Soviet propaganda myth: Gagarin was not the first in space. Cosmonautics in the USSR


In a series of decades every year
We are marking new ones
Cosmic milestones.
But we remember:
The journey to the stars has begun
From Gagarinsky

(A. Tvardovsky)

In honor of what anniversary of the first human flight into space?2011 in Russia has been declared the Year of Russian Cosmonautics?
a) In honor of the 30th anniversary;
b) In honor of the 40th anniversary;
c) In honor of the 50th anniversary;
d) In honor of the 60th anniversary.

What an anniversary of Yu.A. Gagarin is celebrated in 2014?

a) 50th anniversary;

b) 60th anniversary;

c) 70th anniversary;

d) 80th birthday.

What is the date of the world's first human flight into space?

In what region of the Russian Federation is the city of Gagarin, named after the world's first cosmonaut, located?
a) Moscow region;
b) Smolensk region;
c) Saratov region;
d) Tambov region.
(Until 1968, this city was called Gzhatsk. The city houses the memorial museum of Yu. A. Gagarin, who was born in the village of Klushino near the former Gzhatsk.)

On July 14, 2011, a monument to Yuri Gagarin was unveiled in central London. This happened on the day of the 50th anniversary of the first cosmonaut’s visit to England. Monument an exact copy of one of Gagarin's sculptures. In which city near Moscow is the original sculpture located?

a) In Stupino;

b) In Kashira;

c) In Lyubertsy;

d) In Mytishchi.

(The original sculpture was installed in front of the school where the world’s first cosmonaut once graduated. At the request of the British, a duplicate was made in Izhevsk. In London, Gagarin stands opposite the monument to the famous English traveler James Cook, not far from Trafalgar Square.)

What was the inscription on Yuri Gagarin's space helmet?
a) “Russia”;
b) “RSFSR”;
in USSR";
d) "Rus".

During the historic flight, Yuri Gagarin was wearing the SK-1 suit. What do these letters stand for?

a) Soviet cosmonaut;

b) Brave astronaut;
c) Special suit;

d) Astronaut's spacesuit.

What did Yuri Gagarin say at the launch of his ship?
a) They drove away!
b) Goodbye!
c) Let's go!
d) I'm taking off!

What is the “coniferous” call sign of Yuri Gagarin?
a) Cedar;
b) Pine;
c) Spruce;
d) Fir.

What was Yuri Gagarin's first profession?
a) Teacher;
b) Moulder-foundry worker;
c) Fighter pilot;
d) Forester.

(Yuri Gagarin graduated from a vocational school with a degree in molding and foundry. Yuri Alekseevich was proud of his working profession all his life.)

What was the name of Yuri Gagarin's father?

A) Alexey Ivanovich;

b) Alexander Sergeevich;

c) Andrey Ivanovich;

d) Anton Petrovich.

How many brothers and how many sisters does Yuri Gagarin have?

a) One brother and one sister;

b) Two brothers and one sister;

c) One brother and two sisters;

d) Three brothers and two sisters.

What was the name of the spaceship on which Yuri Gagarin flew world's first space flight?
a) “North”;

b) “South”;
c) “East”;

d) "West".

How long did Yuri Gagarin wait for launch in the cosmonaut's cabin while the final checks of the spacecraft's systems were carried out?

a) Forty minutes;

b) One and a half hours;

c) Two hours;

d) Three hours.

(Imagine yourself in his place! You are in a capsule into which light does not penetrate. The spacecraft is covered by the metal of the rocket fairing. You are at the very top of a breathing rocket giant that will take you into the harsh dark abyss. You are going into the unknown. You have to face the unknown .)

What was the maximum speed, in km/hour, of the rocket that launched Yuri Gagarin into space?
a) 7.9 km/h;
b) 474 km/h;
c) 12,422 km/h;
d) 28,260 km/h.

What was the maximum altitude of Gagarin's flight?

a) 127 km;

b) 227 km;

c) 327 km;

d) 427 km.

(This figure remains a record today. No one has climbed higher in single-seat ships than Yuri Gagarin.)

How many revolutions around the Earth did Yuri Gagarin make in the Vostok spacecraft?

a) One;

b) Two;

at three o'clok;

d) Five.

How many stages did the Vostok launch vehicle have?

a) Two stages;

b) Three steps;

c) Four steps;

d) Five steps.

(A multistage rocket is an aircraft consisting of two or more mechanically connected rockets, called stages, that separate in flight. A multistage rocket can achieve a speed greater than each of its stages individually.)

How did Yuri Gagarin land after completing his space flight?
a) By parachute;
b) In the descent vehicle;
c) Airplane style;
d) In a special capsule.

(And 7 km from the ground, in accordance with the flight plan, Gagarin ejected.)

In what region of Russia did Yuri Gagarin land, making the first space flight in history?

a) In Sverdlovsk;

b) In Saratovskaya;

c) In Voronezh;

d) In Astrakhan.

Who was the first to meet Yuri Gagarin on earth when he returned from space?
a) Military;
b) Tractor driver;
c) Forester;
d) Collective farmer with her granddaughter.

Yuri Gagarin flew into space as a senior lieutenant, and returned...
a) Captain;
b) Major;
c) Colonel;
d) General.

(For this feat he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the military rank of major ahead of schedule.)

What was the name of Yuri Gagarin's book, which he began writing as soon as he returned from the flight?

a) “Path to the Stars”;

b) “Road to Space”;

c) “Space Route”;

d) “The science of winning.”

The famous cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, after his flight into space, was given a car with the license plate “12-04 YUAG” - the date of the space flight and the initials of the astronaut. Name the make of the car.

a) "Volga";

b) “Victory”;

c) “Seagull”;

d) Ford.

Which cosmonaut was Yuri Gagarin's stunt double in 1967?

a) Titov’s;

b) At Nikolaev;

c) Popovich's;

d) Komarov's.

Yuri Gagarin once admitted in an interview that he loves this game, “fast, with the loads of a hockey player and a weightlifter.” The game immediately gained enormous popularity in the USSR. The production of equipment was urgently launched, one part of which cost 3 rubles 25 kopecks, and the second - 15 kopecks. What kind of game was this?
a) Towns;
b) Tennis;
c) Badminton;
d) Volleyball.

In what sport is the Gagarin Cup played?
a) Hockey;
b) Football;
c) Tennis;
d) Badminton.

(Gagarin Cup- a hockey prize awarded to the winner of the Kontinental Hockey League playoff series, starting with the 2008/2009 season. The cup is a challenge cup. At the closing ceremony of the championship, the trophy is presented to the captain of the winning team. A year later, after the cup is returned to the organizers, the name of the champion is applied to it. The cup is made of 925 sterling silver, covered with gold on the outside. On the front side there is an engraved image of Yuri Gagarin in a spacesuit and a flying comet, and on the other side there is an image of a hockey player. It is decorated with small washers all around. The mass of the cup is 19 kilograms. The volume of the cup is about 12 liters.)

Which flower variety is called “Gagarin’s Smile”?

a) Peonies;

b) Gladioli;

c) Asters;

d) Dahlias.

In 1903, one of the Russian magazines published an article by a teacher from Kaluga “Exploration of world spaces with jet instruments.” What was this teacher's name?
a) K.E. Tsiolkovsky;

b) S.P. Korolev;

c) M.V. Keldysh;

d) A.L. Chizhevsky.

(Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, founder of modern cosmonautics.)

The astronautics theorist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was by profession:
a) Teacher;
b) Professor of Moscow State University;
c) Aeronaut;
d) A doctor.

