Dream interpretation of why red tulips are dreamed of. Dream Interpretation - Red color

Tulips are very beautiful flowers, and they are one of the first to greet spring with their colorful colors. They can be seen in village front gardens and towns, and in city street flower beds. Why do you dream about tulips? Dream books will tell you about this.

Tulips are very beautiful flowers, and they are one of the first to welcome spring with their colorful colors.

The tulip flower is interpreted by many dream books as a plant of dreamers. But he dreams to tell dreamers that all dreams come true, the main thing is to start acting.

According to Miller's dream book:

  1. Receiving flowers in a dream as a gift from a friend means an ardent lover will soon appear, but this relationship will not last long.
  2. If the dreamer himself gives flowers, it means that the wrong person is nearby.

According to Freud:

  • Dreaming of tulips being dug up or growing in a flowerbed means that next to the owner of the dream are those who can betray him at any moment, but because of their hypocrisy, they skillfully disguise themselves as friends.
  • Tulips in the house - the dreamer leads a secretive lifestyle.
  • When you dream of a garden with blooming tulips, a trip to distant lands will be planned very soon; it will be exciting and educational.

Flowers in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream about colorful tulips?

For the correct interpretation of dreams with beautiful spring flowers, their shade is important. Sometimes they come in multi-colored or very rare colors.

  • Did you dream about black tulips? You should prepare for not the best moment in life. Loneliness will set in and depression is possible.
  • The blue color of spring flowers promises unrequited love.
  • Purple tulips indicate upcoming problems in family life.
  • The variety of colors in tulip buds speaks of the frivolous nature of the dreamer.

The variety of colors in tulip buds tells about the frivolous nature of the dreamer

Buying fresh flowers is a harbinger of unrequited love.

Seeing red, yellow, white, pink tulips in a dream

It is interesting to make out the specific color scheme of tulips seen in night visions:

  • Red color – to financial well-being. This could happen in the form of winning the lottery, or someone wanting to give an expensive gift.
  • Pink tulips predict a date with your loved one, in which there will be a lot of pleasant words and tenderness. Pink flowers mean tenderness.
  • Yellow tulips given in life mean separation, and in a dream they mean deception and betrayal. But soon everything will get better, the beloved will come to his senses and return.

The dream book interprets white tulips as love problems or an unsuccessful date.

Why do you dream about tulip bulbs?

  1. If you dreamed of flower bulbs, you should expect big scandals or conflicts. It is quite possible that a misunderstanding will occur on public transport or other crowded places. Sometimes such a dream predicts future dismissal from work.
  2. If in a dream people pick flowers without stopping and even with some kind of frenzy, it means that something is going wrong in life. The fault lies with the wrong actions of the dreamer himself.
  3. If bulbs and flower sprouts are planted, then soon the owner of the dream will commit an act that will raise him in the eyes of others. A well-deserved authority will appear.

If you dreamed about flower bulbs, you should expect big scandals or conflicts

Planting tulips is a sign of jealousy.

Value depending on season

Very often, dream books pay attention to the time of year in which such a “flowery” dream occurs.

  1. In autumn: pleasant surprises and joy.
  2. In winter: the boss will try to put pressure on the dreamer.
  3. In spring: do not lose your head over a new acquaintance, which is foreshadowed by a dream.
  4. In the summer: such a dream foreshadows trade workers with big profits and successful sales.

Very often dream books pay attention to the time of year in which such a dream occurs.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of tulips?

A dream of this kind indicates that the dreamer’s character does not allow him to build good-hearted relationships due to arrogance and arrogance.

  1. If in a dream tulips are collected into a bouquet, a very good person may soon appear; one could only dream of such a suitor. The relationship promises to be serious and long-lasting.
  2. Sometimes I dream about artificial flowers. This is a dark period in life, but, fortunately, short-lived. The blame for everything will be the experiences hidden inside a person.
  3. Dream books pay great attention to closed buds in dreams. Your soulmate will meet soon. Perhaps she is somewhere very close.
  4. But what should you prepare for if the plants have already withered, withered, and the petals have completely fallen off? You urgently need to pay attention to your body. He needs new strength and energy recharge. Sometimes you need to take a break.
  5. If you happen to see tulips standing in a vase, this means a large number of admirers of the dreamer’s beauty. There will be someone to choose from for a life partner.
  6. If you dream of flowers in a large bouquet, then everything will be fine in your relationship with your loved one. If such a dream is seen by a family man or a married woman, it means harmony and mutual respect. If a large bouquet is dreamed of by those who have not yet been married, it means that the marriage will be happy.

If in a dream tulips are collected into a bouquet, a very good person may soon appear; one could only dream of such a suitor

If in a dream you happened to see spring flowers and inhale their aroma, then in reality you will have to give up many of your old habits.

Seeing a field of tulips in a dream: meaning

In a dream, a flowering field indicates that an event will occur that will be able to turn the life of the owner or mistress of the dream upside down.

  • Tulips growing in open areas most often predict joyful events and changes for the better.
  • If you pick tulips in a field, then all your wishes can come true. The work will give positive results.
  • Watering flowers means great but short-lived love.

The number of flowers seen affects the meaning of the dream.

  • One speaks of the dreamer’s health. Complete healing will soon occur. An opportunity will open up to take a new path in life: a significant meeting with a person, moving to a new place of residence, a new job.
  • A large number of flowers is equivalent to a large bouquet: to experience.

If tulips are burned or thrown away in a dream, then it does not matter what kind of flowers they were. Another thing is important: the person is tired of the existing relationship. A love breakup, a job change, or a quarrel with friends may occur.

Why do you dream about flowers (video)

Undoubtedly, flowers are beauty and pleasure, but some real experiences can be so strong that they transfer their negativity even to dreams, and it takes a very long time to figure out what the next dream was about. It’s better to calm down, put your thoughts and feelings in order and start acting.

Attention, TODAY only!

  • If a man dreams of a tulip, then he may soon win the favor of a narcissistic beauty.
  • The appearance of a flower in a woman’s dream is an unfavorable sign. She risks falling in love with a proud macho or an arrogant egoist.

Now, let's figure out from the dream books what the dream in which you saw tulips is for.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed of a field of tulips, an event will happen that may greatly hurt your feelings. It will be difficult to part with this pleasant state, but soon the emotional outburst will fade away.
  • Picking or cutting a tulip means a frank conversation, which you will later regret.
  • A tulip in a girl’s dream speaks of moral purity; women - a harbinger of imminent menstruation.
  • Trampling flowers is a sign that indicates the selfishness of the owner of the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Blooming tulips of bright color are a sign that speaks of marital fidelity, pleasure and love in marriage.
  • White flowers symbolize sadness and sadness. Dry ones promise love repentance.
  • Tulips in the garden - to the quick acquisition of rich property. Wild flowers, especially white ones, growing on weeds are a sign of sorrow.
  • If in a dream a girl receives a bouquet as a gift, a man who is pleasant but empty inside has feelings for her.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If you pick a flower, then you should think about your priorities in life, maybe they need to be changed.
  • Dug up tulips indicate the machinations of ill-wishers who are trying in every possible way to put a spoke in your wheels.
  • Tulips in the house speak of a person who is not used to opening up to people.
  • If you plant these flowers in a dream, then in life you may make a wise decision or do a noble deed.
  • The flowers have dried up - you may have to go through a breakup or illness in life.

