Professional and organizational adaptation of personnel. Professional and organizational adaptation of an employee at the enterprise Professional and psychological adaptation Consolidation of employees

Malikova Anna Yakovlevna, student of the Lipetsk branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Lipetsk [email protected]

Professional and organizational adaptation of an employee at the enterprise

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of professional and organizational adaptation of an employee in an enterprise. This problem is of particular relevance for young professionals or those who are mastering a new sphere of professional activity. Key words: adaptation, directions of adaptation, professional adaptation, organizational adaptation.

Adaptation is the process of adapting workers to the conditions of the external and internal environment. In management and organizational psychology, adaptation is understood as the process of entry of a new employee into the organization and its adaptation to it in accordance with the requirements and rules of the organizational culture of the new company.M. Ivanova notes that adaptation is the adaptation of an employee to the conditions of job duties and work in a team, the improvement of his business and personal qualities. The goals of adaptation, in her opinion, in addition to ensuring the fastest entry into the position, are to reduce the number of possible errors and reduce the discomfort of the first days of work, as well as an objective assessment of the skill level and potential of the employee. Social and industrial adaptation are distinguished in sociology and psychology. To a certain extent, these two types of adaptation intersect with each other, but each of them has an independent sphere: social activity is not limited to production, and production includes technical, biological and social aspects. In personnel management, the most important place is occupied by production adaptation, because. it is necessary in solving such problems as the formation of the required level of productivity and quality of work among employees in a short period. There are two ways to adapt: ​​1. Primary is the adaptation of young employees who do not have professional experience (graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions).2. Secondary is the adaptation of employees when moving to another job, position. The role of secondary adaptation in market conditions is increasing. Production adaptation is a complex phenomenon that should be considered from different angles. Each side has its own goals, object, performance indicators. Consider the four main aspects of adaptation: socio-psychological adaptation - implies the adaptation of a person to production activities, infusion into a new team. The purpose of this adaptation is the acceptance of a new employee into the team as an equal member; psychophysiological adaptation is a person's reaction to a change in environment, working hours. These factors greatly affect the final result of adaptation. If the employee did not have experience, for example, an irregular working day, etc., then at first there will be a significant impact on well-being (fatigue, fatigue), mood, and performance. Health problems associated with reduced immunity due to stress are also possible. Professional adaptation is the process of including an employee in a new sphere for him, adaptation to the content and nature of work, full mastery of his specialty. This adaptation of personnel depends on the learning ability of a new employee, the level of preparation of his workplace. Organizational adaptation is familiarization and understanding of the features of the organizational and economic mechanisms for managing an organization. This is the most difficult side of adaptation, because it includes an awareness of the structure of the entire process of the organization's activities. When forming a team in solving personnel problems in an organization, all aspects of production adaptation are of decisive importance. The main conditions for the success of adaptation are: objectivity of personnel assessment during selection, the use of competitive selection; probationary period, which is set upon admission to work; a multi-level system of training and retraining of personnel; advanced training by employees serving once every five years, for certain categories - once every three of the year; organization of work aimed at maximizing the implementation of the employee's motivational attitudes. Based on all of the above, we outline the main goals of staff adaptation: reducing start-up costs, since while a new employee is poorly oriented in his immediate work, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs; anxiety and uncertainty among new employees; reducing workforce turnover, as new employees feel uncomfortable or unclaimed in a new job, they may respond to this by dismissal; saving time for the manager and employees, since the ongoing about the program, work helps to save time for each of them; development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction. Personnel adaptation management is one of the most important elements of the organization's management system. We can talk about the effectiveness of personnel adaptation management in an organization if there are parameters that can be used to evaluate this process. The success of a new employee can be assessed using three indicators: 1. Efficiency of labor activity. The analysis and evaluation of the implementation of the work plan for the adaptation period is carried out: the degree of fulfillment (solution) of the tasks set is assessed (completed in full or in part); how the deadlines were kept (with observance or with a delay, late); labor of a new worker. The management of the labor adaptation of the organization's personnel is carried out by planning the final results of the work of each new employee.2. The degree of understanding by the new employee of the specifics of the organization. We receive expert assessments about a new employee from his mentor, immediate supervisor and HR manager. These specialists evaluate the success of a new employee's "entry" into the organization's business processes. They also make the final conclusions about the successful or unsuccessful passage of adaptation. Managing the labor adaptation of personnel is carried out through the conduct of welcome trainings and training of experts in the ability to evaluate.3. The nature of the interaction of a new employee with colleagues. Employees who directly interact with a new employee are interviewed, reviews are analyzed based on the following parameters: readiness to perceive, assimilate and apply new knowledge; memory capacity and speed of perception; quality of work performed and focus on results; the nature of personal relationships with team members and the degree of work readiness in a team. Thus, adaptation is an active adaptation to a new environment of a person hired. Adaptation is social in nature. Its main essence comes down to the acceptance of the values ​​and norms of the new social environment, the established forms of social interaction, as well as the forms and methods of professional performance of work. Adaptation is successful if the social status of the employee in this environment is high, and the employee is satisfied with this environment as a whole (for example, remuneration for work, etc.). Indicators of low adaptation are deviant behavior, dismissal of an employee, etc. All aspects of adaptation are in constant interaction, despite the differences between them, therefore, for the speed and success of adaptation, it is necessary to have a single system of tools for influencing. Professional adaptation includes: 1. Social and psychological adaptation, which V.V. Kafidov considers it as an adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the style of work of leaders, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relations that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members.2. Social organizational adaptation means the development of the organizational structure of the enterprise (team), the management system and maintenance of the production process, the mode of work and rest, etc.3. Cultural adaptation is the development in the labor organization of the features of life and the traditions of spending free time. The nature of this adaptation is determined by the level of production culture, the general development of the members of the organization, the specifics and features of the use of free time from work. Cultural and social adaptation takes place quickly and painlessly in those labor organizations whose members are connected not only by relationships at work, but also spend their leisure time together, free time, using it for the versatile development of the individual. Adaptation is faster and more successful if the profession is chosen correctly. The choice of a profession can be managed through the purposeful formation of personal intentions and interests among young people, taking into account the socio-economic needs of society and bringing the aspirations, personal plans of young people into line with the possibilities for their implementation. Tebekin identifies the main goals of professional adaptation: reducing the initial costs when an employee enters an organization. This allows you to get up to speed faster and work efficiently; overcoming the imbalance of the need for professional work between the employee and the organization; reducing employee tension when entering a new organization or position; reducing staff turnover by reducing the psychological barrier when entering the organization; learning behavior in the organization. .N. Chekin, in his work “Personnel Management in Russia”, considering the problems of adaptation of new employees in an organization, writes the opinion of Rogovskaya N.I., who draws attention to the fact that in his work a mentor should be guided by the rules of internal labor regulations; regulation on mentoring, which prescribes the conditions, functions, responsibilities of the mentor; teacher's note. At the same time, these documents form a general idea about the activities of a mentor, but do not provide a clear guide to action. In practice, a mentor may show little interest in training a trainee. The complexity of professional adaptation also lies in the fact that it is not always clear what skills an accepted employee should acquire in the learning process. To do this, it is necessary to develop a clear plan for professional adaptation, prescribe what a newcomer should learn during an internship in an organization. Successful professional adaptation makes work attractive, increases the chance for higher pay and professional growth. Organizational adaptation is based on the understanding and acceptance by the employee of his organizational status , company structure and existing management mechanisms. The concept of an employee's role and status in the organization, as well as the mechanism of subordination are important aspects of the organizational component. Ignoring this type of adaptation can lead to undesirable consequences. In the literature on adaptation, there is no unequivocal opinion on the grounds for periodization of the adaptation process. Thus, it is customary to distinguish three stages of adaptation of a young worker: 1. Entry (1st year).2. Mastery (23rd years).3. Statement (34th years). Kibanov A.Ya. and Durakova I.B. associate full adaptation with a high level of mastery of a specialty, combined with a positive attitude to work in it and with the satisfaction of the individual with his position in the team. Incomplete adaptation, they believe, cannot form a positive attitude towards work and specialty, or leads to a lack of socio-psychological adaptation, i.e. the novice's connections with the production group are quite crowded. The adaptation process is shortened by the attachment of a mentor or head of the probationary period. There are the following stages and forms of personnel adaptation: a trial period of 3 to 6 months, during which the necessary skills and abilities are mastered and the employee is “finished” to the necessary requirements of the workplace model; adaptation of young specialists to the positions of masters and specialists for up to three years during which he gains the necessary production experience and “turns on” as a full member of the team of an enterprise or organization; an induction program for a manager lasting up to one year, during which he studies the internal regulatory documents of subordinate employees and the enterprise development strategy to obtain the necessary management skills ; mentoring and consulting as a form of management of the process of adaptation of young workers and specialists by experienced managers with pronounced pedagogical skills; development of human resources as a form of comprehensive development I am the identity of an employee of the organization throughout the entire period of work until retirement. An indicator of a successful process of adaptation of personnel, selection of candidates and their introduction to the position is the successful completion of the work. By periodically reviewing this and providing feedback to employees, Managers will gain a clear understanding of their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The first three-six months in a new job are the most difficult, and a large number of newcomers leave the new job during this period. This happens for a number of reasons, of which the most common are: incompatibility with other employees; dissatisfaction with the leadership style; unfulfilled ideas about the work of the organization; loss of "illusions" about the organization; misunderstanding by the employee of the requirements placed on him; high intensity and difficult working conditions in a new place; the discrepancy between the expected and actual wages. In management activities, it is necessary to take actions to neutralize these factors. Employees must clearly know what is expected of them and that they will always receive advice and support, their activities are regularly monitored, and there are opportunities for training in the enterprise. The main goal is to familiarize new employees with the general rules of work in the organization, the rules of safety and health protection, as well as with the new working conditions. At a minimum, the newcomer should be familiar with the general activities of the organization, the team, especially with those who will work with him directly, the nature of the work itself, working conditions, for example, safety and health regulations, equipment and the general layout of the building, general information about the organization. Based on the information mentioned above, we can conclude that the implementation of measures to adapt the employee to the "life" of the organization is a very important and necessary factor. Without onboarding processes, your business will not market and reach its peak because your new staff will not know the principles, the tasks, the required responsibilities, or the behaviors. Such personnel will ruin the business and will not cover the costs that the employer invests in this employee.

