Arsen Avakov: biography, photos and interesting facts. Arsen Avakov: biography pages Arrival to his homeland and resumption of political career

Arsen Borisovich Avakov- Ukrainian businessman and politician, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine since 2014.

Arsen Avakov - People's Deputy of Ukraine (2012−2014), Chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration (2005−2010), Deputy of the Kharkov Regional Council. Member of the National Council on Interaction between State Authorities and Local Government Bodies (2008−2010), the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (2007−2008). Avakov is a member of the Euro 2012 organizing committee (2007). Honored Economist of Ukraine (2007).

Family and education of Arsen Avakov

Arsen Borisovich Avakov was born on January 2, 1964 in Baku, in the village named after. Kirov (Kirov district, currently Binagadi district) Baku (Az SSR) in the family of a military pilot. Avakov is Armenian by nationality. Religion: Armenian Apostolic Church.

Arsen Avakov's father is Boris Surenovich Avakov (1936−1995), aviator, pilot, officer. Arsen's mother is Tatyana Matveevna Avakova (1935−2002).

Since 1966, the family moved to Ukraine. Avakov's father served in various garrisons as a Soviet officer. In connection with this, Arsen studied abroad and graduated from school No. 32 of the Central Group of Forces in Czechoslovakia, where the children of Soviet military personnel studied.

Returning to Ukraine, Arsen Avakov in 1981-1982 worked as a preparator at the Department of Automated Control Systems at the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute. In 1988, Avakov graduated from the same institute with a degree in Automated Control Systems, specialty - systems engineer. In 1987-1990, the future Minister of Internal Affairs worked as an engineer at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Water Protection in Kharkov.

Business and career of Arsen Avakov

Avakov, working as an engineer after college, managed to take advantage of the benefits of the perestroika period. The time was hot, joint stock companies and banks grew like mushrooms on the asphalt. Being a creative young man, in 1990 he founded and headed Investor JSC (whose president he served until 2005), and in 1992, the Basis commercial bank.

Having passed the 90s, Avakov Arsen realized that business should be supported by political connections. In 2002, Avakov was elected a member of the executive committee of the Kharkov City Council.

During the 2004 presidential campaign, Avakov became deputy head of the Kharkov headquarters of Viktor Yushchenko and first deputy chairman of the Kharkov regional “National Salvation Committee”.

The efforts of Arsen Borisovich were noted by the Kyiv authorities and on February 4, 2005, by decree of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, Avakov was appointed chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration.

In March 2005, Avakov became a member of the presidium of the People's Union Our Ukraine party. Deputy of the Kharkov Regional Council of the 5th convocation (2006), member of the commission on budget issues. On April 11, 2009, he was elected chairman of the Kharkov regional organization “For Ukraine!”

Arsen Avakov’s activities in the Kharkov region came to a logical end with Yushchenko’s presidential term. It is curious that just before his departure, the president was forced to dismiss Avakov on the basis of Part 10 of Art. 118 of the Constitution of Ukraine, after on February 3, 2010, an extraordinary session of the Kharkov Regional Council passed a vote of no confidence in Avakov as the head of the region with the wording “for the use of administrative resources during preparations for the second round of the presidential elections.” On February 9, 2010, two days after Viktor Yanukovych’s victory in the presidential elections, Arsen Borisovich resigned from his post as chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration.

Yulia Tymoshenko and Arsen Avakov (Photo:

In 2010-2013, Arsen Avakov continued to move in political circles. On April 21, 2010, he joined the Batkivshchyna party and headed its regional organization. In October 2010, he took part in the elections for Kharkov mayor. But Avakov lost them too. O. city ​​mayor Gennady Kernes.

Since the fall of 2011, Arsen Avakov has been in Europe on business with his own foundation. Until December 2012, he was in exile in Italy due to criminal prosecution in Ukraine. On January 26, 2012, the Ukrainian prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against Arsen Avakov for malicious abuse of power, and specifically for the illegal change of purpose and transfer to private ownership of 55 hectares of state land worth over 5.5 million hryvnia in Pesochin.

However, following the results of the autumn parliamentary elections of 2012, Avakov was elected as a people’s deputy of Ukraine on the lists of the united opposition “Fatherland”. On November 27, 2012, he announced his intention to return to Ukraine and begin his duties as a people's deputy. In parliament, Arsen Avakov was the chairman of the subcommittee on legislation on the status of people's deputy of Ukraine.

