A questionnaire survey of staff to identify the reasons for the decrease in staff satisfaction with their work. An example of a staff motivation questionnaire Questionnaire to determine employee satisfaction

Assessing employee motivation is an important part of every HR job. Since the interest in work and focus on results of personnel directly affects the efficiency of the company and its profits, it is necessary to somehow measure and control these parameters.

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One way to do this is to conduct a survey using a questionnaire to assess employee motivation. What kind of questionnaire this is, how to compose and use it, we will consider in this article.

What it is?

A questionnaire for assessing staff motivation is a questionnaire with tasks/tests/open-ended questions, filled out by employees/personnel of the organization, after analyzing which the manager can draw a conclusion about the motivation of each individual employee or the entire staff.

For what purpose is it used?

The staff motivation questionnaire can be used for different purposes, but the main ones are a better understanding by HR of the motives, desires and needs of its employees, and diagnostics of staff.

To work effectively, managers need to know what actually attracts subordinates to their work - for example, the level, the opportunity for self-realization and career growth, a free schedule, or something else.

A well-designed questionnaire allows you to get answers to the following questions:

  1. What attracts employees to their position/job?
  2. What is important to them in their activities?
  3. Are subordinates satisfied with relationships in the team and with senior management?
  4. How much do employees value themselves as specialists?
  5. How do staff evaluate their contribution to the company?
  6. Do employees see prospects for career growth in the organization?
  7. How important is their position to them?

And these are just a few examples. In fact, by conducting a survey, you can get answers to any questions HR is interested in - from satisfaction with the level of wages and working conditions to interest in career growth and compliance of the employee’s goals with the goals of the organization.

Of course, the most interesting thing with the help of such a questionnaire is to identify non-obvious things.

For example, with the help of well-written questions you can:

  • understand the hidden motives of employees;
  • discover unrealized potential or selfish goals.

All this information is extremely important in the work of HR, since, based on it, it is possible to build more constructive relationships with subordinates, give them assignments that best suit their desires, skills and capabilities, and more effectively stimulate the work of the organization’s personnel.

How to create a staff motivation questionnaire?

Creating a questionnaire to assess work motivation is not always as simple as it seems.

This process can be divided into 2 stages:

  • First stage– definition of the goal. That is, you need to answer the question of what exactly you want to know and make a list of such questions. In this case, let’s take the list of 7 questions given above as an example.
  • After the first stage is completed, you can move on to the second - the actual preparation of the questionnaire. Here you need to focus on the list that you compiled at the previous stage. After that, select the form of the question with which you will receive the answer. This could be a rating scale, a table, an open-ended question.

Let's take a closer look.

For example, the item “What attracts employees to their position/job?”

You can leave it in an open form, then the employee will write in the appropriate field what, in his opinion, is important for him. But subordinates may not always be honest. Therefore, if you want to see hidden motives, it is recommended to choose more veiled forms of questions.

You can offer ready-made answer options: “salary”, “career growth”, “work in a young team”, “free schedule” and ask them to prioritize them. Or you can go the other way and ask the following question: “Suppose you are invited to transfer to another department for a similar position. Under what conditions would you accept this offer? And give ready-made answers or leave the question open.

You can also make a table with possible answer options and offer to give each of them a rating from 1 to 5.

This is what it will look like:

Name 1 2 3 4 5
Salary level
Opportunity for career growth
Relationships in the team
Possibility of self-realization
Flexible work schedule

Another important point is the anonymity of the questionnaire.

The fact is that employees are likely to be more honest in their answers if they are confident in their anonymity. However, this option is only suitable if you want to see the overall picture or collect statistics for the entire department/enterprise.

In order to assess the motivation of each employee individually, “personalized” questionnaires are needed.

Below is the main list of areas, assessing which you can get the most complete picture:

  • Personnel self-assessment. It will allow you to see what goals a person sets for himself, how to relate to his work and his achievements.
  • Professional skills of workers. This information is best obtained from the profiles of people in leadership positions. To do this, you should add specific questions from the series “how do you assess the professional skills of your subordinates/specific subordinates.
  • Managerial performance. Similar to the previous point, only now the assessment is given by subordinates.
  • Ambitious and focused on career growth. It will allow you to identify leaders and employees who are ready to work and develop in the area that interests you.
  • Employees' readiness for career growth/increased responsibility. It is also recommended to determine through questionnaires of managers.

