How to congratulate a teacher at an elementary school graduation. Congratulations to a primary school graduate

4 school years have passed.
Guys, you have grown up.
A wonderful road awaits you,
Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed
Already gone, they cannot be returned,
But there is still time to come
It's a long, important journey to go through.

Your teacher free of charge
Taught the basics of science.
Don't forget these years.
A new stage has arrived for you!

Happy graduation 4th grade!
We are glad to congratulate you.
A new path in life awaits you,
It leads to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We wish you aspirations,
New glorious adventures,
Only positive ratings
And have fun changes.

Develop yourself, don't be lazy,
Learn everything important.
Good luck, bright days,
And cool and loyal friends.

Congratulations, children, on your graduation. Elementary school is behind you and now you have to walk along a more difficult road. But you will definitely cope, because you are great fellows, you are a friendly and cheerful class, you are purposeful and brave children. We wish you guys to live an interesting and healthy life, fulfilling your dreams, supporting your comrades, loving your loved ones and achieving great victories along the way. High marks to you and easy studying in the future.

Elementary school is already behind us
You are all adults, very smart children!
I wish you all success ahead,
Let a ray of luck shine brightly for you!

I want you to study only with “five” marks,
We were always happy and healthy!
I wish you to achieve all your goals,
Be ready for bright discoveries!

You're going to fifth grade - you're big,
Beautiful, tall, cool,
And wise and literate too.
And there is no one more valuable in the world!

May your studies be easy for you,
And the big world will open with a smile,
And the sun from heaven smiles at you,
And there will be many amazing miracles!

And we thank all the teachers -
We thank them for everything,
We wish you earthly prosperity,
Great success every day!

The school year has ended
That's it, goodbye, fourth grade.
Are you graduates today?
Congratulations on this!

No more elementary school
Middle management is waiting for you.
We wish you success
And “fives” at the same time!

Four classes submitted,
You have gained a lot of knowledge,
I made a lot of friends,
But the years of childhood flew by.

And now with elementary school
We have to say goodbye with sadness,
And to life as an adult, but fun
The middle class beckons you with its hand.

May you have luck and good fortune
They will help you with your studies,
So that all examples and tasks
You could easily decide!

Fourth grade is already over,
Your graduation is today, kids.
We wish you great success,
Let childhood beckon with bright light.

May everything succeed in your studies,
Let success be your reward,
May there be cheerful laughter and smiles
They will destroy obstacles on the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,
Big and small victories,
We wish you very beautiful,
Such fun school years.

Four years have flown by
And now your graduation has come,
Say goodbye to elementary school
This spring you need
Graduates, we wish you
Continue to study only for “five”,
Listen to all your teachers,
Grow up, grow, don’t lose heart!

In primary classes
Today is graduation.
4 years have passed
At a desk alone.

You will replenish in the fall
A team of high school students.
New items are waiting for you,
And weekdays await, and holidays.

With the teacher first
It's time to say goodbye.
And more kids
You don't need to be named.

I wish in high school
May you achieve success
To make it interesting
And just for you to learn.

You have completed fourth grade,
We sincerely congratulate you on this!
You have gained so much knowledge
We wish you new success,
And also great happiness to everyone!
May knowledge bring light to you!
May the fifth grade give a lot
Various discoveries and victories!

Do you remember your first school graduation? Probably, this solemn and at the same time touching event, like the very first lineup on September 1, is remembered by everyone. Farewell to elementary school, of course, is not as fateful an event as graduation in 11th grade, but nevertheless its importance should not be underestimated. After all, on this day there is a farewell to the first teacher and other teachers who managed to become family over the 4 years of study for both children and parents. Beautiful, touching and funny congratulations on graduation in 4th grade in poetry and prose are an integral part of this holiday. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to say kind words of gratitude to teachers and motivational parting words to young graduates! And the selections from our article will certainly help you with this.

Touching congratulations on graduation in 4th grade from parents to teachers in poetry and prose

Parents of young graduates, as a rule, know well not only the first teacher, but also other members of the teaching staff who brought the light of knowledge to their children. Therefore, touching congratulations on graduation in 4th grade to teachers in poetry and prose from parents are a kind of farewell words of gratitude. They are full of gratitude for their kindness, compassion and great love for children. You will find options for touching and kind poems and congratulations in prose for teachers from parents on graduation in 4th grade below.

Poems and prose for congratulations to teachers on graduation in 4th grade from parents

Today is our graduation - the day of farewell to school. I would like to say farewell words to our dear teachers. We are immensely grateful to you for your sincere care and concern, for your hard work and patience. We wish you to remain the same kind people and cheerful teachers. May your students and parents respect you all, may your days at work and at home be successful, may your soul always remain bright and your heart always remain warm. We will miss you, our dear mentors!

All children, teachers

Congratulations on your graduation.

School years for all of us

Made them friends.

Thanks from the parents

We tell the teachers.

Kindness, love, care

May it return to you a hundredfold.

We wish our children:

Good luck and good luck!

Let on the road of life

Happiness will meet you.

Dear teachers,

You are doing wonders!

The children chose the roads

They raise the sails.

You gave them those sails,

The ship was built by a family.

Together we created a sailboat,

And then came the ship's descent.