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CHAPTER 1. Adaptation of personnel as a condition for the effective operation of the enterprise

1.1 The concept and process of adaptation of personnel

1.2 Goals, types and stages of adaptation of personnel in the organization

CHAPTER 2. Professional and organizational adaptation

2.1 Professional adaptation of personnel

2.2 Organizational adaptation of personnel

CHAPTER 3. Comparison of the specifics of professional and organizational adaptation

3.1 Planning and organization of offices and workplaces

3.2 Requirements for the organization of the employee's workplace

3.3 Workplace automation




The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that the personnel adaptation procedure is recognized to ensure the entry of new employees into the life of the organization. The problem of adaptation is an important component of the system of personnel training, which is the regulator of the connection between the education system and production. They are designed to help cover the needs of the organization in the labor force, in the required quantity and quality of relations to increase their profitability and competitiveness, one of the problems with personnel in the organization, when attracting personnel, is adaptation management.

In other words, adaptation is a necessary prerequisite for high-quality and productive work. From a legal point of view, the adaptation of young specialists means the application of such legal measures, after the conclusion of an employment contract, that contribute to the early entry of young specialists into the workforce of the enterprise, which lead to the fastest mastering of job duties in accordance with the job description, readiness to make decisions and act in work situations

The relevance is due to the purpose of the course work:

reveal the features of professional and organizational adaptation of various categories of personnel;

Describe the features of professional and organizational adaptation of personnel in various production (market) conditions;

Compare the specifics of professional and organizational adaptation of personnel at various stages of enterprise development

Adaptation of personnel in the workplace is a necessary link in personnel management. Unfortunately, the importance of activities for career guidance and adaptation of workers in our country has not been taken seriously enough by personnel services for a long period. Until now, many state-owned enterprises and commercial organizations do not even have basic adaptation programs. At the same time, there is a large foreign experience in the use of adaptation techniques, which only recently began to be adopted by domestic personnel officers.

professional adaptation staff career guidance


1.1 Concept andprocessstaff adaptation

One of the problems of working with personnel in an organization when attracting personnel is the management of labor adaptation. In the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the basis of which is the gradual entry of workers into new professional and socio-economic working conditions.

The term "adaptation" is used in various fields of science. In sociology and psychology, social and production adaptation are distinguished. To a certain extent, these two types of adaptation intersect with each other, but each of them also has independent areas of application: social activity is not limited to production, and production includes technical, biological, and social aspects.

Social adaptation - (from Latin adapto - I adapt and socialis - environment) - 1) a constant process of active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment; 2) the result of this process. The ratio of these components, which determines the nature of behavior, depends on the goals and value orientations of the individual, the possibilities of achieving them in the social environment. Despite the continuous nature of social adaptation, it is usually associated with periods of a radical change in the activity of the individual and his social environment.

They define adaptation in two ways: a) as a state in which the needs of the individual, on the one hand, and the requirements of the environment, on the other, are fully satisfied. It is a state of harmony between the individual and nature or the social environment; b) the process by which this harmonious state is achieved.

Labor adaptation is a social process of mastering a new work situation by an individual, in which the individual and the working environment actively influence each other and are adaptive-adaptive systems. Entering a job, a person is actively included in the system of professional and socio-psychological relations of a particular labor organization, learns new social roles, values, norms for him, coordinates his individual position with the goals and objectives of the organization (labor collective), thereby subordinating his behavior to official the instructions of the given enterprise or institution.

However, when applying for a job, a person already has certain goals and value orientations of behavior, in accordance with which he forms his requirements for the enterprise, and based on its goals and objectives, it makes its own requirements for the employee, for his labor behavior. Realizing their requirements, the employee and the enterprise interact, adapt to each other, as a result of which the process of labor adaptation is carried out. Thus, labor adaptation is a two-way process between an individual and a new social environment for her.

The adaptation of a person to a specific working environment is manifested in his real behavior, in specific indicators of labor activity: labor efficiency; assimilation of social information and its practical implementation; the growth of all types of activity; satisfaction with various aspects of work activity.

Thus, adaptation is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual development of the employee in new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions.

The most important components of the employee's adaptation are the coordination of the employee's self-assessments and claims with his capabilities, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the reality of the production environment in which he adapts. Here contradictions are possible, the depth and resolution of which determines the success of adaptation.

The adaptation of an employee in an organization is a multilateral process of adapting him to the content and conditions of work activity, to the immediate social environment, improving the business and personal qualities of an employee. This is a process that requires both the employee and the team to be mutually active and interested in each other.

A newly hired employee is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it at the same time. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of conduct that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, leader, member of a collective management body, public organization, etc. From a person occupying each of these positions, behavior is expected corresponding to it. Entering a job in a particular organization, a person has certain goals, needs, norms of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee makes certain requirements for the organization: for working conditions and his motivation.

Labor adaptation factors are conditions that affect the course, timing, pace and results of this process. These include both objective and subjective factors.

Objective (in a labor organization these are factors related to the production process) - factors that are less dependent on the employee (the level of labor organization, mechanization and automation of production processes, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, team size, location of the enterprise, industry specialization, etc. .d.).