In short, compiling a questionnaire is a creative process that must be approached seriously. In some cases, consultation with qualified specialists, such as psychologists, may be necessary.

How to interpret?

The larger the questionnaire and the more extensive the questions in it, the more conclusions it allows to draw.

By analyzing the answers, you can better understand the atmosphere in the work team. By the way, detailed questionnaires often reveal problems that exist in an organization but are not noticeable at first glance.

It can be:

  • dissatisfaction with wages;
  • problems in relationships in a team;
  • a feeling of lack of recognition of one’s abilities and contribution to the development of the organization;
  • overwork and professional burnout.

Having seen such problems, you will receive guidance on specific actions that will help improve working conditions in the enterprise and the individual problems of workers.

By studying individual employee profiles, you can draw conclusions about their motivation and interest, work potential and readiness for promotions. The data obtained will allow you to determine the most suitable position and tasks for a specific staffing unit.


Having collected and analyzed the data, it is necessary to give feedback, draw some conclusion, summarize and determine the results of the work performed. This could be specific instructions, conversations held with employees, or an action plan aimed at solving specific problems.

For example, the result could be:

  • Formation of a personnel development program.
  • Organizing trainings for employees (for example, on how to increase motivation and fight professional burnout, plan your activities).
  • Changes in wages, promotions for specific employees, changes in work schedules and other real actions.


We have already considered options for possible questions in the questionnaire. Here, as an example, you can find a document with a real questionnaire, based on which it will be easier for you to create your own.

October 10, 2018 HR universal. IP Khramtsova P.V.

Personnel satisfaction survey questionnaire

The purpose of this survey is to determine your satisfaction with the company. Survey anonymous, its results will be used in a generalized form to draw up a program for the development of a personnel management system.

Carefully read each sentence in the “Working Conditions” column, select one of the most appropriate answers in the columns on the right (from “Completely dissatisfied (not satisfied)” to “Very satisfied (completely satisfied)”) and check the appropriate box. Fill out the answers to the questions on the second page and submit the form to an employee of the HR Directorate.

Date of completion: ____ ___________ 20__

Working conditions

not satisfied

(not satisfied)

A little


Difficult to answer (neutral)



Very satisfied (completely satisfied)

Labor organization (standardization of work and rest time)

Occupational safety (provision of protective equipment, special clothing)

Relationships in the team (with management, colleagues)

Wage level

Additional payments (for an absent employee, for working on weekends, etc.)

Incentive system (opportunity to receive bonuses, distribution of bonuses in the team)

Level of social benefits and guarantees

Leadership style in your department

Organization of training, opportunity for advanced training

Prospects and opportunities for career growth

Provision of necessary materials and tools for work

Recognition of your merits, attention to you from management

Administration work (registration of admission and transfer, consideration of applications)

Please answer a few questions on page 2.

What can improve your satisfaction? ________________________________________________________________________

Do you think it is possible and realistic to change the current situation? Select one of the answer options:

I also want to say: ______________________________________________________________________________

Please answer a few questions to process the survey results:

Your age:

Over 50 years old

Work experience in the company:

Up to 0.5 years

More than 1 year

General work experience:

Over 10 years

master (senior master)

head of a production unit (site, shift, workshop)

employee, specialist

head of an administrative unit (bureau, department)

Please submit the completed application form to a member of the HR Directorate.

Thank you for participating in the survey!

A staff satisfaction survey plays a major role in the vision of any type of business. Because employee dissatisfaction while performing their duties is reflected in their work. This subsequently affects the quality of products and services and, accordingly, the satisfaction of customers and business partners. As a result of the negative impact, the profitability of the organization may suffer.

Personnel satisfaction has a direct impact on the quality and quantity of work performed and an indirect impact on the financial result of the organization. In this regard, the company's management is faced with the task of correctly identifying dissatisfaction and being able to cope with them. This means that it is important not just to find a dissatisfied person, but at the same time to develop the company to a level where the employee will be comfortable working. By extracting grievances, the organization simultaneously increases its strengths and ranking because many will want to work for a firm that cares first and foremost about its employees.

Personnel satisfaction assessments are also carried out to identify valuable personnel who play a key role in each area of ​​production or work. In this case, it is important to understand what such valuable employees need. Another task is to analyze changes after the assessment and the introduction of new conditions, which should help reduce dissatisfaction among employees.