How do you manage to live on a volcano?

Keep these little devils in line?

We believe in long term plans

The works of specialist teachers will be revealed.

Doctors, designers, pilots,

Bridge builders, singers,

And "inspired rhymers"

And fighters for the rights of people.

Thank you for your patience.

Live forever, in spite of the years.

You are sorcerers, without a doubt.

We bow to you.

Cool congratulations in verses on graduation in 4th grade from parents to children

For children, graduating from 4th grade is an important step in life, another step on a long educational path. And it is simply unacceptable not to congratulate them on this day on all their successes and achievements. In particular, parents prepare cool congratulations in verse for children in 4th grade for their graduation. For them, publicly expressing their admiration for children's victories on this day is worth a lot. A good selection of funny poems for graduation in 4th grade to congratulate children from their parents below.

Cool poems for congratulating children on graduation in 4th grade from their parents

You're going to fifth grade - you're big,

Beautiful, tall, cool,

And wise and literate too.

And there is no one more valuable in the world!

May your studies be easy for you,

And the big world will open with a smile,

And the sun from heaven smiles at you,

And there will be many amazing miracles!

And we thank all the teachers -

We thank them for everything,

We wish you earthly prosperity,

Great success every day!

In primary classes

Today is graduation.

4 years have passed

At a desk alone.

You will replenish in the fall

A team of high school students.

New items are waiting for you,

And weekdays await, and holidays.

With the teacher first

It's time to say goodbye.

And more kids

You don't need to be named.

I wish in high school

May you achieve success

To make it interesting

And just for you to learn.

Today is your graduation...

We said goodbye to the fourth grade.

So let there be a great feast.

Instantly the years flew by -

You have grown up. And on holiday everything

The current one wants to tell you:

Let science in all its glory

They are opening before you today,

Let it be easy for you with them

And endlessly interesting.

And let your studies be

The most beautiful, wonderful song!

Kind and beautiful congratulations on graduation in 4th grade from teachers to children

Over the four years of elementary school, they have not only gotten used to these children, but also seriously consider them “theirs.” Teachers, like no one else, rejoice at the successes of their students, which, of course, reflect their professional achievements. Kind and beautiful congratulations to children on their 4th grade graduation from teachers are not just wishes. These are wise parting words and touching words of farewell that always touch the depths of the soul. Options for the kindest and most beautiful congratulations for children on graduation in 4th grade from teachers in the following selection.

Beautiful congratulatory poems for children at graduation in 4th grade from teachers

Primary school graduates

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

And we guys wish you,

Good luck along the way.

May everything succeed in your studies,

You are never sad.

After all, there are guys waiting ahead of you,

Such glorious years.

It's been 4 years now

You've unlearned it, you children.

The senior school is already waiting for you,

Conquering heights.

We wish you success,

To succeed in every task

And in all difficult subjects

Only get straight A's.

Four years have passed, flown by,

You have passed this milestone with honor.

You have grown up, become stronger, become bolder,

And neither the suffix nor the case scares you.

We wish you success and health,

And a strong tooth to gnaw on the granite of science.

May your homes surround you with love,

And in class you boldly raise your hand.

Original congratulations to parents on graduation in 4th grade from teachers in verse

A connection between teachers and parents always gives good results in the joint learning process of children. It is not surprising that close work over several years gives rise, if not friendship, then certainly respect for each other. Parents and teachers often become close friends who maintain relationships even after leaving primary school. But even if this does not happen, both the first and the second experience warmth towards each other. Original congratulations to parents on graduation in 4th grade from teachers in verse - a response to similar wishes from moms and dads. Choose the most original and beautiful poems to congratulate parents on their 4th grade graduation from teachers from the following selection.

Original poems for congratulations on graduation in 4th grade to parents from teachers

Stepped into life. And this important step

Like a path on an unknown planet,

And behind the back is the parental hearth.

Look, we are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

There were children and children

There were schoolchildren, and so

Both girls and boys

It's graduation time for the people.

Well, moms, and dads,

How we were parents

So you remained them,

They just became more proud.

Let them go to success together

Your joyful children,

Well, now, of course, you

This day must be remembered!

Couples are spinning

Farewell waltzes,

Sad tears

Ball gown...

We, parents, thank you,

We would like to congratulate the graduates!

Thank you for raising me,

A multifaceted world was opened before them!

Congratulations on graduation in 4th grade for children, teachers and parents is a wonderful tradition that should definitely be supported. Therefore, do not forget about good wishes on such an important day and choose beautiful and touching congratulations in poetry and prose for your elementary school graduation from our article!

4th grade is the final year in elementary school, and its completion can be called the first stage of growing up, the transition from under the wing of a caring first teacher to high school and the transition from carefree childhood to teenage life.

Graduation poems in 4th grade for the first teacher - touching to tears, funny and short

And it is natural that it is customary to celebrate this transition, so some children look forward to graduation in the 4th grade no less than boys and girls look forward to graduation from school. And on the day of farewell to elementary school, children read poems at graduation in 4th grade for the first teacher, which touch them to tears, because the first teacher is practically a second mother. Also, during graduation in 4th grade, touching, short or funny poems are read to subject teachers and poems of gratitude for teachers from parents.