In what city did K.E. live and work? Tsiolkovsky?
a) Tula;

b) Ryazan;
c) Bryansk;

d) Kaluga.

What shape did the body of the first artificial Earth satellite, launched on October 4, 1957 in our country, have?

a) The shape of a ball;

b) Cone shape;

c) Cylinder shape;

d) The shape of a truncated cone.

(Its weight was 83.6 kg, the body had the shape of a ball with a diameter of 0.58 meters. The equipment and power supplies were located in a sealed housing. The first space researcher worked actively for three weeks.)

Who was the first to go into space?
a) Man;
b) Monkey;
c) Rat;
d) Dog.

On November 3, 1957, the second satellite (artificial Earth satellite) was launched in our country, with a dog in the cabin. What was your namethe world's first space dog?

a) Laika;

b) Squirrel;

c) Arrow;

d) Asterisk.

Who was Laika the first dog sent into space (it’s a shame it’s only one way)?

a) Spitz;

b) Laika;

c) Dachshund;

d) A mongrel.

What was your name the most famous dogs in the world who returned safely to Earth after space flightAugust 19, 1960?

a) Bee and Fly;

b) Belka and Strelka;

c) Laika and Zvezdochka;

d) Desik and Gypsy.

(For the first time, they managed to fly around the planet for more than a day in a real spaceship and return home safe and sound! The fame of the two mongrel dogs was so great that one of Strelka’s puppies, the fur-haired Pushka, was sent overseas, on the personal orders of Nikita Khrushchev, to the wife of American President John F. Kennedy to the beautiful Jacqueline for memory.)

What was the name of the artificial Earth satellite created in the USSR to study the radiation belts and magnetic field of the Earth?
a) “Core”;

b) “Atom”;
c) “Electron”;

d) "Proton".
(They were launched in pairs - one along a trajectory lying below, and the other above the radiation belts. In 1964, two pairs of “Electrons” were launched.)

Who was the general designer of manned spacecraft?

a) K.E. Tsiolkovsky;

b) S.P. Korolev;

c) N.E. Zhukovsky;

d) M.V. Keldysh.

How many Russian applicants were there for the first space flight?

a) Two;

b) Five;

at ten;

d) Twenty.

(Air Force Group No. 1. Candidates were recruited specifically from fighter pilots by decision of Korolev, who believed that such pilots already had experience of overload, stressful situations and pressure changes. Selection for the first group of cosmonauts was carried out on the basis of medical, psychological and a number of other parameters: age 25-30 years old, height no more than 170 cm, weight no more than 70-72 kg, ability to adapt to high altitude and stratospheric conditions, reaction speed, physical endurance, mental balance. Out of twenty applicants, six were selected. The one who will fly into space was determined in at the last moment, at a meeting of the Civil Committee, they became Gagarin and his backup German Titov.)

Where do Russian cosmonauts train for flights?
a) Star City;

b) Interplanetary town;
c) Sunny town;

d) Space town.

What was the name of Star City before 1968?
a) Green;

b) Gold;
c) Sunny;

d) Space.

Whose name is the Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City?

a) K.E. Tsiolkovsky;

b) S.P. Queen;

c) Yu.A. Gagarin;

d) N.E. Zhukovsky.

In which city is the Alley of Cosmonauts, a memorial pedestrian alley, located?

a) In Gagarin;

b) In Moscow;

c) In Kaluga;

d) In St. Petersburg.

(In the north of Moscow. Named in 1972 in honor of space heroes, whose busts are installed along the alley. Leads to the monument to the “Conquerors of Space.”)

Which spacecraft was the first to go into orbit?
a) “East”;
b) "Sunrise";
c) "Union";
d) "Soyuz-T".

A ridge in Antarctica, discovered in 1961 by a Soviet expedition, is named after which cosmonaut?
a) Gagarin;

b) Titov;

c) Tereshkova;

d) Komarova.

Which Russian cosmonaut did first photograph of the Earth?
a) Gagarin;
b) Titov;
c) Leonov;
d) Grechko.
( Second Russian cosmonaut.)

Which Russian cosmonaut is the youngest of all astronautswho have been in space?

a) Yuri Gagarin;

b) German Titov;

c) Alexey Eliseev;

d) Viktor Gorbatko.

(At the time of the flight, German Titov was 26 years old.)

Which astronaut Had lunch and dinner in zero gravity for the first time?

a) German Titov;

b) Alexey Leonov;

c) Valentina Tereshkova;

d) Andriyan Nikolaev.

( And he even managed to sleep, because he spent 25 hours and 11 minutes in low-Earth orbit, circling the Earth 17 times. German Titov proved that man can live and work in space.)

Which Russian cosmonaut wrote the books “Seventeen Cosmic Dawns”, “The First Cosmonaut of the Planet”, “My Blue Planet”, “In Stellar and Earth Orbits”, which became reference books for many generations of cosmonauts?

a) Yuri Gagarin;

b) German Titov;

c) Pavel Popovich;

d) Valery Bykovsky.

When did it take place world's first group space flighttwo manned Soviet satellites Vostok-3 and Vostok-4?

a) In 1961;

b) In 1962;

c) In 1965;

d) In 1967.

(In August. Vostok-3 was piloted by Andriyan Grigorievich Nikolaev, and Vostok-4 by Pavel Romanovich Popovich. A.G. Nikolaev and P.R. Popovich set the first world records for the duration and range of a group space flight in the class of orbital flights. Polet A.G. Nikolaev on the Vostok-3 ship lasted 94 hours 09 minutes 59 seconds, and P.R. Popovich - 70 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds. Their group flight was recognized as an outstanding achievement in space exploration. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale awarded the cosmonauts the Space Gold Medal. Achievement of USSR pilot-cosmonauts A.G. Nikolaev and P.R. Popovich showed that spaceships of the Vostok type can be flown for a long time.)

The world's first female astronaut was... Who?
a) Weaver;
b) Seamstress;
c) Tractor driver;
d) Teacher.

(Valentina Tereshkova worked at the Krasny Perekop textile mill in the city of Yaroslavl; from 1955 to 1960, she completed correspondence studies at the College of Light Industry. In 1959, she began parachuting at the Yaroslavl Aero Club and completed 90 jumps.)

What title was awarded to Valentina Tereshkova -the first woman to conquer space?
a) Cosmonaut of the century;
b) Heroine of the twentieth century;
c) The greatest woman of the twentieth century;

d) Miss Universe.

Which spaceship was Valentina Tereshkova the pilot of?

a) “East”;

b) “Vostok-3”;

c) Vostok-5;

d) Vostok-6.

What was the call sign of cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova?

a) “Swallow”;

b) “Seagull”;

c) “Dove”;

d) “Crane”.

How many cosmonauts were included in the first group crew, who flew on October 12-13, 1964 on the first vehicle of the new Voskhod series?

a) Two;

b) Three;

at four;

d) Five.

(V. Komarov, B. Egorov, K. Feoktistov.)

Who first person in the world to go into outer space?

a) Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin;

b) German Stepanovich Titov;

c) Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov;

d) Vladimir Komarov.

From which spacecraft did Alexei Leonov go into outer space for the first time in the world?
a) "Sunrise";

b) “East”;
c) "Union";

Which of the creators of Yuri Gagarin's spaceship himself soon flew into space?
a) Alexey Leonov;
b) Vladimir Komarov;
c) Borisgorov;
d) Konstantin Feoktistov.

(In 1949, he graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman. He worked in various research organizations. K. P. Feoktistov was the first spacecraft designer to test his brainchild “in action.”)