Interpretation based on a specific color of tulips

  • Red flowers can suggest that it is time for the owner of the dream to make plans for the future. It is also necessary to remember that money does not play the main role.
  • Yellow speaks of envy on the part of others, betrayal or deception. For a girl, they foretell a quick separation from her lover or a complete break in the relationship.
  • Pink - for a quick romantic date.
  • White - sadness due to problems in love.
  • Blacks talk about possible depression, the onset of a dark streak in life.
  • A bouquet of flowers of different colors indicates that those around you do not take the owner of the dream seriously.

Everything that a tulip means in a dream affects a person’s feelings, relationships and love. But in some cases, this means a quick change of opinion, views on some exciting occasions - when the dreamed plant has a smell.

People in whose lives creativity plays a major role have unconventional, creative thinking. In such cases, studying the dream book, a tulip can be compared to a glass that is full of new ideas. This is a kind of symbol of the embodiment of creative ideas.

Many people love tulips for their beauty and the feeling of spring that these flowers give with their appearance on city streets. If you dreamed of tulips in a dream, this is an extremely good sign. The future of those who dream of these flowers is usually joyful and happy. To find out exactly why tulips are dreamed of, you should use a dream book.

The interpretation of a dream with tulips is largely influenced by such little things as the shade of flowers. Other subtleties of the plot are no less important.

The influence of the shade of buds on the interpretation of dreams

Seeing red tulips in a dream, according to the dream book, means material well-being. You can expect a big cash win or an expensive gift in the near future. In any case, whatever it is, your financial situation will improve. Pink tulips predict a particularly pleasant romantic date. When you go to meet your lover or beloved, you can expect a pleasant surprise and a lot of passionate confessions and tenderness.

One of the dream books explains why yellow tulips are seen in dreams. Buds of this shade, seen in a dream, predict betrayal and deception in real life. It is quite possible that your loved one will cheat on you or decide to break up. When you hear the sad news, try not to lose your composure. A negative life period is always followed by a positive one. Be patient. Soon the clouds will clear and the first warm rays of sunshine will appear.

If you dreamed about black tulips, get ready to experience a not-so-positive life period in reality. You will have to spend some time alone. The melancholy and sadness will be so strong that prolonged depression may even develop. The dream book recommends walking outside more often and not refusing to help those around you, even strangers. This way your own sorrows will be forgotten faster.

To find out what white tulips mean in dreams, you should also refer to the dream book. If in a dream you saw buds of exactly this shade, get ready for problems in your existing love relationship. In addition, such a dream can also be interpreted as a symbol of an unsuccessful acquaintance or a love date. Blue tulips predict unrequited love in real life.

You can also find an explanation of why you dream of purple and multi-colored tulips in one of the dream books. Violet people talk about problems in family relationships. Flowers of different colors indicate your frivolity. Think about growing up, otherwise many people around you do not take you seriously. This attitude of others prevents you from achieving some of your main goals.

Interpretation of this dream according to various dream books

Collecting tulips in a dream means mutual love feelings. In reality, a very interesting and well-groomed person will pay attention to you. Perhaps the attention of which you never even dared to dream of. A similar dream also indicates a high probability of starting a long-term serious relationship.

Gives an explanation of why tulips are dreamed of and Miller’s dream book. According to this interpreter, they symbolize married life and love relationships. If in a dream they give you tulips, then in reality an attractive, but not very serious person has sincere feelings for you. If, on the contrary, you were given tulips in a dream, then you have loving feelings for an empty and overly frivolous representative of the opposite sex.

Withered tulip flowers, according to Miller’s dream book, are a symbol of belated love repentance. Another interpreter tells why you dream of a bouquet of tulips. If you had a similar dream at night, then in reality your excessive arrogance and boundless arrogance scare away the people around you. For the same reason, problems may arise with forming friendships.

Planting tulips in a dream means jealousy. Because of a sense of possessiveness, your spouse will subject you to endless interrogations and scandals. You should not give in to his pressure and take on something that is not your fault. This dream can also warn of excessive demands from superiors. Be patient and attentive to comments if you don’t want to lose your job.

Seeing in a dream this type of plant that you smell means changing your established habits. It is also possible that, under the influence of certain circumstances, your view of certain life situations will change significantly. Perhaps such changes will have a positive impact absolutely on your entire life.

According to the dream book, a field of tulips predicts that very soon an event will happen in your life that will seriously affect your feelings. You will worry about what happened for quite a long time. The dream book of Sonan explains why bulbs are dreamed of. The bulbs of these flowers warn that in reality there may be a major brawl in a public place or a showdown with the authorities.

Buying tulips means heartache from unrequited love. The dream book also says that if you picked flowers in a dream, then in real life you will soon experience a fleeting, but at the same time stormy and emotional romance. For a woman to see that a man gave her these flowers means a break in the relationship. For a representative of the stronger sex, such a plot promises an unsuccessful marriage. It is worth taking care in advance of a civilized severance of hateful relationships.


    I dreamed about how my friend and I were choosing very beautiful varietal tulips with bulbs (for planting) to buy. But one tulip, which a friend chose, disappeared at that moment. And the seller said that it still wouldn’t be accepted by the person who took it. After these words I woke up. On the eve, in fact, my husband bought two bouquets of varietal tulips, and for two days I thought about how to plant them at my mother’s dacha. What is this for?


    I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. My husband gives me a huge bouquet of yellow tulips! At the same time, both he and I are in a good mood, we smile and rejoice. Then he puts me in a new car, and I go on some errands! I feel great joy from the gift of a bouquet of yellow tulips! Help me solve the dream! Very worried!

Tulips are beautiful flowers that most people associate with the arrival of warm spring days. Also for many it is a symbol of female beauty. But why do you have a dream in which you picked, bought, gave or received tulips as a gift? In this article we will understand what such a dream can mean, depending on the circumstances that accompanied it.

General value

The tulip is a symbol of happiness and prosperity for women and a warning about a possible unsuccessful period in life for men.

You can only say specifically what awaits you in the future if you remember the color of the tulips from the dream, because most interpretations depend on it. Let's look at the most popular bud color options and what they mean.

Meaning depending on the details of the dream

Interpretation depending on the color of the tulips:

  • If there were flowers red- to material well-being. Over the next few weeks, you'll be expecting a lottery win or a big gift from friends. It is also possible that investments made long ago will bring dividends.
  • Pink flowers are a symbol of the emergence of new romantic relationships or the strengthening of old ones. A period of mutual tenderness, harmony and mutual understanding will begin or resume. Be prepared to do something nice for your lover, because the main thing in a relationship is reciprocity and a willingness to give.
  • Yellow tulips are an unfavorable sign. They portend betrayal of people close to you. Perhaps it will be the betrayal of a loved one or a “knife in the back” from the person who, as you think, is least capable of it. Be prepared to face troubles with dignity and try to restrain your desire for revenge. Negative energy primarily harms ourselves, so always control yourself and try to forgive offenses.
  • If there were tulips in a dream black– the dreamer will have to spend some time alone, which can affect him in both positive and negative ways. You shouldn’t perceive loneliness as something bad: perhaps fate is giving you a chance to get to know your psychological problems better and find ways to solve them. This period may also be a time to accumulate resources that will be useful in the future during a difficult stage in life.
  • White tulips symbolize failures in your personal life. You should be prepared for the fact that the planned date may not go very well, and if you are already in a relationship, your current partner will want to take a break, which could lead to separation.
  • Purple flowers warn of problems in the family and with children that will require tough decisions to be made for the benefit of the family. Remember that the well-being in the home depends on each family member and you should not shift these responsibilities solely onto women’s shoulders.
  • Bouquet of multi-colored tulips indicate a frivolous attitude of others towards the sleeping person. It is this that prevents him from achieving his goals in life.