On our website we have posted a selection of the best poems for graduation in 4th grade for teachers from children and from parents that touch us to tears. Here you will find beautiful and funny poems about school, poems for the first teacher, the school principal and subject teachers.

Beautiful poems for graduation in 4th grade for a teacher from children that touch you to tears

The first 4 years of schooling for a child are the most cloudless and carefree years of schooling. The lessons are simple, there is little homework, during breaks you can play with your peers, and the first teacher looks after the little students like a mother. And the graduation party in the 4th grade is a very touching, joyful and at the same time sad event for graduates, because on this day children, like grown-up chicks, fly out from under the wing of their first teacher to high school. Therefore, poems for graduation in the 4th grade for a teacher from children to tears can touch the teacher’s soul, because for four years not only the children manage to become attached to the teacher, but she also becomes attached to them.

Despite the fact that primary school teachers, as a rule, act as scriptwriters, stage directors, and directors of the prom, they are moved to tears by the sincere poems and words of their former students. After all, the words of gratitude in these verses resonate in the heart of the teacher and evoke in the soul of the class teacher a warm sadness from the inevitable moment of parting with the children who have become family in four years.

A selection of beautiful poems for the 4th grade graduation for the first teacher

Our website contains the most beautiful, in our opinion, poems for a 4th grade graduation ceremony for a teacher, which will move both the teacher and the school principal to tears. These poems can be included in the prom script, in its ceremonial part. Also, such poems from children are often read at the line in honor of the end of the school year.

You taught us from the very beginning,

When they first brought us to school.

We knew practically nothing:

Neither two and two, nor the ABCs.

Thank you for this invaluable work,

For tons of nerves, they can’t be returned,

For the education of new generations

And instructions on the bright path.

Our first teacher, you remember us -

Girls and boys who came to your class.

We are grateful to you for all these days,

That school was almost carefree.

The last bell has rung and is about to

We will step beyond the familiar school threshold.

And in parting we wish you patience,

Health, good luck and inspiration.

Work with passion, love, fire,

We will soon bring our children to you.

Our first teacher, reliable and wise,

Today it's time to say goodbye.

Thank you for every good morning,

What they shared at elementary school yesterday.

Thank you for teaching us how to think,

Helped to distinguish kindness from evil,

And we sincerely send you a low bow,

Because they were able to believe in us right away.

You and I have begun our journey

To the land of magical school knowledge,

You opened up a new world to us,

Giving a start to our endeavors.

Good luck to you, teacher first,

Give kindness to children, light.

Exemplary students in everything,

Creative victories in your work!

We recently went to first grade,

And you waited for us with love.

They taught us to grow up as friends,

And don’t keep count of the grievances.

Have you noticed all the worries,

And they helped us along the way,

Granite science to study,

Learn the basics of teachings.

And now we have grown up

The door is open to all roads.

Thank you, we say to you,

We thank you for everything.

Graduation poems in 4th grade for a teacher with thanks from parents

Often, real friendships develop between teachers and parents, because mothers and fathers trust teachers with the most valuable thing - their children. And even if the friendship does not work out, parents, as a rule, feel great gratitude to their child’s first teacher. This is not surprising, because the class teacher of the kids not only has to teach them to write, count and read, but also helps them dress, if necessary, takes them to the school nurse, and also listens to the children and helps them solve the first difficulties in relationships with classmates.

Poems for graduation in 4th grade for teachers from parents are necessarily included in the graduation party script in elementary school. These poems are read out by representatives of the parent committee of the class at the graduation party, and often these poems are timed to coincide with the presentation of gifts to the teacher from the parents.

The best poems for graduation in 4th grade from parents

Poems from parents that touch the class teacher to tears sound no less beautiful and sincere than poems from children. And below is a small selection of beautiful poems from parents with gratitude to the first teacher for teaching and raising their children.

Thank you for your help and support.

For the fact that, despite and through stress,

Of little boys and girls

You have raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and concern,

For wisdom, for skills, love,

For restraint, patience and manners.

For something that is clear to everyone without words.

It’s not easy for us to say today:

The children and I walked all the way,

They were led into first grade carefully,

So as not to scare away love for lessons

And today words of gratitude

We express our gratitude to the teachers.

For children, for their solid knowledge

We bow to you low to the waist!

We will not forget your efforts,

You put so much effort into your children.

We say, don't say goodbye, goodbye,

After all, we found girlfriends and friends here!

On a May day the school gathered us

We celebrate the last call,

Putting aside worries and affairs,

We heartily congratulate the children,

And for us, parents, now,

This day will be remembered forever,

Teachers, we honor you all,

We are eternally grateful to you!

You are rooting for our children,

Sometimes, stronger than all of us.

You warm them with kindness and care.

A poem can't convey so much.

Parents, bowing to you together,

They say thank you for the year.

We are happy that the teachers

Their souls burn for the guys.

The school year has flown by

Much is left behind

And thank you We want to say

For lessons with our children.

We know that it wasn't easy,

But you became family to them.

From parents and all students

Many bows to you on earth.