How many of our compatriots have been in space?
a) Two;
b) Three;
c) Four;
d) Five.

(Valentina Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya, Elena Kondakova.)

Which air marshal's daughter became an astronaut?
a) K. Vershinina;

b) E. Savitsky;
c) I. Kozhedub;

d) A. Pokryshkina.

How many times has Svetlana Savitskaya been in space?

a) Once;

b) Twice;

three times;

d) Four times.

(In August 1982 and July 1984.)

Which female astronaut first to perform a spacewalk?
a) Valentina Tereshkova;

b) Svetlana Savitskaya;

d) Elena Kondakova.

(In 1984.)

Elena Kondakova set the women's record for continuous stay in space orbit. How many days did she stay on board the Mir orbital station?

a) 50 days;

b) 80 days;

c) 120 days;

d) 170 days.

(October 1994 - March 1995).

Name two Russians who were the first people on Earth to celebrate the New Year in space?
a) Belyaev and Leonov;

b) Grechko and Romanenko;

c) Titov and Manarov;

d) Eliseev and Shatalov.

Which Russian cosmonaut painted the paintings “Vostok Launch”, “Morning in Space”, “Automatic Docking”?
a) German Titov;

b) Alexey Leonov;

c) Pavel Popovich;

d) Valery Ryumin.

(Cosmonaut Leonov is an Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.)

Which vegetable variety is called “Cosmonaut Volkov”?
a) Pepper;

b) Tomato;

c) Potatoes;

d) Carrots.

Give your last namethe world's first second-generation cosmonaut.

a) Grechko;

b) Leonov;

c) Volkov;

d) Bykovsky.

(Sergei Aleksandrovich Volkov, April 1, 1973, Russian pilot and cosmonaut. Son of cosmonaut Alexander Aleksandrovich Volkov. Sergei Volkov was the commander of the Soyuz TMA-12 spacecraft and the 17th expedition of the ISS, 2008. He went into outer space twice.)

How many cosmonauts with the last name Volkov have been in space?

a) One;

b) Two;

at three o'clok;

d) Four.

(Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov, Sergey Alexandrovich Volkov and Vladislav Nikolaevich Volkov.)

What is the name of the Russian cosmonaut Igor Petrovich, who was in space in July 1984?

a) Horse;

b) Wolf;

c) Tiger;

d) Lev.

(It is noteworthy that I.P. Volk was born on April 12 - the future Cosmonautics Day.)

Russian cosmonaut Maxim Viktorovich Suraev became the first...

a) “cosmic grain grower”;

b) “cosmic melon grower”;

c) “space poultry farmer”;

d) “cosmic beekeeper.”

(During the flight on Soyuz TMA-16 to the ISS in 2009-210, he managed to grow wheat to a real ear.)

Who became the first Russian cosmonaut to blog while in flight?

a) German Titov;

b) Georgy Grechko;

c) Alexey Leonov;

d) Maxim Suraev.

(Wired Magazine » recognized Suraev’s blog as the most interesting and fun among the “space” blogs. TV channel "Vesti" » also called Maxim Suraev the most amazing blogger of the year.)

Which Soviet spacecraft docked with the American Apollo in 1975?
a) “Vostok-6”;

b) “Voskhod-2”;
c) Soyuz-19;

d) "Progress-8".

What was the name of the Soviet reusable spacecraft?
a) “Hurricane”;

b) "Typhoon";
c) “Buran”;

d) "Lightning".

How many space flights did the Russian space shuttle Buran make?

a) One;

b) Two;

at five;

d) Ten.

(On November 15, 1988, Buran made its first and last 205-minute space flight. It was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome using the Energia launch vehicle and, after flying around the Earth, landed at the specially equipped Yubileiny airfield at Baikonur. Flight passed without a crew, in fully automatic mode, unlike the shuttle, which can land only with manual control. In 1990, work on the Energia-Buran program was suspended, and closed in 1993. Currently A new project for a reusable spacecraft is being developed, only this project is no longer Russian, but international.)

What was the name of the first cosmodrome in our country?
a) Baikonur;
b) Kapustin Yar;
c) Plesetsk;

d) Free.
(In the Astrakhan region. The military missile test site was created in 1946 to test the first Soviet ballistic missiles.)

Which Russian cosmodrome is located in the Arkhangelsk region?
a) Kapustin Yar;
b) Baikonur;
c) Plesetsk.

d) Free.

What is the name of the future Russian cosmodrome, the construction of which is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2011?

a) Northern;

b) South;

c) Western;

d) Eastern.

(The cosmodrome is planned to be built in the Far East in the Amur region, near the village of Uglegorsk, not far from the Svobodny cosmodrome, disbanded in 2007.)

How many years has the Mir space station been in low-Earth orbit?
a) 5;

b) 15;
c) 25;

d) 35.

(The base unit was launched into orbit on February 20, 1986. Then, over the course of 10 years, six more modules were docked one after another. On March 23, 2001, the station, which had worked three times longer than initially set, was sunk in a special area in the South Pacific Ocean, near the Fiji Islands.)

Which Russian space research station did not exist?
a) "Union";
b) "Era";
c) “Salute”;
d) "Peace".

What is the name of the modern space station?
a) KSR (space research station);
b) ISS (international space station);
c) OKS (United Space Station);
d) SOK (space exploration station).

In which former USSR republic is the Russian Baikonur cosmodrome located?
a) Kazakhstan;

b) Uzbekistan;
c) Turkmenistan;

d) Tajikistan.

How is the name of the Baikonur Cosmodrome translated from Kazakh?

a) Blue sky;

b) Tierra del Fuego;

c) Fertile land;

d) Starry Steppe.

Astronauts have their own customs. So, before flying into space, Russian cosmonauts always watch a movie. Which?
a) “Operation “Y”, or “The Adventures of Shurik”;
b) “Prisoner of the Caucasus”;
c) “White Sun of the Desert”;

d) "Officers".

(This tradition has a logical justification. It was this movie that was shown to the astronauts as a standard of camera work - using its example, they were explained how to work with the camera correctly and build a plan.)

According to established traditions, it is customary for the spaceship crew to be escorted to the launch complex to a song...

a) “Earth in the porthole”;

b) “Hope”;

c) “Along along Piterskaya”;

d) “Tenderness.”

(And finally, before the launch, the cosmonauts receive a friendly kick from the boss, and before boarding the ship’s cabin, the crew must wave goodbye from the stairs. By the way, the crew never says goodbye to those seeing them off - a bad omen.)

One of the traditions of Russian cosmonauts: in the morning before the flight, the crew must sign with markers...

a) a portrait of Yuri Gagarin;

b) the doors of their rooms;

c) on their space helmets;

d) on the page of your passports.

(It is strictly forbidden to paint over or wash away these autographs. Also, cosmonauts never give autographs before the first flight. Some fundamentally avoid signing autographs in black ink. However, the entire crew must sign a bottle of vodka, which they drink on the ground, in the Kazakh steppe, after a successful flight.)

What day do Russian cosmonauts, based on superstitions known only to them, advise against making the launch day?
a) Monday;
b) Wednesday;

c) Friday;
d) Sunday.

What is the cost of a daily diet for one Russian cosmonaut?

a) 1500 rubles;

b) 3000 rubles;

c) 10,000 rubles;

d) 15,000 rubles.

(This figure was recently announced to Interfax-AVN by Viktor Dobrovolsky, director of the Research Institute of Food Concentrate Industry and Special Food Technology, chief designer of space nutrition. For example, today the cost of food standards in the Russian army is: general rations - 107.38 rubles, flight crew – 157.74 rubles, sea – 113.95 rubles, underwater – 161.46 rubles)

In which Russian city is the MCC (Flight Control Center) located?

a) In Korolev;

b) In Zhukovsky;

c) In Dubna;

d) In Obninsk.