Preparatory stages of assessment

All companies are engaged in different types of activities, cooperate with different counterparties, target a specific part of the market and have their own characteristics in doing business. First of all, it is important to identify those conditions that affect staff job satisfaction from their point of view. It is recommended to divide these conditions into groups that will include several factors, for example:

  1. Working conditions. This may include a favorable location, a cozy atmosphere in the office, technical equipment of the workplace, a suitable work schedule, etc.
  2. Nature of the work. There may be such factors as: a sense of pride in working in the company, the opportunity for self-realization, diversity in the work performed, etc.
  3. Control. Clear goals, clear and achievable tasks, fair leadership, real authority, responsive management to ideas and opinions, respect, and others.
  4. Compensation. Appropriate material reward for work, professionalism, competence, individual motivation system, etc.
  5. Education and development. Availability of training programs, accessibility to educational materials and support from a mentor, etc.
  6. Career. Opportunity to develop both vertical and horizontal career ladders.
  7. Attitude in the team. Friendly staff, presence of supportive colleagues, etc.

In this way, you can explore all the positive aspects of the enterprise. It is important that the developed lists of factors reflect the opinion of the employees themselves, so not only managers, but also any personnel personnel can be involved in their compilation.

Questionnaire development

Having decided on the basic conditions for staff satisfaction, you can begin to develop a questionnaire. To create a list of questions, you need to decide what answer you want to receive. There may be closed questions: the answer will be “yes” or “no”. They may be of an open type, when the respondent independently formulates an answer and writes it down. But questions with a rating scale are best suited; most often they require you to rate the proposed condition from 1 to 5.

When forming questions, it is recommended to initially write down all the possible satisfaction conditions for the selected conditions. Next, filter them and leave the most clear and understandable ones. Then test the resulting version of the questionnaire on some employees to identify unclear and inaccurate points. After the work has been done, it is enough to correct the doubtful points, and the satisfaction questionnaire is ready.

Survey process

Organizing a staff satisfaction survey requires several significant points. Initially, a secret survey is required. By ensuring complete confidentiality, you can expect sincere responses. It is important to ensure that the collected data is processed quickly. It is best if the survey is conducted using Internet technologies.

An integral part of the survey is the attitude of employees; they must believe in the opportunity to change something in the company. If this attitude is absent, it is quite possible that you will receive formal answers that will not contain truthful information. Before starting the survey, it is important to include a short introductory statement that can highlight the main purpose and objectives of the employee satisfaction survey.

Working with results

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to summarize the results in percentages, measuring positive responses. For example, accept that an answer of 4 and 5 points will be positive, respectively, the rest will be negative. If 70% or more of employees give a positive answer, then in this working condition you are doing at a good level. If there are 30-70% of such people, then improvements are required according to the surveyed criterion. If the indicator is lower, it is necessary to urgently change the working conditions for the indicated factor.

The results obtained can be presented in the form of diagrams. When a survey of this kind has been conducted several times, you can compare the results with previous results over time. If the survey is conducted at a large enterprise, then you can compare the results across different departments.

When analyzing the data obtained, it is important to understand what factors play a key role in employee satisfaction. To do this, you can create a question in the form of a questionnaire asking you to prioritize working conditions according to their importance. To summarize, it is necessary to clarify which part of the organization’s personnel took part in the survey.

Formation of a development plan

Based on the results of a staff satisfaction study, the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise are identified. Taking them into account, an action plan is developed to combat weaknesses. It is necessary to identify 3-4 problematic conditions with which to work in the near future. There is no need to try to immediately combat all the unsatisfactory factors noted by employees; such actions will not lead to an effective result.

The developed concrete action plan will help in eliminating problems. To do this, it is important to determine the exact problem and formulate the cause of its occurrence. After that, determine the tasks to solve it. Select the most optimal solution option and set a deadline for its implementation. A responsible person is often appointed for such work.

Presentation of the results obtained to the workforce

Employees who take part in any company events want to see their results. Surveys are no exception, given that next time this may affect the veracity of the answers. When presenting the results, it is important to construct the material correctly. First, they point out the strengths that employees noted. After this, points that require improvement are presented. At such a moment, excuses and accusations that someone did something wrong will be inappropriate.

You need to speak through the entire presentation in an elevated mood, which will be reflected in your perception. It is important to highlight those points that were taken for improvement and to involve the workforce in plans for their improvement. At the end of the presentation, words of gratitude are said to everyone who took part.