Poems for graduation in 4th grade about school for the first teacher

Graduation poems in 4th grade for the first teacher can be both beautiful and funny at the same time. After all, a graduation party in an elementary school is, first of all, a holiday, and children are excited about both the upcoming holidays and the transition to secondary school. Therefore, graduation from the 4th grade should be fun and interesting, and nothing will dispel the sadness of the class teacher and children more than funny and kind poems about school for the first teacher.

The poems about school for the prom from the 4th grade describe both the funny moments that happen during training and the knowledge that the children received from their first teacher. After reading them, students, at least for a moment, will be mentally transported to the moments of carefree childhood, games during recess, reading the Primer and studying the multiplication tables.

Children's poems about school for the first teacher

Kind and touching poems about elementary school were written by famous poets, ordinary people, filled with warm memories and the first steps in getting an education, and the children themselves. And here are some of the best diverse children's poems about school for the first teacher. These short poems are at the same time touching, kind, and funny, so they will make the graduation atmosphere warmer and more joyful.

He counts the boys like chickens

"Pervaches", she knows

What primary school work

And they will appreciate and understand.

Congratulates you now

Your native primary class:

These boys and girls

Little hands are drawn to knowledge.

Thank you, our beloved teacher,

For your hard but honorable work!

Your efforts do not pass by -

They protect this fragile world,

And on a huge joyful planet

The kids are frolicking carefree!

You are the best teacher in the world!

We all congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

When we first came to school,

You met us at the door.

And you took us to our first class

Where I had to study for four years.

There is not a drop of regret about these years.

We have achieved a lot thanks to you.

And we want to congratulate you and wish you,

So that other schoolchildren can tell you this again!

We want to say “thank you”

And give congratulations,

For what you taught us

Love school lessons.

And in middle school they say,

They ask so much for the house!

But we are not afraid! Thank you too!

In your honor - fiery fireworks!

We didn't always live together

With native speech, primer,

And in this confusing world

You were a ray of light for us.

You were always patient

Let's say thank you now.

The best poems for graduation ball in 4th grade for subject teachers

Despite the fact that at graduation in the 4th grade the main attention is paid to the class teacher, one should also not forget to thank the subject teachers, Therussiantimes learned. Teachers of music, physical education, English and other subjects included in the primary school curriculum put their souls into teaching children at every lesson, instilling in them a love for their subject and trying to give them the basic knowledge for further successful study of these subjects in secondary school.

In order to congratulate these teachers on the end of the school year and thank them for their patience, caring and professionalism towards children, the graduation ceremony script must include a graduation poem for 4th grade subject teachers.

A collection of beautiful children's poems for subject teachers

Poems of gratitude for graduation in 4th grade are read to subject teachers by both children and their parents. Moreover, children often volunteer to read a poem or even perform a song for their favorite teacher during the formal part of the prom. And here you will find beautiful children's poems for teachers teaching certain subjects in elementary school.

We wish all teachers

May your dreams and goals come true,

To smile more often

And we simply enjoyed life!

Let every moment illuminate you

Indescribable beauty!

And the word warms the soul,

Don't let pain trouble your heart.

Please accept our gratitude

For your hard work in school.

Keep the rejoicing, joy,

And there is happiness and comfort in the house!

Even the one who is “bear in ear”

He has arrived and is coming to congratulate you.

Even if the music is “deaf”,

Will be able to distinguish rap from Bach.

Music and tact are our teacher,

Our trill is for you today.

Glorious lord of strings and keys,

Our favorite school minstrel.

Teacher, there was so much I wanted to say.

Special speech and special becoming.

Teacher, you are a lady of English blood.

We are learning English, we will say “ok”.

We want to congratulate you in English,

That's why we cram English at night.

We wish you good health, beautiful lady,

We will meet you at the dinner party.

The English language is poetic.

Isn't it true, our dear teacher?

Favorite Present and Future

We know better and better!

The inflection of verbs is close to us.

We think this way in English.

Respect you today!

You are definitely the best, our teacher!

Without physical education

It's hard to live in this world!

Develop muscles

Adults and children must!

You are in a wonderful business -

Perfect sample!

The muscles are prominent in our body

You are a creator and creator!

We say “thank you” to you

And we hasten to congratulate you!

Funny children's poems for graduation party in 4th grade

Despite the solemnity of the holiday, funny poems for 4th grade graduation are increasingly included in the graduation ceremony scenario in elementary schools. And some young teachers even decide to spend the holiday in a fun and original way, and come up with unusual and funny scenarios. Such proms are very popular with children and can lift the spirits of students, teachers, and parents.

A selection of the best funny poems

Funny poems for elementary school graduations are often written by teachers and children themselves, using real events from school life for the plot of the poem. But you can also find funny and touching poems for prom in 4th grade on the Internet. We have posted the best of them here.

Well, hurry up and turn in your textbook.

Hurry to the library

Your last bell is ringing,

There is time for fun.

Throw away your notebooks and pencil case,

I wish you summer and freedom

Enjoy it to the fullest!

The last bell rang

The tests are all over!

The school year has ended,

Summer, joy is ahead!

Let the holidays give

A sea of ​​happiness and fun!

And even in the height of summer

You'll be in a high-five mood!

Let me upset the friendly class now:

I don’t want to play on stage!

I couldn't come up with skits and songs

To this terrible last call!

I'll become a jester, I'll forget the words

And my head will become a trash can.

