Dear teachers, we invite you to the graduation ceremony. Elementary School Graduation Invitation

Good day, friends! Every student looks forward to prom, and the older he gets, the more eager he is to leave school, but all this passes when the holiday is already on the doorstep. School is a second home, and leaving it is not at all easy; it is especially difficult to part with your favorite teachers. I suggest sending them a celebratory graduation invitation.

I do not recommend buying ready-made cards; it is better to come up with an invitation yourself and write it into the card by hand. This way the teachers will feel your affection and respect. You will find out what these invitations can be by reading the article. By the way, if you replace the word “teacher” and slightly edit the invitations, you can invite not only teachers, but also parents and other close people.

Eloquent prom invitations in prose

Do you like beautiful “live” invitations? You will find what you need in the following list:

Dear teachers! A new stage has come in our lives; soon we will leave our native school and go to a new unknown life. But before that, the last and very important school lesson awaits us - prom. It will show how dear school is to every student, and how difficult it will be to be away from it. In these difficult moments, I want to see close people near me who have always been there and helped us walk through life correctly. Teachers, we ask you to come to the celebration. We are looking forward to it!

We are in a hurry to invite our favorite teacher to our 11th grade graduation! You have made a great contribution to our lives. Thanks to your patience, kindness and talent, we were able to turn us into smart and decent people who will be able to build their lives correctly. We are sincerely grateful and want you to be present at the celebration. We hope for a positive response. Sincerely, 11th grade students.

We have been waiting for this day for so long, and now it has finally come. Our holiday is very soon, and we really want you to celebrate it with us. Share every moment of joy with us. Come (time and place)!

Dear (name and patronymic), we are happy to invite you to the graduation party! At the celebration you will find a wonderful atmosphere, good music and a luxurious table. We hope you will come. Sincerely, 11th grade students.

This important and long-awaited day has arrived. Left behind were unfinished homework, bad grades in the diary, and severe reprimands from teachers. There will be no noisy school evenings and fun children's games, the time has come for adulthood. It's a little scary, but it still makes the students happy. And in these important moments, there should be those nearby who led children by the hand for 11 whole years and talked about interesting sciences, taught them to be good people. Thanks to you, teachers, we have become what we are now. We invite you to celebrate your graduation into adulthood with us. We hope you find time to be with your beloved students one last time.

11th grade students are happy to invite you to their graduation! On this solemn day, a solemn assembly awaits you, where everyone will be able to say a few warm words, as well as a festive meal and a lot of positive emotions!

Indicate on the postcard the time and location of the upcoming event.

Dear teachers! You all know that a very important event for us is approaching - graduation. We would really like each of you to take the time to celebrate with us. Believe me, this is very important for us, because over the years spent at school, each teacher has become like family. Are looking forward to. Sincerely, 11th grade students.

Dear teachers! You are probably surprised that we are already finishing our school journey. It seems like just recently that we came to this school as small children. Now new adventures await us in one of the universities in Russia. The last step before global changes will be a release where we would like to see you all!

The day is already approaching when all of us, 11th grade students, will leave the walls of our home school. We will set out to find ourselves in a variety of professions, and, who knows, perhaps one of us will become a famous doctor, a show business star or a talented architect. No matter how our lives turn, we will always remember where it all began - from school. What would school mean without you, dear teachers, without your hard work and kindness? We love you very much and invite you to celebrate the most important school day with us!

Dear and beloved teachers, we ask you to come to our celebration! Share with us the joy of the most important school event. This evening will bring you only positive emotions and good mood. Therefore, we wait (time and place). Sincerely, 11th grade students.

Farewell to school is always a sad and touching event. During our school years, many moments happen that not only change our lives, but also make us who we are. Teachers play an important role in a child’s life, and we are grateful to every teacher who contributed their knowledge and skills to us. We are sincerely grateful and want to invite you to the graduation. Of course, this is a small price to pay for all your efforts, but we are trying.

