What is one inch equal to? Measure of length in English-speaking countries

Despite the invention of the decimal system, which is now used by the whole world, American and English measures of length are often found in everyday life. Let's take the diagonal of the TV. In the passports of equipment, warranty cards, everywhere the size is indicated in inches. The same applies to the diameter of pipes, sizes of tools, bolts, nuts. In order not to look stupid in situations with unfamiliar quantities, it is necessary to have an idea about the main ones.

Measures of length

Our ancestors did not have digital and magnetic instruments capable of measuring the desired value. Therefore, for convenience, they used the measure of their own body, that is, what they always have with them. These were feet, fingers, elbows, steps, palms.

  • Mile as the most popular unit, adopted around the world to indicate the distance of air and land routes.

1 mile (mil) = 1609 m

1 nautical mile = 1852 m

  • The basic value of the American system is considered to be a foot.

1 foot (ft) = 30.48 cm

The meaning of the foot comes from England. This value measured a distance equal to 16 feet and was called a stock (stock).

  • Size inch was popular in all European countries before the introduction of the SI system. It was calculated by the length of the joint of the thumb or its width at the base.

1 inch (in) = 25.4 mm

There is an opinion that the size of an inch was determined by three grains of barley, laid along one after another. According to another version, the component of an inch was 1/36 of a yard, which was established by King Henry I in 1101. Its length was equal to the distance from the middle finger of the right hand to the tip of his nose.

  • The yard was originally taken as the average stride length.

1 yard (yd) = 0.9144 m

  • Line - used in the military to indicate the caliber of a weapon.

1 line (ln) = 2.12 mm

  • league. The value of the league has long been used in naval battles to determine the distance of a cannon shot. Later it began to be used for land and postal affairs.

1 league = 4.83 km

Measures rarely used in everyday life

1 mil = 0.025 mm

1 hand = 10.16 cm

1 genus = 5.029 m

1 chain = 20.12 m (for surveyors) and 30.48 m (for builders)

1 furlong = 201.17 m

1 faton = 1.83 m

1 el = 1.14 m

1 pace = 0.76 m

1 qubit = 46-56cm

1 span = 22.86 cm

1 link = 20.12 cm (for surveyors) and 30.48 cm (for builders)

1 flieger = 11.43 cm

1 nail = 5.71 cm

1 barleycorn = 8.47 mm

1 dot = 0.353 mm

1 cable = 219.5 m (in England it is 183 m)

The most popular units of measurement

The USA is the only developed country that has abandoned the metric system. In addition to the States, 2 more countries do not use the SI system, these are Liberia and Myanmar.

Once in this country, do not be surprised if in cold, wet weather you ask how many degrees outside and they answer you that plus 32. Just 0 degrees Celsius, this is American 32 Fahrenheit. When approaching a gas station, be sure to convert liters to gallons. Our 3.78 liters corresponds to one gallon.

  • Barrel- a measure of volume for bulk materials and liquids.

Translated from English means barrel. In the world, the calculation of oil in barrels is recognized as the most convenient, so oil companies set prices in dollars per barrel.

1 barrel (bbl) = 158.9 liters

1 dry barrel = 115.6 liters

Especially for calculating the volume of beer in the UK, the concept of a beer barrel was introduced. Its value changed over time and depended on the type of drink (ale or beer). The value was finally established in 1824 and amounted to 163.66 liters per 1 barrel.

  • Bushel- a measure of volume for dry substances in agriculture(measured the volume of grain, vegetables, fruits). IN international trade A bushel is a container weighing 18 kg.

1 bushel (bu) = 35.24 liters

  • Gallon- the same as the barrel. A gallon is in turn divided into a pint and an ounce.

1 fluid gallon (gl) = 3.79 dm3

1 gallon for bulk solids (gl) = 4.4 dm 3

1 pint = 1/8 gallon = 0.47 dm3

1 ounce = 1/16 pint = 29.57 ml

An ounce has retained its value since ancient times and was approximately equal to 30 g. In the American system, the concept of an ounce is widely used in the pharmaceutical and jewelry business.

