I dream of white beads. Beads according to the dream book

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Why do you dream of Beads in a dream according to 18 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Beads” symbol from 18 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you see Beads in a dream?

Beads in a dream portend a surprise in reality. They can also dream of tears, and the larger they are, the more bitterly you will have to cry.

Azar's Dream Book

Beads are a new love.

Dream book of the future

Beads - to a new love interest.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The image of beads in a dream should be understood as a symbol of a series of certain events.

Beautiful colored beads- portend a good streak in your life, black or ugly beads- a streak of failures.

Scatter beads in a dream- a sign that your plans may be upset and everything will go to waste. On such days you should be more careful.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Long beads - for new love.

I dreamed of red beads and earrings, one earring was real and the other was fake, there was also a psychic in the dream, she called me bad and, at the right opportunity, tried to hurt my leg

I dreamed that I was in some room. Either a store or some kind of salon. A lot of different things are hung up. I chose green beads for myself. There was some woman with me. I don't remember who. Then I tell her that she needs to choose green shoes to match these beads. And also buy the same beads and shoes, only red. And she and I can exchange these “sets.” I started looking for shoes. But there turned out to be a lot of different cabinets and shelves, and they were all filled with some kind of things. I never found the shoes. Then she began to clean up the scattered things (clothes, children's toys). And it seems that this is no longer a store, but the former office of my former boss (during my work, he moved to another office). I don’t remember what else. And yesterday I had a dream that my neighbor (a young guy) and I were in some cafe. And they set the table for us. The table was covered with a white tablecloth and filled with blueberry pies, but for some reason the filling was red. The pies were very airy and tasty. The dough is white, seemingly sprinkled with powdered sugar. But there was still a rusty bucket on the table and it was also filled to the brim with these pies. I was still surprised, how could it be that they didn’t have any other dishes?

on Sunday to Monday I dreamed of blood - they wanted to give him an intravenous injection and the blood sprayed out in a stream and splashed on me, then from Monday to Tuesday I dreamed of beads - they gave them to me as a token of gratitude from my patient, my grandmother

They hand me a collection of jewelry, like the royal family, and tell me what each item is worth. Beautiful things with some unique stamps. There were torn beads with beautiful red stones, and they told me that if somewhere I came across a stone like the one in the beads for sale, I should buy it to complement and assemble the beads completely. Then their value will increase even more.

I was choosing a purchase at a flea market: a necklace. At first I wanted to buy a necklace made of gray pearls, but then I changed my mind and bought one from unusual coins. Later it fell apart and I tried to put it back together. One of the scattered coins turned out to be chocolate and was almost eaten by a kitten or a bird .I put everything else together again on a thread

Hello. the beads were made of large gray and flat oval-shaped beads, I don’t remember if they fell from my hands, but I remember that I saw them on the floor and they were torn, I wanted to collect them, but I didn’t do it and I can’t explain why.

I found a path of small beads and beads, collected them in a plate, first with a pinch, then with a handful, collected a full one, with a slide, there were also several large beads. I collected not alone, but with some women, competed in the collection, we even had a little fight, it seems like I won the argument.

Hello, the beads were given by a woman, like a relative, but they are not really beads. They are like a necklace. The main stones fall on the chest in the form of a triangle. The stone looks like malachite. The beads are not round, but in the form of rough stones.

Hello! The beads were multi-colored, some green, others white, others shiny white. In general, there were a lot of beads and it was as if I had taken them from a piece of jewelry. I also saw clean, beautiful shoes on myself, and looked at my dark blue sandals. just stood in the corridor

It was day. I came to visit my sister. I saw beads in her box, one of which was amber. She noticed that I was looking at them, came up and put amber beads around my neck. Then I left

In a dream, they gave a gift of beaded jewelry through courier delivery, the gift was beautifully packaged and inside there was a beaded jewelry of a nice golden color, I tried it on, but then I wanted to ask who they told me it was from a man.

