Railway middle group. Summary of the entertainment and educational event “Travel by Rail”

Natasha Ishchenko

Lesson summary for the middle group.

Subject application

Subject: The train is rushing« Knock-Knock» (Railway)

Prepared by the teacher: Ishchenko N. N.

Target: teach children to hold scissors and cut with them straight: Cut a paper rectangle into narrow strips. Arouse interest in creating from cut strips « railway» . Introduce safety rules for working with scissors. Cultivate accuracy and interest in mastering a real instrument.

Integration of different types activities:

Looking at Images trains and a steam locomotive with carriages. Conversation about trains. Action and story-based - role-playing game in travel around railway. Train construction their cubes and bricks. Posting geometric pictures. Creating images from ready-made strips of paper.

A conversation about the purpose of scissors and safety rules when handling them.

Guessing the riddle: Two acrobat brothers cut patches, legs with corners, arms with pretzels.

Materials, tools, equipment: strips of paper 4-5 cm wide for cutting into sleepers, narrow long strips - "rails"(length 20-30 cm, width 1 cm, a sheet of yellow or green paper, scissors. Glue, glue brushes, wet wipes.

The teacher reads a riddle

This ladder lies

And the locomotive runs along it.


Educator: Guys, look what I brought you. (showing the nursery railway) . Let us look at it and tell you what parts it consists of. (rails, sleepers).

What kind of transport moves on rails? (Children's answers)

E. Gorbovskaya

Thunder is heard from afar,

There are no clouds in the sky yet.

This is dispersing the fluff,

The train is rushing: chug-chug-chug!

We'll sit in train and go!

Let's rush along the rails quickly and quickly.

Then who the train will lead?

It's run by...who are the guys? (machinists)

Educator: today we are on class We’ll cut it ourselves with scissors so we can all make it together railway and run a train along it.

The teacher conducts a short conversation about the safety of working with scissors.

Educational game "The chicks are hungry"


Educator: Now guys, take scissors and brown pieces of paper in your hands, carefully cut them in the middle so that you get two identical strips and glue them onto your leaves.

Now we take the black stripes and cut them into several short ones - these will be sleepers, glue them onto the rails, so that we have a ladder.

Well, you and I have succeeded Railway which they can now walk on trains.

Publications on the topic:

“Bow to you, railway!” Poem dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the West Siberian Railway I bring to your attention a poem that I sent to a competition in the city of Novosibirsk. Railway, you mean a lot to me.

Abstract of the educational activity in the educational field “Speech development” for the junior group “The train is rushing” Municipal educational institution "Sertolovskaya secondary school No. 2" Abstract of GCD in the educational field.

Lesson summary on application for the middle group “Soldiers”. Martynenko Irina Sergeevna Objectives: 1. Formation of patriotic feelings.

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “Road without danger” Goal: to develop a consciously correct attitude towards compliance with traffic rules.

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group Topic: “Road, transport, pedestrian. Dangerous road" Program content: Educational task: To instill in children responsibility for road safety. Educational objective: Expand.

Goal: improving the technique of performing general developmental exercises and motor skills to the music of children in middle groups. Objectives: 1. Develop.

Children of senior and preparatory groups participate in the event.

There are 8 chairs on both sides of the stage for each team. All students are seated in the auditorium accompanied by musical accompaniment.

Children from the preparatory group sit on the edge of the stage and dangle their legs.


Who was sitting on the bench?

Someone looked at the book,

One sang, the other was silent,

And Danil shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.


I have an idea... what about you?

We should get on the train now... this time.

I would like to look out the window... that's two.

Drink tea at the table... that's three.

Let's go by train...

We will go for the first time.

It is very interesting

Is there a mattress on the train?

Are there toys on the train?

How is the day going there?

How many stations will we pass through towns and villages?

Get ready for the road

There's so much to take with you.

And pajamas to sleep in.

One two three four five

We will collect everything.

The children run away from the stage.

1 child (senior group)

What kind of animal is running on the rails?

Past the mountains, forests, fields -

There are two round eyes ahead,

Steam billows from the nostrils.

All iron

All shiny

Eight round wheels

Well, of course!

In chorus: Electric locomotive.

2nd child (senior group):

Not afraid of electric locomotive

Neither heat nor frost -

Day and night runs forward,

The driver is driving it.

He is used to long flights.

That's when we grow up

May be,

We will also lead the train along the ringing rails!

Children of the younger group perform E.I.’s song. Kulikov "Kitten and the Steam Locomotive".


Girls and boys, would you like to travel on our signature train Chelyabinsk - Moscow? Representatives of the preparatory group “Geese and Swans” will travel in the first compartment, and representatives of the senior group “Forest Fairy Tale” will travel in the second compartment. On any train there is a main person who is responsible for the passengers. Who is he? (viewers answer)


Of course, this is the head of the train. But since we have an unusual train, we will have two bosses:

One is from the preparatory group, the second from the senior group. They will be responsible for their teams.

So, in order to take a seat in your compartment, you need to get a ticket by solving riddles.