Arsen Avakov - Minister of Internal Affairs

After the coup d'etat, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appointed Arsen Avakov as acting on February 22, 2014, and on February 27 he was confirmed as Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Arsen Avakov was an active participant in the events on the Maidan, and after his appointment he invited the militants of the Right Sector * and the Maidan Self-Defense to join the ranks of the police. At the same time, he showed himself to be a tough opponent of independence on the part of the radicals, even to the point of physical elimination. A sad fate befell the well-known Alexander Muzychko (Sashko Bily), who was killed by police on the night of March 24-25, 2014 in the Rivne region while being detained with handcuffs. “Right Sector”* accused Minister Avakov of Muzychko’s murder and promised revenge. In response, Avakov said: “If some bandits threaten the minister, I accept this challenge and am ready to accept any challenge.”

Interior Minister Arsen Avakov after a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada. February 2014 (Photo: Maxim Nikitin/TASS)

Avakov is the creator of the National Guard; it was through his efforts that numerous criminal elements received weapons and legalization. For example, former fighter of the Tornado battalion Alexander Pugachev, who shot two policemen in the Dnieper in the fall of 2016. At the same time, a case is being considered in Kyiv about the crimes of members of the Tornado battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, detained in the summer of 2015. They are accused of kidnappings, murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, thefts and other crimes.

Avakov’s reform to transform the police into police did not lead to success either. Scandals with the police occur regularly, for example, at the end of 2016 in the village of Knyazhichi near Kiev, during a special operation by the police and the KORD special unit to detain robbers, due to unforeseen circumstances, a shootout occurred with the state security service (GSO). Five people died. According to one version, law enforcement officers were engaged in robbery. A fan of reacting to everything on Facebook, Avakov decided to remain silent about this incident.

There are many complaints against Avakov regarding corruption. A pre-trial investigation by the anti-corruption bureau established the fact of a preliminary conspiracy with the participation of Avakov’s ex-deputy Sergei Chebotar and the minister’s son Alexander Avakov, thanks to which the backpacks were supplied at inflated prices by a company associated with the minister’s family. In this way, 14.5 million hryvnia (36 million rubles) were spent.

Wealth and sources of income of Arsen Avakov

Back in 2005, Avakov said that he had long established himself in this world: “I have everything: I have enough honor and money.” As governor of the Kharkov region, Arsen Avakov was included in the list of the richest citizens of Ukraine. In 2008, according to Focus magazine, he was 67th in the TOP of the richest Ukrainians with a fortune of $385 million.

A little later, in 2011, Focus magazine estimated Avakov’s fortune at $282.9 million.

According to experts, Avakov’s business empire expanded significantly after Euromaidan and Arsen’s return to power. Which does not greatly affect the official declaration of the minister as a representative of the government. In 2016, Arsen Avakov’s income in the form of salary amounted to only 466 thousand UAH (about a million rubles).

Arsen Avakov and charity

Avakov, as a citizen, previously co-founded several charitable structures.

Foundation named after Marianna Avakova (Arsen Avakov's deceased sister) provided assistance to orphanages, boarding schools, and orphans.

The Star Bridge charity organization was involved in organizing the annual international fantasy festival, publishing fantasy literature, and carrying out social and educational activities in orphanages, schools, and universities.

The Renaissance Charitable Foundation organizes charity events, concerts, and auctions. Provides assistance in the restoration and revival of historical and architectural monuments. In addition, Arsen Avakov supports young scientists, scientific programs, and children's creativity with the help of “grants”.

Arsen Avakov with his wife Inna and son Alexander (Photo:

Family of Arsen Borisovich Avakov

Arsen Avakov's wife is Inna Avakova. She held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC JSCB Basis, part of JSC Investor (1994−2012).

Has a son, Alexander. Since the beginning of August 2014, Alexander Avakov, according to official information, served in the special battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Kyiv-1”. He is better known for scandalous stories, in particular, for his love of gambling. Also, the son of Minister Avakov threatened the journalist of the Ukrainian television channel ICTV Kristina Suvorina, who was filming him at one of the beauty contests. Alexander Avakov is also involved in the corruption case with backpacks for the ATO.