I'd rather stand on the sidelines alone

And I won’t sing the songs out loud, I’ll sing them to myself!

The girls dressed up

The boys are all cheered up

Your last call

He's not calling for class!

He calls to have fun

Say goodbye to school.

Guys, go ahead,

Vacation awaits us!

The bell is ringing to say goodbye to us,

After all, the fourth year is already behind us!

Let all your dreams come true this summer,

Great joy awaits us ahead!

May you lead to new achievements and victories

There will be no obstacles on the way!

I wish everyone a rest this summer,

To find a lot of strength in yourself for 5th grade!

Short poems for graduation in 4th grade to the school principal and teacher

Graduation party in 4th grade is a very important event for every graduate, and it is not surprising that all children want to take an active part in it - sing a song, read poems, show amateur performances. But in the case when there are many children in the class, the class teacher needs to either draw up a very voluminous and long script, or include short poems for graduation in 4th grade, so that each child can read several rhymed lines.

Below, visitors to our site will find short children's poems for the principal and teachers that can move them to tears. These poems can be read at the graduation party in 4th grade, and at an official event marking the end of the school year.

They took us in as children,

They taught literacy.

And for school bells

We were always in a hurry.

Taught us the basics

Certificates, sciences,

And in the dining room we are always

We washed our hands together.

We wish you now

Smart kids

Those who go to school in first grade

They'll come running.

Last call, how anxious we are,

“Thank you,” we say to all teachers.

Our first teacher, “Thank you too”

You instilled in us love and patience.

The time has come for us to say goodbye to you,

But we will never forget you.

The first teacher is the most beloved,

The nicest, kindest and sweetest,

He will never hurt us

We will always meet as a class!

The last call sees us all through

Don't be sad, our teacher, we'll go back to class!

Our beloved first teacher,

Today we congratulate you.

The last call has come

We wish you not to cry today.

You wipe away your tears quietly,

Hug us tenderly.

We wish you only happiness,

We will remember you forever!

We remember our first lesson,

We were still very young.

Having crossed the threshold at that moment,

On that very day you were loved.

For us, you are not just a teacher

He taught everyone to be themselves,

The inspiration of our studies,

You made the school a family!

Reading poetry at the 4th grade graduation party is a beautiful and touching tradition.

The tradition of reading short and long poems at graduation in the 4th grade for teachers from children, which touch both the first teacher who graduates grown-up students to high school and parents to tears, arose many years ago. Both during the USSR, and even earlier, poems with thanks for the teacher from parents and children were considered one of the ways to express respect and gratitude to subject teachers and the class teacher. When children read funny or touching poems at their 4th grade graduation for their first teacher, they feel both gratitude and love for the teacher, who managed to become practically their second mother and teach them the basics. And despite the fact that after graduation in the 4th grade, summer holidays will begin, and after them the children will study with other teachers, while studying in high school they will definitely find a moment during recess to look at their first teacher.

Partner news

The graduation ceremony and on this wonderful holiday I would like to say “thank you,” of course, to our first teacher. With you we began the history of school life, with you we first opened notebooks and primers, with you we learned everything important for further study and acquaintance with the sciences. Thank you for your patience, diligence, perseverance and hard work. We wish you to remain a wonderful teacher, a kind person and a unique, versatile, interesting personality. All the best to you, good luck, good mood, success in creativity, in work, in aspirations, and simply in life.

Here you are looking at us
Remembering first grade.
And the mistakes that are in the notebooks
They showed up every time.
You led us by the hand,
And they helped me get there
Up to this day.
Believe me, it’s not in vain
They put in so much effort.
Your look is kind and so dear to us,
We will not forget, believe me, you!
Thank you from us!

You led us to the temple of knowledge,
Opened up the world of writing and reading,
We sincerely wish you
Success, wisdom, patience.

Let your students appreciate you
And they study well,
And everyday life will become so easy
So that going to work feels like a holiday!

Thank you, our first teacher,
For everything they did for us.
Loves and respects you very much
Our entire cheerful, noisy class.

Graduation is circling us today,
But we all remember our first day,
Taught knowledge and friendship
And overcame laziness with us.

We wish you well, we wish you joy,
Always good health,
Let the enthusiasm burn in your soul
And the eyes sparkle with pride.

Our first teacher
For us the best is the best
You were rightfully called
We are our school mom.

It feels like yesterday
We came to 1st grade,
And now it's goodbye
The hour is coming.

At the graduation “Thank you!”
We want to tell you
You taught us
Read, write, count.

You gave us your heart
And they put their soul into us,
We wish that in life
You were happy.

Once upon a time we came to first grade,
To gain a lot of knowledge!
Well, now we have to say goodbye,
We must all find our way!

Thank you, we won't forget
Your care and efforts,
We will always be grateful to you
For giving us knowledge!

First teacher, at graduation
The class says goodbye to you,
Our first school mother
You stay for us.

For kindness, care, love,
For your wise advice,
" Thank you!" they will repeat it to you a hundred times
Your children are at their graduation.

Our dear, respected first teacher, you have been with us from the first days of our studies, you supported us and helped us take the first steps along the road to knowledge and victories. Today we say goodbye to school and, of course, we would like to congratulate you and say “thank you very much” for the interesting, fun, kind first school years. We wish you good health, obedient children in the class, successful activities and only joyful, happy, successful days in life.

