Dress. Russian Academy of Justice (North-Western Branch): training, reviews and address Training in the North-West Branch

It doesn't just train lawyers. It produces qualified specialists - employees of the judicial system. The educational organization has several branches. One of them is called North-Western (NW) and is located in St. Petersburg. Let's take a closer look at this branch, because many applicants dream of receiving a legal education.

About the university and branch in St. Petersburg

In Moscow, an educational institution for training judges appeared in 1998. It was called the Academy of Justice, and in 2014 it received the status of a university. In a short time, the institution has gained the trust of applicants. Almost from the first days the university was popular. The Russian Academy of Justice has opened branches in different cities of Russia: in Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Krasnodar, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Simferopol, Chelyabinsk.

The North-Western branch in St. Petersburg appeared in 2003. It fulfills the tasks that the head Moscow university faces:

  • preparing applicants for passing the Unified State Exam and entering an educational institution;
  • training of mid-level workers under secondary vocational education programs;
  • preparation of bachelors and masters in higher education programs;
  • carrying out various works and research on the instructions of the university, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Branch structure

To conduct effective educational activities, several faculties have been created at the NWF RAP. One of the structural divisions is called the Faculty of Law. Its history began in 2006, when the branch received the right to train students in the Law program. Today the faculty trains bachelors and specialists. He also teaches masters. The master's degree program offers several related programs:

  • with financial and administrative law;
  • arbitration, civil and administrative proceedings;
  • theory of operational-search activity, criminology;
  • criminology and criminal law;
  • corporate law.

The organizational structure of the branch also includes a faculty of continuing education for training personnel for the judicial system. It appeared in 2005 at the moment when a law college was opened in the Northwestern branch. The faculty continues to exist today. Every year it invites applicants to the secondary vocational education program “Law and Organization of Social Security”.

Training at the North-Western branch

At the North-Western branch of the Russian Academy of Justice, qualified teachers teach students. Many of them are representatives of public administration and the judicial system. They are the ones who tell students about many practical nuances of their future work, which is very important. Thanks to such university employees, the quality of education improves.

It is important to note that the branch conducts all forms of training at the proper level, because over the years of the existence of the educational institution in St. Petersburg, a good material and technical base has been created. There are lecture halls, computer and specialized classes. A forensic laboratory and a courtroom are equipped. This is where future specialists receive basic practical skills.

Legal clinic in an educational institution

Analysis of practical problems at universities is carried out regularly, but this type of practical exercise does not give students a complete understanding of the complexity of solving problems in real life. To correct such a shortcoming in the educational process, the North-Western branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (university) created a legal clinic within its structure.

This structural unit appeared in 2009. The essence of his work is to provide people with legal assistance on issues of social security, inheritance, housing, family, land, civil, labor and administrative law. WWII veterans, pensioners, minors, and the poor come to the clinic. University students studying in the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of the Faculty of Law communicate with all people. Teachers are present at the clinic with them. They give advice on difficult issues and evaluate students’ knowledge.

Citizens' dress code

admitted to study at a military training center

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 300 "On the rules of wearing military uniforms"


2. Military uniforms are divided according to categories of military personnel and types of clothing into dress (for formation and out of formation), casual (for formation and out of formation) and field, and each of these types of clothing according to the season - into summer and winter.

3. Military personnel wear military uniforms: dress uniform - when participating in parades and at official events with the participation of troops (forces); on holidays of the military unit; when receiving state awards; when presenting a military unit with the Battle Banner; when launching a ship entering service, when raising the Naval flag on the ship; when appointed to the honor guard; when serving as sentries to protect the Battle Banner of a military unit. It is allowed to wear full military uniform on weekends and during off-duty periods; field - during combat operations (operations); during a state of emergency, liquidation of accidents, natural hazards, catastrophes, natural and other disasters; during exercises, classes, combat duty (combat service); everyday - in all other cases.

4. Periodically, but at least once a quarter, as well as when switching to summer or winter military uniforms, drill reviews are held (ceremonial, casual, field military uniforms). During the temporary stay of military personnel in another military district (navy, flotilla) or garrison, the seasonal dress code established in the given military district (navy, flotilla), garrison is observed.