Riddle for passengers of the preparatory group:

There's a bustle in this house

Every hour and all year round.

It's crowded with people every day

People with suitcases.

Hardly anyone among you

Haven't been to this house
Everyone knows: this is the place

It's called...(station)

Riddle for senior passengers:

Even the fastest train

Will stop among the mountains,
If it lights up on the way

Red light....(semaphore)

Well done! Take your seats in the compartment.

And now some riddles for the audience:

If suddenly there is trouble on the road,
If suddenly there is a fire in the carriage,

Know, children, there is salvation

From such torment.

And the savior is on the wall.

Handle down - and stop trouble! (emergency brake)

The carriages are on wheels,

Wheels run on rails,
And the rails are steel because of this
They don't get tired at all.

After all, the rails lie on pillows
And quite a few are happy about this,
And these pillows are called
In short...(sleepers)

And so that the ride doesn’t get boring, the guys from the preparatory group will perform the song “Locomotive from Romashkov”. Sl.G.Sapgir, G. Tsiferova, Muz.V. Yurovsky


Traveling on trains, let me tell you, is a most exciting activity! How many people do you meet? How many kilometers remain behind! How many discoveries, joys, and surprises the trip has in store for us! Is it possible to refuse these impressions? But to make the trip safe, the middle group guys will remind us of some rules of behavior on the railway.

1. These railway rules -
Very strict, but not difficult at all.

Remember them, listen carefully -

They will definitely help you in life.

2. The train is approaching -
The move has closed.

The pig was in a hurry to go to school.

He ran without looking

Straight to red.

But I heard from behind...

Stop, my friend! dangerous!


It is prohibited to cross the crossing when the red light is on!

3. There are two mongrels on the platform
We played catch-up:
Forgetting about the train,
Brother catches up with sister.

Dad got very angry
And spanked the children with his paw!


Don't play games on the platform!

4. It’s hot in the carriage. I'll clear my head a little -
I'd better stick my head out the window.

What are you doing? What a mischief-maker!

Sit down!
The conductor said.

Don't do that in future
You never,
So that no trouble happens to you.


Don't lean out of the window while the train is moving!

I remember the rules - don't keep it a secret!
Tell them to all your friends and acquaintances!

While our passengers are resting, the children of the older group will perform Kompaneets' song "Steam Locomotive"


Everyone rested and sat down in their places. We are approaching the Know-It-All station. In front of you is a table with questions. By spinning the top, each compartment answers the questions indicated by the arrow.

Questions :

  1. A stowaway, as well as a character from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" (hare)
  2. Narrow steel bars along which trains move. (rails)
  3. A light device for signaling trains and regulating their movement. (semaphore)
  4. Separate room in the carriage for 4 people. (coupe)
  5. Station building on the railway, a place where the train is waiting. (railway station)
  6. Controller checking the availability of tickets for passengers (auditor)
  7. Railway cars connected to each other. (compound)
  8. What kind of rocker is hanging across the river? (bridge)
  9. A power traction device used to move trains along rails. (locomotive)

Music question:

  1. One long (train departure)
  2. Three short (whoa)
  3. Short, long (alertness signal)
  4. One long, two short (fire alarm)

For each incorrect answer, the compartment receives a minute of delay.


The locomotive whistle signaled the departure of the train. Russian trains travel across the vast expanses of our vast Motherland. By train you can get to any city in our country. Let's list the cities of Russia. One team starts, naming cities in turn with their opponents. The player on whose team does not name the city, that team receives a minute of delay.

Our trains covered a long distance and almost reached Moscow. The lights of the station are already flashing, porters are scurrying around on the platform in search of passengers with luggage. Now we’ll check which compartment will allow the porters to handle the luggage faster.

The game is played "Who can put things in the storage room faster."

Both teams stand in lines, with the head of the train at the beginning of each. Ahead, at some distance, a “luggage room” is indicated. Participants pass the ball from the first player to the last over their heads, the last participant runs to the beginning of the column. All other players do the same. The winner is the team whose member was next to the “storage chamber” and put the ball in it. The team with more minutes late starts a little later (by the number of minutes lost (in seconds).


In honor of the arrival of our train in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, a song performed by the children of the middle group S. Mikhalkov “Song of Friends” is played.

Yulia Zheleznyakova
Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “Professions. Railway for a steam locomotive"

Program content:

Introduce names professions;

Show the importance of each professions;

Learn to draw straight lines;

Learn to create story compositions.

Planned results:

Shows sensitivity to the artistic word when getting acquainted with poems; interested in games, people's lives; actively and kindly interacts with teachers and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems.

Materials and equipment:

Pictures depicting representatives of different professions;

Items needed in their work;

Paints, sheets of paper.

Integration educational regions:

Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world);

Artistic creativity (drawing);

Physical Culture (physical education minute);


OOD progress:

Organizing time (pay attention to guests, say hello)

Questions for children:

What time of year is it now?

Which birds flew away;

Which ones are left?


