Memes with Nicolas Cage. Funny photos and screenshots from movies

On July 23, actor Nicolas Cage arrived in Kazakhstan for the opening of the Eurasia Film Festival. There, the Hollywood star was dressed up in a fur hat and a national Kazakh costume - a chapan, and in this form he was photographed with the People's Artist of Kazakhstan Aiman ​​Musakhodzhayeva. The picture became an occasion for jokes and fotozhabs, like many other appearances of Western celebrities in Russia and the CIS countries.

We have collected six more such examples: with, and Tom Hardy.

(Total 35 photos + 2 videos)

Nicolas Cage

In Astana, Cage performed at the Five Continents Children's Film Festival, and began a welcoming speech in Kazakh. At the request of the host, the actor solemnly planted a tree.

The Oscar and Golden Globe winner said that the directors of the country could make a film about the arrival of Hollywood stars in Kazakhstan and it would be a success at the box office. He also recorded a video message to the people of Kazakhstan, in which he praised the national cuisine, the architecture of Astana and the friendliness of the city's inhabitants: “I have never met such a warm welcome, although I have been to many places. I will invite everyone I know to Kazakhstan.”

The combination of the national costume and the confused look of Cage has become a fertile topic for jokes on social networks.

One of the main ideas was this: Cage does not get his passport back until he praises Kazakhstan.

The representative of PornHub in Russia, Dmitry Kolodin, published a redesigned poster for the movie The Martian.

The second reason to practice wit is the fermented milk drink koumiss. Some suggested that Cage ended up in Kazakhstan after drinking too much koumiss, while others simply photoshopped a bottle of drink to the actor’s picture.

Others joked more subtly and put the American on a par with the Kazakh biys.

The American was placed in the realities of the post-Soviet space: with carpets, five-story buildings and street markets.

The actor was replaced by Vladimir Putin in a photoshopped picture from the G-20 summit, which was actively distributed in RuNet in early July.

Not without a ten-year-old meme "Witness from Fryazino".

Popular microblogger Nikita Brovchenko posted a photo of the actor on Repin's painting.

Cage was made the hero of the film "Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession" and other Soviet films.

Instead of Ippolit Georgievich in the frame from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!".

Based on all these photo-toads, someone created a set of stickers with Nicolas Cage for the Telegram messenger.

Keanu Reeves in St. Petersburg

The actor wanted to live in Russia for a couple of months before filming the film "Siberia". For Reeves, this is a rule when preparing for a role: before filming the film "Master of Tai Chi", he spent six months in Hong Kong. People who accidentally saw the famous actor in St. Petersburg began to take pictures of him and post them on social networks.

The actor arrived in Russia a few months after the premiere of the action movie John Wick 2, in which he played the main role.

Kanye West at the exhibition

In November 2016, unexpectedly for many, photos of the American rapper Kanye West, who arrived in Moscow, appeared on social networks. West posed at the exhibition with Russian fashion designer Gosha Rubchinsky. It turned out that Rubchinsky would be working on a collection for the Yeezy brand, which is run by the American rapper.

In Moscow, West visited the exhibition of photographer Alexander Rodchenko at the Multimedia Art Museum and went to the Public Bar.

In the summer of 2016, photos from the meeting between actor Steven Seagal and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko appeared on the Internet. Seagal came to the country to meet with representatives of the Belarusian IT company Wargaming, which created the game World of Tanks.

At the same time, the militant hero of the 1990s visited Lukashenka’s country house and ate vegetables from his garden, which caused a lot of jokes like “Lukashenko treated Seagal with his carrots.”

And in 2013, Steven Seagal came to Chechnya and danced a lezginka there.

Jared Leto in Perm

In 2015, the rock band 30 Seconds to Mars, in which actor Jared Leto plays, went on a tour of Russia. The appearance of the Oscar winner in the market of Perm caused a stir in social networks.

