How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale elephant. Step by step instructions: How to draw an elephant

In this lesson we will look at how to draw an Indian elephant with a pencil in stages for beginners, step by step. And also consider the difference between the African and Indian elephant.

Just look at the skeleton of an Indian and African elephant just for familiarization, they have significant differences. The circus is mostly performed by Indian elephants.

To make it clearer what are the differences between the Indian and African elephant, let's draw their contours. First we will draw an Indian elephant. Draw a 5 * 4 table with equal squares and mark the intersection points at the very top from A to E. From the skeleton of the Indian elephant, it was clear that its head is very huge and the spine has a different shape than that of the African elephant. The rise of the back of the Indian elephant comes from the middle of the body from point C, the head has a flattened shape with a pronounced frontal part and starts from point E. The ears of the Indian elephant are small.

Now let's see how to draw an African elephant. The essential difference is that the spine of the African elephant is raised in the back of the back from point B, its head is sloping and starts from point D, the ears are much larger than those of the Indian, and have a smooth neck angle, there is no chin, unlike the Indian. Elephants generally walk on their toes, as seen from the skeleton. An elephant's trunk can stretch, and an elephant cannot jump at all.

And now let's get down to step by step drawing Indian elephant.

Step 1. Draw two ovals - the basis of the head and body of the elephant. Then we draw the contour of the head, trunk, eye and ear of the elephant.

Step 2. We draw tusks at an elephant, folds on a trunk and about eyes, and also a line in an ear.

Step 3. Draw the body and legs of the elephant.

Step 4. We draw other two legs, we draw a line of a stomach at an elephant, and also we draw a tail.

Step 5. We erase auxiliary ovals, we draw toenails at an elephant. Elephants generally have 5 nails on the front, and four on the hind legs, some African elephants have 4 on the front and 3 on the hind legs.

This is an average lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing an elephant for this lesson for young children, but if you have a great desire, then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What you need

In order to draw an elephant, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is difficult to draw an elephant - this is a representative of wild animals, not everyone can afford to draw from life professional artist. But still, you need to try to know as much as possible about this animal before drawing. You can read Wikipedia and study various photographs, which are just a shaft on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Please note that every object, every living being, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. It is they who create the form, it is them that the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

The elephant has a very large body and large thick legs, and unlike other animals, it is only difficult to draw an elephant. Its large ears, trunk and fangs, simple in appearance, are not easy to draw to make them look realistic.

The picture of an elephant will be more picturesque if you draw other elephants nearby, as well as the surrounding one.

1. First you need to draw the main lines of the elephant's torso

Start drawing the elephant with the initial contour in the form of an oval for the torso. It is not necessary to observe geometric accuracy, you see, I also drew this figure rather carelessly. This is only a preliminary outline, necessary for marking the parts of the elephant's torso, which will later need to be removed from the drawing.

A little to the left, you need to draw a circle for the elephant's head and connect these shapes with a curved line.

2. Draw the contours of the trunk and the upper part of the elephant's legs

The elephant in our drawing is in motion, this can be conveyed using the position of the legs. You need to draw the upper parts of the legs, as in my drawing, not straight, but at an angle. In the next step we will draw the lower part of the legs, and then it will be seen that the elephant is walking.

I hope it will not be difficult for you to draw the outline of the elephant's trunk and draw another line from the outline of the head.

3. The general outline of the shape of the torso and head of an elephant

Start this step of drawing an elephant with a trunk. It is not difficult to draw an elephant's trunk according to the already existing contour markings. Just add parallel line next to the previous one. Don't make the elephant's trunk too thin or too thick. Compare, for example, with the thickness of the legs.

The elephant's legs have flattened, almost round "feet". Drawing them is not difficult, so feel free to continue drawing the legs of an elephant.

Delete the now unnecessary contour lines from the elephant drawing.

4. Drawing of an elephant in detail

You see how easy we were able to draw an elephant, it remains only to add some details and the elephant drawing will be completely finished.

Start drawing with the simplest. Draw, after you can draw two tusks and a tail. It will be a little more difficult to draw an elephant's ear, but I think you can easily cope with this by looking at my drawing.

5. How to draw elephant skin

After we managed to correctly draw the torso and head of the elephant in stages, we will begin to draw the skin. In some places it needs to be covered with wrinkles, folds. You can do this with pencil strokes. And on the rest of the skin, apply a fine "grid" in the form of intersecting lines. Do not press hard on the pencil, the lines should be barely visible.

Try to draw the elephant's eye correctly. To better see the details of the eye, you can enlarge my drawing in the browser.