Avakov on Facebook

Arsen Avakov actively uses Facebook as a means of PR, he was even nicknamed the Facebook Minister. Arsen Borisovich takes a break from social networks only when another scandal involving the police breaks out in the country. On social networks, everyone gets the worst of it from the minister; in particular, Avakov was one of the most unrestrained Ukrainian politicians in relation to Donald Trump. After Donald said that the residents of Crimea want to be with Russia, Avakov called the American a “dangerous outcast.”

And after Trump’s victory, which came as a shock to his Ukrainian critics, Arsen Avakov used the definition “Pindostan” in relation to the main patron of the current Kyiv regime.

Arsen Avakov and scandals

One of Avakov’s funniest conflicts occurred on December 14, 2015. During the National Reform Council in the presence of the country's President Petro Poroshenko, Avakov did not like the speech of the then governor of the Odessa region, Mikheil Saakashvili; during the quarrel, he suggested that the ex-President of Georgia “get out of his country.” In the process, Avakov threw a glass of water at his opponent. The expression "Bebebe", used by both Caucasian Ukrainians, has become a meme.

Avakov’s adviser Anton Gerashchenko, commenting on the episode, boasted that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is capable of throwing a glass at Poroshenko on occasion, like at Saakashvili.

* In November 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the activities of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Right Sector, UNA-UNSO and Tryzub im. Stepan Bandera. Their activities on Russian territory are prohibited.

Arsen Borisovich Avakov is a Ukrainian entrepreneur, banker, politician, statesman, and since 2014 the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Arsen was born on January 2, 1964 in the village named after Kirov, the capital of Azerbaijan, in the family of Boris Surenovich and Tatyana Matveevna Avakov. The parents were Armenians by nationality; Boris Surenovich’s real name was Avakyan. My father served as a military pilot; in 1966 he was transferred to Kharkov.

In 1981, Arsen graduated from a Kharkov school, then entered KhPU, where he received a qualification as a systems engineer with a specialty in Automated Control Systems. After his third year at the university, Avakov annually went to work in the Tyumen region as the commander of construction department No. 18 of the Novourengoygazstroy trust and BMP-522 PSMO Tyumendorstroy of the Urengoytransstroy trust.

Arsen Avakov in childhood with his father

In his fifth year, he got a job as an engineer at the All-Union Research Institute of Water Protection in Kharkov, where he worked for three years until 1990. Avakov's field of activity included studying issues of mathematical modeling.


In 1990, Avakov became the head of the first Ukrainian JSC Investor, which he founded. Arsen Borisovich held the post of president of the enterprise until 2005. Over the years of its existence, the financial and industrial group has subordinated 40 enterprises from various sectors of the economy, including energy and food.

With the support of the Governor of the Kharkov region, Evgeny Kushnarev, Arsen Avakov launched JSCB Basis in 1992 on the basis of the Investor financial and industrial group. The bank's partners were JSC Turboatom, CJSC Teploelektrotsentral-3, Regional Municipal Enterprise Kharkov Heating Networks, KP Kharkov Heating Networks, OJSC UTsEBOTneftegaz, CJSC Saltovsky Bakery, LLC Ukrainian Tea Factory AkhmadTI, Dublyansky Alcohol Plant, Novopokrovsky State Bakery Plant. Branches of the Kharkov bank were opened in Dnepropetrovsk and Kyiv.

In the mid-90s, Arsen Avakov started the construction business of a full cycle of developments, creating the companies “Investor Elite Service”, “KARST-8”. The entrepreneur also opened a brokerage company, a publishing house, and the Investor Elite Bud company, which provides services in the field of advertising and marketing. The Avakov family still controls food distribution enterprises and transport companies.

For 20 years, Arsen Avakov oversaw the activities of the charitable foundation “Kharkov City Charitable Foundation named after. Marianna Avakova”, created in memory of her deceased sister. Currently, the Minister of Internal Affairs holds the post of head of the Renaissance Foundation, which is engaged in charity.


Since 2002, Arsen Avakov served as a member of the executive committee of the Kharkov administration. As stated in the official biography, in 2004 he served as deputy head of the Kharkov branch of the election headquarters. In 2005, he was appointed to the position of head of the Kharkov regional administration, which required the resignation of leadership positions in the business structures of JSCB Basis and JSC Investor.

In 2010, before the presidential elections in Ukraine, he was removed from his post as governor of the Kharkov region due to his support for the bloc. Avakov suggested that the purpose of his dismissal was to ensure the required number of votes. Due to criminal prosecution in his homeland, he was hiding in Italy in the city of Frosinone until 2012. Avakov was accused of illegally appropriating 55 hectares of state-owned land.

