Biology test on the topic "Mammals" (Grade 7). Test - Class Mammals biology test (Grade 7) on the topic

Class Mammals

  1. How are mammals different from other vertebrates?
  1. live birth;
  2. warm-blooded
  3. Feeding babies with milk
  4. Four-chambered heart
  1. How to classify weasel and ermine?
  1. Detachment - rodents, family - mice;
  2. Order - insectivores; family - shrews;
  3. Detachment - predators, family - mustelids
  4. Detachment - predators; family - cats.
  1. Where are the representatives of the order of pinnipeds listed?
  1. whales and dolphins;
  2. sperm whales and sharks;
  3. Walruses and fur seals;
  4. Seals and penguins.
  1. Identify artiodactyl non-ruminant animals:
  1. Mountain goats and argali;
  2. Domestic goats and rams;
  3. Pigs and cows;
  4. Boars and pigs.
  1. Which monkey is closest to humans?
  1. Lemurs
  2. Baboons
  3. Monkeys
  4. Chimpanzee.
  1. Eyes in mammals
  1. Have eyelids with eyelashes
  2. Have no eyelids
  3. They don't have eyelashes.
  1. The teeth of insectivorous mammals are:
  1. Noticeably divided into incisors, canines and molars;
  2. Fangs stand out noticeably;
  3. Almost all are the same.
  1. Rodents do not have
  1. incisors
  2. fangs
  3. Permanent teeth.
  1. Artiodactyls have on their feet:
  1. 4 fingers
  2. 2 fingers
  3. Some species have 2, others have 4 fingers.
  1. Odd-toed ungulates have on their feet:
  1. One developed finger
  2. One or three fingers, and in some species on the front legs, 4 fingers,
  3. All 5 developed fingers.
  1. Retractable claws have predatory families:
  1. Wolf
  2. feline
  3. Kunya
  1. Horns available:
  1. In many artiodactyls
  2. In many artiodactyls and few equids
  3. Only in odd-toed ungulates.
  1. Bats navigate in flight using:
  1. vision
  2. olfaction
  3. Reflected ultrasounds emitted and captured by the hearing organs.
  1. Prey is stalked or quietly sneaked up on it, and then take possession of itshort throw:
  1. Almost all wolves
  2. Feline, with rare exceptions
  3. Kunya


Option number 1 test "Features of the structure of mammals"

Mark +/- true and false statements:

  1. The stomach of most animals is single-chambered.
  2. Food in the mouth is wetted by saliva
  3. All mammals are covered with hair
  4. The ancestors of mammals were animal-toothed lizards
  5. In all mammals, babies are born already able to move.
  6. Fertilization in females occurs inside the body
  7. Mammals have a well-developed midbrain and cerebellum.
  8. The mammalian heart has four chambers.
  9. There are convolutions in the forebrain
  10. The forelimbs consist of the thigh, lower leg and foot
  11. The thoracic spine, ribs and sternum form the ribcage
  12. The length of the neck of mammals depends on the number of vertebrae
  13. Teeth are divided into incisors, canines and molars
  14. The lungs have highly branched bronchi
  15. The circulatory system consists of 3 circles of blood circulation
  16. Fertilization is external
  17. All mammals make nests
  18. Marsupials give birth to underdeveloped young

1. You are given five words. Four of them are united by a common feature.
The fifth does not apply to them. Which?

A) hooves b) hair c) claws d) chitin e) nails

2. The limbs of mammals are located:

  1. both pairs under the body b) both pairs on the sides of the body
  2. one under the body, the other on the sides

3. Vibrissae are:

A) wool b) undercoat c) mustache

4. Thermoregulation in mammals occurs with the participation of:
A) odorous glands b) sweat glands c) sebaceous glands

5. Which part of the mammalian brain is the most developed?

A) medulla oblongata b) cerebellum; c) forebrain; d) midbrain.

5. Aperture is:

A) high constant body temperature; B) unstable body temperature;

C) the ability to regulate body temperature; D) the birth of live cubs;

D) feeding the cubs with milk; E) high level of metabolism;

Option number 2 test "Features of the structure of mammals"

  1. The number of vertebrae in the cervical spine of mammals is almost always:

A) constantly b) depends on the length of the neck; c) depends on the size of the animal.