Memes about the ever-replaying Nicolas Cage amuse people all over the Internet, but the actor himself is made sad. Cage said that he creates each of his crazy images on purpose and carefully thinks through, only the audience does not understand his work. But he aspires to the level of the classics of cinema and the Western version of the kabuki theater.

Nicolas Cage, known for his many roles in films of the nineties and zero, is dissatisfied with his status as an Internet legend: in his opinion, fans have paid attention to something that is not important to him at all. He spoke about this in an interview with IndieWire. The most memorable shots with his participation are so firmly rooted in Internet culture that it is already difficult to perceive them in isolation from memes, and this does not suit Cage.

A frame from the film "Kiss of the Vampire", which became a meme You don't say

Cage believes that due to the fact that for many viewers he has long become primarily a meme actor, the audience will look for all the same hypertrophied emotions in the new film with his participation - "Mandy" from director Panos Cosmatos. Many viewers felt that the thriller was filmed only in order to give Cage an environment in which his performance would be appropriate - which is why they liked the fact that they were.

With the advent of the Internet, these mashups appeared, where they select some moments and show them without the context of the whole film, it turns out such a meme, one might say. These [cuts] are called "Cage's rage" and they depress me.

In "Mandy" the actor really gives free rein to his desire for artistry, looking like a fit of madness. What is his heart-rending cry “You tore my shirt!”, addressed to one of the opponents, or the scene where the hero of Cage in shorts and with a bottle of vodka in his hand writhes in sobs for several minutes without saying a word. However, according to the artist, this is not at all important in the film.

I'm sure this is very frustrating for Panos, who has created a very lyrical, sincere and poetic work of art, and [on social media] only sees "Cage's fury" in his film. I would like to think that I can continue to work with Panos, but the Internet has done the film a very disservice.

Moments from films that diverge into memes, Cage does not consider replaying at all, although many viewers will not agree with him. According to him, people often evaluate these moments out of context, without looking back at why his characters behave the way they do. At the same time, Cage claims that throughout his career (and he managed to be both a star and an actor from a series of failed films), he specifically chooses heroes with the most unusual behavior. Playing their roles, the actor experiments with his own skills and with different acting styles.

I confess honestly. I have sometimes chosen to fulfill my abstract and ontological fantasies about acting in films by playing the roles of people who were crazy, or people on drugs, or supernaturally possessed. This, you could say, gave me the right to reveal the style of German expressionism in my game or the style of Western Kabuki - as you like to call it.

Even up to a streak of bad films in the 2010s, Cage consistently played characters who behaved unnaturally - which audiences often perceived as bad acting. But Nicholas assures: he carefully ensured that his characters were so specific. What looks like overacting or bad improvisation is, in his mind, part of an elaborate plan. And he calls some of the strangest roles based on how the classics of cinema worked.

I chose the role of Peter Low [in Kiss of the Vampire], a literary agent who goes crazy and considers himself a Nosferatu, to try out a style of acting like Max Schreck [one of the most famous German actors of the 1920-1930s]. I chose the role of Terence in "Bad Lieutenant", who takes cocaine to use drugs - not literally - and I added something from playing James Cagney [mid-20th century Hollywood star]. There is a reason behind all this. All this is very well thought out and carefully planned.

Classic movie legends in general often inspire Nicholas, judging by his reaction to the words of actor Ethan Hawke. A few years ago, Hawk compared him to the "troubadours of the past" and stated that Cage is the only artist since Marlon Brando who has brought something new to the art of acting. When asked by IndieWire what he thought about it, the actor replied that Hawke's words were very pleasant for him.

Look at James Cagney in "White Heat" when he says, "I'm on top of the world, ma!" Was it realistic? No shit. Was it exciting and believable? Hell yes. It would take a long time to list these ancient troubadours who devoted themselves to such charismatic and grandiose stylization. Such greatness, one might say.

It is difficult to count the number of memes that fans (and detractors) dedicated to the Hollywood actor. Every day, funny pictures with his participation amuse millions of people all over the planet, but Cage himself is driven into depression. The actor admitted that he was very dissatisfied with the current situation and explained why he was overacting so much, thereby causing the public to ridicule.