My first teacher, cordially
Congratulations on this graduation!
May life be beautiful forever,
May peace protect you.

Let hopes and dreams
They always become reality.
Let suffering pass you by,
Illnesses never bother me.

Our first teacher
Mentor and friend
Lead us forward
Saved from blizzards.

Congratulations on your graduation,
We say thank you
Everyone was supported by you,
We adore and love.

We wish you happiness in life,
Inspiration and goodness,
To give to new children
A piece of warmth.

Somewhere in this world
There is a favorite school.
Children walk happily
For lessons here.
There are fountains nearby,
Rainbow in the sky
But why do many
Tears on eyes.

Our dear teacher
I got another class,
We were gathered for graduation,
He's already waving to us.

We are in four years
They loved you so much.
At different times of the year
We hurried to class.
Even the frost is bitter
Didn't scare us at all
After all, on the threshold of school
The teacher met us.

We say thank you
Now we want to wish
To have your new class
A hundred times better than ours!

With you we learned
Overcome everything
And for test questions
Feel free to answer.
Certificates and diplomas
We all have one.
And for whom did we try?
Of course, for you!

Our dear teacher,
The closest and dearest,
From us we bow to you
This graduation.

Happiness, love, prosperity,
New heights in work!
Sometimes it's not sweet at school,
Only on Earth
The work of a teacher is important!
Even though we have graduation,
We don't even know
How can we live without you?

Our dear teacher
The closest and dearest.
And although the sadness is light,
It's very sad to part.
(N. Shester)

2. Goodbye, our first teacher! (Alteration of A. Pakhmutova’s song “It’s getting quieter in the stands...”)

1. Today is our last time together
We walked into this class as if it was our own place.
Farewell, our first teacher,
We give this song to You.

It will now become quieter within our walls.
The threshold awaits the first-timers.
Dasha, Ilyusha and Misha are crying, -
Your favorite lesson will not return.

2. There were so many desired successes!
There were so many happy roads!
There was so much fun and laughter -
I could envy "Yeralash"!

Know that you taught us "eight"
Either praising or scolding for a reason.
In parting, we sincerely ask:
Remember us sometimes!

3. You were ready for a lot
They did not spare heat and labor.
They helped in deed and word,
And we had trouble - no problem.

With you we were able to achieve a lot.
We were able to understand a lot with you.
Goodbye, our first teacher!
We will remember the school and you!

4. We wish you health and happiness,
Live with luck and joy.
Remain as we know you,
To raise a worthy replacement!

Let's wish each other success,
And kindness and love without end.
Let the last call be a bright echo
It will spread through our hearts!

Let's part ways, friends. Tenderness remains in the heart.
Let's take care of our friendship! Goodbye, see you again!
(T. Bozhenova)

3. First teacher

We remember school fondly,
And your main merit is that
After all, we are very lucky in life:
You have become our teacher and friend!

Even then we looked up to you,
They were endlessly respected for their sensitivity,
And the whole class admired you,
Although you kept us strict.

We are so grateful to fate for that,
What is difficult even to express in words,
And we envy ourselves
What happened to us to meet you!

Today we want to congratulate you,
We wish you health and good luck!
And long years, short warm winters,
Have a nice evening at your new dacha!
(I. Orlova)

4. Poems for the teacher

Who teaches us?
Who is tormenting us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.

With you it is clear and light,
The soul is always warm.
And forgive me if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.

We fell in love with all our hearts
All our teachers
And we wish everyone good health
From prankish children!

5. To the first teacher from my parents

For three years you were a mother,
Taking girls and boys into the class.
You gave a lot of love
We read them a lot of smart books.

Thank you for your kindness,
For the pure, living word.
Thank you for being right
You gave life to a new galaxy.

We wish you happiness and goodness.
A sea of ​​enthusiasm and health.
Thank you for being so wise
Let grief pass by.

Let the children love you dearly,
Running into the school like a crazy wave.
Do you remember this class?
Who will be true to his word.
(Galina Listopad)

6. Song of 4th grade graduates (based on the “Song of a First Grader”)

And we have a problem -
Parting soon.
Our childhood years
Like meteors.
They flew by like in a dream,
All four years
We are now without a beginning -
Like without oxygen.

Chorus: There will be more Toli (3 times)
Oh oh oh!

Us boys sometimes
They pulled my braids,
And then the girls
They clicked on the nose.
We will grow up over the summer,
Let's become bolder
We will come to you in 5th grade
A little smarter.

Wish teachers
We want patience
And forgive us sometimes
Singing in class.
We're already adults
They became unwillingly
New things await us
At our high school.

(N. Bukhteyarova)

7. Graduates’ address to the first teacher

To us, dear Teacher,
I liked your character!
No one else but you
He couldn't handle us!
You are kind and fair!
You are an example for us in everything!
Gusts of the best feelings
Our class expresses to you!