Well-deserved words of gratitude, charming beauties and handsome men, proud parents, a positive atmosphere, pleasant music, delicious delicacies - all this and much more awaits you at your 11th grade graduation. You will find out what other pleasant surprises await you at the celebration if you come. Waiting for you!

We are in a hurry to invite our favorite teacher to graduation. You, without knowing it, did a lot to make this evening happen. Thanks to you, we were able to graduate from school with dignity and have the opportunity to become students at prestigious universities. You are a wonderful teacher, and we want to see you at our celebration!

You can choose one suitable invitation, make a template and reproduce it in the quantity you require. But it’s better to send unique cards to your favorite teachers.

Postcards can be pre-printed. Design the interior yourself, but you can take the exterior and some design ideas from this article:

Graduation invitations in verse

Invitations in verse are a timeless classic that teachers will definitely appreciate. So, I bring to your attention variations of thematic poems.

We call dear teachers

For our festive evening.

We will have more fun with you,

And a luxurious table is provided!

Don't miss our last day of school,

After all, this is an important event for everyone.

There are many changes coming in life,

And with you we want to remember everything we experienced.

Accept our invitation,

After all, a big holiday is planned!

It's time to say goodbye to school

And celebrate our graduation!

Holiday gathering today

Those who have been there for all eleven years.

Let every teacher be there today

And a good one will give us advice!

We hasten to invite you

It's a nice evening.

which in our life

Undoubtedly the most important!

Wish us happiness and good luck,

Adult life is not easy.

We ask you to be with us,

After all, we love you with all our hearts!

We cordially invite you,

Celebrate your graduation party with us.

There will be a luxurious table and music,

And the company is friendly.

You will definitely come

And please accept our thanks!

Our dear teachers,

We are in a hurry to invite you to the holiday!

Put off all household problems for the evening

And let's celebrate together!

We'll remember the past

And we'll laugh at our school mistakes.

May there be only good things in your life,

And remembering us, you will bloom with a sincere smile.

We invite you to the holiday,

And we understand that we are busy.

But graduation only happens once,

Therefore, we ask you to please us with your presence.

Let all everyday problems go away for a while,

And there will be no more dilemma.

Just be with us on this important day.

And don't forget to wear your festive outfit!

We hasten to invite our beloved teacher to the holiday,

Dear school parent.

An important hour for us is approaching,

And we really want to see you around.

We want to listen to your speeches

Therefore, we invite you to a meeting!

We are in a hurry to invite you to the holiday.

You shouldn't miss this!

After all, this is the long-awaited graduation,

Where are we waiting for you, (name)!

We send you a heartfelt invitation,

Let your school moments not be forgotten.

May we always be in your heart,

And you will become the guest of honor at our celebration.

A special day has come in life,

He's the only one we have.

This is a holiday known to everyone -

School graduation!

Notebooks and diaries are no longer important,

Everything has become so adult.

Now there is no word "student"

After all, applications to universities have already been sent out.

Sitting down at my desk for the last time,

We want to say goodbye to our beloved teachers.

May you be near at this solemn hour,

And share the festive meal with us.

Our running will no longer be heard in the corridors,

And there is no ringing laughter in the yard.

After all, we are leaving school today,

Success awaits us elsewhere.

We want to invite you to a holiday,

To thank you for your work and efforts.

We want to share our graduation with our teachers,

And let the parting not be sad.

Everyone graduates only once,

So let the teacher be nearby at this hour.

Let him share sadness and joy with us -

Beloved students!

We would like to invite you from the bottom of our hearts,

After all, you can’t miss an episode!

You (name) must be there

And share happiness with us!

On a beautiful summer evening

Our school meeting will happen.

At this wonderful hour for us

We want to see you next to us.

So that our dear teacher

Helped me leave school.

So that all sorrows are forgotten,

And let the tears disappear quickly.

So get dressed up

And come to us soon.