Returning to his homeland in 2012, Arsen Avakov took a deputy post from the Batkivshchyna bloc in the Verkhovna Rada of the 7th convocation. During the political crisis at the end of 2013, he was involved in arranging a tent city on Maidan Nezalezhnosti. After the bloody events and the coup d'etat at the end of February 2014, he received the post of Minister of Internal Affairs in the government apparatus, replacing his predecessor Vitaly Zakharchenko.

At his new post, Avakov changed personnel and disbanded the Berkut unit. In March, he oversaw the operation to eliminate Alexander Muzychko, for which he assigned responsibility to the Russian special services. In the summer of 2014, he left the Batkivshchyna party together with Alexander Turchynov, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Sergei Pashinsky, Pavel Petrenko. At the end of 2014, he was accused of carrying out financial fraud in the purchase of military equipment for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the spring of 2016, after the start of the work of the new government headed by the Prime Minister, Avakov was one of the few who retained his post in the new Cabinet.

Personal life

Arsen Avakov is officially married to Inna Avakova, who served as deputy chairman of PJSC JSCB Basis for 18 years, starting in 1994. The couple have a son, Alexander, who in 2014 participated in military operations in the east of the country as part of the special battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Kyiv-1”. Avakov’s wife lives in Kharkov and runs the family business. In 2015, the project of Lisova Galyavina LLC was launched, which is an amusement park equipped in an exotic style.

Little is known about the life of the Avakov family. Inna and Alexander do not maintain any official pages on social networks, unlike the head of the family, who has already been dubbed the “Minister of Facebook” in the media. On his own account, the politician covers his public activities with a large number of posts with photos.

Arsen Avakov now

In 2017, with the assistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Arsen Avakov personally, an attempt to assassinate former Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova Vladimir Plahotniuc was prevented. The alleged perpetrators were detained in Chisinau, and the organizers were arrested in Kyiv.

Also, as part of the work to expose the Yanukovych-Klimenko corruption scheme, the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested 25 officials. Now Arsen Avakov is strengthening his political position in the Cabinet of Ministers, which could lead to another redistribution of power.

Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


Avakov Arsen Borisovich was born on January 2, 1964 in the family of a military man in Baku (Azerbaijan). He is an Honored Economist of Ukraine, the author of one monograph and twelve scientific publications. Married, has a son.

Lives in Ukraine since 1996. In 1988, Avakov graduated from the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute. From 1987 to 1990 he worked as an engineer at the Kharkov Research Institute of Water Protection.

In 1990, he became the founder and head of Investor JSC, one of the first Ukrainian joint-stock companies. In 1992 he created the commercial bank "Basis".

By decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 4, 2005, Arsen Avakov was appointed to the position of chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration.

In the autumn parliamentary elections of 2012, Avakov was elected as a people's deputy of Ukraine as part of the united opposition "Batkivshchyna".

After the resignation of acting Minister of Internal Affairs V. Zakharchenko in February 2014, Avakov was appointed acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Avakov's fortune in 2008 was estimated at $385 million. He ranked 67th in the list of the richest people in Ukraine according to Focus magazine. At the same time, a year earlier, Avakov’s fortune was $300 million.

Arsen Avakov is a co-founder of some charitable structures as an individual. The Star Bridge organization annually holds international science fiction festivals, is engaged in the publishing of science fiction literature, as well as educational and social activities in universities, schools and orphanages.

The Renaissance Foundation holds charity auctions, concerts and events, and is engaged in the revival and restoration of architectural and historical monuments. In addition, Renaissance supports children's creativity, scientific programs and young scientists with grants.

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Arsen Borisovich Avakov - 11th Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine from February 27, 2014 (acting from February 22, 2014)
Predecessor: Vitaly Zakharchenko
Chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration
February 4, 2005 - February 5, 2010
Predecessor: Stepan Ivanovich Maselsky
Successor: Mikhail Markovich Dobkin
Birth: January 2, 1964
Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, USSR
Children: son - Alexander
Party: All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivshchyna”
Education: Kharkov Polytechnic Institute
Profession: systems engineer

Arsen Borisovich Avakov(January 2, 1964, Baku) - Ukrainian politician, public figure and businessman. Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (from February 27, 2014), Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (February 22, 2014 - February 27, 2014).
He ranks 118th in the ranking of “200 richest people in Ukraine” (2013) with a net worth of $98.9 million.
Arsen Borisovich Avakov- Chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration (from February 4, 2005 to February 9, 2010), deputy of the Kharkov Regional Council. Member of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine from May 25, 2007 to January 21, 2008, the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding in Ukraine of the final tournament of the 2012 European Football Championship (Euro 2012) from April 24 to May 8, 2007, the National Council on issues of interaction between state authorities and local governments. Arsen Borisovich Avakov- Honored Economist of Ukraine. People's Deputy of Ukraine.