In the fall, the birds flew south, the bear, and the insects went to bed for the winter.

in hibernation, and people are working. They go to work in the rain and cold. Guys, do you know what your parents do? (children's answers) And what you still know people's professions? (the teacher shows pictures depicting people of different professions, children call them)

Children, do you know poems about different professions?

(Reading poems by children about professions)

The janitor gets up at dawn, - The doctor treats all diseases,

Thinking about the kids. He will prick - don't cry.

The janitor will remove the garbage, look around you more cheerfully

And the sand will cover the ice. The children's doctor is a friend to the children.

White sawdust is flying, - He drives the car skillfully,

They fly from under the saw. After all, this is not the first year I’ve been driving!

This is what the carpenter does. The tight tires rustle slightly,

Windows and floors! He's taking us around the city!

A good cook in a cap, - The seller is great!

With a ladle in hand. He sells goods -

He prepares lunch for us. Milk, sour cream, honey.

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette! And the other - carrots, tomatoes

He has a rich selection!

Speech games.

Name the words - actions (2-3 children each).

The teacher calls profession, and children say words - actions that people of this professions.

The doctor listens, writes prescriptions, looks at the throat, takes the temperature.

The seller weighs, shows, cuts, wraps, counts.

Cook - cuts, cooks, fries, bakes, tastes, cleans.

3.2. What are the items needed for?

Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws a ball to each and names the object. The child who has the ball must quickly say what is being done with this object.

With a knife - ... (cut, with a broom - ... (sweep, with a saw - ... (sawing, with an ax - ... (chop, with a ladle - ... (pour, with a shovel - ... (dig), with a needle -. (sew, with scissors - ... (cut and shear, thermometer - ... (measure temperature, comb -. (comb, brush - ... (draw, in a saucepan - ... (cook, in a frying pan - ... (fry, on scales - ... (weigh).

3.3. Who needs these items?

Children look at the pictures and determine which people professions need these items.

Scales, goods, counter (for seller)

Scissors, sewing machine, fabric (for seamstress)

Ladle, pan, food (for the cook)

Blackboard, chalk, textbook (for teacher)

Tires, bus, steering wheel (for driver)

Bricks, cement, trowel (for builder)

Syringe, cotton wool, bandage (for a doctor)

3.4. "Wonderful chest"

The teacher shows the children the chest and speaks:

This is a wonderful chest because it contains a lot interesting. Everyone will be able to find out what lies there, they just have to say the following words: “Chest, chest, open your barrel for us!”

Children take turns taking objects out of the chest, showing them to everyone, clearly naming them, telling people what the profession needs these items.

4. Physical education minute

To build a new house, (hands above head like a house)

They stock up on oak planks, (lean forward, hands together, waving them)

bricks, iron, paint, (bend fingers one by one)

Nails, tow and putty.

And then, then, then (marching)

They are starting to build a house!

Come on, let's hit it with a hammer more fun, (knocking fists)

We'll hammer the carnations harder, harder!

Knock-knock, tok-tok, hit it harder, hammer! (squat)

Knock-knock, knock-knock, hit it harder, hammer!

5. Exercises to develop logic

5.1. Help the cook find the items he needs for his work.

There are various objects on the tray (spoon, plate, hammer, comb, syringe, pencil, brush, ladle, pan); you need to select those that the cook needs.

5.2. What's extra?

Pictures with objects hang on the board. You need to find an extra picture and explain why it is extra.

Panama, cap, hat, scarf

Table, chair, stool, armchair

Needle, thread, scissors, brush.

Paints, brush, pencil, scissors.

6. Reflection. Drawing with paints.

Invite everyone to take their seats at the tables. There are pictures on the board depicting steam locomotive and carriages. Questions children:

Can steam locomotive set off, what is missing? (railway)

On another board hangs a sample with drawn sleepers and rails. Each child has a landscape sheet with drawn rails on the table. (thin long lines):

To draw railway, need to finish drawing sleepers: (short wide lines).

Children, take the brushes in your hands. The brush should be held with three fingers, without squeezing too hard. Raise your hand with the brush up and draw a line from top to bottom. Then use a dry brush to draw lines on a piece of paper. Hold the piece of paper with your left hand. Now dip your brush into the paint and paint the sleepers.

Helping children with difficulties.

Lay out all the work in one row to make a long Railway, along which to run a toy train with carriages.

Guys, in gratitude for your work, the driver has prepared a surprise for you. There is a bag of treats hidden in the carriage.

Educator: Kulikova E.P.
Kindergarten No. 204 JSC Russian Railways

Target: Introducing children to the rules of behavior and safety on the railway.


  • Teach children to listen carefully to the teacher’s story; develop monologue speech with the help of poems.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of conduct on the railway.
  • Cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards each other.

Dictionary enrichment:

Rules of conduct, platform, semaphore.

Equipment: children's railway, station model, toys Hare and bear, semaphore, material for crafts

Preliminary work: memorizing poems about the rules of safe behavior on the railway.