  • Quart- a unit of measure for the volume of a container, equal to ¼ gallon

1 quart for liquid = 0.946 liters

1 quart solids = 1.1 liters

Measures of area

The square acre has found the greatest distribution in world literature.

Its original designation served to calculate the area of ​​land that one peasant with one ox could cultivate.

Converting the value of acre to the SI system is very simple. If we divide the number by 10, we get the result in meters. And if you divide by 2 - in hectares.

1 inch (sq. in) = 6.45 cm2

1 foot (sq. ft) = 929 cm 2

1 yard (sq.yd) = 0.836 m2

1 mile (sq.mi) = 2.59 km2

1 acre (a) \u003d 4046.86 m 2

Measures of volume

Why define volume?

  • to describe the capacity of household appliances
  • for shipping containers
  • to determine the amount of gas
  • to describe the capacity of commercial warehouses

The most commonly used measure of three-dimensional space is the foot. A cubic foot is defined as the volume of a cube, with an edge of 1 foot. Less commonly used values ​​are yard and inch.

To get a cubic volume, you need to multiply the length, height and width.

1 ton (register) = 2.83 m 3

1 yard = 0.76 m 3

1 foot \u003d 28.32 dm 3

1 inch = 16.39 cm3

Measures of weight

  • The pound is used as a measure of weight and to describe mass.

In the US, the pound is used to express pressure per square inch. The pound is also used to describe the weight of ammunition (cartridges, shells, bullets).

To convert pounds to kilograms, you need to divide the number of pounds by 2.2

1 lb (lb) = 453.59 g

  • An ounce is a measure of weight that has found application in jewelry, banking, to determine the weight of precious metals and stones, as well as in the pharmaceutical business.

To convert an ounce to kilograms, you need to divide its amount by 35.2

1 ounce (oz) = 28.35 g

  • A stone is a unit of measure that is used to describe the weight of the human body..

1 stone (st) = 6.35 kg

  • A short ton is a unit of weight equivalent to 2,000 pounds.. In the USA, the long ton is also known, but practically not used, which is equal to 2240 trade pounds.

1 short ton = 907.18 kg

1 long ton = 1016 kg

If you are going to America, check out the local standard of measures. Thus, you will avoid awkward situations and choose the right question that interests you. For this, it is not necessary to memorize numbers. It is enough to download a simple converter to your phone.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    Last INCH. James Aldridge