Subjective (personal) factors include:

Socio-demographic characteristics of the employee (gender, age, education, qualifications, work experience, social status, etc.);

Socio-psychological (the level of claims, willingness to work, practicality, quick orientation in a production situation, the ability to self-control and the ability to distribute their movements and actions in time, communication skills, etc.);

Sociological (the degree of professional interest, material and moral interest in the efficiency and quality of labor, etc.).

An integrated subjective indicator of successful labor adaptation can be considered the overall satisfaction of the employee with work, the moral and psychological climate in the team. As you can see, in the process of production adaptation, not the last place is occupied by the personal potential of the employee. This is a set of traits and qualities of an employee that form a certain type of behavior: self-confidence, sociability, the ability to assert themselves, balance, objectivity, etc. Along with the listed characteristics, knowledge, education, and experience occupy an important place. You need to really use your experience and draw conclusions for the future. In particular, according to all these criteria one can judge the level of adaptation.

1.2 Goals, types and stages of adaptation of personnel in the organization

Among the main goals of the adaptation of new employees, the following are usually distinguished:

Faster achievement of performance indicators acceptable to the employing organization;

Reducing start-up costs. A new employee does not always know the job and how the organization works. As long as he works less efficiently than experienced employees, his work requires higher costs for the organization. Efficient onboarding reduces these start-up costs and enables the new employee to achieve established performance standards more quickly;

The entry of the employee into the work team, its informal structure and the feeling of being a member of the team;

Reducing the anxiety and insecurity experienced by the new employee. Anxiety and uncertainty in this case mean fear of failures in work and incomplete orientation in the working situation. This is a normal fear of the new and the unknown;

Reducing staff turnover among new employees. If employees were not able to get used to the organization in a timely manner, then they can respond to this by dismissal;

Saving the time of the immediate supervisor and ordinary employees. An employee who has not adapted enough to work in an organization requires much more time to help in the process of fulfilling his duties;

Developing job satisfaction, a positive attitude towards work and realism in expectations in the new employee. The adaptation process should contribute to the formation of a positive attitude of new employees to the organization, to their unit and to the task assigned. This is an indispensable condition for high performance;

Reducing the cost of finding new staff;

Formation of a personnel reserve (mentoring is an opportunity for an experienced employee to gain leadership experience).

The process of mutual adaptation, or labor adaptation, of the employee and the organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of the individual employee, the faster and better he accepts, assimilates his social roles in the team.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of conditions, the main of which are:

Qualitative level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

Objectivity of the business assessment of personnel (both in the selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

Sophistication of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

The prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a particular specialty in this particular organization;

Features of the organization of labor, realizing the motivational attitudes of the employee;

Availability of a proven system for introducing innovations;

Flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

Features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the team;

Personal properties of an adaptable employee related to his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

The classification of adaptation is usually carried out according to the following criteria:

by subject-object relationship:

Active - when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of interaction and activities that he must master);

Passive - when he does not strive for such an impact and change.

on the impact on the worker:

Progressive - favorably affecting the employee;

Regressive - passive adaptation to an environment with negative content (for example, with low labor discipline).

by level:

Primary, i.e. adaptation of young employees who do not have professional experience (as a rule, in this case we are talking about graduates of educational institutions of various levels);

Secondary, i.e. adaptation of employees with professional experience (as a rule, changing the object of activity or their professional role, for example, moving to the rank of manager).

It should be noted that in the conditions of the formation and functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. On the other hand, domestic personnel services need to turn to the experience of foreign firms, which traditionally pay increased attention to the primary adaptation of young employees. This category of workers needs special care from the administration.

There are also two types of adaptation:

Adaptation of an employee in a new position;

Adaptation of the employee to the demotion;

Example: in the early 80s. There have been waves of layoffs and early retirement in the United States. In order to somehow support those laid off, most large companies - about 60% - did not just lay off workers, but tried to help them find new jobs, organized retraining and advanced training programs.

in relation to the employee to the organization:

Conformism. Full acceptance of the values ​​and norms of the organization, willingness to obey the rules of the game. Such workers make up the bulk of the team;

Mimicry. Compliance with secondary norms while rejecting the main ones is typical for a potential risk group, whose members are ready to leave the company at any time;

adaptive individualism. It is characterized by agreement with the basic norms and values ​​of the organization while rejecting secondary ones. The employee retains some individuality, but in his own way works well in a team;

Negation. The employee expresses active disagreement with the values ​​of the company, his expectations are in irreconcilable contradiction with reality. He usually leaves within the first few months.

The task of personnel officers is to integrate a newcomer according to the second or fourth type, to calculate employees who hide their rejection of the basic norms of the organization while demonstrating external loyalty. The first option arises as a result of an error in the personnel department at the selection stage and should be corrected as soon as possible.

in directions:



The last classification criterion is decisive for a broader subclassification. It can be most clearly represented in the form of a diagram shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Types of adaptation

Labor adaptation has a complex structure and is a unity of professional, psychophysical, socio-psychological, organizational, administrative, economic and hygienic adaptations.

Professional adaptation is expressed in a certain level of mastering professional skills and abilities, in the formation of certain professionally necessary qualities of a person, in the development of a stable positive attitude of an employee towards his profession. It manifests itself in familiarization with professional work, the acquisition of professional skills, dexterity, sufficient for the high-quality performance of functional duties and creativity in work.

Psychophysiological adaptation is the process of mastering the conditions necessary for workers during work. In modern production, not only equipment and technology are morally obsolete, but also the sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment. The improvement of sanitary and hygienic working and living conditions of workers, the emergence of an increasing number of comfortable and modern apartments, clothing, and toilet items cannot but affect production activities. A modern worker is sensitive to deviations from the norms of sanitary and hygienic comfort, rhythms of work, convenience of the workplace, etc. that he perceives subjectively. The materials of many studies indicate that for workers the issues of sanitary and hygienic conditions of comfort are very acute and are painfully assessed by them.

Socio-psychological adaptation consists in mastering the socio-psychological characteristics of a labor organization (team), entering into the system of relationships that has developed in it, and positive interaction with its members. This is the inclusion of an employee in the system of relations of the labor organization with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee gradually receives information about his labor organization, its norms, values, about the system of business and personal relationships in the group, about the socio-psychological position of individual members of the group in the structure of relationships, about group leaders. This information is not assimilated by the employee passively, but is correlated with his past social experience, with his value orientations and is evaluated by him. If the information corresponds to the past experience of the employee, his orientations, it is positively evaluated by him, the employee begins to accept group norms, and the process of identification of the individual with the labor organization gradually takes place. In the course of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee enters the real life of the organization, participates in it, he establishes positive relationships with colleagues, immediate supervisor, administration.

Organizational and administrative adaptation means the development of the organizational structure of the enterprise (team), the management system and maintenance of the production process, the mode of work and rest, etc. In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee should form an understanding of his own role in the overall production process. One more important and specific aspect of organizational adaptation should be singled out - the employee's preparedness for the perception and implementation of innovations (of a technical or organizational nature).

Economic adaptation allows an employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing an organization, a system of economic incentives and motives, and adapt to new conditions for remuneration of his labor and various payments.


2 .1 Professional adaptation of personnel

In any aspect of the movement of personnel within a department, unit or hotel, it is important to remember the need to help the employee adapt to new conditions. Whether it's a new employee who has just joined, an employee who has been transferred to another department for a similar unit, or an employee who has been promoted or demoted - they all need professional adaptation.

At the same time, the team in which a new employee enters to work or within which there is a movement along the hierarchical ladder of subordination is also going through the process of adaptation. This is due to the breakdown of already existing relationships and relationships that were established in the team at a certain stage of its development. The redistribution of these connections and the creation of new ones testify to those dynamic processes that are characteristic of the group as a "living organism".

There are the following types of adaptation: primary - the adaptation of young professionals who do not have professional experience, or specialists who have newly entered work in this organization, and secondary - the adaptation of specialists with professional experience (including at this enterprise).

Since adaptation is a multilateral process, there are several types of it.