(The city of Korolev, Moscow Region, is named after the outstanding scientist, academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - the founder of practical cosmonautics. Korolev is the center of the rocket and space industry, the leader of advanced domestic science. On April 12, 2001, on Cosmonautics Day, Russian President V.V. Putin signed a Decree on assigning Korolev the status of a science city of the Russian Federation.)

In which Russian city is it located? the world's first and Russia's largest Museum of Cosmonautics,who turned 40 in 2007?
a) In Kaluga;
b) In Moscow;
c) In Zhukovsky;
d) In Gagarin.

(State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, created with the direct participation of S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarin.)

Where does the Kondratyuk space route lead?
a) To the Moon;
b) To Mars;
c) To Venus;
d) Into a “black hole”.
(This is the optimal flight trajectory to the Moon, which at the beginning of the twentieth century was calculated by one of the founders of astronautics, Alexander Ignatievich Shargei, known under the pseudonym Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk. These calculations were used by NASA in the Apollo lunar program.)

American astronaut Neil Armstrong made a special visit to this Russian city, where he collected a handful of soil near the walls of the house where Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk lived and worked. Armstrong subsequently stated: “This land is no less valuable to me than the lunar soil.” What city are we talking about?
a) Kaluga;
b) Astrakhan;
c) Novosibirsk;
d) Chelyabinsk.
(About Novosibirsk. In the apartment where Kondratyuk lived, the Yuri Kondratyuk Museum was created, which later became the Yuri Kondratyuk Scientific Memorial Center. It is located next to Kondratyuk Square.)

Where is the Sea of ​​Cosmonauts located?
a) Moon;

b) Mars;
c) Indian Ocean;

d) Pacific Ocean.
(Off the coast of Antarctica.)

In which Russian city is one of the largest in the world and the oldest planetarium in Russia located?

a) In Moscow;

b) In St. Petersburg;

c) In Novosibirsk;

d) In Kaluga.

(The Moscow Planetarium was opened on November 5, 1929, it became the 13th planetarium in the world. At the time of its opening, the Moscow Planetarium was the best in the country, one of the best in the world, the second in Europe, the first was in Germany.)

How many floors are there in the Moscow hotel complex "Cosmos"?

a) 12;

b) 20;

c) 25;

d) 61.

(Plus 1 technical. The Cosmos hotel complex is located in the north-east of Moscow on one of the main streets of the city - Prospekt Mira. The architecture and design of the building overlooking VDNH, now the All-Russian Exhibition Center, and the monument to the Conquerors of Space were developed jointly by a team of Soviet and French architects. Currently, the Cosmos Hotel is the largest hotel in Russia and Europe.)

The son of which famous literary character became an astronaut?

a) Uncle Styopa;

b) Uncle Fyodor;

c) Vasily Terkin;

d) Evgenia Onegin.

(And the name of Uncle Styopa’s son was Yegor.)

What a Russian writer, inspired by genius Konstantin E Duardovich Ts Iolkovsky, wrote the science fiction novel “KETS Star”, which reflects many of the inventor’s ideas?

a) Alexander Belyaev;

b) Alexey Tolstoy;

c) Yulian Semyonov;

d) Ivan Efremov.

Jet propulsion, now used in airplanes, rockets and spacecraft, is also characteristic of... Who?

a) Cancer;

b) Turtles;

c) Squid;

d) Dolphins.

(Among the animal world, jet propulsion is found in squids, octopuses, jellyfish, cuttlefish and others. The listed animals move by throwing out the water they take in.)

When a Soviet space rocket sent back to earth the first photographs of the far side of the Moon, one of the craters located on that side was given a name:

a) “Jules Verne”;

b) “Alexandre Dumas”;

c) “Stephan Zweig”;

d) "Lord Byron".

(The famous science fiction writer Jules Verne predicted space travel, submarines, helicopters, airplanes, artificial satellites, guided missiles with a jet engine.)

What proper name did the Russian manned spacecraft that launched on April 5, 2011 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome receive?

a) “Tsiolkovsky”;

b) “Korolev”;

c) "Gagarin";

d) "Zander".

(Exactly a week before Cosmonautics Day, Gagarin, the Russian Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft, named after the first cosmonaut in honor of the 50th anniversary of his historic launch, flew into space.)

How many people are in the crew of the Gagarin spacecraft, which set off on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight to the ISS (International Space Station)?

a) Two;

b) Three;

At six o'clock;

d) Twelve.

(Two Russians went on the anniversary flight - Alexander Samokutyaev and Andrei Borisenko, as well as the American Ronald Garan. During the almost six-month expedition they will carry out dozens of scientific experiments, take several cargo ships, and also witness another historical event - the last flight of the American shuttle. )

What is the call sign of the crew of the historical spaceship "Gagarin"?

a) Boldino;

b) Penates;

c) Tarkhany;

d) Yasnaya Polyana.

(The cosmonauts chose the name of the small town of Tarkhany, where the poet M.Yu. Lermontov was born, as the call sign for their crew. They even introduced a new tradition - reading poetry at the pre-flight conference. The American Ronald Garan, flight engineer of the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft, began reciting Lermontov.)

Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna-10"for the first time in the world entered orbit around the Moon. What anniversary date of this event is celebrated in 2011?

a) 40th anniversary;

b) 45th anniversary;

c) 50th anniversary;

d) 55th anniversary.

The history of astronautics, unfortunately, is full of not only dizzying ups, but also terrible falls. Dead astronauts, rockets that failed to take off or exploded, tragic accidents - all this is also our heritage, and forgetting about it means erasing from history all those who consciously risked their lives for the sake of progress, science and a better future. It is about the fallen heroes of the USSR cosmonautics that we will talk in this article.

Cosmonautics in the USSR

Until the 20th century, space flights seemed like something completely fantastic. But already in 1903, K. Tsiolkovsky put forward the idea of ​​flying into space on a rocket. From this moment on, astronautics was born in the form in which we know it today.

In the USSR, the Jet Institute (RNII) was founded in 1933 to study jet propulsion. And in 1946, work related to rocket science began.

However, it took years and years more before man for the first time overcame the gravity of the Earth and found himself in space. We should not forget about the mistakes that cost the lives of the testers. First of all, these are the dead. According to official data, there are only five of them, including Yuri Gagarin, who, strictly speaking, died not in space, but after returning to Earth. Nevertheless, the cosmonaut also died during testing, being a military pilot, which allows us to include him in the list presented here.


The Soviet cosmonauts who died in space made an incomparable contribution to the development of their country. Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov was such a person - a cosmonaut pilot and engineer-colonel, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Born in Moscow on April 14, 1927. He was part of the first crew of a spaceship in world history and was its commander. Been to space twice.

In 1943, the future cosmonaut graduated from the seven-year school, and then entered the Air Force special school, wanting to master it. He graduated from it in 1945, and then became a cadet at the Sasovo Aviation School. And in the same year he was enrolled in the Borisoglebsk Higher Military Aviation School.

After graduating in 1949, Komarov entered military service in the Air Force, becoming a fighter pilot. His division was located in Grozny. Here he met Valentina, a school teacher who became his wife. Soon Vladimir Mikhailovich became a senior pilot, and in 1959 he graduated from the Air Force Academy and was assigned to the Air Force Research Institute. It was here that he was chosen to join the first cosmonaut corps.