Everywhere and everywhere there are rules,

You should always know them

They won't go sailing without them.

From the ship's harbor.

Without rules to live in the world

No way, no way.

Go on a flight according to the rules

Big trains.

But there are rules

Hidden in a sign

They forbid us:

“Don't ever do that!”

What is this poem about? (about rules, about signs)

Educator:- Look, what is this? (station and railway)

And today we will talk about the rules of behavior and safety on the railway. Look at the layout of the station and railway. And I’ll tell you a story about the little bunny Kuzya.

“Once upon a time there was a bunny Kuzya. He lived in a beautiful forest. And then one day he received a letter from the bunny Yasha, who lived in the city. Yasha invited Kuzya to visit. Kuzya began to get ready to visit the city. And since he had never been to the city and had never traveled by train or commuter train, he knew nothing about the rules of behavior on the railway.

So Kuzya came to the station to get on the train, and his train is on the other side of the station - you need to cross the tracks. Kuzya jumped and jumped and began to gallop across the rails, and at that time a train was traveling and almost ran over our little bunny. The station duty officer - Bear - stopped the bunny and began to ask why he was behaving so carelessly. The little hare said that it was his first time on the railway and that he did not know at all how to behave at the station.

The bear began to teach Kuzya how to behave on the railroad. Kuzya remembered forever, and you, children, will remember:

Let's tell you the rules, and the poems will help us with this.

These railway rules -

Very strict, but not at all difficult,

Remember them, listen carefully,

They will definitely help you in life.


Hey! Don't be afraid, quickly follow me:

Through the rails - in a straight line!

The path is much shorter here!

Is the train close? Let's skip ahead!

No, friends,” replied Drozd, “

Safely - across the bridge!

You need to cross the paths via a bridge.


“I’m going around,” said the Bunny, “

You're risking your life, Mishka.

At this very moment

Suddenly the departure is announced,

The train will start moving, then -

Trouble is imminent.

Don't crawl under the cars!


There are two mongrels on the platform

We played catch-up:

Forgetting about the train,

Brother is catching up with sister!

Dad got very angry

And spanked the children with his paw!

Do not play outdoor games on the platform!


It’s hot in the carriage, I’ll get some air, -

Donkey stuck his head out the window.

What are you doing?! What a mischief-maker!

“Sit down,” said the conductor, “

Don't do that again, Donkey, never,

So that no trouble happens to you.

Don't lean out of the window while the train is moving!


Stop! Where are you going, buddy?

Look at the pointer:

"Crossing the paths" -

This means: on the flooring

Both the hedgehog and the crocodile

Allowed to pass.

But first we need

Look around!

Cross the road only in designated places!


Two brothers on the railway

They wanted to fight with each other:

I'll gore you! - White-fronted hums.

Black and white hums: - Well, try it.

Fighters! Get off your feet

Hurry up from the railway!

It’s good that Soroka intervened:

It could have ended badly!

Don't walk or play on the train tracks!


It's crowded on the platform,

Foal Horse is looking for:

Where are you, gray foal,

Is my child naughty?

He didn't hold on to his mother

That's why I got lost.

At the station and in other crowded places, hold the hand of an adult!


I remember the rules -

Don't keep it a secret:

To all friends, acquaintances

You know - tell me!

Finger gymnastics “Who has arrived?”

  • You need to cross the railway only in a specially designated place - where there is a special flooring.
  • Standing on the edge of the platform is very dangerous - you can get pulled under by a passing train.
  • If you are crossing the road where there is no barrier, you need to pay attention to the semaphore. A semaphore is very similar to a traffic light, only it has two instead of three color signals.

When the train arrived, our Kuzya already knew a lot about how to behave correctly on the railway.


Do you, children, remember how to behave on the railway?

I propose to make gifts for Kuzi - semaphores. He will show them to the animals in the forest and tell them how to behave correctly on the railroad.

The teacher invites the children to stick colored semaphore signals onto ready-made silhouettes cut out of paper.

Size: px

Start showing from the page:


1 Summary of a game-lesson on early career guidance for railway professions and familiarizing children with sociograms of railroad professions “Who works on the railway?” Yulia Nikolaevna Uskova, teacher of the speech therapy group at kindergarten 47 of JSC Russian Railways, Alexandrov. Vladimir region The author's poems were used. Objectives: - to clarify and expand children’s ideas about railway professions (driver, conductor, dispatcher, track fitter, lineman, carriage inspector, ticket cashier); - to form an understanding that working on the railway is necessary and responsible; - develop interest in railway professions; - introduce children to sociograms of railway professions; - practice pronouncing tongue twisters; - develop logical thinking, creativity, fine motor skills, memory, expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions; - to instill in children respect for people working on the railway; - contribute to the improvement of motor skills. Preliminary work: - conversations about railway professions, their significance;

2 - reading the book by S.Ya. Marshak “Baggage”; - acquaintance with the poem by V. Stepanov “White Tower, Winter Forest”; - examination of color illustrations on the topic “Who works on the railway”; - creation of the “Dictionary of the Future Railway Worker”. Equipment: - fragment of a locomotive and 3 cars; - hammer, wrench, bag for the driver; - briefcase, book; - “Dictionary of the future railway worker”; - multi-colored laces (4 for each child); - sheets of A3 format with images of people in the railway professions; - 12x12 cards with drawn objects related to the railway (rails, station, luggage, ticket, etc.); - railway uniforms for children (caps, shirts, vests), made by parents. Progress of the lesson: All children are dressed in railway uniforms. - Guys, listen to the poem and tell me who we will talk about today in class: We will quickly draw a train, we will outline it with blue paint, we will put a traffic light by the rails, it will get wet in the rain. Let's draw a lineman and a lineman.