Thick huge beautiful beads on the neck made of large beads and tulle. They were on the neck, I stood below in them at home on a raised platform, two women.
In real life, I was learning a new profession. And my lover works with me

Hello I saw in a dream how I was changing clothes. I take off my multi-colored black floral sweater and underneath it a white turtleneck. Apparently I'm going to study. I'm looking for a coral jacket. I'm also wearing long multi-colored beads.

Hello. In the dream, I tried on various jewelry on my neck and chest - beads, necklaces, large bright jewelry. I was happy, but I was in a hurry to get somewhere and couldn’t choose what to leave.

In a dream, an unfamiliar guy gave me beautiful light green beads. In the dream, this guy and I walked around the market and he tried to buy something else, but I don’t remember. I remember well that I took off the beads and carried them in my hands so as not to lose them

I dreamed that I was in some kind of store. I have in my hands a set of beads with red beads, and also with blue beads included there. the clasp breaks in your hands and the beads fall apart (a lot, almost half). Then I collected these beads on the floor, and again strung them on this thread, collecting almost everything. A security guard watched all this, and when the string of beads broke, he began to study my dossier on the computer, and was surprised to say that I was simply perfect. and “forgave” me and did not somehow punish me for the fact that the beads had lost their marketable appearance.

I worked as a salesperson and a buyer asked for some kind of “MANDELA”, they told me that these were supposedly beads that hung very high under the ceiling at the end of the store.. Grandfather took off the beads, tore them and threw them down and cursed. The beads were pearl and multi-colored. The main thing I knew was that they were very expensive. I yelled at him.

from Thursday to Friday, I put beads on my daughter, the beads were the color of pearls and mixed with black ones, large pearl ones were attached to these on hooks, I saw that they were weakly clamped and she pressed them in. She walked into them.

I don’t remember the whole dream, but I remember the beads well. In my hands is a mustache that looks like I made it myself. Brown, wooden balls are 0.8-1 cm in diameter and as if orange beads with very large beads are lying on the floor - 2-2.5 cm. I bend down for them and my homemade ones tear in my hands and a couple of beads roll on the floor, and the rest are held on by a thread. I hold my beads in my hands and see a man I know (generally just an acquaintance) who is holding amethyst beads in his hands. Large square beads, 2-2.5 cm on the side of the bead. Bright purple, sparkling, very beautiful. I take them (the amethyst ones) in my hand to look at them, and they are so heavy and very pleasant in the hand. I returned them and keep my wooden ones, which were torn, and on the floor lie and shimmer those orange ones with large round beads. Moreover... All this happens in some type of barn that swings or on a ship. Because the floor is wooden and everything sways - it looks like a ship is sailing

I was in a hurry somewhere, then either beads or an earring fell off, they were oblong red, white beads on both ends, I started collecting, and there were a lot of them, although it shouldn’t have been like that, they’re from - then appeared and appeared

I dreamed of large translucent garnet-colored beads scattered throughout a full, medium-sized handbag. Then the late husband took them as guests and put them in his tuxedo pocket.

Hello!! My name is Elena. In a dream, I made long beads, like a rosary. She put it on herself and stood in front of the mirror. The beads were long and I tied them with a knot to make them somewhat shorter. I took this knot in my hands and the beads turned into beautiful expensive shiny stones. Mom came up and said what beautiful beads you made.

A large number of people and relatives from the side of the deceased husband gathered. Among the guests is the deceased and beloved sister-in-law, she helps organize this event, even leads it. I feel her support and attention. From a stranger I receive a box, and there are beads. another woman brought a basket of toys and trinkets. Usually such things are brought during matchmaking or weddings.

Hello, I dreamed that my mother’s friend came to visit us for some holiday, unexpectedly, without invitations, and gave me black shoes, I think they were used, in good condition, from herself and from her son, she gave me new beautiful beads, gently orange, sunny, iridescent and wished me good words. Please interpret this dream for me.

