Trident 2 ballistic missiles. Three advanced submarines of the Sea Wolf type, the price of which was exorbitant for the United States, so it was decided to abandon the construction of a large series. Instead, cheaper Virginia-class submarines are being built, while there are only 10 of them in the fleet so far.

In addition, 41 Los Angeles-class submarines remain in the Navy. The US Navy has gigantic military power, which today hardly anyone can challenge.

Since ancient times, a powerful and well-organized navy was crucial for any country that fought for world domination and cared about its own security. Therefore, over the past 100 years, thousands of powerful battleships and aircraft carriers have been built in different countries around the world. This review is about the largest warships in the world.

1. "Akagi"

Akagi is an aircraft carrier that was built for the Imperial Japanese Navy. She was in service from 1927 to 1942 and took part in the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Then the Akagi was heavily damaged during the Battle of Midway in June 1942 and was then deliberately scuttled. The length of the ship was 261.2 m.

2. "Yamato"

The Yamato-class battleships were built for the Imperial Japanese Navy and served during World War II. With a displacement of 73,000 tons, they were the heaviest battleships in history. The length of such a ship was 263 m. Although it was originally planned to build 5 Yamato-class ships, only 3 were completed.

3. "Essex"

The backbone of the US Navy's combat power during World War II was the Essex-class aircraft carrier. There were once 24 of these ships, but today only 4 survive and are used as museum ships.

4. "Nimitz"

Nimitz-class supercarriers are 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers built for the US Navy. These ships, 333 m long and weighing more than 100,000 long tons when fully loaded, were the largest warships in history. The ships have participated in many battles and operations around the world, including Operation Eagle Claw in Iran, the Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. "Shinano"

Shinano is a 266.1 m long, 65,800 ton ship that was the largest aircraft carrier built for the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. However, with deadlines pressing, the warship was sent into battle without correcting several serious design and construction flaws. She eventually sank just 10 days after she was commissioned on November 29, 1944.

6. "Iowa"

In 1939-1940, the US Navy commissioned 6 Iowa-class battleships, but ultimately only 4 were completed. They served in several major American wars, including World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. The length of these battleships was 270 m, and the displacement was 45,000 “long” tons.

7. Lexington

Two Lexington-class aircraft carriers were built for the US Navy during the 1920s. The warships proved extremely successful and served in many battles. One of them, the Lexington, was sunk in the Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942, and the other, the Saratoga, was destroyed during an atomic bomb test in 1946.

8. "Kyiv"

Also known as Project 1143 Krechet, the Kyiv-class aircraft carriers were the first aircraft-carrying anti-submarine cruisers built in the Soviet Union. Of the 4 Kiev class vessels that were completed, 1 was decommissioned, 2 were mothballed, and the last one (Admiral Gorshkov) was sold to the Indian Navy, where it is still in service.

9. "Queen Elizabeth"

The Queen Elizabeth is a 2 aircraft carrier currently under construction for the British Royal Navy. The first, Queen Elizabeth, will be ready for use in 2017, and the second, Prince of Wales, is scheduled for completion in 2020. The length of the ship is 284 meters, and the displacement is about 70,600 tons.

10. “Admiral Kuznetsov”

The Kuznetsov class ships are the last 2 aircraft carriers built in the Soviet Navy. Today, one of them, Admiral Kuznetsov (built in 1990), is in service with the Russian Navy, and the second, Liaoning, was sold to China and completed only in 2012. The length of the ship is a staggering 302 m.

11. "Midway"

The Midway-class aircraft carriers were among the longest-serving aircraft carriers in history. The first one entered service in 1945 and was decommissioned only in 1992, shortly after participating in Operation Desert Storm.

12. "John F. Kennedy"

Nicknamed "Big John", the USS John F. Kennedy is the only ship in her class. It was a 320 m long aircraft carrier that was even capable of effectively fighting submarines.

13. "Forrestal"

In the 1950s, 4 Forrestal-class aircraft carriers (Forrestal, Saratoga, Ranger and Independence) were designed and built for the US Navy. It was the first supercarrier to combine high tonnage, aircraft lifts and a corner deck. The ships were 325 m long and had a displacement of 60,000 tons.

14. "Gerald R. Ford"

The Gerald R. Ford is a supercarrier that is being built to replace some of the existing Nimitz-class carriers. Although the new ships have a hull similar to the Nimitz aircraft carriers, they have introduced new technologies, such as an electromagnetic aircraft launch system, as well as other design features intended to improve efficiency and reduce operating costs. Also, the Gerald R. Ford warships will be slightly larger than the Nimitz (their length will be 337 m).

15. "USS Enterprise"

The world's first ship to carry nuclear-armed aircraft, the Enterprise (342 m long) was the longest and perhaps also the most famous warship in history. She remained in service for 51 consecutive years, longer than any other American warship, and was used in numerous battles and wars, including the Cuban Crisis, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and more.