Was born Arsen Avakov January 2, 1964 in the village named after. Kirov (Kirov district, currently Binagadi district) Baku (Az SSR) in the family of a military man. By nationality - Armenian.
Since 1966 Arsen Avakov permanently resides in Ukraine.
In 1981-1982 worked as a preparator at the Department of Automated Control Systems at the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute.
In 1988, Arsen Avakov graduated from the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute (specialty - "Automated control systems", qualification - systems engineer).

In 1987-1990 Arsen Avakov worked as an engineer at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Water Protection (Kharkov).
In 1990, Arsen Avakov founded and headed Investor JSC, and in 1992, the commercial bank Basis.
In 2002, Arsen Avakov was elected a member of the executive committee of the Kharkov City Council.
On February 4, 2005, by decree of the President of Ukraine, Victor Viktor Yushchenko was appointed Chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration and resigned as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC Investor and JSCB Basis.

On March 26, 2006, he was elected as a deputy of the Kharkov Regional Council of the 5th convocation, a member of the commission on budget issues.
On February 3, 2010, an extraordinary session of the Kharkov Regional Council of People's Deputies passed a vote of no confidence in Avakov as the head of the region with the wording “for the use of administrative resources during preparations for the second round of the presidential elections.” 108 deputies voted “for” the resignation of the governor, 8 “against”, 1 abstained and 1 did not vote.

On February 5, 2010, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko dismissed Avakov from the post of governor of the Kharkov region on the basis of Part 10 of Article 118 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which states that if two-thirds or more of the deputies from the council of the corresponding level expressed no confidence in the chairman of the district or regional state administration, the president decides to resign the chairman of the state administration.
On February 9, 2010, two days after Viktor Yanukovych’s victory in the presidential elections, he resigned from the post of chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 31 of the Law of Ukraine on Civil Service “fundamental disagreement with the decision of a government body or official, as well as ethical obstacles to being in the public service.” stating that he has not yet received the Presidential decree on his resignation and does not want to take part in this soap opera.

Since 2010 Arsen Avakov lives in Italy.
On November 23, 2012, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine was registered as a people's deputy on the list of the VO "Batkivshchyna". On November 27, Avakov announced his intention to return to Ukraine and begin his duties as a people's deputy.
February 22, 2014 Verkhovna Rada Arsen Avakov was appointed acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Political activities of Arsen Avakov
During the presidential election campaign in Ukraine in 2004, he was deputy head of the Kharkov regional headquarters of presidential candidate V. A. Yushchenko, first deputy chairman of the Kharkov regional “National Salvation Committee”.
In March 2005, he was elected to the Council of the People's Union "Our Ukraine" party, a member of the Presidium of the party.

On April 11, 2009, at the proposal of the leader of the All-Ukrainian public movement “For Ukraine!” Vyacheslav Kirilenko was elected chairman of the Kharkov regional organization of the public movement “For Ukraine!”
On April 21, 2010, he joined the Batkivshchyna party and accepted Yulia Tymoshenko’s offer to head the regional organization of the Batkivshchyna political party (Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc). He is a member of the political council of the party

In October 2010, he took part in the elections of the Kharkov mayor. However, as the international human rights organization Freedom House states, as a result of massive violations, the result of the mayoral elections in Kharkov was changed in favor of Gennady Kernes.
Following the results of the parliamentary elections of 2012, he was elected People's Deputy of Ukraine on the lists of the united opposition "Batkivshchyna". Chairman of the subcommittee on legislation on the status of people's deputy of Ukraine of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Rules of Procedure, parliamentary ethics and ensuring the activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Social activity
Chairman of the Kharkov regional branch of the National Olympic Committee;
Co-founder of the Foundation named after. Marianna Avakova;
Head of the Supervisory Board of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation;
Co-chairman of the organizing committee of the International Science Fiction Festival "Star Bridge";
Founder of the Producer's Arsen Avakov Foundation.