Don't forget to give bouquets of flowers to your guests. You can buy small gifts, for example, sweets, high-quality stationery, diaries, figurines. A sincere smile will also not be superfluous.

With this, I say goodbye and sincerely hope that you found what you were looking for among the presented variations. Subscribe to site updates and advise your classmates and family to read my blog. May you have the best graduation in the world! Bye bye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

We invite you to a gala event dedicated to the significant event associated with the end of primary school. From first-graders, we have turned into independent, inquisitive middle-level students. We will be glad if you find an opportunity to share with us the positive emotions of this day.

We invite you to a celebration dedicated to our graduation from primary school. All these years you have supported us and helped us in difficult situations, giving wise advice and pointing us to the right path. Somewhere they scolded us, praised us for our successes and sincerely worried about us. We want you to join us on this festive day, look at our successes and achievements and share with us the joy of this event.

At an elementary school graduation
We invite you with all our hearts.
At a fun school holiday
The whole class wants to see you.

We wish that together with you
We crossed the step
Into the world of high school students, so that we
You opened the doors wide.

We wish that in school life
You had no worries with us,
From class to class the road of knowledge
Let him lead us to the certificate.

We invite you to the graduation,
Listen to us, dance.
"Bye" to our elementary school
The time has come to say so.

We are waiting for you in a good mood,
Grab a handful of smiles,
And with joy and inspiration
Hurry to our glorious holiday.

Our whole class is very friendly, large
Said goodbye to elementary school!
Come to our graduation
Mega-bright, incredibly cheerful!

We have already moved to fifth grade,
This needs to be celebrated urgently!
If you don't congratulate us,
You will definitely regret it later!

We invite you to the elementary school graduation, to a good celebration of all the small and big victories of the children. Children are waiting for your support, your smiles, your congratulations and warm words, because a new period of development, interesting knowledge and achievements awaits them. Let's give our children happiness and a beautiful dream together!

Elementary school “Farewell!” we talk
And we invite you to our graduation!
We want to give you a bright mood,
Let the positivity wash over you!

We will be so glad to see you all,
This is so important, please support us!
Therefore, at this joyful hour
We say: “We are waiting for you, come!”

We invite you to the elementary school graduation of our dear children. Together we will remember our childhood and the first mischievous school years, we will be happy for our children and support them with our smiles, we will organize a real holiday of children's dreams and happy hopes.

We invite you to the graduation
We're going to junior school now,
With intelligence, smile and enthusiasm
The guys will make you happy.

Get your palms ready
For thunderous applause to ring out,
We wish you to experience it with us
There are many joyful moments.

Don't forget to take with you
A charge of goodness and positivity,
So that the holiday is a success,
It passed noisily and beautifully.

Graduation is a significant and important date in the life of high school students. There is a tradition of inviting teachers, guests, and loved ones to such an event. For these purposes, we suggest making graduation invitations.

Graduation is a special event that takes several months to prepare for. They think in advance not only about the outfit and plan for the celebration, but also make a list of guests they would like to invite.

Guests can be either common to the whole class (for example, the first teacher, subject teachers), or relatives of graduates. For such purposes, you should prepare an invitation to graduation in advance.

We share several options that are easy to do with your own hands:

Invitation card decorated with a bell

To make such an invitation, you will need:

  • thick double-sided colored cardboard measuring 15x21 cm;
  • white sheets 14x20 cm;
  • pink/blue/lilac/white satin ribbon 2 cm wide;
  • miniature bells;
  • thin decorative rope of golden or silver color;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors.

The technology for making such an invitation is simple:

  1. Cut A4 sheets of colored cardboard in half.
  2. Print a pre-prepared template on white sheets.
  3. Prepare a piece of ribbon 12 cm long. At a height of 8 cm from the bottom edge, determine two points on the right and left where you secure the ends of the ribbon. Lubricate them with glue and attach them to the paper.
  4. Insert the piece of paper with the printed text into the tape, coat it with glue on the four corners and glue it to the base.
  5. Tie a bell in the center.