2. Which part of the brain is the most developed:

A) medulla oblongata b) cerebellum; c) forebrain.

3. The most changing department in the skeleton of mammals of different species is:

A) a skull b) tail; c) cervical.

4. Which of the organs is not located in the abdominal cavity:

A) lungs; b) liver; c) stomach; d) kidneys

5. Aperture is:

A) skin fold b) the outer cover of the lungs; c) muscular septum.

6. In the respiration of mammals, the main role belongs to:

A) light; b) skin; c) lungs and skin equally.

7. In the spine of mammals, the vertebrae of the department have grown together:

A) cervical; b) chest; c) lumbar; d) sacral.

  1. Choose the correct judgments.

In the process of evolution, mammals have developed signs:

A) high constant body temperature;

B) unstable body temperature;

C) the ability to regulate body temperature;

D) the birth of live cubs;

D) feeding the cubs with milk;

E) high level of metabolism;

G) low metabolic rate.


multi-level testingbiology for 7th grade.

Class Mammals.

Reference: The first eight student-level questions. After completing them, you get a score of "3". The next 4 questions are of the second level of difficulty. Together with the former, they give a rating of "4 m . The last three questions have an increased level of difficulty. If you complete them, having completed the previous twelve, you get a grade of "5".

1. Mammals inhabit land, seas, fresh water and breathe with:

a) skin or lungs b) skin c) lungs or gills d) lungs

2. Limbs in mammals in contrast from reptiles are located:

a) on the sides of the body b) under the body c) for some - on the sides of the body, for others - under the body

3. For mammals characteristic teeth:

a) all conical b) only molars c) only canines d) incisors, canines and molars

# 4. To the featuresmammalian reproduction includes:

a) the development of the fetus in the uterus b) the presence of germ cells c) feeding the baby with milk d) internal fertilization

  1. 5. Insectivorous mammals include:
    a) shrew b) shrews c) seals d) whales
  2. 6. Marine animals are adapted to life in iodine:

a) breathe with gills b) limbs have turned into flippers c) have hair d) fish-like body shape

# 7. Go green a group of land mammals include:

a) rodents b) equids c) bats d) pinnipeds 8. Thermoregulation in mammals occurs with the participation of: a) odorous glands b) sweat glands c) sebaceous glands

# 9. Formation of conditioned reflexes development related:

a) cerebellum b) cerebral cortex c) medulla oblongata! a d) diencephalon

# "10. Echolocation is developed in:

a) toothed whales b) mouse-like rodents c) bats d) eared seals *11. Of the proposed concepts select the one that is inthe same relationship with the third concept as the first two With friend. Reptiles: oviparous =

mammals: --

a) spawning b) ovoviviparity c) live birth d) hermaphroditism

*12. You are given five words. Four of saws are united by a common feature. Fifth word to them

does not fit. Find it.

a) hooves b) hair c) claws d) chitin e) nails

**13. Subcutaneous blubber of dolphins reaches 50 eat. What benefits does

dolphin this feature?

**14. In the blue whale, the lungs can hold 14,000 liters of air when inhaled. How is this related with the image

whale life?

■ ! *15. In southern animal species ears are usually more, than their northern

relatives. This is related to the fact that:

a) good hearing is needed in the steppes and deserts

b) it is hot in these areas and the ears help to regulate the temperature of the goal

c) the position of the auricles is a signal for other animals

Tasks of the first level of complexity in total gain 5 points, tasks of the second level of complexity in total gain 10 points, tasks of the third level of complexity have a total of 15 points. To have a grade of "5", you must score 30 points. You can independently calculate how much each question costs. 11o it is better not to waste this precious time, but to carefully think over the answers. The # symbol indicates that the question has two answers.

Test Class Mammals Shalapenok Iris 2004

1. How many species of mammals are known?

a) 7 thousand.

b) more than 4 thousand.