3 There is a red dog nearby. They will have more fun with her. Let's draw the rails, sleepers, and, of course, the carriage. The conductor in blue uniform will modestly come out onto the platform. Children's answers. (About railway workers). - That's right, today we will talk about those who work on the railway. To ensure that cargo arrives at stations and passengers arrive in the cities they need, people of various professions work on the railway. Tell us what professions do you dream of? 1st child: When I grow up big, I will be a lineman, I will explain everything to preschool children very clearly. You can’t walk here, trains are rushing close, don’t go near the switch “Fast” on your way. Rails, sleepers, trains You can’t go here without your mothers! - The condition of the rails, sleepers, and crossings depends on the work of the lineman. Like a border guard at an outpost, a lineman must walk around the section of road entrusted to him every day. 2nd child: I will inspect the carriages, I will treat all the “sick” people,

4 I’ll knock on the carriage wheels with a hammer. If necessary, I’ll tighten the nuts with a tool. Rush on, train you to big cities. - Guys, carriages, like people, can get sick. The carriage inspector examines, “diagnoses” and “treats” the cars. As soon as the train arrives at the station, inspectors from both sides begin to inspect the cars. Using a hammer on a long handle, they tap the axle boxes and wheelsets. What if the wheel becomes flat due to friction on the rail, and the wheelset needs to be replaced? An inspector can also detect air leaks in their brake system by ear. Inspectors are strong, hardy, seasoned people. They work at any time of the year, in heat and cold. Without a signal from the inspector that everything is fine, the train will not go further. Child 3-4: We are track fitters. With a tool in hand, In yellow vests Always on the tracks. Trains will never travel without us, We always repair the rails conscientiously. - And this profession requires strength, endurance, a variety of knowledge and skills. Track machines help them in their work. Fitters are repairing the track. Who lays the rails? Children's answers (travelers).

5 - That's right, guys. The work of a railway worker also requires strength, endurance, and the ability to work with various tools. 4 child: Look at me I’m already big, On the railway, on the road I dream of working. I’ll be a cashier - issue tickets. You won't be standing at the cash register for long. - The job of a cashier is responsible. It requires attention, concentration, good computer knowledge and sensitivity to passengers. And now you will need attention and intelligence. We continue to compile the “Dictionary of the Future Railway Worker.” We repeat our homework. Guess what it is? - several cars attached to a locomotive (train); - powerful steel strips (rails); - place where the train stops (railway station); - the place where the railway begins for the passenger (station); - the passenger’s main document (ticket); - owner of the passenger carriage (conductor); - law for departure and arrival of trains (schedule); - everything that belongs to the passenger (luggage); - passenger platform (platform);

6 - striped barrier beam installed at a railway crossing (barrier); - constant signals that stand along the railway, ordering either to stop the train or to continue moving (semaphore); - the place where the railway and the road intersect (crossing); - a structure for laying a railway underground, in the mountains (tunnel); - track machines for removing snow from the station (snow removal machines); - a car in which petroleum products, food and bulk cargo are transported (tank); - wooden and reinforced concrete beams on which the rails (sleepers) lie. Children accompany the answer by showing pictures. - Well done boys! You did a good job at home. “The Dictionary of the Future Railway Worker” will be a faithful assistant in your railway classes. Answer one more question: do birds interfere with the operation of railway transport? Children's answers. Then our train boldly sets off! Physical education lesson “Train”. A tit sits on the tracks. They walk in a circle, imitating the movement of a train, with their arms bent at the elbows. In a circle there is a child wearing a tit mask. And then she instantly flew “Flying” in a circle. She sat quietly on the trailer. The children walk in a circle, And the trailer rocks and rocks, They walk, swaying. A rook flies past. The child imitates the flight of a rook. The train suddenly stopped, the children stopped. And the little rook was surprised: The children imitate the words “rook”: “Why should I fly myself, with gestures.

