Ideas for a wall newspaper for graduation. Wall newspaper for school graduation "Our friendly class!"

DIY newspaper-poster design for graduation for 9th or 11th grade

The purpose of publishing such a newspaper- a desire to congratulate yesterday’s schoolchildren, maintain an atmosphere of mutual understanding and goodwill, and contribute to the formation of bright memories among graduates of the years spent at school.

Before publishing the newspaper, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work: collect photographs, conduct a survey of teachers and schoolchildren. It is advisable that the questionnaires contain questions about the most interesting and memorable events at school, about funny and instructive incidents in the classroom, about the professions that graduates have chosen for themselves.

We are all from childhood

The future depends on the past. Therefore, it will be useful for graduates to travel through time using a wall newspaper. You can name the newspaper like this: “Graduate – 2018” or “This will never happen again!” There may be other options, but a desirable subtitle is “Time Travel.” It is best to highlight four sections: “A Man Is Born,” “School Time,” “Ten Years Later,” and “Today! We say bon voyage to you!”

  • In the section "A Man is Born" Photos of graduates aged 0 to 1 or 2 years will look great. They should be asked from parents in advance, and let it be a surprise for graduates. It is better not to sign the photographs, but only to number them, do computer processing and be creative in their placement. Graduates will be happy to tell their fortunes about who is who. You can even organize a competition - “Who is the most observant?” Photos of children cannot but evoke joy, tenderness, and the kindest feelings both among the graduates themselves and among everyone who is interested in the newspaper.
  • In the second section “School time” It is appropriate to post several photographs illustrating the school life of graduates from grades 1 to 11. It would be good if original signatures were made for them. These could be episodes in class, at extracurricular activities, or during breaks. The results of a survey of teachers and schoolchildren are posted in this section. Listing favorite events, achievements, pearls from school essays, funny incidents in the classroom - all this will arouse interest and the kindest memories of school.
  • Third section "Ten years later"- an attempt to look into the future. What will school graduates be like in 10 years? What kind of professions will they acquire, what positions will they occupy, what successes will they achieve? Profiles of graduates, where they shared their plans, and the friendly imagination of teachers will help you look into the future. It’s good if the future is shown using a drawing or collage. You can also make a vivid description of this event.
  • In the “Today! We say bon voyage to you!”, of course, the wishes of the director, head teacher, psychologist, teachers. It is better if they are handwritten or in italics. Here you can place a photo of the school, or the entire graduating class, with the school in the background.

Materials do not have to be placed in a linear sequence. You can move two sheets of whatman paper and draw a solar circle in the center - there will be a “Today” section. Among the sun's rays are the three remaining sections. On the left side is “A Man Was Born”, below is “School Time”, on the right is the future.

Attach an envelope with a selection of different smiley faces on sticky paper and ask graduates to choose the ones that match their mood and place them on the newspaper. And the newspaper will probably answer you with many cheerful smiles.

Wall newspaper for 4th grade graduates

The end of 4th grade is also a very important event in the life of schoolchildren. The first teacher, seeing off his students, must, of course, express his wishes. It would be good if they were heard both in oral speech and read by children in the wall newspaper. The graduates' attention will be attracted by the drawing of a large tree on a sheet of Whatman paper. At the base of the tree there is an envelope, and on the trunk there are many kind words and wishes from the first teacher. The envelope contains green leaves cut from adhesive paper. Fourth graders can, if they wish, take pieces of paper and, after writing kind words of gratitude to their teacher and school, stick them to the branches of the tree. Thus, the tree will very soon become green and beautiful, and everyone will be able to see the fruits of education.

Another sheet of Whatman paper can be divided into two parts. On one place place photographs illustrating various events from the life of the class team. Here you can talk about the class’s achievements over 4 years, post short funny and amazing stories.

The rest of the newspaper can be used for information from future subject teachers, from a psychologist and social educator, from the class teacher. Teachers will contribute to the process of successful adaptation of future fifth-graders if they tell in advance how impatiently they are waiting for their students in their classrooms, what important and interesting discoveries they will make. Studying at a basic school is not easy, but thanks to joint efforts, success will be ensured!

DIY wall newspaper for 4th grade graduation

Last call: “When we leave the school yard”

(Additional material for use in prom script)

Sample material for a speech by a school principal

Dear parents of our graduates, dear colleagues and guests, I now feel akin to a conductor due to the responsibility entrusted to me: at the first stroke of the conductor, an immortal work begins to sound. My symbolic first swing will now mark the beginning of the most important holiday for every teacher - the “Last Bell” holiday! This last call will now bring to a close the final line under our worries, troubles, sorrows and joys, overcoming many difficulties along the way of nine (eleven) long and wonderful years!