2. Mammals have teeth:

b) fused with the jaw

c) both options are possible

3. Horn formations associated with the integument of mammals are:

3. There are glands in the skin of mammals:

b) sweaty, milky, odorous

c) milky, sebaceous, sweat

4. Mammal Habitat:

b) water, land

c) ground, air

5. List the sections of the spine of mammals:

a) skull, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal b), cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal

6. The number of vertebrae in the cervical region of a mouse, dog, giraffe, mole:

a) miscellaneous

b) 7

c) from 7 to 10

7. The shoulder girdle of mammals consists of:

8. Aperture is:

a) sit in the cells of the jaw bones

b) fused with the jaw

c) both options are possible

9. Horn formations associated with the integument of mammals are:

a) only hairline, claws and nails

b) hair, claws and nails, hooves, hollow horns, scales

c) only claws and nails, hair, hooves

10. There are glands in the skin of mammals:

a) sweat, sebaceous, milky, odorous

b) sweaty, milky, odorous

c) milky, sebaceous, sweat

11. Mammal Habitat:

a) water, land, land-air, soil

b) water, land

c) ground, air

12. List the sections of the spine of mammals:

a) skull, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal

b) cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal

c) cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, caudal and chest

13. The number of vertebrae in the cervical region of a mouse, dog, giraffe, mole:

a) miscellaneous

b) 7

c) from 7 to 10

14. The shoulder girdle of mammals consists of:

a) scapulae, coracoids and clavicles

b) shoulder blades, clavicle or its remains

c) shoulder blades with a ridge for attaching muscles

15. Aperture is:

a) a septum dividing the body cavity of mammals into the thoracic and abdominal parts

b) dome-shaped muscle between the thoracic and abdominal parts of the body cavity

c) a + b

16. The complex stomach of ruminants includes:

a) 3 departments

b) 4 departments

c) 5 departments

17. The largest amount of food per unit of body weight during the day is consumed by:

a) small mammals

b) medium-sized animals

c) big animals

18. The respiratory system of mammals includes:

a) trachea, highly branched bronchi, alveolar lungs

b) trachea, bronchi, spongy lungs

c) trachea, branched bronchial system, spongy lungs

19. Respiratory movements (inhalation and exhalation) occur when the volume of the chest changes with the help of:

a) intercostal muscles

b) lowering and raising the diaphragm

c) intercostal muscles and diaphragm

20. The circulatory system of mammals includes:

a) four-chambered heart, two circles of blood circulation, one aortic arch

b) four-chambered heart, two circles of blood circulation, two aortic arches

c) three-chambered heart, two circles of blood circulation

21. Excess water and metabolic products are excreted in mammals through:

a) two pelvic kidneys and skin glands

b) kidneys and intestines

c) kidneys, integuments, intestines and lungs

21. What part of the brain of mammals is especially well developed?

a) forebrain with cerebral cortex

b) midbrain and cerebellum

c) forebrain and diencephalon

22. The hearing organs of mammals consist of:

a) three parts: outer, middle and inner ear

b) two sections: middle and inner ear

c) middle and inner ear and external auditory canal

23. Bats navigate in flight using:

a) vision

b) sense of smell

c) hearing organs, catching the reflection of ultrasound

24. Vibrissae - organs of touch of mammals, located

a) only on the head

b) on the head and belly

c) on the head, belly and limbs

25. Vision plays the most important role in:

a) diurnal mammals living in open spaces

b) daytime forest dwellers

c) nocturnal predators

26. Placenta is:

a) the organ in which the embryo develops

b) a section of the uterine wall into which the villi of the embryonic membrane grow

c) fetal respiratory organ

27. Through the placenta:

a) the blood vessels of the embryo are in contact with the vessels of the mother's body

b) the fetus is nourished by the mother's blood circulation

c) the embryo is provided with oxygen and is freed from harmful substances and metabolic products

d) a + b + c

28. How does a baby kangaroo eat?

a) licks milk from the skin in the mother's pouch

b) grasps the nipple and milk is injected into his mouth by contraction of special muscles of the mother

c) actively sucks milk

29. The least adapted to life cubs are born in:

a) burrowing animals

b) animals that do not make holes or other shelters

c) mammals living in open spaces

30. Oviparous mammals live in:

a) South America

b) Australia and adjacent islands

c) New Zealand

d) Central Africa

31. Marsupials are common:

a) only in Australia

b) in Australia and South America

c) in Australia, South America, Tasmania and New Guinea

32. Placental mammals to Australia:

a) penetrated independently, through the islands

b) were introduced by humans and acclimatized there

c) descended from local marsupial mammals

Answers to the Test Class Mammals Shalapenok Iris 2004

1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8a, 9c, 10b, 11a, 12a, 13c, 14a, 15c, 16a, 17a, 18c, 19c, 20a, 21b, 22d, 23b, 24a, 25b, 26c, 27b

Biology test Class Mammals or Animals for grade 7 students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each option consists of 3 parts (part A, part B, part C). In part A - 6 tasks, in part B - 4 tasks, in part C - 1 task.