I was standing in the elevator, in my hands, a small bag, next to me was a girl of about 8 years old that I knew, we were driving to my apartment, suddenly we were already in the apartment and when I went to another room, my large black beads fell from me, they fell to the floor but did not crumble, and so with a thread and fell. I picked them up, tied the threads in a knot, then I dreamed of a cemetery and 2 prisoners, one of whom dug an underground passage. This passage began at someone’s grave and went down 2 meters underground. They ran away from police with sirens, went down this tunnel and ended up in a spacious dungeon

I was in an old cemetery, seeing old coins, beads and beads on the graves, I started collecting them, I collected about two bags. Afterwards I found myself in the laboratory of some young scientist, to whom I gave coins to study, he said something about Paris in 1612, we, being in the time machine, went straight to that year, a man appeared on the screen of the time machine, about forty years old, hat, he told me something about how I couldn’t get to Paris, and I woke up

I see myself from the outside in a beautiful green dress (like tapestry fabric) that fits my figure, and large handmade beads (covered with fabric) and three green pom-poms to match the beads, all harmoniously on a long thread and tied with a ribbon. The beads are the size of an old man for table tennis...String at a short distance from each other...

Good afternoon I'm pregnant, I don't know the gender of the baby yet. In my dream I saw a lot of different jewelry that girls I knew and didn’t know allegedly stole from me. Now I recognize my jewelry and take away all the jewelry from them. And I saw a baby, a girl, fair-haired with blue eyes.

I dreamed about my deceased mother. It was as if she was alive, but she was dying again. The atmosphere is quiet and calm. She died again. But the beads remained after her. Consisting of 2 separate threads. One thread is medium length, the other is short. The beads are made of light material. Color red-black. A rose cut out of a red plastic material, and behind the rose in beads there are 2 oblong black sticks and again a rose and again sticks and so on. There were no such beads in real life or I don’t remember about it. The beads lay on the bed, and I ran my hand over them and felt that they were light. A feeling of light sadness, memory. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, but in the morning, before waking up. I didn’t talk to my mother in the dream. I showed the beads to my mother’s sister, she was also present in the room, where I ran my hand over the beads and said that this was a memory for my mother.

Beads and costume jewelry were sold at the market. and I looked at them. and there were all sorts of beads. I also saw pearls. and there were long red beads. It fell apart on its own and tore. I collected them in my palms as much as I could. and gave them to the owner who was selling them

I put a Panama hat on my head, in the end it turns out to be a beautiful hat with a wide brim. I go to a store with jewelry, I choose, but I just can’t choose. I see a ring with what I thought is amber, but it’s a fake. I notice that there’s nothing to choose. And it’s purely by chance In some box I find earrings and beads of the same color - lilac and I understand that I have found what I need!

I dreamed that I was wearing beads, I bought them together with a ring and earrings, I hesitated when buying whether I needed them, and I only wore beads, the stones were blue, and I remember the color of my clothes - also a blue jacket

Hello. I had a dream about how my friend from childhood gave me beads, but they were not beautiful and not completely full of threads, and I gave them to my grandmother who died. Supposedly for a birthday, and the grandmother is very small and thin in her dream. She was like this during her life. But the friend above her body was naked, and without one breast. And her second breast is very small, like a man’s. The dream is very strange

Today I dreamed about my mother-in-law, who died earlier this year. She looked healthy and not quite old, wearing her favorite robe. In my dream, I thought that she had died, and even went to another room, where there should have been two photographs of my mother-in-law. (My husband ordered these photos as a souvenir after his mother’s death). But in the dream these photos did not appear. We were calmly talking about something, and my mother-in-law gave me beads, very beautiful, made of black shiny stone with a silver chain. I hung these beads around my neck, and in the dream I was in a dark dress, I also told my mother-in-law that these beads suit me very much.