7 Should I break my wings? There are trains that are fast and continue to move in circles. You can go anywhere in them! The train is rushing fast, fast, on the trailer there is a tit, a rook, a cuckoo, a sparrow, the train is rushing faster and faster. And here comes the stop! They stop. - We had fun riding! It was even more fun with birds. Let's continue our acquaintance with railway professions. 5th child: I’ll put on a blue uniform, I’ll take out a cap, and I’ll stand by the carriage as a beautiful conductor. I will bring tea with lemon to your compartment. I don't think you can forget me. - The conductor's workplace is the entire carriage. He maintains order in it, monitors the operation of the heating, radio, and lighting. The conductor understands traffic lights and can provide first aid to passengers. 6th child: I’ve been wanting to become a machinist for a long time. I’ll give my dear mother a ride in the carriage.

8 I will get up early, After all, our concern is to take all passengers to work in the morning. - The work of a driver, guys, is difficult and responsible. He controls the train using a device located to the left of the driver. The device has several handles. To the right of the driver, near the side window, there is a second device - a pneumatic valve. It serves to brake the train. In the cab the driver has a telephone, a microphone, a refrigerator, an electric stove, and a locker for clothes. The driver is assisted in his work by his assistant, who sits to the left of the driver. The driver sees the traffic lights ahead and uses them to determine whether the path is clear. But for another profession, strength and endurance are not needed. And you need to be able to pronounce all the words clearly. After all, all railway workers associated with the movement of trains obey his commands. Who do you think it is? Children's answers. (dispatcher). - Right. This is the dispatcher. Now let's play. Whoever pronounces the tongue twister loudly and clearly will be able to work as a dispatcher in the future. Tongue twister: The train is rushing, grinding, Zhe-che-sha, zhe-che-sha! Children recite a tongue twister and choose a “dispatcher.” Child 7: I want to become a dispatcher: I can handle this job, I can already read, I can count and write.

9 I will sit at the control panel There are no number of different buttons, The guys are jealous of the path: I send trains. - The dispatcher does not drive the train. He keeps the train schedule, organizes the movement, and directs it. He is a train traffic controller. 8 child: I will be a big boss On the railway on the road. Everyone will be afraid of me, Because I will be strict. I will always remember the teachers and the nanny, And the freight trains will not be late. - I think that with such a strict station master, the trains will run exactly on schedule. Guys, I respect your choice of future professions. You named them quite a lot. All of them are important and necessary to make the passenger on the railway convenient, cozy and comfortable. Before the next task, let's stretch our fingers. Let's imagine that you are fabulous locomotives who know how to make friends. Finger gymnastics “Lokomotivchiki” is carried out. Two locomotives ran along the rails, ran, ran. We met each other. They hugged each other so much (2 times) that we could barely separate them.

10 - Guys, I propose to build a picture about the railway “A train moves through a tunnel.” And we will post a picture from laces. The game “Make it up from strings” is played. - The train turned out like a real one! Well done! Today we talked about many railway professions. All of them are necessary, important and honorable. The railroad management cares about its workers. Kindergartens and schools are being built; railway workers can improve their health in hospitals and relax in sanatoriums. I support your decision to grow up and become a railroad worker. - We know that iron work is so difficult. - But it’s possible. - We know: there is a reduction in the road. - But this is a temporary phenomenon. - We know: it’s so difficult to learn to be a driver. - With desire you can achieve anything. - We know: the owner of the carriage has countless jobs. - But she has a high salary. - We know: the lineman is the caretaker of the rails and sleepers.

11 - Recently the trade union committee gave him a certificate. - We know: a track fitter needs endurance, strength and knowledge. - Track machines were given to help him. - We know: the dispatcher is a traffic controller. - He has a high position. - We know: the station duty officer is a shift commander who works in close contact with the station chief. Child: - I would also be friends with the station manager. - There are so many different professions in the world. Is it good or bad to be a railway worker? - Fine. Child 9: When we grow up, we’ll go to work on the railroad, to our grandfathers and fathers. We’ll go out to help. Child 10: Let's build new roads. High-speed trains will run to beautiful distant lands!

12 11 child: - The country will be proud of us! 12 child: - And in the Kremlin we will all be awarded orders? 11th child: - I don’t know. Child 13: But my dad doesn’t work for medals, but to get a high salary. Child 14: This is wrong: salary, medals, Everyone needs to respect you! - Right. Grow up and come work on the railroad. And for your conscientious work you will receive honor and respect. But you will still receive medals today! Sweet! For the desire to work, to bring benefit with your work to our beloved country of Russia. Chocolate “medals” are awarded.

Regional State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Gubkin Mining Polytechnic College" Methodological development of the open event "My Dream Railway" Developed by:

Quiz “The railway is not a toy for children” senior group Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about railway transport as one of the means of transportation. Expand children's understanding of the professions of railway workers,

Summary of continuous directly organized educational activities for the middle group on familiarization with the work of adults (senior preschool age) “Acquaintance with the work of adults” Program

About the railway Guess the professions The railway alphabet The country opens up to us From the station threshold. You open the door, and there it is - the railway. Green, red light is on and every moment the signal is the Station

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Rodnichok" s. Bykov Summary of entertainment on traffic rules for the senior group “Travel to the country of “Traffic Lights” Completed by: Educator Sautchenko