* Psychophysiological adaptation - getting used to new physical and psychophysiological loads for the body, the regimen, pace and rhythm of work, sanitary and hygienic factors of the working environment, the peculiarities of organizing the diet and rest.

* Socio-psychological adaptation - adaptation to a new social environment, inclusion in the system of professional interpersonal relationships and relationships, mastering new social roles, norms of behavior, group norms and values, identifying oneself with a professional group.

* Professional adaptation - adaptation of existing professional experience and style of professional activity to the requirements of a new workplace, development by an employee of new professional functions and duties for him, refinement of the required skills and abilities, inclusion in professional cooperation and partnership, gradual development of competitiveness.

Psychological support of the employee is mandatory. The psychological support program should be drawn up for each service and take into account the characteristics of the activity, and, to the extent possible, the individual characteristics of employees. This is due to the fact that adaptive reactions to unfavorable psychophysiological states of the worker cause mental stress, which takes on the character of stress. Since the situation of hospitality for service personnel always carries stressful factors, a program of psychological support should be implemented.

To relieve anxiety and mobilize the professional activity of a specialist, it is advisable to use psychological counseling, and in some cases, trainings for self-regulation of emotional states. Practice shows that the greatest difficulty for new employees is the assimilation of group norms and inclusion in the already established system of interpersonal relationships. In some cases, conflict situations may arise due to non-compliance with group norms of behavior, which is quite frequent. Then the prompt assistance of a psychologist or other employee of the personnel department in resolving the conflict is necessary.

Successful professional adaptation makes the job attractive, increases the chance for higher wages and professional growth, and creates the prerequisites for self-actualization of the employee. Psychological support here comes down to assessing the real competence of a specialist, assisting in advanced training, overcoming the emerging feeling of professional inferiority, and forming an adequate professional self-esteem. Psychological support involves the correction of self-esteem: learning the ability to compare oneself only with oneself, assistance in developing reliable criteria for self-esteem.

The presence and use of psychological support programs for employees at the stage of their adaptation not only helps the successful professional development of staff, but also moves the organization in the direction of self-improvement, which is important for improving service in the hospitality industry.

Spending money on staff training means making a long-term investment that is sure to bring a profit that is several times higher than the initial costs. Training of service personnel should be developed in several directions. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the training of new employees entering the workforce. This category of personnel does not know the specifics of the hotel and does not yet have the skills to work according to the standards existing in the hotel. Therefore, it is important to familiarize the employee with the basic documents, standards and regulations that underlie professional activities.

In addition, the transfer of an employee to a new position should also be accompanied by certain training, which will consist in introducing this employee to the specifics of the position.

At the same time, one should not forget about the constant improvement and development of professional skills and abilities of already working personnel.

2 .2 Organizational adaptation of personnel

Social and organizational adaptation includes the following aspects:

Administrative and legal,



Recreational and creative.

The administrative and legal aspect is associated with the acquisition of knowledge about the goals and functions of various kinds of management bodies and ensuring the operation of a modern enterprise. From the first day of his stay at the enterprise, the employee has to interact with many services and organizations: the personnel department, the trade union organization, with representatives of the administration, etc. Each of these bodies has its own goals and methods of work, its own rights and obligations. Each of these bodies can have a significant positive impact on the formation of the attitude of the employee to the enterprise, its management and staff. The most important condition for such influence is the accessibility of the adaptant to it, the clarification of the goals and objectives of the body or organization, and the attentive attitude to the needs of the adaptant.

The socio-economic aspect of adaptation is associated with the mastery of the spheres of social and economic activity by the adaptant. This includes the inclusion in the competition and various kinds of movements associated with the intensification of production, saving resources and improving the quality of the enterprise, economic incentives, norms and prices. Without their development, inclusion in the sphere of regulation of the activities and behavior of workers, it is impossible to count on an increase in their labor activity.

The managerial aspect of social and organizational adaptation is associated with the formation of an employee as a subject of management. The activity of participation in management is connected, first of all, with the subjective factor, part of which is the personal characteristics of employees, who should become the object of influence and directed formation during the period of social and organizational adaptation.

Adaptation to the social role of the subject of management should include the following:

1. Familiarization with the collective management bodies, the order of their work, the main issues they are busy with at the moment.

2. In the process of adaptation, participation in management should begin with one-time assignments. This is explained by the following circumstances. To carry out a permanent assignment in the management body, it is necessary to be well aware of all aspects of the production and social life of the team. An adaptant cannot have such awareness. Consequently, the decisions he makes may be incompetent. One-time assignments, and even as part of a group, with the assistance of the group, on the contrary, will help develop the appropriate skills and knowledge.

3. Assistance in preparing the first speech at a working meeting or meeting of a collective management body. Speech always causes great tension, sometimes confusion. The fourth aspect of social and organizational adaptation is recreational and creative. We are talking about adaptation to the sphere of life of the team associated with everyday life and recreation. It is clear that the state of this sphere can seriously affect the formation of an employee's attitude to the enterprise and relations with the team.

Influence on the adaptation of the moral and psychological climate.

The moral and psychological climate determines the mood of the team and, consequently, the attitude towards the adaptant. Mood determines the form in which the impact on the personality takes place. During the first time an adaptant stays in a team, a lot depends on the form of relationships. In the future, some neglect of the form can be forgiven, not noticed, but for the first time in the team, newcomers are especially sensitive to the form of communication, relationships, influences from cadre workers and management. In the primary team, which is characterized by an unfavorable moral and psychological climate, the adaptant will first of all experience emotional discomfort, in the absence of mutual assistance - difficulties in developing the skills of collective work, in the absence of mutual exactingness and responsibility - difficulties in the formation of collectivist attitudes, with disunity of the goals of activity - difficulties in the formation of value orientations associated with ideas about the place of the team in the implementation of personal plans, etc.


3.1 Planning and principles of organization of offices and workplaces

When planning his work, the leader must determine the goals and objectives for the near future.

Any goal makes sense only when the deadlines for its implementation are set and the desired results are formulated. Therefore, after determining the goal, the manager draws up an individual program of activities for himself to solve the tasks. Choosing a goal is a mental activity aimed at obtaining a result, and activities are practical actions.

The fulfillment of certain tasks and the achievement of the intended goals always occur in conditions of time pressure, therefore, after determining the activities necessary to achieve the goal, you need to find out how much time it will take to complete them. When planning his work, the manager must set the exact deadlines for the implementation of each of the tasks contained in the individual plan. Similarly to the comprehensive plans for management activities, individual work plans for managers are also drawn up for a quarter, month, week. In addition, there is also an operational plan for one day.

Planning involves gradual progress, the decomposition of the general task into particular ones so that various activities can be distributed according to the time of their implementation. At the end of the outgoing year, the most significant tasks and goals for the next 12 months should be determined - the annual plan.

The quarterly plan is based on the annual plan. During the year, events of the past period are analyzed at regular intervals and, if necessary, changes are made to the plan for the next three months, tasks that need to be excluded from it, and tasks that should be added to the plan or transferred to the next quarter are determined.

From the quarterly plan, tasks are transferred to monthly plans, which are drawn up with greater detail (time consumption is indicated in hours). These plans also set time for solving additional tasks.

Based on the monthly plan, a weekly plan is drawn up. Weekly plans involve even more detailed study, a more accurate forecast for the coming period. Weekly work planning may include:

definition of the central task (on which it is necessary to concentrate efforts this week);

identifying the task that requires the most time;

identifying mandatory tasks (which need to start or prepare for completion this week);

performance of routine work (telephone conversations, meetings, etc.);

identification of tasks that should be solved this week (possible tasks).

The daily plan is compiled on the basis of the weekly plan. It fixes the tasks and cases that must be completed during the corresponding working day. The daily plan is the last and most important step in the time planning system, the concrete embodiment (implementation) of the goals set.