First we come to my grandmother and mother. There my aunt is sitting at the computer. She has a child. I picked it up and it turned out to be heavy. And when he hugs me, beads fall off me
then everything changed dramatically, we were sitting in front of the kitchen entrance, this child fell asleep and the aunt gave herself an injection in the butt and then came out of the kitchen and maybe creamed the child’s ass and I don’t remember everything else.
P.S. We have to leave for St. Petersburg today. In real life.

Hello Tatyana, I dreamed of a set of white beads and a bracelet. they were carved and looked like porcelain or... Oncology center ceramics, carved, each bead is from a centimeter to one and a half in size. I didn’t try them on, but I saw them on myself, complete with a dress that I recently bought. It's strange, because I don't wear beads at all. Thank you!

A tall man in rags puts on a girl about 7 years old in the same clothes with her head covered with the same material, red beads at the end of which there is a cross in a wooden mug, on her head like a necklace, he gives her a thick thread of his rags in her hand and puts it on her other hand a pinch from your fingers and shows you how to do it... that’s it

Hello. Today I dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday that I was wearing colored green beads, and my opponent was wearing purple ones. We have the same small size. Then she took off the beads and went to swim in the river, and left the beads on the bank. They looked for her but never found her. What could this mean?

Good afternoon. I’ll tell you as soon as I can convey the dream that I had in the morning. I am in a room where I am looking at ancient jewelry on display behind glass. A museum room or something. There are other people besides me. Then I don’t remember much, but somehow I ended up with a necklace or choker in my hand, like pearls, but there were also silver pendants. I noticed them when the necklace broke. I squatted down and began collecting and stringing beads. It seems that the necklace has become whole again. A grayish man with a beard came up to me. I don’t remember what happened next, I think I woke up. I hope it doesn't foretell anything bad. Thank you in advance.

I dreamed that a person next to me - of which gender I did not see, as well as the person himself - from the side of my right side, hands me beads - dark in color (black mixed with dark gray and dark brown) and says something to me, but I don’t I hear that. The beads are quite large

I saw large white beads with green stones. First I gave it to someone, then this man brought it back and hung it in the gate. And I told the woman that give it to him. And she said okay and I hung it back there. And I left my children and it’s like I’m leaving the house and going with this woman and forgot another hundred bucks at home and I tell her you call her otherwise I can’t go back home. And I myself repent that I’m leaving the children at home. But which house I dreamed of was an old gate with a crooked picket fence.

There are a lot of beautiful pale pink beads, quite large, on a thick, durable fishing line (I am fond of making jewelry in black and white). I'm looking for a broken thread to remove one bead. I find and see the owner, my former neighbor. I'll tell you why I'm here. He asks to return the bead. I see that the removed bead is uneven, chipped and blue. I ask why he needs to be so spoiled and wake up. In reality I remember that my neighbor died about five years ago.

I was going to the store and saw some beautiful big ones, about 7 stones, one green, 2 brown and the rest light gray. I bought them and put them on right away. I tried them on and told the saleswoman they weren’t too big. She said no, but I was in a beautiful dress. And the stones are as big as a fist. I also wanted to buy earrings from stones, I ran to get advice, I don’t understand, all the saleswomen are lying beaten

They said that someone stole the beads and I took out all of mine to show them (3-4 threads). And suddenly this woman takes one string of beads and says that it is them. Although all my beads are from real life. I say to give it back, I can prove that I was not here at the time of their disappearance. But I understand that the beads will not be given to me. It was a simple and cunning theft. At first I was upset, but then I decided that I wouldn’t wear them anyway. And I calm down. Everything has already happened. What a pity.

I enter the room but before that I pick up 2 large blue beads of irregular shape.. There I already meet my former classmate and I understand that I give her these two beads and she throws them away.. She has about 2 meters long on her table The same beautiful large beads, the stone looks like a pearl, but I checked them and they turned out to be soap.. What is this for?