Flights into space

To answer the question of how many astronauts died, it is necessary first to cover the topic of flights itself.

Thus, Komarov’s first flight into space took place on the Voskhod spacecraft on October 12, 1964. It was the world's first multi-person expedition: the crew also included a doctor and an engineer. The flight lasted 24 hours and ended with a successful landing.

Komarov's second and final flight took place on the night of April 23–24, 1967. The astronaut died at the end of the flight: during the descent, the main parachute did not work, and the reserve lines were twisted due to the strong rotation of the device. The ship collided with the ground and caught fire. So, due to a fatal accident, Vladimir Komarov died. He is the first USSR cosmonaut to die. A monument was erected in his honor in Nizhny Novgorod and a bronze bust in Moscow.


These were all the dead cosmonauts before Gagarin, according to official sources. That is, in fact, before Gagarin, only one cosmonaut died in the USSR. However, Gagarin is the most famous Soviet cosmonaut.

Yuri Alekseevich, Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, was born on March 9, 1934. His childhood was spent in the village of Kashino. He went to school in 1941, but German troops invaded the village and his studies were interrupted. And in the house of the Gagarin family, the SS men set up a workshop, driving the owners out onto the street. Only in 1943 the village was liberated, and Yuri’s studies continued.

Then Gagarin entered the Saratov Technical School in 1951, where he began attending the flying club. In 1955, he was drafted into the army and sent to aviation school. After graduation, he served in the Air Force and by 1959 had accumulated approximately 265 hours of flight time. He received the rank of military pilot third class and the rank of senior lieutenant.

First flight and death

The dead cosmonauts were people who were well aware of the risks they were taking, but nevertheless this did not stop them. Likewise, Gagarin, the first man in space, risked his life even before he became an astronaut.

However, he did not miss his chance to become the first. On April 12, 1961, Gagarin flew on a Vostok rocket into space from the Baikonur airfield. The flight lasted 108 minutes and ended with a successful landing near the town of Engels (Saratov region). And it was this day that became Cosmonautics Day for the whole country, which is still celebrated today.

For the whole world, the first flight was an incredible event, and the pilot who made it quickly became famous. Gagarin visited more than thirty countries by invitation. The years following the flight were marked by active social and political activities for the cosmonaut.

But soon Gagarin returned to the controls of the plane. This decision turned out to be tragic for him. And in 1968, he died during a training flight in the cockpit of the MIG-15 UTI. The causes of the disaster still remain unknown.

Nevertheless, the deceased astronauts will never be forgotten by their country. On the day of Gagarin's death, mourning was declared in the country. And later, a number of monuments to the first cosmonaut were erected in various countries.


The future cosmonaut graduated from Moscow school No. 201 in 1953, after which he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute and received the specialty of an electrical engineer specializing in rockets. He goes to work at the Korolev Design Bureau and helps in the creation of space technology. At the same time, he begins to attend courses for athlete pilots at the Kolomna Aero Club.

In 1966, Volkov became a member of the cosmonaut corps, and three years later made his first flight on the Soyuz-7 spacecraft as a flight engineer. The flight lasted 4 days, 22 hours and 40 minutes. In 1971, Volkov's second and last flight took place, in which he acted as an engineer. In addition to Vladislav Nikolaevich, the team included Patsayev and Dobrovolsky, whom we will talk about below. When landing the ship, depressurization occurred, and all participants in the flight died. The dead USSR cosmonauts were cremated, and their ashes were placed in the Kremlin wall.


Which we already mentioned above, was born in Odessa in 1928, June 1. Pilot, cosmonaut and Air Force colonel, posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the war, he ended up in territory occupied by the Romanian authorities and was arrested for possession of weapons. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the crime, but local residents managed to ransom him. And after the end of the Second World War, Georgy Dobrovolsky entered the Odessa Air Force School. At that moment, he did not yet know what fate was in store for him. However, astronauts who die in space, like pilots, prepare for death in advance.

In 1948, Dobrovolsky became a student at the military school in Chuguevsk, and two years later began serving in the USSR Air Force. During his service he managed to graduate from the Air Force Academy. And in 1963 he became a member of the cosmonaut corps.

His first and last flight began on June 6, 1971 on the Soyuz-11 spacecraft as commander. The astronauts visited the Solut-1 space station, where they conducted several scientific studies. But at the moment of returning to Earth, as mentioned above, depressurization occurred.

Marital status and awards

The dead cosmonauts are not only heroes of their country, who gave their lives for it, but also someone’s sons, husbands and fathers. After the death of Georgy Dobrovolsky, his two daughters Marina (b. 1960) and Natalya (b. 1967) were orphaned. The hero's widow, Lyudmila Stebleva, a high school teacher, remained alone. And if the eldest daughter managed to remember her father, then the youngest, who was only 4 years old at the time of the capsule crash, does not know him at all.

In addition to the title of Hero of the USSR, Dobrovolsky was awarded the Order of Lenin (posthumously), the Golden Star, and the medal “For Military Merit.” In addition, planet No. 1789, discovered in 1977, a lunar crater and a research ship were named after the astronaut.

Also to this day, since 1972, there has been a tradition of playing the Dobrovolsky Cup, which is awarded for the best trampoline jump.


So, continuing to answer the question of how many cosmonauts died in space, we move on to the next Hero of the Secular Union. born in Aktyubinsk (Kazakhstan) in 1933, June 19. This man is famous for being the world's first astronaut to work outside the Earth's atmosphere. He died along with Dobrovolsky and Volkov, mentioned above.

Victor's father fell on the battlefield during the Second World War. And after the end of the war, the family was forced to move to the Kaliningrad region, where the future cosmonaut first went to school. As his sister wrote in her memoirs, Victor began to be interested in space even then - he got hold of “A Trip to the Moon” by K. Tsiolkovsky.

In 1950, Patsayev entered the Penza Industrial Institute, from which he graduated and was sent to the Central Aerological Observatory. Here he takes part in the design of meteorological rockets.

And in 1958, Viktor Ivanovich was transferred to the Korolev Design Bureau, to the design department. It was here that the deceased Soviet cosmonauts (Volkov, Dobrovolsky and Patsayev) met. However, only 10 years later a corps of cosmonauts will be formed, in whose ranks Patsayev will be. Its preparation will last three years. Unfortunately, the first flight of the astronaut will end in tragedy and the death of the entire crew.

How many astronauts have died in space?

There is no clear answer to this question. The fact is that some information about space flights remains classified to this day. There are many assumptions and speculations, but no one has concrete evidence yet.

As for official data, the number of deaths of cosmonauts and astronauts from all countries is approximately 170 people. The most famous of them, of course, are representatives of the Soviet Union and the United States. Among the latter are Francis Richard, Michael Smith, Judith Resnik (one of the first female astronauts), and Ronald McNair.

Other dead

If you are interested in the dead, they do not exist at the moment. Not once since the collapse of the USSR and the formation of Russia as a separate state has a single case of a spaceship crash and the death of its crew been reported.

Throughout the entire article we talked about those who died directly in space, but we cannot ignore those astronauts who never had the chance to take off. Death overtook them while still on Earth.

Such was the one who was part of the group of the first cosmonauts and died during training. During his stay in the pressure chamber, where the astronaut had to be alone for about 10 days, he made a mistake. I detached the sensors that report vital activity from the body and wiped them with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, and then threw it away. A cotton swab got caught in a heated hotplate, causing a fire. When the chamber was opened, the cosmonaut was still alive, but after 8 hours he died in the Botkin hospital. The dead cosmonauts before Gagarin, therefore, include one more person in their composition.