The manager's work plan for the day is presented in Appendix 1.

A weekly journal helps to effectively manage performing and creative time, realistically and accurately calculate it. It is a reminder of business, meetings, meetings. In the weekly planner, each activity is recorded for the day on which it must be completed.

Planning allows you to ensure the rational use of time, achieve your goals with as little time as possible.

Practice shows that an increase in the time spent on planning leads to a reduction in the time for solving directly managerial problems.

3.2 Requirements for the organization of the employee's workplace

The workplace is the primary link in the production and technological structure of the enterprise, in which the production process, its maintenance and management are carried out. It is here that the three main elements of this process are combined and its main goal is achieved - the production of objects of labor, the provision of services or the technical and economic support and management of these processes. The efficiency of the use of labor itself, tools and means of production and, accordingly, labor productivity, the cost of production, its quality and many other economic indicators of the enterprise's functioning largely depend on how jobs are organized. The workplace consists of the following elements:

1. production area;

2. main equipment;

3. devices for storing materials, blanks, finished products, waste and rejects;

4. devices for storing tools, equipment and fixtures;

5. lifting and transport devices;

6. Devices for safety and convenience of work. packing shop masters

The workplace is a part of the production area assigned to an individual worker or a group of workers, equipped with the necessary technological, auxiliary, handling equipment, technological and organizational equipment designed to perform a certain part of the production process.

Each workplace has its own specific features associated with the peculiarities of the organization of the production process, the variety of forms of specific labor. The state of workplaces, their organization directly determine the level of labor organization at the enterprise. In addition, the organization of the workplace directly forms the environment in which the employee is constantly at work, which affects his well-being, mood, performance and, ultimately, labor productivity.

The organization of the workplace is a material basis that ensures the efficient use of equipment and labor. Its main goal is to ensure high-quality and efficient performance of work on time based on the full use of equipment, working hours, the use of rational methods and methods of work, the creation of comfortable working conditions that ensure long-term preservation of the working capacity of employees. To achieve this goal, technical, organizational, economic and ergonomic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

On the technical side, the workplace must be equipped with advanced equipment, the necessary technological and organizational equipment, tools, instrumentation, provided by the technology, lifting and transport vehicles.

On the organizational side, the equipment available at the workplace should be rationally located within the working area; a variant of the optimal maintenance of the workplace with raw materials, materials, blanks, parts, tools, repair of equipment and tooling, waste disposal was found; safe and health-friendly working conditions are provided.

On the economic side, the organization of the workplace should ensure optimal employment of workers, the highest possible level of labor productivity and quality of work.

3.3 Workplace automation

An automated workplace (AWS) can be defined as a set of information, software and technical resources that provides the end user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area.

The creation of an automated workplace assumes that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computers, and the economist performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in preparing management decisions. Personal equipment is used by the user to control production and economic activities, change the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving a problem, as well as enter initial data into the AIS to solve current problems and analyze control functions.

Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work.

For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles for creating workstations should be:





Maximum focus on the end user;

Problem orientation towards solving a certain class of problems;


The principle of matching the information needs of the user to the technical means used;

The principle of creative contact between workstations and their potential users.

According to the principle of consistency, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by the functional purpose.

The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements.

The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWP system must perform the main functions, regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that malfunctions in its individual parts should be easily eliminated, and the system's performance should be quickly restored.

The efficiency of the workstation should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, related to the costs of creating and operating the system.

The functioning of an automated workplace can give a numerical effect only if the functions and workload are properly distributed between a person and machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a computer. Only then will the workstation become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

AWP as a tool for rationalization and intensification of management activities is created to ensure the performance of a certain group of functions. The simplest function of the workstation is information and reference services. Although this function is inherent in any workstation to one degree or another, the features of its implementation significantly depend on the user category.

Workstations have a problem-professional orientation to a specific subject area. Professional workstations are the main tool for communication between a person and computer systems, playing the role of autonomous workplaces. Workstations perform decentralized simultaneous processing of information at the workplaces of performers as part of a distributed database. At the same time, they have access through the system device and communication channels to the PC and database of other users, thus ensuring the joint functioning of the PC in the process of collective processing.

Workstation created on the basis of personal computers is the simplest and most common version of an automated workplace for workers in the field of organizational management. Such a workstation is considered as a system that, in an interactive mode of operation, provides a specific employee (user) with all types of support exclusively for the entire session of work. This is consistent with the approach to designing such an AWP component as internal information support, according to which the information fund on magnetic media of a particular AWP should be at the exclusive disposal of the AWP user. The user himself performs all the functional duties of converting information.

The creation of a PC-based workstation provides:

* simplicity, convenience and user friendliness;

* ease of adaptation to specific user functions;

* compact placement and low requirements for operating conditions;

* high reliability and survivability;

*relatively simple maintenance organization.


Adaptation to work in the organization of new employees is the logical conclusion of the selection process. The solution of a set of issues related to the introduction of selected personnel into the organization, into the unit and into the position requires serious methodological and organizational work. The system of measures for the adaptation of new employees will be successful only when planning, directing and coordinating this work throughout the organization.

One of the problems of working with personnel in an organization when attracting personnel is the management of labor adaptation.

During the interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the basis of which is the gradual entry of the employee into new professional and socio-economic working conditions.

Adaptation issues are dealt with by individual employees from different departments: the HR manager, line managers or work colleagues. Their main goal is to make the adaptation process of young workers to the enterprise as short and painless as possible. It should be noted that the processes of both primary and secondary adaptation do not differ significantly; All events are the same.

Based on a holistic understanding of the essence of the worker, production adaptation is not limited to the professional sphere, but covers the totality of social and labor relations that determine its structure. The main structural elements of industrial adaptation include professional, organizational, material and household, socio-psychological, as well as adaptation in the field of leisure.

The success of adaptation depends on a number of conditions, including:

quality level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

objectivity of the business assessment of personnel (both in the selection and in the process of labor adaptation of employees);

perfection of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

the prestige and attractiveness of the profession, work in a particular specialty in this particular organization;

features of the organization of work, realizing the motivational attitudes of the employee;

availability of a well-established system for introducing innovations;

flexibility of the personnel training system operating within the organization;

features of the socio-psychological climate that has developed in the team;

personal properties of an adaptable employee related to his psychological traits, age, marital status, etc.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process as a key condition for its successful implementation. The lack of development of this mechanism for domestic organizations is one of the main reasons for the declarative nature of adaptation management and the slogan proclamation of its necessity.

The effectiveness of managing an employee's production adaptation depends on the impact on the set of structural elements of adaptation with an emphasis on the most significant types of adaptation for specific conditions, on the ability of managers to use effective technologies for social adaptation management.

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Adaptation (lat. adaptio - I adapt) is the process of familiarizing an employee with a new organization and changing his behavior in accordance with the requirements and rules of the organizational culture of the new company.

When talking about the adaptation of personnel, it usually distinguishes two forms of it: social And production. They intersect with each other, but each of them also has independent areas of application: social activity is not limited to production, and production includes both technical and social aspects.

The classification of adaptation is quite diverse.

Distinguish between active adaptation, when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of influence and activities that he must master), and passive, when he does not seek such an impact and change.

The most effective is adaptation as a process of active adaptation of an individual to a changing environment with the help of an appropriate control action and the use of various means (organizational, technical, socio-psychological, etc.).

In accordance with the impact on the employee, progressive and regressive results of adaptation are distinguished. The latter arise in the case of passive adaptation to an environment with a negative content (for example, to teams with low labor discipline).

There is also a division of adaptation into primary production, when a person is first included in a permanent job in a particular organization, and secondary - with a subsequent job change.