I had a dream in which I and my boyfriend (we live together) found ourselves on the bank of a river. It seems that we lived there in a tent or hut (which is quite understandable, since in reality we now temporarily do not have our own apartment). I see evening, it looks like there’s even a fire; I know for sure that tonight is special. I leave our hut dressed up, as if we were going to get married. I am wearing clothes in the traditional Ukrainian style: a light, elegant blouse, a skirt (the skirt was long, more like a gypsy skirt - dark, with a colorful pattern of roses) and beads. The beads were initially red (as expected) in several threads, but then it turned out that there were many more of them (beads) - from the longest to the shortest (under the neck). Almost everything is light in color. The thought also flashed through my mind that the skirt for this occasion would also need to be light (white).
My boyfriend and I stood in front of the fire (I felt the warmth of the fire) and it seemed like someone or something invisible had married us. After which my soul felt very good, pleasant - this kind of happiness brought me a lot))
Then we walked together along the bank along the river. The shore is flat and sandy. The evening was warm and pleasant and smoothly turned into night. A large transparent wave rose from a fairly calm river and splashed us with water, but we remained dry and moved on. Realizing that we need somewhere to shelter for the night, we find some kind of apartment (or a hotel room with a couple of rooms). The owners are walking somewhere and we decided to take advantage of their absence. We found a room with a bed, we kissed (after all, like “the first wedding night”), then my husband went to bed and quickly fell asleep, and I brewed several types of some kind of noodles and was still thinking: “Is it enough to just pour boiling water over it, after all, you have to cook it?” necessary…". However, the vermicelli turned out ready and tasty. I began to taste it not with a spoon, but directly with my hand.
By morning, I heard that one of the owners of the apartment was returning and woke up my husband with the words “We have to go!” They’re coming back here!” My husband was sleepy, but still got up and we tried to leave unnoticed, hiding... However, it didn’t work and we were discovered by the person who owned the room (or number). Then I told him not to be angry, and that we just wanted to spend the night...
Then the dream ended. It seems that we remained in that apartment.

Tell me, can you interpret this sweet dream?

Good afternoon
I dreamed about beads last night. Lots of beads. They were on my neck, all beautiful, different lengths and colors. Some were red, the rest were light. Not pearls, not precious metals; More like jewelry. They complemented my Ukrainian-style outfit (although the skirt was long, more like a gypsy skirt). My boyfriend, with whom we live together, was with me. We seemed to get married near the fire in the evening, on the river bank, but who married us was not visible... or rather, something invisible seemed to marry us and we went for a walk. The evening was warm and pleasant. On a fairly calm river, a huge transparent wave rose and splashed us with water, but we remained dry.
We reached some kind of house or cottage in which there was no one - the owners had gone for a walk. We found a room with a bed and started kissing. Then my husband lay down and quickly fell asleep. And I brewed several types of vermicelli with boiling water. To my surprise, it turned out to be ready (although I didn’t cook it, I just steamed it) and tasty.
In the morning the owner of the house came; I woke up my husband and said that we needed to leave quietly. But it didn’t work out unnoticed. The owner of the house found us, but didn’t swear, and I tried to tell him that we didn’t do anything wrong, we were just tired and spent the night….
Then the dream ended and it seems we remained in that house...

If you can explain my dream to me, I will be very grateful)

I dreamed that I was dating my former boss. He invited me to a cafe, I clearly saw a large clock and he gave me his white beads, but instead of balls there were white flat washers. I saw the dead man, but did not approach him.

Hello Tatiana! I saw in a dream taming a bead made of dark green granite pebbles, and the seller said that it was a purple-green color. taming is intended to be applied to the neck, long. I didn’t immediately understand its uniqueness, I put it on, then it didn’t seem like I had put it on incorrectly, I turned it a little and it immediately changed both the color and the overall fit. I realized that this was not an ordinary necklace and decided to shake it off, and every time I shook it off, it changed radically, each time a different color, and it became larger and larger in size. the key word that I remembered is purple-green granite.

