Anniversary concert of Raymond Pauls. Anniversary evening of Raimonds Pauls (04.09.2016) Anniversary evening of Raimonds Pauls watch online

Genre: Concert

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The concert dedicated to the 80th anniversary of maestro Raimonds Pauls is attended by both the first performers of his songs and those who have taken over from them. The performances of the stars are accompanied by the Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin. worldwide famous composer, musician and public figure, holder of the most honorary titles Raymond Pauls was born in Riga, studied at the Latvian Conservatory in the piano class, and as a student he composed jazz compositions and song melodies became popular.

His first group - chamber pop group"Modo" - Pauls created in 1971. At the same time, the composer is actively writing music for performances and his first musical "Sister Kerry". In the 80s, Pauls began fruitful cooperation with famous Russian poets: Robert Rozhdestvensky, Andrey Voznesensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Ilya Reznik. As a result of this, songs appeared that brought the maestro great fame and love of the audience and became an invaluable contribution to the fund of our musical culture.

Today they are just as loved and interesting to the people of the 21st century as they were to their first listeners. They were performed by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and Laima Vaikule. Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, Laima Vaikule, Alexander Malinin, Grigory Leps, Irina Allegrova, Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak, Sergey Lazarev, Emin, Gleb Matveychuk, stars of the TV project "Voice" Intars Busulis, Sharif, Mariam Merabova and many others will perform the songs of the maestro accompanied by an orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin. The main stars of this evening will be the inimitable Raymond Pauls himself and his music, the secret of which no one has yet determined the birth of.

Original name: Anniversary evening Raymond Pauls

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Anniversary concert of Raimonds Pauls (03/09/2018) watch online for free in good quality
"Million Red roses"and" Maestro", "Vernissage" and "Not Evening Yet", "Love the Pianist" and "Old Clock" ... Who does not know the melodies of these songs written by Raymond Pauls?
For an evening in honor famous composer there were many distinguished guests. Creativity Pauls this evening will be presented by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and Laima Vaikule. An orchestra and a black piano, on which the maestro played, were placed on the stage. He himself led the program with his usual Baltic wit. The only decoration on the stage is a glowing autograph "R. Pauls".
According to Raymond Voldemarovich, the most difficult thing was to select three dozen out of four hundred songs. Announcing Laima Vaikule, Pauls told how he, Reznik and Alla Pugacheva risked by releasing on the stage in the early 80s new star, whose hoarse voice and amazing plasticity were unusual for the then Russian public. At the concert, Laima showed all her the best rooms to the songs of Raymond Pauls: "Charlie", "It's not evening yet", "On Piccadilly Street", "Blues". And she sang one of these songs, lying on the piano, and Raymond seemed to play only for her alone. Several songs were performed by Valery Leontiev: "Love the pianist", "Disappeared sunny days", "Cabaret". Appearing on stage, Alla Borisovna turned to Pauls and sang: "I can't believe my eyes! Have you really come? My God!" She also performed "Maestro", "A Million Scarlet Roses", "Vintage Clock" and other hits.
Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontiev, Maria Naumova, Normund Rutulis, Gunar Kalnynsh, Guna Paula, the Kukushechka Ensemble, Alla Pugacheva take part in the evening.

"A Million Scarlet Roses" and "Maestro", "Vernissage" and "It's Not Evening Yet", "Love the Pianist" and "Old Clock"... Who doesn't know the melodies of these songs written by Raimonds Pauls?
Many eminent guests gathered for the evening in honor of the famous composer. Creativity Pauls this evening will be presented by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and Laima Vaikule. An orchestra and a black piano, on which the maestro played, were placed on the stage. He himself led the program with his usual Baltic wit. The only decoration on the stage is a glowing autograph "R. Pauls".
According to Raymond Voldemarovich, the most difficult thing was to select three dozen out of four hundred songs. Announcing Laima Vaikule, Pauls told how he, Reznik and Alla Pugacheva took risks by releasing a new star on the stage in the early 80s, whose hoarse voice and amazing plasticity were unusual for the then Russian public. At the concert, Lyme showed all her best numbers for the songs of Raymond Pauls: "Charlie", "Not Evening", "On Piccadilly Street", "Blues". And she sang one of these songs, lying on the piano, and Raymond seemed to play only for her alone. Several songs were performed by Valery Leontiev: "Love the pianist", "Sunny days have disappeared", "Cabaret". Appearing on stage, Alla Borisovna turned to Pauls and sang: "I can't believe my eyes! Really, you really came? My God!" She also performed "Maestro", "A Million Scarlet Roses", "Vintage Clock" and other hits.
Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontiev, Maria Naumova, Normund Rutulis, Gunar Kalnynsh, Guna Paula, the Kukushechka Ensemble, Alla Pugacheva take part in the evening.

Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, Laima Vaikule, Alexander Malinin, Grigory Leps, Irina Allegrova, Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak, Sergey Lazarev, Emin, Gleb Matveychuk, the stars of the Voice project Intars Busulis, Sharif, Mariam Merabova, and many others will perform songs maestro accompanied by an orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin. The main stars of this evening will be the inimitable Raymond Pauls himself and his music, the secret of which no one has yet determined the birth of.

Raimonds Pauls, a world-famous composer, musician and public figure, holder of the most honorary titles, was born in Riga, studied piano at the Latvian Conservatory, and while still a student, jazz compositions and song melodies composed by him became popular. In 1971, Pauls created his first group - the chamber pop group "Modo". At the same time, the composer is actively writing music for performances and his first musical, Sister Carrie. In the 80s, Pauls began fruitful collaboration with famous Russian poets: Robert Rozhdestvensky, Andrey Voznesensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Ilya Reznik. As a result of this, songs appeared that brought the maestro great fame and love of the audience and became an invaluable contribution to the fund of our musical culture. Today they are also loved and interesting to the people of the 21st century, as well as to their first listeners. They were performed by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and Laima Vaikule.

As a rule, choreographic, pop and rock groups participate in concerts. website
The stage at concerts is equipped with microphones, powerful sound-reproducing and lighting equipment.

"A Million Scarlet Roses" and "Maestro", "Vernissage" and "It's Not Evening Yet", "Love the Pianist" and "Old Clock" ... Who does not know the melodies of these songs written by Raimonds Pauls?

Many eminent guests gathered for the evening in honor of the famous composer. Creativity Pauls this evening will be presented by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and Laima Vaikule. An orchestra and a black piano, on which the maestro played, were placed on the stage. He himself led the program with his usual Baltic wit. The only decoration on the stage is a luminous autograph "R.Pauls".

According to Raymond Voldemarovich, the most difficult thing was to select three dozen out of four hundred songs. Announcing Laima Vaikule, Pauls told how he, Reznik and Alla Pugacheva took risks by releasing a new star on the stage in the early 80s, whose hoarse voice and amazing plasticity were unusual for the then Russian public. At the concert, Laima showed all her best numbers for the songs of Raymond Pauls - "Charlie", "It's not evening yet", "On Piccadilly Street", "Blues". And she sang one of these songs lying on the piano, and Raymond seemed to play only for her alone. Several songs were performed by Valery Leontiev - “Love the pianist”, “Sunny days have disappeared”, “Cabaret”. Appearing on stage, Alla Borisovna turned to Pauls and sang: “I can’t believe my eyes! Have you really come? My God!". She also performed "Maestro", "A Million Scarlet Roses", "Vintage Clock" and other hits.

Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontiev, Maria Naumova, Normund Rutulis, Gunar Kalnynsh, Guna Paula, the Kukushechka Ensemble, Alla Pugacheva take part in the evening.