Is there a sample (form) of the Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire with working conditions? Sincerely, HR Inspector Olga


Answer to the question:

Yes, Anna Gennadievna, in the VIP version Systems Personnel in the section Tests and questionnaires(http://vip.1kadry.ru/#/rubric/7/74/6406/) more than 130 tests, questionnaires and questionnaires are presented, including those for assessing job satisfaction and loyalty.

At your request, we are attaching two questionnaires to this letter (see below):

  • Questionnaire for assessing staff job satisfaction (with closed questions);
  • Spector Job Satisfaction Questionnaire.

We hope they will help you in your work!

You can also get acquainted with the rest of the tests by getting demo access to the VIP version or purchasing permanent access through your manager.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Personnel job satisfaction questionnaire (with closed questions)

staff satisfaction ratings

The company's management and personnel service conduct employee surveys in order to optimize the company's personnel policy. Your opinion will be taken into account when developing measures to improve the efficiency of the personnel management system. The questionnaire is anonymous. When answering questions, you need to mark the answer that corresponds to your opinion.

1. Are you satisfied with your work in our company?

    • Most likely yes
    • I find it difficult to answer
    • Probably not

2. Rank the factors presented below in order of importance (on a 7-point scale):

3. Please check the statement that matches your position:

4. If you would like to speak out, please write your wishes for improving the business of our company (You can skip the answer to this question)______________________________________________________________________________

5. If you think it necessary, write your last name, first name and patronymic (You can skip the answer to this question)________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your responses!

Spector Job Satisfaction Questionnaire



The following are statements that describe how a person perceives various aspects of his or her job. Relate these statements to your work today and rate how much you agree or disagree with them using the scale:

1 – completely disagree;

2 – disagree;

3 – rather disagree;

4 – rather agree;

5 – agree;

6 – completely agree.


Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. I think I get paid well for the work I do.
2. I have virtually no chance of getting promoted in this organization.
3. I have an exceptionally intelligent and competent manager
4. I am not satisfied with the system of additional payments that exists in this organization
5. When I do a good job, I feel recognized and grateful.
6. Many of our rules and regulations interfere with normal operation
7. I like the people I work with
8. Sometimes I feel like my work has no meaning.
9. This organization does a good job of informing its employees.
10. Salary increases are very small and rare.
11. Those who do their jobs well have a real chance of promotion.
12. I don't like the way my manager treats me.
13. The additional benefits and payments we receive here are no worse than in most other organizations
14. I don’t see that what I do is appreciated in any way.
15. My attempts to improve the work process are not met with bureaucracy and delays.
16. Many of my colleagues are guilty of incompetence.
17. I am interested in solving problems that arise in my work
18. I am unclear about the goals this organization sets for itself.
19. I don't think I'm valued enough in this organization based on how much I'm paid.
20. The chances of moving up the career ladder here are no worse than in other places.
21. My manager shows little interest in the feelings of his subordinates.
22. Our organization provides a good social package
23. We receive almost no material rewards for good work.
24. I have to do a lot of formal and unnecessary things.
25. I enjoy working with my colleagues
26. I often feel like I don’t know what’s going on in our organization.
27. I am proud of the work I do.
28. I am satisfied with the opportunities for salary increases
29. We do not have the social package that we should have
30. I really like my boss
31. My work is overloaded with writing
32. I don't feel like my efforts are appreciated as much as they deserve.
33. If I want, I have real opportunities to advance in my career.
34. I really like the atmosphere of our team
35. I enjoy this job
36. I am not satisfied with the level of information provided to employees in our department

Key to Spector's Job Satisfaction Questionnaire

Description of the questionnaire

The 36-item Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, developed by Spector, assesses an individual's affective reaction to work and its specific aspects. The questionnaire measures satisfaction across nine aspects of work:

  • salary;
  • promotion;
  • management;
  • additional benefits and payments;
  • dependent remuneration;
  • work conditions;
  • colleagues;
  • the nature of the work;
  • informing.

Analysis of the result

Rate each aspect (subscale) using four responses. To evaluate statements, use a six-point answer choice format, where: 1 – completely disagree; 2 – disagree; 3 – rather disagree; 4 – rather agree; 5 – agree; 6 – completely agree.

The questionnaire items are formulated in both directions. Therefore, answers to points 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32 and 36 should be converted to the opposite before processing, that is, if there was If the answer is “1 – completely disagree”, then when calculating points you must take the option “6 – completely agree”.