Invitation card with owl

The owl is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, it is associated with education and intelligence. Themed invitations decorated with this symbol are great options for graduates.

They are easy to make. To do this, you will need special colored double-sided thick paper, plain A4 paper, a ribbon or string and a glue stick.

The work will consist of several stages:

  • To prepare the base, simply cut the sheet in half.
  • Apply an image of an owl in one of three ways:
  1. Directly print using a printer on color blanks.
  2. Print on sheets of white A4 paper, cut out, and then paste onto a colored base.
  3. Using a pattern, transfer the design to a white sheet of paper, cut it out and make an applique.

The last method is labor-intensive. Therefore, if you need to make about 10 or more such invitations, then use the available technical means.

  • Print the invitation text on a printer and roll it into a scroll. Glue a cord (ribbon that will hold the scroll) to the bird's paws and attach the text of the invitation itself. Tie a ribbon or string into an elegant bow.

This invitation is a demonstration of creativity: it will impress the recipients.

Invitation in the form of a cheat sheet

To make this original invitation, you will need scrapbooking paper on which formulas and various rules that are studied at school are written, a thin satin ribbon, white A4 paper, and double-sided tape.

Follow these steps:

  1. Fold the sheets in half to make a 12x12cm card.
  2. On the title side along the left edge, make two holes for the ribbon. If desired, add a miniature bell to the ribbon.
  3. Glue the pre-prepared “Invitation” inscription, made on white paper, diagonally in the center. Decorate with an applique: it can be a globe, a pointer, a school board, etc.
  4. Inside the card, use double-sided tape to glue the invitation text printed on white paper.

This invitation looks touching and sincere.

When making cards, please note that the invitation templates necessarily contained items that are defined by etiquette:

  1. The card should have the inscription “Invitation”.
  2. If you are addressing a couple, write the man's name first, the woman's name second.
  3. Indicate what event you are inviting to, its date, time and place.
  4. Sign who the invitation is from.

Here is an example text that is appropriate for this type of invitation:

Dear _____!

We invite you to the graduation party of _____ class,

which will take place (date and time) at the address: _____.

We will be glad to see you at our holiday!

Graduates - 2018(or the number and letter of a specific class, the name of the graduate who sends the invitation).

Invitations that have rhyming lines are perfectly perceived. Therefore, if you have such talents, then take the trouble to come up with a poetic form of invitation.

Use the ideas presented to invite teachers and loved ones to your graduation celebration in an original way.

Make the holiday memorable. To do this, think through everything to the smallest detail. In this case, invitation options will come in handy.

Posts 1 - 18 from 18

We invite you all together
For a wonderful graduation.
Plunge into a magical world
You'll have to get your head around it.

We will sing and dance for you,
Let's say warm words.
Attend a wonderful holiday
Fate itself tells you.

Accept our invitation,
We have a big holiday today,
Today we say goodbye to school,
Come to our graduation.

Graduation meets today
Everyone who walked the school path with us,
To leave a memory for years
About our big school family.

It will not be erased, it will not go out,
There will be a trace in every heart,
We invite you today
To meet our first adult dawn.

We want to invite you to a holiday,
There will be our graduation party,
Moms, dads, teachers
We are waiting for you in a friendly crowd!

Come and support
Us at such a wonderful hour,
We will be very glad to see you,
Look at us.

This is a special day in life,
He's the only one like that
We invite the whole class
You to your graduation party.

So that we can remember together
We are all school years old,
We know what to love and remember
We will always be in school.

We invite you to the doors
You opened the world for us,
So that from the nest, from school
Graduation took our class soaring.

We cordially invite you
For our fun graduation.
Let the dancing be endless
And there will be a feast on the mountain.

Just hurry to school
Putting on your evening attire.
You will definitely come
To bring the big guys into life!