48. Insulated jackets in camouflage colors of a field uniform set, worn with or without a scarf. In inclement weather, it is permitted to wear insulated jackets in camouflage colors with a hood. Insulated trousers in the camouflage colors of a field uniform set are worn over high-top boots.

49. Jackets of a summer suit in camouflage colors of a set of field uniforms are worn with a turn-down collar (with sides in the form of lapels) or a stand-up collar over the trousers of a summer suit. It is allowed to wear the jackets of a suit of summer camouflage colors of a set of field uniforms tucked into the trousers of a suit of summer camouflage colors. In hot weather, suit jackets in summer camouflage colors of a set of field uniforms are worn with sleeves rolled up to the lower edge of the sleeve pockets. The trousers of the summer camouflage suit of the field uniform set are worn tucked into high-top boots.

50. Mufflers of protective color (in the VKS and Airborne Forces - blue, in the Navy - black) are worn neatly tucked under the collar of a winter casual jacket, a demi-season leather jacket, a demi-season casual jacket, a demi-season casual raincoat, so that the upper edge evenly protrudes above the collar of the specified item of military clothing by 1 - 2 cm.

51. Gloves are worn in winter uniforms for formation. In other cases, wearing gloves is not necessary

53. Waist belts are worn: over winter casual jackets, demi-season casual jackets, woolen jackets, woolen jackets, insulated jackets; on the belt of trousers when wearing flannels, uniforms; under woolen jackets, casual suit jackets, blouses and shirts.

54. Waist belts are located: a) on winter casual jackets, demi-season casual jackets - in the waist area; b) on woolen jackets: protective (blue) color - at the level of the second row of buttons (second button) from the bottom; black - between the first and second buttons from the bottom; c) under woolen jackets, casual suit jackets, blouses and shirts - on the waistband of trousers; d) on woolen jackets - at the level of the second button from the bottom.

56. Military uniforms are worn by military personnel of the established type, in good working order, clean and ironed. Trousers must have longitudinal ironed folds on the front and back halves of the trousers (except for field suit trousers and casual suit trousers). On other items of military clothing, folds are not ironed out. Items of military clothing are worn with a zipper, all buttons (except as provided for in these Rules) or buttons.

57. Military shoes must be of the established type, in good condition and cleaned. Boots and low shoes must be carefully laced.

66. Lapel insignia of the branches (branches of troops) of the Armed Forces, special troops (services) - metal or the established pattern (for army generals and senior officers with military ranks of justice and medical service - embroidered lapel insignia) of golden color. Military personnel (except the Navy), for whom lapel insignia are not installed, wear the lapel insignia of the Ground Forces. On the suit jackets of the summer field uniform set, the lapel insignia of the branches (arms) of the Armed Forces, special troops (services) are in protective color, and in the cases established by these Rules, when the field uniform set is used as an everyday uniform, in golden color. Lapel insignia are located: on the shoulder straps of senior officers, as well as military personnel of the Navy who have military ranks of justice and medical service; on shoulder straps for winter casual jackets, demi-season casual jackets, demi-season casual raincoats, casual summer suit jackets, woolen ceremonial jackets, woolen ceremonial jackets, shirts, blouses, casual shirts (except for senior officers and military personnel of the Navy who do not have military ranks of justice and medical service ); in the corners of the collars of woolen tunics, woolen jackets, jackets, suits, summer field uniforms (except for senior officers and naval personnel). Lapel insignia are placed: on removable shoulder straps - on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap, at a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the uniform button; on sewn shoulder straps: Navy personnel with military ranks of justice and medical service - on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap, at a distance of 10 mm from the edge of the collar; placed on woolen ceremonial jackets and woolen ceremonial jackets (except for military personnel of the Navy), - on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap, at a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the uniform button; on collars - along a bisector, at a distance of 30 mm from the corner of the collar to the center of the lapel insignia, while the vertical axis of symmetry of the lavalier insignia should be parallel to the departure of the collar (on the jacket of a suit of a summer set of field uniforms, the lapel insignia are placed in the corner of the collar).