I saw a lot of scattered beads of different shapes in my yard, but some were more memorable than others (long, black, unusual in shape, but torn). A neighbor stood nearby and asked in amazement: “I don’t understand who needs this anyway?” (in the sense of scattering beads) and pointed to a tree, there were also beads there, saying: “okay, they are scattered around the yard, but why hang them on trees?” I don’t remember the end of the dream, but I remember that the neighbor offered to do something, like help seal some bags, I don’t remember exactly... I clearly remember beads and torn beads... Thank you!

I came somewhere with my son, and there in some house my ex was looking at me with sarcasm, some woman was with him. I say something to him, another Korean man comes out and hangs several beautiful colored beads on my hands, and I say 50 bucks where are mine and this man tells me something explains the situation of his being there and take these beads and leave. My ex, with the woman hanging around his neck, turns around and seems to go into the house, and my son and I with the beads turn around and leave, and in front of us is a long beautiful bridge along which we are walking and I think why beads and not 50 bucks. And I woke up from this thought

In a dream I was sorting through beads (bright purple, blue and black colors), but did not try them on. I liked one purple decoration on threads with three beads, I put it to myself, and then put it under the pillow, and woke up

Beads differ from other categories of jewelry in that they symbolize a means by which they try to “highlight” a loved one and tie them to oneself. There are approaches to interpreting dream beads: beads - symbolizing interactions and connections between people; it cannot be accidental that in ancient times they were a product that was exchanged among themselves and beads - like a series of events changing one after another.

You need to consider the size, color of the beads, shape, and you should pay attention to what they are made of.

If beads are made of expensive material - precious stone, natural pearls, turquoise - they symbolize stronger and more personal connections between people than beads made of glass, ceramic, bone, wood or plastic.

Beautiful multi-colored beads foreshadow brighter and more interesting events in life than beads of unsightly or inexpressive colors - black, gray, also made of cheap or fragile material.

Scattered, torn beads in a dream mean a severance of personal ties. Another meaning of such a dream may be the disruption of planned plans and affairs.

Beads given in a dream symbolize an invitation to communication or cooperation. And depending on the decision made, whether you like the beads or not, this will be the result of the relationship.

If you had to string beads on a thread, this means a long and probably problematic task that promises good profits in the future. If you dream of gorgeous beads as a gift to yourself, this means buying an expensive item.

What if you dream about beads?

In any case, seeing beads in a dream is a joy. Therefore, if even not very good events are spoken of in dreams, everything will end well and with benefit. If a young woman takes off her beads and is given beads as a gift in a dream, this means happiness in her personal life.

But if you had a dream in which a girl lost or tore and scattered her beads, then this may mean that she will have to repent for her own mistakes, because she will deprive herself of happiness.

If you dreamed that you wanted to buy beads as a gift but couldn’t choose, then in real life you will think for a long time before you decide to start a family.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream of beads - if you dream that you found beads in a store that you really liked, but you don’t have the money to buy them, in reality you have a chance to receive a wonderful gift.

In a dream, beads portend a surprise. They can also dream of shed tears, and the larger they are, the more you will have to cry. But don’t worry if the beads are long - to new love, if the beads are given in a dream - you are very loved. Beads in a dream mean unconscious hidden personal sympathy for a person.

There are currently two different views on dreams. Science claims that our dreams are just a visualization of thought processes, while adherents of esoteric practices stubbornly insist that in dreams we receive images and signs warning us about this or that event in life. But no matter what “camp” a person belongs to, night visions always arouse interest and an attempt to comprehend what he saw.

They appeared a long time ago, our ancestors tried to combine the pictures and actions that we see in our dreams into a single system. And even though these explanations are not always scientific and substantiated, there is definitely a sound grain in them. In this article we have collected information from old and new dream books that reveal the meanings of dreams related to beads.