Depending on the actions with tulips:

  • If you collect these flowers in a dream, a romantic relationship with the opposite sex is just around the corner, in which you will feel like an incredibly happy and harmonious person. Most likely, this relationship will last a sufficient amount of time and lead to marriage and the birth of a child.
  • If the dreamer plants tulips, a series of events will happen in the near future that will make him jealous. But you shouldn’t overdo it and torment your partner with this negative feeling. Few people like it when their every step is monitored, their phone is checked for “forbidden SMS” and all calls are monitored with the appearance that this is how it should be. Always leave your partners personal space, and then they will not want to run away wherever they look.
  • If you smell tulips in a dream, this is a symbol of changes in your habits under the influence of your environment or circumstances. You shouldn’t hold tightly to traditions that have long outlived their usefulness: they do not bring any benefit and take away resources that can be spent on self-development and establishing new, more useful habits.
  • If you dream of a field of tulips, your feelings will be greatly hurt. It is possible to separate from a regular partner, which will lead to depression. Even if this happens, you should believe that all changes in life happen only for the better.
  • If you dream not of the flower itself, but of its bulbs, be careful in public places in the next few days. You may accidentally get dragged into a brawl or a crowd of large numbers of people. This threatens injury and the emergence of new fears. Also be careful in your expressions in front of your superiors: no matter how patient a person he may be, now there is a boiling point at which the heads of those who accidentally came into contact may roll.
  • If you buy tulips, your relationship will face a difficult period, which can only be survived if you make an effort together with your partner.
  • If a woman is given flowers by her man in a dream, it means a quick separation and destruction of all ties (including friendly ones).
  • If a bouquet of tulips was given to a man, it means an unsuccessful marriage.

Interpretation according to different dream books

  • By Miller's dream book tulips are symbols of married life and love relationships. If you are given tulips in a dream, it means establishing a strong love connection with this person, but if you are, it means a short-lived romance that will be full of bright moments, but will end in a quick separation.
  • According to Wangi, tulips are a symbol of female morality. If she dreams that she is giving someone a bouquet, fate wants to warn that she is acting too frivolously, communicating with a large number of men at the same time. Thus, she will not be able to find her true happiness.
  • By Freud's dream book, tulips are symbols of a hidden desire for intimacy with the person who presented them to you in a dream. This may also indicate that you are subconsciously inclined towards self-satisfaction and therefore avoid intimate relationships with partners.
  • According to the Gypsy dream book, a tulip in a dream symbolizes wealth. A garden with tulips - fame and recognition.
  • Dream Book of the Wanderer says that the tulip is a symbol of change. You can understand whether they will be good or bad from the overall picture of the dream and the emotions that you experienced.

The interpretations of these dream books have something in common: these flowers dream of changes in life. It depends only on your reaction what consequences they will lead to, so in any situation, remain calm and believe in the best scenario.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about a Tulip in a dream?

Tulips in dreams are the flower of a healer (in the East - a lotus), symbolizing your ability to professionally practice magic and healing.

Sowing tulips - to many small problems; there are tulips - you risk losing authority and respect among colleagues (neighbors).

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Tulip?

Tulips in dreams should be understood as a symbol of love and married life.

If you give tulips, it turns out that you love a beautiful but empty person.

When they give you tulips in a dream, it means that a handsome but frivolous person loves you.

Withered tulips are a sign of belated repentance of love.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did the Tulip appear in a dream?

Seeing a tulip in a dream is a sign that you are frivolous, picking it means your desire will be fulfilled, watering it means peace and satisfaction, accepting it as a gift means a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a tulip means you need to be careful in your approaches; Giving tulips to a nice person of the opposite sex is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

For a woman to see a man with tulips - to be rejected after a fleeting love affair, to troubles and worries.

For a man to see a woman with tulips - to an unsuccessful marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing a tulip means damage from arrogance and swagger.

To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person / to fall in love without hope.

Picking a tulip means achieving a proud and beautiful woman.

Dream book for a bitch

Tulips are a pleasant hobby that can soon bring profit.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Tulip - to unexpected joy.

Seeing a tulip in a dream means market relations - business affairs will go better than before.

Tulip - to a temporary hobby.

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Tulip in a dream?

To see a tulip - you are frivolous; to rip off - fulfillment of desires; water - you will fall in love with a stupid girl.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

One proud tulip is a symbol of love interest.

Seeing tulips blooming around means spending time in idleness among close friends.

Dream book about plants

Tulip - symbolizes the expression of love.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Tulip according to the dream book?

A tulip is a sign of a nearby event, good or bad in context (for example, one person’s dream about a black tulip is a sign of an upcoming operation).

Gypsy dream book

A dream with such flowers is a symbol of prosperity.

If you are standing in a garden surrounded by tulips, this portends wealth and fame.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Tulip according to the dream book?

The dream book associates the tulip with love unions, warm relationships in a couple.

You present them to someone - having been seduced by external attractiveness, you will be disappointed in the internal qualities.

Dried flowers - over time you will regret neglected feelings.

According to the dream book, a bouquet of tulips is a reflection of narcissism and selfishness in relationships.

If you dream of white tulips, expect annoying troubles on the love front, your relationship with your significant other will deteriorate, or you will meet a completely unworthy person.

If you dreamed of red tulips, you will be able to renew a damaged relationship with your loved one, your romantic feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. Flowers also promise an exciting trip or a radical change of place of residence.

If you saw yellow tulips in a dream, your relationship with your significant other will deteriorate sharply in the near future, but there is no need to sort things out, just let go of the situation, soon everything will fall into place, and you will be happy together again, forever forgetting about past grievances and misunderstandings.


Dream book for a bitch

Tulips- a pleasant hobby that can soon bring profit.

Modern combined dream book

Tulips in dreams- should be understood as a symbol of love and married life.

If you give tulips- it turns out that you love a beautiful but empty person.

When they give you tulips in a dream- this means that a handsome but frivolous person loves you.

Withered tulips- a sign of belated repentance in love.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tulips in dreams- a healer’s flower (in the East - a lotus), symbolizes your ability to professionally engage in magic and healing.

Sowing tulips- to many small problems; there are tulips- you risk losing authority and respect among your colleagues (neighbors).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a tulip in a dream means market relations- trading affairs will go better than before.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Tulip- to unexpected joy.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Tulip- to a temporary hobby.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Tulip see- you are frivolous; tear off- fulfillment of desires; water- fall in love with a stupid girl.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a tulip in a dream- a sign that you are frivolous, tear off- to fulfill your desire, water- to peace and contentment, accept as a gift- for a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

One proud tulip- a symbol of love interest.

See tulips blooming around you- spend time in idleness among close friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Tulip- a sign of a nearby event, bad or good in context (as an example, one person’s dream about a black tulip - for an upcoming operation).

Dream book of a gypsy

Dream with such flowers- a symbol of prosperity.

If you are surrounded by tulips and standing in the garden- this portends wealth and fame.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Tulip see- damage from arrogance and swagger.

Have a tulip- deal with an arrogant person / fall in love without hope.

Tearing a tulip- to achieve a proud and beautiful woman.

Collection of dream books

Seeing a tulip- it is necessary to be careful in the approaches; Giving tulips to a nice person of the opposite sex is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

For a woman to see a man with tulips- to be rejected after a fleeting love affair, to troubles and worries.

A man sees a woman with tulips- to an unsuccessful marriage.