Production adaptation is a complex phenomenon, so it is advisable to consider it from different perspectives:

1) psychophysiological adaptation - the process of adaptation to a new work activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole, resulting in smaller changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical exertion, etc.);

2) professional adaptation - complete and successful mastery of a new profession or specialty, that is, getting used to, adapting to the content and nature of work, its organization and conditions. It is expressed in a certain level of mastery of professional knowledge and skills, in skill, in accordance with the nature of the individual and the nature of the profession;

3) socio-psychological adaptation of an employee to production activities, this is the process of establishing constructive relations with the closest social environment in the team, adapting to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team (organizational culture), to the style of work of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relations that have developed in the team.

All varieties of production adaptation are associated with the solution of personnel problems in the organization.

The adaptation process can be divided into four stages

I. Assessment of the level of preparedness of a new employee.

It is necessary to develop the most effective adaptation program. An employee who has not only special training, but also experience in similar departments of other organizations will undergo adaptation in the shortest possible time. But even at this stage, unfamiliar for the employee options for solving problems already known to him are possible. Since the organizational structure is determined by a number of parameters (technology of activity, external infrastructure, personnel, etc.), a beginner, at least to a small extent, will find himself in a situation unfamiliar to him. Adaptation involves familiarity with the production characteristics of the organization, with personnel, corporate culture, rules of conduct, inclusion in communication networks, etc.

AND. Orientation- practical acquaintance of a new employee with his duties and requirements imposed on him by the organization. Both direct supervisors and HR managers should be involved in this work. At the same time, the personnel manager helps to draw up an orientation program and introduces newcomers to the company, its history, personnel policy, working conditions and rules adopted in the organization. The immediate supervisor explains the tasks and requirements for work, introduces the employee to the working group, organizes and encourages assistance to newcomers from experienced workers.

The orientation program may include a series of short lectures, tours of the enterprise, workshops.

The general orientation program involves consideration of a number of issues:

1. General idea of ​​the company, its goals, mission, development priorities, problems. Here is the acquaintance with the traditions, accepted norms and rules. The employee is shown a variety of activities, products, and is provided with the necessary information about the management of the organization.

2.Policy of the organization (principles of personnel policy, recruitment, areas of professional training and advanced training).

3. Remuneration of labor (norms and forms of remuneration).

4.Additional benefits (insurance, records of work experience, temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits, training opportunities, the availability of a canteen, other services).

5. Occupational health and safety (rules and warnings).

6. The employee and his relationship (terms and conditions of employment, probation, appointments, promotions, rights and obligations, employee organizations (trade unions and their policies), discipline and penalties, management and evaluation of performance).

7. Household service (catering, conditions for parking private cars, other services).

8. Economic factors (cost of equipment, damage from absenteeism, liability of employees for equipment damage).

After the general orientation program, a special program can be carried out in the form of conversations with employees of the department in which the new employee has come, and interviews with the manager (direct and superior). The special program addresses the following issues.

1. Functions of the unit (goals, priorities, structure, activities, relationships with other units, relationships within the unit).

2. Job duties and responsibilities (detailed description of the current work and expected results, standards for the quality of work performance, the basis for assessing performance, the length of the working day and its schedule, replacing an absent employee).

3. Required reporting (applications for leave, financial assistance, reports on work performed, relations with local and national inspections).

4- Procedures, rules, regulations specific only to a certain type of work or a given unit (behavior in case of accidents, safety regulations, hygiene rules, informing about accidents and dangers, relations with employees not belonging to this unit, rules:; behavior in the workplace, control of violations, removal of things from the unit, breaks, telephone conversations of a personal nature).

5. Representation of the employees of the unit. III. Real adaptation. At this stage, the newcomer adjusts to his status, which is determined by his inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. It is necessary to give the newcomer the opportunity to actively operate in various areas, testing and testing the acquired knowledge about the organization. It is important to provide maximum support to the new employee, regularly evaluate the effectiveness of his activities and interaction with colleagues together with him.

IV. Functioning. It completes the adaptation process, is characterized by the gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and the transition to a stable job. With the normal development of the adaptation process, this stage occurs after the first year of work. If the adaptation process is effectively managed, then the successful functioning of a new employee can begin in a few months. This reduction in the adaptation period will bring significant financial benefits, especially when a large number of personnel are involved.

Personnel certification.

Personnel certification - personnel measures designed to assess the compliance of the level of work, qualities and potential of employees with the requirements of their activities. The main purpose of certification is not performance control, but the identification of reserves to improve the efficiency of employees' work.

Functions for carrying out certification are distributed between line managers and the personnel service.

The elements of certification are labor assessment and personnel assessment.

Stages of certification.

Training provided by the organization's human resources department. It includes the development of principles and methods for conducting certification, the publication of regulatory documents for the preparation and conduct of certification (order, lists of the certification commission, a plan for conducting, etc.), the preparation of materials for certification - forms, forms, etc.

In the course of preparation, the head of the organization issues an order that determines the timing of its implementation, establishes a list of employees subject to certification, approves the composition of the certification commissions and the schedule of meetings, formulates the tasks of the heads of departments to ensure the preparation, conduct and summing up certification. Functions for carrying out certification are distributed between line managers and the personnel service.

For each employee subject to certification, no later than two weeks before it begins, a performance report prepared by the immediate supervisor is submitted.

It indicates to whom it is represented (position, last name, first name, patronymic) and reflects the following information, and the text is presented from a third person.

In the first part - personal data (full name, year of birth, position, education, if any, then academic degree and title).

In the second part - data on labor activity (specialty, work experience in general and in this organization, information about career advancement, level of professional skills, etc.).

In the third part - the characteristic itself, i.e. assessment of business and moral qualities: attitude to work, professional development, participation in the life of the team, relations with colleagues at work, behavior in everyday life. The presence of government awards and other official rewards or punishments for the employee is indicated.

The fourth and final part contains recommendations on the essence of certification.

The characteristic is signed by the head of the department indicating the position and the date is put.

Employee appraisal includes:

assessment of the compliance of the qualification level of the employee with the qualification requirements of the work performed by him;

· registration of certification results;

familiarization of the certified employee with all the final materials for his certification and the adoption of appropriate personnel decisions;

· development of action plans based on the results of certification and monitoring their implementation.

Certification is carried out, as a rule, in the presence of the head of the structural unit in which the person being certified works.

The attestation commission conducts a conversation with the attested person on the basis of consideration of the submitted materials, during which controversial or unclear issues are clarified, business and personal qualities are assessed according to the methodology adopted by the organization, the views of the attested employee and his plans to improve their work activities and improve labor results are listened to. Members of the attestation commission at their meeting also listen to a short message from the head of the unit with an assessment of the work of the person being certified. Minutes are kept during the meeting of the commission.

Based on the results of the employee attestation, the attestation commission makes the following conclusion:

1. Evaluation of labor:

Identification of employees who do not meet labor standards;

Identification of employees who meet labor standards;

identification of employees who significantly exceed labor standards.

2. Personnel assessment:

· Diagnosis of the level of development of professionally important qualities;

· Comparison of individual results with standard job requirements (by specifics and level of positions);

Identification of employees with qualities that deviate from the standards;

· Evaluation of prospects for effective activity;

· Growth assessment;

· Personnel rotation.

· Information and data processing are carried out according to the results of certification. The certification results may be as follows:

1) compliance of the employee with the position held - incentive options:

· to promote;

Remain in the same position, but increase the official salary or encourage in another way;

2) compliance of the employee with the position held under a number of conditions: advanced training, internship, implementation of personal recommendations of the commission;

3) non-compliance with the position, which is the basis for changing the place of work or position.

Conflicts in the team.

Conflict Management- this is a process of purposeful influence on the personnel of the organization in order to eliminate the causes that gave rise to the conflict, and to bring the behavior of the participants in the conflict in line with the established norms of relationships.