68. On jackets of casual suits and jackets of a set of field uniforms (except for the jacket of a windproof suit), breast patches are worn in the places provided for their placement: on the right side of the chest - a chest patch with the yellow inscription “ARMED FORCES OF RUSSIA” and edging; on the left side of the chest there is a chest patch with a yellow inscription displaying the surname and initials of the serviceman, for example: “IVANOV I.I.”, and an edging. The color of the edging of the chest stripes on the jacket of the suit is everyday red (in the Air Force of the Aerospace Forces, Airborne Forces and Space Forces of the Aerospace Forces - blue, in the Navy and among senior officers - yellow) color. The color of the edging of the chest stripes on the jackets of the field uniform set is protective (and in the cases established by these Rules, when the field uniform set is used as an everyday uniform - red, blue, yellow).

69. Sleeve insignia and breast patches on the jackets of the field uniform set are worn in protective color, and in the cases established by these Rules, when the field uniform set is used as an everyday military uniform, in color.

74. Badges of duty shifts and forces: regiment duty officer (headquarters, battalion, company, checkpoint, canteen, paramedic, park, military echelon), operational duty officer, patrol officer, military automobile inspection inspector and others are worn in everyday and field uniforms clothes on the left side of the chest: casual winter jackets - above the left upper pocket (casual winter jackets for female military personnel - under the yoke); demi-season casual jackets - above the upper left pocket (demi-season casual jackets for female military personnel - so that the upper edge of the sign is located at the level of the second button from the top); a woolen tunic, a woolen jacket, a woolen jacket - the upper edge of the badge of duty services and forces is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner, if there are ribbons of orders (medals) - 10 mm below them; casual summer suit jackets, shirts (blouses), casual shirts - under the breast pocket flap (casual casual shirts of female military personnel - so that the center of the sign is located at the level of the second button from the top); flannels, uniforms and naval suit jackets - the lower edge of the sign of duty services and forces is located at the level of the corner of the collar cutout, if there are ribbons of orders (medals) - 10 mm below them; jackets of a set of field uniforms (except for the jacket of a windproof suit) - in the places provided for their placement (jackets of a summer field suit for senior officers - under the flap of the chest pocket).

75. Other insignia are worn in accordance with the requirements of the orders on their establishment.

76. Shoulder straps and insignia must be sewn (attached) correctly and neatly. Shoulder straps are clean, not wrinkled, without inserts. Metal insignia of military personnel should not be deformed, have enamel chips or abrasions.

Sample of summer uniform for citizens studying at a military training center (2019 recruitment)

Summer cap in camouflage colors;

Summer suit in camouflage colors;

T-shirt and shorts;

Black socks;

Black high top boots.

Sample of winter uniforms for citizens studying at a military training center (2019 recruitment)

Gray fur hat with earflaps;

Insulated jacket in camouflage colors;

Insulated trousers in camouflage colors;

Demi-season suit in camouflage colors;

Lightweight long underwear in khaki color;

Fleece underwear in khaki color;

Khaki scarf;

Black high top boots;

Black socks;

Wool-blend gloves, black.

Sample of summer uniforms for citizens studying at a military training center (recruitment 2016-2018)

The North-Western branch of the RSUP is a state university where practicing judges and lawyers teach. This is where you can get a decent legal education and become a highly qualified employee of the judicial system.

The structure of the university includes the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Judges, State Civil Servants of Courts and the Judicial Department;
  • Faculty of Training of Specialists for the Judicial System (Faculty of Law);
  • Faculty of Continuing Education for the training of specialists for the judicial system.

The branch has a modern material and technical base, which allows for all types of practical classes, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, educational practices, laboratory and research work.

The university operates a legal clinic that provides free consultations to citizens on issues of administrative, civil, labor, land, family, housing, inheritance, and social security law. Students of 3, 4, 5 years are involved in working in the legal clinic; the training is practical.

The university constantly holds scientific conferences and seminars on current legal issues. Representatives of the judiciary, scientists and practicing lawyers from Russia and foreign countries take part in them. The issues and provisions formulated by the participants of these events become the subject of further discussion and are reflected in the relevant legislative acts.

The main practical bases for students are judicial bodies - arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction.

More details Collapse http://nwb.rgup.ru/