Tulip- symbolizes the expression of love.

Dream Interpretation White Tulips

Why do you dream of white Tulips in a dream according to the dream book?

Having seen white tulips in a dream, you should prepare for a series of not the most pleasant situations on the love front.

In addition, a rapid deterioration in relations with your beloved half is possible. There is a chance that you will meet someone who is not right for you.

Dream Interpretation Multicolored Tulips

Why do you dream about multi-colored Tulips in a dream according to the dream book?

Multi-colored tulips can be seen in dreams as a warning about the need to monitor your frivolous behavior.

The dream is a hint that it’s time to start growing up, since most people around you do not consider you a serious person. Such an attitude towards you will not allow you to achieve what you want.

Tulips bouquet

Dream Interpretation Tulips bouquet dreamed of why you dream about a bouquet of tulips? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bouquet of Tulips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tulips

If you were given tulips, then you will be lucky, you are a happy person.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet means love.

If you were given a bouquet of flowers, they will make you some kind of proposal.

If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to someone, an important meeting awaits you.

If you are carrying a bouquet - for an imminent wedding.

If you dreamed of a wedding and caught a bouquet, you will meet true love.

If the bouquet has wilted, take a closer look at your condition.

A bouquet given to you means they will propose to you.

If you give a bouquet, you will meet someone who will captivate you greatly.

Carrying a bouquet means an imminent wedding.

Catching a bouquet thrown at you means meeting true love.

Throwing a bouquet - to displeasure, annoyance.

Withered flowers in a bouquet mean illness.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bouquet of flowers in a dream means mutual love and appreciation. Receiving a bouquet of flowers from someone predicts constancy in love. Seeing a bouquet in a dream is a sign of a bad acquaintance that will not bring you any good; if in a dream you are making a bouquet, then you will receive news if you remember what flowers it was made from. See interpretation: flowers.

A dream in which you throw a bouquet at the wall with all your might means that you are in for a waste of time and money. Such a dream also foretells you that your desire will not come true due to your fault. If you are presented with a bouquet in a dream, then you should take a closer look at your surroundings or specifically at the person who presented you with flowers, because he or they are hiding their true intentions and trying to flatter you. Although sometimes such a dream predicts that you will spend many pleasant minutes in the company of a person dear to your heart and will get great pleasure from it. If a young man dreams that he is presenting a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his bride at a wedding, then soon he will receive sad news about the death of a close relative or another bereavement. A withered or faded bouquet in your dream predicts disagreements in your family or with your spouse, betrayal and disappointment in love. A bouquet of glass flowers warns you that your happiness is at risk and you need to take some important steps if you do not want to lose your loved one. If in a dream you dream of many colorful bouquets, then pleasant meetings with friends await you.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream means quarrels with your beloved woman. Tearing or destroying a bouquet of flowers means a desire to break off a relationship with a woman. Buying a bouquet of flowers or collecting them is a sign of a romantic date with a lady who will make a stunning impression on you. Yellow flowers in a bouquet mean a break in relationships. White flowers - love will make you change your life and reconsider many principles.

They give you a bouquet - you will receive an unexpected and original offer from a friend that will bring you profit. If the flowers in the bouquet are red, then it is better not to agree to this offer, no matter how tempting it may look, in the future it will bring nothing but troubles and losses.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bouquet in your hands or seeing it from someone means experiencing short-term joy. If you drop a lush, beautiful bouquet from your hands, you will be given an undeserved insult. Receiving a bouquet as a gift, but not accepting it, means you will face losses as a result of theft. An armful of roses in an elegant wrapper - you will be happy. A bouquet of daisies means disappointment, a bouquet of poppies means a precarious situation. A white bouquet is a sign of sadness, a faded bouquet is a sign of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bright bouquet of flowers in your hands means joy, happiness in love.

A withered bouquet is a disappointment.

Receiving a bouquet of flowers is flattery.

Well, let it be flattery to receive a bouquet! Still nice.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

If you dream that someone is handing you a bouquet, the dream foretells a strong friendship. If a young man presents you with a bouquet, this means that you will have a very handsome lover. And if a young man dreams that he is giving a bouquet to a girl, the dream predicts that his courtship will be received favorably.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Bouquet - seeing a bouquet - a pleasant acquaintance, happiness in love; cook, compose - pleasant news; to receive is sycophancy. Fresh bouquet - joy, success; pale, withered - betrayal in love; to laziness.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream is a sign that you are full of bold hopes and have many plans for the future.

Most often, such dreams are associated with feelings of love, but they can also symbolize your other life aspirations.

A beautiful bouquet: portends success in many endeavors.

Withered flowers in a bouquet: they suggest that your plans are most likely not destined to come true. It is possible that the reason for your possible failure will be your own slowness.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Making a bouquet means collecting good news.

Seeing is joy, pleasure, pleasant acquaintance.

Receiving is constancy in love, sometimes flattery.

Withered, faded bouquet - troubles, cooling of feelings between spouses, betrayal.

Throwing a bouquet is a loss of money.

Dropping it from your hands is an insult.

Why do you dream about a black tulip?



Modern dream book

Tulips in dreams should be understood as a symbol of love and married life.

If you give tulips, it turns out that you love a beautiful but empty person.

When they give you tulips in a dream, it means that a handsome but frivolous person loves you.

Withered tulips are a sign of belated repentance of love.
Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a tulip in a dream is a sign that you are frivolous, picking it means your desire will be fulfilled, watering it means peace and satisfaction, accepting it as a gift means a pleasant pastime.
Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a tulip means you need to be careful in your approaches; Giving tulips to a nice person of the opposite sex is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

For a woman to see a man with tulips - to be rejected after a fleeting love affair, to troubles and worries.

For a man to see a woman with tulips - to an unsuccessful marriage.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing a tulip means damage from arrogance and swagger.

To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person / to fall in love without hope.

Picking a tulip means achieving a proud and beautiful woman.
Dream book for a bitch

Tulips are a pleasant hobby that can soon bring profit.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Tulip - to unexpected joy.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a tulip in a dream means market relations - business affairs will go better than before.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Tulip - to a temporary hobby.
Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

To see a tulip - you are frivolous; to rip off - fulfillment of desires; water - you will fall in love with a stupid girl.
Dream Interpretation of Morozova

One proud tulip is a symbol of love interest.

Seeing tulips blooming around means spending time in idleness among close friends.
Dream book about plants

Tulip - symbolizes the expression of love.
Dream Book of the Wanderer

A tulip is a sign of a nearby event, good or bad in context (for example, one person’s dream about a black tulip is a sign of an upcoming operation).
Gypsy dream book

A dream with such flowers is a symbol of prosperity.

If you are standing in a garden surrounded by tulips, this portends wealth and fame.

Lyubov Raspopina

I looked at the dream book - “this dream will tell you that you are a little frivolous. Picking a tulip means the fulfillment of your deepest desires. A bouquet threatens a serious hobby.)))))))))))))



A stranger gave me one pale pink tulip

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tanya, perhaps you will have an easy and pleasant time with her.


Hello! Please tell me what my dream means:
February 6, 2011 i dreamed that I dug up a bush of red roses and red tulips from others and planted them near my house. They took root. There were a lot of them, a whole flower bed. I watered them and was happy.
What does it mean? Thank you in advance.


Good afternoon. Today I dreamed of tulips that were a little wilted, and I threw them into cold water to stand. When I took them out of the water, they turned out to be so fresh and beautiful.