Objective causes of conflict in the organization:

Limited resources to be distributed,

Interdependence of responsibility and tasks;

Inconsistency of the goals of different groups of workers;

Bad communications;

Unclear distribution of rights and obligations;

Incompetence, inconsistency with the position held;

Excessive workload of employees, exceeding personal capabilities;

Unfavorable leadership style;

Poor working conditions;

Innovations, innovations in production;

Insufficient development of legal norms and procedures;

Weak development of ethical standards and the absence of ethics committees.

Conflict management methods based on the behavior of the conflicting parties:

1. Intrapersonal Methods affect an individual and consist in the correct organization of one's own behavior, in the ability to express one's point of view without causing a defensive reaction from the opponent.

2. Structural Methods affect mainly the participants in organizational conflicts arising from the incorrect distribution of functions, rights and responsibilities, poor organization of work, unfair system of motivation and incentives for employees ...

These methods include:

Explaining job requirements

Use of coordination mechanisms,

Development or refinement of corporate goals,

Creation of reasonable reward systems.

3. Interpersonal Methods imply a choice of behavior of the participants in the conflict in order to minimize damage to their interests. Along with well-known styles of conflict behavior, which include adaptation (compliance), evasion, confrontation, cooperation and compromise, attention should be paid to coercion and problem solving.

4. Negotiation perform certain functions, covering many aspects of the activities of employees. As a method of conflict resolution, negotiations are a set of techniques aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the warring parties.

Negotiations are possible provided:

The interdependence of the parties involved in the conflict;

The absence of a significant difference in the powers of the parties to the conflict;

The depth of the development of the conflict, allowing for negotiations;

Participation in the negotiations of parties with real powers.

5. Retaliatory aggressive actions- methods that are extremely undesirable for overcoming conflict situations. The use of these methods leads to the resolution of the conflict situation from a position of strength, including the use of brute force and violence.

In the role of a third party (mediator) in the settlement of conflicts, as a rule, 1 person acts, less often - a group of 2-3 or more professionals.

To the personnel officer, as to the mediator, Employees-opponents can apply in cases where:

a) the object of regulation is a protracted conflict. All arguments, forces and means have been exhausted, but there is no “way out” in sight;

b) the parties defend opposite, mutually exclusive interests and cannot find common ground;

c) legal norms or other criteria that are key in conflict resolution are interpreted differently;

d) one of the parties has suffered serious damage, and it requires sanctions against the opponent;

f) the opponents have come to a temporary agreement, but external objective control over its implementation is required.

Operative independent intervention of the personnel officer conflict is possible in situations where:

a) there is a dangerous escalation of conflict events, there is an immediate threat of violence;

b) one of the parties uses violence intensively;

c) this conflict is personally unprofitable for a personnel worker;

d) the conflict negatively affects the environment that is controlled by the personnel worker (for example, it is necessary to resolve a work conflict that negatively affects the entire team);

e) the parties did not come to an agreement, and the personnel officer has the opportunity to satisfy the interests of both parties.

Depending on the degree of control of the mediator over the decision, there are several roles of the third party in the conflict:

1. Arbitrator. This is the most authoritarian role, since in this case the mediator has the greatest opportunity to determine options for solving the problem. The arbitrator examines the issue, listens to both sides, and delivers a verdict that is not contested. An example is the resolution of conflicts by ancient Russian princes, elders of clans, as well as by a jury.

2. Arbitrator. He also has significant powers. The arbitrator studies the conflict, discusses it with the participants, and then makes a final decision, which is binding. However, the parties may not agree with the decision and appeal it to higher authorities.

3. Intermediary. This is a more neutral role. Having special knowledge, the mediator provides a constructive discussion of the problem. The final decision rests with the opponents.

4. Assistant. He participates in the regulation of the conflict in order to improve the process of discussing the problem, organizing meetings and negotiations, without interfering in the controversy over the content of the problem and making the final decision.

5. Observer. By its presence, an observer in the conflict zone deters the parties from violating previously reached agreements or from mutual aggression. His presence creates conditions for resolving controversial issues through negotiations.

In everyday interpretation, by conflict, we usually understand discord, quarrel, fight, military clash, and we unequivocally believe that conflicts should be avoided and that they should not be allowed, since both sides in the conflict will obviously lose. However, this interpretation of the conflict is fundamentally wrong. In conflict, as in any process, there are positive and negative sides. The well-known saying “Truth is born in a dispute” can rightly be applied to conflict.

Understanding conflict largely depends on how you approach it theoretically.

There are two positions.

First suggests that conflict is a clash and struggle of various forces, people or positions, occurring due to incompatibility or opposition of interests.

According to second, conflict is a process of development of interaction and a system of relations between the parties involved.

In our opinion, the following definition is optimal.

A conflict is a lack of agreement between two or more parties, which may be specific individuals, workers or groups of workers.

There are the following causes of conflicts in the organization.

1. Reasons related to the distribution of resources (material, financial, human, etc.). For example, the marketing and sales executives of a manufacturing organization, who work in roughly the same direction, may conflict with each other over resources, as each of them considers his work to be more important. Such a conflict is quite easy to resolve at the level of senior management, without prejudice to the interests of both parties.

2. Differences in the goals facing employees. Some people prioritize their goals. This is where the unsatisfied ambitions of workers and the need for success come into play. Satisfying all interested parties in this case is much more difficult.

3. Differences in the perceptions of employees about the mission and goals of the organization or about their status and salary levels. One common type of conflict is between management and employees.

4. Poor communication (vertical and horizontal) between employees in the organization. There is a system of rumors, gossip, etc.

5. Differences between people in the manner of behavior and in life experience (conflict at the household level).

6. Conflicts related to differences in the values ​​of employees (belonging to various political or public associations, the desire to "convert").

Types of conflicts

1. Economic - a clash of economic interests and contradictions. They arise between states, groups of people, an employee and an enterprise.

2. Ideological - contradictions in people's views on problems in the life of society.

3. Social and household.

4. Family and household.

5. Socio-psychological - associated with disturbances in relationships that cause unpleasant emotions (struggle for leadership in a team).

6. Emotional-neurogenic - they are based on differences between the types of characters and temperaments, as well as the levels of emotional perception of the environment.

In modern conflictology, a conditional typology of conflicts is adopted.

They are divided into social, intrapersonal and animal conflicts.

The following phases are distinguished in the conflict.

1.Confrontational or military. In this case, the parties seek to ensure their interest by completely eliminating other people's interests by any possible means (voluntary refusal of the opposite side, deprivation of the right to have their own interest, destruction of the carrier of interest, leading to the destruction of the interest itself).

2.Compromise or political. The parties seek to achieve their goals as far as possible through negotiations, during which they change their personal interests to common ones that suit both parties, although at the same time each party tries to ensure their own interests in them as much as possible.

3.Communication or management. By building certain communicative relationships, the parties reach an agreement based on the fact that the interests of opposite parties tend to complement each other.

The conflict begins with a confrontational phase, and ends with a communicative one.

The adaptation of new employees to work in the organization and their introduction to the position is a direct continuation of the selection process.

Introduction to the position involves introducing the employee to colleagues, familiarizing him with the state of affairs in the organization, with its environment, the established practice of management and work. Introduction to the organization is a rather lengthy process, taking 1-2 first months of work.

The first impression of an organization and its leaders is rarely forgotten. New workers are faced with a new environment to which they must adjust. A warm welcome and a properly planned and well-organized induction program for the employee and the organization will direct the motivation and attitudes of the employee in the right direction - to work with full dedication of strength for the good of the organization.

Professional adaptation is a gradual refinement of professional skills and cooperation skills to the level that is required for the new employee to perform his job duties at the required level. The problems of professional adaptation are connected with the development of professional skills and with understanding the specifics of work.

In large organizations, mentoring is usually practiced - an experienced employee in the process of business communication at the workplace introduces a new employee to the rules of work, duties, and accepted standards of interaction. All this is necessary so that the new employee does not feel like a “stranger” after starting work, and quickly gets acquainted with the team, the traditions of the organization, and the corporate culture.