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution kindergarten "Yolochka" village. Pokosnoe Summary of Direct Educational Activities with Children of Preschool Age Educator: Mikhailova

Integrated lesson on traffic rules “Children are supposed to know the ABCs of the road” Teacher of the senior preschool group Nesterova L.P. Goal: To develop safe behavior skills in children

MADO "Kindergarten 286", Izhevsk Teacher Almazova O.V. Lesson summary on road safety rules “The bear got lost” 2nd junior group Purpose: To introduce children to the basic rules

“Story role-playing game “Train”. Completed by: Pozolotina O.A. Teacher of NRMDOBU “TsRR-d/s “Smile” Salym, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-YUGRA 2016 Plot role-playing game Main developers of the pedagogical idea Nomination Purpose

Organization of direct educational activities for children in the middle group on the topic “Journey of a Fun Train” (electric train or electric train) Author of a synopsis of continuous direct educational

Fun in a combined group. Topic: “City of Road Signs” (basics of life safety). Goal: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic rules, various types of transport,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined kindergarten 61 city district of Samara Abstract of the integrated lesson “Golden Autumn”. Age group: senior

Educator: Erofeeva O.V. Kindergarten 246 JSC "Russian Railways" Abstract of the GCD in the senior group Quiz "The railway - the road is not a toy for children" Ussuriysk 2016 Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about railway transport,

Summary of a game-situation in the 1st junior group with the participation of parents. Topic: “My mother’s profession is a minibus taxi driver.” Yuryev-Polsky, Vladimir region, MBDOU Kindergarten 4 “Smile” combined

CLASSES IN A PREPARATORY GROUP ON THE TOPIC “My City”. Goal: to continue to acquaint children with their small homeland, its attractions, streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose, professions

Goncharenko Olga Vladimirovna Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Bershetsky kindergarten “Umka” Perm region, Perm district, village. Bershet SUMMARY OF CLASSES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SKILLS

Conversation with children of senior preschool age on the topic: “What are road signs for?” Purpose: to clarify the concepts of road signs and their meaning in human life; expand children's knowledge about the purpose of warning signs,

SYNOPSIS OF THE STORY-ROLE-GAME “RAILWAY” Topic: The plot-role-playing game “Railroad”. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the railway and railway professions. Objectives: - teach children independently

MADO kindergarten 4 Project “Seven Wonders of Yekaterinburg” Abstract of the NOD “Pages of the history of Railway transport” Completed by teacher Rusanova E.A. highest category Abstract of the GCD “Pages of the history of Zheleznodorozhny

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 1 Entertainment according to traffic rules “Our friend - Traffic Light!” Teachers of senior group 1 Skulkina O.V. Shalapanova A.V. 2013 Program content:

PRIVATE PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINDERGARTEN 115 OF THE OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "RUSSIAN RAILWAYS" 432035 Ulyanovsk, Gaya Avenue, building 43 A tel.: 8 (84 22) 78-61 -31, fax: 8

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN 8 “Rules of safe behavior on the railway” Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the preparatory group Educator

Rules of conduct on the railway Test yourself, score the maximum number of points and teach your friend!!! General questions: In this section you will find the simplest, but no less important questions.

State budgetary educational institution kindergarten 34 Southern Administrative Okrug BEFORE Moscow CONSPECT Direct educational activities Familiarization with the environment Topic: “metro” (for children of the older group)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 131" of the city of Cheboksary Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group "School of Road Sciences" Prepared by the teacher: Lyanguzova L.V. 2018

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 14 “Umka” Summary of the conversation for senior preschool age “What are rights and responsibilities” Megion Prepared by: social teacher

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group with the participation of parents of the MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type 1 in Shebekino, Belgorod region” Topic. "Traffic Laws"

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 1" in Toropets "Railway" professions. Working on the railway is a responsible and honorable job. Russian railways are an entire empire

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Child Development Center kindergarten 14 "Shatlyk" urban district Oktyabrsky city of the Republic of Bashkortostan Abstract of organized educational

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 48 combined type" Summary of the role-playing game in the senior group "Bus" teacher: Gagarina E.Yu. Petropavlovsk

Conversation with children about the rules of the road (GKP group) Program content: To familiarize children with the rules of road behavior for pedestrians and drivers on the street. Strengthen children's ideas about

Entertainment for middle-aged children “Journey to the Land of Road Rules.” (with the participation of parents). Artemyeva Natalya Aleksandrovna Kindergarten teacher of the first category School 64 structural unit

Perevedentseva Marina Nikolaevna teacher Merkuryeva Elena Vladimirovna teacher GBDOU D/S 69 KV Krasnoselsky district, St. Petersburg METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEMED LESSON “MASHA DRIVES”

KVN “We are future railway workers” Goal: Early career guidance for preschoolers. Forming in children a positive attitude towards the work of adults and a sense of pride in their parents. Tasks:. Summarize existing

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type 306" of the Samara city district Game travel "More quietly you will go further!!!" References 1. T.F. Saulina

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 8" Organized educational activities Topic: "Transport" Prepared by: teacher Zhuravleva L.M., group 8, middle age.