And I:

I dreamed of a lot of beautiful bouquets of flowers, the most beautiful was a bouquet of white roses and I was looking for a vase for it for a very long time, suddenly I noticed that they had all withered and a red tulip was blooming in the middle.


I had a dream on April 22. It’s like there’s a beautiful pink-red tulip in my hand! and I proudly raise it up like a pennant or banner. And it begins to shine like a diamond. Thank you for your help.


I dream that in some garden I’m pulling out slightly wilted white tulips, and I’m thinking to myself how beautiful they are (it’s a shame to even tear them), I’ll need to plant these in my dacha.


I dreamed that I saw blue tulips, I picked one from them to take a photo with it, but it turned out to be white!


Hello... Tell me why I dreamed about this... I came to some Georgian singer with a large bouquet of red and dark orange tulips and gave her this bouquet...


I dreamed that I was driving in a car with my beloved, and outside the window there were fields with black tulips, then we drove by and stopped, I went to collect different flowers in a beautiful garden, there were tulips there, only pink, white ones... beautiful. What could it mean?
Thanks for the answer. I apologize for the mistakes.


Hello. I had the following dream: I look out the window and see that my classmate is walking and holding a bouquet of tulips in his hands, all the tulips are the same color, and only one is a different color. What could this mean? Thanks in advance for your answer.


in a dream, the person I love gave me a bouquet of five large bright tulips, I don’t know how this person really treats me


Hello, I dreamed about tulips, they grow in my yard, but in reality they are yellow, but in the dream they are milky pink. I didn’t pick them, I just admired them... in my dream I felt pleasant emotions from these flowers...


I dreamed of three different tulips, red and yellow, but I don’t remember the third, tell me what this means


Hello, please tell me, I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday. IT was in the village, at my grandmother’s, I was supposedly sleeping, then I wake up and want to go outside, but I can’t find my slippers, and then I look for them for a very long time, during which time my parents managed to plant several huge bushes of some flowers , there are a lot of them and they are the size of a person, and they also planted tulips, many different tulips, but then, as it turned out, my friend hid my slippers, when I got angry, he still gave me these slippers and I went outside and saw these bushes, for some reason I didn’t like where they planted tulips and I dug them up and transplanted them to another place, and then I started watering all these flowers and bushes with a hose, so copiously and after that I woke up, what could that mean? thank you


I saw a lot of colorful tulips on the sidewalk. There were so many of them that I couldn’t get through!!! They were fresh and bright!


in a dream, my boyfriend gave me several pink tulips. They withered and I put them in water, they came to life again and became beautiful as before


An unfamiliar man, during my discussion with a colleague, comes up and gently bites my hand. wants to kiss me on the lips, wants to look at me, I turn away, he leaves, I’m shocked. for tomorrow he gives me many many flowers, I think roses? but it turns out that these are tulips, he throws them on the floor and sits down at the table and begins to draw - he is an artist.


I approach a huge flowerbed, but the flowers on it have all been picked and lie neatly - these are tulips of different, different colors. I sit down and choose one - a blue tulip. I take a closer look at the stem, and there, at the base, at the end, inside the stem, there is also a flower! So gentle, miniature, unusual, and the phenomenon itself is unusual, I was quite surprised. And this flower had the property of roots; if you put the tulip with its base to the soil, the small beautiful inner flower, like roots, dug into the ground. I didn't try to do this, I just knew. Sleep from Saturday to Sunday, Sunday morning.


Help me please. Dream on 10/3/13 my deceased father (in real life they separated from my mother when I was three years old and I didn’t know him well and didn’t meet him) sent me a parcel and I received it. I tore open the packaging, and five bright scarlet red tulips landed from there. Alive. And behind them lie 4 or 5 beautiful cans of coffee. I woke up. And also, it seems, I was thinking straight in my sleep. Strange. He died and sent him back from the other world or something??? That's how I woke up. There were other dreams that day. What does it mean???? Thanks a lot. Svetlana. In general, I often have prophetic dreams that come true completely. Especially if someone close to you dies. And dies... This happened more than once. Thank you.

[email protected]:

good afternoon. help me decipher the dream. I dream that I’m at work. I have my own store. and suddenly a girl, a friend of my ex-boyfriend, comes into the store. I know her too. We start talking to her and suddenly my ex-boyfriend (her friend) appears ) with a bouquet of flowers. He comes up to us and without a word leaves these flowers on the counter. And his girlfriend takes the flowers and hands them to me. She says that these are for you. And only then do I see that these are red tulips. Why this dream.


A classmate came to me (I haven’t talked to her for a long time) with a child, and I picked white and red tulips for him as a gift, which is surprising, they grew very, very crowded mixed together and there were only white and red, there were 2 separate beds . To go with them, I also picked very small blue and purple tulips, like miniature roses. and the white tulips also had a red stem.


The path, along this path there is a garden of blue plums, I picked them. Suddenly my mother appeared and pointed to a tree on which white tulips grew, very beautiful, by the way this tree was not there, and for me this tree with white tulips seemed like God’s beauty) )))) the weather around was autumn, and this tree was like the sun, among the gloomy sky)))))


Five orange tulips on the grave. What is this for?


I dreamed that I was collecting a bouquet for myself and helping some woman pick very beautiful blue and green gladioli in some ditch in the tall dry grass or something. then I dreamed of a flowerbed with white and red flowers, yellow and white. as if I were putting together a bouquet of these flowers, tying them with a light brown ribbon.


I’m in some room, as if in a company, and I’m drawing pictures... then employees (women) of this company come in and bring bouquets (tulips...) and give them to me. The young man liked what was drawn...the whole dream.
Thank you.


I dreamed that my sister planted red tulips under my balcony, seemingly in memory of my son, but she planted them not with bulbs, but in a bouquet, and next to them were yellow tulips, but my sister said that the yellow ones wouldn’t grow and pulled them out, what does this mean, Tatyana, thanks for the answer!!!


Today I saw such stunning scarlet tulips, they grew in the garden bed, and also lilac tulips, a delicate shade with white color. I spoke about the beauty of these flowers to the man who grew these flowers, I called him to a group of those scarlet tulips, they were so large and big, and told him, “Look how beautiful they are, they are beautiful! And lilac tulips grew nearby!” That’s my entire dream fragment.


I dreamed that I was planting tulips. More precisely, the seeds are round like balls and then they turn into beautiful tulips


There were a lot of bouquets in the flower shop, including bouquets with tulips. I didn’t stop at tulips. I chose other flowers.


It’s as if the church is ruling the world again. And faith was divided into two religions. The first, I don’t remember what it was called, instilled a fanatical faith. The other was based on research, I don’t remember. I belonged to the latter, and all my relatives and friends belonged to the first, but I didn’t I could change my religion because of some kind of obligation, like I had to enter some institute for space exploration. Then there was heavy rain. I looked out the window and noticed that in the garden, because of the rain, the huge tulips had faded to almost white shades and drooped. I went into the garden with my friend to tie flowers. While my friend was tying flowers to a twig , I touched the tulip and it immediately became bright red and blossomed, I did the same with the rest of the tulips


I dreamed that my neighbor uprooted the tulips and threw them over the fence. I asked her if I could take a couple. She said, take it, you can take any others.


I gave a stranger bright yellow tulips, she accidentally dropped them, they scattered. The woman began to collect them and their stems and leaves turned out to be wrinkled and damaged in some places.


I dreamed about my dead cat, who was pregnant. It was as if I saw kittens in her stomach. Larisa was fluffy and clean. I was very glad that she was alive. Then the boss came home from work and gave me three pink tulips.


dream of buying fresh flowers - yellow and pink tulips, multi-colored chrysanthemums and some other flowers.