Our big fourth grade
He feels sorry for you from the bottom of his heart.
We are bullies, hooligans,
Disobedient and stubborn.
But we hasten to assure you -
We are a normal school class.
Just don't be upset.
That which is bitter will be sweet.
We'll grow up soon.
And, of course, we will understand everything.
Someone will be an engineer
Who is not an example now.
Someone will be the God of the stage,
Who screams during breaks?
And you will more than once
Remember fourth grade.
We won't forget you either.
We are little people.
We are good, admit it.
And smile more often.
And don't be sad today.
Sorry for the past.
All our smiles are for you!
And from our dads and moms!
(L. Nevskaya)

8. Farewell song of grateful graduates

Spring winds blow through the windows,

Oh, how we don’t want to leave!
Just don't, don't be sad.

You opened the beginnings for us,
You are our joy and you are our pier.
All our joy and sadness in half,
All our success is dedicated to you.

Your lessons of kindness and love
We promise to carry through life,
That we have upset you more than once -
We apologize to you for this.

Spring winds blow through the windows,
The time has come for us to part.
Just don't, don't be sad -
You will welcome and raise our successors!

9. About the first teacher

It’s too early for us to say goodbye to school,
There are still many, many days to study.
But the time has come to part
With my first teacher.

You call us your children.

We grew older, as if overnight...
The fourth grade was left behind.
And we will study in the fifth grade,
Let it be next to you, but without you.

Separation pain and bitterness of parting
Today we will divide in half...
And we will carry away a wealth of knowledge,
What you patiently gave to us.

You will tell us on the road: “Happy!”
And you will recruit a new first class...
And you will still be patient
Teach others as you taught us.

And they will teach us other subjects,
And we will enter a different rut...
But we will remember with a bright feeling
My first teacher.

For us, you were the most, the most, the most!
We love you very, very, very much.
We call you our second mother,
You call us your children.

10. Let the golden autumn pass,

Let the autumn pass golden,
The blizzard will stop raging
And the sun, laughing and sparkling,
He will look into the primary classes.

Here they rushed to new knowledge
The first teacher and I are together,
We grew up, we were surprised, we became friends
And they sang their favorite songs.

September rustles leaves
And May is blooming again.
We will love you
Elementary school, know!

Our class is mischievous and cheerful.
Tests, lessons, tasks...
Today is elementary school
He wishes us good luck in life!

The doors will open and again
You will meet your first-graders.
We know, elementary school, -
You will remain in our hearts!

11. Who can teach better than mom?

Who can teach better than mom?
Will he explain the whole lesson to us?
Our teacher is the first one,
There is a light in our life.

He will light the path
To the kingdom of knowledge, not dreams.
He will give us a pen, not a spoon,
Be ready to learn!

He greets you with a smile
Every day and every time
Patiently explains
Everything that is important for us to know.

Our teacher is the first
He's in a hurry to come to our rescue.
It can be very different:
He will regret it, he will make you laugh,

And he will scold you for the cause,
And he will praise you for your answer.
From one he will strictly ask,
And he will give advice to others.

She will play ball with us
And he will go on a forest hike.
If necessary, he will caress you,
Will never let you down!

How lucky we are
Our teacher is just wow!
Thank you for your knowledge,
Let's go, goodbye!
(O. Uralsky)

12. First teacher

The first teacher is an adult friend,
Second mother to children.

And the caress of these hands.

When we don't understand something,
Tears shine in the eyes -
He will hug and explain,
He will tell you from the pictures.

When you are guilty, he will scold you,
Without anger and partiality.
And, like mother, will forgive us,
He will forget all the “bad weather”.

When we are smart, she
I'm sincerely happy for everyone,
How proud I am of my own children,
A's are her reward.

The first teacher is an adult friend,
Second mother to children.
Warms us all with the warmth of two hands
And the caress of these hands.
(N. Samonii)

13. Waltz of parting

Our last call sounds sad,
Lesson is over at the elementary school.
Do you hear, hear the ringing of voices,
We studied here for many hours.
We studied a lot, studied a lot of hours...

We are already moving to fifth grade,
There will be another teacher there,
But today we promise you:
That we will justify the trust there.
That we will justify your trust in us.

Remember us more often,
And so that the fire in the soul does not go out,
We will visit our old class,
Our successes will be shared with you all.
Our successes will be shared with you all.

Your efforts are not wasted,
May all gardens bloom in your honor.
We are grateful for your hard work,
New first-graders are waiting for you.
First graders are waiting for you, first graders are waiting for you.
(Yu. Sivakov)

14. Svetka and I are learning the role.

Svetka and I are learning the role.
It's graduation in our class.
Spent four years
With her at her desk alone.

Remember strange and funny
It was so long ago -
We are two stupid girls
We look out the window into the school classroom.

Our first call was
Our first lesson was...
And now - goodbye, teacher,
The first school teacher.

There were joyful days
And we were sad.
We want to remember for the rest of our lives
Lights of the first school years.

Let's move on to senior class
It's graduation time now.
Even though the school is only elementary,
Still sad for us...
(R. Doronov)


15. First last bell, graduation

Days after days have flown by,
Flashed by like dreams
And no more than a week
Remains with spring.

So the road has been passed
Called "first class".
Summer is just around the corner -
He's waiting for us, hurrying us along.

Summer is calling us somewhere -
Away from work and worries...
That's it, guys.
Our first school year.

It is both joyful and difficult
There was one for each of us.
We'll never forget
We are you, our first class.