6. How to draw an elephant. final step

By this step you should have completely drawn the elephant and you can start coloring the picture. If you decide to draw an elephant only with a simple pencil, then you need to take soft pencil(2m) and apply . The shadows will give volume and the drawing of the elephant will be more realistic.

So you learned how to draw an elephant. If you make an effort, I believe that you will achieve everything you wanted to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson in social networks and show your results to your friends.

You do not know how to draw an elephant and want to get acquainted with a master class on this topic? Well, then you've come to the right place! Let's say right away that nothing is impossible on the World Of Parents portal. Drawing an elephant is actually very simple. However, it would not hurt to first learn a few interesting facts about elephants and tell them to your child, then it will be much more interesting for him to draw this big big-nosed little animal.

So what do we know about elephants:

  • Elephants consume about 230 kilograms of hay and as much as 270 liters of water throughout the day.
  • The ear of an adult African elephant reaches a weight of 85 kilograms. By the way, if an African elephant straightens its "ears", then the distance between them can reach its height. Here is such a interesting information. But that is not all!
  • The growth of elephants is easily calculated from their tracks. Are you interested? So, the circumference of the footprint of the front leg of the elephant multiplied by two - this way we get the real growth of the elephant to its shoulder.
  • The stories that the elephant is endowed with 4 knees are not at all true - in fact, the elephant has 2 knees and 2 elbows like a person.
  • The largest elephant in the world weighs as much as 12 tons, and this, as scientists say, is not the limit!
  • Elephants are very fond of water, swim well, not afraid of depth.
  • Elephants usually move at a speed of 2-6 km / h, and only for a short time can develop a walking speed of up to 35-40 km / h.
  • Elephants like to sleep only standing up, they gather together in dense group, thereby protecting yourself and your kids from predators;
  • But the baby elephants sleep lying on their side, surrounded by their tribesmen and parents.

Now, it's time to start drawing. Prepare a pencil, an album and call the baby too - let's try to do it together, following the detailed instructions "how to draw an elephant step by step with a pencil."

Step #1: How to Draw the Upper Body of an Elephant

Step #2: Draw an elephant's trunk

Step #3: We draw the lower part of the elephant's trunk, mouth and fang.

Step 4: We draw an eye and an ear of an elephant.

Step #5: It's time to move on to the front leg, carefully draw the front foot.

Step #6:Now draw the second front leg and part of the back leg.

Step #7: We connect the front leg with the back one with a line and draw a piece of the second back leg

Step #8: We draw the elephant's tail and claws on the paws.

Well, it looks like the drawing is ready. Let's see if you did it?

Well, now compare - whose elephant turned out to be more fun, and whose is neater ?!

Editorial website wishes health to you and your babies. Do not forget to take care and protect your children from the first days of life.

In this lesson, you will learn how draw an elephant step by step with a pencil. The elephant has a large body and huge, thick legs like pedestals, but unlike other animals, drawing an elephant is quite simple. True, his large ears, trunk and fangs, simple in appearance, are actually not easy to draw so that they look realistic. The picture of an elephant will be more picturesque if you draw other elephants nearby, as well as the landscape surrounding it.

1. Draw the main contours of the elephant's torso

Start drawing with the initial outline in the form great circle for the body. At a slight distance to the right, draw a smaller circle for the head. Connect these figures, approximately as shown in my drawing, this will be the elephant's neck. It is not necessary to observe the geometric accuracy of these contours, you see, I also draw these contours rather carelessly. It's only preliminary contours, necessary for marking the proportions and location in the drawing of the parts of the elephant's torso, which will later need to be removed.
Just below the main circle, you need to draw two more elongated ovals for the elephant's legs.

2. Draw the contours of the trunk and legs

Start this step with the outline of the trunk, it is easiest to do it, you just need to draw an arc and a circle on its edge. It will be required to accurately maintain the proportions of the massive head and trunk. Next, from the outline of the head to the back, draw another arc, this will be the upper border of the ear. Well, now you need to draw the lower line of the abdomen. The elephant is a very massive animal, and this must be accurately conveyed in the drawing, so this line will insure you against mistakes. Well, at the end of this step, add also two more contours for the legs.

3. The general contour of the shape of the body of an elephant

Well, now it will be much easier to draw an elephant, we have the main contours, it remains only to add the contours of the legs to the drawing.
The elephant in our drawing is moving, this movement can be conveyed using the position of the legs. Draw the left leg slightly raised, for this, lift the outline of the upper part of the leg up a little, and turn the lower part to the left. In the next step we will draw general contour elephant, and then it will be seen that he is coming.