Nevertheless, Bondarenko will remain in the memory of posterity along with other fallen cosmonauts.

Educational quiz RUSSIAN COSMONAUtics
In a series of decades every year

We are marking new ones

Cosmic milestones.

But we remember:

The journey to the stars has begun

From Gagarinsky



(A. Tvardovsky)
1. In honor of what anniversary of the first human flight into space, 2011 was declared the Year of Russian Cosmonautics in Russia?

a) in honor of the 30th anniversary; b) in honor of the 40th anniversary; c) in honor of the 50th anniversary; d) in honor of the 60th anniversary.

2. What is the date of the world’s first human flight into space?

3. In what region of the Russian Federation is the city of Gagarin, named after the world’s first cosmonaut, located?

a) Moscow region; b) Smolensk region;

c) Saratov region; d) Tambov region.
4. What was the inscription on Yuri Gagarin’s space helmet?

a) “Russia”; b) “RSFSR”; in USSR"; d) "Rus".

5. During the historic flight, Yuri Gagarin was wearing the SK-1 suit. What do these letters stand for?

a) Soviet cosmonaut; b) Brave astronaut;

c) Special suit; d) Astronaut's spacesuit.

6. What did Yuri Gagarin say at the launch of his ship?

a) Let's go! b) Goodbye! c) Let's go! d) I'm taking off!
7. What is Yuri Gagarin’s “coniferous” call sign?

a) Cedar; b) Pine; c) Spruce; d) Fir.

8. What was Yuri Gagarin’s first profession?

a) Teacher; b) Molder-caster; c) Fighter pilot; d) Forester.

9. What was the name of Yuri Gagarin’s father?

a) Alexey Ivanovich; b) Alexander Sergeevich;

c) Andrey Ivanovich; d) Anton Petrovich.
10. How many brothers and how many sisters does Yuri Gagarin have?

a) One brother and one sister; b) Two brothers and one sister;

c) One brother and two sisters; d) Three brothers and two sisters.
11. What was the name of the spaceship on which Yuri Gagarin made the world's first flight into space?

a) “North”; b) “South”; c) “East”; d) "West".

12. How long did Yuri Gagarin wait for the launch in the cosmonaut cabin while the last checks of the spacecraft systems were carried out?

a) Forty minutes; b) One and a half hours; c) Two hours; d) Three hours.

(Imagine yourself in his place! You are in a capsule into which light does not penetrate. The spacecraft is covered by the metal of the rocket fairing. You are at the very top of a breathing rocket giant that will take you into the harsh dark abyss. You are going into the unknown. You have to face the unknown .)

13. What was the maximum speed, in km/hour, of the rocket that launched Yuri Gagarin into space?

a) 7.9 km/h; b) 474 km/h; c) 12,422 km/h; d) 28,260 km/h.

14. What was the maximum altitude of Gagarin’s flight?

a) 127 km; b) 227 km; c) 327 km; d) 427 km.
(This figure remains a record today. No one has climbed higher in single-seat ships than Yuri Gagarin.)

15. How many revolutions around the Earth did Yuri Gagarin make in the Vostok spacecraft?

a) One; b) Two; at three o'clok; d) Five.
16. How many stages did the Vostok launch vehicle have?

a) Two stages; b) Three steps; c) Four steps; d) Five steps.

(A multistage rocket is an aircraft consisting of two or more mechanically connected rockets, called stages, that separate in flight. A multistage rocket can achieve a speed greater than each of its stages individually.)
17. How did Yuri Gagarin land after completing his space flight?

a) By parachute; b) In the descent vehicle; c) Airplane style; d) In a special capsule.

18. In what region of Russia did Yuri Gagarin land, making the first space flight in history?

a) In Sverdlovsk; b) In Saratovskaya; c) In Voronezh; d) In Astrakhan.

19. Who was the first to meet Yuri Gagarin who returned from space on earth?

a) Military; b) Tractor driver; c) Forester; d) Collective farmer with her granddaughter.

20. Yuri Gagarin flew into space as a senior lieutenant, and returned...

a) Captain; b) Major; c) Colonel; d) General.

21. What was the name of Yuri Gagarin’s book, which he began writing as soon as he returned from the flight?

a) “Path to the Stars”; b) “Road to Space”; c) “Space Route”; d) “The science of winning.”

22. After his flight into space, the famous cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was given a car with the license plate “12-04 YUAG” - the date of the space flight and the initials of the astronaut. Name the make of the car.

a) "Volga"; b) “Victory”; c) “Seagull”; d) Ford.

23. Which cosmonaut was Yuri Gagarin as a stunt double in 1967?

a) Titov’s; b) At Nikolaev; c) Popovich's; d) Komarov's.

24. Yuri Gagarin once admitted in an interview that he loves this game, “fast, with the loads of a hockey player and a weightlifter.” The game immediately gained enormous popularity in the USSR. The production of equipment was urgently launched, one part of which cost 3 rubles 25 kopecks, and the second - 15 kopecks. What kind of game was this?

a) Towns; b) Tennis; c) Badminton; d) Volleyball.

25. In what sport is the Gagarin Cup played?

a) Hockey; b) Football; c) Tennis; d) Badminton.

26. Which flower variety is called “Gagarin’s Smile”?

a) Peonies; b) Gladioli; c) Asters; d) Dahlias.

27. In 1903, an article by a teacher from Kaluga “Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments” was published in one of the Russian magazines. What was this teacher's name?

a) K.E. Tsiolkovsky; b) S.P. Korolev; c) M.V. Keldysh; d) A.L. Chizhevsky.

28. The astronautics theorist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was by profession:

A ) Teacher; b) Professor of Moscow State University; c) Aeronaut; d) A doctor.

29. In what city did K.E. live and work? Tsiolkovsky?

a) Tula; b) Ryazan; c) Bryansk; d) Kaluga.

30. What shape did the body of the first artificial Earth satellite, launched on October 4, 1957 in our country, have?

a) The shape of a ball; b) Cone shape; c) Cylinder shape; d) The shape of a truncated cone.

31. Who was the first to go into space?

a) Man; b) Monkey; c) Rat; d) Dog.

32. On November 3, 1957, the second satellite (artificial Earth satellite) was launched in our country, with a dog in the cabin. What was the name of the first space dog?

a) Laika; b) Squirrel; c) Arrow; d) Asterisk.

33. What were the names of the most famous dogs in the world who returned safely to Earth after a space flight on August 19, 1960?

a) Bee and Fly; b) Belka and Strelka; c) Laika and Zvezdochka; d) Desik and Gypsy.

34. What was the name of the artificial Earth satellite created in the USSR to study the radiation belts and magnetic field of the Earth?

a) “Core”; b) “Atom”; c) “Electron”; d) "Proton".

35. Who was the general designer of manned spacecraft?

a) K.E. Tsiolkovsky; b) S.P. Korolev; c) N.E. Zhukovsky; d) M.V. Keldysh.

36. How many Russian applicants were there for the first space flight?

a) Two; b) Five; at ten; d) Twenty.

37. Where do Russian cosmonauts train for flights?

a) Star City; b) Interplanetary town;

c) Sunny town; d) Space town.
38. What was the name of Star City before 1968?

a) Green; b) Gold; c) Sunny; d) Space.

39. Whose name is the Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City?

a) K.E. Tsiolkovsky; b) S.P. Queen; c) Yu.A. Gagarin; d) N.E. Zhukovsky.

40. In which city is the Alley of Cosmonauts - a memorial pedestrian alley?

a) In Gagarin; b) In Moscow; c) In Kaluga; d) In St. Petersburg.