I dreamed that tulips (crimson) were growing right under my skin. On the feet and palms. They are like veins and I know that they will soon bloom. All this scared me beyond words. None of the people I met in the dream were afraid of everything that was happening. They even seemed to smile at me when I showed my palms. All my sleep I was trying to somehow get rid of these tulips, pull them out, and when I woke up, the first thing I did was look at my palms to make sure that this horror was no longer there.


I dreamed of a blue sea, I swam in it, but I couldn’t swim far, because there were ships ahead. Then I suddenly found myself on the ship and we quickly sailed. we stopped in some cave, where instead of water there was chocolate and from it I sculpted clothes......


I dreamed of a field of tulips made of red, yellow, brick flowers, as well as a bluish tulip. In the dream, I remembered that it is not advisable to pick tulips. In my dream I was very surprised by a field of tulips.


I found three picked tulips, then I started picking white and pink tulips, among them I found one black one but didn’t pick it. but in my hands I found a bouquet of limp scarlet tulips. I wanted to put them in the water, I cut them around the vase, but they fell into the water




We were sitting in class, I walked away from my desk, then I turned my head, looked at my desk, and there in a vase there were several tulips and some other flowers, long on a thin stem, then I looked at my boyfriend, he smiled at me, that is, he He gave them to me, then when I picked them up, they began to bow because they were on a thin stem and he began to scold me to hold the flowers normally, then we came home, I put the flowers in a vase, the guy came up and straightened them , as they began to lean again, but this time he did not scold me.


I look out of the window of my apartment on the fifth floor and see that among the tall thickets of either faded or dried weeds, tulips have grown and bloomed. And there is a lot of this grass, a whole field. The day is sunny, the wind is blowing a little. I am surprised and amazed by this picture. You want to look at the tulips; they have different colors: some are bright pink, others are red with yellow veins, or yellow with red veins. They have grown among all the grass and are as tall as a person, I give this assessment directly in a dream, because... I know that the thickets of grass are exactly as tall as a man. The flowers do not break through the grass, but have grown as if drowning it out in those places where they are visible. There are a lot of flowers and they grew not one at a time, but in clusters. And it even seems that it is not flowers growing among the grass, but grass among the flowers. I also saw a grown bunch of asters (asters are my mother’s favorite flowers, but I don’t remember if I thought about it in my dream) near a small bush. Asters are colorful and also quite tall. But tulips are more powerful and there are a lot of them. Although it seems strange that asters and tulips bloomed at the same time. At the end of the dream, I feel like I’m not looking at a spectacle from above, but from the window of a lower floor apartment or even from the window of my own house. In my dream, I think that I will definitely call and tell my loved one about this amazing sight.


A loved one gave a bouquet of 3 white tulips and 1 red rose. I was very angry and when he left the apartment, I gave him this “bouquet” and said that I would wear an even number of flowers to the cemetery.


I dreamed of bouquets with many yellow tulips, I held one large bouquet in my hands and smelled it, talking about something with someone.


I dreamed that I went into a store, met my sister there, who didn’t even look at me, and two acquaintances with whom I talked a little. then it was my turn to buy and the guy standing behind the counter asked me to wait a little. a few minutes later he came and gave me a large turquoise heart-shaped ball and one red tulip. then he came out from behind the stoic and hugged me tightly, and tied the tulip into a ball. then I asked if they had leather tape in the store, he replied that no, and I was surprised, because just recently my mother bought such a tape there. then I left the store and went to the bus stop, wrapping myself in a scarf with the colors of the Russian flag. when I came to the stop, the ball was almost deflated and I let it go.


I have been dreaming about a young man for four years... And in real life we ​​saw him after two and a half years. But we couldn’t meet each other... It was as if I lived in a high-rise building and I was waiting for a young man... I looked from the balcony, he was sitting and he had placed several red tulips somewhere... They were bright red with green stems... I saw this person’s face guy.


Hello Tatiana! My name is Victoria! I am 18 years old, I literally had a dream last night that I was impressed by. My boyfriend and I drove in his car to a field where many wild tulips grew, but we were going to go to a specific place where these tulips grow and came across tulips growing nearby in our field in the city. A young man picked them for me; the tulips were completely different colors: blue, red, even burgundy. Then Vitya, my boyfriend, brings me blue (blue) tulips, I combined them into my bouquet... but then I saw more tulips in another place, and for some reason this bouquet remained in the place where we picked them. Then I had another bouquet, Vitya also picked it for me, I also picked tulips. And we were getting ready to go home, and then I remembered about that bouquet, but we still didn’t return for it... Please Tatyana, help me find out what it could be, why did I have this dream?


I opened the window and I see in my unplanted narrow beds without a single weed (in real life they are all in the grass since last year), my neighbors planted red tulips (in real life my neighbors are Muscovites, they bought a decrepit house next to us, but they don’t come here) and I see that they have arrived and are setting up a big screen in their garden and the Armenians are here, as if they are going to broadcast football, a lot of people have already gathered, but let’s return to the flowers under the window, I have only three tulips, and the fourth is dead, and a little further there is a whole row of tulips, but It’s like the neighbors planted it for themselves and they planted three tulips in me, my beds are trampled with footprints, and not a single weed, the soil in the beds hasn’t been loose since last year, but as happens after rain, I also saw a small greenhouse at the neighbors’ place (in reality there isn’t one) that's all


I dreamed of a large clearing of red mountain tulips, not far from it there was a house in the courtyard of which firewood was neatly stacked, a lot of firewood.


I dreamed of my friends, 2 boys and my girlfriend. and we quarreled…….I ran away from them and got on a train that was traveling…. I saw the dream clearly...... carriages and in these carriages there were tulips.. there were a lot of them.. I closed 1 carriage and snatched 1 tulip from the next one... red... then I walked and an unfamiliar aunt gave me another 1 tulip... and then my grandmother came up to me and her grandfather gave her a tulip….. I had 2 tulips in my hands…. the dream is very disturbing)**

[email protected]:

In my dream, my car wheels were stolen. And then I received an email that it was forbidden to pick tulips until June 1st, because... I tore them off, my wheels were stolen.


I dreamed of a field of tulips, I was picking them, and my friend was carrying the collected bouquet... I had also picked the “royal crown” flower, but I didn’t have time, I leaned through... and before that I dreamed of me painting a picture with colored paints, we were relaxing in a cheerful company with my boyfriend ... at some point other young people began to pester me and my boyfriend left somewhere... I looked for him for a very long time, through some houses, boats, beaches and people, and when I dropped my wallet, phone and something else, I finally saw him come out of the water, as if he was swimming and spearfishing…. Others wanted to help me, some girl started shouting at me, and now we were already on the beach... but I called him, he came and pulled my things out of this trap. But there was someone dissatisfied. He said he was swimming.


I was disappointed that I picked a tulip and gave it to a girl (an acquaintance), after which she went to look for where I picked it, she couldn’t find it, I told her - she went there and brought me a piece of the tulip stem that I picked!


They gave me a lot of red tulips, they didn’t even fit into my hands and I tried not to drop them. The mood was cheerful. My son gave them to me.


Hello! I dreamed that in a clearing in the forest there were many colorful tulips (including black ones) and some other similar flowers. There was little time left before the train home. I managed to pick seven pieces each. By the time we got to the train, all the flowers had fallen off, even though the station was very close.


