Drawing boy and snake. How to draw a snake with a pencil

199 people are interested per month, and even a lot of people want to know how to draw a viper in stages ... with a pencil. How to draw a viper for kids!

What a popularity! I wonder why it is so attractive to the people? Do you like to draw snakes? Or maybe posters are drawn for safety, so that in the summer in the forests people can distinguish a viper from a snake? But there is something in this. If we have only these two snakes and are found, then, of course, I would like to distinguish poisonous vipers from non-poisonous snakes by sight.

We'll talk more about the snake, but today our heroine is a viper. What is characteristic of her appearance? Strong, long muscular body, triangular (trapezoid) head. And the most salient feature- usually vipers have a zigzag pattern on their backs.

How to draw a viper step by step

We have already studied how to draw a snake, and now the most important thing for us is to convey the beautiful, graceful twists of a long torso - really meanders. And along the entire length it is necessary to monitor the uniformity of thickness. Oddly enough, but (for children) it is very difficult (remember how). It’s the same story with a snake: not having the habit of trying to see the entire image as a whole, children sometimes don’t notice that snakes they often get “sometimes wider, sometimes narrower” models. But this is not our style, we will draw consciously.

Well, the shape of the snake body was conveyed well and correctly - we can say that we got the coloring of the Serpent for coloring under the viper.

Now this is the most zigzag pattern.

Here the joke is that the body of the viper is cylindrical - almost round in cross section, and not flat. And take this volume into account when distributing the pattern ... so lazy! Whether it's a matter - you draw a conditional "snake" for yourself with ridges and zags from side to side - beauty! And this one - the real one - also has a belly on the turns, and the pattern is only on the back ... Moreover, this pattern is distorted along the windings of the viper and strives to move on its side. Here you have to think carefully about how to draw it all believable. Well, we think so. Thinking and drawing

A year after birth, the baby becomes independent enough to learn about the world around him. Eyes shining with genuine interest constantly look around in search of new information. Here is the time for parents to give the curiosity of the child right direction, and at the same time divert attention from sockets, cans of cereals, a hot iron and other benefits of civilization. Children's with the image of various animals will give a visual representation of the living creatures that inhabit our planet. Acquaintance with the inhabitants of the wild will be a useful and exciting experience, it will open up new, hitherto unknown facets for the little researcher.

For parents, this is another opportunity to take a closer look at the child, in communication to identify his interests, inclinations, sympathies. You can start the study with such an unusual animal as a snake. Pictures for children are specially designed in a playful way to show appearance, habits, habitat. With the help of drawings and photographs, adults will definitely be able to tell in an interesting way what is the danger and benefit of the snake, cobra, viper, python and other crawling “colorful ribbons”.

It is especially important to study these animals, common on every continent (except Antarctica), when the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese calendar leads the year of the snake. Pictures for children will also be useful to teachers: educators in, school teachers will be able to supplement their classes and lessons on relevant topics. In addition to information directly about snakes, as representatives of the fauna, you can find completely unexpected facts from other areas of knowledge. Here are just a few examples:

  • Astronomy: the sky is decorated with the equatorial constellation Serpent, visible over the entire territory of our country. This constellation is unique in that it consists of two unrelated parts, it was separated by another cluster of stars - Ophiuchus.
  • Geography: The winding Snake River flows in the northwestern United States. The Indians called the river Shawpatin, which is very consonant with our "serpentine", which comes from the Latin serpentinus - snake.

In the mythology of many nations, the snake symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, and therefore can lead to new knowledge and discoveries. Let the study of pictures with snakes for children begin the path of gradual maturation, steady acquisition life experience and understanding of the world order.

Selection of materials

all pictures can be downloaded absolutely free - click on them, download and print:

Beautiful picture snakes:

Kid riding a kite

Snake maze for kids:

Cobra picture:

Coloring snake:

Drawn picture of a snake:

3d snake picture:

Another snake - coloring:

New Year snake picture 2013:

Other snake options New Year 2013.