41. Which spacecraft was the first to go into orbit?

a) “East”; b) "Sunrise"; c) "Union"; d) "Soyuz-T".

42. Which cosmonaut is named after a ridge in Antarctica, discovered in 1961 by a Soviet expedition?

a) Gagarin; b) Titov; c) Tereshkova; d) Komarova.

43. Which Russian cosmonaut took the first photograph of the Earth?

a) Gagarin; b) Titov; c) Leonov; d) Grechko.

44. Which Russian cosmonaut is the youngest of all cosmonauts who have been in space?

a) Yuri Gagarin; b) German Titov; c) Alexey Eliseev; d) Viktor Gorbatko.

45. Which astronaut had lunch and dinner in zero gravity for the first time?

a) German Titov; b) Alexey Leonov; c) Valentina Tereshkova; d) Andriyan Nikolaev.

46. ​​Which Russian cosmonaut wrote the books “Seventeen Cosmic Dawns”, “The First Cosmonaut of the Planet”, “My Blue Planet”, “In Stellar and Earth Orbits”, which became reference books for many generations of cosmonauts?

a) Yuri Gagarin; b) German Titov; c) Pavel Popovich; d) Valery Bykovsky.

47. When did the world’s first group space flight of two manned Soviet satellites “Vostok-3” and “Vostok-4” take place?

a) In 1961; b) In 1962; c) In 1965; d) In 1967.

48. The world's first female astronaut was... Who?

a) Weaver; b) Seamstress; c) Tractor driver; d) Teacher.

49. What title was awarded to Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to conquer space?

a) Cosmonaut of the century; b) Heroine of the twentieth century;

c) The greatest woman of the twentieth century; d) Miss Universe.
50. Which spaceship was Valentina Tereshkova the pilot of?

a) “East”; b) “Vostok-3”; c) Vostok-5; d) Vostok-6.

51. What was the call sign of cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova?

a) “Swallow”; b) “Seagull”; c) “Dove”; d) “Crane”.

52. How many cosmonauts were part of the first group crew that flew on the first vehicle of the new Voskhod series on October 12-13, 1964?

a) Two; b) Three; at four; d) Five.

53. Who was the first in the world to go into outer space?

a) Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin; b) German Stepanovich Titov;

c) Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov; d) Vladimir Komarov.
54. From which spacecraft did Alexey Leonov go into outer space for the first time in the world?

a) "Sunrise"; b) “East”; c) "Union"; d) "Apollo".

55. Which of the creators of Yuri Gagarin’s spaceship soon flew into space?

a) Alexey Leonov; b) Vladimir Komarov;

c) Borisgorov; d) Konstantin Feoktistov.
56. How many of our compatriots have been in space?

a) Two; b) Three; c) Four; d) Five.

57. Which air marshal's daughter became an astronaut?

a) K. Vershinina; b) E. Savitsky; c) I. Kozhedub; d) A. Pokryshkina.

58. How many times has Svetlana Savitskaya been in space?

a) Once; b) Twice; three times; d) Four times.

59. Which female astronaut was the first to perform a spacewalk?

a) Valentina Tereshkova; b) Svetlana Savitskaya; c) Elena Kondakova.

60. Elena Kondakova set the women's record for continuous stay in space orbit. How many days did she stay on board the Mir orbital station?

a) 50 days; b) 80 days; c) 120 days; d) 170 days.

61. Name two Russians who were the first people on Earth to celebrate the New Year in space?

a) Belyaev and Leonov; b) Grechko and Romanenko; c) Titov and Manarov; d) Eliseev and Shatalov.

62. Which Russian cosmonaut painted the paintings “Vostok Launch”, “Morning in Space”, “Automatic Docking”?

a) German Titov; b) Alexey Leonov; c) Pavel Popovich; d) Valery Ryumin.

63. Which vegetable variety is called “Cosmonaut Volkov”?

a) Pepper; b) Tomato; c) Potatoes; d) Carrots.

64. What is the name of the world’s first second-generation cosmonaut?

a) Grechko; b) Leonov; c) Volkov; d) Bykovsky.

64. How many cosmonauts with the last name Volkov have been in space?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four.

65. What is the name of the Russian cosmonaut Igor Petrovich, who was in space in July 1984?

a) Horse; b) Wolf; c) Tiger; d) Lev.

66. Russian cosmonaut Maxim Viktorovich Suraev became the first...

a) “cosmic grain grower”; b) “cosmic melon grower”;

c) “space poultry farmer”; d) “cosmic beekeeper.”
67. Who became the first Russian cosmonaut to blog during the flight?

a) German Titov; b) Georgy Grechko; c) Alexey Leonov; d) Maxim Suraev.

68. Which Soviet spacecraft docked with the American Apollo in 1975?

a) “Vostok-6”; b) “Voskhod-2”; c) Soyuz-19; d) "Progress-8".

69. What was the name of the Soviet reusable spacecraft?

a) “Hurricane”; b) "Typhoon"; c) “Buran”; d) "Lightning".

70. How many space flights did the Russian space shuttle Buran make?

a) One; b) Two; at five; d) Ten.

71. What was the name of the first cosmodrome in our country?

a) Baikonur; b) Kapustin Yar; c) Plesetsk; d) Free.

72. Which Russian cosmodrome is located in the Arkhangelsk region?

a) Kapustin Yar; b) Baikonur; c) Plesetsk. d) Free.

73. In which former USSR republic is the Russian Baikonur cosmodrome located?

a) Kazakhstan; b) Uzbekistan; c) Turkmenistan; d) Tajikistan.

74. How is the name of the Baikonur Cosmodrome translated from Kazakh?

a) Blue sky; b) Tierra del Fuego; c) Fertile land; d) Starry Steppe.

75. Astronauts have their own customs. So, before flying into space, Russian cosmonauts always watch a movie. Which?

a) “Operation “Y”, or “The Adventures of Shurik”; b) “Prisoner of the Caucasus”;

c) “White Sun of the Desert”; d) "Officers".
76. According to established traditions, it is customary for the spaceship crew to be escorted to the launch complex to a song...

a) “Earth in the porthole”; b) “Hope”; c) “Along along Piterskaya”; d) “Tenderness.”

77. In which Russian city is the MCC (Flight Control Center) located?

a) In Korolev; b) In Zhukovsky; c) In Dubna; d) In Obninsk.

78. Which Russian city is home to the world’s first and largest Cosmonautics Museum in Russia, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2007?

a) In Kaluga; b) In Moscow; c) In Zhukovsky; d) In Gagarin.

79. Where is the Sea of ​​Astronauts located?

a) Moon; b) Mars; c) Indian Ocean; d) Pacific Ocean.

80. In which Russian city is one of the largest in the world and the oldest planetarium in Russia located?

a) In Moscow; b) In St. Petersburg; c) In Novosibirsk; d) In Kaluga.

81. Jet propulsion, now used in airplanes, rockets and spacecraft, is also characteristic of... Who?

a) Cancer; b) Turtles; c) Squid; d) Dolphins.

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a) in honor of the 30th anniversary




d) October 12, 1964














































































April 12 is International Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961, for the first time in history, a person, overcoming gravity, carried out a space flight. His name is known to most earthlings today. This is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

But we must not forget that natives of Ukraine, including our fellow countryman, also made a significant contribution to space exploration. And at the moment there are exactly 11 of them in total. Their names are worthy for Ukrainians to know. Moreover, almost every name is associated with events “for the first time in the history of astronautics.” On the eve of this significant date, “Zorya” decided to gather all Ukrainian cosmonauts into one “squad”...