Subscale Description Items
Salary Payment and monetary compensation 1, 10, 19, 28
Promotion Promotion opportunities 2, 11, 20, 33
Management Direct supervisor 3, 12, 21, 30
Fringe benefits Cash and non-cash payments in addition to direct salary 4, 13, 22, 29
Dependent Rewards Gratitude, recognition and monetary rewards for good work 5, 14, 23, 32
Execution conditions Rules, procedures and bureaucratic obstacles 6, 15, 24, 31
Colleagues People with whom the individual works 7, 16, 25, 34
Nature of work Problems solved at work 8, 17, 27, 35
Informing Communication within the organization 9, 18, 26, 36
All subscales All aspects in general 1–36

First, find the sum of the scores for each subscale for each questionnaire, as well as the total score for each questionnaire. Next, evaluate all questionnaires and find the average score for each subscale across all questionnaires and the average overall score across all questionnaires.

Compare these totals with the maximum score: 24 points for the subscale and 216 for the total score. Thus, the overall satisfaction of the organization's employees and satisfaction in each of the nine aspects (subscales) will become clear.

If the survey format allows, that is, it is not completely anonymous, but with an indication of the structural unit, then make a cross-section of satisfaction by unit: overall and for each aspect.

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Galina Tsimerman,

HR System expert

Too many companies consider employee surveys not a priority and therefore lose true professionals who could bring the business millions.

If your employees feel undervalued and their ideas, opinions and desires are not taken into account, then they are more likely to look for another job opportunity. Think about it, perhaps you are losing first-class specialists who simply “were not considered.” They can go to your competitors and bring invaluable benefits to their company.

Employee satisfaction survey

This is why it is important to regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys. From the lighting and equipment of the office to lunches and social packages, from loyalty to the company/management and salary level to opportunities for self-realization - the results of the team questionnaire survey will provide you with information that will help you avoid staff turnover, as well as create comfortable working conditions for specialists.

On the website Anketolog.ru you will find samples of questionnaires dedicated to employee surveys. They will help you easily create your own profile and get valuable information needed to retain existing staff and attract new ones, as well as suggestions from employees.

A survey of employees will provide an opportunity to make sure that you are making the right decisions and open your eyes to new management horizons. Here are some ideas for a questionnaire that will help establish a dialogue with your team.

  • Survey to determine the atmosphere within the team. The questionnaire will help assess the mood of employees, their emotional state in the workplace, employee relationships, find out their assessment of the effectiveness of teamwork and identify the reasons that impede it. By better understanding your employees, you can create more comfortable working conditions for them, and, accordingly, increase their productivity and desire to stay in your company.
  • Survey of employees upon their dismissal. Finding out why employees leave an organization can help prevent other highly qualified employees from leaving.
  • Corporate event planning. Any of your employees, using such a survey, will be able to easily plan and organize a corporate party that will satisfy everyone, without being distracted from their direct responsibilities.
  • Financial security and self-realization. This employee survey will allow you to find out whether the employee has enough opportunities for self-realization in your company and whether there are any obstacles to this, as well as to what extent his salary and benefits package meet his needs, what he is ready and can do for the company in order to increase his rating in the eyes of management and receive greater financial rewards or career advancement.
  • Collection of ideas and suggestions. A questionnaire distributed among the team will help collect ideas for the development of the company that many employees might be afraid to express out loud. You can perceive employees as executors of instructions, but it is better to see them as specialists who can not only make valuable suggestions, but also implement them. You need to use this!

How to use employee surveys?

First of all, develop criteria that are important to you. The results of an employee satisfaction survey will show you which areas of your company's operations need improvement, which will improve productivity. The criteria will help you, when conducting repeated surveys, to observe changes occurring in comparison with the situation in other departments or competitors.

Our sample employee surveys (company employee questionnaire) will provide ideas for questions and answer options. Templates will save a lot of your time and will bring undoubted benefits when interviewing employees.

Finally, follow these simple rules:

  1. Get closer to your employees. Keep the survey casual and conversational.
  2. Enter gifts for completing the survey.
  3. Make the survey anonymous. Employees must be confident that their responses will not have a negative impact on them.
  4. Let employees know that their opinions will be heard and their suggestions will be considered. At the end of the survey, inform employees about what actions you plan to take based on the results of the survey.