Has its own internet reception

Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
During the political crisis in Ukraine of 2013-2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on February 22, 2014 dismissed the acting Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko and appointed Arsena Avakova Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
Immediately after your appointment Arsen Avakov stated that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine will include representatives of the right-wing extremist group Right Sector.
February 25, 2014 Arsen Avakov made personnel changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ordered an official investigation into the commission of disciplinary offenses, abuse of official powers, abuse of official position by the heads of the Main Directorates and Directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in a number of regions, which led to the obstruction of citizens’ exercise of the right to peaceful assembly, attacks on their lives and health and signed order number 144 “On the dissolution of the special public security police unit “Berkut”.
February 27, 2014 Arsen Avakov confirmed to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Bill circulation: theory and practice / A. B. Avakov, G.I. Gaeva, V.A. Beshanov and others - Kh.: Folio, 2000. - 382 pp.;
The main thing: Collection of articles (April 2005 - October 2006) / Arsen Avakov. - Kharkov, 2006. - 48 p.: ill.;
Accents: Speeches, articles, speeches, interviews, publications (November 2004 - December 2006): collection of articles / Arsen Avakov. - Kharkov: Golden Pages, 2007. - 464 pp.: ill.;
Lenin with us: Article + Internet epistolary / Arsen Avakov. - Kharkov: Golden Pages, 2008. - 100 pp.: ill.;
Yesterday and tomorrow / Arsen Avakov. - Kharkov: Golden Pages, 2008. - 48 p.;
Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Kharkov region for the period until 2015: Monograph. - Kh.: Publishing House "INZHEK", 2008. - 352 pp.

Personal condition
According to Focus magazine and the Kharkov Newspaper, Avakov’s personal wealth (capital) at the beginning of 2008 was $385 million. In the list of the richest people in Ukraine Avakov ranked 76th.

According to Focus magazine, by 2011 his fortune had decreased to $282.9 million (65th place). In 2013, his fortune was 98.9 million dollars (118th place in the ranking of “200 richest people in Ukraine”).

Criminal case and arrest
On January 26, 2012, the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine opened a criminal case under Art. 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on Arsena Avakova on the fact of malicious abuse of power and official authority, leading to grave consequences, specifically for the illegal change of purpose and transfer to private ownership of 55 hectares of state land worth over 5.5 million hryvnia in Pesochin. On January 31, his apartments were searched
On January 31, 2012, the leader of the regional organization of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, A. Avakov, was put on the international wanted list by Interpol. On the same day, the Chervonozavodsky District Court of Kharkov chose a preventive measure against him - detention.

However, the Chairmen of the parliamentary faction “BYuT-Batkivshchyna” and “Our Ukraine - People’s Self-Defense” Andrey Kozhemyakin and Nikolai Martynenko appealed to the General Secretariat of Interpol with a request to refuse the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine to search for and detain the leader of the Kharkov opposition Arsen Avakov.
The Co-Chairman of the Kharkov Human Rights Group, Evgeniy Zakharov, made a similar request to Interpol.
Myself Arsen Avakov appealed to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine with a request to close the criminal case against him, due to the lack of corpus delicti, on the basis of clause 2 of part 1 of art. 6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine.
The head of the representative office of the European Commission, Mr. Teixeira, noted that as of March 19, Mr. Avakov is not on the list of persons wanted by Interpol.

On March 21, he was officially put on the wanted list by Interpol.
On March 25, 2012, information appeared in the media that Avakov was detained in Italy in the city of Frosinone.
The BYuT-Batkivshchyna and NUNS factions asked Interpol not to extradite Arsen Avakov to the Ukrainian authorities.
On March 29, an Italian court arrested Avakov for 40 days. Within this period, the Ukrainian side must provide a package of documents necessary for extradition.
On April 12, 2012, by decision of a Roman court, Avakov was released from custody.
On October 18, 2012, a trial was held in Italy, by the decision of which Ukraine was denied extradition Avakova.

Ministers of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Symbol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Andrey Vasylishin Vladimir Radchenko Yuri Kravchenko Yuri Smirnov Nikolay Bilokon Yuri Lutsenko Vasily Tsushko Yuri Lutsenko Mikhail Klyuev (acting) Anatoly Mogilev Vitaly Zakharchenko Arsen Avakov (acting)

Avakov Arsen Borisovich was born into the family of a military pilot on January 2, 1964. At the time of his birth, the family lived in the Kirov district of Baku, but after 2 years he moved with his parents to Ukraine, where he still lives.