Appearance of beads

To correctly interpret beads seen in a dream, you need to remember their appearance. For example, long beads foreshadow a series of important events that will begin to happen soon, while a short necklace pressing on the throat is a harbinger of illness. If it was a wooden necklace, then health problems may begin for one of your loved ones. This is explained precisely by the material from which the beads are made:

  • Precious stones, pearls or gold are a sign of your desire for wealth and a carefree life. If in a dream you were given a luxurious piece of jewelry, then expect patronage or a very profitable deal. Find out that the beads are fake - beware of deception on the part of your partners. Such a dream warns of possible financial fraud behind your back;
  • or a necklace made of wooden rings promise events with the family. Here you need to try to remember your feelings from the dream you saw. If you like the jewelry and you are satisfied, expect good news from your loved ones, but if you cannot remove the wooden beads from your neck, such a dream speaks of manipulation in your direction by one of your relatives. Think about who can take advantage of you by putting their point of view against your wishes;
  • Beads made of minerals and natural stones are a sign that subconsciously you want to engage in your spiritual growth, or take a journey that will help you look at familiar things differently. Perhaps you should pay attention to oriental practices, or go on vacation, closer to nature.
  • Glass or plastic beads given as a gift in a dream mean false feelings. If a man gave you such jewelry, you should think about the sincerity of his attitude towards you. Taking off cheap jewelry means that you will soon be able to free yourself from people who do not value you and are trying to slander you in the eyes of others.

Bead size and color

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the size and color of the beads. Here is a breakdown of some images:

  • – this is love and passion. Such a dream foretells you an imminent meeting with a person who can light a fire in your heart. If you accepted such beads as a gift, the relationship will be long and strong. If in a dream you are faced with a choice between red or white beads, you cannot decide on your behavior. Should you listen to yourself or obey the morals of society - that is the question;
  • - a harbinger of a bright and educational trip. It could be a vacation with friends, filled with joy and new experiences;
  • promise a series of troubles that you and your loved ones will have to go through. Accepting a string of black beads as a gift means taking responsibility for other people’s actions, thereby giving tacit consent to participate in correcting other people’s mistakes. Going through beads means falling into depression from constantly scrolling through heavy thoughts in your head that exhaust you;
  • , delightful, means a surge of creative energy and the opening of new opportunities in a career or hobby. Do you doubt whether to put an original piece of jewelry on your neck in a dream? Try to figure out your self-esteem in reality. Perhaps you want to look different from everyone else, but you doubt that you can do it;
  • , which is difficult for you to wear due to the size, means a reluctance to leave in the past what can no longer be returned. If a man gives an unmarried woman a necklace, but it doesn’t suit her, the dream promises disappointment in the gentleman, who will not live up to expectations in the future.

Actions of a sleeper with beads

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember not only the appearance of the decoration, but also the actions you performed:

– choosing beads as a gift means a desire to bring a person closer to you. If the jewelry is very expensive, but you buy it anyway, the recipient actually means a lot to you. If in a dream you preferred the cheap option, think about the sincerity of your feelings for the person to whom this gift was intended;

– sorting through promises a long project that will require carefully worked out actions and scrupulous execution of each task;

- remove the beads from your neck and throw them in the trash - soon you will get rid of the responsibilities that burdened you. If, while taking off your beads, you put them on someone else’s neck, this should be regarded as an attempt to shift your responsibility to someone else;

- steal the beads. This dream warns of the danger of appearing before the law. Beware of actions in life that could threaten your freedom. Pay special attention to the documents you sign;

- find beads and take them for yourself - expect a responsible work task that will require a lot of time and effort from you;

- breaking beads in a dream - getting rid of burdens and troubles.

Whatever the meaning of your dream, do not forget that we ourselves are the creators of our lives. Listen to the recommendations of the dream book, but do not get hung up on what you read.

The appearance of jewelry in dreams is often interpreted in a positive way. However, some dream books about beads give a negative forecast, depending on the situation related to jewelry.

Dream beads: what does it portend?

Women's dream book

Accepting beads as a gift means a quick marriage for love and happiness. Torn, scattered beads seen in a dream promise the commission of rash actions, the result of which will be a break in relations with a lover. Buying beads and at the same time doubting the choice means uncertainty in real life. A sleeping person cannot decide who is more suitable for the role of life partner.