4. Drawing of an elephant in detail

Start this drawing step by drawing the outline of the trunk and huge ear elephant. By the way, the swing of his ears equal to length elephant, take note. It is not difficult to draw a trunk according to the already existing contour marking, and the ear can be drawn in an arbitrary shape. Don't make the elephant's trunk too thin or too thick. Compare, for example, with the thickness of the legs. By the way, the elephant's legs are like columns, and the feet are flattened, almost round.
I hope it will not be difficult for you to outline the general outline of the torso and legs of the elephant.
See how easy we can draw an elephant, it remains only to add simple small parts and the drawing will be completely finished.

5. How to draw elephant skin

First of all, remove the extra contour lines, because you really want to see what we get. After that, start drawing from the simplest. Draw an eye, then you can draw two tusks and a tail. It will be a little more difficult to draw an elephant's ear, but I think you can easily cope with this by looking at my drawing. Most importantly, note that the edge of the second ear is also visible in the figure, but you can not draw it.

After we managed to correctly draw the torso and head of the elephant in stages, we will begin to draw the skin. In some places it can be covered with wrinkles, folds (trunk). You can do this with pencil strokes. And on the rest of the skin, apply a fine "grid" in the form of intersecting lines. Do not press hard on the pencil, the lines should be barely visible. Try to draw the elephant's eye correctly. To better see the details of the eye, you can enlarge my drawing.

6. How to draw an elephant. final step

By this step you should have completely drawn the elephant and start coloring the picture. If you decide to draw only with a simple pencil, then you need to take a soft pencil (2M) and apply shadows. Shadows will add volume and elephant drawing will be more realistic. To accurately draw shadows on the body of an elephant, you need to imagine from which side the light falls or the sun shines. The closer will be lighter. At the junction of the legs with the body, the ears with the head, the shadows will be thicker.
If you draw an elephant next to its other relatives or a small baby elephant, as well as the surrounding african landscape, then your drawing will become more lively, realistic and attractive.

The elephant has no enemies, even the cobra is not afraid of him. The topic of this lesson is how to draw a snake, or rather a cobra. It is easy enough to draw, because it has few intricate details.

How to draw a dinosaur if no one has ever seen it? Of course, only focusing on your imagination and drawings of scientists recreating different types dinosaurs that lived on our planet. You can also use the drawing of an elephant, since the torso of an elephant is somewhat reminiscent of a dinosaur.

As a child, everyone loves to draw - both boys and girls. This is a very useful activity that favorably affects the development of the child. However, children often get frustrated when they fail to draw something.

With frequent failures, they may become disillusioned with drawing forever.

The task of parents is to prevent this and help the baby in creating his first "masterpieces". You can teach your child simple simple drawings. Most often, children love to draw animals. Below we will look at how easy it is to draw an elephant. In fact, the conceived animal is not quite easy to portray. But we will draw children's drawing words.

How to draw an elephant step by step

So, let's prepare a white sheet, take a pencil and an eraser and start.

1. Draw a circle in the middle of the sheet. Difficulty for a child to draw even circle, so you can let him circle some round object that is suitable in diameter. This will be the body of the elephant.

2. Just above the first circle, you need to draw another one, of a slightly smaller diameter. You can use any object again. It is important that this second circle overlaps the first one a little, or at least touches it. Since this will be the head of the word, it is undesirable for it to hang in the air by itself. Tell your child about it.
3. Elephants have big ears. Let's draw them. Select a point just above the middle of the head and draw the ear so that it reaches the torso. At about the same level, draw the second ear. Let's use the eraser and erase the extra lines. In this case, the head of the elephant, along with the ears, should be on top of the body.
4. Even a simple drawing of an elephant cannot do without the main distinguishing elements of this animal - tusks. Let's draw the tusks in the form of oblong triangles and slightly round the corners. Draw the legs at the bottom of the body. We will make them in the form of a semicircle and with an eraser we will remove the lines inside them and inside the tusks. 5. Now it remains to add small but important elements to the drawing. Let's draw the eyes above the tusks. You can draw small circles and not paint over them, but put large black dots inside, or you can just draw black dots. Without a trunk, it would not be an elephant. We draw a trunk between tusks. The trunk should not be straight, let the lines be slightly curved. Let's designate three fingers on each leg. Here is the drawing lesson for the little ones over. With the help of simple elements and techniques, you can draw a simple elephant with your baby. It remains only to color the animal with pencils or paints.