I know that this “Last Bell” is the long-awaited and cherished dream of every schoolchild, because chicks always strive for their wings to quickly become stronger and be able to fly above their native nest. Our children have been waiting for this holiday for a long time - and now they have arrived. But that’s why I want to delay my conductor’s stroke a little, because the moment that comes after it will be a milestone for our children, and the familiar, a little boring, but such a familiar and unique school bell will ring for them for the last time... Everything will be in their great life: and bells in colleges, schools, technical schools, institutes, universities, and the noise of airplanes, and songs of youth, and mature worries, joys, and the ringing laughter of their children and grandchildren. Only they will no longer hear this ringing voice of their native school... But no matter how much I would like to delay time, to pause this important moment, it is impossible... The holiday dedicated to the “Last Bell” for graduates of the year 20__, let's begin! Greetings to the heroes of the occasion! (Graduates appear to applause.)

Speech by class teachers of graduates from first to ninth (eleventh) grades.

So, you have grown up, you are quite adults,

And life is rich in bright dreams!

But sadness and joy fight within me,

When I look at you guys now...

I am glad that you have matured so much,

That instead of foolish children,

who surrounded me here,

You have grown into worthy people!

I'm glad that the common road

which we all went through together,

She truly gave us a lot,

So that you all find your path without fear!

I'm glad that you are all so beautiful,

That you are in the prime of life's spring!

That there are no soulless and arrogant among you

And your dreams are directed into the distance!

I rejoice in your dreams and plans,

And I believe you will go far!

And there is sadness in my soul that the time has come for us

Breaking up - oh, how difficult it is!

I'm sad because your faces

I won’t meet you every day anymore,

I'm sad because time is flying by

And it will never turn back...

But for a teacher such sadness is eternal -

We release you into life, like ships at sea...

Bring goodness and humanity to the world,

So that we can be proud of you!

The class teachers turn with words of gratitude to the parents, congratulate them and say that they have completed their task and from now on the graduates are at the disposal of the parents, but the “Graduate” is a subtle and complex instrument, so teachers give parents special “instructions” for care behind him.

Instructions for parents on caring for a graduate.

The product “Graduate” is complex, synthetic in composition. It synthesizes texts from textbooks, explanations from teachers, instructions from parents, the flow of media, and one’s own fantasies and dreams. The product “Graduate” contains in equal quantities such elements as: Napoleonic plans and self-doubt, high plans and self-doubt, high dreams and a passionate desire to do nothing, beautiful appearance and packaging that hides fatigue from studying... It is precisely because of the complexity of its composition and design that the “Graduate” product requires careful treatment and adherence to special care rules.

    It is not recommended for him to wash the “Graduate” product, in other words, to give him a “wash” until he himself decides how to build his future life.

    You are allowed to pet him as often as possible, without paying attention to his behavior, which is sometimes very different from your ideas.

    It is recommended to use the “Graduate” product only for its intended purpose, such as feeding, walking, entertaining and giving rest and sleep off the terrible years of lack of sleep and hard labor.

    If you do not handle the “Graduate” product with care, it may deteriorate: the face will turn red from anger and resentment, the lips will tremble, and it may lose its natural attractiveness.

    If you strictly follow the rules for caring for the “Graduate”, then this product can retain the title “Graduate” for a very long time after graduation and nothing will threaten it to become a student or work in another capacity.

Parents are given comic instructions on how to care for the “Graduate.” Here you can also present comic certificates of school completion to parents.

School completion certificate


On graduation from basic general education (secondary) school No.___ series ___ of 20___.

Issued to a citizen parent with the common surname Longsuffering, which certifies that you and your child entered a basic secondary school in the year ______ and together with him, regardless of his grades and behavior, successfully graduated from our school in the year _____. During your studies, you passed with “excellent marks” such subjects as: behavior, patience, respect for teachers, helping the school, striving for knowledge, work.

The certificate also certifies the right of the parent citizen to a further wide choice of his life path.

“____” May 20___, village (city)________.

You can schedule a speech from members of the graduating class PTA. They will offer congratulations to teachers and students. And maybe they can give the school administration a comic receipt for receiving the “Graduate”

Parents' receipt

We, the undersigned parents of today's school graduates, issue a receipt to the school that we actually received our children, sent to the school for temporary storage, upbringing and education, _____ year ago. There are no complaints about the school, but there are gratitudes and very big ones!