Snakes are widespread creatures that carry a considerable danger, both for humans and for other inhabitants of our planet. Even small snakes, completely harmless at first glance, can be poisonous. And some representatives of this genus can strangle their prey, thanks to their powerful body and impressive size. Professional animal artists know everything about how to draw a snake. But you don't have to finish art school to depict a snake, because it has a much simpler structure than, for example, a horse or a cat.
Before drawing a snake with a pencil, and then coloring it, it is worth preparing all the items that will inevitably be required in the process of work:
1). paper;
2). Pencil;
3). multi-colored pencils;
4). Eraser;
5). Black gel ink pen.

Then you can draw a snake with a pencil:
1. Without pressing hard on the pencil, outline the outlines of the snake's head, the location of its body;
2. Draw the outlines of the body of the snake, which should gradually taper towards the end;
3. Draw a round eye and a nostril that are on the same line;
4. Draw the pupil and mouth of the snake. Note that the snake's mouth has a slight curve at the tip of its muzzle;
5. Draw the cells of the snake's skin on her head;
6. Draw cells on the entire body of the snake, gradually reducing their size closer to the tail;
7. Circle the image with a pen;
8. Using an eraser, completely remove the preliminary sketch;
9. Having understood how to draw a snake with a pencil in stages, you can proceed to coloring it with multi-colored pencils. To do this, first paint the pupil of the snake with a black pencil, and paint over the iris with emerald hues;
10. With light green and bright yellow pencils, paint the body of the snake and its head;
11. With a dark green pencil, darken the area between the cells.
So, the snake drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw a snake step by step, and then color it. To give the picture color, you can use paints, as well as felt-tip pens of the appropriate shades. Knowing how to draw a snake, you can draw both a python and a viper, because they have a similar structure. The main thing is not to forget that each snake has a certain color. Some snakes are dark and almost invisible, while some, on the contrary, have a bright color and a bizarre pattern.

The topic of this lesson How to draw a snake", or rather a cobra, the largest and most dangerous snake. The snake inspires many panic fear because some of them are poisonous. But in fact, this is an ordinary animal from the reptile family, using poison only for self-defense and hunting. Some of them are not poisonous at all, for example. The snake has almost no skeleton and due to this it is very plastic, and this must be depicted in the drawing of the snake.
Drawing a snake is quite simple, because it has neither paws nor fur. The snake does not have complex details, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to accurately maintain the proportions of the thickness of the body, length, size of the head and tail. In order for the drawing of a snake, a cobra to attract the eye, you can give the snake a menacing look. Draw her with her head up and fangs in her open mouth.

1. Draw the outline of a snake ready to jump

For our drawing, we will choose the most famous and largest cobra snake. Cobra attacks the victim in a jump, raising the upper body. Therefore, doing snake drawing step by step, first draw the lower part of the snake with a pencil, and in the next steps draw the raised head of the cobra. At this stage, you need to draw a "rope" folded into a ring, it will serve as the main contour of the cobra's body.

2. Preliminary outline of the snake's head

First you need to draw the outline of the cobra's head. When she prepares to attack, her neck "swells" and this area expands and "flattens". This psychological reception adds another effect. WITH reverse side In this area, "evil" eyes appear, menacingly looking at the enemy. Therefore, they call the cobra a "spectacled" snake, but this will not be visible in our drawing. At this stage, you need to continue drawing the torso and completely draw the tail.

3. Draw the general outline of the head

Check the marking lines, whether the thickness of the torso is the same everywhere. If not, then correct, correct, so that the snake does not turn out to be too thick, like a python. In the next stages of the drawing, this will be difficult to do. Delete intersecting lines from the drawing and draw a very simple outline of the snake's head.

4. How to draw a snake head

At this stage, drawing will be much easier. You will only need to draw an eye and highlight the abdominal part of the snake with two lines. Select the right edge of the flattened part of the snake with an additional parallel line, a kind of bezel.

5. The snake drawing is almost finished

At this stage you need draw a snake in detail. Start drawing with what seems easier for you to draw. First draw a forked sting, with strokes of a simple pencil, apply a pattern of the abdominal part and the entire torso. Please note that an additional marking line is drawn on top of the torso. Draw in detail the head of the snake.