I dreamed that tulips grew under my window (I live on the first floor), there were a lot of them and all were red. Passers-by walk and pick flowers. I am very sorry that such beauty is being violated. And then I myself climb through the window (there is a grill on the window), and go to the opposite street and there I collect a bouquet of red, yellow and pink tulips, I pick these flowers in the grass of a very rich green color...
And the day before I had a dream that my man (we had recently broken up) invited me to his home. The sofa in the room has been rearranged and the furnishings have been slightly changed. There are also two women in the house, his relatives (I’ve never seen them), as if he was introducing me to them, and one of them calms me down, tells me not to worry - everything will be fine.


I was in the forest where I clearly saw a spring, and there was snow lying near it, I was also surprised that there was snow and tulips were growing, I was sitting near the spring with a friend who had been gone for 5 years


I dreamed that I was picking a bouquet in the courtyard of my house. it was dominated by large pink tulips. and then I dreamed that the statue came to life. then I dreamed about the road. My friend and I wanted to hitchhike to a neighboring town (I really really want to and often think about it, but I don’t have the time)


I dreamed that a young man gave me a bouquet of tulips and a soft toy, I initially didn’t want to accept them, but then I took them, then for some reason I collected them….


I dreamed that a woman came to my work and gave me planted small white low-growing tulips in my wallet. It looked very beautiful and festive. And then they brought another bouquet of small lilac
flowers similar to chrysanthemum, but it was not her, there were some unusual flowers


Hello Tatiana! In this dream, I needed to buy flowers for some event, I don’t know what, or May 9, or last call... I don’t remember. There were different flowers in the buckets... in one bucket there were yellow tulips, in the other there were slightly black ones with a white tint here and there, but not very noticeable. The saleswoman offered me to take a bouquet of 3 carnations (or two, I don’t remember), but I thought that this was too modest a bouquet for the money (25 PMR rubles). Since I am a student, everything goes from penny to penny. I was very surprised by those black tulips. (unusual, huh?, black tulips..hmm) and I didn’t buy any... then I was worried.. how would I go to an event without flowers... then the next day I got something from somewhere.)) In general, I very rarely, I can tell dreams... and even if I tell them, it’s not completely, I miss something, because I don’t remember everything thoroughly... Or I don’t remember at all... THE MAIN THING IS... WHEN I WAKE UP FROM A SLEEP... I REMEMBER, AFTER ONE TIME I FORGET.... OR WHEN I WAKE UP I HAVE TO QUICKLY REMEMBER (IT’S DIFFICULT) WHAT I DREAMED, OTHERWISE I WILL NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING LATER (((That’s it, I would like to know your opinion about the above. Thank you very much in advance!!!


Today I had a dream about how I saw a field of tulips through the window of a building. It is the same as shown in many programs, the tulips are planted evenly in wide stripes about the flowers. then I think that I need to pick a bouquet and start picking flowers that I like, but for some reason they turn out to be somehow different: one is short, the other, on the contrary, is long, so I don’t get a beautiful bouquet. I don’t remember anything else from the dream


Good afternoon I had a dream that I planted tulip bulbs in a pot and after some time, realizing that the tulips were not hatching, I decided to pick up the ground and see what was wrong with the bulbs. When I lifted the soil, I saw good shoots from the bulbs, but for some reason they were growing down, not up.


I dreamed of large purple flowers in the form of tulips growing on trees after a heavy downpour, I went outside and saw these flowers on the trees.


The guy I like gave me yellow tulips. But I asked him for it. He bought them in front of my eyes.


In the dream, I was back at school and saw my classmates. During recess, I went out into the school foyer, and there they were selling flowers - tulips. I took them to class. The tulips were pink or white, I don’t remember exactly, and also, the tulip petals were large. That's all I remember.


Hello, uv. Tatiana! Today I dreamed that a young man proposed marriage to me in a dream and presented me with red tulips. What does it mean?


Good morning! I dreamed of yellow blooming tulips with roots; my grandmother had them, and she laid them out on the road.


I saw in a dream that I begged flowers from my loved one. We arrived at the tulip store, he told me - choose it yourself, I will pay. A friend of mine worked as a salesperson in the store, and I asked her to make a bouquet for me, she did it without my wishes, and as a result, she brought out the bouquet. They were bright yellow tulips, but they had red edges. In the center of the bouquet there was a large tulip, but it looked more like a lotus. I took the bouquet, kissed the seller, and then kissed my beloved. I don’t know how to interpret this, because my beloved is now very far away


I dreamed that I was walking along the path, it was August, but tulips in buds grew along the path, I noticed it, it was not far from the sea, that’s why I thought. what could this be due to a different climate?


The bouquet was very bright, there were pink bright tulips that predominated most of all, I don’t remember who gave it, it was blurry, after the bouquet, some people gave shoes (black boots were very good with a metal heel, although the size was a little too big), but also theirs accepted as a gift


I saw a large black hole in the old house, I went forward, bent down and went in there. And she found herself in another parallel world. I went out onto a small area, it was dark, there were bars around and dogs on a leash, I was scared of one dog and backed away, came across the entrance from which I came, and just wanted to turn back and run - when I saw that this was no longer the exit, but black monster, it scratched me (left hand). I turned back, facing another world. I came out into a beautiful clearing, the whole black sky disappeared, it became light and clear! It was a fairy tale!!! So beautiful! And my consciousness understood that I was in another world. My friends were present next to me, but they were not like those in our world. Everyone was beautiful. Like a beautiful Disney fairy tale. We had fun and laughed. We ran to some house, at the bottom of the house there was a large gap, friends made their way there, and I followed them. A moment later, walking out of the crevice on my knees, I came across large tulips, they were pink, white, and light. Such beautiful tulips. I recognized my home yard where my childhood was, the swing and said to my friends “And this is my WORLD”))) And I woke up)))


I had a dream, in this dream I was writing my thesis, there was a list of flowers, all the flowers were written in the plural, and the word tulip was in the singular. A person I like helped me write my thesis. Then I dreamed of another man whom I like, he picked me up in his blue SUV, and we exchanged photographs of one girl with him for some rings, there were about 12 rings, several of them were crooked, the rings were ordinary, like rings “save and preserve,” then we stood with this man and hugged for a long time.


Zdrastvuite, Yavidela vo sne pole ogromnyh krasnyh tyulpanov. Razmer tyulmanov bul v vystotu kak ogromnye derevya, namnogo vywe menya. Mne oni ochen ponravilis’. Mogli by vy rastolkovat’? Thank you very much


Hello. I have a fan, but after his insult towards me, he began to avoid me in every possible way and does not make contact, he is afraid to be left alone. after the usual correspondence on a social network, I dreamed that we were meeting and he gave me a bouquet of tulips (my favorite flowers) and I gave him a bouquet of roses. what could this mean?


I dreamed of a whole field of tulips and a tractor was mowing them because we are supposed to plant potatoes there in the spring. I saw lilac burgundy tulips. Then the tractor plowed this field and I collected the bulbs and offered them to the neighbors for 100 rubles per bag since the field was mine and I planted the tulips.


I walked along the river bank and the entire river was in blooming tulips, almost the entire surface of the water was covered with them. In reality, flowers never grew there.


I was given white and pink tulips and white tulips and I put one in a crystal vase and it turned out to be a delicate bouquet of tulips. There were a lot of tulips in a vase, they were reflected in the mirror.


hello, in a dream I planted potted flowers in the armrests of the chair because... there was earth instead of support. I planted very different flowers and they were all exotic (I don’t know the names) and all with bright and beautiful blooms. only I planted them in glass and plastic pots. and when I finished looking at the chair with flowers, I saw one yellow tulip


I’m standing on my friend’s doorstep and I see that yellow tulips growing in her apartment are almost my height! Wonderful! She offers them to me: Take them, otherwise I’ll cut them off and they’ll wither...