Nicolas Cage began his creative career back in 1981 and throughout his life he played in several dozen films known to any viewer. The greatest popularity brought him roles in the tapes "No Face", "National Treasure", "Ghost rider", but still, the general public knows those films in which the actor played, to put it mildly, not very much ... At least, most of Cage's fans decided so.

Cage's last film is a horror action movie "Mandy", on which the director collaborated Panos Cosmatos And Aaron Stewart-An. Journalists and critics who attended the premiere of the picture called it successful, and even "Cage's best work in recent times."

After watching the trailer for the action movie, viewers said that Nicolas Cage finally got the role in which he can fully splash out his madness and it will look appropriate. However, it still could not do without humor, and new memes with the participation of the actor began to “walk” on the Internet.

Nicolas Cage, in a recent interview with IndieWire, expressed his dissatisfaction with this:

The audience has long seen me as an actor from memes, so they are looking for the same hypertrophied emotions in the film. I'm sure this is very upsetting to Cosmatos, who has created a very lyrical, sincere work.

Cage also said that he himself is very dissatisfied with his own memification.

Nicolas Cage, contrary to popular belief among fans, said that he does not overact in films at all, but only experiments with images and tests his acting skills. Moreover, the actor prefers to play in those tapes where he gets not entirely adequate characters.

So I can try different styles of play and test my skills.

Cage assures that he specifically achieved such an effect on the screen, and not just played badly. According to the actor, his excessive activity in some scenes is not a script error or unsuccessful improvisation, but part of a well-thought-out plan.

Let's hope that fans will take Cage's words about his acting work with all seriousness and finally stop pestering him with their memes, some of which you can see below.

The actor often announces himself in the media and in many films. Often seen in big-budget films, but after 1996, when he received an Oscar, his performance, to put it mildly, left much to be desired. Incredible replays and twisting of the facial muscles caused the creation of memes with Nicolas Cage. The actor became the record holder in the number of nominations for the "Golden Raspberry" - an award for the most outstanding failure in acting. He can not lose heart, because fame on the Internet will not leave him for a long time.

The very first Nicolas Cage meme

Nicolas' acting career began a long time ago, back in 1981. But he received his first "meme" fame in 1988, starring in the film "Kiss of the Vampire". In one of the scenes, he extremely convincingly played bewilderment, which provoked the analysis of the picture into memes, quotes and screenshots. The most famous shot was the moment in which the meme character with Nicolas Cage said: "What did you say me?".

Since the Internet was not particularly developed in the late 80s, everyone forgot about this moment. The picture gained new popularity with the advent of modern imageboards - forums where users communicated on various topics and discussed films. Memories of the film received a response, which provoked the emergence of memes with Nicolas Cage. They express a satirical attitude towards the hero of the picture and the actor himself.

Nicolas cage - meme koumiss

The actor's trip to Kazakhstan deserved special attention. There, dressed in folk attire, he went down for his own. See for yourself, if you didn’t know him, would you be able to understand that Nicolas Cage is one of the most expensive actors of our time?

Be that as it may, the audience began to talk about the fact that the actor went overboard with koumiss, and in the morning ended up in Kazakhstan. What can you do there? Of course, go to the film festival in Astana. The actor held a photo shoot, trying on a chapan and a fur hat. He posed for pictures with prominent Kazakh filmmakers and signed autographs. Memes with Nicolas Cage did not leave the Internet for a long time, and some fans did not stop inventing photo-toads with the actor at all, providing the work with the status of a national treasure of Kazakhstan.

Other actor memes

In addition to these works, the actor was also mentioned in other memes and photoshops made on the basis of a large number of works. Internet personalities loved the acting (especially the facial expressions) in films such as Ghost Rider, Face Off, Wicker Man, Left Behind. The movies are bad, sure, but Nicolas Cage's replays make them hilarious, and that's what makes the movies so successful.