Will take place on a summer evening
Our graduation meeting
But without you she is like this! -
It won't work out.
So you dress up
Gather at the appointed hour,
And come to the meeting,
For more parting
With your favorite school.
It will be a fun holiday!

We cordially invite you
Attend our graduation.
After all, I’m delighted with the holiday
Any day will happen.

Let's say goodbye to love
We are a wonderful school.
Share your day with us
Meaningful, fun.

We invite you to the graduation,
We are preparing for it and looking forward to it,
You will take the mood with you,
We will start our holiday on time!

We promise it will be interesting
There will be songs, dances and poems,
We're looking forward to seeing everyone, honestly.
We all say goodbye to school!

Today is a very important day for us -
Our class says goodbye to school.
We invite you to this holiday,
Look at us in suits and dresses.

We will be glad to see you at the Graduation.
Come and share the mood with us,
Give us a holiday with your presence,
You will support us and give us inspiration.

We cordially invite you
It's a great holiday to visit,
Our graduation is coming,
You have to be there
There will be a lot of jokes, laughter,
And poems and congratulations,
Come, we will be waiting for you,
Cast away all doubts!

We invite you to an interesting event:
On the one hand, graduates, parents, friends.
On the other hand, fair judging:
Director, head teachers, teachers.
Looking forward to your school graduation
You on a June evening!

Today we invite you
On the evening of our graduation,
We will say goodbye to school
And you are our dear guest.

The years have flown by so quickly,
And the road calls to life,
We're standing in front of an open door,
Where will she lead us?

Inviting you to your graduation,
We are waiting for your last advice,
There is a great life ahead,
There is no turning back.

We invite you to visit
Our graduation was glorious.
In the life of each of us
The day is undoubtedly the main one.

Say goodbye to school
And we will receive a certificate.
Let's remember the last waltz
Many more years in a row.

Wish us luck
Life as an adult is not easy.
And feel our holiday
With all your big soul. Students, accept the invitations
For the graduation party.
Let the moments be bright
Are you ready for the open path!

You have learned and experienced a lot,
We found friends, we became more humane,
We wish you well, a successful journey,
Find happy love and calling!

We present you with an invitation
In honor of graduation!
May the moments be wonderful
And be ready for a new path!

May success accompany you,
Always strive upward
Be brave, strong and kind,
Full of energy and happy feelings!

Invitation to school graduation party 11th grade online free - invitation cards

School graduation is the line between primary and secondary school, 11th grade and entry into adulthood. They prepare for the festive procession in advance, thinking through the performance down to the smallest detail. Schoolchildren rehearse funny skits, select a prom program with the teacher, and rehearse dances with a choreographer. Parents print forms for diplomas, letters of gratitude, and come up with invitations.

Invitation to school ball

An original detail will be a designer invitation sheet for graduation. Its design depends directly on the age of the students. Pencils, flowers, the alphabet, fairy tale characters, children's pictures are suitable for fourth graders, and ornate monograms, flower arrangements, bouquets, and laconic lines are suitable for high school students.

Inside the postcard, they must indicate the place of the celebration, the name of the cafe, restaurant, school address and time. Invitations are made manually, templates are purchased or created, where data is entered and printed.

Electronic Alert

Ready-made invitations help save time, and virtual cards will delight organizers with simple design and quick delivery to the recipient. There is no need to go to the post office or personally hand over an invitation to the guest; when changing information or entering details, it is enough to send it again. The free Invitizer greeting card service will help the school:

  • choose an unusual invitation with a beautiful picture;
  • choose a variety of options from a ready-made library;
  • create an elegant envelope for a school party invitation sheet;
  • make an online reminder, send an SMS;
  • register all schoolchildren and relatives to take into account money spent on the banquet;
  • take into account all invitees;
  • create a travel map, indicate a parking location;
  • send text, voice messages, photos and videos;
  • make a voice announcement.

School graduation is an enchanting event. Let the invitation to the festive evening bring imagination and be remembered by the graduate for a long time.