Education and career

Avakov graduated from the Kharkov Polytechnic University in 1988 with a degree in systems engineer. After some time, he got a job at the Kharkov Institute of Water Protection as an engineer, where he worked until 1990.

Having taken up entrepreneurship, the future head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs established JSC Investor and served as its president until 2005. The two thousand years marked the beginning of a political career.

Activities of politics

During the election race for the post of President of Ukraine in 2004, the Kharkov headquarters of presidential candidate Yushchenko was headed by Arsen Avakov. His biography as a politician began with the post of governor of the Kharkov region. In 2005, by decree of Viktor Yushchenko, Avakov was appointed to this position, after which he said goodbye to JSC Investor and the commercial bank JSCB Basis, created in 1992.

In February 2010, as a result of a “mini-coup,” the regional council of Kharkov expressed no confidence in the head of the region, arguing that Arsen Borisovich used administrative resources during the preparation for the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine. After the events that occurred on February 3, on February 5, by decree of President Yushchenko, the head of the Kharkov region was dismissed. However, on February 9, the politician himself resigned, saying that he had not yet received a presidential decree, and did not want to remain in this position after Viktor Yanukovych assumed the presidency, since he did not agree with the political course of the new head of state.


In the pre-revolutionary years, Arsen Avakov was on the party lists of “Batkivshchyna” - the party. In October 2010, he ran for the post of Kharkov mayor, but ultimately lost to the current mayor of Kharkov, Gennady Kernes, with 0.53% of the votes. Since 2012 he has been a people's deputy of Ukraine.

As Minister of Internal Affairs

During the Ukrainian Euromaidan, he provided active assistance to the then oppositionists, working on the infrastructure of protest camps. After the victory of the revolutionaries, he headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs and legalized organizations that were previously considered extremist in Ukraine.

in Ukraine

In 2012, a criminal case was opened against Avakov, where he was accused of abuse of power, which entailed serious consequences. The politician was accused of illegally transferring land into private ownership. The prosecutor's office estimated the total value of 55 hectares of state property at more than 5 million hryvnia. Since Arsen Avakov had been living in Europe since 2011, a Ukrainian court arrested the politician in absentia, and after that Avakov was put on the international wanted list. He was arrested in Italy, after which the Italian side refused to extradite Avakov.

Criminal prosecution in Russia

In June 2014, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the politician for organizing murders, as well as the use of prohibited means of warfare in the Donbass. In addition to Avakov, the Investigative Committee also arrested a Ukrainian businessman in absentia. Since Arsen Avakov currently has the Investigative Committee, he does not have the ability to arrest a politician.

Avakov family

Married, has one son. According to media reports, Alexander Avakov served for some time in the battalion of the Kyiv-1 volunteer corps. The politician’s son stayed there for a month, after which he returned to the capital, where he was trained as a stormtrooper.

Modernity and prospects

Arsen Avakov secured a position as head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also significantly increased his influence on political processes in Ukraine after the victory of Euromaidan. Now the minister is busy with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also raises the issue of introducing a contract army in Ukraine. Experts are confident that this will allow Avakov to increase his rating, since Ukrainians support the transition of the army to a contract.

Hobby politics

Avakov shows great interest in literature written in the fantasy genre. He became the founder of the annual Star Bridge festival, which takes place in Kharkov. New works from the field of fantasy genre are presented here. Arsen Avakov, whose photo is presented in this article, has friendly relations with two modern science fiction writers - O. Ladyzhensky and D. Gromov. These authors publish their works under the joint pseudonym Henry Lyon Oldie.

The politician also has a special interest in football. He supports FC Kharkov and the Italian Inter. Arsen Borisovich is passionate about numismatics and photography.


The politician is directly related to the creation of many enterprises on the territory of Ukraine. Here is a list of just some of them:

  • Joint Stock Company "Investor" and its subsidiary "Investor Elite Stroy".
  • A number of radio companies New Wave, TRC Simon).
  • CJSC "CHP-3" and many others.

According to experts (data for 2013), the politician’s capital is approximately $99 million. In the ranking of the wealthiest Ukrainians, Arsen Avakov occupies 118th place.

The politician’s biography contains both ups and downs, but analysts agree that the most dangerous times for Avakov are over.