1 option

A1. Maintaining a constant body temperature is characteristic of

1) snake
2) hedgehog
3) toads
4) turtles

A2. The beaver has a body covering

1) hair
2) feather
3) chitinous
4) scaly

A3. The horse's hoof is a modified area

1) skin
2) foot bones
3) phalanges of the finger
4) leg bones

A4. The complication of the nervous system of mammals is expressed in an increase

1) cerebral cortex
2) medulla oblongata
3) spinal cord
4) nerve nodes

A5. Unlike birds, the digestive system of mammals contains

1) esophagus
2) liver
3) a set of teeth
4) pancreas

A6. The four-chambered heart in the circulatory system has

1) lizard
2) dog
3) frog
4) perch


A. Among mammals, a subclass is distinguished Oviparous, which reproduce by eggs (platypus and echidna).
B. Representatives of different orders of mammals differ in the structure of the dental apparatus.

1) Only A is true
2) Only B is true
3) Both statements are correct
4) Both judgments are wrong

B2. Choose three true statements. Representatives of the order Pinnipeds are mammals

1) seal
2) dolphin
3) whale
4) walrus
5) fur seal
6) shark

B3. Establish a correspondence between the feature of life activity and the class of animals for which it is characteristic.

Feature of life

A. The act of double breathing (gas exchange during inhalation and exhalation)
B. Feeding babies with milk
B. Ligaments located in the trachea participate in the formation of the voice
D. Bearing a cub in the body of a female

Animal class

1. Mammals
2. Birds


1) Amphibians
2) Birds
3) Pisces
4) Reptiles


A. What animal organ system is shown in the figure?

1) digestive
2) circulatory
3) respiratory
4) nervous

B. What function is provided by the organs indicated in the figure by the number 1?

1) digestion
2) reproduction by eggs
3) egg maturation
4) the act of double breathing

B. The organs indicated in the figure by the number 2 are involved in

Option 2

A1. Feeds babies with milk

1) penguin
2) crocodile
3) heron
4) fox

A2. The sebaceous and sweat glands are found in the skin

1) proteins
2) lizards
3) penguin
4) partridges

A3. Unlike reptiles, in the skeleton of mammals the structure changes significantly

1) skulls
2) leg bones
3) belts of the upper limbs
4) caudal from the case of the spine

A4. Unlike reptiles, the mammalian hearing organ includes

1) middle ear
2) eardrum
3) auricle
4) cochlea of ​​the inner ear

A5. The organ of gas exchange in the respiratory system of the dog is

1) alveolar lungs
2) bronchi
3) trachea
4) larynx

A6. During the development of the embryo in animals, the placenta, or baby place, is formed in

1) uterus
2) ovary
3) oviduct
4) testis

B1. Are the following statements true?

A. Representatives of the order Cetaceans - dolphins and whales - breathe with gills.
B. In marsupial mammals (kangaroo, possum), cubs are born underdeveloped, and their further development occurs in the mother's pouch.

1) Only A is true
2) Only B is true
3) Both statements are correct
4) Both judgments are wrong

B2. Choose three true statements. Members of the rodent order are

1) hedgehog
2) beaver
3) jerboa
4) bat
5) marten
6) rat

B3. Establish a correspondence between the feature of life activity and the class of animals for which it is characteristic.

Feature of life

A. Maintaining a constant body temperature
B. Reproduction by eggs or ovoviviparity
B. Unsteady body temperature
D. Most representatives are characterized by live birth

Animal class

1. Reptiles
2. Animals

B4. Establish the sequence of occurrence in the course of evolution of classes of chordates.

1) Reptiles
2) Pisces
3) Mammals
4) Amphibians

B1. Drawing assignment.