The Parent Committee for the reception of children back notes only one circumstance: we deposited small-sized children, but we receive back large-sized children, and it is much more difficult to feed them, put on shoes, clothe them and provide further education!

But, nevertheless, looking at the well-fed, satisfied, beautiful and spiritual faces of the children, we hope that our children will soon give away the knowledge acquired at school for the benefit of society, and society, you see, will give something to their parents from these benefits in old age...

For this we thank and subscribe to: mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandmothers, grandfathers and other relatives of graduates of ___ year.

"____" May ___ year

Parental Committee for the Admission of Children Back.

Speech by the class teacher of the 9th (11th) grade .

Good afternoon, our dear graduates, dear teachers and parents! The long-awaited, solemn day for you has come, when you will no longer sit at a school desk. Now your final exams are ahead. Let's hope that you will take the height called “basic (secondary) secondary school”. Everything ahead of you will be new and unexpected. Now, having graduated from school, you will independently walk through life and make responsible decisions. Now the mistakes you make will not be corrected by the teacher’s red pen, but life itself will give you grades. Guys. Remember. That one thoughtless act can derail your career or a dream that you may have been striving for for many years.

While studying at school, we tried to protect you from everything negative. For many years you have been under the reliable protection of not only your parents, but also our entire teaching staff. I wish you to choose your future path in life, so that later, as one of the literary heroes of the twentieth century said, “... there will be no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.” I wish you to find your happiness in life and be real people. I really want to hope that you will live and work for the good of our Motherland, your children will grow up in complete, prosperous families, and will be surrounded by your care and warmth.

There is very little time left before the first exam. I wish you to pass it well and get an incentive to pass subsequent exams.

And in conclusion, I wish you to be:

Smart, but not boring,

Proud, but not arrogant,

Affectionate, but not intrusive,

Strict, but not evil.

Modest. But not timid.

Brave, but not cocky,

Cute, but not picky

Rich but not greedy

Slender, but not skinny

Full but not fat

Tall but not long

Loving, but not partying,

Sociable. But not drinkers

Businesslike, but not presumptuous,

Determined, but not impudent,

Lucky and happy!

Let these lines “Fight and seek, find and not give up” become your motto in life! Have a nice trip! No feather or fluff to you!

Poster material

    Life is sometimes unpredictable, and tomorrow what you gave up today may come in handy.

    When making a choice, remember: “life will not ask what you taught, life will ask what you can do.”

    Studying is work, daily and painstaking work, the results of which can be in demand after many years. Everyone has the right to decide how and where to continue their education.


    Magazine "Class Teacher", No. 4 1999

    Magazine "Public Education", No. 4 2001

    Newspaper “Leisure at School”, No. 4 2005

    Newspaper “Last Call”, No. 3 2007

    Newspaper “Last Call”, No. 2 2008

    Newspaper “Last Call”, No. 4 2008

    Newspaper "Leisure at School", No. 3 2009

    Newspaper “Last Call”, No. 3 2009

    Newspaper “Leisure at School”, No. 3 2010

    Newspaper “Leisure at School”, No. 4 2012

    Newspaper “Leisure at School”, No. 4 2013

Dear graduates!

We bring to your attention a newspaper for graduation or last call. You will have to make the newspaper yourself. We offer an idea and preparations. You will need an A1 sheet (whatman paper) which will serve as the basis for the newspaper. In aarchive (located by the "Download" button) you findYou will receive 8 sheets of background that need to be glued together and pasted onto whatman paper. Also in the archive you will find 24 funny images of children and teenagers. You will need photographs of your classmates. Try to choose an image that suits each of the children and paste a photo of a classmate in place of the face of the image. Next to it you can write some funny saying or phrase that is typical for everyone. Don't forget about your teachers. We recommend pasting their photographs in their original form. The remaining space can be decorated to your liking.

You can make two similar wall newspapers - on the second there will be the faces of the children who have just arrived in first grade.

Using our idea, you will receive a bright and individual holiday wall newspaper, unlike any other!

Prepared by: Natalya Vlasova

Other holiday wall newspapers are located.

This material is intended for personal use only. It is PROHIBITED to publish it in other Internet and print publications.

A thoroughly thought-out holiday program must be complemented by beautiful decoration. And balloons in this matter are the best solution, always a win-win and affordable option for any event. With their help, you can quickly and effectively transform even the most dull room, add color and childish playfulness to it, not to mention thematic compositions with a well-played plot. They will certainly delight both schoolchildren and parents and teachers.