Pavel Popovich

Pavel Romanovich Popovich was born on October 5, 1930 in the town of Uzin, Belotserkovsky district, Kyiv region. From August 12 to 15, 1962, he made his first space flight as a pilot of the Vostok-4 spacecraft, lasting 2 days and 23 hours. This was the world's first group flight of spacecraft together with the Vostok-3 spacecraft, piloted by Andrian Nikolaev.

From July 3 to July 19, 1974, Pavel Popovich made his second space flight as commander of the Soyuz-14 spacecraft and the Salyut-3 orbital station. This was the first manned flight in history on an orbital station, lasting 15 days 17 hours 30 minutes and 28 seconds.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of many orders and medals, author of many books on cosmonautics. A mountain range in Antarctica and a minor planet are named after him.

Georgy Beregovoi

Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy was born on April 15, 1915 in the village of Fedorovka, Karlovsky district, Poltava region. From October 26 to October 30, 1968, he made a space flight on the Soyuz-3 spacecraft, which lasted 3 days, 22 hours, 50 minutes and 45 seconds.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of many orders and medals, author of many books on the development of astronautics. Honorary citizen of many cities around the world.

Georgy Shonin

Georgy Stepanovich Shonin was born on August 3, 1935 in the city of Rovenki, Lugansk region. From October 11 to October 16, he made a space flight as the commander of the Soyuz-6 spacecraft together with Valery Kubasov. Simultaneously with them, the Soyuz-7 (Anatoly Filippchenko, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Gorbatko) and Soyuz-8 (Vladimir Shatalov and Alexey Eliseev) spacecraft were flying.

During the flight, the world's first docking of ships in space was carried out with the transfer of astronauts from one ship to another. Also, for the first time in history, the Soyuz-6 crew recorded the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile from one of the USSR test sites and tracked the impact of a training warhead on a target in a given area.

Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of many orders and medals, author of two books dedicated to the life stories of all members of the “Gagarin set”.

Vladimir Lyakhov

He made his first flight from February 25 to August 19, 1979 as commander of the Soyuz-32 spacecraft and the Salyut-6 orbital station together with Valery Ryumin. During the first ever ultra-long flight (175 days), many experiments were carried out, and the world's first space radio telescope, KRT-10, was installed, delivered by the Progress-8 cargo ship.

On August 15, Vladimir Lyakhov and Valery Ryumin made an unscheduled spacewalk to repair the antenna of their ship that got caught in the antenna of the telescope. Also, for the first time in the world, two-way synchronous television communication between the station and the Mission Control Center was put into operation.

The second flight was made from June 27 to November 23, 1983 as the commander of the Soyuz T-9 spacecraft (co-pilot - Alexander Alexandrov) and the Salyut-7 station. The flight lasted 149 days, 10 hours and 46 minutes.

On August 29, 1988, he flew into space for the third time as the commander of the Soyuz TM-6 spacecraft together with Valery Polyakov and Afghan Abdul Ahad Mohmand. For a week they worked at the Mir station.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of many orders and medals.

Leonid Kizim

Leonid Denisovich Kizim was born on August 5, 1941 in the city of Krasny Liman, Donetsk region. The first flight was made from November 27 to December 10, 1980 by the commander of the Soyuz T-3 spacecraft and the Salyut-6 station (co-pilot - Oleg Makarov).

The second flight was made by the commander on the first three-seat version of the Soyuz T-10 spacecraft (pilots Vladimir Solovyov and Yuri Atkov) and the Salyut-7 station. Over the course of 237 days of flight, they received and processed five Progress cargo ships, and also received two replacement expeditions to the station for the first time.

The third flight was made with Vladimir Solovyov on the Soyuz T-15 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 and Mir stations from March 13 to July 16, 1986.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of many orders and medals, including the Order of the Legion of Honor (France) for receiving at the station during the second flight of the French cosmonaut-researcher Jean-Loup Chrétien.

Leonid Popov

Leonid Ivanovich Popov was born on August 31, 1945 in the city of Alexandria, Kirovograd region. The first flight was made with Valery Ryumin from April 9 to October 11, 1980 on the Soyuz-35 spacecraft and the Salyut-6 station. During the 185-day flight, he hosted four expeditions at the station, three of which included astronauts from Hungary, Vietnam and Cuba.

He made his second flight from May 14 to 22, 1981 as the commander of an international crew (co-pilot - Romanian cosmonaut Dimitru Prunariu) on the Soyuz-40 spacecraft and the Salyut-6 station.

The third flight was carried out from August 19 to August 27, 1982 by the commander of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 station with Alexander Serebrov and Svetlana Savitskaya. He is one of the few cosmonauts in the world in terms of frequency of flights.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of many orders and medals of the world.

Vladimir Vasyutin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Vasyutin was born on March 8, 1952 in Kharkov. He flew from September 17 to November 12, 1985 as commander of the Soyuz T-14 crew with Georgy Grechko and Alexander Volkov.

On November 12, due to a serious illness that arose in Vladimir Vasyutin on board the Salyut-7 station, a decision was made to urgently evacuate him to earth on the Soyuz T-14 ship, along with Alexander Volkov and Viktor Savinykh.

Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of several orders and medals.

Alexander Volkov

Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov was born on May 27, 1948 in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region. He made his first flight from September 17 to November 12, 1985 on the Soyuz T-14 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 station together with Vladimir Vasyutin and Georgy Grechko.

He performed his second flight as commander of the Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft and the Mir station from November 26, 1988 to April 27, 1989.

The third flight was made from October 2, 1991 to March 14, 1992 as the commander of the Soyuz TM-13 spacecraft. This expedition to the Mir station also included co-pilot Tokhtar Aubakirov and Austrian cosmonaut-researcher Franz Viebeck.

Alexander Volkov is an absolute “space vagabond”: he spent 391 days, 11 hours, 53 minutes and 16 seconds in space and was the first person on planet Earth to perform spacewalks three times.

Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of many orders from countries around the world.

Anatoly Levchenko

Anatoly Semenovich Levchenko was born on May 21, 1941 in the city of Krasnokutsk, Kharkov region. From December 21 to 29, he made a space flight as a co-pilot on the Soyuz TM-4 spacecraft with commander Vladimir Titov and researcher Musa Manarov. Spent 7 days and 22 hours in space.

Awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Anatoly Artsebarsky

Anatoly Pavlovich Artsebarsky was born on September 9, 1956 in the village of Prosyanaya, Pokrovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region. In 1988, he was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps as a test pilot.

He flew into space from May 18 to October 10, 1991 as commander of the Soyuz TM-12 spacecraft and the Mir station. Together with him during the expedition, Sergei Krikalev, Helen Sherman (Great Britain), Viktor Afanasyev, Musa Manarov, Alexander Volkov, Tokhtar Aubakirov, and Franz Viebeck (Austria) visited the Mir station.

Anatoly Artsebarsky is the only earthling who went into outer space 6 (!) times and spent 32 hours and 17 minutes in it.

Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of orders from many countries of the world.

Leonid Kadenyuk

Leonid Konstantinovich Kadenyuk was born on January 28, 1951 in the village of Klishkovichi, Khotyn district, Chernivtsi region. In the cosmonaut corps since 1976, he was trained as a pilot of the Buran reusable spacecraft.

He made a space flight as an experimenter on the American reusable spacecraft Columbia from November 19 to December 5, 1997. The flight lasted 15 days, 16 hours and 36 minutes.

Hero of Ukraine, currently works for the National Space Agency of Ukraine.