    Remaining inch. AUDIOBOOK Ukrainian. Hear ONLINE. James Aldridge

    J. Aldridge. last inch

    Multimedia center Joying 10.1 inch in the car

    Booktrailer for "The Last Inch" by James Aldridge


    Friends, if you do not have the opportunity (time, desire, strength) to read James Aldridge's story "The Last Inch", watch this video and you will know about the adventures of the father-pilot and his son, as much as the person who read this story. It was written by Aldridge in 1957. The events take place in the same period in Egypt. In 20 years, Ben has flown many thousands of miles and still enjoys flying. He used to fly an old DS-3. He worked in Canada, where he gained invaluable experience. Ben was ending his flying life flying the Fairchild over the deserts of the Red Sea for an oil company. But that was before. The company gave up trying to find a large oil field in Egypt, and the plane was in one of the hangars under a thick layer of dust. Ben was 43, his wife flew home to Massachusetts. He promised to return in the spring too, but he knew that he would not return. As he knew that he could no longer find a good flight job. Ben is survived by his 10-year-old son Davy. His wife did not take him with her, and he, as a rule, had nothing to talk about with his son. Ben was a loner—intolerant, irritable. Once he wanted to teach Davy how to fly an airplane. He did well, but every shout of his father brought him to tears. It is clear that this method of teaching to achieve good results impossible. One day on a rare occasion of kindness, Ben took his son on a flight over the Red Sea. He was sick and Ben regretted taking it. But Davy was interested. He asked what is needed in order to properly land the plane. Father said: - The whole point is to calculate everything correctly. When you level the plane, you need to have a distance of six inches from the ground. Not a foot or three, but exactly six inches! If you take it higher, you will hit during landing and damage the plane. Too low - you get on a bump and roll over. It's all about the last inch. They landed in Shark Bay. Ben got a hack - filming sharks. The TV company paid well for such a video. Davy asked if there was anyone else in the area. The father replied that the only way to get here was by small plane. Because there is no one else here. Ben warned his son not to dare to enter the water, and he put on a scuba gear, took a movie camera and went into the sea to shoot sharks. My father said that he would be back in 20 minutes. Davy looked around - there was an endless desert around. He thought what would happen to him if his father suddenly did not return from the sea. Ben saw sharks underwater. But they didn't get close. He thought that he would need to lure them with meat after dinner. He took a horse leg with him for the occasion. Ben thought he was filming a video today for about $3,000. Sharks behaved predictably. Only the cat shark was interested in him. He took off a little and climbed ashore. The TV company made the last order for the sharks because there was enough video footage. And Ben had no more reason to stay in Egypt. He uncorked a bottle of beer and realized that he did not take water for his son. - Drink beer. But a little. Davy didn't like the beer. He asked his father if anyone knew they were here. The father replied that he should not worry - no one here knows about their presence. Only then did he think that the boy was not afraid of guests, but of the fact that he could stay here himself. Ben took the bait, said that he would be back in half an hour and went to the sea to the sharks. On the bait, they sailed very quickly. When the film in the movie camera ended, Ben saw a cat shark swim towards him. She was ready to attack. Ben began to fend off her with a movie camera. Other sharks swam on his blood. Fighting off them, he miraculously got ashore. - Davy, what's wrong with my legs? - Chewed! But better than hands. The right hand was almost torn off. He saw muscles and tendons. The left one looked like a piece of chewed meat. At that moment, he realized that his son's life was in danger - no one would come to the rescue. Ben asked Davy to bandage his hands to stop the bleeding. He lost consciousness and came back to himself. - Son, I'll yell at you, but don't be offended. Everything depends on you now. Understood? - Understood. Davy removed the heavy scuba gear from his father. Ben felt better. He understood that their only way to escape was to fly by plane. And the son will manage it. Davy looked at his father and wept. - You will die? - No, Davy. Let's get out. Ben asked for help getting him onto the plane. Davy asked how he would fly the plane in such a state. Ben did not want to say ahead of time that it was his son who would have to lead him. He told Davy to build a ramp for him out of stones so that he could be dragged into the cabin. The boy started pulling stones. Ben knew he was going to die. The main thing was to make it to some airfield so that the son would be saved. He asked Davy to run for the movie camera and load it onto the plane. He said this in a normal voice, in order to calm his son in this way. Davy returned and sat in the pilot's seat. Ben began to slowly tell what needs to be done to make the plane take off. Dul strong wind, but he did not prevent Davy from gaining altitude. They flew along the coast. The wind picked up and it got dark. Davy understood maps, so he understood where to fly. Up to Suez and then left to Cairo. The father was unconscious. They flew up to Cairo. Ben came to his senses. Now the most difficult task was to land the plane. With difficulty, Davy coped. Ben survived, he was amputated left hand. You could forget about the profession of a pilot. But most importantly, he had a son to be proud of!


It is generally believed that the inch was originally defined as the width of the thumb. According to other legends, the inch was defined as 1 ⁄ 36 part of the yard, which, in turn, was set as the distance between the tip of the nose and the thumb of the outstretched hand of King Henry I of England (there is a version that his sword was a yard long). Another legend connects the definition of an inch (“legal inch”) with the length of three dry barley grains taken out of the middle part of the ear and put one to the other with their ends, which was determined by the act of King Edward I. In English life, and now the measure "barley grain" (eng. barleycorn), equal to one third of an inch, is used. It is important to note here that inches are usually denoted by whole numbers and ordinary fractions(with denominators 2, 4, 8, 16), not decimals.