Balloons and colorful compositions made from them must be used to decorate the stage where the festive performance will take place. The main areas for decoration are the backdrop, the wings and the edge of the stage. The choice of decorations should be made taking into account whether there will be a static screen in the center. If yes, then the decorations in his area should be simple and not distract attention (flowers, stars). At the same time, the backstage can be decorated more brightly, for example, with fountains, bouquets, life-size figures of graduates, the edge can be decorated with a wicker garland or thematic compositions.

If the center of the backdrop is free, then it is better to put all the emphasis on it. As decorations you can use volumetric panels, arches, helium chains, and a bell. In this case, the backstage can be decorated more modestly, for example, with flowers, small fountains, and the edge of the stage cannot be decorated at all or draped with fabric.

It’s good when the elements present on stage have their continuation in the hall. For example, curtains, a path between rows, and an entrance area are decorated in the same style. Here you can choose simpler jewelry, but the main thing is that they are in harmony with each other and create a single image.

In addition to the stage, it would be nice to decorate the halls leading to the assembly hall and the stairs if it is located on the second floor. Fountains and helium chains are also suitable here. On the railing you can attach a twisted garland or flowers, bouquets, and other compositions in a chaotic manner.

If your budget allows, you can install arches in the foyer and corridors, and decorate the ceilings with balloon clouds, a figurine of the sun, or a flock of flying inflatable pigeons.

It is also important to decorate the front entrance to the school and the entrance area inside, so that children feel the holiday from the moment they enter. Traditionally, arches are used here or a twisted garland is fixed along the opening. On the sides you can install fountains, life-size figures, stands with large balls on which it is written: “Goodbye, school!”

If you plan to launch balloons, and this is mandatory, since today almost no last bell rings without this deeply rooted and beloved tradition by children, then you can decorate the school yard: install an arch, a bell on the stand, and figures of schoolchildren. It is better to choose voluminous, densely made compositions, or structures on a frame, so that the wind or other vagaries of the weather do not damage the decorations. For the same reason, exterior decoration cannot be done several days in advance.

You can launch not only single helium balloons with ribbons. The launch of bouquets or an inflatable figure tied to a bunch of balloons, for example, a voluminous bell, looks interesting. Launching from the net will also be spectacular. At the same time, 300, or even 1000 balls rise into the sky, while 100 - 150 can be launched from your hands.

Last call: interesting designer ideas

But the Internet seems to be full of photos and video materials for decorating the last call with your own hands; only a qualified decorator can decorate the holiday in an original, stylish way, without unnecessary details.

Our decor workshop professionally designs school events:

  • specialists from Anastasia Danilova’s studio always follow fashion and new products in aerodesign and actively implement them into their work;
  • for the last call we can offer many interesting and unhackneyed ideas, even traditional elements will look fresh and original;
  • For those who want to decorate their holiday in an unusual way, we develop individual designs, for example, themed decorations in the style of “Hipsters,” “Retro,” “Oscar,” etc.

Decorators from our studio participate in international aerodesign festivals and win prizes. Last year's achievement was 1st place in the major league at the BACI 2014 festival in Italy.

In our projects we use the widest variety of materials:

  • helium balloons;
  • glossy, matte, foil;
  • frame and frameless structures;
  • inflatable figures, numbers, letters;
  • surprise balloon, launch balloons, reset balloons and much more.

If you have any interesting ideas for the last call, graduation, other event, or you need something exclusive, we will be happy to take on the project. The only thing we ask is that you place your order in advance. There are more than 1,500 schools in Moscow that require the services of designers on the same date. We physically won’t have time to do the registration for everyone. Do not put off your order until later, and you will receive the best conditions for cooperation!

Graduation decoration Making the last call Launching balls

On the day of the last bell, schools become the center of a celebration that brings together happy students and excited parents. To create a festive atmosphere, school yards and corridors are decorated with balloons and themed posters. We invite you to surprise your teachers and draw a wall newspaper for the last bell with your own hands. This does not require special talents or a lot of time!

A wall newspaper template is a sketch consisting of 8 fragments that together make up a complete picture with areas for congratulatory poems. All you need is: any printer, A4 paper, paints or pencils.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 fragments that need to be combined into one and painted.

How to make a congratulatory wall newspaper for the last call

  1. First of all, all parts of the picture need to be printed. To do this, you can save graphic files to your computer or use quick printing from your browser.
  2. The next step is to assemble the fragments into the image conceived by the artist. At this stage, you can use the hint for the location of parts on our website.
  3. Next, the pictures are glued to each other using glue or regular tape on the back side.
  4. The last stage is the most important and interesting: the resulting picture must be colored, and poems and poems must be written in the “windows” intended for congratulations.