Imperial dream book

A dream about beads placed around your neck and squeezing it is a direct sign that it’s time to think about your health. The severity of the decoration is a manifestation of the severity of the disease in real life. Tearing off the beads, getting rid of the pressure, means complete recovery and recovery from the disease.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Trying to collect scattered beads and string them on a thread means poverty, sadness, and disappointment in people. Presenting beads to someone as a gift in a dream foreshadows separation from a loved one, a severance of communication with him. Seeing beautiful beads in a dream means long and hard work that will help you achieve what you want.

Dream book of the 21st century

I dreamed of beads - soon pleasant surprises await the dreamer. Negative interpretation: beads dream of tears and grief; the larger the size of the beads, the more sorrowful the person will be. Beautiful, shiny and bright beads signify improvements in life, while black, irregularly shaped beads signify failure. A torn thread and spilled beads dream of frustrated plans and unrealistic hopes. Looking at torn beads and sighing about it is a sign of betrayal by a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Breaking heavy beads on yourself means solving problems and leaving troubles behind. Taking off jewelry that you didn’t like and that was preventing you from breathing normally means liberation from prejudices. Why do you dream of beads? To tears and frustration. Stringing beads on a thread in a dream foreshadows troubles that will be provoked by a sleeping person. A dream about selling beads promises empty troubles. Wearing long beads while experiencing joy means a long-term relationship where the dreamer will be adored. A short, uncomfortable piece of jewelry, when wearing which a person experiences discomfort, is a sign of the wrong choice of a life partner. You should take a close look at your lover.

Beads in a dream, collected into a beautiful necklace, foreshadow a series of interesting and memorable events in the dream book. Another common explanation of why beads are dreamed of concerns the interaction of the sleeping person with others.

How does Miller explain vision?

The psychologist prophesies to the dreamer good trade, successful business, successful social activities, interpreting why pearls are dreamed of. For men, a dream about a picture heralds an opportune moment for the implementation of far-reaching plans.

Miller's dream book promises a woman to whom her beloved has presented pearl beads as a gift an ideal relationship with a faithful and sincere person. But scattering pearls in a dream means suffering and sadness over love troubles.

Are there tears and loneliness ahead?

The Dream Book of Lovers explains a little differently why one dreams of scattering pearls, foreshadowing a seal against unrealized hopes. The dream interpreter advises to be more careful and refuse risky steps that could turn the business you have started into failure.

If a young lady dreamed that the necklace broke and the beads fell to the floor with a crash, it means that in reality, loneliness and disappointment in love await the dreamer.

Details: color and material

The general dream book suggests that the meaning of beads in dreams should be explained based on the material and color of the dreamed beads:

  • to see white - personifies the purity and nobility of the sleeping person;
  • small and ugly - they promise troublesome, petty affairs;
  • black - testify to strength, nobility and constancy;
  • colored ones - promise a kaleidoscope of joyful, happy moments;
  • glass - warn of an insidious, deceitful environment;
  • beautiful, large - broadcast about major achievements in the future;
  • artificial beads - indicate a possible deception of the other half.

Get ready for achievements!

Great achievements and successes accompany those who happen to collect beads in a dream. It is especially good if in a dream you happen to collect white beads and string them on a thread. For a young girl, a dream about an action heralds an imminent wedding. For a man, it opens up the prospect of opening his own enterprise.

Provide support to loved ones

Seeing that the beads fell to the floor and scattered in different directions? The dream book connects such a plot with the problems of the other half in the business field. In this interpretation, the interpretation of a dream in which you have to collect beads is associated with the need to help your beloved cope with the troubles that have arisen.

Don't waste your time on trifles!

A general dream interpreter advises learning to say “no” when interpreting why you dream of buying beads, otherwise you will get bogged down in long and empty worries.

Did you dream that you bought a lot of small beads? Try to ignore minor shortcomings in the behavior of others in reality, otherwise irritation will follow you around, preventing you from working and communicating with people.