In Russia, English inches were the most famous (including under the name from the original language: insh(outdated), inch(obsolete, as well as modern jargon) and French inch; the former was used more often in science and technology, the latter in typography. According to the old Russian system of measurements: 1 inch (equal to English) \u003d 10 lines \u003d 100 points \u003d 4/7 inches \u003d 1 ⁄ 12 foot (equal to English) = 1 ⁄ 28 arshin = 1 ⁄ 84 fathoms = 1 ⁄ 42 000 versts, however, in everyday life, not feet and inches were used, but proportionate arshins (= 7 ⁄ 3 feet) and vershoks (= 7 ⁄ 4 inches). In parallel with the definition of the Russian inch through English at the beginning of the 20th century, there was a (also legalized) ratio of the inch to metric units of length: 1 inch = 25.39954 mm.

  • Bavaria: 2.43216 cm or 2.918592 cm ("decimal inch");
  • Baden: 3 cm ();
  • Prussia: 2.61545 cm (), 3.76625 cm ("decimal inch", );
  • Confederation of the Rhine: 2.61541 cm;
  • Saxony: 2.36 cm.

The units of the Didot typometric system, adopted in Russian typographical business, are based on divisions of the French inch.


1 sun = 1 ⁄ 33 m ≈ 3.03 cm

Inches in engineering

IN last years under the influence of American technology and technical terminology, inches are used much more often in Russian. In particular, they express the size of various computer parts, assemblies and accessories: floppy disks, disks, TV screens, displays (monitor), etc. The resolution of various devices is measured in dots per inch (dpi) and lines per inch (lpi). graphic I/O. The screen diagonal of household television broadcast receivers, measured in centimeters in Soviet times, is now often indicated in inches.

The diameter of car rims and mountain bike rims is also traditionally measured in inches, while tire dimensions and fastener parameters, as well as road, cross and hybrid bike rims, are in the metric system. The diameter of the sound speakers is also measured in inches.

In modern typography, in addition to French, the English inch is also used, especially in computers. Font sizes are measured in points, 72ths of an inch.

Vidicon inch

Equals ⅔ of an ordinary inch or approximately 16.93 mm [ ] . Most often it is used to measure the diagonal of the matrix of digital cameras.

For example, 1 / 2.7 "is a unit divided by 2.7 and multiplied by 16.93 mm, that is, 6.27 mm.

Pipe diameter

The traditional designation of the diameters of water and gas pipes in inches does not directly express either the outer or inner diameters of the pipes. Such a designation is closer to the designation of the conditional passage of pipeline elements, which can be expressed both in the Anglo-American inch and in the metric European system. However, there is no formula for converting "pipe inches" to millimeters or "regular" inches in order to find out the actual outer or inner diameter of the pipe. The conditional passage in the metric system is also weakly related to the geometric diameter of the pipes. For an unambiguous comparison of the conditional inch diameter with the standard outer diameter of the pipe and the diameters of the pipe thread, it is necessary to use reference literature and regulatory documentation.

GOST 3262 establishes specifications on steel pipes used for water and gas pipelines, but it does not standardize and does not mean pipe diameter in inches. When cutting a pipe thread, it is necessary to be guided by GOST 6357, which establishes the main dimensions of a cylindrical pipe thread in millimeters, but uses the notation thread size in inches. Thus, in order to establish a correspondence between the inch size of a pipe and its actual geometric diameter, it is necessary to compare the data given in these two standards.

For example, the outer diameter of a ½ "pipe in accordance with GOSTs is 21.3 mm, and 5" pipes - 140.0 mm. When trying to calculate the conversion factor, it turns out that "pipe inches" is more than the standard value of 25.4 mm and "different" for different pipe diameters.

The above table is based on the above-mentioned GOSTs, but does not claim to be complete and cannot serve as a substitute for official regulatory documentation.

Thread size designation Conditional pipe passage Outer diameter of external thread (pipe), mm Outer pipe diameter, mm
6 9,728 10,2
¼ 8 13,157 13,5
10 16,662 17,0
½ 15 20,955 21,3
¾ 20 26,441 26,8
1 25 33,249 33,5
32 41,910 42,3
40 47,803 48,0
2 50 59,614 60,0
65 75,184 75,5
3 80 87,884 88,5
90 100,330 101,3
4 100 113,030 114,0
5 125 138,430 140,0
6 150 163,830 165,0

see also

  • Thumbelina - fairy tale character(literally - the size of an inch)
  • Nine Inch Nails - rock band (literally - nine inch nails)


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Inch // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Inch // Kryukovskikh A. Dictionary historical terms, 1998
  • Karpushina N. Man-made measures // Mathematics in school. - 2008. - No. 7.