Summary of the final lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group “Types of transport” Compiled by: teacher Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Sycheva Program content: 1. Consolidate children’s knowledge

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Alyonka" Nikiforovsky district Tambov region Summary of GCD on traffic rules with an element of the game "One Hundred to One" for children of the general development group


The railway is a high-risk zone. The meaning of the railway. RAILWAY is a transport enterprise intended for the transportation of passengers and goods. Among the advantages of railway transport

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center, kindergarten 6, Novy Oskol, Belgorod Region" Summary of direct correctional educational activities

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 40" CONSULTATION OF NOD ON SDA Topic: "The street of our city" Developed by the teacher of the 1st category Rybkina M. A. Saransk Topic: "The street of our city"

Artist E. Glazer PR Press LLC, 2009 The concept of railway includes a lot. It's not just a rail track. These are traffic lights and other signal signs, various structures fencing

Ivanova Larisa Vasilievna, teacher, MBDOU “Kindergarten 108 “Fairy Tale”, Cheboksary Formation of skills for safe participation in traffic in preschool children Abstract. The most unprotected


Prepared by the teacher of the secondary “A” group of the MBDOU “Rovensky kindergarten 1 combined type of the Belgorod region” Endovitskaya O.N. Cognition of the objective world: a comprehensive lesson in the middle group. Subject:

REMINDER FOR PARENTS ABOUT THE RULES OF CONDUCT ON THE RAILROAD Dear adults! Do not leave children alone near train tracks. Remember, this is dangerous for their lives! Every citizen must remember

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school 10 of the city of Kinel, Kinel urban district, Samara region Essay on the topic: “My profession

Sports and educational entertainment “The ABCs of Traffic”. Goal: to form a conscious attitude towards your health through compliance with traffic rules. Objectives: - consolidate the rules of the road

MBDOU "Alexandrovsky kindergarten "Yagodka" Summary of an open lesson with middle-aged children "Alduni's birthday". Prepared by: Teacher of the MBDOU "Alexandrovsky kindergarten "Yagodka" - Pankova

The presentation was prepared by teacher Fedorova I.P. for children of primary preschool age 1. Poems “Magic lights of traffic lights” Purpose: developing ideas about the meaning of traffic lights; develop

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 5 "Stork" combined type" Volkhov Summary of direct educational activities in the first group of early age on the topic:

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 “Snegirok” of a general developmental type of Istrinsky municipal district Summary of the scenario of physical culture recreational leisure for the study

Summary of a lesson on developing spatial orientation. Senior preschool group for children with visual impairments Goal: to develop skills in orienting on a sheet of paper. Objectives: 1. Continue to teach navigation

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 3 named after Tazi Gizata in the city of Agryz, Republic of Tatarstan “MY DAD’S PROFESSION” Work completed by: Victoria Fedotova Student

Drawing in the middle group “Planes are flying” Goal: To form family values, to cultivate love for loved ones. To clarify and expand children’s ideas about the country’s defenders during the war. Arouse interest

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type 277 “Beryozka”. Scenario of the game program “ATTENTION, ROAD!” for middle and senior groups. Music supervisor:

Report on a travel game on the topic: “My future profession.” Middle group 2. Educator: Maria Yurievna Prikashchenkova. On September 1, in the middle group 2 "Bee" a game was held - a trip to

ABOUT TRAINS Why is the railway called railway? Railroad rails must be very strong, because they can withstand the heavy weight of a loaded train. Therefore, they are made from hard and durable

GCD for traffic rules in the middle group Topic: “Be careful on the road.” Educator: Shvetsova T.S. (April 2016) Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about safe behavior on the streets and roadways; improvement

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 2 Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group on familiarization with the outside world. On the topic: “Types of transport” Completed by the teacher

Summary of educational activities with preschoolers in the preparatory group for school Topic: “Rules and road safety” Educator: State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 “Kindergarten Berezka” Nina Aleksandrovna Vdovina village Bezenchuk

“In the country of road signs” Goal: Formation of knowledge, skills and practical habits of safe behavior on the road and street. Summarize children's knowledge about traffic rules. Educational objectives:

MDOU kindergarten 18 “Fairy Tale” Summary of educational activities in the educational field “Social and communicative development” on the topic: “What is a roadway” for children of the younger group (3-4

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 29 Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group Topic: “Professions of my city” (doctor, cook, driver)

Summary of a role-playing game on traffic rules for children of middle preschool age “Travel by Bus” Topic: role-playing game on traffic rules in the middle group “Travel by Bus.” Goal: skill development

MDOU KINDERGARTEN “ZVEZDOCHKA” Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group Teacher Seliverstova G.I. KALYAZIN, 2013. Goals and objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the road

Entertainment scenario based on traffic rules “Journey to the School of Road Signs.” Goal: To consolidate ideas about the rules of behavior on the street; introduce road signs; build skills

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 145" in Orenburg Summary of educational activities on speech development Topic "Memorizing a poem