Today we are parting -
But sometimes in the autumn
Again, again let's go back to class -
But now it’s the second time.

We'll come, we'll come, we'll come
To our school - in the meantime
Let's celebrate our holiday together -
Last call day.
(L. Sirota)

16. Song "Goodbye!" (to the tune of "The Song Stays with the Man")

The year is over, summer calls us on hikes,
But we will miss school.
After all, so many songs have been sung with friends,
And from the stage I want to say:

Friendly class 4th, goodbye!
We are moving to the 5th!

We are grateful to you, our second mothers!
They taught us to think and reason.
We admit that we were often stubborn.
And from the stage I want to say:

Chorus: Through the years, through distances,
On any road, on any side,
Our first teacher, goodbye!

Our wise teacher, goodbye!
After all, we are not saying goodbye to you.

17. Farewell song "Nadezhda" (based on the song "Nadezhda")

A familiar star is shining for us,
What is called Primary School,
We were always happy here
The sun warmed us with its rays.
But we are moving to 5th grade,
The time of parting is coming,
A lot of kind words and phrases
I would like to say goodbye to you!

Chorus: Teacher! You are always there.
Cool mom will help us.
We were sometimes wrong
Sometimes they were a little stubborn.

But 4 years are behind,
We have become more serious and smarter.
Thank you for those gardens
What they raised without sparing their soul.
It's time for you to reap the harvest
And it's time for you to take stock.
Send pets to 5th grade -
Thank you, our teachers!

18. Parents’ song at a primary school graduation (to the tune of the song “It will happen again...”)

We entered first grade, started studying,
And we didn’t think then that everything would happen like this:
At work until five, classes in the evening,
Do not get around to doing household chores.

It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning
Oh. Oh oh! (sung 2 times)

They broke all their brains with this Peterson.
Our children are weaklings, but we are Newtons.
We study languages, write essays,
We are nominated as candidates for scientific works.

Chorus (2 times).

Here comes the holiday - graduation! Everyone, of course, is happy
That you and I were able to survive until this date.
We look forward to the summer holidays more than the kids.
Eh, I wish I could throw the diaries and books on the table!

Chorus (2 times).
(L. Brusnikina)

19. Song of a primary school teacher (to the song “Smile”)

We have more than twenty people,
And now I sing this song to all of you.
I'm very sorry to say goodbye to you,
After all, we were all together for four years.

Always be friends and never quarrel
Make friends with new teachers.
Just always remember what I taught -
Now you will do everything yourself.

We are parting with you now,
You go to secondary school to study.
Have a good summer rest
Try not to be lazy in fifth grade.

20. For so many years of working at school

After so many years of working at school
This is not your first graduation!
There were already a sea of ​​students,
But every issue is original!

Alas, it's time to say goodbye
With elementary school and for us.
Although it's hard to leave,
We pass on our class to others.

Toothless guys will come
Those first-graders are kids,
That the granite of science will gnaw,
And pens and pencils.

Like us, they will run around the school
And forget things in class.
What can we all do?
Just come and help!

We wish you optimism,
Let the new class be the best!
But on the wave of patriotism
Don't leave us though!

Figure it out in your own way,
When we fall into disgrace.
And if necessary, intercede,
And we will not be lost with you!
(N. Shester)

21. Gift for the teacher (to the tune of "Songs about a good mood")

We lived for four years
We are a friendly family,
Like our own mother, we loved you.
There were successes, there were also adversities,
But in the end everything was -
Simply top class!

Remember how slices
They didn't let you sleep
You worried about us as if we were family.
But we still
Everyone wrote them
For good grades,
Remember them.

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

2. We are terribly sad
To part with you,
But we are not parting forever.
Back at recess
We will meet
Remembering our best years together.

22. Parents' appeal to the first teacher

Dear teachers
From happy dads and moms:
What should we do with the children?
If they hadn't given it to you?
We are half an hour away from that morning,
And three hours into the night
We all cry from inability
To teach a son or a daughter.
How about all the days of the week?
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
To graze our offspring?!
To understand their whims,
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

23. Song of a primary school graduate (based on Kurochkin’s couplets from the film “Dowry Wedding”)

Of course, I won't lie,
I will tell the truth.
As soon as I get out of bed -
I'm running to learn the rules.

That grammar is the queen
I won't deny it.
You need to learn to read and write,
To write correctly.

How verbs are conjugated
What to call inclination
I've been dealing with this for a long time,
But he began to understand.

Time flies like a bird,
Even in a fairy tale you can’t catch up.
We must strive for knowledge
Educated to become.

I write all the words correctly
With a combination of "zhi" and "shi".
I declare reliably,
That I know all the cases.

According to the composition of the word immediately
It's up to me to sort it out.
Even in clear weather
I remember about “cha” and “chu”.

I know all the parts of speech
There are only six main ones.
She's still in the service
There are three more in addition.

Who doesn't know will not answer
Phonetic analysis.
How many sounds are there in the word "press"?
How much is in the word "conversation".

I can spell any spelling
I can easily find it in the text.
And what are the pretexts?
I won’t forget even in my delirium.

Oh, how quickly time flies,
But I have time to tell you:
I will continue to study
Next in class number five.
(V. Anokhina)