  1. Dengub V. M., Smirnov V. G. Units of quantities. Dictionary reference. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 1990. - S. 50. - 240 p. - ISBN 5-7050-0118-5.

Although we are accustomed to making most measurements using the metric system, knowledge of alternative methods can sometimes come in handy. For example, in the description of most monitors and phone displays, it is common practice to indicate their diagonal in inches. If you can convert inches to centimeters, then in the store you will not be dizzy from incomprehensible characteristics.

For people who are accustomed to the metric system, understanding all these feet, yards and inches is a real torment, because the 1:10 principle, so well learned from childhood, does not fit them (10 millimeters in a centimeter, 10 decimeters in a meter, etc.) .). Judge for yourself: almost equal to the usual meter, a yard consists of 3 feet, and the latter contain 12 inches each. All this confuses an unprepared person until the answer to the question of how many centimeters is in 1 inch becomes completely clear. After all, it is obvious that, even visualizing this unit of measurement, it does not hurt to translate it into a native metric one to facilitate calculation.

If we talk about the standard English inch, then its length is 2.54 cm. Sadly, there is no other (simpler) method to memorize this value. After all, if you don’t have a table or the Internet at hand, then only knowing how many centimeters are in 1 inch will help you accurately calculate. Rounding an inch to two and a half centimeters is acceptable only for calculations where length is not a critical value. Although in this case translation will be a problem for some people, because not everyone is good at mental counting with fractional numbers.

Rounding inches to 2 centimeters would be a gross mistake, because with any significant values ​​​​the error will be too high. It is better to try to remember how many centimeters are in 1 inch and use a calculator (as an option - carry out calculations on paper) to get an acceptable result.

Moreover, in order to begin to understand the imperial system of measuring distances, it will be enough to firmly remember how many centimeters are in 1 inch, and the main translation indices. After all, it is much easier to learn one fractional value than several. For example, as mentioned above, there are 12 inches in a foot, which means that the value of the first one is easily calculated by the formula: 2.54 * 12 \u003d 30.48 cm.

True, it is worth taking into account the fact that the length of an inch may differ in different countries, especially in older sources and documents. At present, when mentioning an inch, it is most often meant English version. But when in doubt, it is better to clarify in order to avoid annoying mistakes.

The inch as a unit of measurement was widely used in Russian Empire. Although the values ​​\u200b\u200bare given not so much in inches, but in its fractions - the lines of an inch. During the formation of the USSR, the inch was abolished, and it was replaced by a centimeter. However, the legacy of the tsarist era is reflected in our days, for example, in small arms and artillery. So, a fractional caliber of 76.2 mm is 3 inches - quite a logical number. To understand such subtleties, knowing how many centimeters are in 1 inch is just useful.

4.7 (94.29%) 42 votes

Modern man In life, you have to deal with many different tasks. And if the usual tasks that are performed every day or every few days are solved simply and automatically, then non-trivial actions that are done quite rarely can very often drive a person into a stupor. Converting inches to centimeters is just one of those tasks. It seems that everything is simple and we remember that there is such a unit as an inch, but how to get the usual units of the metric system from it causes us difficulty. Today we will write about how to correctly convert inches to centimeters and this question will no longer present any difficulty for us.

Traditionally, Russia has adopted the metric system of measurement, and, accordingly, the main units for determining length, height and width are millimeters, centimeters and meters. But this is not the only system in existence. For example, in such major states, as the US and UK use inches in the measurement process. Many buyers of electronics and home appliances, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, computer monitors and televisions, technical specifications on products are often found with the parameters indicated in inches. Often the question arises - how much will it be in centimeters we are used to? Let's try to deal with this problem in order.

Around the middle of the last century, it was determined how many centimeters are in an inch and it turned out that one inch is the equivalent of 24 centimeters. Although it was previously believed that this unit of measurement corresponds to the width of the phalanx of the thumb of a mature man. This uncomplicated method was used due to the virtual absence of rulers or tape measures. In this case, the measurement indicators could differ and have average values. But over time, this discrepancy was eliminated.