A. What animal organ system is shown in the figure?

1) digestion
2) blood circulation
3) breathing
4) nervous

B. The systemic circulation originates in

1) left ventricle
2) right ventricle
3) right atrium
4) left atrium

B. Through the vessels of the small circle, blood enters

1) lungs
2) liver
3) stomach
4) skeletal muscles

Answers to the test in biology Class Mammals or Animals
1 option
Option 2

1 option

1.U glands appear in mammals a) coccygeal b) salivary c) sweat glands

3. The lungs change their volume due to a) muscle fibers b) elastic fibers c) changes in the volume of the chest

4.2 pairs of incisors on the upper jaw and coprophagia - a sign of a) rodents b) hares c) ungulates

5. Hair, claws and nails are derivatives of a) epidermis b) connective tissue c) muscle

7. An odd number of fingers and hooves is a sign of a) cows b) donkeys c) sheep

8. Brown bear cubs are born a) small b) large c) depends on conditions

9. Blood flows in the veins of the pulmonary circulation a) arterial b) venous c) mixed

10. Silently walk a) cats b) elephants c) both

11. Whales can stay under water for a long time due to a) myoglobin b) large lungs c) both answers are correct

12. Carnivores include a) a marten b) a mole c) a killer whale

13. Sheep are easy to manage, because they are a) obedient, smart c) they have a herd instinct

14. They catch up with their prey, but do not hide a) bears b) foxes c) lynxes

15. If organisms interbreed, but do not give fertile offspring, then they belong to a) different species b) different genera c) both answers are correct

16. Elongated muzzle and undifferentiated teeth in a) anteater b) badger c) mole

17. In all mammals, in the right half of the heart, the blood is a) arterial b) venous c) mixed

18. Differentiation of teeth is characteristic of a) all whales b) hedgehogs c) bears

19. Only a) bats b) whales use echolocation c) no answer

20. Self-sharpening incisors and a developed caecum - signs of - a) rodents b) horses c) carnivores

21. Nails on the limbs, not claws in a) cats b) pinnipeds c) primates

22. The science that studies the inheritance of traits is a) ecology b) anatomy c) genetics

23. A multi-chambered stomach is characteristic of a) hippos c) horses c) pigs

24. Type chordates includes a) non-cranial b_ cranial c) both answers are correct

25. Reducing the number of fingers led to a) an increase in the speed of movement b) a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport c) to this, and to this


Option 2

1. Mammals have a) inner b) middle c) outer ear

3. Round muzzle, well-developed hearing and vision in a) dogs b) cats c) hares

4. The science of animal behavior is called a) ecology b) ethology c) physiology

5. Complex multi-chambered stomach a) in ruminants b) non-ruminants c) all ungulates

6. Does not take part in the breathing of animals a) diaphragm b) lung sacs c) no response

7. A) a lynx b) a cheetah c) a wolf has sharp claws

8. A large number of conditioned reflexes is associated with the development of a) forebrain b) cerebellum c) midbrain

9. They smell better a) a person b) a cat c) a dog

10. Large hemispheres are poorly developed in a) carnivores b) pinnipeds c) insectivores

11. By pinnipeds, including a) a killer whale and a fur seal b) a fur seal and a seal c) a fur seal and a dolphin

12. A keel on the chest is found in a) bats b) birds c) both answers are correct

13. In the left half of the heart of all animals, the blood is a) arterial b) venous c) mixed

14. The size of the body of mammals does not depend on a) habitat b) the magnitude of heat transfer c) no answer

15. The domestication of animals is hindered by a) the nature of behavior b) the type and amount of food c) both answers are correct

16. Stopping is typical for a) horses b) cows c) bears

17. The most numerous detachment is artiodactyls b) predatory c) rodents

18. Binocular vision is characteristic of a) chimpanzee b) horse c) sheep

19. The largest animals in the systematic group live a) on land b) high in the mountains c) in water

20. Terms of pregnancy depend on a) size b) conditions in which offspring appears c) both answers are correct

21. Placental animals include a) kangaroo b) platypus c) squirrel

22. In whales in water, only a) weight b) mass c) no answer

23. All animals have the same number of vertebrae a) caudal b) thoracic c) cervical

24. The ability of the undercoat to retain heat is mainly determined by a) living conditions b) the number of hairs per unit area c) the season

25. Endangered are a) rodents b) lagomorphs c) large predators

Evaluation criteria: "5" - 25.24 "4" - 17-23 "3" - 12-16