6. The final stage of the drawing

Add shadows in some places of the snake drawing. Shadows do not need to be done if you will color the snake drawing with colored pencils. Cobra or other snake, in nature, after all, they have a rather bright and unusual color, which can be conveyed in the drawing with a simple pencil impossible. As always, you can draw the landscape surrounding the snake, characteristic of the area where the cobra lives.

Drawing of a king cobra made on graphics tablet, can be a good picture for decorating your computer desktop.

Some snakes seem to be able to hypnotize frogs. Under the cold gaze of the snake, they cannot move. You can use this plot by drawing a large snake.

A spider is easy to draw, however, a snake is easier to draw. It has a round body and eight legs. True, some types of spiders have an elongated body, not the same as in my drawing and a brighter and more colorful color. We will choose a spider - a tarantula.

Few people like an insect so dangerous to humans as a scorpion and snakes. But, nevertheless, many people like to draw these dangerous animals. In the enlarged drawing, the scorpion looks like a cancer. Only you need to draw a tail of a completely different shape, at its end there is a poisonous sting, like a wasp.

Pictures of dragons are definitely difficult to draw. In fact, a dragon is a symbiosis of a lizard, a snake and a bird, and in the drawing of the dragon it is necessary to reflect the plasticity of these two creatures. The dragons in the pictures are fire-breathing, like the Serpent Gorynych, and this effect can be used later to enhance the impression of the picture.

Drawing the sea is not easy. Moreover, drawing the sea with a pencil requires even more effort. The most important thing in drawing the sea is to convey its waves. Snakes live not only on land, but also on the sea. There are even many "eyewitnesses" who saw huge snakes in the sea.

It is better for novice artists to draw a tree in stages and at first with a simple pencil. And only by correctly completing the drawing with a pencil, you can paint it with paints. Some snakes are able to climb trees and destroy bird nests.

Snakes are reptiles that belong to the squamous order. These animals can be easily recognized by their body shape - it is elongated and has no limbs. The torso of snakes is flexible, which allows them to move along the surface with undulating movements. Such a structure makes the snakes true acrobats, they can curl up into a ball and even tie into a knot. In total, there are more than 2,500 species of snakes in nature. Depending on the species, the sizes of snakes are very different, they can be either a few centimeters or 10 meters in length.

Snakes live on every continent except Antarctica. But their greatest variety is represented in the tropical climate zone. It is here that snakes can reach incredible sizes and there are representatives of bright colors. Snakes prefer to live in forests, mountains, steppes, swamps, deserts, as well as in fresh and sea waters.

Snakes lead a solitary lifestyle, and unite exclusively for procreation. Many types of snakes are deadly poisonous. Especially many poisonous snakes live in Asia and Africa.

Snakes are no different good eyesight and hearing, but they can feel the vibrations of the surface they are on. Vision allows snakes to see only moving prey, they simply do not pay attention to motionless prey. Scientists have also proven that snakes do not feel the taste, so they swallow their prey whole. The most developed sense in snakes is the sense of smell. They are able to capture odors not only with their nostrils, but also with the tip of their tongue. By nature, all snakes are endowed with thermolocators that allow snakes to see the world like through a thermal imager.

The only sound a snake can make is a hiss. The only exceptions are rattlesnakes which have a rattle at the tip of the tail. Distinctive feature snakes is a molt, during which they completely shed their old skin, literally taking it off like a stocking. The coloration of snakes can be very diverse from modest and inconspicuous to bright and colorful. Usually, bright color have poisonous snakes, but there are exceptions.

All representatives of snakes are predators. Depending on the species, snakes can feed on lizards, mice, small animals, and the largest snakes can attack crocodiles. The snake gradually swallows the caught animal whole, and then digests it for a long time.

Most snakes reproduce by laying eggs, but are found sea ​​views who give birth to babies. To mate, snakes curl up into a ball, and then spread out in different directions. Incubation of snake eggs lasts from 1 to 2 months. Snakes can live from 5 to 15 years. Large birds are considered enemies of snakes - these are storks, herons, eagles and secretary birds. Of the mammals, snakes are hunted by crocodiles, wild boars, jaguars, leopards and mongooses.

The snakes will be very interesting young artists. We offer you to download and print the Snake coloring pages from our website for free. Let the learning process be exciting and exciting for your child!