There was a tulip growing in the flowerbed - the core was black with a transition to burgundy. I told him - you are beautiful - and he twitched and began to grow bigger before my eyes. Then a sharp jump and it turned out to be double. That is, one inside the other


A girl gave me a bouquet of yellow fading roses and then a bouquet of large tulips appeared in my hands... but they had small heads and they were black. Not a bad dream.. I just remembered


me and my loved one were talking in a dream about the flowers tulips and memosas that I saw, someone made bouquets of them, he in turn said that he would give these flowers to his loved ones and was doing something in another room of the apartment that I know and I went into that room where he was and I saw very beautiful roses, which brides usually have in their bouquets, after which he sat down next to me and I saw hearts stuck on him and woke up

Luzan Anna:

I dreamed of my friend’s funeral, it was winter, and I put a huge bouquet of red tulips on her grave


I dreamed that I was a flower. It was already dark, there were several tulips, they were circling over the water, opening and closing their petals one by one. . And then some worms began to attack them. The tulips rose up and hid on the tree.


Hello! I dreamed of many bouquets of small tulips. In a dream, they told me that a young man gave them to me and I tried to find notes in the bouquets about who the bouquets were from. The flowers were delicate shades, white, soft pink.


I dreamed that I was in another city and was late for an intercity bus. I saw white tulips and began to tear them, they were already in cellophane and were torn with the bulbs, I hid them so that no one would see in the bag, and I planned to plant the bulbs


Hello Tatiana! During the day, around 3 p.m., I had a dream. I go out into the room and see a lot of tulips, yellow-red in color, they are small in size, and they all bloom and smell amazing. and around them there is a lot of green grass, dill, parsley. and I don’t understand who this gift came from, and I rejoice at this beauty like a child. In this dream I was in someone else's house.


I dreamed that a guy gave me a lot of tulips, a large bouquet... and the strangest thing is that the flowers were about 80 cm long or so... red-yellow in color, natural.


mne dali misku malerovnuyu i vnutri bili krasnie tulpani miska bila polna tulpanami mne k nachalu pokazalos shto ani rozi bili ochen krasivie no ya xaela ix pradat i tak prosnulas


What does it mean to pick blue, purple and white tulips in a dream? Although there were other flowers around. But I picked these ones. In a forest clearing with a friend


My boyfriend gave me a bouquet of red tulips in a dream; at first it seemed like they were roses, but then it turned out to be a tulip. I don’t really like red light and wanted to change the light of the tulips to white


I dreamed that I went outside, and there, after the rain, tulips bloomed. And this was unexpected since it is only the beginning of spring.


I saw myself sleeping on a bench in some park and before my eyes there was a small field and there were short white tulips on it, but as I looked at them they began to grow and open one by one, I was delighted. The morning was sunny. I have never I saw something like this and it was a pleasant miracle for me!!!


There were two people standing, exactly a boy and a girl. This boy was giving the girl three yellow tulips. Everything around was gray and blurry, only some tulips were yellow, the rest were gray.


Good afternoon Tatyana, last night I had a dream about me picking or cutting tulips. I don’t remember what I cut it with. I probably tore them after all. Tulips grew in the garden at my home. grew in a row. I remember the color of the tulip, white, yellow and pink. I vomited during daylight hours, for whom I don’t remember. But the flowers were in my hands. Please tell me what this dream was about. My zodiac sign is Aries. Perhaps I've already dreamed about him before. [email protected]


as if I was working in the front garden, at one moment I turn around and see that in the area where I grew a lot of tulips, for some reason there were a few left, but they were all blooming and were a rich red color.


I dreamed about my boyfriend. he died three months ago. I had three tulips in my possession, I don’t know why or where they are. I saw the guy off somewhere, he said he doesn’t know when he’ll come again and that I should set up my personal life.


I dreamed that large pale pink tulips were growing in my yard. I approach each flower of incredible beauty and stroke them, inhale the smell, try to feel their energy. I felt like I was trying to communicate with these flowers


Hello! I dreamed of tulips. They were not in full bloom, just buds, but they were already beginning to bloom. There were a lot of them and they were red. I dreamed about them in my yard. And when I saw them, this whole picture was of extraordinary beauty. Admiring the tulips, I was filled with emotions of joy. And there was a feeling that I was the happiest person on earth.


I dreamed that I was buying a lot of tulips and seeds. A female salesperson helped me choose colors. mostly red and purple


I dreamed that I was picking tulips with my friend, she just stood and waited for me. and I was collecting tulips, there were a lot of them, mostly yellow, some big ones, and also some red ones. but what surprised me most were the blue tulips. they were so unusual and very beautiful, but there weren’t very many of them. but still I picked them, collecting the bouquet. I picked a lot of flowers. what is this for? Thanks a lot


A young man buys a huge bouquet of white tulips and scatters them on the road, cars drive by, scattering more and more flowers, I watch all this from the side and my tears flow.


I dreamed of 3 huge red tulips and one of them began to wither and drop its petals right before our eyes, leaving only 2 flowers in your hands


Hello. in a dream I was in the village where my grandmother lives. for some reason I was in our neighbor’s yard (with whom, in reality, my grandmother does not have a particularly good relationship. And so I look at the garden bed, and there are a lot of tulips there and I look at them and wonder that it seems like the tulip season is over and why are they blooming in the summer? Only they have all almost faded, many of the petals have fallen. What is this for?


I dreamed that my husband and I were in a kindergarten and the flower beds were all covered in roses and tulips. We decided to pick a bouquet and it turned out that I picked tulips first, and then roses and put them in a bucket that my husband was holding


a clearing with burgundy and yellow-red tulips is protected, the field shows me, no one can be seen in person, I tear the tulips into a row of cibulins and earth


I asked the woman to let me dig a tulip with a bulb out of the ground... it was of extraordinary beauty... I have never seen anything like it... it was of many colors


I was driving a car and saw a field with flowers and fruits. She stopped the car and went out, collected one bouquet of red and one bouquet of yellow tulips, got back into the car and hid it so that no one would take the flowers.


I saw a bride getting out of the car, in a beautiful dress, and on her head, instead of a veil, a hat with a wide brim, on which beautiful white, open tulips grow. This is such a dream


I dreamed of a field of yellow tulips and in the distance I could see one white one, I collected a bouquet of them, but when I looked at it it was somehow dried out and not beautiful


Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that there was only one sandy desert around me and out of nowhere I saw a grave with a tombstone, but standing away from me, not from behind me, and most importantly, on it I saw a bouquet of fresh tulips lying in purple. Please tell me what this means....?


I went out onto the balcony in the morning and saw beautiful yellow tulips growing under the balcony


I dreamed of a large yellow-red tulip lying on an earthen mound that looked like a grave.


I go to a friend’s house and stop on her property to admire a huge flowerbed of lilac tulips.


I painted my nails with polish and it spread on my nails like yellow-red tulips.


A dense bouquet of fresh cut red tulips lay on the ground.


Hello, I've dreamed about hair for a long time. I inserted tulips of red color into the ends. I'm waiting for confirmation!)


I had a dream that I was running and when I ran through residential buildings, there were a lot of large, beautiful, blooming tulips in every flowerbed


My ex-husband came to my house and gave me a bouquet of red tulips


The woman gave me one blue-green tulip. I was delighted.