There is currently no problem converting inches to metric units. To do this, you need to have a calculator handy. The given value is simply multiplied by a constant factor of 2.54 and the result is centimeters. For example, to convert five inches (5 ″) to centimeters, we multiply this figure by 2.54 and get 12.7 cm. If we calculate more precisely, then the answer to the question of how many centimeters are in 1 inch is 2.5399931 centimeters, however, for convenience, this number rounded to hundredths.

If it is possible to use the services of the Internet, in any search engine you should enter the "calculator for converting inches to centimeters." Open the first tab that comes across and move on to it. Enter the value in inches into the corresponding field, click "calculate" and get the result in centimeters and vice versa.

And in the video, see the easiest way to convert inches to centimeters:

You can also figure out the diagonal size of the screen of a TV or other devices using tables, which are quite simple to use. The first column contains the diagonal parameters in inches, and the second directly in centimeters. For convenience, further columns are presented corresponding to the length and width of widescreen, as well as standard screens in different units of measurement. With the help of such information, it is easier to determine the dimensions of TVs that will optimally fit into the interiors of the premises.

Sometimes the value may be specified as a fraction rather than a whole number. This situation occurs, for example, in plumbing, where pipe sizes are indicated in the form of 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and similar options. For such a case, there are special technical reference books with tables for converting inches to millimeters. To get centimeters - the corresponding figure should be divided by 10.

Watch a video that will perfectly help you deal with inch pipe diameters:

A convenient measurement of the dimensions of objects in different units can also be made using special tape measures on one side of which the metric system of measurement in mm, cm and m is used, and on the other there is a scale in inches.

After reading the advice of experts, everyone can choose the most appropriate method for converting values. It should be noted that basically the dimensions in inches are indicated according to the English measure, which differs from similar coefficients. In particular, in Spain this coefficient is 2.3, and in France 2.7.

Well, now the question of how to correctly convert inches to centimeters can be considered closed with a clear conscience!

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk Solids and Foods Volume Converter Area Converter Volume and Units Converter recipes Temperature Converter Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Speed ​​Converter Flat Angle Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Efficiency Converter Numerical Number Converter Converter for Quantity of Information Measurement Units Currency Rates Women's Clothing and Shoe Sizes Sizes menswear Angular velocity and rotational speed converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Thermal Expansion Coefficient Converter Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Converter Energy Exposure and Radiant Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Flow Converter Mass Flux Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Mass Concentration in Solution Converter Dynamic Dynamics Converter (Absolute) Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Vapor Transmission Converter Vapor Transmission and Vapor Transfer Rate Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Converter Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Brightness Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Illuminance Converter Resolution Converter computer graphics Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volume Charge Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Tension Converter Electrical Field Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Electrical Resistivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Capacitance Inductance Converter US Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. force Converter of magnetic field strength Converter of magnetic flux Converter of magnetic induction Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive Decay Converter Radiation. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typographic and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Molar Mass Calculation Periodic Table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 inch = 2.54000000000003 centimeter [cm]

Initial value

Converted value

twip meter centimeter millimeter symbol (X) symbol (Y) pixel (X) pixel (Y) inch soldering (computer) soldering (typographical) point NIS/PostScript point (computer) point (typographical) middle dash cicero em dash point Didot

Thermal resistance

Learn more about units used in typography and digital imaging

General information

Typography is the study of the reproduction of text on a page and the use of size, typeface, color, and other external features to make text read and look beautiful. Typography appeared in the middle of the 15th century, with the advent of printing presses. The position of the text on the page affects our perception - the better it is placed, the more likely the reader will understand and remember what is written in the text. Poor typography, on the contrary, makes the text hard to read.

Headsets are divided into different types, such as serif and sans-serif fonts. Serifs are a decorative element of type, but in some cases they make text easier to read, although sometimes the opposite happens. First letter ( blue color) in the image is set in Bodoni serif typeface. One of the four serifs is circled in red. The second letter (yellow) is in Futura sans-serif.