It should be noted that in most cases women go through professional adaptation faster than men, and young people go faster than older employees. Most of the time for professional adaptation is required for top managers, who must first study and analyze the situation, build a system and structure of the organization.

Organizational adaptation - understanding and acceptance by a new employee of his organizational status, organization structure and existing management mechanisms.

Serious problems of organizational adaptation arise for those employees who get a job for the first time, especially if the first place of work is a large organization with a complex organizational structure and a large number of staff. Such employees do not yet have experience in organizational behavior, so there are often difficulties in communicating with colleagues. As a rule, a new employee does not dare to contact colleagues for information, such employees do not know how to work with official documentation, etc. But difficulties in communication can also arise for the reason that he was not explained to him the style of communication that has developed in the organization, the service relationships between employees.

The adaptation process includes the following five stages: introduction to the position, development of a plan for the development of a new employee, control of the adaptation process, corrective measures, employee evaluation.

The first stage of adaptation is the introduction of new employees. The purpose of the first stage is to get acquainted with the organization, its features, internal labor regulations. the presentation ceremony to the team, familiarization with the workplace; conversation with the leader; familiarization with social benefits and incentives; fire safety and safety training.

The second stage of the adaptation program is the development of a plan for the formation of a new employee.

The adaptation of employees is a logical continuation of the personnel selection procedure, during which the correspondence of the personogram of each employee with the professiogram of the position was determined.

One of the main forms of employee adaptation is mentoring. Both experienced employees with experience, managers, and young employees who have worked for several years in the organization and have proven themselves as mentors can act as mentors.

Another form of adaptation is the method of gradually increasing the complexity of tasks performed by a new employee, which is combined with control and constructive analysis of mistakes made in the performance of tasks.

The next stage of the technological scheme of the adaptation process is control, which is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the new employee. As a result of the control of the adaptation process, problems arising from new employees are identified.

At the stage of corrective measures, the factors that hinder the newcomer's consolidation in the team are eliminated.

Evaluation of the employee is carried out at the end of the adaptation period. The results of adaptation are reflected in the characteristics written by the immediate supervisor. All documents reflecting the course of the adaptation period (adaptation plan, accounting forms, characteristics) are stored in the employee's personal file.

Conditions for successful adaptation of personnel - the reasons on which the success of labor adaptation depends:

Qualitative level of work on professional orientation of potential employees;

Objectivity of the business assessment of personnel;

Sophistication of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process;

The prestige and attractiveness of the profession, etc.

The success of personnel adaptation is the achievability of the desired results of the adaptation process. Successful adaptation is characterized by:

normal duration;

job satisfaction;

Fulfillment by the employee of the requirements for the position or workplace;

Recognition by the team of the social role of the adaptable employee.

Management of labor adaptation of personnel is a process of purposeful influence on the mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization in order to increase the speed and success of adaptation. The main task of personnel adaptation management is to eliminate the causes and reduce the negative aspects that inevitably arise when an employee adapts to the conditions of a new external and internal environment.

The technology of effective management of the adaptation process involves the compilation of an appropriate algorithm, the definition of ways and methods of influencing the adaptation process, qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow you to control the process of adaptation of a new employee. The main tasks that such an algorithm should solve include: reducing the adverse effects from the activities of an unadapted worker; stabilization of the collective, alarmed by the arrival of a bearer of an alien culture; coordination of the activities of all employees involved in activities that contribute to the adaptation of a new employee.

Labor adaptation of personnel- mutual adaptation of the worker and the organization, based on the gradual inclusion of the worker in the production process in new for him professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational, administrative, economic, sanitary and hygienic and household and recreation.

Under operating conditions the role of adaptation grows. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study the experience of foreign companies that pay increased attention to the adaptation of young workers. This category of personnel needs special care from the administration of organizations.

More often professional adaptation is considered as a process of introducing a person to work within a certain framework, including him in production activities, mastering the conditions and achieving labor efficiency standards. However, adaptation cannot be considered only as mastering a specialty. It also provides adaptation of the beginner to the social norms of behavior in force in the team, the establishment of such relations of cooperation between the employee and the team, which to the greatest extent ensure effective work, satisfaction of the material, domestic and spiritual needs of both parties.

Goals of staff adaptation:

  1. reducing start-up costs, since while a new employee does not know his job well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs;
  2. reducing the degree of concern and uncertainty among new employees;
  3. reducing labor turnover, since if newcomers feel uncomfortable in a new job and unnecessary, they may respond to this by dismissal;
  4. saving time for the manager and employees, as the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;
  5. development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.
Tasks of the adaptation management unit or specialist:
  • organization of seminars, courses on various issues of adaptation;
  • conducting individual conversations of the manager, mentor with a new employee;
  • passing intensive short-term courses for new managers taking office;
  • passing special training courses for mentors;
  • using the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by a beginner;
  • performance of one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;
  • preparation of a replacement during the rotation of personnel;
  • conducting special role-playing games in the team to rally employees.

Personnel adaptation process

Information support of the process adaptation consists in collecting and evaluating indicators of its level and duration. The collection and processing of information is recommended to be carried out as part of the procedure current business assessment of personnel. For domestic organizations, the main problem of information support for adaptation is the need to accumulate normative indicators of the level and duration of adaptation.

For a manager, information about how the process of adaptation of new employees is organized in his unit can say a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal integration.

Forms of staff adaptation

There are the following forms of adaptation:

Social adaptation- this is the process of an individual's getting used to the social environment and turning it into the sphere of his activity, which involves the following stages:

  • introduction into the environment;
  • acceptance and assimilation of the norms and values ​​of this environment;
  • an active attitude of the subject to this environment in order to most fully satisfy mutual interests.

Production adaptation- the process of including an employee in a new production area for him, assimilation by him of working conditions, norms of labor activity, establishing and expanding the relationship between the employee and the production environment.

Professional adaptation characterized by additional development of opportunities, knowledge and skills, as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work.

Psychophysiological adaptation- adaptation to new physical and mental loads, physiological working conditions.

Socio-psychological adaptation- Simultaneously with the development, the employee enters the process of socio-psychological adaptation to the organization's team.

Organizational adaptation- the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational mechanism of enterprise management, the place of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee should form an understanding of his own role in the production process.

Economic adaptation. Each profession is distinguished by special ways of material incentives, and wages are related to its conditions and organization. The object of economic adaptation is the level of wages and, which has become relevant recently, the timeliness of its payment.

Types of staff adaptation

There are two types of adaptation:

  1. Primary adaptation- adaptation of young personnel who do not have professional experience (as a rule, in this case we are talking about graduates of educational institutions).
  2. Secondary adaptation- adaptation of workers with professional experience (as a rule, changing the object of activity or professional role, for example, when moving to the rank of manager).

Adaptation period can be divided into three stages:

Familiarization stage

At this stage, a new specialist learns the goals and objectives of the organization, the microclimate of the environment, compares them with his goals, expectations and ideas about this organization. At the end of this stage, the employee must clearly understand whether this organization and the workplace suits him or he made a mistake.

The administration, in turn, carries out the following work in relation to the new employee:

  • finally confirms the correctness of the decision to enroll the employee in the state;
  • ensures the speedy transition of the specialist to the full-fledged performance of the functions assigned to him;
  • reveals the potential of the employee;
  • finally determines the professional categories of a new employee and subsequent individual development in the process of further work.

All of the above issues must be resolved during the probationary period or internship of a new employee.

adaptation stage

The adaptation period of an employee can cover a period from one month to one year. Its specific duration directly depends on the assistance provided to him by his immediate supervisor, personnel service, colleagues and subordinates. During this period, the newcomer must "fit" into the team.

Assimilation stage

During this period, the employee goes through the stage of complete adaptation, fully copes with his job responsibilities, can himself outline further target settings, becomes a full member of the team.