There are many classifications of fonts, such as according to when they were created, or according to the style popular at a particular time. Yes, there are fonts. old style- a group that includes the oldest fonts; newer fonts transitional style; modern fonts, created after the transitional fonts and before the 1820s; and finally new style fonts or modernized old fonts, that is, fonts made according to the old model at a later time. This classification is mainly used for serif fonts. There are other classifications based on appearance fonts, such as line thickness, the contrast between thin and thick lines, and the shape of serifs. The domestic press has its own classifications. For example, the GOST classification groups fonts according to the presence and absence of serifs, thickening of serifs, smooth transition from the main line to serifs, serif rounding, and so on. In the classifications of Russian, as well as other Cyrillic scripts, there is often a category for Old Church Slavonic fonts.

The main task of typography is to adjust the size of the letters and choose the appropriate fonts to arrange the text on the page so that it reads well and looks beautiful. There are a number of systems for determining font size. In some cases, the same size of letters in typographic units, if they are printed in different typefaces, does not mean the same size of the letters themselves in centimeters or inches. This situation is described in more detail below. Despite the inconvenience this has caused, the this moment font size helps designers neatly and beautifully compose text on a page. This is especially important in layout.

In layout, you need to know not only the size of the text, but also the height and width of digital images in order to place them on the page. The size can be expressed in centimeters or inches, but there is also a unit specifically designed to measure the size of images - pixels. A pixel is an image element in the form of a dot (or square) of which it consists.

Definition of units

The size of letters in typography is indicated by the word "size". There are several point size measurement systems, but most of them are unit based. "soldering" in the American and English system measurements (English pica), or "picero" in the European system of measurement. The name "soldering" is sometimes written as "peak". There are several types of soldering, which vary slightly in size, so when using soldering, it is worth remembering which kind of soldering you mean. Initially, picero was used in domestic printing, but soldering is also common now. Cicero and computer soldering are similar in size but not equal. Sometimes picero or soldering is used directly for measurement, for example, to determine the size of margins or columns. More commonly, especially for text measurement, derived units derived from soldering, such as typographical points, are used. The soldering size is determined in different systems differently as described below.

The letters are measured as shown in the illustration:

Other units

Although computer soldering is gradually replacing other units, and possibly will replace the more familiar piceros, other units are also used along with it. One of these units is american soldering It is equal to 0.166 inches or 2.9 millimeters. There is also printing soldering. It is equal to the American one.

In some domestic printing houses and in the literature on printing, they still use pica- a unit that was widely used in Europe (with the exception of England) before the advent of computer soldering. One picero is equal to 1/6 French inch. The French inch is slightly different from the modern inch. In modern units, one picero is equal to 4.512 millimeters or 0.177 inches. This value is almost equal to computer rations. One picero is 1.06 computer rations.

Em and Semi-Embed (en)

The units described above determine the height of letters, but there are also units that indicate the width of letters and characters. Round and semicircular spaces are just such units. The first is also known as the em, or em, from the English for the letter M. Its width historically equaled the width of this English letter. Similarly, a semi-circular spacing equal to half a round spacing is known as en. Now these quantities are not defined using the letter M, since this letter can have different size in different fonts, even if the size is the same.

In Russian, en dashes and em dashes are used. To indicate ranges and intervals (for example, in the phrase: “take 3-4 spoons of sugar”), an en dash is used, also called a dash-en (English en dash). The em dash is used in Russian in all other cases (for example, in the phrase: "the summer was short, and the winter was long"). It is also called a dash-em (English em dash).

Problems with modern systems of units

Many designers do not like the current system of typographic units based on rations or piceros and typographic points. the main problem in that these units are not tied to the metric or imperial system of measures, and at the same time they have to be used together with centimeters or inches, in which the size of illustrations is measured.

In addition, letters made in two different typefaces can be very different in size, even if they are the same size in typographic paragraphs. This is because the height of the letter is measured as the height of the letter pad, which is not directly related to the height of the character. This makes it difficult for designers, especially if they are working with multiple fonts in the same document. The illustration is an example of this problem. The size of all three fonts in typographic paragraphs is the same, but the height of the character is different everywhere. Some designers propose to measure the font size as the height of the sign to solve this problem.
